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Climate Change: Definition

What is Climate Change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These

changes can occur naturally due to variations in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. However,

the current climate change is primarily driven by human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels,

which increases the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere. As a result, Earth’s

average surface temperature is rising.

Here are some key points about climate change:

1. Definition:

o Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that define

Earth’s local, regional, and global climates.

o These changes have a broad range of observed effects that impact various aspects of

our environment.

2. Human Influence:

o Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), contribute significantly

to climate change.

o These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to a rise in Earth’s

average temperature.

3. Observed Effects:

o Glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking.

o River and lake ice breaks up earlier.

o Plant and animal geographic ranges are shifting.

o Longer, more intense heatwaves occur.

o Sea ice loss and accelerated sea level rise are evident.

o Extreme weather events (hurricanes, droughts, floods) are becoming more common.

4. Global Warming vs. Climate Change:

o Global warming specifically refers to the long-term heating of Earth’s surface due to

human activities.

o While related, climate change encompasses a broader range of effects beyond just

temperature increase.

Remember, climate change affects us all, and urgent action is needed to mitigate its impact and protect

our planet for future generations

Climate change has significant impacts on human health, both directly and indirectly. Let’s explore some

of these effects:

1. Extreme Heat Waves:

o Rising temperatures lead to more frequent and intense heat waves.

o Direct consequences include heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and


o Vulnerable populations (e.g., elderly, children) are at higher risk1.

2. Air Pollution:

o Climate change worsens air quality due to increased ground-level ozone and particulate


o Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are exacerbated by poor air quality1.

3. Vector-Borne Diseases:

o Altered temperature and rainfall patterns affect disease vectors (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks).

o Diseases like malaria, dengue, and Lyme disease spread more readily1.

4. Water-Related Illnesses:

o Rising sea levels and extreme weather events lead to flooding and water contamination.

o Waterborne diseases (e.g., cholera, gastroenteritis) become more common1.

5. Food Safety and Nutrition:

o Climate change affects crop yields, food availability, and nutritional quality.

o Contaminated foods can cause foodborne illnesses1.

6. Mental Health:

o Disasters, displacement, and uncertainty contribute to anxiety, depression, and post-

traumatic stress.

o Social disruption impacts mental well-being2.

7. Vulnerable Populations:

o Some individuals face greater risks due to exposure, sensitivity, health status, or lack of

o Vulnerability varies based on location and personal circumstances1.

8. Temperature-Related Deaths and Illnesses:

o Heat-related deaths and illnesses increase, especially among older adults.

o Vulnerable populations suffer the most2.

9. Disrupted Ecosystems:

o Changes in ecosystems affect access to clean water, food security, and disease


o Loss of biodiversity impacts overall health1.

10. Long-Term Implications:

o Climate change accumulates over time, affecting resilience and health.

o Unanticipated health threats emerge in new places or populations1.

An effective public health response is crucial to mitigate climate-related risks and protect human well-

being. Research and preparedness are essential for addressing these challenges

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