The Villain S Heroine by RoyalVelz Tip

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The Villain’s Heroine by RoyalVelz


know how.To make you understand maybe I should start from
the middle.
Sweat dripping on my forehead.Sleepily my eyes tried to adjust
to my environment,I blinked once and twice.I was engulfed in
darkness.I was cold and numb. Darkness and cold that is how I
imagined death to be. Was I dead? I had no where to run to,
there was no escape.I was alone, battling my demons solo.I
cried till I couldn't anymore.No one came to my rescue.How
long have I been in this pitch dark world? I was living in a
blur.The days and nights had blended into each other until I lost
count.Days,weeks,months or even years.How long have I been
here?I closed and opened my eyes again and again but there
was no change.I fell back to the dark oblivion. There was no
escape whatsoever.How did I get here?I tried to remember,but
like any other day I met a dead end.I couldn't remember but I
knew I had to recall how all this started.I had to know how I
ended up in this miserable situation.
"No change?"A voice echoed in my ears, but I couldn't make
out who that deep authoritative voice belonged to.
"No change General.She is just rocking herself back and forth
like that,staring into space.We are trying all that we can but she
is not responding." Another voice.
"Don't tell me shit.I don't pay you to tell me that there is no
change.I pay you to make sure she is alright.I want her back and
normal.Do what it fucking takes to get her back.I need my
heroine back.I need my queen back.Mí cariño(my honey) please
come back to me,please.You can fight this please cariño come
on.You're strong.We don't call you heroine for nothing.Fight
this,por favór cariño(please honey)". The deep voice again.
On second thoughts,to make you understand I will just start
from the beginning.


WHORES.Can you imagine the disrespect?I feel like strangling
him." I half shouted on the phone.I wasn't hurt that he was
sleeping around,I was pissed.He screwed whores and fanatics
very much often and there was nothing much I could do about
it other than venting out to my friend Layla.He was wealthy so
he could do as he pleased,even though he had a fiancé.And I
was the unlucky bitch.
"Its 1 o'clock in the fucking morning Ingrid.I need my beauty
sleep!Why you calling me at this hour huh?You're having the
night terrors again or what?Is you alright?"Layla growled in
annoyance,yet she was concerned too.
I sighed and threw myself on the bed."I just needed a friend to
talk to.You know I'm in a depressing situation.My night terrors
aren't stopping and Xavier is worsening it by his behavior.I can't
sleep.But I ain't hurt no more.I'm pissed.I feel like breaking his
fucking skull into two."
"Its the fucking witching hour.What can we talk about
huh?Riding brooms." Sleepy girls are indeed grumpy girls.
"We are talking about Xavier right now Layla."
"You calling me at 1am to talk about that asshole.Xavier buy
and sell whores for a living.He is into every other scary shit out
there.Are you still pissed that he comes back to that fucking
estate smelling like whores?You trippin' right?That is fucking
expected of him.He spends days in his mafia den.They have
strippers and shit in those places and you know it.Get used to
that shit,that's your life now."I knew she didn't meant whatever
she said,so I didn't take it to heart.
"Why are you using a black mama voice?"I arched my eyebrow
even though she couldn't see me.
"Of all the things I have said,that's your take away?I have been
fucked by a black man who smelt like cocoa butter,that's
why.Next time you wanna talk about your shitty fiancé and rich
life problems,don't call me no more."She growled in annoyance
and dropped the call.
Rich life problems? I scoffed to that.These weren't my
riches.This luxury didn't fool me.I was robbed of my
happiness,freedom and my rights because of this life.The very
same man who promised me heaven on earth was now the
monster I wished I never crossed paths with.I thought he was
my final destination and my happy place, but as time passed I
realized that he was the biggest mistake of my life.I have bitten
more than I could chew as far as Xavier was concerned.
I sighed walking down the stairs.I couldn't sleep knowing I
would have that dream again.It felt too real for me and I didn't
want to go through that horror.Every night I dreamt of dead
people and blood.In the dream someone would be telling me to
kill and avenge.And the next thing I know I would be holding a
gun with dead people littered on the ground.I always had that
dream for as long as I remember but I never got accustomed to
that sight.It was terrifying,hence I called them the night terrors.
It was 1am when I strolled down the stairs,Xavier's men were
lined up on the hallways and staircases,on guard.They were
armed to the teeth with bulletproof vests,rifles and
earpieces.They looked ready to kill.I doubt they even got some
"Boss said you shouldn't come out of your room." One of them
said,looking scary and angry.What did I even do to you?
I sighed.This was one of the days when he was in a foul
mood.He was punishing me.I could be a nuisance if I wanted to
be but knowing Xavier, he would kill his men if they fail to put
me in my place in his absence.He was a ruthless man.My
stubbornness didn't go unpunished.Another person paid for my
sins with their life.To avoid another man dying because of me,I
walked back to my room without arguing with the angry and
scary looking guard any further.I was a prisoner.It was high
time I accept my reality.I was the one who made this choice.I
was the one who said "yes" when he proposed.
I knew the difference between a hero and a villain,good and
bad.The first time I laid my eyes on Xavier I felt that he wasn't a
good man.They say, always trust your gut instinct but I ignored
mine.My body picked up the bad vibrations that I got from
Xavier the very first day I met him.My unfailing gut instinct
picked that he was far from being my knight in a shining armour
but those who say lust can blind you are very right.He was a
gorgeous man and I foolishly assumed he had a gorgeous heart
too.When I realised the devil wears a beautiful mask,it was
rather too late.I had walked straight into the lion's den without
even realizing it.Or maybe I was ignorant.I saw it all.They were
red flags and I should have ran,but I didn't.Now I had to live
with the dire consequences of my ignorance.Xavier wasn't
capable of loving anyone else but himself.He was a monster
that had to be stopped.
I growled in frustration as I continued to pace up and down in
my bedroom,holding the container of sleeping pills.I tried so
hard not to imagine how my life could have been had I never
entertained him that day we met at the club.No matter how
hard I tried to shove the depressing thoughts at the back of my
head,I couldn't stop regretting.I shouldn't have gone to that
club.But,all I wanted was to have a good time with my friend.I
had graduated with a first class degree in International studies.I
had something to hold to and call mine.I was ecstatic so I
agreed to a couple of drinks at some club in New York,little did I
know.I shouldn't have agreed.I should have just stayed at home
with my foster parents.They were overbearing and it was
driving me close to the edge so I gave in to temptation of my
partying nature.Now I was here.I sat down feeling like I was
about to lose my mind.Being forced to stay in my room was
going to turn me to a claustrophobic one of these days.


"Ma'am here is your breakfast." Stacy's voice brought me back

to earth.She was my personal maid.I didn't want to give her a
hard time, so even though I was craving some red meat and
fried noodles,I ate the steamed veggies and green salad that
she had prepared.I had to watch my weight.Xavier had started
complaining about me gaining weight again.He only wanted
meat in his plate not in his bed, but man was I curved.Talking
about the bastard he didn't even come home last night.Wait,is
this hellhole even home?
During lunch I was alone again sitting on the huge ass
table.Xavier was not yet back.The table was covered in all sorts
of low fat meat and salads.So much healthy food for one
person.Stacy insisted on serving me every dish like I had a
stomach for six grown men.I couldn't eat anything so I stood up
and made my way back to my room with Xavier's men watching
me like hawks.I couldn't take a nap either knowing that the
dream would come again.Instead, I pondered on what Xavier
could be doing out there.Did something happen?Did he get
killed?A lot of people gunned for his life,a lot of them wanted
his blood.Honestly,I didn't blame them.Xavier was a monster
and he never cared for anyone else but himself.He made
enemies wherever he went.And I wouldn't care if he got killed.I
would actually feel relieved.Once upon a time I loved that
asshole though.I hate to admit this,but I was a fool to think that
my love would fix Xavier.He was never going to change not for
me or anyone else.


"I want you in my bedroom right now!"His voice boomed in the

hallway but I didn't flinch,I was actually annoyed.I expected an
explanation from him during breakfast the following day when
he decided to show face,but who was I kidding?He didn't
bother to explain his whereabouts just like any other day.He
wanted me in his bed to fuck me.I was a possession that he
owned not his woman.
"Where were you?" I folded my arms with attitude.The frown
on his face was a clear indication that he didn't like my tone but
this wasn't the time to feel intimidated.Living in fear was not
living at all.
He clenched his jaws and gave me one hell of a slap.I lost
balance and landed on the white marble tiles.He started kicking
my butt but I refused to cry.I was not going to give him that
"I don't answer to you bitch.Now go to my bedroom.Get on the
fucking bed and open your legs.I fucking own you.Your life is in
my hands and you got nothing.You will do whatever I say, no
questions asked.Your job is to give me pleasure and you're
going to do it well.So like a good little bitch that you're,go play
with yourself I'm coming."
He gave me one last kick.I stood up and went to his bedroom as
asked.A few minutes later he barged in like he owned the
space.Which of course was the reality.He started taking off his
black suit pants, while I thought of cutting his dick off and
shove it where the sun doesn't shine.I sized him thinking of
kicking his balls first.He had quick reflexes.He moved like a
snake.He would act quickly before I manage to knee him, so
that wasn't an option.I was going to take it today.There was no
escaping it.I had pissed him off for the last few days but now his
fuse had blown.He would squash me if I try to pull another
stunt.Xavier was a big man,all muscled up and strong.He would
easily squash me if need be.Maybe I should take a run for it. I
shoved that thought in my asshole.It was a stupid thought.His
men were all over the place.They were lined up on the hallway
and on guard,so trying to escape was not an ideal plan.I would
be dead before I even make it to the front door.Instead I took
off my clothes and did what I was told to do.I was going to lay
there and take the torture.Fucking him was no longer exciting
anymore.There was a time in my life where I would be aroused
and fantasize about Xavier whenever he wasn't home.I would
always stay soaked only for him and we would have steamy
passionate love making sessions.He was once a passionate
lover.The good old days.Things took a wild turn when he
stopped caring.Overnight he became a monster I never
knew.He stopped treating me like I mattered.
He had his way with me and with each thrust I despised him
even more.Once he had released he pushed me off the bed and
I fell on the cold marble tiles flat on my butt.
"Fuck you." I murmured loud enough for him to hear.He was
too exhausted since he had climaxed so he didn't slap me or do
worse.He just ignored my behind and I walked out of his room
slamming the door in the process.Asshole.


A few weeks after graduation my foster parents gave me the

freedom to do whatever I wanted to do.I didn't have a curfew
anymore.I was twenty-two for crying out loud.And I was an
adult now.I wasn't supposed to be in the foster system no
more.Anyway for the sake of courtesy
whenever I went out I would call them and inform them about
my whereabouts,then there was no problem.I could even
sleepover and they wouldn't freak out.So Layla and I planned to
go clubbing to celebrate our graduation.That day my fate was
Layla came to pick me up at 10pm sharp.Once I was in her car I
began my transformation.Instead of the denim jumpsuit and a
black sweater I walked out of my room wearing,I was now in a
black lace bustier,mini leather skirt, and black thigh-high heels.I
applied red lipstick and a smoky dark eye shadow to complete
my look.I looked exotic and seductive like Layla always said,
with extra long eyelashes,silver-grey eyes,clearly defined black
eyebrows which dominated my perfectly contoured face and a
perfectly tanned skin.I grew up an orphan.I was transferred
from one foster home to the other.I didn't know my family
origins,but Iooking at my reflection on the mirror I was sure
that I carried the Mexican genes in my blood.
"How did you find this place.Who told you about it?Age wise
are we even allowed?"
She smiled devilishly and I knew she was up to no good.We
weren't allowed in this club.It was a 25+ and one was supposed
to have an invitation.And Layla had the invitations but we were
22 years old at that time.
"Where did you get the invitations from?" I asked.
"Stop with the third degree Ingie.We are here and that's what
matters.I know people who know people in the right places
that's how I got the invitations.We are lucky.Now let's
party.Don't be a killjoy."
She dragged me inside the club and I felt like an alien as soon as
we stepped in.I was no stranger to clubbing but this wasn't the
environment I was familiar with.It wasn't a club that I was used
to.There was something dark and dangerous about the place
that made the hair at the back of my neck stand.I felt like I had
walked into a mafia den or worse.Coloured chandeliers lit the
place like rainbow drops from the high ceiling.Gorgeous women
wearing leather swimsuits,holding leather whips walked all
over the place.Some were even naked and only choked with
diamonds on their necks.A few blew out smoke.The air smelt
like weed.Sex throbbed throughout the place.It was this intense
heat that caused my heart to pound in curiosity and fear.Art
hung on the wall portraying nude orgies and some women in
lingerie.Shirtless waiters and waitress carried out drinks.Men of
all different races were in this place.They all looked scary and
their auras were dark.They carried guns and most had tattoos
all over their faces,making them look like detention desks
covered with ink.Beautiful and naked women strolled around
with those dangerous men.Some men on the booths ate sushi
which was stylishly served on naked women.On the center
there was a woman tied up on the table.She was
immobile,arms out at the side and legs spread.She was tied up
with a rope,intricate bond knotes that probably took a long
time to construct.The shit was scary to look at but the people in
there seemed to enjoy the sight.Strippers swayed on the poles
with their tits hanging out.Conversations hardly reached my
ears because of the song Bon Appetit blasting through the
speakers.People were keeping their business to
themselves.What kind of a club was this?It dawned on me then
that anyone drinking in this club at that hour was possibly a
criminal.All eyes were on us.We were not supposed to be here
but there was no turning back.
"What fuckery is this Layla." I whispered in her ear.
"BDSM club babe.Enjoy." She shouted and jumped around in
"Please don't leave me alone.This shit is scary."
She laughed."I ain't gonna babysit you girl.You ain't a kid.Order
a drink or something."
Just like that she disappeared into the crowds.After ordering a
martini,I sat at the bar counter to enjoy my poison.I was
preoccupied with my drink that I didn't notice the man who sat
besides me until he tapped my shoulder.I smiled his way and
we exchanged a handshake.He was damn gorgeous.The first
thing that caught my attention were the green eyes.I was a
sucker for emeralds and jet-black hair.He kissed my hand and
smirked at me.He was gorgeous and he knew it.He was clearly a
cocky man,who was sure he could get any woman he snapped
his fingers at.And guys like that,they're shallow and self-
centered.They might look like heaven but half way through the
relationship you will realise that they are the devils from
hell,ask me I know.
"Xavier." He said
"Juliet." I lied.
His expression darkened as if he could tell I was lying. "Ingrid
Drucker.I like your name.It suits you." Yes he knew I was lying.
I was shocked that he knew my name.Before I recovered from
that shock he perked my lips and walked away after glaring at
me one more time.Now my jaws were on the floor.I could
hardly concentrate on anything else afterwards, even the
woman bonded with ropes didn't scare me anymore.The perk I
got from a stranger freaked me out.And for the rest of that
night Xavier's eyes were trained on me.He held a possessive
gaze that sent cold chills down my spine.There was something
dark and dangerous about him and I knew I had to leave.After
arguing with Layla I finally managed to drag her out of the
club.On our way out I turned back one more time and saw
Xavier staring at me,his gaze dangerous.
"That man.How did he know my name?Did you talk to him?"I
asked Layla who was clearly pissed by the dragging stunt I
pulled.And she was clearly drunk.
"No, of course I didn't. I don't even know the person you're
talking about.Does it matter anyway if he knows.He is probably
a secret admirer."
"Layla that place is dangerous.It gave me some Mafia den
vibes.Who gave you the invitations?"
She rolled her eyes."You're blowing things out of
propotion.First you drag me out like some fucking kid and now
this.A friend of mine gave me the invitations.Exactly how crazy
do you think I am? Do you seriously think I will take us to some
Mafias' mencave?Stop being so paranoid."
After leaving the club I could feel it in me that my life was never
going to be the same again.Post our first meeting Xavier
occupied my mind,strange enough.The look he gave me when I
walked out of the club meant one thing,he wasn't done with
me.Days blended into each other and turned into weeks.I had a
strange feeling at the pit of my stomach.I felt like I was being
watched.It went on until I met him again.Three weeks later he
popped out of nowhere and claimed I was his.My life changed
ever since then.



"Boss is asking for your presence in the lounge hall." Stacy's

voice brought me back to reality.She was knocking on my door.I
immediately stood up and went to take a quick shower.After
ten minutes I came out of the bathroom with a drying towel
wrapped tightly around my body.Stacy was in my room with my
outfit for the day.Did this mean I was allowed to go out?The
black dress was short,way too short even with slender straps
and a plunging neckline.It made me feel like a whore but I had
to obey Xavier's commands to avoid the consequences of
disobeying him.Not that I was afraid of him but someone would
die in my place.I already had enough blood on my hands.A lot
have been killed in my name.And I had killed many in my
dreams too.
"We are flying to Mexico to watch a fight.You might wanna use
a breathe of fresh air." He said taking his coat and walking out
without waiting for my response.My heels clicked in the huge
hallway as I ran after him.In as much as I wanted to go out and
have a breathe of fresh air,the idea of watching an
underground fight didn't sit well with me.I had nightmares the
very first time I went there.Such underground fights were
illegal.In those cages it was either you win or you die.They were
death fights.The combatants were cold-blooded killers who
murdered each other with bare hands.I wasn't about to go and
watch such a horror.
"I'm not feeling well Xavier." I lied.
"Suit yourself then,but I want to see you in my bedroom when I
get back.Don't take off that dress."When he asked for sex.I had
to obey and open my legs.When we got engaged he started
focusing much on his work and spent less time with me.He
rarely needed me in his bed but when he did, he would
terrorize me,making me feel worthless and unloved.He would
demand sex when he wanted it and after he gets what he
wanted, he would spend time without bothering me until he
was horny again.
How did we even get here?
After our engagement things changed.He didn't even bother
building a healthy relationship with me anymore.He only
needed me when he wanted sex or when he wanted me all
dolled up like a whore to accompany him to his shady meetings
or underground fights.Instead of being the love of his life I was
now his sex toy and a trophy he showed off on special
occasions.The twenty-four carat diamond ring on my finger
didn't fool me.
"Can I at least be granted the permission of walking around the
yard today your highness?"I asked sarcastically but he was in a
hurry to slap me or even do worse.I was a prisoner and he
treated me as such.The good things around here didn't fool
me.I lived in an estate with servants on my service.From an
outside point of view I lived in happiness and luxury.Living in
money is what the American dream is all about,but I would
chose a cheap apartment in Queens over the estate any day.
"Keep a close eye on her."He gave a strict order to his men
before being chauffeured away in his tinted and bulletproofed


"What are you doing here?"After three weeks of him occupying

my mind he finally showed up wearing a black suit just like the
one I saw him in the day at the club.
"I came to take what's mine." He said and a shudder ran down
my spine.The gorgeous man claimed I was his.My heart danced
and I had butterflies in my stomach but honey the devil wears a
beautiful mask.My sixth sense was telling me that something
just wasn't right about this man.For starters,how did he know
my name and my address?And who in their right senses claims
someone they hardly even know?However,I was too
hypnotised with the gorgeous face that I ignored my sixth
sense.What mattered was that this man wanted me.Its not
everyday a six-foot-four,green-eyed gorgeous man wants to
have a piece.
After countless romantic dates we were official.He was a
perfect boyfriend and a perfect lover.Seven months down the
line he proposed and I said 'yes,I will marry you' on top of my
voice.It wasn't a topnotch event but rather something intimate
for the two of us.I thought I had known him enough to settle
down.A legit businessman building his empire,an orphan with
no family just like me.We were compatible,or at least that's
what I thought.Whirlwind romance plus stupidity in love, mixed
with lust, is a recipe for absolute disaster.He was my first love
and I thought I was one of the lucky ones who didn't have to go
through the sons of Pharaoh to reach Canine.But man was I
wrong,and stupid?
The first time he took me to his estate I was blown away.The
driveway was exquisite and serene with eucalyptuses, perfectly
trimmed shrubs and water fountains.This man was very
wealthy.And dangerous.I felt a cold chill running down my spine
when I saw bodyguards wearing black suits and carrying rifles
pacing around the yard.
"I'm a powerful businessman Ingrid." He always said that when
I questioned him about his job.That was a red flag but the fear
was soon forgotten when we approached the front door.I
couldn't believe my eyes.The triple storey had white marble
pillars and a huge front glass door.The walls of the estate were
covered in white limestones.
"This is me.Welcome home my love."
"Wow this is amazing.How much is your net worth that you can
afford an estate?" I asked again.
He grabbed my waist smiling and led us to the lounge hall.
"Its enough."He shrugged
I should have ran for the hills right there and then but instead I
ignored my instincts and walked inside.Little did I know that I
was voluntarily signing my life imprisonment sentence.I
willingly walked into my jail made of gold bars.That day forth,I
never got the chance again to contact the outside world expect
for Layla after Xavier had her checked.I never got the chance to
say goodbye to my foster parents.They might have been
overbearing and annoying at times but they were the first
foster parents I had who actually cared about my wellbeing.And
from the information I got from Layla,they were worried about
me.But Xavier paid them a visit once and they stopped asking
about my whereabouts ever again.They even dropped the
missing person complaint that they had filed.



I pushed the thoughts at the back of my head as I walked to the

pool.I could feel the emptiness in me.I was swallowed in
sorrow.I was lonely.What happened to the Xavier I fell for?Two
years with this man my life no longer held any meaning.Every
day felt worse than the last.I had contemplated suicide before
but realised that even though I had no parents who would
mourn my death I still deserved to live.I couldn't give up simply
because an asshole like Xavier chose to imprison me.I held onto
a tiny shread of hope.One day I was going to make it out of
here.Although it was impossible to even try and escape this
place I still hoped.The estate was on top of a hill and heavily
guarded.I would probably be dead by the time I reach the front
door.Still, I strongly believed that if I fail to make a run for it,
one day my hero was going to come and save me out of this
sticky situation that I found myself in.

THE PRIVATE CASINO LOOKED LIKE A scene in a horror movie.It

was a bloody graveyard.I glanced at Gonzalo's bodyguards who
were down and dead and the two who were lucky to be still
alive.They were stupid,following orders without understanding
who they were messing with.That's how they got into this mess
in the first place,because their boss was even dumber.When I
agreed to meet Gonzalo I came prepared knowing very well
that he was going to try and pull a stunt.Criminals like him got
greedy and disrespectful all the time,and I loathed such
people.I had to remind them who the General was.They had to
know who led the pack.Gonzalo was going to send the message
on my behalf.
"Why should I give you even a dollar of my profits?You're the
General to your dogs not me.I'm not under your jurisdiction.So
why the hell should I pay tax?Let alone give you a cut from my
earnings.I run my operations solo.I don't need a kid to tell me
what to do.I have both legal and illegal protection.I have
enough contacts and connections.I don't really need your shitty
help."I must say the old man still had a sac,talking to me like
that when half his men were down and dead.That was bravery.I
respected him for that but I would never tell him.
I clenched my jaws as irritation and impatience started to creep
in.It has been fifteen minutes since this negotiation started and
that broke records.That was the longest time I ever had in a
negotiation.Butt-licking had never been one of my
attributes.And even with almost all his men dead he still wasn't
budging but I was prepared.I was not going to kill him, that
would be too easy.There was no fun in that.Death to people
like us was actually merciful.It was an ultimate rest and I was
not going to give him that rest.I liked to play with my food
before I went for the final cut.I was going to torture him the
best way I knew how, until it stops exciting me.Maybe then I
would consider killing him.
I crossed my legs and unbuttoned the front of my suit.One
hand rested on the armrest of the plush coach I was sitting on.I
examined my foe,this old fool with an ego too big to handle.I
had my own ego too,so this room was not enough for the two
of us.I wore my power and ego like a tailor made suit,as if it
were made for me.An invisible crown sat upon my head,
something I balanced all the time."You better watch your tone
when you talk to me.They call you Gentlemen but you don't live
up to your psuedo name Gonzalo.But I will let it go because I'm
in a good mood today."I played with my glass of scotch looking
sternly at him."I'm giving you thirty seconds to make the right
choice old man.I'm not really patient.Twenty percent cut or I do
what I always do best."
He took a long drag on his cigar and released the smoke with a
smirk."I'm giving you ten seconds to walk out with your dignity
still intact.I ain't giving you shit."He made the wrong choice.I
stood up and leaned closer to him,leaving a few inches
between us.His two cronies that were still alive got antsy but
did not make a move.I almost laughed.Did they think they could
challenge me?
To prove my point, I grabbed Gonzalo's chin and lowered my
voice."Being disrespectful to your General is indirectly asking
for war.You wanted war with me and I will give you that
because I get off on that sort of a thing.Remember this,every
person who is going to die after this moment, their blood is on
your hands."
He shifted uncomfortably and I let his chin go.He better be
petrified. "Very cute,if you start a war with me for no reason..."
I arched my eyebrow."What are you gonna do?And disrespect
is a reason for war.What will you do Gonzalo?"
"Then anyone who dies,their blood will be on your hands too."
"But I love blood." I smirked and took a sip on my amber liquid.
"Look around Gonzalo.This is a bloody graveyard. Do you see
any of my men down and dead?"
He remained quiet and I smiled devilishly."And I feel like having
a braai,something hot and in flames.Don't you want it too
"I think it's time for you to leave." He said,his tone threatening.
I called Hunter with a simple nod."Why do you think they call
me the devil's incarnate?I'm the villain to everyone's story.I
always get to decide whose story will have a happy ending and
whose will have a tragic one.Its either my way or the highway."
"General." Hunter bowed lightly and waited for my next
"The panel." I ordered.Hunter nodded and placed the remote
control like instrument with a red button on the center.
When the realization dawned on him,his eyes popped out and
he shook in fear.He was completely helpless to do anything and
that made his fear grew more.I fed on that.He was petrified and
I was satisfied."Let's renegotiate General.Twenty percent it is or
I will make it thirty.Please leave my sons out of this."
I stood up and fixed my jacket."Save it!I'm no longer
interested.I gave you two chances and you blew it.You even
had the muscle to insult me on top of that.Motherfucker I'm
the one who rules all the underworld operations.I control
competition,I keep the dealers separated and I keep the
business flowing for every motherfucking criminal.You
included.The protection,legitimacy and connections that you
have is because of me.Those are my services and they don't
come for free.Then you have the fucking nerve to call me a
kid.You're new to this shit old man and already you feel like a
shark.You need to be tamed and after I'm done with you,you
will go back to stealing cars and bombing ATM's.Whatever shit
that you did for a living.Fucking amateurs think they know
shit.You don't know how this runs.And your sins will not go
unpunished.I have a reputation to maintain.If I let you off the
hook,everyone will think its okay to disrespect
me.Unfortunately for you,your sons are going to pay for your
disrespect.I hope it was worth it."
"Please General..."
"Boom!" I pushed the button.He looked horrified."My men will
send you the urns.May your sons rest in piece.It's a pity they
had you for a father."
His sons were hidden from our "world" for many years.I will
give him credit for that.No one had leverage on him.When he
started his diamonds operation it progressed real quick and he
became worth my energy.It was my job after all.I had to keep
him separated from other dealers to keep the peace.And of
course get my cut and the tax.I did a background check before
our meeting.It was important for me to know what I was
dealing with.It took me less than a day to know that he had
three sons hidden somewhere at a private island,training them
to become like us.The death of his sons was going to haunt him
forever.What could be better torture than that?For the rest of
his pathetic life he was going to live with the guilt and the
pain.That kind of guilt never leaves you.Being in the game you
had to prepare to pay prizes.This was his prize for disrespecting
"It was nice doing business with you Gonzalo.My cut is now
fifty-five percent.Welcome to the big boys club." I stated as a
matter-of-fact.The terror written all over his face was a
confirmation that he heard me crystal clear.There was nothing
he was going to do about it rather than to obey my order.I
glared at him one more time and walked out with my men.His
remaining men didn't dare to shoot me or they would start a
war that they would spend the rest of their lives fighting,and
loose at the end anyway.


