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Global Issues Digital Workbook


This workbook aims to provide you with an understanding of some of the major issues affecting our
world today. It is important for young people like you to learn about these issues so that you can become
informed and empowered global citizens. Through reading this workbook and completing the tasks, you
will develop the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, and reflection that will help you to make informed
decisions about how to engage with these issues.

It should also be noted that these topics can quite often be linked e.g. conflict and war can lead to a
refugee crisis.

Each chapter represents a week of work and may involve completing some tasks at home. You must
not rush through the work and try to complete multiple chapters in a single week.


Level Criteria
Example Chapter - Gender Equality
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Human Rights
Conflict and War
Global Health
Immigration and Refugees
Key Vocabulary

Level Criteria

Task Bronze (1-2) Silver (3-4)

Criteria: Reference 3 reliable sources of Uses at least one source of information, Uses at least two sources
information but it is not reliable but one source may not b
The source of information is not cited or The sources of informati
referenced properly referenced, but there ma
The information used is not relevant to or inconsistencies
the topic being discussed The information used is
to the topic being discus
Criteria: List a wide range of topic key Uses some key words, but they are not Uses a good range of ke
words and use them in a sentence comprehensive or well-defined relevant to the topic bein
The sentence may not effectively use the The sentence effectively
key words to convey a clear meaning words to convey a clear
The sentence may not be relevant to the The sentence may not de
topic being discussed understanding of the top

Criteria: Write a PEEL paragraph on a May not effectively use the PEEL Uses the PEEL structure
cause of the issue structure to present the cause of the issue present the cause of the
The paragraph may be too short and lack The paragraph provides
detail or evidence to support the argument support the argument an
The cause of the issue may not be clearly some analysis or explana
presented or may not be relevant to the The cause of the issue is
topic being discussed clearly, but may not be f
may not be the most sign

Criteria: Write a PEEL paragraph on a May not effectively use the PEEL Uses the PEEL structure
consequence of the issue structure to present the consequence of present the consequence
the issue The paragraph provides
The paragraph may be too short and lack support the argument an
detail or evidence to support the argument some analysis or explana
The consequence of the issue may not be The consequence of the
clearly presented or may not be relevant clearly, but may not be f
to the topic being discussed may not be the most sign

Criteria: Create either a poster, video, Presents a solution, but it may not be Presents one or more sol
song, poem or infographic to inform effective or feasible effective and feasible
people of possible solutions to the issue The format chosen may not be The format chosen is app
appropriate or engaging for the intended engaging for the intende
audience The message is clear and
The message may not be clear or well- but may lack some detai

Example Chapter: Gender Equality

Gender equality refers to the equal rights, opportunities, and treatment of individuals regardless of their
gender. Gender inequality is still prevalent in many parts of the world, with women and girls facing
discrimination and unequal treatment in areas such as education, employment, and politics.

We can all contribute to promoting gender equality by challenging gender stereotypes, advocating for
women's rights, and supporting organisations that promote gender equality. It is important to recognize
that gender equality benefits everyone, not just women.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

UN Women. (2022). Ending violence against women. UN Women – Headquarters. Information on possible so source as it is a part of the

2) List key words to do with gender equality and provide a definition and example sentence (using
your own words).

Key Word Definition

Gender Bias Unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender

Gender Stereotypes Overgeneralized beliefs about characteristics and role

of individuals based on their gender

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of gender equality issues.

Here's an example of a Point Evidence Explanation Link paragraph on the topic of gender stereotypes:

Write your paragraph in this box:

One significant cause of gender equality issues is gender stereotypes. These stereotypes are perpetuated by societ
reinforce the idea that women are less capable than men in certain areas. For example, women are often portraye
strong and logical. This can lead to women being discouraged from pursuing careers in STEM fields, while men a
underrepresented in these fields and are paid less than men in the same roles (Jones, 2018). Gender stereotypes a
for caregiving and domestic work, which can limit their opportunities for education and employment.

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of gender equality issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:
A significant consequence of gender equality issues is the perpetuation of gender-based violence. When women ar
experience violence and abuse. This can include physical violence, sexual violence, and emotional abuse. For exa
homes, or they may be harassed or assaulted in public spaces. This violence not only harms women physically and
society and pursue their goals (Jones, 2018). When women are afraid to leave their homes or to speak up for their
communities and contribute to society.

