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Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.

  have access to any one of Infernal, Abyssal or Primordial
Ability Scores: Char +2; Wis +1 but considering the context of your lineage, you can choose
Size: Medium the language of the race you’re the most familiar with or
Speed: 30 ft. replace that language by Nature, Alchemy or Poison

The Hag legacy is as hard if not harder to fight against than

Legacy. You can learn and use one of the different options
their Hellish cousins. Sadistic nature will surface soon in
of spell. These can only be changed by replacing the one
the progeny, and it will always be there.
you know by the other when you can learn a new one. (3rd
Any character tainted by the Hag bloodline will be hard
and 5th level, 7th level).
pressed to succumb to the cruel influence.
You know the detect magic spell or the hex spell and can
Although, it is not a fate you would like, because in the end,
use it once per short or long rest. When you reach 3rd level,
you would be compulsively forced to return to the Hag and
you can cast the disguise self or hold person once per
bound to follow and join a coven as a servant of Nightmare.
short or long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast
Hags don’t reproduce with mortals if not to plant a seed of
either bestow curse or crown of madness once per long
despair in the world, and don’t reproduce at all if not to
build a coven.
In several ways, the character is almost forced to fight his
[Optional] Curse of the Night Hag. If the character
urges to free himself from the cursed blood.
survives free of the Coven up to level 10, he becomes a

  target of the Hag if she or anyone from her Coven is still
alive. By that time, the Hag blood will be powerful and can
Hag Bloodlines will inherit some physical traits, long allow the character to have advantage against Hag magic
sharpened nails, moles or blotchy skin, though it may also and use the Dream spell once every long rest.
be in the interest of the bloodline to appear beautiful and
seductive. In any case, the mark of the Hag will always
appear somewhere physically on the character.
As a birth mark or fully blackened eyes when magic is used.

The Tieflings from this bloodline are tools of their
parentage, they know early the curse and most of them
succumb to the call and rejoin the Coven or Grandmother
who will use them to enact their long con.
As a free character, they develop a very strong willpower.
Many forms of resistance can be imagined by the character
to avoid the Grandmother call.
Some will try to call for the support of gods and join the
service of a religion, giving all their faith and by that mean
opposing the Hag heretic and blasphemous nature.
Some will run away from magic and fulfill their needs in a
pragmatic way, becoming anything but what their nature is.
Others will try and embrace some of their lineage and resist
the key tendencies that will submit them.
In all regards, the Tieflings will have to learn and work his
way to stay free.

Darkvision. Thanks to your fiendish heritage, you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see dim
light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light, you can’t discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
Hag Resistance. You are immune to charm and sleep

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