I thought there was hope.I thought that somewhere deep

inside, a part of me was still 'human',but there was no
humanity left in me.No good.No kindness.No love.No remorse.I
only had a monster rooted in my chest and a stomach filled
with booze.It was normal to me,my normal.Not even a tiny
bitty part of me regretted killing Gonzalo's sons.I was getting rid
of competition and teaching him a lesson.Talk about killing two
birds with one stone.As the General I had to be as ruthless as
possible.I was a leader.I had a pack.Lots of criminals looked up
to me and depended on me.There was no room for
emotion.There was no room for mercy but only ruthlessness.
"Its done Raph.The place is burnt to ashes,the kids dead and I
sent the urns." Only Reaper addressed me by my name.He was
my second in command and my little brother.
"Good." I looked at Carlos who had his head down in respect.
"How is the situation at the fighting rings?Are you handling it
Despite being in my inner circle, Carlos' demeanor disappeared
under the light of my intimidation.My inner circle included
Reaper my brother,Carlos,Hunter,Cinzía and Beast.They had
proved their loyalty to me not once but so many times.Besides,
I had saved them too so they owed me their lives.So its safe to
say I could rely on them.They were all good at their job and the
closest thing I had to a family.
"General you have the police in your palms so there is nothing
to worry about.They got off our backs at the mentioning of
your name.We handled it very well.By the way there is an
auction tonight and I think you have to attend it.Its been long
since you came for the auction. They sure miss your presence."
I just gave him a simple nod in response and he bowed lightly
before leaving the room.I was left with Reaper and I could feel
his gaze on me but I chose to ignore him.I knew he was about
to complain.He always complained after duty.If he wasn't my
brother he would have been long dead.
"Really Raph?What did Gonzalo's sons do to you?I understand
it was business but they were innocent bro.You're filthy rich
and you really didn't need the money from Gonzalo's
profits.You're the Mob boss of the bosses bro.His sons didn't
have to suffer for their..."
Without letting him say another word I smashed the glass of
whiskey I was holding on his head.I elbowed him and pinned
him to the wall.He groaned in frustration and pain.
"From the day we were born our fate was sealed.We are not
supposed to feel.There is no room for emotion Roberto.You are
the GrimRepear and my second in command.You are supposed
to be heartless.As the legend has it,you're an emotionless beast
which collect souls.You're the personification of
death.Emotions makes us weak and we cannot afford to loose
our empire because you feel pity for the enemy's family.I have
been trained for thirty-two years of my life.I'm not letting down
my family and neither are you.Read my lips and get this
through your thick skull because I won't repeat myself ever
again.No love,no kindness, no good or I might be forced to
punish you.We both know what that means." I loosened my
grip on him and he fixed his jacket frowning.
"And next time do your homework Roberto.He kept them on an
island,brutally trained them like soldiers from a young age.Does
that ring a bell to you Reaper?" I said through gritted teeth.
"He was training them to challenge the throne.To challenge
you?!" He gasped.
"Yes.Not that I have to explain anything to you but I killed them
to protect our empire, the throne,the crozier and the
title.Everything that belongs to our family."He nodded.
Turning the doorknob he looked at me and smirked."At the end
of the day you're human Raphael.I know Generals I respected
by the horrible crimes they have committed and I also know
you think you don't have a heart but a stomach filled with
booze,but one day bro I'm going to prove it to you that you
have a heart and its not made of stone."Before he found the
chance to make a run for it.I took my gun and shot him on the
ass.The bullet grazed his ass and went for the door.It was a
superficial wound but it did its job.
"Ohh fuck shit bro.How could you shoot me like that?Do you
think I'm that Deadpool nigger who pops bullets out of his ass?"
He groaned in pain.
"Stop being a pussy.Its a flesh wound.For your sake I hope you
took everything I said seriously.You know I will punish you if
need be." He frowned and limped out of my office.
One day bro I'm going to prove it to you that you have a heart
and its not made of stone.Reaper's words rang in my head.I
sighed in frustration and poured myself another glass of


Like Carlos had said they had missed me at the auction so I

graced them with my presence.I stood at the entrance of the
auction hall with my men at each side.I had my right hand in my
pocket and I was holding my crozier in my left hand.Our crozier
wasn't the typical long hooked stuff carried by the Catholic
Bishops and Pops,it was rather a walking cane worth billions.It
had a golden handle encrusted with real gold and the rest of it
was a shiny expensive black metal.Beneath the beauty of the
crozier as we called it,was a silver Samurai sword which could
cut through anything.Just by having this crozier in my
possession, criminals like me knew who I was and what I was
worth.It was a badge of my power and what I was capable of.
All men in the game were on their tables,drinking and having
fun with strippers.Most of them were businessmen in the day
and crime lords at night but,I didn't live a double life and fool
people.I was a criminal,better yet a leader of the criminals and I
was proud of it.I had nothing to hide because I was
fearless.When I walked in I didn't have to announce my
presence because they felt it.Everyone went dead quiet
even the music stopped playing as I made my to my seat.They
all bowed in respect, some in fear and some because they
didn't have much of a choice.We weren't friends here but a
bunch of criminals who met because of a common goal.We
were an underground organization which was led by three
mafia families of different nationalities.I was a Rodriguez and
Mexican.We joined forces with the Ivashk Russian family,as
well as the Italian family called the Vellutini.We dealt with all
things illegal.Arms dealing,money
laundering,drugs,trafficking,drag racing,death fights, you name
it.As the General it was my job to keep the peace and lead.For
decades, it was a progressive tradition for all the three families
to chose a candidate to inherit the title and the legacy.Anyone
who strongly believed that they deserved to lead they would
show their skills in the fighting rings.It was either you win or
you die.I was titled the General after my father when I was only
twenty-two.And I have been one for ten years.In those ten
years I was challenged countless times but still claimed my
victory.I proved that I was an extraordinary fighter in almost
every combat zone.I broke records.I was the first one to be
appointed General from a young age and I was the first General
to be challenged so many times simply because people
underestimated my capabilities.I was a Rodriguez and my
family was the most hated among the three families,and that
didn't work in my favour either.But here I was, still holding the
crozier.The sword of honor.
After they all bowed I gave them a simple nod and sat down on
my "throne".Strippers and topless waitresses were already on
my service.I was already checking out one to take home that
night.I caught Antonio's wife checking me out and I winked at
her.I was going to have her for the night right under her
husband's nose.I was a man with no morals.I broke every single
rule in the book and crossed every line and every
boundary.That huge sparkling diamond ring on her finger was
not going to stop me from fucking her pussy so hard.It wasn't
my fault if the old frail bastard didn't fulfill her needs.I was
definitely going to fuck her that night.Wedding vows meant
nothing to me.If a married woman wanted a piece of me,she
would get it.On my side Reaper was entertaining some
strippers.The energy of that boy could surprise you.He was five
years younger than me but sometimes he acted like a
teenager.He was busy entertaining five strippers with a painful
ass and a wounded head.My men were all over the place
drinking and keeping a close eye on me.Not that I needed any
protection anyway.I would easily kill anyone with my bare
hands.Besides,people chose their battles wisely.No one dared
to even frown my way lest they wanted to alienate themselves
from everyone else and start a war they couldn't win.
The auction began and the girls were brought in
handcuffed,naked and in tears.They would be strong.
"They are all 18 and above?You checked everything?" I asked
Hunter who was on my side and he nodded.That was the only
rule,no underage.I had no heart to feel pity for them.I was
immune to their cries but I was not that evil to sell an underage
girl.Men of different dominations started bidding.They were
disgusting psychos.Not that I was better.If anything I deserved
to be called the devil's incarnate.I was the most evil in this
place.However, some crimes were too horrible to be proud
of.Trafficking was the line of work I despised the most, but it
was business so I had to involved no matter how much I hated
"She wants you General."Carlos said referring to some blondy
waitress who has been trying so hard to get my attention.She
was literally rubbing her titties on my face.I had seen a lot of
tits in my life and I wasn't interested in this pair.
"What's her name?"I wouldn't mind having a threesome
He nodded."Her name is Layla Ferguson.Squeaky clean.Nothing
that raises eyebrows."
"Cool, get her to my place." I ordered and he bowed before
making his way to the bitch.
When the auction was over I was exhausted but not too
exhausted for sex.When I got back to my place the blondy and
Antonio's wife were already in my room.I worked on them real
hard.The moment I released, I lost interest in both of them.


"Buénos dias(Good morning)General.We have a problem."

Hunter was the calm one among my men.If anything had him
this riled up then that worried me.I kicked off the covers and
got off the bed.
"Talk to me." I set my phone on the sound system so I could
hear him throughout my bedroom while I took a shower.
"The Interpol got an anonymous tip about the auction,our
people warned us.Soon they will start sniffing around."
"I hate Interpol way more than the FBI.Make sure there are no
traces.Do what you gotta do and while you're at it, ask Carlos to
find the fucker who tipped them."
"Don't worry General, the coast is clear.I have already dealt
with it.They won't find what they are looking for.I just thought
it was important to let you know.Reaper is already waiting for
you with the information.Someone is trying to piss you
off.Someone wants to die."
"¡Vale,gracias(Okay,thank you )."I dropped the call.After taking
a quick shower I made my way out of the bathroom to my walk
in closet.I wore my usual,a black suit.I passed by the dark
hallway and some of my men were lined up and on guard.They
all bowed down in respect and I simply nodded.
"Who the fuck dares to disrespect me like that?!" I roared
which scared Carlos but Reaper remained calm and collected.
"Holah General¿Cómo amaneciste?(How are you this
morning?" Reaper said.I glared at him.
"Calm your nuts big guy.No one else would try to provoke you
like that other than Xavier.Our agents told us that his men were
the one who informed the fucking Interpol about last night's
auction.I think its a silent protest about the issue of underage
I felt my body tensing up in anger."The fuck?Xav did this
shit?He is the one behind this?And for what,young pussy?Does
he want girls wearing diapers or what?!"
Reaper stood up and poured whiskey in two glasses and gave
me one.I gulped it down quickly.The poison calmed me.
"You will be shocked with what men out there are capable of
doing only for sex.He is trying to get a reaction out of you.And
he is doing a good job.You don't have to be so worked up."
"He will keep on doing this General until you give him what he
wants.He is costing us."Carlos said with his expression
darkened with anger.
Xavier has been really getting on my nerves lately.It has been
years with him trying to get to me but I had a lot of things
worth my energy and money that I paid less attention to his
stunts.Fucking bastard.The fucking Xavier Ivashk.The
Rodriguez's and the Ivashk's had an old rivalry.We worked
together but it didn't mean we got along.Criminals backstabbed
each other a lot.The bloody bastard chose the wrong side and
ended up being an Ivashk by loyalty.I could put a bullet through
his skull if I wanted to,but every war had casualties and the last
thing I wanted was a never ending war with the bloody
Russians.Xavier was powerful in his own right but if I could take
him on fair and square,without our families' backup,I would
squash the bastard like a mosquito.
"Now he is getting on my last nerve." I hissed.
"He really knows which buttons to press to get you all this
worked up.I should take some pointers." Reaper wiggled his
eyebrows and I felt like shooting his loudmouth.
"Say that one more time and you will see what I will do to
you."He shrugged and kept quiet.
"So what's your plan General?"Carlos asked.
"He wants my attention right?He will have it.Invite him for
lunch today.I want him in my premises and alert all the
snippers.I know the bastard is going to bring an "army" here
and if they do something stupid it will be a man down.I want
every single one of his man targeted by a sniper when they step
into my property.While you're at it go and take Beast from the
fighting rings I'm sure he got his fix.And I want him here just to
shake Xavier a little."
Carlos smiled devilishly taking his phone."Fuck yea.The bastard
needs to be shaken.I'm going to give Beast a call right
now.General."He bowed lightly in respect before walking out.
An hour later I heard a growl from the hallway.Beast was
here.When he came to the lounge he bowed lightly and I
nodded motioning him to sit down.
"You had your fix?" I asked and he just nodded gulping down
the whiskey that I gave him.
His name was Liam.He was my most loyal right hand man.When
I found him he was more of an animal than human.He attended
military schools ever since he was a child and have been in a
war once or twice.He earned the name Beast because of how
scarred he was and his choice of weapon.He used his bare
hands to kill and one glance at him you would literally shit in
your pants.He really was a beast.When I found him he was
alone living under a bridge.He was too traumatized that it took
us a year to get him back to his senses but even when he did,
he never uttered a word which the experts say it was his
defense mechanism.Something traumatized him on one of his
military escapades.He relived his nightmares on a certain
period.We all had our nightmares here but his were the worst
that sometimes we had to chain him.During those times I
would send him to the fighting rings where he would fight and
kill to get his fix.He has been loyal to me since I took him in
under my wing.My enemies had targeted him multiple
times,tortured him so that they could get information but failed
because they didn't know that the beast was mute and he was
a loyal dog.With his military skills too he could sustain torture.
"Today Xavier is paying us a visit during lunch and I want you to
be present just to shake him a little." His lips twitched in what
looked like a smirk or a smile but not for long he was back to his
monster self.
"That will be all my guy."Bowing in respect he walked away.
Time seemed to take its time.I was already impatient waiting
for Xavier's grand entrance.After an hour of me pacing up and
down in my office I saw a convoy through the window.Black
hammers pulled into my driveway one after the other.The
bastard did bring his army.I smirked answering Carlo's call.He
informed me that our snippers were in position. If things get
ugly they only needed one word from me "fire" and all Xavier's
dogs would be down and dead within a blink.I descended the
stairs fixing my suit jacket and when I was in the lounge tension
was already in the air and there was pin drop silence.Xavier and
I stared at each other.We sized each other.
"Motherfucker." I cussed and he clenched his jaws probably
pissed and wanting to blow my brains on the floor.Which he
couldn't do.
"Long time General." There was mockery in his voice.He was
testing me but I wasn't going to feed his ego.He probably
thought he was fearless by agreeing to have lunch with me on
my premises but he didn't know he was being cooperative.I
looked at the ten guards he had brought in.Beast only needed
five minutes to squash them with his bare hands.Talking about
Beast he growled walking into the room.He bowed at me and
looked at Xavier who tensed and clenched his jaws.
"Not so brave now are we?"I smirked at him.
I have been preoccupied with making Xavier shiver that I didn't
notice the drop dead gorgeous woman he had brought
along.My animosity with him was long forgotten now that my
eyes were mesmerized by the beautiful woman standing
besides Xavier.He had his hand snaked around her
waist.Territorial I see.Cool,message received.I took my perfect
time to drool on his bitch.I could feel Xavier's intense gaze on
me but like I said, I was a man with no morals.I would eye-fuck
your woman with you looking at me and there was nothing you
could do about it.I crossed all the boundaries and pushed
egoistic man like Xavier to the edge.The woman was wearing a
black dress with a plunging neckline that showed her
cleavage.Her medium sized boobs were perfect.I bet she had
beautiful tits too.Damn, I could pound on those.The long slit
showed her perfectly tanned leg.The dress hugged her curved
thick ass and a tiny waist perfectly.It left little to the
imagination.Fuck,she had a little bit of everything,fat and
muscle at the right places.My eyes landed on her face.Silver-
grey eyes stared back at me with the same intensity.Like what
you see?My gaze moved to her lips which were matted in a
deep red lipstick which complimented her perfectly golden skin
which reminded me of honey.Her face was perfectly contoured
and her head looked small buried in the dark curly hair.Man she
was a beauty.A real Latino goddess.
"Well,well,well.What do we have here?This must be the fiancé
right?" I slowly walked towards them and his dogs pointed their
toys at me, ready to shoot.I smirked and looked at Xavier who
nodded lightly at them and they moved back.I took the
woman's hand into mine and kissed it then chuckled looking at
the sparkling diamond ring.I was familiar with diamonds and
the one I was looking at here was worth millions.Xavier wanted
the whole world to know she was taken.Message received.
"Don't even think about it" He clenched his jaws.
I ignored his warning and looked at the lady."What should I call
this beautiful woman here?"
"Ingrid." Her voice was was soft and sweet.It would sound even
more better when she moans while I fuck her hard.
"Raphael.That's the name to shout when I'm balls deep." I
winked at her.It wasn't my imagination,I swear I saw a spark in
her silver-grey eyes.
I narrowed my eyes back at Xavier challenging him."Or what
will you do if I think about it?In fact I already did.I already
imagined myself buried balls deep inside her fat
pussy,pounding hard into her and with her legs on my
shoulders,screaming my name.So what you gonna do?You're in
my den Xavier and just one word you will be down and
dead.What makes you think that you have a sac and I will not
kill you?"
He chuckled and shook his head."Because we have the same
sickness in us Raphael.We have the same mutation.The craving
for violence and ways to make quick money.That's what it is
being a Rodriguez after all.We have the same blood flowing in
our veins,and for that reason you will not kill me.You know,I
was worried that there might not be no humanity left in you
Raphael and that you might have actually become the monster
you want to believe you're.You have been tormenting me for
years now but you had a lifetime and so many chances to kill
me but still here I am.I'm still alive and here you're, still
haunting me.And that my older brother, is your
humanity.Which makes you weak as a General.But when it
comes to me I don't give a fuck.We share the same blood but
I'm an Ivashk now.Killing you will do nothing to my conscience.I
will challenge you and kill you.Then the crozier will be in my
possession and I will take over the empire."
I chuckled and shook my head.What was this kid playing at
really? "You should know I love playing with my food before I
take the final cut.I can't torture a dead person.And just one
word Xavier,and your dogs outside will be dead.If you still
believe that a part of me still feels then your lady here will be
next.As for challenging me,you have been saying that for years
now.Why don't you send the word to the families then we will
be in the cage?"I looked at his bitch.
Xavier tensed and seemed shaken.I guess she wasn't just his
bitch."You wouldn't dare."
"Just one word and she will be dead.And that is my humanity."I
looked at Hunter who quickly took his gun out and pointed the
barrel at Ingrid.She looked too innocent to be in Xavier's arms.I
would really kill her if need be,just to prove a point.It would be
a waste of beauty though.She didn't look as terrified as I had
expected her to be instead she looked straight into my eyes as
if daring me to get Hunter to shoot her.
"Can we just have this lunch in peace without this much
drama.My two older brothers finally met after years.Can't we
have peace?"Reaper intervened.

