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1. Adjective + preposition
a. Of( pass)( của)
b. To( với)
A tomb is important to a ruler’s legacy. It’s most likely to be their story’s brightest
highlight. You may find what I’m about to say it’s rude to them. They are our
ancestors after all. Let’s imagine that you are living in the early 1800s. In China,
doesn’t the king and queen exist as an ultimate ruler? And how is the folks' life
during that time? No one in this era can be accustomed to such circumstances.
Those who are being ruled do not have the right to speak, next to their head is an
undetectable string, ready to activate whenever they have the will to stand against
them. Is it acceptable( agreeable) to you? Can your emotions open to such a cruel
way of doing? The citizen's life is contrary to that of the king or baron or any
aristocratic title you could think of. Won’t a lovely and peach-lover ruler be
preferable to the people? We live our lives not to make others pleasant to our acts
and behavior but to make it clear to those we love. You may find it similar to the
king’s will to make their country abundant. But is there any confirmation that they
won’t be addicted to that abundance? Even so, I’m not one who loves to bring
riot( wreak havoc). A noble does have some binding, they are engaged in policy
matters or as known as political marriage. It’s useful to both countries in policy and
vice versa it equals their lack of love. They decided to live and be available to
maintain the country’s benefit. That shows how they pay responsibility to their
country. I’m grateful to them and their will. But won’t it be harmful to their
happiness? Isn’t their personal life consequential? Maybe this topic is not familiar
to most of the people in this ego nor anyone can be favorable to it. ‘What equals
pain is lonely’ As for me, I’ve open to my mind a long time ago. History is
delightful to me and I find myself in the vast line of historical, events and a blood
river of pain. I’m not favourable to the old gen’s action. But either way, it’s
necessary to learn how to let something go.
c. For( cho, về, vì, để)
Conversation between A( a final-year student) and B( a first-year student). B wants
to get some advice from A on whether it is needed to take a higher learn after
graduation or not.
A: B are you available for some questions?
B: Sure is this an interview, if it is then I don’t think myself is fit for it though.
A: Rest assured, this is just my interview. I have some questions about whether it is
necessary for me to get a higher educational degree or not.
B: Won’t it be dangerous for you to make a decision this early? I mean you are just
a first-year college student. You need to find out if you are suitable for study or not
A: I’ll only take this as a vouch for a concrete path. I have many paths to choose
after all. Who knows if I am fit for( perfect for) study or not?
B: I get your utmost anxious feeling. But having more paths doesn’t mean that you
are ready for life. It’s more than that. Being qualified for a good job, getting
necessary for other people, or being responsible for your own behavior,… these are
all but life skills. Comprehending your life skills first may be more useful( helpful)
for your future.
A: So instead of creating more paths. At the moment, I can only complete myself.
This may sound somewhat strange but. Won’t it be difficult for me if I don’t
prepare myself before I step out of college?
B: Yes you are correct. Having more selections may come in handy afterward. But,
you are a first-year, not a bachelor. You still have plenty of time to be a student.
You are full of optimism and inordinate emotions. Maybe a few months later you
will be grateful for my words. But not now then. You know, some people are
famous( renowned) for their fortuitous fate. They learned economic-related
curricula and ended up working as a designer. Finally, they feel sorry for
themselves, sorry for learning the trade that they detest. But some are different,
they are greedy for preparing, doing too much yet have no skills that are improving.
A: You mean…. me? It is bad for me, right?
B: Who knows maybe it is, maybe it is not. The answer lies within you. Whether
such a path is convenient for you, is good for you. Let the time tell.
A: It’s quite late for an interview. Let’s call it a day then. Some food? I treat.
d. At( về, trong)
( A is having an interview for a time-selling job. B is the client and has the
responsibility to decide whether is A hired or not. Write the lines that A and B
are most possibly to say when conversing.)
A: Hi, um are you a concierge? I’m pretty much lost and need some directions.
The concierge: Yes, how can I help?
A: I’m looking for a staff room, I have an interview scheduled in 30 minutes
The concierge: Sure, you just need to take the elevator to the 43th floor. That’s
the place where most of the interviews hold
A: Thank you, you are really good at giving directions thou
The concierge: it’s no big deal, besides. Uh, never mind, you may want to go
right now.
A: Thank you
A: Hi, is this the staff room?
B: Yes welcome, you must be the one who’s excellent at art gallery and design
A: You flatter me. I can only claim to be clever at my hands
B: Being quick at communicating and skillful at pottery is something that is
worth flattery
B: Now let’s start our interview hope you don’t get shocked at what I’m about to
B: Do you claim to be bad at creating a conceptual design and constructing a
notional building idea?
A: I may find myself clumsy at imagining or emulating someone's concept
A: I prefer for people to be amazed at my talent for creating abstract and
flamboyant things. Not annoyed at it if it’s against their needs.
B: Now not only your talent I’m also surprised at your cordial speech. And don’t
worry, there are no other people who get angry at you with such trivialities. I
thought you would be clumsy at behaving and talking. Guess I was wrong.
B: I hope you are present at the company from now on.
A: Thank you for your kindness
e. With( với, vì)
A and B are best friends and learning in the same school. Tomorrow is their day off
so they have a confer to decide where to go on that day.
A: All right, tomorrow is our long-awaited weekend. Any idea?
B: You must have been bored( fed up) with the mountain.
A: it’s rare to not have a day busy with reporting. I’m pleased with everything that
can be enjoyed. It’s best to go to places that we’re not familiar with though.
B: How about a forest- a place that is crowded with trees and nature?
A: A lake in the middle is also a good improvement. Why don’t we invite other
friends too? Some that we have just become acquainted with in the past few years.
B: Wait since when did I become friendly with you? You and I are pretty much
contrasted with each other
A: Yeah I used to get angry( furious) with our relationship. Now I feel delightful
with you around. Now, I only need you in my sight and I’m satisfied with that.
B: Yooo, talking like a jerk. But seriously I used to be disappointed with your
behavior. And pretty much annoyed with your laziness and boredom.
A: Well, can I ask? Which part of me were you impressed with?
B: You know you are popular with your debonair looks and personality right? To
me you are boring.
f. About ( về)
A is B’s mother. B is an adolescent and needs grown-ups to be along in this time.
Having little time each day, A can’t afford enough time with B. Here’s a
conversation that occurs every day between A and B.
A: Mom, I have a boyfriend. I know you might be disappointed about my random
act but.

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