Biografi Sultan Hamengkubuwono

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Nama: Daniel Alfarizqi

Kelas: X MIPA 2

Absen: 10


The real name of Sultan Hamengkubuwono II was Gusti Raden Mas Sundara, the fifth son of Sultan
Hamengkubuwono I. He was born on 7 March 1750, when his father was carrying out a rebellion
against Mataram and the VOC.When Hamengkubuwono I was recognized in the Giyanti Agreement of
1755, indirectly Mas Sundara was also recognized as duke anom. When he was growing up, his father
proposed to match Sundara with the daughter of the Surakarta Sunanate. Through this marriage,
actually Hamengkubuwono I still harbored a desire to found the Mataram dynasty which had been
divided. Sundara also went to visit Surakarta in 1763. Unfortunately, this matchmaking attempt failed.
As a result, it was increasingly difficult for the Mataram dynasty to be reunited. Relations between the
Yogyakarta and Surakarta Palaces also experienced tension, which was triggered by the unclear
territorial boundaries between the two kingdoms. Finally, on April 26, 1774, the Semarang Treaty List
was initiated by the VOC Governor Van de Burgh. This agreement enforces territorial boundaries as an
effort to prevent the recurrence of conflict.

Leadership Period First In March 1792, Sundara ascended the throne in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta to
replace his late father, Hamengkubuwana I. He held the title as Hamengkubuwono II. One time, on
August 19, 1799, Patih Danureja I, Hamengkubuwono II's closest person died. His position was
replaced by his grandson, Raden Tumenggung Mertanegara, with the title Danureja II. This decision
apparently harmed the Sultan, because Danureja II defended the Netherlands more than his own king.
Hamengkubuwana II, who was very anti-Dutch from the start, was angry and fired him. His position
was then replaced by Prince Natadiningrat, son of Prince Natakusuma, younger brother of
Hamengkubuwana II. Then, Hamengkubuwono II also approved of the rebellion carried out by his son-
in-law, Raden Rangga Prawiradirjo III, the regent of the Madiun wedana. At that time, Rangga was
against being summoned to Bogor due to the riots in Ngebel and Sekedok, related to Daendels' forced
hand over of the rights to manage the sultanate's forests. The Dutch also put down Raden Ronggo's
rebellion with a joint force between the Netherlands, Surakarta and Yogyakarta. From this, Daendels
became increasingly suspicious of Hamengkubuwana II's role behind Raden Rangga's movement,
especially after a letter was found from Raden Rangga's body bearing the stamp of the empire's logo.
A commotion ensued between the two sides. The Sultan emphatically rejected the accusations raised
regarding the letter. In December 1810, Herman Daendels invaded Yogyakarta, deposed
Hamengkubuwana II, and replaced him with his son, GRM Suraja.Daendels also arrested Prince
Natakusuma and recalled Patih Danureja II to serve.

Second Period In 1811, Dutch rule over Java and the Archipelago was taken over by the British. This
condition was then used by Hamengkubuwono II to return to his position as king and to inherit his
son, Hamengkubuwana III. When the British were in power, there was almost bloodshed between the
envoy of the British Head of Government, Raffles, and the palace relatives in front of the Sultan.
Spilling almost occurred simply because the seat for Raffles was placed lower than the Sultan's throne
when Raffles visited Yogyakarta in December 1811. In the end, the battle between the two actually
took place when the war between Pakubuwana IV and Hamengkubuwono II was uncovered by the
British. Therefore, on June 19, 1812, British troops assisted by Mangkunegaran invaded Yogyakarta. In
this battle, Hamengkubuwono II suffered defeat, he was captured and exiled to Penang Island.
Hamengkubuwono III was again appointed as the king of Yogyakarta.

Third Period In 1825, Prince Diponegoro, son of Hamengkubuwono III, resisted against the Dutch. At
that time, the reigning king was Hamengkubuwono V. The resistance from Prince Diponegoro reaped
a lot of support from the people. To attract their sympathy, the Indies government brought in
Hamengkubuwana II and replaced Hamengkubuwono V. Hamengkubuwono II again took the lead as
king of Yogyakarta on August 18, 1826. The arrival of Hamengkubuwono II more or less weakened
Diponegoro's strength. During that period, the Sultan tried hard to bring order to the situation and
restore security to his territory. After ruling Yogyakarta for three terms, Sultan Hamengkubuwono II
died on January 3, 1828 after suffering from a sore throat and old age. His position was again held by
his great-grandson, namely Hamengkubuwono V. Hamengkubuwono II's body was buried in the
Kotagede cemetery complex. The legacy of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II left monumental works,
starting from forming soldier units equipped with better weapons. He also built Baluwarti Fort which
was equipped with cannons to protect the palace from outside attacks. Then, Hamengkubuwono II
also has legacies in the field of literature, such as the Babad Nitik Ngayogya and Babad Mangkubumi.
These two works tell about the struggle for the founding of the Yogyakarta Palace.

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