"I HAVE BEEN INVITED for lunch and I'm taking you along with
me.Now you can go back to your room."
When he came back from Mexico he was horny.I had to open
my legs and let him have his way with me.I didn't have a life of
my own anymore.I lived only to please him.It was all about
him.The more days blended into each other turning into weeks
and months with this man,the more he treated me like
trash,the more agonizing it felt and the more I hated
him.Luckily Xavier didn't last long when he fucked
me.However,those mere five minutes,was the worst time of my
life.In the past things weren't like this though.He was very
affectionate and my needs were catered for.
Before I met him I had a dull social life.I moved from one foster
home to the other,so I didn't have time for myself or for
anyone else for that matter.As a result, relationships were the
last on my to-do list.I just wanted to live my life for me.I wanted
to achieve something that I could call my own because even the
surname wasn't mine.Ingrid Drucker.It just didn't sound right to
my ears.I wasn't a Drucker.When I got the degree I worked hard
for, the next thing on my list was getting a well paying job and
move to my own place.But then Xavier happened.He came out
of nowhere like a hiccup and disrupted my plans.
"I don't feel comfortable at your meetings Xavier.I would rather
stay behind." Not that he took me along every time,but
whenever he did it was uncomfortable because he treated me
like an escort not a fiancé.I didn't even matter.I was just an eye
candy he used as an instrument to his businesses.
"I fucking own your life Ingrid.You don't have the right to say no
to me.Stacy will be ready with your dress.You better wear it like
a good little bitch that you're or we will have problems.You are
part of my image.You will show those fools that I'm the only
one who will ever have you and not them.So you will do your
job and you will do it well.Now get out of my room."
"Urgh!You really need to get off your little power trip.Your
disgusting power play only makes you look like an asshole.Its
exhausting and its getting old."I gave him the middle finger and
walked out.
A few hours later Stacy brought the dress.It was more similar to
the one I was supposed to wear to the fight in Mexico but it
was more slutty.Wearing it I felt like I was naked.This was a
disgusting power play used by Xavier.He used me as an eye-
candy.He liked to show everyone what kind of women he could
have in his control.I frowned as my stylist did the final
touches,applying blush powder on my high cheekbones and
deep red lipstick on my plump lips.I looked at myself on the
mirror.The dress left little to the imagination.I already hated
the lunch before it began.I loathed the person who was going
to host it as well.I felt like a cheap prostitute especially with the
sky-high heels I was wearing.The heavy makeup and the slutty
dress with a plunging neckline didn't work in my favour
either.His business associates were going to eye-fuck me.The
were going to feed Xavier's already big ego.He wanted all the
man to lust while he show them that they can't have me.I never
thought he was this kind of a man.He showed me a different
side to him when he took me to all those dates.He was
different then.Very loving and affectionate.I guess I took the
bait and now I was trapped.
"You will just smile and nod.You don't talk to anyone.Hold on to
me,caress me and pretend the other men are your sisters.Are
we clear?" He narrowed his gaze.
"You're a psychopath Xavier.You need to get a mental
evaluation."I clicked my tongue.He was about to slap me but I
dodged it." You need me beautiful today."I said with my
eyebrow arched and he lowered his hand.
Seven black tinted and bulletproofed hammers were packed
outside.Xavier and I took the one in the middle.We were
guarded by at least 30 men.Whoever we were having lunch
with was equally dangerous if not worse.I was no stranger to
the fact that Xavier was a criminal.It wasn't easy to familiarise
myself with his line of work but what choice did I have.He was a
Mob boss and I just had to suck it up.I wasn't surprised if we
were meeting yet another Mafia.At first I thought he was some
powerful politician.Despite my instinct telling me otherwise I
chose to believe he wasn't shady.When I figured out the truth
about who he really was it was rather too late to run for the
hills.I was already a prisoner in his estate.
The drive to his acquaintance's place was a silent one.Xavier
kept on caressing my exposed thigh and I felt nothing but
disgust.After a three hours drive we arrived at the tall iron
gates with a huge seal on the center.There were two guards
standing there with guns and earpieces.After talking for a while
with Xavier's men the gate was opened for us.The beauty
beyond the iron gates left me mesmerized.The driveway was
long and it took us at least fifteen minutes to arrive to the huge
villa but it was worth it.The beauty of the landscape took my
breath away.On each side of the driveway there were lined up
pines and trimmed shrubs.The lawn was amazingly manicured
and decorated in different styles that it looked like a golf course
of some sort.There were lined up statues made of limestones.I
only identified one.The Greek sex god, Adonis.He was naked
and perfectly sculptured.On the circular driveway nearer to the
triple storey villa there was an enormous and beautiful water
fountain.It was made of ceramic tiles and surrounded too by
perfectly trimmed shrubs of different shades of green.The
white villa was much bigger than Xavier's.His looked three
times smaller comparing to what I was looking at.It was a piece
of amazing architecture.It was designed in Mediterranean style
with white marble pillars on the entrance.Its towers were
designed like castle domes.The wall was a beautiful stonework
decorated with white limestones.The owner of this place was
indeed very wealthy.There were men wearing blacksuits and
holding guns all over the yard and on the rooftop as well.That
was a confirmation to my suspicions.Another crime-lord if not
worse.The huge silver steel double door opened after one of
the men placed his hand on the fingerprint scanner pad.When
we walked in I was even more mesmerized. For a moment I
thought I had walked into an opera.The Mediterranean bright
colors of the artwork and the oil paintings in the huge lounge
hall matched the window panels.The light of the huge crystal
chandelier illuminated the works at the perfect brightness.On
the entryway of the double staircase stood two other Greek
gods statues.Everything blew me away.
They were three guys in the lounge.Surprisingly one of them
looked like a younger version of Xavier's.He had the same facial
features.Sea-green eyes,perfectly chiselled jawline,jet black
hair,bronze skin and all that hotness.
"You made it here alive congratulations.We missed you Xav."
The mocking remark came from the guy who looked a lot like
"Whatever Roberto its not like you can do anything to me
anyway?" Xavier shot back with so much cockiness in his voice
that I even rolled my eyes.The tension in the room was
high.Everyone went dead quiet and looked like they were afraid
of breathing.I hadn't seen the room become tense for anyone
in my life.Even when the President of United States appeared
on TV people weren't this rigid.I felt Xavier flinch and his eyes
darted to the staircase.Following his gaze,I stopped breathing.
In a black suit that looked like his second skin,a man bearing
broad shoulders descended the stairs carrying so much
authority.His presence affected every inch of the room,filling
the air with his endless power and potent authority.He was
threatening even without saying a word.From where I was
standing I could feel the air around him.It was intense,dark and
brooding.When he walked elegantly with power towards us my
heart started to beat so fast that I could barely hear what they
were saying.Instead my eyes were hypnotized by the beautiful
creature in front of me.He was gorgeous.Damn gorgeous.He
had beautiful bronze skin, sea green eyes that looked like a pair
of emeralds complementing his skin tone perfectly.He had the
jet black hair just like Xavier's.His was perfectly trimmed and
styled like the classic Englishmen in the late 80's.His jawline was
the sexiest feature,perfectly chiselled.He had a perfect rigged
frame.His neck muscles were tight accompanied by broad
shoulders.He was tall probably six-foot-four.In my heels I could
only reach up to his chest.He was beautiful,but damn,he was
terrifying.What confused me however was why he looked so
much like Xavier.He was the older version of Xavier's.Then it
dawned on me that I never met Xavier's relatives at all.The
bastard said he didn't have any family.Were they related?Did
this mean..?
Wait no
This bastard lied?!
When he took my hand into his I got back from the world I was
lost in.The simple contact made me feel a lot of things at
once.Something I never thought I would feel for any other man
than Xavier.He kissed it gently and looked at me with a cocky
smile.This man was dangerous and cunning.I felt it.Behind that
beautiful mask was a dangerous creature.He looked at me
intensely.Even though he had beautiful eyes they were cold and
empty.Xavier didn't move,he was frozen in place.He was even
more unsettled than I was.His forehead had a sheen of sweat.I
used to think Xavier was very dangerous but the man I was
staring back at right here was the devil's incarnate.I didn't need
to be told.I could feel it.
"What should I call this beautiful woman here?" His deep
masculine voice echoed in the room.It carried so much
authority and power.
"Ingrid." I said and Xavier tensed.
"Raphael.That's the name to shout when I'm balls deep." He
said with a wink.And again I stopped breathing.If I wasn't
covered in layers of foundation.I was going to have two tomato
brands on my cheekbones.He was a flirt and it annoyed Xavier.I
actually never thought anyone could make Xavier sweat.
"Or what will you do if I think about it?In fact I already did.I
already imagined myself buried balls deep inside her fat
pussy,pounding hard into her and with her legs on my
shoulders,screaming my name.So what you gonna do?You're in
my den Xavier and just one word you will be down and
dead.What makes you think that you have a sac and I will not
kill you?"The bluntness and the ego shocked me.Did he just
said he imagined fucking me?Gosh,I felt way too warm for my
Wealthy,handsome and arrogant.He was a criminal.I wasn't
surprised but what was said next left my jaws on the
floor.Xavier,Roberto and Raphael,were brothers!!!He told me
he didn't have a family.He said he was an orphan and just on
his own.Realisation dawned on me,I didn't know the man I was
engaged to.The man I have been in love with.This man was a
lying,two-faced asshole.My heart thumbed louder as they
continued to talk.I couldn't hear them until Xavier led us to the
dining hall.I looked at Xavier and I removed his hand from my
waist.I didn't know who this stranger was.He frowned, clearly
not liking my gesture but nothing mattered at that moment.I
was angry.The servants and chefs came serving us but now I
was least interested in the food.After the revelations I lost the
tiny bit of appetite that I had.Across the table Raphael was
looking at me clearly eye-fucking me with no shame at
all.Xavier was tense.Everyone else was except for Raphael.It
was clear the other men were waiting for either of them to
snap but Raphael was the least bothered.He was enjoying
making Xavier tense and stiff.Thank fuck for that.Raphael
brought his lips to the wine glass,took a sip and licked his lips
staring at me.My body and mind no longer felt like my own
anymore.I was too warm and wet for my liking.He looked at
Xavier with a smirk and I knew what was to come.Honestly I
was enjoying Xavier being all tensed and shaken up like this.
"You lucked out Xavier.She is one hell of a beauty." Raphael
said smirking and taunting Xavier.In response Xavier ignored
the compliment but he was annoyed as hell.His power play
didn't work around here.Instead it backfired.And why the hell
did he accept the invitation in the first place?
"The sex good?I can introduce you to my headboard"His gaze
was directed to me and it made me grew uncomfortable.This
man was a pig!But a hot and sexy one.
"That's it Raphael! Now you're crossing the line." Xavier
slammed the table making me startle but everyone else
remained calm.Raphael was enjoying it even.
"You seem to forget I'm the man with no morals.I break every
rule in the book.And I'm not afraid of crossing any line.Including
this one."He chuckled and the men on the table continued
eating.Ignoring the two.
"You wouldn't dare.I will kill you Raphael." Xavier threatened.
The threat meant nothing to Raphael."You got nothing on me
Xav.And trust me little bro I'm going to. fuck. your. whore.
right. under. your. nose."Raphael emphasized each word.It
made me angry that he thought I was a whore.I was upset that
in his eyes I was some worthless woman with no morals.
In a matter of seconds guns were drawn out.Raphael and Xavier
were pointing their barrels at each other.Raphael no longer had
the cocky look on his face but he was looking like a beast ready
for a kill.He switched just like that?The fact that they were
about to shoot each other didn't faze me at all.I wasn't scared
not even when a gun was pointed at me earlier.Living with
Xavier for nearly two years now got me used to this.I had
experienced traumatic things that could last me a
lifetime.Xavier was ruthless.He tortured and killed his men in
my presence.It was his way of installing fear in me and it
worked at first but then it become a normal yet uncomfortable
thing to witness.
"Please pass me the ketchup."I said to one of the man who was
sitting next to Roberto,the youngest brother.The man looked
scary with scars all over his face.He was the type that could
scare the children away.They all looked surprised.Were they
expecting me to shit in my pants and what not?They had to
know better.I was Xavier's fiancé and of course I was exposed
to this life.The scarred man gave me the ketchup and I
concentrated on my meal.Suddenly I had an appetite.
"First it was my fucking wife and now you're eyeing my
fiancé.Don't you get tired Raphael?" Xavier shouted.Say what
now?When I thought I had heard it all,the pandora box kept
opening.This dude had a wife?Like a whole human being
wearing a ring?
Raphael chuckled."The wife wanted a piece of me.But as for
you whore there,well I want a piece of that."He was a
shameless man.A handsome one.I was already upset that I
found him attractive.Calling me a whore only fueled my anger.
I slammed the bottle of ketchup on the table.All eyes were on
me."Raphael I'm not a whore and even if I was,I still have a
name.I .N. G. R. I. D.That is my name.Stop calling me a whore I
don't like it and I won't tolerate that bullshit from you or
anyone else."I said through gritted teeth.My mouth wasn't
censored even though I knew that I was at his mercy.I was in
the same building with cold and heartless criminals.Raphael
seemed to be the most deviant in the place but it didn't mean
he had the right to call me whatever he wanted.At the end of
the day I was human and I deserved some respect.Raphael's
mouth fell open and all the men on the table had amused
expressions on their faces.He had the upper hand yes, but I
would still tell him where to get off.
Xavier's voice echoed in the room breaking the silence."Raphael
stay away from me and my woman.Don't force my hand.You
had Caitlyn killed because she couldn't leave me for you.You
don't deserve to be loved you bastard and no one will ever love
the monster that you're.And that is why you're bitter.Stay the
fuck away from my fiancé.And keep your disgusting eyes to
Raphael pinched his nose in frustration.
"Excuse me."I stood up.I needed some air.Knowing that Xavier
had a wife was a heavy blow on my face.I needed to digest the
revelation.Xavier roughly grabbed my hand.
"Leave my fucking hand you asshole." I hissed but he tightened
his grip.
Raphael flinched looking at Xavier's hand."You don't fucking
manhandle a woman in my presence Xavier.Let her go.She
needs some air."What now?Double standards.He calls me a
whore but reprimands another person for misbehaving.
"You're not the boss of me.You don't tell me what to do."Xavier
shot back.
Raphael chuckled and clenched his jaws."You're a pussy
Xav.You want to show your so called power to a defenseless
woman.Why don't you face me like a man that you claim you're
huh?Let her go and stop fucking manhandling her.Have a man
to man with me."
"You and I are peas in the pod.You killed my wife and you think
that makes you a better man than I am.If anything I'm far much
better than you're." Xavier tightened his grip on me and I
winced in pain.
"Ohh come on.You're still hung up on that bitch.She didn't love
you.If she did then how did she find a way to my bed huh?She
wanted me.I fucked her and guess what?She was good.When
you fucked her you thought she was wet for you?She was
fucking wet for me idiot.You fucked your way through my
cum.But then she crossed me and I got her killed.Anyone who
crosses me meets the same fate so there was no exception for
I didn't know who was worse between the two.Both were
ruthless and evil.They were blinded by power and money that
they had stopped acting like humans.
"She was pregnant with my fucking baby." There was pain in
Xavier's voice.
"Well tough." Raphael shrugged.I felt my heart shattering into a
million pieces. Xavier was not my favourite person anymore but
my heart broke for him.From his tone you could easily tell how
hurt he was.Raphael showed no remorse.He even had a smirk
on his face like this whole thing was a joke.If Xavier's wife was
really pregnant then the child didn't deserved to be
killed.Raphael was a cold and ruthless man.I had only been in
his place for a short time but I could tell that behind that
handsome face was a devil with horns.I thought Xavier was evil
but Raphael was on some whole new level.
"Now let the girl go and talk to me since I'm the one who you
have a personal vendetta with.You think you're man but you're
a fucking coward." Raphael's voice boomed in the room.When
Xavier didn't flinch.Raphael nodded to the scarred guy.Within a
blink he was besides Xavier glaring at him with his monster
face.I felt Xavier's grip tighten again but this time not because
of anger, it was as a result of fear.The guy growled without
saying a word and slowly Xavier loosened his grip.
I walked out immediately with Xavier's men on my tail.I went to
a large patio seating arrangement that was besides a huge pool
with several naked girls splashing around.This was Raphael's
place so they were probably his whores.I wouldn't put it past
him.He was a rich man,wealthier than Xavier even, so he could
get whoever he wanted at any time.My stomach tied in knots
and my chest tightened.Why was I feeling like this?Brushing the
sudden foreign feeling off I passed them ignoring their nasty
remarks.I sat at the patio area hidden from sun by a thick
overhang.I felt free and relaxed allowing my mind to wander
off.Sudden realization came crushing down on me.It occurred
to me that I was going to be married to a man that I didn't even
know.Of course I didn't want this marriage anymore nor did I
want anything related to Xavier but I had no escape.He was a
bloody powerful man and even if I was to try to escape it was
going to result in me getting killed or getting tortured.It was
either that or be married to a bloody ruthless,cold,unlovable
man.There was no good ending for me.Could Raphael perhaps
save me out of this mess?He appeared to be the one who could
get to Xavier and make him shake?I quickly pushed that
thought far away.Raphael was too dangerous,ruthless and evil.I
was not about to take chances with a stranger.It was better to
be stuck with the devil I knew.Men like Raphael weren't the
type to play good Samaritans.
"You're playing with fire baby.Don't poke the beast or you
won't be able to tame it."I opened my eyes and met a smiling
Roberto holding a glass of cocktail."Something to cool you
off."Xavier's men tried to protest.They didn't want him close to
me but he just gave them one look and they backed the fuck
"Thank you Roberto.What did you mean about playing with
fire?"I asked taking the glass from him.He seemed to be the
more stable and less terrifying among all the men I had met in
the house.
He sat down."Its been long since anyone had called me
Roberto.It even sounds strange to my ears now."He chose to
ignore the question and I didn't push any further.
I sipped on the cocktail and looked at him."So what do they call
you?"I looked at the contents in the glass."This cocktail is
good.Berries and oaks are doing the magic.And its richly
fermented.What else is in here?"
"They call me Reaper around here.As for the cocktail its my
secret mix.Something that I learnt to impress the ladies.Being
able to mix the right ingredients and coming out with a
delicious juice."He winked.It sounded sexual.People here had
no shame at all.
"That's sounds dirty." I smiled taking another sip.
"I know and that was my intention to make it sound dirty.So
why him?Why Xavier?"Roberto asked.
"He was a good man." I sipped on the cocktail.
"There is nothing good in Rodriguez men." He chuckled.
"Rodriguez? Aren't you guys Ivashk." I asked.
"No.Xavier swore his loyalty to the Russians that is why he is
now an Ivashk." He explained.
"Ohh okay." I nodded.I was not interested in their family feud.
He looked at me sternly."So how long have you guys been
"Nearly two years now.And I have been a prisoner since." The
last part came as a whisper but he heard me.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.
I smiled and played dumb."What are you talking about?"
He chuckled shaking his head."You know what?I like you even

"XAVIER IS OUR BLOOD RAPHAEL.When are you two going to

stop hating each other and making each other's lives
miserable?" Reaper complained.
"Point of correction.I make his life miserable not the other way
round.I can't torture a dead person now can I?For people like
us death is too merciful.People assume death to be the worst
punishment but they are wrong.Death is actually an ultimate
rest for us.Only the healthy and the safe ones fear death but we
don't.So I will continue to torment him and torture him until it
stops exciting me.Once I have everything I want including his
balls in my hands.Maybe then I will consider killing him."
I decided to handle this shit calmly.If I were to engage into a
fight with Reaper I would hurt him.Xavier had started a fight
with me earlier before he left and the bastard left with a
bruised face.I had remained calm and eye-fucked his fiancé
during lunch just to annoy him.The second he got angry,he
lost.I always outsmarted him before he realized his lack of
cleverness.I wanted him to snap and lose his cool.And he did.
"Raphael the person you're talking about is our brother.He is
our blood!"He slammed the table.This little fucker was losing it
too but I didn't want to break his bones.Shooting him on the
ass was enough.I took out my gun and placed it on the table
with my gaze narrowed.He got the message and slowly leaned
on his chair looking down.
"Watch your tone when you talk to me.Remember I'm your
General.Am I clear?"
He nodded."Crystal clear.But right now I want to talk to
Raphael my brother not to the General my leader."
"Xavier ceased to be our brother the moment he took over the
Ivashk surname.The moment he sworn his loyalty to the fucking
Russians he stopped being one of our own.You and I know that
in our world loyalty matters more than being bloodily
related.Blood makes us related but loyalty makes us family.He
is no longer one of us.He made his choice."
I stared at the amber liquid in front of me.Gulping it down it
calmed me and I clenched my jaws feeling the burning
sensation.I had no heart but just a stomach filled with
scotch.Thats what my life was all about anyway.Adrenaline,
alcohol,bullets and bitches.
"You pushed him to make that choice Raph.You killed
Caitlyn.We all know how much he loved her." He tried so hard
to remain calm.
"That's why I always say the moment you feel is the moment
you lose.Xavier's first mistake was falling in love.And the
second mistake was falling for our biggest enemy's
daughter.We might work with the Russians but it doesn't mean
we are friends.Xavier knew that but he further shamed our
family by marrying her despite our disapproval.Marrying into
that family was disrespectful to our name because he forced us
to be related to our enemy.Caitlyn brainwashed him and just
after a few years of them being together he wanted to be an
Ivashk.He started siding with the Russians and working with
them.He shared with them our highly classified secrets that
they almost ruined our empire.Have you forgotten that time
when the Ivashk's and Vellutini's joined forces against us?Are
you forgetting I'm the one who worked so damn hard for the
throne to remain in the Rodriguez family?Xavier and Caitlyn
were on the Russians' side so one of them had to be taught a
lesson.I got Caitlyn killed yes but Xavier used Caitlyn's death as
an excuse to push his own agenda.He long wanted to be with
the Russians because after being brainwashed by Caitlyn, he
thought there were more powerful than us.And that bitch
made him believe he would be chosen as the candidate by the
Russians.Your so called brother fell for it because Xavier is
ambitious.He always wanted to be the fucking General but with
me involved he knew he didn't stand a chance.You heard him
earlier.He is still fucking delusional.He thinks he can challenge
me.I did so much to protect the title,the crozier and the throne
for our family.I will continue doing so.Even if it makes me the
bad guy I don't fucking care.I actually enjoy being the villain.We
are not gonna talk about this issue again.If you want to be on
Xavier's side then be my guest.To me loyalty matters more.I
won't even fucking care that we are of the same blood.The
moment you turn your back on me, offering your loyalty to
someone else, we will automatically become sworn enemies.So
if you wanna be an Ivashk too, there is the door Reaper."I
nodded to the door and he sighed.
"I love you bro and I love this family.I would never do that to
"First of all you sound homo and secondly I don't need your
love.Fuck love.I need your loyalty because I know you will
always have my best interest at heart.You can hurt someone
and say you're doing it because you love them.Heck, you can
even love your dog but you can't be loyal to your dog.So before
you love me Reaper, be loyal to me first."
"You have my loyalty." He stood up and poured more scotch for
"I know." We drank the shots.
He arched his eyebrow and I knew what was coming next."And
I hope you won't make the same mistake Xavier did."
I chuckled and shook my head."Do you think I'm capable of
loving someone?First of all what the hell is love?"
He looked at me blankly."Never say never bro."There was a
heartbeat of silence."So,Ingrid?"
My mind wandered off to the dark curls beauty.The moment I
laid my eyes on her I knew I wanted her in my bed.I wished she
were a whore.I would pay any price to fuck her.The fact that
she was engaged to Xavier didn't faze me.Rings and vows
meant nothing to me.I have slept with married women
before.It wasn't my fault if they preferred me over their boring
husbands,fiancés or boyfriends.Xavier's fiancé was no
exception. And it would be killing two birds with one stone.I
would get what I want and disrespect Xavier in his own
premises.Of course I would make sure he finds out.What an
interesting way to provoke him.During lunch her eyes
continued shifting to my direction.They would move to my
face,my neck and my chest.When I caught her staring she
looked away but after a few minutes her eyes would shift back
to me again.
I took that as an invitation.
She sparked my interest even more when she told me where to
get off.She didn't shy away from telling a man twice her size on
his bullshit.No one dared to stood up against me the way she
did.It was clear I could kill them if I wanted to.They were at my
mercy but still she had the courage to put me in my place.Heck,
she even addressed me as Raphael not General which in our
world could have gotten her killed.Her silver-grey eyes sparked
when she was furious making it more arousal for me.I was
fucking turned on.
"I'm going to fuck her." I smirked and Reaper shook his
head.Once I fuck a woman my interest always depletes the
time I release.I was interested in Ingrid and I knew to get her
out of my system I had to get what I wanted.And whenever I
start pursuing on my interest.I would never stop till I get what I
"Leave the girl alone Raph.Already she is kept a prisoner by
Xavier.With the stunt you pulled today she is probably in hot
soup.Xavier is going to vent out on her.She can't deal with
Xavier and you as well.Leave her alone."He shook his head.
"Why do you care?Besides,if she doesn't want me then I will
not bother her.But if she does then I'm not gonna stop.Xavier
doesn't love her so she is probably very unhappy in that
mansion.I will be the breathe of fresh air that she needs."I
winked at Reaper.
"He imprisoned her.After they got engaged she never had her
freedom back.There must be a reason why he wants to marry
her and love is not it.He doesn't love her.So why her?" Reaper
furrowed his forehead thinking.
My insider had already informed me about Xavier being
engaged just a year after Caitlyn died.It didn't make any
sense.At first I thought he got engaged to this woman just to
forget Caitlyn.But knowing Xav he loved that bitch to the moon
and back.It wasn't easy getting over her just like that.So I
started to suspect that they might have been another reason
why he imprisoned that woman in his mansion.The bastard
always did something with an agenda.He always had a reason
behind each and every one of his actions.I had the resources
and power to find out who this Ingrid was if I wanted to.I could
easily figure out why Xavier was interested in her and kept her
a prisoner in his estate.But it wasn't the time to pry.At the
moment I just wanted to fuck her.The rest was to come later.I
had so much shit to worry about.I wouldn't involve myself in
something new,especially a woman.Besides if she wanted me
as much as I did, she was going to come in handy in the
future.She was the closest thing Xavier had to a family and I
was going to use that to my advantage.Xavier was an emotional
fool.And with Ingrid's innocence,feistiness and beauty she
would easily get him to love her.She just didn't know it.I
needed her cooperation to bring the bastard down without
starting a war.And she was going to provide the information
about Xavier that I needed.An immoral power play, I
know.Fucking her too was going to bruise his ego.Xavier valued
his bitches the most.He actually thought he was powerful by
having pretty women.I would fuck her and make sure he finds
out.He would be stripped bare of his pride and ego.
"Of course Xav does everything with a motive." I admitted.
"Do you have a plan on finding out what the motive is?"He
I had a plan but I wasn't going to tell him.I didn't plan and
tell.That is how I managed to outsmart my opponents.My men
only waited for my order when the plan was already in
motion.Also I couldn't trust Reaper especially when he was
using his heart to think.Xavier knew very well that Reaper had a
heart so he would use that to his advantage.Spoiling my whole
"I don't have a plan because if I have one he will figure it out.So
for now I will just focus on fucking the fiancé.I have a lot of shit
to deal with right now than to pry on Xav's ass."
"I like her.She put you in your place earlier.Something all of us
failed to do.She is fucking courageous.I was so shocked that she
had the balls to tell you that she doesn't like being called a
whore.Hats off to her."He chuckled shaking his head.
"And that only makes me want her even more.I want to fuck
her into submission.Call Carlos for me"He bowed lightly and
walked out.A few minutes later he was back with Carlos.
"General." He bowed.
"Carlos I want you to do something for me."
"Anything for you General." He said
"Good.Can you create a loop on a CCTV footage for me from a
far range.Like a few meters away?"
"I can try but I'm not sure.I will have to get inside to the control
room if you want me to create a loophole on the
footage."Taking a step back I sat on my table crossing my arms
over my chest and nodding to what Carlos was explaining
"Are we going on a mission General?" He loved the adrenaline
rush.The hunt was always thrilling but unfortunately we
weren't going for a kill.I just wanted to get into Xavier's
premises.I wanted to grace his fiancé with my presence.My
insider told me that they slept in separate rooms.It was going
to make everything so much easier for me.
"Unfortunately no.I just want to pay Xavier a visit.His fiancé to
be specific.Sneaking around is always thrilling."I winked at him
and he chuckled shaking his head.
"Thrilling it is.But if you want me to create homographs or
loopholes on the footage for you I will have to get into his
control room.Which means I will have to engage with his men."
"Don't worry about that.I have someone to do the job from the
inside.You will just have to keep in touch.You can go now.I will
call you when I need you." He bowed and walked out.We could
burst the cameras but I didn't want to engage and completely
ambush Xavier's estate.I was taking baby steps.


I paced around in my office,my mind filled with Ingrid. She was

all I could think of the past two days.Jerking off to the image of
her thick thighs the past night only sparked my interest further
and now I wanted to know her even more.I didn't even want
anyone else,I only wanted her.No woman stayed in my head for
more than a day and I never jerked off to an image of
one.Heck,when last did I masturbate? I could get any bitch that
I wanted so this was new.Ingrid broke records.She was trapped
in my head and I knew to get her out I had to have my way with
her.Once I sleep with a woman I was interested in,my interest
would wear off as soon as I climax.I would move to the other
the next day.The cycle continued endlessly.But Ingrid was
trapped in my mind and I haven't even fucked her
yet.Something had to be done.And fast.
My door opened and I knew who it was.Only one person dared
to badge in without my permission.Reaper."So you're serious
about provoking Xavier using his fiancé?" He crossed his hands
over his chest.Because he was my second in command he
thought he had grown some balls.
"Yes.You have a problem with that?" I arched my eyebrow.
"Just stop provoking him Raph.We have more serious things to
worry about
like our fighters getting killed at the rings."
"That is why you're my second in command.Buy other fighters
and even if it means buying from the Russians or Italians that's
okay.The killers ain't loyal to them anyway.Next time know
your place and don't just badge in my office like you own the
"What are you planning Raphael?" He asked.
"Why do you think I'm planning something?"I asked after I
poured some whiskey in two glasses.Reaper took one and
sipped slowly looking at me.
"She is Xavier's fiancé.She is very hot,feisty and sassy.You asked
Carlos two days ago if he can create a loophole on a CCTV
footage for you.That sounds like a plan to me."He shook his
I glared at him.If it was someone else they could have been on
the ground wincing in pain.But he was my second in
command.And he was my little brother."This is none of your
business Reaper.Do as you're told and stop asking questions." I
responded harshly and he shook his head walking out.
I took out my cellphone and dialed. "Carlos in my office now."



asshole will not either." Xavier slammed into me and I winced
in pain.It was very uncomfortable but he didn't care.As long as
his needs were met then nothing else mattered.He continued
thrusting into my asshole and I clenched my jaws trying so
much not to scream because that would feed the monster in
him even more.When I couldn't take more pain I pushed him
off me and got off the bed.
I lost it."You wanna show me how much of a man you're when
you failed to stand up to your brother.You're a pathetic piece of
"What did you just say?" He narrowed his gaze and but I didn't
flinch.I knew what was coming next.He was slowly walking
towards me with his fists tightened.He gave me a slap and then
he started kicking me.
When we got back from Raphael's estate I was boiling with
anger and now I had just exploded.I was grateful though that
Raphael managed to shake him a little bit and bruised his
face.The previous night he didn't touch me nor did he talk to
me.He just went to his torturing chambers and vent out his
frustrations.Torturing his men.He didn't have time to terrorize
me and I was happy.That night I was restless,in a good way.For
the first time in a long time I had a different dream that night
and I had Raphael to thank for that.Instead of the night
terros,Raphael occupied my dreams instead.I woke up wet and
throbbing between my legs.I had a dream about him doing
something to me.Sexual stuff occupied my dreams that night.It
was something I had never thought of.I couldn't believe that I
had a wet dream which involved Raphael.I managed to push off
that disturbing memory out of my head.When Xavier asked me
to his bedroom with a briefcase.I knew what was coming.The
briefcase was packed with ropes,cuffs,whips and what not.I
tried to enjoy it as much as possible since he was going to be
the man I would be stuck with possibly for the rest of my
life.Sadly it was impossible to enjoy the sex when I no longer
felt attracted to him anymore nor did I like being chained to the
bed like an animal.Something had to be done to make this
enjoyable.I tried so hard to stop myself from imagining.I was
even ashamed of what I was thinking while Xavier was
slamming in and out of me.How could I behave in such a vulgar
manner?I gave myself enough reasons to not think about him
but it turned out my body had a mind of its own.Xavier's face
didn't work in my favour either.They looked pretty much
alike.So I couldn't stop my imagination.I pictured that muscular
man on top of me.I visualized his tight veined body on me and I
imagined him thrusting in me.I grew more wetter,for the first
time in a long time.However my mind wasn't that strong
enough to convince my body.I couldn't convince myself enough
with that fantasy so my climax was weak.But I was happy Xavier
didn't last long though because it took everything in me to
reach that climax.Fantasizing about Raphael.
My happiness did not last long because he was horny again the
next day and asked me to his room.He probably thought I had
enjoyed him the previous day.He started working on my
asshole.It was uncomfortable.I couldn't take the pain anymore
no matter how strong I tried to be.I couldn't even imagine
about Raphael either.
"That will be the last time you lay your hands on me.It's going
to get nasty very soon.I have had it with you, up here." I gave
him a middle finger and stood up from the floor.He wanted to
break me but he only made me stronger.When he first laid his
hands on me I cried like a child.It went on and on,then I knew I
had to be strong.I had to learn to stand up for myself.One of
these days I was going to show him the woman he had created
in me.
"Whatchu gonna do huh?Challenge me?Don't make me laugh."
He said throwing my dress to me.I left him on the phone
discussing about his travelling arrangements.Fucking coward!