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of gender equality:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.
To complete this task, you can choose a creative medium that you enjoy and create a piece focused on potential so
Consider what message you want to convey with your piece. Do you want to inspire action or raise awareness abo
Think about who your audience is and what they might respond to. For example, if you are creating a video, you m
message more engaging.
Research potential solutions to gender equality issues and use them as inspiration for your piece.
Be creative! Use colour, graphics, and other elements to make your piece stand out.
Once you have created your piece, you can share it by presenting it in class. Here are some examples of what you
- A poster that highlights the importance of gender equality and suggests actions that individuals can take t
- A video that features interviews with women who have overcome gender-based obstacles in their careers
- A song or poem that explores the challenges that women face in achieving equality and offers hope for the
- An infographic that breaks down the statistics related to gender inequality and offers potential solutions.
- Anything else creative that you can think of! The possibilities are endless.

Chapter 1: Climate Change

Climate change is one of the biggest global issues we face today. It refers to the long-term changes in
temperature, precipitation, and other weather patterns that have been observed over several decades.
These changes are caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial
processes that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The effects of climate change include rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events such as
hurricanes and droughts, and the loss of biodiversity. We all have a role to play in combating climate
change. Some ways we can do this include reducing our carbon footprint by using public transport, eating
less meat, and reducing energy consumption at home.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

Example: United Nations. (2020). What Is Climate Change? | United Nations. United Information on what clima
Nations; United Nations.

How the affect that climate

Nations, U. (2020). Causes and Effects of Climate Change | United Nations.
United Nations; United Nations.

Way to help the earth from
9 things you can do about climate change. (2017).
Cause/evidence of climate
Society, R. (2019). Climate change: evidence and causes | Royal Society. Royal-


2) List key words to do with climate change and provide a definition and example sentence (using
your own words).

Key Word Definition

Climate The weather conditions prevailing in an area in gener

or over a long period.

Eco-friendly not harmful to the environment,

or trying to help the environment
Carbon footprint the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbo
dioxide and methane) that are generated by our action

Emissions Some of this was driven by reducing fuel use and

reducing the carbon footprint.

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of climate change. I have provided a detailed
example about deforestation.
4) Example:
Here's another example of a Point Evidence Explanation Link paragraph on the topic of deforestation
causing global warming:

Deforestation is one of the main causes of global warming. When forests are cleared, the carbon that is
stored in the trees and vegetation is released into the atmosphere. This carbon, in the form of carbon
dioxide, traps heat in the atmosphere, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. According to the United
Nations, deforestation contributes to approximately 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions (UN, 2019).
For instance, in the Amazon rainforest, which is the largest tropical forest in the world, deforestation has
resulted in a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions (Nepstad et al., 2008). In addition,
deforestation also reduces the number of trees that absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis,
worsening the problem of global warming.

Elements of the paragraph:

Point: Deforestation is one of the main causes of global warming.

Evidence: When forests are cleared, the carbon that is stored in the trees and vegetation is released into
the atmosphere. This carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, traps heat in the atmosphere, causing the
Earth's temperature to rise.
Explanation: Deforestation contributes to approximately 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. For
instance, in the Amazon rainforest, deforestation has resulted in a significant increase in greenhouse gas
Link: In addition, deforestation reduces the number of trees that absorb carbon dioxide through
photosynthesis, exacerbating the problem of global warming.

Write your paragraph in this box:

Public production is one of the reasons for climate change.For example, a thermal power plant u
dust emissions for the environment. Not only that, the power plant also affects the water environ
metals such as boron, mercury, and arsenic, which unbalance biodiversity. According to Uni
dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, about 280 parts per million (ppm) before the ind
ppm today. Each doubling of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations would raise t
3°C degrees C. the increase in global emissions would need to peak in 2015 and
required 50% reduction by 2050.

5) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of climate change.

Write your paragraph in this box:

If in the past, climate change was caused by the effects of natural conditions, but now, climate change has occurre
affected by climate change. Climate change causes extreme weather events that increase in frequency and are ofte
to become more extreme and continuously occur extreme events such as floods, droughts, heat waves or even mak, Every year, Vietnam suffers from big storms, floods and natural disasters that cause great consequence
record year of natural disasters in Vietnam.That year, there were 16 hurricanes, one storm after another. The avera
by 0.5 -1.0°C compared to before. The erratic changes of weather, in hot weather, prolonged severe drought, storm
addition, the situation of global warming has adverse effects on the environment, people and organisms, diseases
prolonged water shortage and energy shortage occur. Crop yield is also significantly reduced.

6) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of climate change:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.

Chapter 2: Poverty and Inequality

Poverty and inequality are closely linked and are major issues affecting millions of people around the
world. Poverty refers to the lack of basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. Inequality refers to
the unequal distribution of wealth, resources, and opportunities among different groups of people.

Poverty and inequality are complex issues that require solutions at both the individual and systemic level.
We can all contribute to reducing poverty and inequality by supporting local charities and volunteering in
our communities. At the systemic level, governments can implement policies that promote economic
growth, social welfare, and equal opportunity for all.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

speak up for the rights of t

Fight. (2023, January 16). Fight inequality, beat poverty | Oxfam International.

Oxfam International.


Cause of poverty and inequ

Abulencia, C. (2022, March). 10 major causes of poverty and how we can help
1. Lack of access to cl
solve them.; Organization. 2. Lack of access to b 3. Inequality or socia
poverty#:~:text=Inequality%20or%20social 4. Conflict and instab
%20injustice,-'Inequality'%20happens%20when&text=It%20can%20be 5. Lack of education
%20caused%20by,many%20parts%20of%20the%20world. 6. Lack of access to jo
‌ 7. Poor basic infrastru

8. Climate change

9. Lack of governmen

10. Lack of personal sa

Cause of poverty and inequ

Causes of poverty and inequality - EAPN. (2016, April 28). EAPN. reason the EU has the lowe
europe tend to have the low crisis. This is preeminent b
‌ ensure adequate minimum
services, through the socia
They are usually the most
2) List key words to do with poverty and inequality and provide a definition and example sentence
(using your own words).

Key Word Definition

social exclusion Individuals are unable to actively participate in the

processes resulting in and maintaining such a state, as
well as in economic, social, political, and cultural life.

income distribution the smoothness or equality with which income is dealt

out among members of a society.

unfair or prejudiced treatment of different groups of pe
ple, especially on the basis of race, age, gender or dis-

Not equal,unfair


3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of poverty or inequality.

Write your paragraph in this box:

Gender is one of the reason of inequality. 130 million girls, as far as we can tell, will never set foot in a classroom
for better lives, but also that their own children will experience the same thing. Children who have mothers who h
high-quality education and healthcare. These are two of the essential parts of a community that is enabled. Some o
this very basic human right include gendered violence in the classroom, child marriage, and lack of sanitation (par
is harmed because of gender inequity. Which is why, everyone should be aware of and fight against gender norms

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of poverty and inequality.

Write your paragraph in this box:

the distribution of wages is not uniform, which has negative effects on the economy of the people and th
made progress in poverty reduction since the renewal period, but income disparities and unequal access
regions remain significant. big problem. Growing income inequality in rural areas is a challenge to Vietn
inequality on economic growth is essential to assess Vietnam's growth potential and draw policy solution
ies on this topic in Vietnam are limited, and there is a need to assess the macro relationship between ineq
threaten growth goals. Therefore, studying the "Effect of inequality on economic growth in Vietnam" ha

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of poverty and inequality:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.

Chapter 3: Human Rights

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that are entitled to every person, regardless of their race,
gender, religion, or nationality. These rights include the right to life, liberty, and security, the right to a
fair trial, and the right to freedom of expression.

Human rights violations are still common in many parts of the world. Some of the most common
violations include torture, discrimination, and arbitrary detention. We can all play a role in promoting
human rights by speaking out against injustices, supporting organisations that protect human rights, and
being informed about the issues.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

What are human right?

What are human rights? (2018). OHCHR. Human rights are r
as human beings -
universal rights are
human-rights nationality, sex, na
‌What are human rights? (2019). language, or any ot
fundamental - the r
convention/what-are-human-rights worth living, such a
health, and liberty.

Human rights in Viet Nam

Việt Nam | Country Page | World | Human Rights Watch. (2022, February 17). The Communists maintain
threaten the leadership of t political opinion, press, ass
‌ activists and bloggers are h
continue to lose land to de
Workers are not allowed to

World. (2022, December 10). Human rights.; World Health Organiza-
Core principles
tion: WHO.


