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2.1 Cell Structure & Size of Specimens

Question Paper

Course CIE IGCSE Biology

Section 2. Organisation of the Organism
Topic 2.1 Cell Structure & Size of Specimens
Difficulty Medium

Time allowed: 70

Score: /55

Percentage: /100

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Question 1a
Fig. 1 shows a diagram of a cell found in leaves.

Fig. 1
State the names of structures F, G and H.
On Fig. 1 draw:
a line labelled K to show where the chromosomes are found
a line labelled L to show the position of the cell membrane.
State the name of this type of plant cell.
[6 marks]

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Question 1b
The cell in Fig. 1 was placed in a concentrated glucose solution.
Fig. 2 shows the appearance of the cell after ten minutes in the glucose solution.

Fig. 2
State two ways in which the cell has changed.
Water moves into and out of the cell by osmosis.
Osmosis is a form of diffusion.
Describe the ways in which diffusion is different to active transport.
[5 marks]

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Question 1c
Table 1 shows some aspects of plant and animals.
Place a tick (✓) in the appropriate cells of Table 1.
Table 1

Feature Plants Animals

Cells contain a nucleus
Cells contain chloroplasts
Cells connected by nervous coordination
They can move from place to place
Cells store glycogen

[4 marks]

Question 1d
Name one animal cell organelle that would be expected to occur in large numbers in a metabolically active cell.
[1 mark]
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Question 2a
The boxes on the left describe processes carried out by cells.
The boxes on the right contain the names of the cells that carry out these processes.
Draw one straight line from each box on the left to a box on the right to link the process to the cell type.
Draw six lines.
An example has been done for you.

[6 marks]

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Question 2b
Fig. 1 shows a section through part of a leaf.

Fig. 1
On Fig. 1 draw:
a label line to identify one guard cell and label it G
a label line to identify one of the stomata and label it S.
State one function of stomata.
[3 marks]

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Question 2c
The nucleus of an animal cell has a diameter of about 6 µm.
Suggest a reason why bacteria do not have a nucleus.
[1 mark]

Question 3a
Fig. 1 is a photomicrograph of part of the upper surface of a broad bean leaf, Vicia faba.

Fig. 1
On Fig. 1, identify and label two structures that are visible in cell P.
State the name of the tissue shown in Fig. 1.
The tissue shown in Fig. 1 is transparent.
Explain why it is important to the plant that the tissue shown in Fig. 1 is transparent.
[6 marks]

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Question 3b
Sketch a bacterial cell, showing its main cellular components.
[6 marks]

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Question 4a
Fig. 1 shows some muscle cells.

Fig. 1
Identify the function of a muscle cell and explain how they are adapted for this function.
[3 marks]

Question 4b
Fig. 2 shows some information about specialised cells.

Fig. 2
Identify the type of specialised cell shown and match each one to the correct function.
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[3 marks]

Question 4c
Describe how the xylem is adapted for carrying water and mineral ions around a plant.
[1 mark]

Question 4d
Name the process by which a cell changes to become specialised.
[1 mark]

Question 5a
Animal and plant cells have some structural features in common.
Name two structures you would find in both an animal cell and a plant cell.
[2 marks]

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Question 5b
Fig.1 shows a photomicrograph of the surface of a plant root.
Fig. 1

Name structure X.
[1 mark]

Question 5c
Calculate the actual length of structure X in Fig. 1.
Show your working.
[2 marks]

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Question 5d
Failure of structure X to develop properly in the cells of a plant root could be catastrophic to a plant.
Suggest an explanation as to why.
[4 marks]

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