Stacy applied medicine to my bruises and the bastard didn't

didn't touch my face.When he left for France I took that as an
opportunity to feed on every greasy and flesh in the fridge.I had
a four course meal and Stacy had made it for me.It was a
harmless betrayal.I ate everything.I wasn't going to be one of
those anorexia bitches.Never.I was naturally thick so he had to
get used to it.After the meal I went to lay by the pool in my
swimsuit.My mind wandered off.Back to Raphael again.A deep
feeling inside of me sensed that he wasn't the type that played
by the normal rules.Before we left his estate he glared at
me.That look was dark and promising.He wasn't done with me
yet.He wasn't even started.He was the most dangerous
creature I have ever met. I tried to force the thoughts out of my
head but it seemed Raphael was who I needed to think about
to get through with my boring day.Get yourself together
Ingie!My inner voice warned.
After another boring and lonely dinner I made my way to my
room.Sometimes I feared for my life whenever Xavier left me
with his men.They were ruthless and clearly eye-fucked me.So I
locked my door.The irony of it, they were assigned to protect
me but I didn't feel safe around them.My eyes closed the
moment my head hit the pillow and I didn't even take the
sleeping pills.
....When I next opened my eyes it was almost dawn and I
seemed to be on a different bed.I was covered with red silk
"You're awake beautiful." A deep voice echoed in my ears and I
felt a warm breathe on my neck.I growled and turned my head
sleepily and what I saw took my breathe away.I was met by
beautiful green eyes.Emeralds.He was gorgeous.Gloriously
naked,and in my bed.
"Raphael.How did you get in here?"
He smirked revealing his perfect set of teeth.A smirk that
turned my most tender place hot.I glanced down at myself and
realized I was naked as well.My breathing quickened as he slid
his big callused hand between my trembling thighs and inching
them closer to where it was burning the most.
"I'm your fantasy.And you will surrender to me.You will do it
"No leave me alone.How did you even get in anyway?I will
never surrender to you."
"And I'm here to prove you wrong." He bent his head and
sucked my nipple.The moist heat of his mouth made me arch
my back and moan.
"Ohh Raphael."I couldn't think.Not with his fingers sliding in
and out of my moist and tender flesh.Pleasuring me with
unimaginable delight.
"I'm hungry."He growled.
"Then eat." I moaned.He shifted lower.His perfectly chiselled
body sliding over me.Then I was soothed with the sudden
tenderness of his tongue on my wet clits.
"Yes Raphael ohhh....yes.." I moaned throwing my head back
and surrendering gladly to him.....
I blinked awake feeling myself throbbing and wet.I had yet
another wet dream.Sleepily I sat on the bed with my eyes trying
to adjust to the light.I panicked when I realised someone
turned on the lights.I normally switched them off when going to
bed.I felt a heavy presence in my room.Turning my head to the
right,I stopped breathing. Raphael!!!He was in my room with a
smirk plastered on his face.He was sitting on the couch beside
my bed.His left ankle was on top of his right knee.He was
holding a remote that he used to switch on the lights.And this
time around it wasn't a dream.I froze on spot not knowing what
to do next.
"What the hell are you doing in here?And how the hell did you
get in here?" It came as a whisper because for a moment I had
lost my ability to speak.Its like I was under an enchantment
because I couldn't move.My eyes wondered around looking for
something to defend myself with,incase he tries something
funny.Yes I was hot for him and I had sexual dreams about him
but at the end of the day he was a criminal.Worse than Xav.God
knows what he was capable of.His gaze was intensely focused
on my body.I glanced down following his gaze.I was wearing a
short silky black nightgown.Taking the bed sheet I covered
myself glaring at him and he chuckled shaking his head.Those
emeralds were mesmerizing but carried so much coldness that I
thought of the worst.Was he here to rape me?How the hell did
he get in? I wanted to scream but I saw his gun tucked into the
front of his formal pants so I had to think of something else.My
eyes went to the door.I had to move like Flash here if I wanted
to make it out alive,but I wasn't that super mutant.I looked at
the flower vase on the cupboards it was too far, by the time I
try to reach to it I will be down and dead.While I was thinking of
an escape plan he was just staring at me and studying my
movements.Plan B was the only way out for me here.I had to
make it to the door and if I manage to open it Xav's men will
run in and he will be outnumbered.Without thinking twice I
jumped off to the bed and ran to the door.But he moved like a
snake.He was so fast that before I got the chance to turn the
doorknob he had me pinned against the wall.He held both my
arms tightly above my head.
"Feisty huh.A sure sign you didn't get enough sleep.Busy
dreaming about me." He said with mockery clear in his voice.I
probably moaned.Dammit!
I winced because he was holding my wrists too tight.I had
bruises from the handcuffs."He fucking did this to you?!"He
"Does it matter?Let go of me."Since plan B failed I had to go
back to plan A.He was stronger than me but if I scream Xavier's
men would come to my rescue.I opened my mouth to scream
but before I could, he pressed his lips against mine.He gently bit
my lower lip demanding entrance.I involuntarily parted my lips
and he took that as an invitation.I became all warm and wet
again.He kissed me slow and gentle but it picked up speed as
our kiss continued.Neither of us wanted it to end.I gripped his
biceps that were hugged tightly by his suit jacket and
moaned.My breathe came out shaky and soft and his lips
trembled against mine.Spontaneously he gave me his tongue
and I gave him mine.Lips parted and merged.Our tongue
twisted and danced.The chemistry between us was too strong
and undeniable.When I felt his hand inching closer to my inner
thighs,a voice started chanting at the back of my
head.Whatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoing, it
sounded like some hoodoo mantra.When the realisation of
what I was doing dawned on me, I bit him very hard instead
and he winced removing his lips from me.While he was
focusing on his painful lips I kicked him where it hurts the most
and he groaned.He loosened his grip on my arms.Using all my
strength I pushed him off then ran for the flower vase.I grabbed
it with both hands.Using all my power I hit him upside the head
shattering the vase on impact.He fell on the floor the broken
pieces surrounding him.
"Fuck." He cussed holding his head and his groin area.I moved
quickly snatched the gun that was tucked into his pants.
I pointed it at him with shaking hands."What the hell do you
want?How did you get in here?"It came out as a whisper
because of how shaken I was.
"We had a good thing going.Fuck yea.You're fucking mine."He
chuckled removing the pieces of the broken vase from his
jacket.He was bleeding from the head but he didn't seem to
mind.He was even smiling like this whole thing was a joke.
"What the hell do you want huh?Talk before I shoot.What the
hell do you want?" My voice was trembling.I was shaking like
hell with my heart pounding hard against my chest.I had never
used a gun before and this shit was heavy,but for some funny
reason holding a gun felt familiar.He smirked shaking his
bleeding head.Slowly he started moving towards me and I
moved backwards.
"Stop or I will shoot." I threatened but he didn't stop until he
corned me back at the wall.
"You look sexy as hell right now." He said slowly taking the gun
off my hands."And if you wanna shoot me babe, you have to
turn off the safety first."
Now that I didn't have any weapon to defend myself with I was
scared of what he was going to do to me next.To my surprise he
moved a step backwards with a proud grin on his face.He
looked at me up and down.I did a breathing exercise with my
back on the wall.My eyes darted to the lamb.
"Whoa, whoa I'm not gonna hurt you ok.No more hitting me
with flower vases or whatever you're thinking of using in your
pretty little head.I want you.I want to fuck you."I saw this
coming but I was surprised as to how my body reacted to his
words.I felt a tinkling sensation between my legs.Now my fear
was replaced with anger.I was angry that he saw me as nothing
but a whore he wanted to fuck to settle scores with his
brother.I was even more angry because of how my body was
reacting to his words.I never knew anger and lust could co-exist
like that but there was something addictive about that
combination.I was angry and turned on at the same time.He
had a triumphant smirk on his face.It was sexy as hell.I tried not
to give in to my lustful nature.I reminded myself that this devil
was worse than the one I was used to.I wasn't falling for
whatever enchantment he was trying to cast on me.
"And I don't.Now get the fuck out."I cussed.
He slowly walked towards me again.I stopped breathing."Next
time don't kick my dick.You still want it in good shape."He
moved the cold metal on my cleavage.His other hand inched to
my burning and wet pussy and I lost the strength to stop
him.When he thrust in his callused finger I gasped for air.My
breathe quickened.I shivered in the addictive combination of
anger and lust.It was so mixed that I didn't know which was it
that I exactly felt.He played with my clits and took out his finger
which glistened with my wetness.
"Yep, you want me to fuck you.There is a lot where this comes
from." He licked his fingers with a smirk.
"This little escapade we just had changed your fate.You're mine
now.Now get some sleep and dream a lot about me.I'm coming
back for what belongs to me."Xavier had said the same words
when I met him three weeks after the club incident.Now
Raphael was saying the same.I was fucked.
"I'm not an object that you own.Now go back to where you
came from, dickhead."I clicked my tongue clearly pissed.He
chuckled shaking his head and limped to the balcony.Turning
one more time he gave me a look.A promising gaze.Dark and
dangerous.He was not done with me.He smirked at me one
more time and jumped off the balcony and disappeared
through the night.
This man was lethal.What the fuck did I get myself into?


almost boring.The bastard's security was fucked up and he had
the fucking nerve to say he could challenge me.Fucking moron.I
didn't even have to bring my whole army to ambush his
estate.Carlos and I were enough.We engaged into a fight with
the guards on the gate.And without much sweat we disarmed
them and knocked them both unconscious.I was disappointed
because I had higher expectations.Xavier boasted like he had a
sac and I actually thought his men were reliable.I expected to
exchange a few blows here and there, but just a few sucker
punches to the both of them they were out.
"This is depressing General.My adrenaline had kicked in when
we arrived here." Carlos complained.
"Xavier is disappointing.Anyway let's get on to it." Using their
pass-cards we got inside the estate.And because the alarm
didn't go off, no one came to attack us.It was depressing
though. I already knew the window which led to Ingrid's
room.Her room was on the second floor.I didn't sweat much
sneaking up her window because there was a balcony outside.It
made things easier.Carlos was with my insider dealing with the
CCTV footage,creating a loop.Yes it was going to be even more
fun if Xavier sees me making his fiancé cum.But knowing that
piece of shit he would go psycho on the poor girl,probably kill
her.And that would disrupt my plans.I still needed her.I still had
to use her for my own advantage.As selfish as it sounds I was
still going ahead with my plan.She was going to spy for me.I
grew up with Xavier and I knew he would never share his plans
with anyone even his women but Ingrid was different.She
would definitely get information out of Xavier.She had to win
over Xavier.Not that she would know she was helping me until
it was too late.I was worse than Xavier.I plotted and used
people to my own advantage.Thats what it came with being a
leader.A General.But I didn't mistreat my victims like Xavier
did.I would only punish those who cross me.
Once I was on the balcony Carlos informed me that they had
already created a loophole.My intrusion was not going to be
recorded.The loophole was for two hours so I took my time.I
didn't plan to fuck her right there and then.Yes my dick couldn't
wait but I wanted to make her as needy and vulnerable that she
would willingly surrender herself to me.She was innocent and
feisty so I had to tread carefully.
I slowly opened the balcony doors and walked in.It was dark
inside.Thanks to the moonlight I found the remote and
switched on the lights.She looked beautiful and sexy as fuck
with a silky short nightdress that left little to the imagination.I
was so going to jerk off to that image.I looked at her up and
down from her perfect tits to her legs.Fuck!She was thick and
beautiful.From an outside point of view this was psychotic.I
looked like a retarded criminal who was stalking his little
brother's fiancé.But who cares?I was the most corrupt
criminal.The most notorious Mob boss in New York.I didn't play
by the normal rules.In fact I broke every single rule in the
book.And when I targeted something I would never stop till I
get it.
I want it,I got it.
Also I wouldn't be in Ingrid's room if she didn't show a little bit
of interest in me.I might have been bad but I wasn't that bad to
hit on a woman who didn't want me.Even going as far as
sneaking into her room.But the sexy goddess on that bed there
wanted me too and I took that as an invitation.I sat down and
watched her for a while contemplating on how to wake her
up.Before I came out with a plan she started moaning in her
sleep.It was a low and arousal moan.My dick got hard
instantly.What she said next brought a smirk on my face.
"Ohh yes.. Raphael ohh...yes" She moaned,shifting with her
back slightly arched.Good thing she was already wet dreaming
about me.This was going to be fun.When she woke up and
found me in the room she didn't scream but rather her face
was flashed with embarrassment.I didn't care.She looked sexy
as hell and my dick was about to burst my zipper.She tried to
hide her embarrassment by acting like she didn't want me in
the building.The fact that she didn't scream the moment she
saw me was an indirect line of loyalty to me and a confirmation
that she wanted me just as bad.But I didn't expect what
happened next.I knew she was going to try and escape with the
way her eyes darted around the room but I remained
calm.Obviously she knew she was at my mercy but still she
tried to make a run for it.I was a man with quick reflexes so
when she tried to reach for the door I had her pinned against
the wall.I thought I had her where I wanted her to be but she
wasn't having any of it.She shocked me by how fast she
moved.One moment I had my lips on her,we had a good thing
going.She was an incredible kisser.I honestly thought we were
getting somewhere.The next thing she bit my lower lip,kicked
my balls,smashed a flower vase on my head and took my gun.It
happened so fast that I couldn't keep up.My chest glowed in
pride when she pointed the barrel to me.This woman had every
reason to be afraid of me but she wasn't.She even had the
courage to cuss at me even when I took the gun away.If
someone spoke to me that way it wasn't going to end well.But
listening to her cuss and insult me was fucking
arousing.Everyone I met was afraid of me because they knew
who I was.This sexy woman however had every reason to be
afraid too but she wasn't.Behind the anger sparkling in her eyes
I could see she wanted me.When she let me touch her wet
flaps,I got the confirmation I needed.She was wet and tight for
me.This shit turned her on too but she was just too proud to act
on it.I would give her two weeks then I would pounce
again.During that time she was going to crave for me.That, I
was sure of.The wet dream she just had was the beginning of
her fantasy.I was loving this.Let's see for how long was she
going to be a tough cookie.I was going to make her beg for it.


"General are you okay?" Carlos asked and I nodded.

I exchanged a handshake with my insider and he walked back
inside the mansion.Xavier's men weren't loyal to him.He
treated his men like trash and worthless that's why they didn't
have his back.He lacked the leading qualities.He thought
installing fear in them was what made him a leader.He was
wrong.Establishing power by being an asshole only makes you
an asshole.One day no one was going to back him up.He
confused respect and fear.As a leader he was supposed to lead
from the front.But the stupid dog led from the back.He sent his
men to do his dirty stuff while he just sat back and did nothing.
He would torture them if things weren't done his way.That was
his biggest mistake.I got involved with my men.I went to war
with my men and I got my hands dirty.For that they respected
me and they were loyal.I led with an iron grip but I didn't
mistreat my men like Xavier did.He was a spineless leader and a
man.I was coming for him for abusing Ingrid.
"Well my job here is done.We will come back maybe after two
weeks or so.By then Xavier would have his security tightened
and maybe we can have some fun."I smirked and he nodded
focusing on the road.I knew he wanted to ask about the wound
but chose to keep quiet.
When we arrived at my place it was in the wee hours of the
morning.There is no rest for the wicked that's for sure.When I
arrived I didn't sleep.I rarely did anyway.I only slept for four
hours maximum, then I would start working till morning.I
dressed my wound then started going through the files of my
drug dealers.I had to make sure they were not misreporting
their earnings or significantly cutting my share.Those were the
disadvantages of being the General.Every criminal under me
paid tax so I had to be very much involved in the finances.As a
result I had a lot on my table.I had to make sure everyone
followed the rules and no one was crossing me.The rules of my
people were very structured and organized that it was very
boring.And I was responsible for that.I kept the peace and as a
result everything flowed perfectly for every criminal under
me.Around 4am I went to my gym.An hour or so I was done and
I went to take a shower.By this time all my men were awake
and ready for the day ahead.I walked out of my room and
stepped into the dark hallway that led to my office.A few of my
men were lined up and on guard.As I passed by the bowed in
respect.I nodded and proceeded to my office.
"General." They all chorused when I walked in.I nodded in
acknowledgement and sat down.
"And what the fuck happened to your head and your lip?"
Reaper asked.This wasn't the time to entertain his ass so I
ignored him.
"I went through the financial statements of all the drug
cartels.I'm impressed there is nothing dodgy there.Now Hunter
get me the financial statements of the arm dealers."
He walked out.Reaper poured some whiskey for all of us.That
was our morning ritual.We all downed it without saying a word
to each other.No one asked about the bandage on my head or
my swollen lip but they were curious.A few minutes later
Hunter came back with the black file.He sat and downed his
poison too while I went through the file.
"Get me on the line with Louise."I ordered.Carlos dialled and
gave me the cell.I switched on the loudspeaker.Louise was an
arms dealer.A very successful one at it.But the fucker was
playing me.He was purposely misreporting his earnings which
means he was cutting my share too and his tax for the month
wasn't paid either.He had crossed me and I was going to deal
with him.
"General.Fancy hearing from you." He tweeted.This idiot
thought he could double-cross me and get away with it.
"I went through your financial statements and it shows you're
now earning only 60 million a month.You have tax arrears for
this month too.Is this information true or its a typographical
error?"I clenched my jaws.If he admitted to his mistake and
apologize I was going to let it go but of course after teaching
him a lesson or two.Men who owned up to their mistake were
redeemable but those who wanted to treat me like a fool
would pay the ultimate price.I didn't like to kill my underlings
especially those who were productive.Louise was good in what
he did but if he was lying then there was no way to go about it.I
never spared those who crossed me.
"General things haven't been so well for me.The FBI was on my
ass and they once raided my trucks on the border."He lied and I
was going to teach him a lesson.
"Why didn't you tell me about it?" I asked.
"I didn't want to stress you with my burden.But I got this
General.After two months or so my earnings will be topped.I
will pay the tax and you will get your cut in full"
"Ok then.Good luck with that." I dropped the call and Reaper
gawked at me.
"Just like that?You're letting him off the hook when he just lied
through his teeth."Reaper crossed his arms over his chest.
"No I didn't let him off the hook.I just wanted him to let his
guard down.So get our men to hijack his trucks before they
cross to Mexico.I want to teach him a fucking lesson.Don't
engage.This is not a raid so just grab his men and bring them
in.Beast get on to it." I clenched my jaws.He nodded and
walked out.
"Y'all can get on to your usual duties but Reaper stay.I believe
you have something for me." They all bowed and Reaper stayed
behind with a file in his hand."Talk."
He threw the file on the table."What do we have here?"I asked
going through the file.
"Castillo Benito.A retired army veteran.Never been in the field
but he is a retired engineer.Always been underestimated in the
gadgets lab.Paid peanuts for his work.His superiors took credit
for all his hard work so he flipped sides.He is very talented.He
makes amazing explosives that could blow up this whole
estate.And he is working on a nuclear explosive which can blow
up even a wider range.He wants to be under your
jurisdiction.He wants your protective custody.The man doesn't
wanna die."Reaper explained.
"How many millions are we looking at?"I closed the file and
slammed it on the table.
"We are looking at billions here Raph.We are talking about
explosives here."Reaper responded.
I nodded."Fine he is worth my energy.Print out our
constitution.We are going to his place in an hour."
"To his place?" Reaper arched an eyebrow.
"Yes he can't come here.We are talking about some psychotic
bomb-maker here.It will be more risky to invite him here.But if
we just show up at his place unannounced it will give him less
time to wire his den.Besides he will not destroy his house now
can he.So print our constitution and we will pay this Benito a
"Before I go.What the hell happened to your head and your
lip?Carlos said you walked out of the estate limping too.What
the hell happened? Was she that good that your dick got
twisted?" He arched his eyebrow.
I smirked reminiscing what happened."She bit my lip while we
were kissing.Then she kicked my balls,smashed a flower vase
on my head,threatened me with my gun and cussed at
me.There you have it."
His eyes popped out and he burst into laughter."She is fucking
I was never going to hear the end of it."So all the shit I just
said,that's your takeaway."
He laughed and sat down."This girl is amazing.She is brave and
courageous."I rolled my eyes."Roll your eyes all you want but
she is fucking awesome.She kicked your balls
cussed at you,threatened you and even smashed a fucking vase
on you!!I need to shake hands with her."
"Okay now get the fuck out.And if you breathe a word about
this to anyone.You're dead."
"I will tell Ingrid to kick your balls." He winked and ran out.


"Why can't we just use the Bugatti.What's the use of having all
these cars if you don't use them."
Reaper complained when I forced him to drive the old range
rover to Benito's place. I didn't want to seek unnecessary
attention by taking a convoy with me or driving some fancy
sports car.I would walk barefoot and people would still know
who I was,my worth and what I was capable of.
"Start the fucking car." I barked and he frowned turning on the
The meeting with Benito went well.He was worth my
energy.The man was smart and an asset to me.He made
medium scale tactical nuclear weapons which were worth
billions.It's a pity the army he worked for didn't took him
"Welcome to the club." We exchanged a handshake.He was not
going to cross me I could tell by the fear written all over his face
when I walked in.I showed up unannounced so he probably
thought I had come to kill him.But when we started discussing
business he finally relaxed.He showed me his toys in his gadget
lab and I was impressed.
"Thank you Sir..ermm I mean General."
I chuckled."Relax I don't bite.Just do your job and follow the
rules.I don't like people very much but I think I will like you in
the future.It depends on how you do your job and where your
loyalty lies.You cross me,you will be a lesson to others.Are we
"Crystal clear General." He said.
"Good." I pat his shoulder and we walked out.
A few minutes after we returned to my estate trucks pulled into
the driveway one after the other.They were eight of
them.Beast jumped out of one and bowed my way.I gave him a
nod.Thirty of Louise's men walked out with their guns and
bulletproof vests.One who was in charge approached me.
"General." He said.
"Call your boss." I ordered and he just nodded taking his cell.
An hour later a convoy came.Hammers pulled into the
roundabout one after the other.In the middle of the hammers
there was a maserati.I chuckled shaking my head.Louise
thought I was really stupid.When he walked out of his fancy car
he tried to put on a powerful face but when his eyes landed
onto my face his courage was replaced by fear.I didn't need to
see my expression to know that my face thundered with fury.
"Don't you think you're being dramatic General?" He raised his
voice at me.The fucking nerve.Before he made his way to me
Beast growled at him and he shivered but tried to pull a brave
"I will ask you one last time.How much is in there?" I looked at
the trucks.
He shrugged. "I told you General.The toys are worth 60
million.You will get your month's stash as always."Eight trucks
filled with guns for only 60 million.What was this boy playing
at?He really had a sac lying to my face like that.
"You want me to fucking believe that this hot rod you got here
plus the hammers and other cars you got,let's not forget your
mansion and the good extravagant lifestyle comes from making
a mere 60 million per deal?" I nodded to his maserati and
hammers.When he didn't answer I clenched my jaws and gave
him a blow.He landed on the ground.
"Open the fucking trucks." I ordered and they were opened.The
guns packed in there were worth a hundred million if not more.
"I'm sorry General.I just got greedy General.I'm fucking sorry
man alright."He wiped the blood that was coming out of his
"You lied to me.You misreported your earnings,significantly cut
my share and you didn't pay your tax.You fucking disrespected
me."My eyes narrowed.
"Take him to the torturing chambers.Take his men as well.They
need to see how I deal with people who cross me."My men
took the the bastard and his dogs to the chambers.
"Get me my tools." My voice boomed in the room.My men ran
around doing as I asked.I was going to torture this
motherfucker on my own.As the General I had to be as ruthless
as ever.I had to get my hands dirty all the time.
"I'm sorry General please just give me one last chance."
"I'm not generous and I'm definitely not God.Now shut the fuck
up.You will only speak when I ask you to." I sat down and
opened my tool box.I took out the clippers,pliers,a chopping
knife,drill and an axe
"These would do." I said examining the axe.I wore my gloves
and ordered Louise to be cuffed on the metal chair.
"Its been long since I got my hands dirty you know.Now how
should I cut you."I said with a devilish smile.
Louise was gaged and I started working on his fingers.A few
minutes he didn't have fingers on his right hand.They say take
things one step at a time and that's exactly what I was doing.
"You significantly cut my shares for two months.You couldn't
pull this alone someone helped you.Who the fuck helped
you?"I removed the gag and he winced in pain.
"I said I'm fucking sorry and now you're chopping off my whole
fucking hand.I'm sorry General. No one helped me." He cried
I had a smile on my face like this whole thing was a joke."I only
removed your fucking fingers." Taking an axe I chopped his
right hand off from the wrist without warning."But now this is
me chopping your fucking hand off.I hate it when
motherfuckers exaggerate."
He looked at his amputated hand in shock.When the pain
registered,he roared.I gave him time to adjust to his newfound
agony.He shitted and blood oozed from his arm but that was
the least of my concerns.His men were staring with horror
written all over their faces.
"Now who the fuck helped you?"I asked holding his left hand in
position.I was ready to chop it off lest he chose to fuck with me
"Its Xavier okay..its him.He fucking helped me and we shared
the money."He wailed in pain.
The anger that took over me was indescribable.This fucker
knew how much loyalty meant to me and then he went and
tossed to Xavier.Like the fuck!!!No one betrayed me and get
away with it.It took me hours to feed the monster in me and
satisfy it.When I was done torturing him,he was no longer
"Feed this shit to the pitbulls."My men scrambled as they
gathered the remains of the bastard and did what I ordered
them to.
I looked at his men."Cross me and the same thing will happen
to you,if not worse.Carlos you're in charge of his operation
now.Get the toys to Mexico."
"General." He bowed before walking out ordering Louise's men
I went back to my bedroom and took a quick shower."We are
paying Xavier a visit."I announced buttoning my jacket.
"Fuck yea."Hunter threw his fist in the air in excitement. I went
and took my crozier from my office.I was paying him a visit,as
the General.I took Reaper,Hunter and Beast with.When my
hammer parked outside Xavier's gate I opened my door and
tapped the crozier on the ground.They all shook to the sight of
it.I meant business and they didn't ask questions.Instead, they
gladly opened the steel gates and Hunter drove in.Walking out,
I spotted Ingrid laying besides the pool under a thick overhang
with a cocktail in her hand.She looked sexy as hell in a black
swimsuit.But even her sexiness couldn't calm my anger.Xavier
was going too far.
The crozier made the clicking sound as we walked inside.
"You're so dramatic.You even brought the crozier with.This
means business I suppose.That was quiet an entrance."He
crossed his arms over his chest with a cocky grin plastered on
his face.
"I didn't stop over for a glass of scotch.Sit your ass down."I
remained calm but all I wanted was to shoot his head and have
his brains splattered on his white marble tiles.
"You don't tell me what to do.You're in my den." He mimicked
me and I shook my head chuckling.When he least expected it I
kicked him right on his face and he had a face-plant with the
tiles.I slammed my foot on his skull and he screamed in
agony.His spineless men just stood there afraid of engaging into
fight they would lose.I had brought the crozier with.It was an
implication that I had come as the General so there was
nothing they could do.
"I'm your fucking General so I order you around however I want
"Ohh my God what's going on here?" Ingrid's voice echoed in
the room.
"Ingrid go to your room."I said looking at her with my feet still
slammed on Xavier's head.
She held the drying towel tightly around her body. "No.Not
until you tell me what's going on here?"
Her stubbornness turned me on.It made me want to fuck her
into submission."Ingrid go to your fucking room."I barked but
she stood there unfazed.Her silver-grey eyes were burning with
anger or is it passion.Whatever it was made my dick even more
"Fine if you want to see me crushing your fiancé's skull then be
my guest."Glaring at me one more she rolled her eyes and
walked away shaking her fat ass.Was that for my benefit?
I looked at Xavier who was groaning in pain."Now listen to me
you boy.I know about your little ploy.If you continue messing
with my people then my whole army is coming down on you.If
you cross me one more time you're dead.Its my order as the
I removed my shoe from his face and he stood up groaning with
pain and anger.
"I will fuck you up.Don't mess with me boy."
"Salute to the General." Reaper barked.
"General." They all chorused with their heads bowed.
I glared at Xavier one more time and walked out.