2) List key words to do with human rights and provide a definition and example sentence (using
your own words).

Key Word Definition

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of human rights issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of human rights issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of human rights:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.

Chapter 4: Pollution

Pollution refers to the presence or introduction into the environment of substances or contaminants that
cause harm or discomfort to living organisms. Pollution can take many forms, including air pollution,
water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.

Pollution is a major global issue that affects human health, the environment, and the economy. It can lead
to respiratory diseases, waterborne illnesses, and ecosystem degradation, and can even contribute to
climate change.

We can all contribute to reducing pollution by taking individual actions such as using public
transportation, conserving energy, and properly disposing of waste. It is also important to support policies
and organisations that promote environmentally sustainable practices and hold polluters accountable for
their actions. By working together, we can help create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for
ourselves and future generations.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

Reason of pollution.
Deb, D. (2019, February 6/NASA
What Causes Air Pollution? (2023). NASA Climate Kids. Solution for pollution
(Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution | Ground-Level Ozone | New
England | US EPA, 2023) Consequence of pollution


World. (2019, November 15). Health consequences of air pollution on popula-

tions.; World Health Organization: WHO.

2) List key words to do with pollution and provide a definition and example sentence (using your
own words).

Key Word Definition

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of pollution.

Write your paragraph in this box:

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of pollution.

Write your paragraph in this box:

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of pollution:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!
Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.
You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.

Chapter 5: Conflict and War

Conflict and war are major issues that affect millions of people around the world. Conflict can arise for a
variety of reasons, including ethnic, religious, or political differences. War refers to organised armed
conflict between nations or groups.

The effects of conflict and war include displacement, loss of life, and destruction of infrastructure. We
can all contribute to promoting peace by advocating for diplomacy and peaceful conflict resolution,
supporting organisations that provide aid to those affected by conflict, and learning about different
perspectives and cultures to build understanding and empathy.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

2) List key words to do with conflict and war and provide a definition and example sentence (using
your own words).

Key Word Definition

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of conflict and war.

Write your paragraph in this box:

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of conflict and war.

Write your paragraph in this box:

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of conflict and war:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.

Chapter 6: Global Health

Global health refers to the health of populations in different parts of the world and is affected by a range
of factors such as poverty, lack of access to healthcare, and disease outbreaks. Some of the major global
health issues today include infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria, non-communicable
diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and mental health issues.

We can all contribute to improving global health by supporting organisations that work to improve access
to healthcare and promote healthy behaviours, such as vaccination and exercise. It is also important to
stay informed about health issues and take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

2) List key words to do with global health and provide a definition and example sentence (using
your own words).

Key Word Definition

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of global health issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of global health issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of global health:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.
Chapter 7: Immigration and Refugees

Immigration and refugees are issues that are often in the news today, as people migrate to escape poverty,
conflict, or persecution in their home countries. Immigration refers to the process of moving from one
country to another, while refugees are people who are forced to flee their homes due to conflict or

We can all contribute to supporting immigrants and refugees by learning about their experiences,
advocating for policies that protect their rights, and supporting organisations that provide aid and services
to refugees and migrants.


1) Sources - Complete the table below by entering references to 3 websites containing information
on the topic for this chapter.

Reference Information

2) List key words to do with immigration and refugees and provide a definition and example
sentence (using your own words).

Key Word Definition

3) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant cause of immigration and refugee issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:

4) Write a PEEL paragraph on a significant consequence of immigration and refugee issues.

Write your paragraph in this box:

5) Create. You now need to create one of the following on the topic of immigration and refugees:
● A poster
● A video
● A song
● A poem
● An infographic
● Anything else creative!

Your work should focus on potential solutions to the problem.

You can put your work in this box or paste the link to your work.

Key Vocabulary:

Climate change
Greenhouse gases
Carbon footprint
Human rights
Gender equality
Global health
Infectious diseases
Non-communicable diseases
Mental health

These are some of the major issues affecting our world today. By learning about these issues and
developing skills of research, analysis, evaluation, and reflection, you can become an informed and
empowered global citizen who can make a positive difference in the world. Remember that even small
actions can make a big difference in addressing these global challenges.

(This was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT)

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