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Degree & Branch : B.TECH- CSE & SPZLN

Semester : II/IV

Unit I – PART A

1. Which of the following gives a logical structure of the database graphically?

a) Entity-Relationship diagram
b) Entity diagram
c) Database diagram
d) Architectural representation
2.An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is termed a
a) Strong entity set
b) Variant set
c) Weak entity set
d) Variable set
3. Weak entity set is represented as
a) Underline
b) Double line
c) Double diamond
d) Double rectangle
4.If you were collecting and storing information about your music collection, an album
would be considered a(n) _____
a) Relation
b) Entity
c) Instance
d) Attribute
5. The relationship is represented in E-R diagram as
a) Double diamonds
b) Undivided rectangles
c) Dashed lines
d) Diamond
6.Relational model rows are represented as

7. What is a database?
a) Organized collection of information that cannot be accessed, updated, and managed
b) Collection of data or information without organizing
c) Organized collection of data or information that can be accessed, updated, and
d) Organized collection of data that cannot be updated
8. Which of the following is not a type of database?
a) Hierarchical
b) Network
c) Distributed
d) Decentralized
9. What is information about data called?
a) Hyper data
b) Tera data
c) Meta data
d) Relations
10. What does an RDBMS consist of?
a) Collection of Records
b) Collection of Keys
c) Collection of Tables
d) Collection of Fields

11. In view schemas, a particular _______ group can view only the database parts that are
relevant to them while hiding the rest of the database.

12. The attribute AGE is calculated from DATE_OF_BIRTH. The attribute AGE is
a) Single valued
b) Multi valued
c) Composite
d) Derived

13. Which of the following is a single valued attribute

a) Register_number
b) Address
d) Reference

14. The ability to query data, as well as insert, delete, and alter tuples, is offered by
a) TCL (Transaction Control Language)
b) DCL (Data Control Language)
c) DDL (Data Definition Langauge)
d) DML (Data Manipulation Langauge)
15. Which one is EER model concept?
b) Attributes
c )Entity
d) Relationship
1. What are the disadvantages of file processing system?
 Slow access time
 Presence of redundant data
 Inconsistent Data
 Data Integrity Problems
 Difficulty in recovery of corrupt data
 Lack of Atomicity
 Problem in Concurrent Access
 Unauthorized Access

2. List out the applications of DBMS.

3. What are the purposes of DBMS

 Slow access time
 Presence of redundant data
 Inconsistent Data
 Data Integrity Problems
 Difficulty in recovery of corrupt data
 Lack of Atomicity
 Problem in Concurrent Access
 Unauthorized Access
To resolve all above issues of file processing we need DBMS.
4. Compare instances and schemas of database?
 Instance refer to a collection of all the information and data stored at any given
moment. One can easily change these instances using certain CRUD operations,
such as deletion and addition of data and information.
 Schema refers to an overall description that we get for any given database. In
simpler words, schema refers to the basic structure of how one needs to store
data in any database. There are basically two types of Schema: Physical Schema
and Logical Schema.
 Physical Schema – This schema describes the DB designed at a physical level.
 Logical Schema – This schema describes the DB designed at a logical level.
5. What are the various types of Databases?
 Object Oriented DB
 Network DB
 Distributed DB
 Centralized DB
 Cloud DB

6. Explain the classification of data models?

 Network model
 Hierarchical Model
 ER model
 Relational Model
 Object Oriented Model
 Semi Structured Model
7. Discuss about basic terminologies of DBMS.
 Instances
 Schema
 Physical Data Independence
 Logical view
 Physical view
 View
8. What is multi valued attribute and complex attributes?
 An attribute that can hold multiple values is known as multi valued
attribute. It is represented with double ovals in an ER Diagram. For
example – A person can have more than one phone numbers so the phone
number attribute is multi valued.
 It means if one attribute is made up of more than one attribute and each
attribute can have more than one value, then it is called a complex
9. What are the different components of DBMS?
 The five major components of a database are hardware, software, data,
procedure, and database access language
 Types of users
 Query Evaluation Engine
 Transaction Manager
 Disk
10. What are the main tasks performed by DBA?
 DB monitoring
 DB recovery
 DB Security
 DB tuning
 DB design
11. Outline the Types of Database Users in DBMS
 Naive users
 Application Programmers
 Sophisticated Users
 Database Administrators
12. How do we represent specialization and generalization in ER diagram?
 Specialization is a top-down approach, and it is opposite to Generalization.
In specialization, one higher level entity can be broken down into two
lower level entities.
 Generalization is like a bottom-up approach in which two or more entities
of lower level combine to form a higher level entity if they have some
attributes in common.

13. Compare Strong entity set with Weak entity set?

Strong Entity:
A strong entity is not dependent on any other entity in the schema. A
strong entity will always have a primary key. Strong entities are
represented by a single rectangle. The relationship of two strong entities is
represented by a single diamond.
Various strong entities, when combined together, create a strong entity set.

Weak Entity:
A weak entity is dependent on a strong entity to ensure its existence.
Unlike a strong entity, a weak entity does not have any primary key. It
instead has a partial discriminator key. A weak entity is represented by a
double rectangle.
The relation between one strong and one weak entity is represented by a
double diamond. This relationship is also known as identifying
14. Discuss about three views of Database?
The three-schema architecture defines the view of data at three levels:

 Physical level (internal level)

 Logical level (conceptual level)
 View level (external level)

15. What is network and hierarchical data model?.

 The network model is a database model conceived as a flexible way of
representing objects and their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is that
the schema, viewed as a graph in which object types are nodes and
relationship types are arcs, is not restricted to being a hierarchy or lattice.
 A hierarchical database model is a data model in which the data are
organized into a tree-like structure. The data are stored as records which are
connected to one another through links.
1 Illustrate with neat sketch the views of data.
2 How does DBMS provide data abstraction? Explain the concept of data
3 Explain about the reasons brings you to choose the data base than file system.
4 With a neat diagram show the overall system structure of DBMS.
5 Explain Database Administrator’s responsibilities.
6 What is Data modelling and explain different types of data modelling in brief.
7 Draw an ER diagram for inventory management system..
8 Draw and explain three-tier schema architecture of database system.
9 Draw an ER diagram for University Information system.
10 Discuss about basic ER diagram symbols and Enhanced ER symbols with an
example application

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