conjuring all sorts of sexual scenes,all of which involved him.I
was supposed to be angry at him for sneaking into my room but
it turned me on.Even our little "Jackie Chan" moment made me
bit my lower lip imagining a lot of things.All of which were
sexual.My behavior didn't make sense to me.I didn't
understand why he was all I could think about.I was not fighting
my thoughts and my imaginations,instead I was floating in the
sensual fantasies.
"I want you.I want to fuck you." His words echoed in my head.
What was wrong with me?Why was I thinking about him?I
imagined how sex with him would be like.I was sickened by
myself.How could I have such dirty thoughts?Argh!
Its been a long time since I experienced real pleasure.With
Xavier it was all about him.My needs were not catered for.It
was always about pleasuring himself not me.He was a selfish
bastard.Sex with him felt like work.A duty that I had to fulfill
since I didn't have much of a choice.I missed sex.I had started
craving for it after meeting Raphael.Its like he had laid a claim
to something deep within me,bringing out a side of me that I
never knew existed.I missed my body being worshipped,being
given nothing but pleasure and being loved in bed.While taking
a shower I touched myself and got off to the image of Raphael's
hands all over me.
"I want to fuck you." His baritone voice echoed again in my
Suddenly a desperate idea occurred to me.Sneaking around
with Raphael wasn't such a bad idea now was it.He had made
his intentions known to me.Maybe that was my chance to
experience real pleasure.Maybe it was an opportunity that had
presented itself.The opportunity to be happy after a long
time.Xavier didn't love me anyway and I stopped loving him
too.Ages ago.I might have been very desperate.I never explored
and already I thought Xavier was the one.Fuck me!The bastard
wasn't even the one and the bad part is,my life was in his
hands.He was going to kill me once he was tired of me.There
was no way he was going to give me back my freedom.I knew
too much.Or the bastard was going to marry me even if it
meant dragging me by my hair to the altar.And being married
to this man meant I would be miserable for the rest of my
life.He didn't love me anymore.Well he never did anyway.He
was a psycho.Either way there was no good ending for me.So
maybe just maybe this was my chance to be happy because as
it is I was already drowning in sorrow.Okay Ingie now you're
loosing your mind.That's a ridiculous idea.Xavier didn't treat me
right and with Raphael I was probably going to have what I
craved for but that was no excuse.I couldn't behave in such a
vulgar manner especially with a man like Raphael. He was evil.I
sensed it.His outer beauty hid a devil inside.I shoved the
ridiculous ideas at the back of my head.I went to the lounge
and started cleaning.I vacuumed the whole lounge hall that
even my maids were surprised.No I wasn't a snob.But we had
many helpers here that there was no need for me to lift a
finger.They wouldn't allow me to either.I had fought with Stacy
to allow me to clean and she gave in when I threatened her.I
really needed to get my mind off things.However even after I
worked like a donkey, Raphael was all I could think about.I
contemplated on the pros and cons of sneaking around with
him.It won't end well.I told myself.My body had a mind of its
own and it wanted Raphael.After I was done cleaning around
like a mad woman.I took another shower.Putting on my
swimsuit,I went to lay by the pool.Xavier arrived with his men
and I felt depressed instantly.I thought he was going to take a
day or two in France but him being here meant he would want
to fuck me.I was so not ready.Luckily he didn't even
acknowledge my presence.I was glad when he didn't ask me to
his room and went straight to his office.I sat in the lounge for a
while just in case he needed me.A few minutes later he walked
out of his office looking like he was going to burst an artery.My
heart pounded furiously when I remembered that there was a
CCTV in my room.Only he had access to the footage so what if
he saw Raphael and me.Ohh boy...It didn't matter if I was
innocent.Was I innocent in all of this though?
"How the fuck did Raphael get in here and you didn't stop
him?"He shouted to his men who were lined up with their
heads down.He treated them like kids.In fact he treated them
as if they were worthless.They all kept quiet and he kept on
shouting on top of his voice.He even shot two bodyguards.I
cringed in disgust.I had my fist tightened waiting for my turn
but nothing happened.Then I remembered that Raphael was
worse than Xavier and maybe he tempered with the footage.I
managed to relax a bit and went back to the pool.While
relaxing by the pool I video called Layla.
"Girl!!!" She screamed dancing around her room.
"Hey keep it down geez." I frowned.
She flipped her blonde hair."Guess what?So I met this guy and
he goes by the nickname General.My girl he is so good in bed
and he is moneyed.I went to Paris yesterday thanks to
him.Bitch I shopped till I dropped..."
She went on and on talking about the General guy.I envied her
honestly.She was free to do as she pleased while I was stuck in
this hell hole.Everything for me was controlled when all I ever
wanted was my freedom.I couldn't even use any social media
platform.Layla and Xavier were the only contacts in my
phone.At the end of each day my phone was examined to check
if I didn't get in contact with anyone.My room had a CCTV
camera.At times I wasn't even allowed to go out of my
room.What kind of a life was that?
"So are you and this General guy like dating?" I asked not
because I was interested but because she kept me company.I
would be bored out of my mind if she was to drop the call.
She smiled."No.He is a top dog and the type that does flings
and all that shit.But I'm sure I'm his only fling that is why he is
spoiling me like this."She showed me her shopping bags from
For some reason I feared for Layla.I did not want her to end up
locked in a mansion and miserable like me.She was like a sister
to me.We grew up together.We lived at the orphanage till we
were ten.Even when we went for foster care we lived together
at three different foster homes.We only separated when we
were teenagers but we both lived in New York so we were in
touch.She was like a sister that I never had.Two years older
than me.She was my only family.So I was entitled to be worried
about her well-being.
"I don't trust this guy. He sounds dodgy.Please just stay away
from him."I warned her.
Her face was red within a blink."You don't even know him.Not
everyone is like Xavier.General is fine and he is a cool rich guy
who knows how to treat a woman."She defended.That was the
thing about Layla.She was materialistic.She loved the
"champagne darling" life.She didn't know that it came with a
"From what you told me.You only met this guy once.You don't
even know his name.Helloo.Just because he is rich and spoiled
your ass it doesn't mean he is a good guy.For all we know the
money he spent on you is like a drop in the ocean.It didn't even
hurt his pockets and you think he cares?I'm talking from
experience Layla.Stay away from this General.It comes with a
price.I'm telling you this because I'm paying the price of
wearing this 24 carat diamond ring here.You're like my sister
and I care a lot about you.Heck,I'm entitled to worry about
She laughed sarcastically and looked at me."Do you have any
idea what it is like being me?Do you have any idea of the
terrible things that I have to do to survive?Finding a job is not
easy out here and if a guy is generous enough to throw money
my way then I will appreciate it.You have no idea what its like
because guess what Missy?You're locked in your mansion there
with servants running around at the snap of your fingers.You
get everything you want if you just say the word.But you're not
grateful.All you ever do is complain about your "rich life"
problems.Some of us here face real life problems while you
complain about being locked in a mansion where you just sit
and sip on cocktail doing nothing but snapping your fingers at
I shook my head staring back at her through the screen."Layla
you have no idea what is like being here.I would trade this life
for a mediocre life in a cheap apartment in Queens any day.I'm
a prisoner here and you think there is fun in that.I watch people
being killed in front of me.Is that the life you wanna live?This is
not the life I want.Its not all about money Layla.Its about
freedom for me.You think I enjoy spending someone's blood
money?No I don't Layla.As for the maids,I don't even care
about having a servant running after me.Layla this is not the life
you wanna live trust me.I know you won't listen to me no
matter how much I try to convince you to stay away from this
General of yours but think about what I said.This is not the life
you wanna live trust me.I know better.This is hell."
She scoffed. "You live like a fucking princess but some of us
don't.You should be grateful.And you know what Ingie?You're
right about one thing though.I'm not gonna listen to you.Today
I'm going to see General.So deal with it." She dropped the call.
I sighed shaking my head.She had no idea what it was like.I
placed my cellphone on the small table besides me and stared
into space.My mind wandered off to the same person who has
been occupying my mind.Raphael.A lot was going on in my
head.I started contemplating again about which decision to
make.I know he gave me time to think.He didn't really have to
say it in words but he implied it.He could have had me then and
there the previous night but he just made his intentions known
and left.Despite going savage on him,I wanted more.How
hypocritical of me.Here I was warning Layla to stop messing
around with these guys but here I was thinking of sneaking
around with the devil himself.While I was lost in my own
thoughts a black hammer pulled into the driveway.He hopped
out of the car.I felt an odd sort of connection to him.Like a part
of myself was forever altered to him especially after our little
episode the previous day.There was no denying it.He infuriated
me yet I was very much sexually attracted to him.My heart
pounded against my chest and I could feel blood rushing
through my veins.I was suddenly cautious of my body.My
breasts felt more sensitive.My nipples tightened against my
bikini.He looked more hotter and sexy than the previous
night.He looked like he had walked out of a Vogue magazine.He
was wearing black formal pants,a black turtleneck long sleeved
shirt and a trenchcoat that clung tightly onto his body.The
outfit looked like his second skin.He was holding a black
walking cane with a touch of gold and it made him look like
some hot classic man from the 80's.He walked leisurely and
calmly,yet his steps were hard.He was completely sure of
himself.And why not?He was looking sexy and he knew
it.Glancing at my direction his green eyes sparkled with
fury.Which only made me all wet and weak.He looked like he
was about to burst an artery too.He looked mad but that only
heightened his sex appeal."Keep it together Ingie."My inner
voice warned.I tried to fight off the urge of following him and
his men inside but I failed.I tightly wrapped the drying towel on
my body and made my way inside.
When I walked inside I almost fainted.Xavier was on the ground
face down with Raphael slamming him down with his
foot.Xavier's face was in contact with the tiles and Raphael's
black formal shoe.I had no idea what took place and the look
on Raphael's face was one to kill but I didn't want to witness
"Ohh my God what's going on here?" I gasped and Raphael
gave me a stone-faced monster-killer look.Which I found sexy.
"Ingrid go to your room." He ordered but then again this was
Xavier's house and he wasn't the boss around here so I didn't
take orders from him.
"No.Not until you tell me what's going on here Raphael?" I shot
He looked at me his expression softening.Then he smirked.That
sexy evil smirk."Fuck.Ingrid go to your fucking room." Well I
liked it even more when he cussed but I was too stubborn so I
glared back at him.
"Fine if you want to see me crushing your fiancé's skull then be
my guest."I knew he meant every word so I decided to just
leave.After some time there was silence all over the house.I
walked out of my room and there was no one in sight.I went to
the lounge and only the maids were around.
"Where is Xavier?" I asked Stacy.
"I saw him going to the torturing chambers with his men."
She said with a genuine smile plastered on her face.She was
around my age.She was the only one who liked me from the
very first time I was brought here.The rest probably thought I
was a spoilt brat so they kept their distance.They also didn't
hide their hatred for me but I couldn't care less.I was lonely and
I could use her company. It was awkward asking her to keep me
company though so I found another way to go about it.
"I need a foot massage now.I'm by the pool." Ordering her was
the sensible thing to do because even though she liked me,she
avoided me at all costs.Which I found strange.A few minutes
later she came with a bowl with warm water,towels and
coconut oil.
"Stretch out your legs."
I smiled at her."I actually needed someone to talk to.I feel
lonely."I honestly admitted.She looked surprised at my
"So you want me to keep you company?" She smiled nervously.
"Yes Stacy.I really could use some company right now."
"Wow I don't know what to say.Can I sit?"She asked and I
"I know you probably think that I'm a spoilt brat.I know you all
do around here.I see the way you guys look at me.But I'm not
like that."
She smiled her big hazel eyes sparkling."I know you're not like
that.Honestly I have never looked at you that way.As for the
others not liking you
well its because they are loyal to the other woman who has
been here you know." I knew what she meant.The other maids
were loyal to Caitlyn.
"Caitlyn.I know about her.Well I found out about her not so
long ago.So tell me how was it working with her?And how did
you end up here?"
She was hesitant at first.I reassured her and when she finally
realised I was unhappy in this place just as she was.She told me
her story.I cried listening to the story of her life.Xavier was
ruthless.How many lives did that man ruin?Apparently she was
abducted by Xavier's men.He used her as a sex slave for years
up until he found me.When she tried to make a run for it,Xavier
had her family killed.
"Whenever I dress your wounds,I relive all the time Xavier hurt
me for his own pleasure.That is the reason why I never hated
you.All I can see is just a woman who fell in the hands of the
predator that Xavier is.Just another life Xavier ruined.There is
no way out once you walk into this estate.People may admire
the riches and luxury but they have no idea of the danger and
sinister that lurks around this place."For once I found someone
who understood me.Someone who saw things the way I
did.That gave me some sort of comfort and courage.
"I'm gonna get us out of here." I said confidently.The only plan I
had to get us out alive was to strike a deal with the devil.I
wasn't about to sit and allow Xavier to ruin our lives any
further.Something had to be done.
"There is no escape for us.You might as well just accept this
life.Its nearly two years for you and five years for me.Even if I
leave this place where will I go.I don't have a family anymore
and Xavier will easily find us."
"I think I have a plan."

The following days Stacy and I grew closer.I was less lonely
because she kept me company.To make things less suspicious I
would order her around in front of the others but when we
were alone it was a different issue.We gossiped and chatted
like old friends.I even forgot about Layla's outburst and never
felt the void of her not checking up on me like I used to.Its safe
to say Stacy was my new friend now.
"He is calling for you" She said with her head peeped on the
I rolled my eyes and she laughed."I will be there in a minute."
"And he said wear the red lingerie he bought you."
After the incident with Raphael,Xavier rarely spent time at
home.And was I happy?He didn't tell me about his plans but I
assumed he has been flying a lot to Russia. When he was out
like this it only meant that something wasn't right. Either in his
businesses or his life in general.That brought a smile to my
face.I walked to his bedroom in my nightgown and I didn't wear
the lingerie like he asked.I was skating on thin ice that is for
sure.However I needed to set the record straight.Ever since
Stacy and I got close,my hatred for Xavier grew stronger.He was
a monster.He broke Stacy to the point of no return.She was
good at maintaining the poker face but deep down I knew she
was just a damaged soul.She was an empty vessel with no more
hope for life.Xavier had to be stopped.He was a monster and I
had to do something about it even if it meant I would die trying.
He arched his eyebrow when I badged into his room without
knocking. He was already naked holding his briefcase."You
wore the lingerie like I asked?"
"Hello to you too.That's what normal people do Xavier."
After fighting with Raphael a week ago.I felt like he poked a
part of me that I didn't know existed.A fearless part of me.The
fact that I had managed to make him groan while he could
easily kill me gave me courage.I could do the same to Xavier if
not worse.I suddenly had some hope too.I could possibly make
it out alive.
"Excuse me.How dare you talk to me like that.I own..."
"I own you.I own your life.You don't have the fucking right to
say shit like that to me.Get on the bed and open your legs."I
interjected.I folded my arms and glared at him."Is that what
you wanted to say?The line is getting boring Xavier.Its so two
thousand and late."
Looking at Xavier fueled my anger.He me reminded of him.A
twisted part of me had missed Raphael so much that I felt like I
was losing my mind.As a matter of fact I was actually losing my
mind.I needed Raphael with desperation that I didn't
understand.He was like that sweet drug which you get addicted
to on the first hit.I had hopes that one of the days Raphael
would sneak into my room again but he didn't.I barely slept at
night hoping that he would show up but I was disappointed
when he didn't.It felt like a cruel punishment when he didn't
show up for the whole week.On the other hand I was even
disappointed in myself.I only met this man not so long ago but I
was already craving for his touch.I tried to think about it
rationally,to sort through the confusing jumble in my
head.Raphael was a devil with a beautiful mask.I reminded
myself of that everyday,but at the end it would only make me
want him more.I felt like I was two people:the woman who was
craving for Raphael despite knowing how evil he was and the
one who watched the whole thing with disgust and anger.The
contradictory emotions ended up driving me to the edge.I
touched myself to the forbidden fantasies.The erotics dreams
didn't stop either.I had this itch that needed to be scratched.I
needed Raphael to scratch it.The world would condemn me for
my actions but it didn't matter.I wanted Raphael.I wasn't
supposed to meet him,I wasn't supposed to know him,but I did
and now I was fucked.He was the devil with a lethal
charm.Knowing him screwed up my head.I wasn't thinking
straight anymore.My mind was twisted.
"You think you have grown some balls don't you?" He took out
a whip from the briefcase and snaked it around his palm.
I scoffed not backing off or cowering in fear."I have a vagina
Xavier but my balls are bigger than yours."
He walked towards me angrily and gave me a whip.I flinched to
the pain but didn't show fear and when he was about to whip
me again,I gave him the mother of all slaps.He went
ballistic."Bitch did you just..."
"I just bitch-slapped you.I told you to keep your motherfucking
hands off of me,and you put your hands on me.Now you know
what's gonna happen?Somebody is getting hurt today and it
ain't going to be me.How about that?How about that?" When
we women repeat our words,shit is about to go down.And shit
was down.Now it was basically an MMA fight.He was
big,muscled and trained in hand-to-hand combat.I was small
and fighting for my life.He choked me a couple of times and I
gave him some mean punches that I didn't knew I was capable
of dishing.I scratched him a lot too He grabbed me by the
throat and tossed me around.He then pinned me against the
wall.His hold was strong and I was gagging for air.He was about
to win.Hell no!!!Ain't happening.I used all my strength and
kicked his balls,only then did he let me go and fell down
groaning.I kicked him on his balls a couple of times until I was
He looked at me with shock and pain written all over his
face."Now you will listen to me motherfucker.This bullshit of
yours ends right here and right now.If I'm gonna live with you
forever then you gotta start treating me with respect.Stop
treating me like I don't matter because I do. Otherwise I
wouldn't be here imprisoned in this mansion if I didn't
matter.You need to get off your little power trip.Its getting old
with a capital O.I'm not one of your men nor am I one of your
dogs.When you went down on your fucking knee it only implied
that I meant something to you.I'm not asking you to be the man
you used to be a year ago because that's not who you're.If you
can't treat me with respect then be decent at least.Hitting me
and treating me like a whore only proves that you're a spineless
asshole.And I'm not gonna allow you to treat me like that any
further.If this shitty behavior of yours continues then you and I
are going to have problems.Problems bigger than your
dick.Trust me on that.Either you change this behavior of yours
or God help me."
It felt so damn good telling him off.I left him puzzled with my
sudden change of behavior.Whether he was going to kill me for
telling him off.It didn't matter anymore.I had set the record
straight.And for his sake I hoped he took me seriously.I wasn't
taking what I said back because I meant it.I went to my room
feeling like a diva.I angrily slammed the door and leaned on it.I
turned off the lights and threw myself on the bed with
frustration.This was going to be yet another boring night.I was
thankful for the erotics dreams because they substituted the
night terrors but I needed Raphael with me in reality.I stared
into the dark,this was yet another long night.
Suddenly the atmosphere turned dark and heavy.My heart
started to pound furiously against my chest.I felt my blood
rushing through my veins.My nipples tightened against the
fabric of my silk nightgown.My most tender place moistened
with excitement and anticipation.Before I even opened my eyes
I knew he was here.I felt his presence.He was here.He was
"Raphael."It came out as a shaky whisper.I reached out for the
remote and turned on the lights.He was sitting on the bed
staring back at me with those emeralds.He was very quiet in his
movements because I didn't even hear him coming in.
"Ingrid." He said with his gaze intense.
I stared up to him my heart racing with mixture of dread and
excitement."You're back." I stated the obvious.
"I am." He said leaning closer and kissing my forehead. Before I
got time to gather my thoughts he was already lying on top of
me and his lips on mine.It happened so fast that I didn't have
time to think about it or look for a weapon to defend myself
with.Not that I was going to fight him anyway.Instead of
pushing him away I clung to him with my arms snaked around
his neck.His mouth was gentle but beneath that gentleness
there was demand for entry and aggression.I arched into him
inserting my tongue as deep into his mouth as he was into
mine.His knee parted my thighs and his hands began to
wander,pulling up my nightdress...


there are no more younger meat at the auction.They want
young girls." Carlos bowed and slammed the black file on the
"That's their appeal.They want you to put your seal on it and
grant it."
I tightened my jaws in anger.If it was entirely up to me I was
going to stop human trafficking once and for all.It disgusted me
even more when older man craved for underage girls.A real
man shouldn't have to force a woman to get laid.Buying a slave
to torture and rape was purely being a spineless pig.I hated
trafficking but the money was good and it opened other line of
businesses as well.The pigs would buy women but also
commission us with another line of work.The business has been
there for a long time and I couldn't stop it.However when I
became the General,I twisted the law.No underage.That was
the new rule.A lot were not happy but I had sealed it so no one
could oppose.Now the Russians were starting with their appeal
only to piss me off.
"The answer is no.Tell them I said that,and return their appeal
to them." I gave Carlos the file in annoyance.
"If you fail to do cruel things Generals are known for then
people are going to lose respect for you." Hunter said.As
criminals we were honoured and respected by the horrors we
committed but I was not going to grant this one.Some horrors
were just too horrible to be proud of.
"My word is law.What I say goes.So no underage.Its either that
or nothing.No in between.You are all dismissed."They bowed
and left but Reaper remained seated.
"I said you're all dismissed."I said in annoyance.
"You have a heart after all." He grinned.
"Its not about having a heart but its about doing something less
disgusting.It's already too much that we are funding the
trafficking.Selling women doesn't make us powerful, it only
makes us look pathetic.A real man doesn't need to force a
woman.A real man can land pussy on his own or use money if
you're wealthy enough.Having a sex slave is beyond disgusting."
I frowned.
"Ok I get that.Now let's talk about the elephant in the
room.You have been very annoyed and frustrated for a whole
week now.Don't think I'm not watching your behavior. Talk to
me."He arched his eyebrow.
"Get out. I need to be alone." I poured whiskey in a glass and
gulped it.
"Sexual frustration huh.I saw you kicking out Anita and that
blonde waitress the other day.You never say no to pussy." He
"So what?I have a lot of things on my table.If I don't find time
to bang some meat is that supposed to come as a shock to
you." I defended.
"Dude come on,you're my brother.I know you more than
anyone else in this place.Ingrid actually mean something to
you. She is all you have been thinking about for the whole
goddamn week.A woman stays in your head for thirty minutes
the longest so she is breaking records.Is there something you're
not telling me bro?"
My fingers squeezed the glass that I almost broke it."Stop
feeding your head with bullshit.Ingrid is my ticket to take down
Xavier so she is bound to stay in my head for a long time
because I'm thinking of a plan to use her.I don't care about her.
She is just going to be one of my victims.I'm going to use her."
"You don't mean what you just said.Don't tell me you want to
use her as a whore?Come on she doesn't deserve this shit." He
shook his head.
"If I wanted to use her as a whore I could have sent her to one
of my brothels.Reaper,am I missing something here?Too much
concern for her, do you want her?" I furrowed my forehead.
He laughed shaking his head."I don't want her.She means
something to you so she means something to me too.I'm
looking out for my sister in-law here.And I'm trying to stop you
from making a such a horrible mistake.She will hate you for
eternity if she ever finds out you're using her." He poked his
finger on my arm."Don't make this mistake Raphael."
"Well it will be good if she hates me.I'm not planning to mislead
her.At one point she is going to find out about it anyway,and
who cares?Its not my style pretending like I care because I
don't.If she opens her legs for me which I'm sure is going to
happen then that will be her demise.Next time she will
understand men like me can't be trusted."
He took a drink."You don't mean that Raph."
I shrugged."I do actually.After tonight she will be wrapped
around my finger."
He chuckled sipping on his drink."So you're planning to
continue fucking her."
"If the pussy is good yea but if its not then it will be a hit it and
quit it situation."
"I doubt she is the kind that wants that.Otherwise she wouldn't
have fallen for Xavier without him using some charms.She is
going to want more.Maybe she will want to be your girlfriend
or something."
I cringed to that.I hated labels.Girlfriend was a term used by
boys not men.The only label that maybe meant shit to me was
wife.And with my line of work I was never going to have a wife
anyway.I didn't even want one."She is not stupid.She is
engaged to Xavier and all she wants from me is a good fuck."
With that said I dismissed him before he started feeding my
head with poison.I went to stand on the balcony.I didn't want
to give her false hope.And myself too.I saw the spark in her
eyes when I was humiliating Xavier the other day.She probably
thought I was going to be her knight in a shining armour,her
hero.I didn't want to mislead her.If women suspected that they
meant something to me then that would be a serious problem
for me.


The day passed so fast that I was very grateful. The initial plan
was to wait for at least two weeks and then pounce but I
couldn't wait any longer.A week without sex.That was torture.I
had to pay Ingrid a visit.I took Carlos and five of my men.By
now I knew Xavier had tightened his security because he found
out about my break in.He also caught one of my insiders as a
result his guard was already up.
"Let's hope this time around we will have some fun." Carlos
said.However like any other day we were disappointed.Call me
a boastful egoistic bastard but my combat skills were
extraordinary that four guards armed to the teeth had nothing
on me.I took them down on my own while Carlos and my men
stood in frustration.They wanted some action but Xavier's dogs
were disappointing as always.Not even one of them managed
to alarm the others.While Carlos dealt with the CCTV footage I
sneaked to Ingrid's room again.She wasn't asleep when I got
in.Despite being in darkness she felt my presence.
"Raphael." The happiness in her voice was clear.She had missed
me and this time around she was not going to kick my balls.
"Ingrid." I said.She looked at me her eyes mixed with lust and
"You're back." She bit her lower lip not able to hide her
"I am." I leaned closer and devoured her lips.I wasn't a fan of
kissing,it was too intimate for me but with Ingrid I didn't
mind.Her lips were my new craving.I smelled her the moment I
got closer.Hmm apricots.It would be the most intoxicating scent
when mixed with her sweat especially after our steamy
session.Her skin was so smooth and so soft.Her lips were plump
and very soft tasting like the sweetest candy I have ever had.So
sweet and addictive.She kissed me back almost hurriedly.My
mouth moved fast but hers a little faster.She kissed me like she
has never been kissed before.Our breathing had escalated. We
both wanted more.She stopped the kiss abruptly and stood up
in front of me with only a thong on.I have never seen such
beauty before.She had the sexiest thick curves all in the right
places and a touch of muscle here and there.I have never seen
such a beautiful pair of titties before.She peeled off her thong.It
slid down her beautiful legs.I swallowed deeply staring at her
perfectly shaved fat pussy.No one said a word.Buck naked she
confidently moved onto the bed and opened her legs wide for
me to see.I clenched my jaws as the front of my pants
tightened.I couldn't resist the temptation and walked towards
the bed removing my clothes.My cock sprung out ready to
blow.She looked at it biting her lower lip clearly impressed and
aroused.She stared at it like she had never seen a dick in her
"You still want me to fuck you?" I asked my voice husky and
deep.She giggled.I grabbed the condom and ripped it then
slowly slid it down my length.I got to my knees and tried to get
on top of her but she pressed her foot on my chest keeping me
in place.
She had a naughty smile on her face."You thought you were
going to have it so easy huh?" She arched her eyebrow still
smiling naughtily.She started rubbing her flaps while I
watched,coating her entrance with the smear of her arousal.I
tried to move again but she pressed her foot harder on my
chest.She had me cornered and I was falling right into her trap.
"What do you want?" I asked.
She kept on rubbing,moaning and playing with herself.She
looked at me the least bit ashamed and kept on torturing
me."Now we are talking.I want you to get me out of here." She
said with her breathing quickened as she continued playing
with herself bringing herself close to the edge.
"Are you going to help me or not." She asked and I nodded
repeatedly."Say it.I want to hear you say it."
"Fuck! I will help you.I will get you out of here." I said.
She giggled and thrust her fingers deep into her
cunt."Good.Now I'm going to make myself cum while you
What the fuck!!! I have underestimated her and now she had
changed the power play and twisted everything to her
advantage.Instead of me using her she was cornering me.
"Babe come on I will burst here.Please just one thrust." I was
even surprised with myself.I was begging for pussy?!
"You sound sexy when you beg." She pushed me with her foot.I
knelt on the bed watching her cum.She thrust deeper and
vigorously shook as slimy colorless liquid slid down her
beautiful pussy to her crack.I was so helpless that I couldn't
hold it in.I took off the condom and jerked myself too as she
fingered herself.We got off at the same time.Damn
that was a cruel punishment.
"Fuck!" I cussed as my semen dotted all over her stomach and
thighs.I couldn't believe she played me like that.She was not so
innocent as I thought. She was equally cunning that I was even
shocked.She was no ordinary woman.I wore my clothes and she
wiped herself looking at me with a smirk on her face.She really
played me and man was I impressed.This was now a win win
situation for the both of us.
She wore her nightgown and followed me to the balcony."So
how are you gonna help me?" She asked with her arms folded.
"I have my ways but I need your help too." She looked at me
attentively."I need you to get closer to Xavier.He doesn't share
his plans with anyone,even his right hand man but I need you
to get that information out of him."
She furrowed her forehead. "You mean like seduce him."
I smirked."You're smart.You deal with him like how you dealt
with me.Corner him and make him want you,he will cave.As
simple as that you will get everything out of him."
"Why should I spy for you?" I had underestimated her.She
wasn't stupid hence I had to tread carefully.
"I need to get hold of some important information so that I can
use it against him.If I corner him then I can easily get you and
your friend out of here.You have to tell me each and everything
even where he goes.Every little detail matters." I lied and she
looked convinced.I could get her out as soon as I wanted but
she proved to be more useful than I thought,so I wanted her to
stay with Xavier for a while.
"He disgust me.I don't know if I will be able to seduce him." She
"Imagine him as me.Its easy because we look alike." She
"Fine I will do it.If its gonna get me out of here then I will do
it."Bingo! She fell for it.
She rose on her tiptoes and snaked her arms around my
neck.She licked her lips and stared at me.She planted her hands
on my chest and kissed me.I held her waist and pushed her
closer to my chest.We ended the kiss and I stared back into her
silver-grey eyes.I kissed her nose and brought our foreheads
together.When I realized what I was doing,I let go of her.This
was getting way too deep and intimate for my liking.I slowly let
her go and she smiled licking her lips.She dangled her thong in
her hands.
"Give it to me." I said
She smiled and placed her thong in my palms."Have fun."
"I will be thinking a lot about you tonight as you will be thinking
about me too."I knew I had to leave but I didn't want to leave
so soon.I was even more drawn towards her than ever before.I
hugged her not ready to part ways with her.
"You need to leave before he comes back." She said cupping my
I kissed her one more time not wanting to let go."He can barge
in and I will not stop.In fact it will be more enjoyable if he
watches while I make you cum.He won't be able to do shit."
She giggled.The sexiest sound I have ever had."Do you really
want me or this is some revenge mission you're on?"
I smirked."I want to fuck you and I want to cross him too.So yea
you can say that."I thought she would be disappointed.Even
hookers looked sad whenever I told them to leave after I was
done with them.This woman however didn't look bothered
even after knowing I wanted nothing but her pussy.Knowing
she wanted nothing more than a good lay turned me on.I hated
clingy woman and this one was none of that.I slowly caressed
her inner thighs and she bit her lower lip.I inched closer and
played with her warm and wet flaps.
"Uuh." She moaned closing her eyes.I continued thrusting in
and out until she climaxed.
Licking my fingers I smirked at her."Mmh yummy."
"You need to leave." She said trying to catch her breathe.
"Next time I'm going to fuck you." And I meant each and every
"Only when you get me out of here." She shot back.
"We will see about that."


"ITS TIME TO USE THE TRUMPCARD.I can't let Raphael do as he

pleases no more.He needs to be taught a fucking lesson.One he
will never forget.Its about time I take the title.The crozier is
meant for me not anyone else.This time things are going my
way." I barked feeling agitated as ever.I wanted to squeeze the
life out of someone.
"Do you know why a puff adder is one of the most dangerous
snakes?"Mr Erik Ivashk, my "father" asked from the other end.I
almost rolled my eyes.I had called to ask the way forward and
here he was asking me about snakes.
"I don't know and I don't want to know.I didn't call you to talk
about snakes.I ain't no fucking zoologist."I snapped.
He ignored my agitation which was total disrespect to
him."That's your fucking problem Xavier.And that is also the
fucking reason why you always get the least votes when it
comes to being appointed as the candidate for the title.You
don't want to listen.A puff adder is one of the dangerous snake
because it is patient.It studies its victim and it knows where and
when to strike.When it strikes,it moves fast without giving its
victim a chance to retaliate.You lack that ability Xavier because
you act on impulse.You do not weigh the pros and cons before
attacking.You blindly provoke without thinking about the
consequences.Just like war every move we make has a
casuality.I told you to be patient but you went ahead and
provoked Raphael even when I advised you not to.You're not
dealing with your men here.I don't need to always remind you
that this is Raphael we are dealing with.He is not stupid.He is
very cunning and calculative.When you grew the balls of
provoking him his guard was already up the wall.By now he
knows you're up to something, otherwise you wouldn't have
the guts to tip off the police about his bunkers.You're impulsive
and too arrogant,which is a dangerous combination.You act like
a dog off the leash,sprinting right straight into traffic.Its going
to cost us.If you continue being like this you will be on your
own.The family will not back you up.Do as I say because you
will end up messing our whole plan.Right now is not the time
for you to try and challenge him.He has more support because
he is doing a good job.The men don't want a change in
leadership so it's not a good time to strike.If you continue
pulling your stunts you're just going to alienate yourself and
turn everyone against you.You're not in the good graces of the
men because you flipped sides.No one can trust you because
they believe they can't rely on you.Which is one of your
weakness among many.When I tell you something you do the
opposite thinking you're clever.I have been in this shit for too
long and I know how it runs."
"Raphael disrespected me in front of my men and you expect
me to do no shit?I can't let that slide.Even the bitch saw him
slamming his foot on my fucking face.And because of that she
grew some balls to slap me!Can you believe that?She bitch-
slapped me and told me to fuck off.The balls she has!I was so
close to strangling her.This shit is taking too long.I need to put
them both in place.They disrespected me!They need to be
taught a fucking lesson."The monster in me needed to be
unleashed as I angrily paced up and down in my torturing
"For your sake, I hope you didn't do anything to the girl.We
fucking need her more than she needs us.I had warned you
before never to lay a hand on her." The panic was clear in his
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep the façade anymore.I can't continue
pretending like I care about her when I don't.She is a bitch and
she doesn't deserve any special treatment." I shot back.
"Ohh damn she does!Are you fucking forgetting who the hell
she is?!Do I need to remind you what we are up against here?If
you fucking mess this shit up,the plan will blow on our
faces.Treat her right or else there will be fucking
consequences.I hope this is the last time I'm talking to you
about this shit.Take me seriously this time around because if
you disobey my orders again you will be on your own!" He
"Fine I hear you.I won't do shit no more." I sighed in frustration
and ruffled my hair.
"Good.On a lighter note I'm glad she bitch-slapped you.Next
time you will know better than to mess with her.Don't forget
who she is.Its in her blood to be feisty and sassy.Women in her
family rule." He hung up.
"Fuck!!" I roared and threw the phone on the wall.I took my
gun and smacked it against one of my men's head.I was
thirsting for blood.The monster in me needed to be unleashed.
While I was shaking in fury my right-hand man and second in
command Falcon walked in with one of my men tied and
roughed up.
"What the fuck is going on?" I barked.
He pushed him to the ground."He is Raphael's fucking insider."
I felt enraged just by the mention of his name."Talk." I ordered
but instead the piece of shit spat on my shoe and laughed.
"I ain't telling you nothing.You can fucking torture me but I ain't
telling you shit."
"Where is his fucking family?" I shouted.
The bastard laughed and I kicked him on the face.He spat on
the ground tightening his fists but there was no sign of fear
when I mentioned his family.
"My family is under the General's protective custody so you're
not going to touch them.You ain't shit Xavier.You're a spineless
"You bastard." I bellowed but he continued laughing at my face
like I was a fool.Torturing this man was a complete waste of
time because he knew he was going to die anyway.Also I was
getting more agitated because he didn't show any sign of fear
which bruised my ego.
"Its time for you to meet your maker.Any last words"
"I will be waiting for you in hell you piece of shit.And you will
never be the General no matter how hard you try.None of your
plans are going to work.I would rather become a ghost and
haunt you than let you marry Ingrid.None of your plans are
going to work you horrible excuse of a human being." He
laughed evilly and I squeezed the trigger.Thick blood ran from
his forehead and I smiled.The fact that he was dead was
enough to feed my monster.
"Clean this shit up.You, Falcon keep a close eye on the men and
find out more of Raphael's insiders.I need the fucking traitors
here as soon as the sun rises."I ordered and they ran all over
the place doing as I asked.
I wanted to be the General and I was going to be.I was going to
hold that which overlooks other man.The crozier.I was going to
have powers to give orders and I was going to have the
authority to do what I wanted.
"I'm going to blow off some steam.When I come back make
sure you have all the traitors in here." I walked out with at least
ten men with me.I took my phone and made a call.
"I'm coming and I want you naked in bed."
"Sure I will be waiting." She said from the other end and I
dropped the call.Ten minutes later we had arrived at the gate
and my guards were knocked out.
"Shit.He is back!" I barked as my chauffeur made a U-turn.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING INGRID?!Do you have any idea of

what you have done?!You have subjected yourself to even
more danger.Raphael is a devil behind a beautiful mask.Surely
you can't be fooled to think he will help us.Men like him don't
do anything out of the goodness of the heart.They don't even
have a heart at all.They just have stomachs filled with booze
and cum!"
Stacy shook her head in disbelief after I told her about what
went down.The deal with the devil.I had to do the only thing
that could give me the power to control men like
Raphael.Seduction.Now that Stacy was doubting me,I was
starting to doubt my capabilities as well.She was right.Raphael
could not be trusted.He was as evil as they come.I could sense
his evilness but then again he was my only option.
"He is our only option Stacy.It's not like we have a variety to
choose from.He wants me and I'm sure he is even willing to do
anything to get into my pants.We almost had sex but I had to
control myself.It will work.He will help us." I fiddled with my
"So your great plan is to seduce Raphael into doing what you
want.Do you have any idea of who you're talking about?The
man can get sex anyway.His estate is filled with whores
everyday.He owns so many brothels, and there he can get
pussy on a silver platter,different kinds,colours and
shapes.What makes you think he will do anything you say
because of your pussy?What so special about it?Is it made of
gold and diamonds?"She folded her arms and narrowed her
gaze.I couldn't hold it in I bursted into a fit of laughter.
"The fact that he wants me is enough.If he owns so many
brothels why did he bother sneaking around to get between my
legs then?That should mean something right?I will use that to
our advantage.This might not really be the ideal thing to do but
he is the only option that we have.If to get out of here I have to
compromise my morals,then so be it.My pussy may not be
made of diamonds and shit but he wants it."
She shook her head and sighed."You can't trust people like
Raphael.That man is a monster.He will not keep his word.He
wants you because you're fresh and of course he gets off on
crossing Xavier.If anything,he might not rescue us but instead
he will imprison us at his hell hole.Do you know what that man
does?He is the leader of the cold-hearted mafias you might
think of.He is the boss of the bosses.He is the leader of
criminals.I'm not talking about mere street gangsters here.I'm
talking about the most notorious mafias in
America,Mexico,Russia and Italy.And you trust such a man?By
asking him for help you showed him your vulnerable side and
he is going to exploit it.What if he ships us to Mexico or
Russia?You think Xavier is dangerous right?But he has nothing
on Raphael.Do you have the slightest idea of the kind of man
we are dealing with here?"
I licked my dry lips.For some reason I didn't like it when she said
that about Raphael.I had an urge to defend him but I controlled
myself.She knew them better than I did.I had also witnessed a
scene where he showed he was not the one to be messed
with.If he could easily slam his foot on Xavier's face without
remorse then he could do worse than that.She was right.I had
no idea of what I was dealing with here.However a part of me
believed that he wasn't that bad.
"I'm taking a leap of faith here.Work with me please."
"I appreciate what you're doing.You're trying by all means to
get us out of here.Thank you for that.However I do not think its
going to end well.You're playing with fire here.Raphael is
dangerous Ingrid,very dangerous." She held my hands.She was
trembling with fear.
I squeezed them in reassurance.I tried to channel my courage
to her too because she needed it."I'm going to get us out of
here ok.It doesn't matter if I made a deal with the devil but I'm
going to get us out.Now leave before they start to suspect."
She nodded reluctantly and left.I sat on the bed and buried my
head in my hands.I thought of what Raphael asked me to do in
order to help me escape.Could I pull it off?Seducing Xavier was
not going to be an easy thing to do.I had to be extra cautious
about it.He wasn't a stupid man.He knew how much I despised
and loathed him.If I was to act like I love him out of the blue he
was going to smell a rat.I had to take my time.Unfortunately
time wasn't really on my side.I had a hunch that he was
planning something that I wasn't going to like at all.To convince
him of my love for him and devotion in our relationship I had to
do all the things that he liked and avoided what he didn't like.I
had to compromise my morals once more and do all the things I
despised with a smile on my face.Xavier was a dog but I was
animal control.I was going to pull this off.I had to.This wasn't
going to be easy but I was going to succeed.Sooner or later he
was going to take the bait.


I spent the rest of my day daydreaming about Raphael.I didn't

even feel guilty about my moment with him or what almost
happened between us.Xavier has been sleeping around too and
thank God he didn't argue when I insisted on using protection.I
made a lame excuse about not relying completely on the
injection and pills.I knew he didn't want kids so he agreed on
using the latex.Maybe he was stupid after all.It was really hard
to fight the urge to give in to my lustful nature when I was with
Raphael but it had to be done.I knew if I was to sleep with him
then and there,he was not going to give me what I wanted.It
was a give and take situation.The dull existence I had with
Xavier was so depressing that I craved real pleasure so bad.I
knew Raphael was going to give me that.Heck,he was even so
close.I knew he would fuck me good,give me sex better than
any of my fantasies or my erotic dreams.Its a pity I didn't
experience that pleasure.
"I have been looking for you all over the house."Xavier's voice
startled me back to reality.I rolled my eyes.Of course with him
oblivious to it.He sat besides me and stared at me for a while
without saying a thing.I didn't know how to react to that so I
just kept quiet.I had to be respectful and avoid confrontational
topics.He brushed my thigh and my skin crawled.I looked at his
arm.It was nowhere close to Raphael's toned and veined
arm.Raphael was a chiselled perfection.A perfection like that
naked statue of Adonis.The god of passion.He was muscular
and ripped,with large biceps and hard-as-steel abs.I pressed my
legs together when the image of his long and thick cock flashed
in my mind.Such a beautiful dick.
"Can you join me for lunch?"Xavier said smiling which was
something he rarely did.He was displaying too much affection
that had my eyebrows raised.
"Sure.Why not?" I shrugged.I smiled his way and he held my
hand leading us to the dining hall.
"So what have you been doing since morning?" He asked still
smiling that at some point it looked forced and fake.He was up
to something but I was also up to something.Two can play the
game after all.
"I have been tasting wine nothing much." Wine kept me sane in
this boring mansion.He had a wine cellar and owned vineyards
so there were different kinds of wine.
My jaws hurt from all the fake smiling and shit.I had to be
seductive but not overdo it.I did small things.Like the way I
tucked my hair behind my ear and the way I bit on my cake that
we were having for dessert.Licking the cream off my lips while
looking at him.By the way he glared at me,he found it seductive
and he was slowly falling for it.I looked at him dreamily with my
eyes half closed. I knew they were pretty.Layla always told me
that they were my most sexiest feature.I tilted my head to a
seductive angles still looking at him and he swallowed.I then
focused on my meal.I didn't want to go overboard or he
wouldn't find that believable.
"The meal was delicious. I will excuse myself."I was not even
cussing.I stood up,smiled once again and walked away shaking
my ass.For his benefit of course.I went to the bathroom to take
a shower and of course get off to the image of Raphael's
beautiful cock.I wasn't even embarrassed about it.Being with
Xavier was forcing me to turn to other means for sexual
pleasure.Masturbation was my number one way but it wasn't
cutting it anymore.I wasn't going to be able to stop myself the
next time Raphael shows up.I wanted him so bad.I had a feeling
that it was going to lead me to nowhere good but I was going to
sleep with him anyway.The only good things in life are the bad
I wore one of the skimpy dresses that I had in my closet and lay
on my bed.
"Ma'am the boss is calling for you."One of his men banged on
my door.
I dragged myself to the door and opened it.He looked at me
giving me a signal.I didn't get what he was trying to say but I
followed him anyway.He looked around checking the CCTVs
while we were walking in one of the hallways.He secretively
placed something in my palms.A very small chip,a cellphone
similar to the one I had and a note.
"The chip has an universal access number and it is a tracker.You
dial the number on the chip with any phone in the world and it
will ring back to me.It is undetectable to any other mode of
trackers as well.The phone is similar to the one you have just in
case you're caught with it."
The note said.I looked at the man and nodded signalling him I
got the message. He bowed and walked away leaving me
puzzled.Why the hell did he bow?I shook my head to dispel my
thoughts.I saved the number in the phone and immediately
inserted the chip in the battery shelf.
Oh Raphael.One clever man.



his eyes burning with savage fire.I had bypassed his so called
security to get between his fiancé's legs so of course he was
pissed.What's worse was I came as Raphael and not the
"You need to hire better people and more if you want to keep
me out.You have lax security arrangements.You can do better
than this shit.Can someone give me scotch on the rocks." I sat
on the couch and made myself comfortable like I owned the
place.Well I kinda owned it because I owned his life.I sneaked
out of Ingrid's room after our little episode but I met this
douche on the driveway and I followed him back to his house
because he wanted to talk.
"I need you to stay the fuck away from me and my people. Do
you understand me?" He clenched his jaws.
"Hmmm look at who has grown some balls now.You know
telling me to stay away is like inviting me right?Can someone
get me some fucking scotch here."He watched in annoyance as
his men ran around taking orders from me.They poured me the
scotch but I wasn't going to drink it.I just loved the sight of
them running around on my command.They were spineless pigs
who couldn't stand up for their boss.
"You have grown a sac over the past years Xavier.Is there
something I'm missing out on?"I knew he was up to something
otherwise he wouldn't have had the guts to provoke me the
way he did.He had a strong backup and I had to find out who he
was relying on or there would be problems.
"What do you want Raphael?" He gazed at me.
I gave him a bored look."I want your balls in my hands.I want to
torment you until it stops exciting me."
I wanted to use him as a ticket to destroy the Ivashks.I did
mention how the Rodriguez was the most hated family
right.There was a rivalry among the three families.Behind our
partnership there was planning,plotting on how to take each
other down.Criminals always back stabbed each other all the
time.Me being titled General wasn't merely because of the
skills that I possessed or only because they wanted me to be
the leader.It was a was a plan well drafted by the
Rodriguez.Taking down the Vellutini and the Ivashk was my
other task.I had to destroy them until they were nothing but a
file in the government's archives.Xavier turning his back on us
and swearing his loyalty to the Russians was also a blessing.He
made things a lot more easier for me.The Rodriguez wanted to
be the only family that rules.They wanted to have dictatorial
rule and I was their ticket to that.Other Generals from my
family failed but they trusted me with this task and I couldn't
let them down.So this wasn't just a stupid feud between Xavier
and me.It was a lot more than that and it dated way back.
"You're surrounded Raphael.I have got men in my premises and
they can easily take you down.Yes by killing you I would be
starting a war that might take decades to end but you will be
already dead."
He lit his cigar,dragged a pull and released the smoke with a
smirk on his face.He had a big ego and it blinded him.He didn't
even know that I owned three quarters of his men.Heck I even
owned his fucking right hand man.Falcon.He was specifically
trained for that role.He treated his men like shit and it wouldn't
surprise me if they leave his ass so as to not deal with his shit
anymore.But Xavier wasn't that foolish.He was well aware that
he had a lot of fuck ups.Him of all the people knew exactly what
betrayal meant.Once upon a time he was a Rodriguez so he was
not that stupid.Just like me he didn't plan and tell,just like me
he didn't entirely put all his trust in his men.Diego taught us
well.Xavier would order his men around when his plan was
already in motion and because he didn't trust them enough,he
didn't share his plans with anyone.As a result that made
everything difficult.Knowledge is power.The best way to
outsmart an opponent is to know their plan beforehand.He
knew that was my strategy so he kept everything to himself as
well.A clever move there but that's where Ingrid comes in.I had
a strong belief that she was going to coax him and he was going
to take the bait.The bitch had me good.It was easier for her to
do the same to Xavier.She was unique.For some reason I felt
like she was born with that power.Power of seduction.Its
something she could easily do.She had me wrapped around her
little finger without even trying.She called the shots without
guns blazing.She just lay on the bed,stayed pretty and showed
me her beautiful pussy.I was already speaking in
tongues,agreeing to whatever she was asking.Something no
woman had ever been able to do to me.She was a dangerous
I gave him a cold look."Is that supposed to scare me?You can
employ even a million men but they won't do anything to
me.They will never be enough.Otherwise how did I even get
here in the first place if your men are that reliable."He didn't
have a comeback to that.
"Anyway your bitch is very pretty when she is asleep."I wasn't
throwing Ingrid under the bus here,I was shifting his focus to
me.He had to think I was starting to hit on his woman.Well
which is what I was doing but the point is, I wanted him to
focus more on protecting Ingrid from me without realising that
her and me are actually working together.When things go
south,Ingrid would not even be on his suspects list.
"Stay the fuck away from her."He bellowed.
I narrowed my gaze observing his reaction.His eyes were cold
and his green shade turned darker.He clenched his jaws and
there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead.Ohh so she actually
means something.I know I have promised myself not to pry
where Ingrid was concerned but his reaction only poked my
I threw my hands in the air and laughed sarcastically."Fine don't
bite my head off.I will back off."
I watched him breathing in relief.
"For now."He was tensed again.I stood up and exchanged a
look with Falcon then walked out of his mansion.


"So are you going to rescue her?Are you going to get her out
and give her her freedom?"
When I narrated how things went down to Reaper he laughed
at me for being played.He exaggerated his shock on how Ingrid
actually pulled it off.I was probably not going to hear the end of
it.Well he is Roberto/Reaper after all.I skipped the part where
Ingrid agreed to be my spy.That was between me and her.And
the few people know about it, the better.
"I'm a man of my words.She asked me to get her out of Xavier's
mansion.I'm going to live up to my word.I'm getting her out of
Xavier's estate like she asked but there is a twist.I will then
bring her here into my estate instead of her going to resume on
her normal life
in some cheap apartment in Queens.She is going to go from
Xavier's ownership to mine.I need her for myself.It will be guilty
pleasure for me.However for now I just want her in Xavier's
mansion.The longer this game takes, the more funnier it
He chuckled bitterly."She is not a commodity nor is she a dog
that you do whatever you feel like with."
"Of course she is not a dog.I'm not into bestiality.Eeew"I
frowned with disgust.
"I'm serious here.You can't do that to her.Get her out and let
her go.She needs her freedom."
"You and I both know that once you're in this world of ours
then there is no going out.You're in for life.You only get out in a
body bag.She will be more safer with me because once she
walks out to the real world no one will hesitate to kill
her.Xavier's men too will hunt her down and kill her because
she knows too much.Let's not forget about Xavier's enemies.
God knows what they will do to her." I defended.
He scoffed."So you're actually planning to keep her forever.Is
there anything I'm missing bro?You don't do sex slaves so
I didn't practise monogamy nor did I support it.It was boring to
be stuck with one woman forever.When I met Ingrid however I
broke all the rules I drew up for myself and went against
everything I believed in.For some inexplicable reason she was
the only one I wanted now and the only one I was intending to
keep.The question of whether I was going to keep her forever
or not,I had no answer to it."Well I can keep her as collateral or
something because it seems she is very important to Xavier.She
might be of greater use to us." I shrugged.
"I hope you're doing the right thing.I hope whatever you're
planning in your head doesn't come back and bite you in the
"It won't.Now can you call in Hunter for me." He shook his head
and walked out without bowing.That's Reaper for you.
A few minutes later Hunter knocked and walked in.He bowed
and waited for my order.
"I want you to get all the information you can on Ingrid
Drucker.Who she is?When and where she was born?Where she
is from?What's her favourite food?Get everything including
what she dreams about.Well scratch that, she dreams about
me.So get me important information about Ingrid that I have to
know ASAP."
I gave in to my curious nature.I just had to know about her
considering what I was planning to do.I poured myself some
scotch and went to stand on the balcony thinking about the shit
called my life.While I was at it three limousines pulled into my
I clenched my jaws and gulped the remaining scotch.The air
around me was stale and my steps were hard as I fixed my suit
jacket while walking down the stairs.All eyes were on me as I
walked into the lounge hall with a cold expression.
"And he decided to grace us with his presence.Diego the
man.To what do I owe this pleasure?"My voice boomed in the
room.I didn't take my eyes off him and when he flinched, I
smirked.He was petrified and I was satisfied.He stared back to
me with yet another pair of green eyes.
"Sit down.We need to talk." He said.
"You didn't answer my question Diego."I said, still standing.
"You're after Xavier's bitches again!" He finally found the guts
to shout at me.
I sat down legs-crossed and gawked at him."So he sent you to
mediate.What the fuck are you here for Diego?"
"Why don't you just stay the fuck away from Xavier and his
bitches.You have a lot of shit to deal with right now..."
Interjected."You're not here to tell me how to do my job now
are you?The last time I checked I'm very good at it.So why the
fuck are you here for?If I want to fuck Ingrid then I'm going to
do so.Not one of you is going to stop me."
"What's wrong with you?! I taught you better than this
Raphael.I drilled into your head about the consequences of
starting unnecessary wars with our enemies.We can't afford
your stupid feud with Xavier right now.We have better things to
focus on."He snapped.
"I hope you're not part of the equation in the "we".You know
what?!Get out of my fucking house.I don't have the energy nor
the time to entertain your nonsense.I have better things to
worry about than sit here and discuss Xavier's bitches with
you.I want her and I'm going to fuck her,period!There is
nothing you're going to do about it anyway."I shot back
standing up and fixing my suit.
"Hey!You can't talk to me like that I made you who you're right
now.I'm your fucking father and you will treat me as such." He
snapped again, coming to my face.
I grabbed his collar and brought him closer to my face."I talk to
you however I want.And don't barge in acting like you're the
dad of the century.You're 32 years late.Now you wanna act like
my father because Xavier is involved.Have you forgotten what
that boy did to this family?He almost ruined us but I was the
one to take everything in my hands and clean his mess,after
you failed to do so.So don't walk in here taking his side.He is a
fucking Ivashk now get it through your head.Your favourite son
betrayed you, its time you accept that."I said with an agitated
tone my face red with rage.
This wasn't about me carelessly behaving as a General but it
was because Xavier was involved.He was Diego's favourite
son.If it was entirely up to him then he could have appointed
him General.Xavier got away with everything.The family was
against his and Caitlyn's marriage.Diego too was against it at
first but because he loved Xavier that much he let it slide and
the boy got away with it.Xavier went as far as taking the Ivashk
surname but still the old man sided with him while he treated
Reaper and me like trash.I only become worth his energy when
the family voted for me to be the candidate and when I was
titled the General.Now that I had the crozier,I mattered.
"Raphael you're temperamental and uncontrollable.Once you
take an interest in something you pursue it to the
end,regardless of how stupid and unworthy the interest
is.You're like a dog off the leash, sprinting right straight into
traffic.That what makes you Raphael and that what makes you
my son.I'm not about taking sides here.I'm trying to maintain
peace my son.This is not worth it.You going after every women
that Xavier takes an interest in is so not worth it my son.Let's
focus on the bigger picture.Let's focus on taking our enemies
"Xavier is my enemy and you're not my fucking father.You're a
fucking sperm donor.You forced me all my childhood to call you
General and tamed me to be the killer and monster I am today.I
was not your child then and I'm still not.In your eyes I'm just yet
another fucking pawn you use for your own selfish gains.Now
you want to force your parental rights on me?You have lost
those rights decades ago.Don't pretend like you care.And FYI,I
don't go after Xavier's bitches.His wife wanted me and this one
is not his.A woman like Ingrid doesn't deserve to sleep in his
bed.She is mine,I marked her."I also couldn't believe the words
that slipped past my lips,but it was already too late to regret it.
"I can't believe you right now."Diego never sheltered us from
the reality of our lives.In fact he wanted us to be exactly like
him.He didn't want us to be children.He exposed us to the
ugliness of our world.He shipped us to a private deserted island
somewhere in the Pacific when I was 6,Xavier was 4 and
Roberto was 1.He started grooming us ever since then.Instead
of being taught how to paint and hold crayons like kids our
age,I held my first gun when I was eight and killed my first man
when I was 13.The same fate befallen Xavier and
Roberto(Reaper).He robbed us of our childhood and brutally
tamed us to be the monsters we were today.A part of me
enjoyed who I was now but a bigger part resented him for
forcing this life on me.He didn't give me any choice.
"Women are weaknesses Raphael!From the look on your face I
already picked that she means more than just a bitch you
wanna fuck." He snapped again.
"I'm not like you.Good thing your bitch left you for an Ivashk." I
said through gritted teeth and he lost it.
His fingers wrapped around my neck but I punched him and he
loosened his grip."She is your mother and my fucking wife.How
dare you call her a bitch?"
"Yet you're the one who talk about women making us
weak.Accept it Diego.Your bitch and your so called perfect son
are not coming back.They are Russians now."
I told you there was more to the Russians and Mexicans rivalry
right.This was part of it.
"Now get the fuck out before I turn your face into shit."
"How dare you?" He tried to attack me again but his men held
him back.
"You should be proud.You taught me well,dad."I said
sarcastically and stormed upstairs.
Reaper didn't bother me because we shared the same
sentiments where Diego was concerned.We hated him with
passion. Its a pity I couldn't kill him.He was family,he was a
Rodriguez by blood and honour.While I was gulping on my
whisky in frustration there was a knock.
"Come in." I said and Hunter walked in.He bowed and I nodded
offering him a seat.
"Is this about Ingrid?If so, that was fast.Tell me what you got." I
rested my arms on the table.
"We found nothing.She is not in the system.Its like she was
erased from the system.The only thing that we managed to
retrieve was the information about her academic
achievements.There is nothing else about Ingrid Drucker.Who
she is?Where she is from?When and where she was born?Its
not in the system and it like she is invisible.She doesn't exist."
"How is that possible when you found information about her
academic achievements?"
"It was done on purpose.Her academics were recorded only for
some reason.Which I assume was maybe so she could get a job
or something.When she didn't pursue on getting a job that
information too was erased and it was difficult to retrieve
it.This is not making sense General.We are powerful enough to
get the information we want but now that we can't find
anything about her.I assume maybe we are dealing with
someone equally powerful here."
"Did you talk to our data analyst in the CIA to help you out?"
He nodded."Yes I called in for a favour and they were the ones
to find this little information that we have here.Maybe she is
not who we think she is.I was thinking maybe Xavier was the
one who erased the information but then I remembered that it
could have been very easy for us to figure that out if he was the
one.So he is out of the equation."
I tapped my fingers on the table."Ok thank you Hunter.You can
leave.I will take it from here."
"General." He bowed and walked out.
There was more to this.It was impossible for an ordinary
woman like Ingrid to be "invisible" from the system.Unless she
wasn't just an ordinary woman.I was also invisible to
all.Raphael Rodriguez, you will never find me in any system.In
fact there was nothing about the Rodriguez, Ivashk or Vellutini
in the government archives.The government,FBI or the CIA
weren't on our payroll,but we held highly classified information
that was not meant for the public eye.We used those secrets to
our advantage.As a result we had some highest-level officials
who helped us erase that information about us and what we
did from the systems.Yes it was a public knowledge that we
were Mafia families.The most notorious mobs in
Mexico,America,Russia and Italy.However if anyone was to take
a legal route and try to prosecute us,they would look stupid in
court.We were an "open secret."So if Ingrid was invisible as we
were then there was more to it.
"This is getting more interesting."
I continued tapping on the table while sipping on my
scotch.Afterwards I slammed the file on the desk and strolled
to my secret room.


want things to be the way they were the first time we met.I
want us to trust each other and I want to depend on you.Xavier
I long accepted that this is my life now.The least that I can do is
to get used to it.Maybe one day we will rule together.So if you
need to talk or if there is anything you need me to do.I'm
always here and ready."
Sometimes we have to do horrible things to get what we
want.Here I was crossing my moral lines and everything else I
believed in just so I could get my freedom.I had to coax Xavier
into opening up to me.For that to happen I had to make him
believe that I was still that vulnerable and naive girl he met two
years ago.
He blankly stared at me and I prayed for a reaction."Is this the
sex talking or what?"
I chuckled."Yes the sex was good but I'm serious about us.I
mean it.You're a great man and I would be stupid to try and
ruin what we have.We might have argued here and there but it
was only because I didn't understand you.I do now and I'm
starting to realise what I was missing out on.It wasn't a mistake,
us meeting at the club that day.And I'm sorry for being
disrespectful.I promise to be a good little girl this day
forth.Fighting is not gonna get me anywhere"
He was in a good mood.So I chose to strike.Living with him for
nearly two years now taught me all his moods.I knew him like
the back of my hand and I could read him like a book.When he
came back from God knows where,he was happy.That only
meant something was wrong.He was planning something
sinister.I had to find out about it and inform Raphael.
"Why the sudden change of heart?" He wasn't easily convinced
and that got me worried.
I shrugged."Like I said.I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with
you.The sooner I start accepting that,the better.Besides even if
you were to send me out there,I don't think anything is going to
excite me.You twisted me Xavier and made me only want
you.You're your own kind.No one is like you.So I want us to
work."A compliment to his already big ego got him where I
wanted him to be.His hand moved to my face and he tucked my
hair behind my ear,showing me affection he never displayed.
"You're beautiful you know that?" He kissed my forehead.Too
much affection."And I want to fuck you."
"I'm all yours."I murmured faking arousal as much as I could.He
had me cuffed on the bed and had his way with me.By the time
he was done I was disgusted and my body was near to numb.I
pretended like I was sleeping so just I could stay in his bed and
eavesdrop on his phone conversations.
"Yes..yes...I'm treating her right.Have some little faith in
me...She is actually behaving well.It looks like she might be
starting to fall in love with me all over again...No no...I don't
think so.She can't be up to something.She knows very well that
she has no escape...Yes yes...she finally accepted her
reality.Hahaha yea maybe we are gonna make a great couple
after all.So when are we putting our plan into motion?I can't
fucking wait any longer....Jeez Erik Ivashk I'm doing what you
asked me to.I didn't fucking provoke Raphael after you told me
not to....Hahaha he will never know what hits him.He doesn't
fucking know the history behind that fucking crozier.If we do
this obviously Paloma will be on my side...Of course,having
Paloma on my side means the whole fucking Villela family we
will back me up....Yes!Now Raphael will have nothing on
us...Yea yea I'm so excited about this.Bye." He dropped the call
and I started to snore.He had to believe that I was asleep.
One thing was certain. Everything he said sounded important
and it sounded like a plan.It could come in handy for Raphael.I
heard the shower running and I ended up sleeping.I was
exhausted anyway.When I woke up he was in his black suit
looking all fresh.
"I'm leaving for Mexico.I'm losing some of my fighters.They are
being drugged and killed.I know Raphael is the one behind
it.I'm not gonna give him what he wants.He wants a reaction
from me but I'm not gonna give it to him.I will probably be back
after a three days or so.I have to go for an auction.I need to
place my bid on the coldblooded killers."
I was not even interested by any of what he said.I couldn't care
less.I didn't support any criminal activity in any form but I
despised his line of work the most.Nevertheless I paid attention
to everything he said and pretended to like it.
I yawned and got off his bed."Once you sort that out you
should take me to the fights.Its been long since I watched one."
He looked puzzled.I knew I was feeding his ego.He loved to
show me off.I was indirectly telling him to display me as his
whore.Cooperation and submission is what he needed.I could
easily have him wrapped around my little finger just by being a
good bitch for him.He was going to let his guard down sooner
than I expected.
"Really?! would love that.So I will make arrangements."
"While you're at it, tell my designer to make knew dresses for
me." I perked his lips that were stretched into a smile.
"Now go and make me proud." I winked and walked out of the
When I was in my room I immediately showered.Scrubbing off
the disgust and his scent.My coping mechanism when he was
fucking me was to picture Raphael.Only then I could get
through the disgust.My freedom meant a big deal to me that I
had to go through all this torture.I had to cross all my moral
lines and do the unthinkable.At one point I was going to have to
sleep with Raphael.Yes I wanted him too but it was yet another
price to pay in exchange for my freedom.From an outside point
of view my acts could be condemned but a girl gotta do what a
girl gotta do.I had no voice,I had no rights.I was practically a
slave to Xavier.He fucked me when he felt like it and spent time
with me when he was in the mood.He didn't owe me anything
and he was free to do as he pleased.I didn't want that life.I
could trade living in a cheap apartment in Queens than this
luxurious jail.And that girl Stacy,she deserved to be free from
Xavier.He was her living nightmare.The one she always prayed
she would be freed from.I had to help her.
"I still don't like this plan of yours Ingrid.Trust me I love that
you're doing all that you can to get us out of here but this is not
going to end well.You're dealing with dangerous people
here."Her heart was in the right place.She cared about my
wellbeing but for some stupid reason I wasn't afraid of the
possibility of getting myself killed.The urge of breaking free
from Xavier's claws and helping Stacy was too strong to ignore.I
felt like I had grown some wings and was ready to fly.
"I'm still going ahead with it.If this backfires your name will not
be mentioned so you have nothing to worry about."
"That's not what I'm afraid of.What if you get killed?How will I
live with myself?Besides, we have nothing left for us out
there.If we get our freedom Xavier is still gonna hunt us down
and kill us.Let's just accept our reality.Let this go.I can't let you
put your life at risk like this." She wiped her tears off.
"There is one thing you should know about me Stacy.If I put my
mind onto something.I will never get it off.I pursue what I want
till I get it.I'm not giving up Stacy and don't give up hope as
well.I'm not letting that man run our lives till it stops exciting
him.We have a right to our own freedom.We have a right to
voice our own opinions,to be happy and do to do whatever we
want.Just because I'm a woman I'm not letting that man dictate
over my life.So now that I have a chance to have my freedom
back,I'm not gonna let it slip."
She sighed and sat down."What are we even gonna do once we
get our freedom?"
I sighed thoughtfully."I want to find my family.I have been
thinking a lot about it.Stacy, I have a feeling that I'm not an
orphan.Nothing adds up.I know I'm not a Drucker.I was given
that surname with the girls my age.When I asked the
authorities at the orphanage why they did so,they didn't
answer me.I asked for my real documents but I know they lied
saying I was just ditched at the orphanage's gate with nothing
but the baby clothes I had on.My memory might not be strong
enough to recollect what really happened but one thing is for
sure.I was not dumped at the orphanage as an infant.I also
think that the night terrors I always have has something to do
with my family.A voice always tells me to kill them all and
avenge my father.It feels real.Its like I have actually heard it
She settled her hands on my shoulder."What does all this
mean?You think maybe there was a foreplay or something?You
think someone killed your father?Do you even know your
"I don't know them.Look,I know this sounds insane but I feel
like an important memory was deliberately scrubbed off my
brain.Do you know that moment when you feel like there is
something important you have to remember but no matter
how hard to try you can't seem to figure it out?Whenever I
have the night terrors,I wake up trying to remember
something. I don't know what it is but I know that the memory
is important.I never really had this urge to know about my
family.But lately I feel like I should know.The night terrors only
stopped when I met Raphael but I have had them for as long as
I remember.That should mean something.Maybe there is more
to the story.And if I was really dumped like I was told then I
deserve some answers.I can't continue to suffer from identity
crisis. I need to know who I really am.So once I get out of this
place,I'm gonna start with my search."
"Ok I will help you.Now you rest while I get some oil for your
bruises." She brushed my back and walked out.I took out my
other phone and dialled the number.It didn't take long for him
to answer.His voice sent electric waves all over my body.
"Ingrid." He said.
"Raphael.A man's worth is dependent on his word.When
everything else is gone that's what will be all left.Can I trust
you?Are you going to keep your word?Are you going to get me
out of here?"
"My reputation precedes me.I keep my word and I fulfill my
promises.I will get you out of there." He reassured.
"Ok I will take your word for it.Xavier mentioned something
about the history of the crozier.He was having a conversation
with Erik Ivashk.There are planning something huge.He
sounded confident over the phone which had me worried.He
mentioned someone called Paloma and the Villela family.He
said something about them backing him up after they go ahead
with their plan. He also left for Mexico today.Apparently he
thinks you're drugging and getting his fighters killed.So he went
for an auction so that he will buy other fighters.If he is right
about you drugging his fighters then I'm sorry to say you're not
going to get any reaction from him.That is if you were expecting
one.He is going to lay low and he is not going to provoke you
until he has enough backup to take you down.I'm yet to find
out his plan but just know that he is coming for you real hard
and fully prepared this time."
He stayed silent for a while."Are you still there?" I asked.
"Yea I'm still here.I'm just so surprised that he trusted you
enough to tell you such important information."
"He didn't really tell me.I had to pretend like I was sleeping
while he was talking on the phone.Besides even if he tells me
it's not much of a big deal right.According to him I'm some
harmless little bitch and I won't do anything with the
information anyway."
He chuckled."We make a mean team.You're the best insider I
have ever had.I can't wait to fuck you.Damn you're good."
I bit my lower lip."This is a big deal for me Raphael.I will do
everything it takes to get out of this place.Do what you have to
do with the information and take him down.I have to go.Bye."I
dropped the call and let out a heavy sigh.
My other phone rang while on the stand.It was Layla.
I picked it up."I'm sorry about how I spoke to you on our last
conversation."She said as soon as I said hello.
"I just need one thing from you Layla.Consistency.If you wanna
be a bitch,just be a bitch.I'm at a point in my life where I only
appreciate all the positive energy I can get.I understand you
might be bitter and you envy this life I life but I don't.If you're
going to hate me for being kept prisoner in a luxurious estate
by a heartless man then hate me.Don't give me mixed signals.I
didn't like our last conversation because you sounded
bitter,jealous and pitiful.So are you gonna be my friend,my
sister by choice?Can I rely on you?"
"I'm sorry that you had to feel that way.I guess you're right.I
was just being jealous and bitter."
"That I agree on.So what have you been up to?" I asked.
"Nothing much,just the same old same old." She said sadly.
"Layla tell me what's going on?Can you switch to video call?" I
asked firmly.
"You can't see me like this.My last client was into some shitty
rough sex.Bondage and shit.He left me bruised and shit but its
nothing I can't handle."
"Layla you have a degree.Why the hell should you be a
"I need quick cash to survive in this cruel world.I will only earn
peanuts if I'm lucky enough to even get a decent job.A girl gotta
do what a girl gotta do." She said coldly.
"I'm not judging you.I respect your hustle.I of all the people
know how hard it is out there.But your love for money Layla
may one day lead you to your own downfall.You're not
desperate.You can get a decent job but its only that you love
the champagne darling life.It comes with a price.One day you're
going to learn that the hard way.Enjoy the rest of your day."I
dropped the call.
I spent the rest of the day lost in my own thoughts.A lot was on
my mind.I had to get out of this place or I would lose it.The
following day I just wanted to do something to keep myself
busy.I couldn't spend the whole day tasting wine and laying by
the pool.My fingers were literally itching for something.Once
again I started having that feeling that I was forgetting
something.After breakfast I showered and put on yet another
strapless black dress and black six inch heels.I went to the
lounge where Xavier's men were gathered.
"I wanna go to the shooting range."I said to one of his men.It
surprised me as well.I always dreamt holding a gun and now I
wanted to experience it.Maybe I would actually figure out why I
always have the night terrors.Maybe I would figure out why I'm
always holding a gun in the dreams.
"Boss didn't give us the order so you can't go out."Xavier didn't
respect me in front of his men.As a result they treated me like
just another bitch he was fucking.That had to change.Without
thinking twice I kicked him on his balls.They all looked at me
with shock written all over their faces.
"Now you listen to me carefully because I won't repeat
myself.Xavier is your king.I have this ring with me here.I'm
engaged to be married to him which means I will be your queen
if I'm not one already.You better start respecting me or we will
have problems.Now take me to the fucking shooting range.You
can call Xavier if you want to.Its not like I'm running away."My
heels clicked in the lounge hall as I made my way out.Five of
them were on my tail.I went into the jeep and they drove me to
the range.It was a few minutes away from the mansion.We
reached an open space which had silhouettes.They gave me the
headsets and a Beretta M9.
"I don't want a pistol.I want a rifle."
"Yes ma'am." He took out one from the collection they had.
"This is an AR 15 rifle ma'am.It might be of your taste."
I took the heavy metal. "Yep this will do.She is shiny and
beautiful.Now let's get started."This is why my fingers were
itchy.I had a déjà vú moment.Holding a rifle like this felt so
"Yes ma'am.So this is what you do.You take out the magazine
from the rifle.You check the magazine first and if its empty pop
the bullet into the magazine,then slide the magazine back
in.Then you pull the charging handle, turn the safety off and
pull the trigger,aiming at your target.All this should be done in a
minute.If you take longer you will be killed before you even
check the magazine.So get onto to it while I time you.Spread
your legs apart for balance while you at it."
"Ok let's do this shit."I screamed in excitement.


HANGING OUT.I didn't pay any attention to them.I only had one
particular pair of tits I was interested in at the
moment.Ingrid's.Reaper and Beast were on my side looking
equally bored.The blonde waitress walked my way with a dress
that barely covered her ass.She was dressed for attention but I
wasn't giving her any.Instead I chose to keep my hands to
myself and my dick in my pants,despite not having a fuck for
weeks now.I was not even turned on.My dick was soft like a
"Not tonight bitch." I pushed her away.
"The name is Layla." She looked offended but I couldn't care
less.I was in a foul mood and I was sexually frustrated yet I
didn't wanna fuck her.
"Yea whatever."I said signalling Beast to get her away from
me.He seemed like he could use a whore so he jumped to the
opportunity and walked away with her.It was clear she didn't
want him but she needed the money.
Just a few minutes after the blonde waitress as I call her was
gone,Anita came.Apart from being the superior at almost all my
brothels,she was my regular whore.She was good in bed and
charged a fortune for it.She knew exactly what I liked but I just
wasn't feeling her anymore.She was quiet attractive but still my
dick didn't even twitch.
She sat besides me and ran her hand on my biceps."You seem
too tense tonight but nothing rough sex can't fix or a blow
job."She said seductively.
"Not today Anita.I don't need your services."
"Okay General." She bowed and left.She didn't pester me much
or became clingy and that is why she was my regular.
Reaper gave me a funny look."Can't get it up?You never say no
to sex."
I shrugged taking a sip on my scotch."Sometimes you're just not
in the mood for sex."
"It's Ingrid you're thinking about.Isn't it?"
"I said I'm not in the fucking mood." I hissed and he
dramatically threw his hands up in the air.
The man I have been waiting for walked in.
One of his men was handcuffed to the black briefcase.Eight of
them sat down after bowing.We stayed in silence for a while.He
ran one of my biggest drugs cartel in Columbia.I preferred
meeting him in person every month because the cartel was the
biggest one and brought in a lot of profit.I had to make sure I
wasn't double-crossed.The monthly stash I got from the
Columbian deals was tripled than that from the other
cartels.Bruno was trustworthy and he was family.And we had
one thing in common.Our fathers were brothers.They held the
same sickness in them.The craving for violence and ways to
make quick money.Bruno and I had father issues.We both
hated our sperm donors.But despite being family, I had my eyes
on him.He couldn't entirely be trusted.In our world you can't
even trust your own shadow.He took a long drag on his cigar
and blew the air out looking back at me.If I wasn't appointed
for General he could have taken the position.He was a fair
challenge but only that he wasn't interested in the title.He
signalled the man with the briefcase.After unlocking the
handcuffs he opened it and I was impressed.I took one
diamond and carefully looked at it.I was familiar with diamonds
and these ones were a fortune.I carefully examined them with
a magnifying glass.
"I had a deal with an Arabian nigger.Muhammad Al-Samar."He
said staring at the girls at the poles clearly impressed.A
noticeable scar was on his face.It stretched from his forehead
to his chin.It was a stab scar.His father stabbed him with a knife
and dragged it all the way to his chin.Fernando skinned his son
on the face like some animal.We were a fucked up family.Bruno
grew up with no interests of our world but just like me,he was
forced into this life.He was a Rodriguez, he didn't have a choice.
"You took your share?" I arched my eyebrow.
He shrugged."40 million.Don't worry I'm not undercutting you."
"I know." I took a sip of my scotch.Beast came back and took
the briefcase to my estate with some of my men.
"I'm just gonna go and fuck."He stood up and took the first
stripper he laid his eyes on and walked away.
"You wanna get laid too?" I asked Reaper.
"I'm not in the mood either." We stood up and made our way
to our car.Reaper drove us back to our estate.When we arrived
I went straight into my room to take a shower.My phone rang
on the nightstand.I was surprised to receive a call from Ingrid.I
didn't think she would call.I believed she was scared and
starting to have second thoughts but man she proved me
wrong again.She was bossy and I liked it.My dick thickened just
by hearing her voice.
"Raphael. A man's worth is dependent on his word.When
everything else is gone that's what will be all left.Can I trust
you.Are you going to live up to your word?Are you going to get
me out of here?"
Something made her doubt me.I didn't blame her.I was a cold
criminal.You couldn't easily trust me but I was a man of my
word.I was going to get her out of there just like I
promised.After I reassured her so she gave me valuable
information she got that I was even surprised.Xavier was not
one to easily crack and open up like that but Ingrid was smart
enough.Xavier underestimated her
even I did at some point but she kept on surprising me.
"This is a big deal for me Raphael. I will do everything it takes to
get out of this place.Do what you have to do with the
information and take him down.I have to go.Bye." She dropped
the call and I had a proud grin on my face.
I spent the rest of my day feeling a lot better and trying to find
information about her.I reached a dead end again.
The following day I woke up with a proud grin on my face.
"What could that be that made you smile like a retard?" Reaper
asked.I hadn't even noticed that he walked into my bedroom.
"I have got something on Xavier.Apparently he is working with
some Villela family who have something to do with the crozier."
"This sounds like a plan to take you down."
"Obviously it is.Now I have to find out what this family is about
and who the fuck Paloma is.I also have to figure out what his
plan is and how to stop him."
"I will tell Hunter to get onto it." He was about to walk out but I
stopped him.
"No don't bother.We are not going to find anything in the
system.We might be dealing with some other seriously fucked
up family." I said thoughtfully.
"So what now?" He asked.
"We have to pay someone a visit."I glanced at him before
taking my jacket and walking out with him on my tail.On our
way I received a video clip from Falcon with caption."Hell yea
she is thee bitch.Man she is damn good.She aims like a pro.By
the way she kicked me on the balls." I clicked on the clip and
my lips stretched into a smile as I watched Ingrid holding a rifle
aiming at the shooting dummy like she was a pro.
"Fuck, she is good.You would think she is a snipper or
something.It's coming out naturally.Are you sure this is her first
time holding a rifle?This thing is heavy but she is not even
shaking." Reaper looked shocked when I showed him the clip.
"Apparently this is her first time.I'm equally shocked.This is a
fucking rifle not a pistol.It takes a lot of time to aim like
this.Damn she looks hot."I groaned replaying the clip.
"Yea she is hot."Reaper chuckled shaking his head.
An hour later we had arrived at the maximum prison.I walked
into the private room at the prison cells with Reaper.I was given
a cigar and some scotch but I wasn't in the mood for it. A few
minutes later he walked in.All cuffed up and chained.He looked
ridiculous in that orange jumpsuit.Reaper laughed blowing out
some smoke out.The guard walked out,giving us some privacy.
"You're enjoying this ain't you?"Fernando my father's little
brother, Bruno's father said.
I had control over the police so I put him in prison.He was
organising a fucking assassination.He was too ambitious.He
thought that after Diego he was going to be appointed General
as he was his second in command but it didn't happen.He was
pissed.He planned my assassination but it didn't work out.I had
him in jail and he was sentenced fifteen years in prison.I had a
say in that sentence.I just wanted to teach him a lesson.By the
look of it,he was learning.He was in his late forties but looked
like a sixty year old with unkept hair and dry skin.I made sure
he had it hard while in the cells.
"The sex good?" I asked sarcastically.
"I jerk off.You made sure I don't get any bitches around here.Or
at the very least get a fucking piazza.I eat shit here and live like
shit.What are you gonna benefit from this General?Get me out
of this shit and I will do whatever you say.I miss my son too."
"Planning my assassination and organizing a coup is pussy
shit.You know you will never get rid of me Fernando." I hissed.
"I acted on impulse and my ambitious nature got the best of
me.I have learnt my lesson.Now I just need good sex and some
booze.Its been fucking eight years in this shit.Fucking eight
years with no sex and booze.Come on man."He turned his gaze
to the small window in the room."I don't even remember how
it fucking looks out there."
"You desperately wanna get out of here?" I asked.
"Anything to get out of this shit hole."
"Paloma,The Villela family and the crozier.Start talking.I'm all
ears." I laid back on the chair keeping my gaze on him.
He shifted uncomfortably. "How the fuck did you find out about
the Villela's?"
"That's besides the point. Start talking or I will make sure your
case is reopened and you get a death sentence." I threatened.I
knew he was going to crack.He would do anything to get out.
My family was hiding something from me.It was pointless to
confront Diego because he was probably going to lie especially
because Xavier was involved.In our world fighting was never
really over.Our enemies subdued and another one popped
out.So the Villela family was probably a new enemy popping
"You remember your first kill?"Or maybe an old enemy.
Fernando sternly looked at me.
I clenched my jaws.How could I ever forget it?I refused to
openly admit it but I still suffered from the post murder tension
of my first kill.My nights were plagued with nightmares of that
man's lifeless body on the floor and his wife laying in a pool of
blood besides him.Sometimes I would dream of that little
girl.The one I told to hide in the closet so that I wouldn't get to
kill her.I knew Diego was going to force me to kill her but I
couldn't bring myself to kill such an innocent little soul.I took
her to the closet and told her not to ever make a sound.She
obliged with fear written all over her face.She chose to trust me
and did as I asked.She never made a sound.How could I forget
the pain in my chest the following day when I went back to the
fortress to check if she was still alive,only to find the place
burnt to the ground?I couldn't save her and I relived my failure
every night.As I grew up her face faded from my memory but I
never forgot about her.Sometimes I would dream about her
crying. Sometimes I would hear voice telling me how I failed
her.We all had nightmares and demons to deal with,this was
mine and no one knew about it.
"Everyone in that place died that day.So are you saying some
ghost is out there to get me.And how the hell is this even
related to what we are talking about?"
He shook his head and heaved a sigh."The man you killed was
called Lorenzo Morena and his wife you killed too was called
Paloma Villela."
"And how are they related to the crozier?Can we get to the
point already."Reaper snapped.
"The Villela family were the rightful owners of the crozier. All
that the Rodriguez, Ivashk and Vellutinis are enjoying now is the
blood,sweat and tears of the Villela's.They built the foundation
of our organization.They were a Mexican family and they were
based in Columbia.They started their arms and drugs business
as a mere gangsters but developed it into a Mafia
organization.They opened other lines of work too and their
influence spread to
Mexico,Panama,Aruba,Venezuela,Africa,South America,you
name it.They were very powerful.Even more powerful than the
Rodriguez, Ivahsk and Vellutini's combined.They called it the
family of bullets.Carlos Villela Snr was the founder of the whole
operation.He was the owner of the crozier.Apparently it was a
walking cane which was specially designed for him.After his
death he passed down his legacy to his first son Carlos
Jr.Unfortunately Carlos Jr didn't have sons.He only had three
daughters.So after him his little brother Marcus was supposed
to take over but they both died mysteriously.Alfonsi,Marcus'
son who was then supposed to take over the family's legacy
after his father who had died,was sent packing.He just left and
washed his hands,wanting nothing to do with the
family.Paloma,Carlos's Jnr eldest daughter then took over.All
this happened when the Villela family had joined forces with
the Rodriguez, Ivashk and Vellutinis.We weren't happy when it
announced that Paloma was taking over.You know us and our
egos.It didn't help that she pissed people off and the fact that
she was a woman and young,didn't work in her favour.But I
must admit,despite her being a woman and young, she is one of
the best Generals we ever had. Some people were happy with
her reign.They even nicknamed her Queen El-Lobo which
means Queen The Wolf.She was dangerous and ruthlessly
cunning.She was cruel and ruled with an iron grip.She was an
extraordinary marksman in almost all combat zone.Believe you
me she could aim with her eyes closed and she could dodge
bullets in high heels.In her two years of reign she amassed a
vast network of weaponry and soldiers.She was more of a war
lord.Despite all of this our hatred for a female leader got the
best of us so we plotted against her.The plan was to just
remove her from power without shading blood.So we sent
Lorenzo Morena to seduce her and maybe convince her to give
him the power to lead but the bastard fell in love in the
process.With how powerful she was, the only plan left was to
kill her.That's where your first kill comes in.We attacked her
and we had a shootout.The fact that you managed to aim her
and shoot her is one among many reasons why you were
chosen the General.You killed Queen El-Lobo at such a young
age.And there is the rule that the one who can kill the General
in power will automatically takeover.You know that thing about
wolves,if a beta kills an alpha then the beta automatically
becomes an alpha.You couldn't be titled the General there and
then because you were too young.Diego warmed the throne for
you,which is why he never fought it when the family appointed
you the next General.The throne was already yours."
"Now I get why a lot of people wants to see Raphael dead.But
none of this makes any sense.What happened to the other
family members because Xavier is working with them?Paloma's
sisters didn't die right.Let's not forget the strings of uncles and
aunts." Reaper said.
"If you heard something about the Villela then it means they
are out there hiding in plain sight or living a double life.If my
suspicions are right then they are out there planning to take us
down,especially you Raphael.It's a possibility that Paloma could
be alive too.We didn't necessarily do everything thoroughly
that day because we were in a hurry.Also after we left the place
was mysteriously bombed by someone not from our
families.Maybe,just maybe it was a ploy to make us believe that
we had completely destroyed them.I wouldn't be surprised if
someone made it out alive that day.Mind you it was not the
only place bombed.Other places they owned including their
villas in Mexico and all other parts of the world were bombed
too,the same day.Maybe it was an act to make us believe that
they are all dead when they are not.Raphael you have to get
me out because this is bigger than you.You need me." He said.
"We will stay on the low for a while.No one else should know
about this especially Diego.If he gets to know he will try to
protect Xavier and fuck this up even more.I will handle this."
Reaper heaved a sigh and ruffled his hair in frustration."This is
fucked up."
"You can say that again."


definitely means she is alive.No one dares to utter her name
recklessly like that.She is alive and that means we are
fucked.She is going to come after every one of us.Paloma
doesn't seek revenge,she believes in making things even.She is
lethal like that.I strongly believe that she is alive and she has
been laying low,watching us like a hawk.She has been very
patient planning and plotting.When she strikes believe me she
will destroy us all."
Fernando pulled his wrists and yanked on the chains.The fear
on his face was clear.Even on Reaper's.I wasn't fazed though.If
anything I was ready for her.I didn't care if she was going to
take over the throne.My only worry was about her
daughter.Was she alive?Was she out there blaming me for
what happened years ago?Suddenly I had hope that maybe she
survived.If the bombing was something Paloma and her family
planned then she definitely saved her daughter,right?
"So can you make plans to get me out of here.I miss my life out
there.I have learnt my lesson." Fernando said.
"I will have to keep you here for some time.Well until I have all
the information I want about this case.I know once you're out
of here you will become uncontrollable especially when you
join hands with your brother.I know you're eager to get out of
here.I'm willing to give this a try only when I believe that you
will not fuck with me once you're out there.Also Bruno needs to
be alerted about this."
Fernando sighed and laid back on the chair.His eyes were
cloudy and his shade had darkened.He knew Bruno was never
going to agree to letting him out.I didn't feel bad about letting
him rot here because he was a loose cannon just like my
father.I had to remind him what life is like without
booze,bitches and bullets.He had to feel what is like to be
ordered around by a sissy half your size.He needed a reality
check to straighten out his behavior.We were all criminals but
we had to be better and classy at it.Which he wasn't.He had to
learn that next time when he plans a coup or an attempt to kill
me they will be dire consequences.
"But you promised when you got here.I gave you all the
information you needed."
"I didn't promise you anything.Besides you're obligated to tell
me everything.I'm your General.This shit affects the throne and
everyone else involved but you and your brother decided to
hide things.I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that it was
actually you and Diego who convinced everyone to turn against
Paloma.You created problems you can't fix then you involved
me in your shit.If that bitch wants vengeance then she is going
to seek it from me because I'm the one who pulled the
trigger.She will come after me.At such a young age you
involved me in your fucking ploys.You provoked unnecessary
wars and now I'm the one who has to clean up your mess.And
the award of the best fathers of the century goes to Fernando
and Diego.Fuck you.You're going to fucking stay here for as long
as I want.Your brother will be next."
I played by my own rules.Some crime bosses preferred
torturing their men and kill the ones that cross them.That was
an easy punishment for me.I preferred confining those who
cross me to a long time sentence.It wouldn't be so bad in the
beginning but as time goes by your stomach will start rejecting
the shit they give people in jail cells and you will start to use
your dry hand to get off.Then that's when the torture
begins.Prison changes people.You lose your mind first then
your body next.
Fernando threw his hands in the air."Whatever you say
nephew.You always win.I will give you all the information you
want until you decide to get me out of this shit hole.If I was you
I will do that sooner.You need me.Paloma maybe a bitch but
she is a lethal.She is called Queen El-Lobo for a reason.Don't
underestimate her."
"You're just gonna make things worse for me."I stood up and
walked out.
Reaper and I left the prison.I drove us back to the estate in
complete silence.Reaper could see that I was in a foul mood so
he didn't say anything nor crack his dry jokes.When we arrived I
changed into my sports gear.
"I need someone to spar with." My voice boomed in the lounge
hall.Carlos,Hunter and Beast exchanged glances.They knew I
was upset so no one wanted to fight me.Not even Beast.
"Ok all of you to the gym. Now!" I ordered.
They made faces but followed me anyways.Two hours
passed.They were all down,breathless,bleeding and bruised.My
knuckles were bleeding and so was my nose and mouth.Beast
gave me some serious hard blows too but still it didn't make me
forget.My post murder tension was still high.All I could see was
her blurry image hiding in the closet just like I had told her
so.My conscience was heavily weighing down on me.I was
thirteen when I killed my first man.The image of Lorenzo laying
lifelessly on the white marble tiles with blood oozing from his
forehead was still very clear in my head.Paloma too haunted
my memories.During our time in isolation on the island when I
was young,we were trained by some army veterans like
animals.We were programmed like a series of a coded software
instructions.We were expected to behave in a predetermined
way.We were to behave like monsters after our years of
training.Which is why I was ruthless and never felt anything
when I killed.But only that little girl reminded me that I was
human after all.


When I aimed at Paloma she kept on looking at the hallway and
groaning in pain.I knew there was something there so I went
there.I opened each and every room until I found her hiding
under the bed shivering and sniffing.
"I want mommy.What did you do to my daddy?I saw you." She
said in deep Spanish.
It was different from the hard Spanish we spoke in Mexico but I
understood her.For a moment I contemplated on killing her.I
felt like I was in two different worlds.I felt like she had
deprogrammed me with her innocence.She rearranged
everything I believed in.I was tamed to kill.I was supposed to
kill her without thinking twice but I couldn't do it.I couldn't
bring myself to shoot such an innocent child.I felt like I was
hanging in two worlds.I pointed the barrel at her but I couldn't
squeeze the trigger.
"You and I are going to play hide and seek.Do you know what
that is?" It wasn't hard communicating with her despite our
Spanish being a little different. She understood me and nodded
I crouched and held her tiny arms."So you are going to hide in
the closet.Don't make a sound and don't come out.I will find
you.Don't ever come out.Do you understand?I will come back
for you.Don't cry and don't make a sound."
She tried to suppress her cries."I want mommy."She said.
"I know.We are playing a game so if you want to see mommy
again you have to do as I say.Don't make a sound.I will come
back and get you to mommy okay."
"Pinky promise." She gave me her little pinky finger.I smiled
sadly and hooked it with my callused one,making a promise
that I was never going to keep.Her mommy was dead.I had
killed her.
She smiled with two front teeth missing."I know where to
hide.You will never find me.Only mommy knows that spot."She
said in Spanish.
"Then mommy and I will find you.Now go."
"Wait.What is your name?" She asked.
"Raphael Rodriguez.What's yours?"
"For now call me Princess,I will only tell you my real name
when you find me."She looked too smart for a five or
something years old.
"Ok now go."
"Close your eyes." She giggled.
I did and a minute later she was in the closet."I will come back
for you.Muy calladíto,por favour(Please stay quiet)."
Those were my last words to her.
"Is there anyone else in there soldier?" Diego's voice echoed in
the hallway.I took one last glance at the closet and walked out
of the room.
"There is no one here.It seems like it was only the two of
them.General." I bowed.
"Good now let's get going.We have what we came here for."
A part of me died the following day when I found the place
burnt to the ground.I cried out for her and called for her but
she was no more.I went back to where we were camping
broken in mind and spirit.I never returned whole.I became a
shell of the boy I used to be.I loathed being a Rodriguez that
day forth.I hated my father for what he made me do.I hated the
life I was forced to live.Diego and our other trainers thought I
was suffering from just a post murder tension after we raided
Lorenzo's fortress but that was not the only case.Our
psychologist deprogrammed me again into the monster they
wanted me to be.They had realised that I was no longer the
same.After my deprogramming and heavy psychological
testing,that guilt never left me.It was like a shadow that
followed me around.As a result every year on the anniversary
of my first kill I succumbed to the pain.I learnt to live with it.I
felt that it was a prize I had to pay for killing them and failing to
protect that girl like I had promised.The memory of her was a
cross I carried everyday.I saw her everyday in my
dreams.Sometimes she would be burning, sometimes calling
out for me and at times she would just be looking at me.She
haunted me every time I closed my eyes.


"You may all go." I dismissed them but Reaper stayed.
"Being reminded of your first kill didn't sit well with you
right?Should I call Luìs?Maybe you need some deprogramming
or something."
"I'm ok Reaper.I don't need a shrink to play with my mind and
make me more evil than I already am.Can you bring me today's
reports.After you're done with that I want you to go to Diego's
estate and find a way to get Paloma's file.I know he keeps those
in his library.Also tell Hunter to call that blonde waitress and
Anita for me.I want to blow off some steam."
"Don't hurt the poor girls.I know that look on your face.You
want to hurt someone to make yourself feel better.That's not
the way to go about it."He was right I gave in to my sadistic
nature.I was craving to hurt someone the best way I knew how.
"Can you not lecture me right now.Its their job.All I have to do
is pay a fortune for it and take out the lube.I know its sick and
twisted but yea it makes me feel good.Now get Hunter to call
them for me."
He chuckled and shook his head."It's not gonna change
anything Raphael.You killed and its gonna be on your head for
the rest of your life.I know you try to hide it from everyone
else.I know you suffer from the post murder tension of your
first kill this time of the year but hurting people its not gonna
make you feel any better.Those are the crosses we carry for the
rest of our lives and you know it.I will tell Hunter to call the
girls."He stormed out and I punched the bag with frustration.
An hour later the girls were brought.
"Its about time." Anita said excitedly as we made our way to my
room.I had my way with them and I was content.I had blew off
some steam but like Reaper said it didn't make me feel
better.For some strange reason I actually felt guilty.
"How is the situation at the brothels?" I asked Anita who was
already dressing up to leave.
"Xavier's men are abusing us.I'm not talking about sexual
torture because it's part of our job but I'm talking about them
abusing us in general.Last week they brought in some girls and I
think they are underage.You should see this."She gave me her
phone and I frowned looking at the pictures.
"These are children my gosh.This is disgusting. And why the hell
are you telling me this now?" I shouted.The blonde waitress
flinched in fear.
Anita rolled her yes.Despite being surrounded by the coldest
criminals she stood her ground and told you where to get off
when needed.Its one of the things I admired about her.There
was just something about women who stand their ground and
tell you to fuck off.
"You were busy General.I knew you had a lot of things on your
table and this was the last thing you needed."
"No you don't get to decide what I need to hear and what I
don't need to.That's not your place.This is a big issue for me
and it deserves all my attention.Now go talk to Hunter and tell
him to take some men with you guys at the brothels.Get all the
bastards that are abusing you and bring them here."
Just because the women at the brothels chose that way of
living it didn't mean they had to be treated like they didn't
matter.I respected everyone's hustle so it set me off to hear
that Xavier's men were mistreating the women at the
brothels.On top of that they trafficked kids even when I said
no.He was trying to provoke me but Beast was going to handle
it.I had serious things to worry about.
"General." She bowed and limped out.
"You should leave too." I said to the blonde waitress.She was
even looking comfortable in my bed.
"So what will you be up to for the rest of the day?I know you're
a busy man you have a lot on your table and a lot to vent out
on.You can talk to me.You will be surprised how lighter you will
feel after talking it out." She asked and immediately my
instincts kicked in.I had an unfailing instinct about this girl.I
never discredited my gut instincts.My body could pick up bad
vibrations.I was trained like that.Something deep in me said
that something was not right about this blondy and I trusted it.
"Why are you interested in what I do?You have done your job
and pillowtalks is not part of your job description."I crocked my
eyebrow and she shifted uncomfortably.
"I was just trying to start a conversation.Relax big man." She
"You were trying to fish out for information.Who sent you?Who
are you working for?" I gave her a deadly look.
She swallowed deeply."I was just asking not that I was trying to
fish out for information."
"Let's not insult each other's intelligence here.I'm not a fool
woman.Who the fuck sent you?Start talking before I force the
truth out of you."
"No one I swear.I was just asking."She was really playing with
"I don't hurt a woman but it doesn't mean I don't have the one
who can.You will speak the whole truth.Come with me."I took
her to the maids' quarters.I knew from the word go that she
was up to something.Her interest in me wasn't only about
money or dick,there was something else she wanted.
"General."They bowed when I walked in.
"Call Cínzia for me." I ordered.
A few minutes later she walked in wearing her maid's
uniform.Hers was shorter exposing her tattooed thighs.She was
savage like that.Cínzia is Cynthia in English.I saved her in
Columbia years back.During that time Diego was the General so
trafficking underage was allowed.Cínzia was part of the
underage girls.I bought them all.I sent the others back
home.They were too traumatized to tell what happened.Cínzia
however refused to go back home in Columbia.Apparently her
step father was the one who sold her to Diego after raping her
for seven years.She wanted vengeance and I gave her that.I
captured the bastard and she killed him with her own hands.I
knew she was an asset so I kept her.After she agreed to stay of
course.She started training and eventually became the killing
machine she was today.She was now family.She was ruthless
just like the rest of us.I only needed her services when I wanted
to get information from women.
"How can I be of your services
General?"She said chewing a gum.It has been five years since I
saved her from those disgusting pigs and she was my sworn
sister.She became a Rodriguez by honor.
"I need you to get information out of this woman.Don't kill her.I
still want her alive." The blonde waitress shook in fear.
"You and I are going to have some fun darling.Can I fuck her?"
She dragged the waitress from me.I just laughed shaking my
"I just need five minutes General.You can wait here I will be
done now now." She smiled and looked devilishly at the
waitress taking her to the torturing chambers.
"What can we serve you General?" One of the maids asked.
"No I'm good.I will just wait for Cínzia to be done.You don't
have to worry about a thing."Most of these women were
abducted or sold so I saved them out of their misery.
A few minutes later Cínzia walked in wiping her knife."You
didn't kill her hopefully."
She smirked."No I didn't. Just a few cuts she was already
singing.Besides I still want to fuck her."
"Good.I still want her alive.Get Pablo to treat her wounds."
Pablo was our doctor.He was specifically trained for that.He
was from the Vellutini family.They wanted him to be the
General but unfortunately he was too weak to challenge me
and he had a passion for medicine.He flipped sides during his
trainings.I took him in and allowed him to pursue on his
passion.After he graduated he became my personal
doctor.Since he was the last born of the Vellutini he was an
asset.The Italians never abandoned their own so even though
he swore his loyalty to me he was still considered family.One
day he was going to come in handy.
The maids took the blonde waitress from the torturing
chambers.Her face was unrecognizable with lots of cuts on
it.Cínzia skinned her like an animal.I looked at her in shock and
she just shrugged.
"A few cuts?"
She gave a shrug."Well she was underestimating me because
I'm a bitch.She had to be taught a lesson."
"You literally disfigured her face."
She gave me a bored look."Pablo will sort out her cuts.They will
just become scars.Soon enough they will disappear.Anyway you
were onto something.You were right.She is Xavier's bitch and
she was tasked to fish out some information about your
whereabouts and stuff like that.What's more interesting is she
is the reason why Xavier met Ingrid in the first place.She
pimped Ingrid.Apparently she met Xavier at some bar and they
started fucking.It looks like Xavier wanted her to lead one of his
brothels so he asked her to pimp some girls and she started
with her friend.She sold Ingrid to the devil for some couple of
notes.She sounded jealousy when she was talking about
Ingrid.The deal was for Xavier to just fuck your woman and
send her to the brothel but upon seeing her,he changed his
plans.Also she has been sleeping with Xavier behind Ingrid's
back.She knows more than she is giving out but she passed out
before I could extract more information from her.We will have
to keep her because it looks like she knows Xavier more than
anyone else.I don't know if its just me but she kinda looks so
much like Caitlyn which might be the reason why Xavier was
interested in her in the first place.There is so much to this
General.You might be on to something big here.I don't know
what it is but I have a feeling that we are in for a surprise.She
also mentioned that Ingrid is in great danger.She didn't say
what it is exactly because she doesn't know what Xavier is
planning.What she is sure of however is that Xavier is going to
kill your woman once he gets what he wants which we know is
the crozier.I don't know how the hell it is related to your
woman but maybe he is using her as collateral or something.I
don't know,but this is huge."
"That bastard!I'm going to kill him this time around.Anyway
thanks Cínz.I will see you around.By the way how do you know
about Ingrid?Why do you keep referring her as my woman?"I
furrowed my forehead.
"Isn't she your woman.Word got out that you claimed her as
yours in front of Diego.And,it's not everyday you hear that the
mighty General sneaked into a woman's bedroom and spend
the following day smiling like a retard.I fuck Carlos General, of
course he sings when I give it to him good.And I know you like it
when I say your woman,don't pretend otherwise."I looked at
her smiling.She was a ball of energy and a little sister I never
had.We shoulder bumped.I walked out lost in my thoughts.
I had a lot to deal with but Ingrid's safety was my priority.I felt
the sudden urge to protect her.I knew Xavier wanted the
crozier but I had no idea how that was related to Ingrid.How did
she fit in that equation?It gave me some sort of comfort
though.I still had the crozier with me so Ingrid was safe.At least
for now.I had so many unanswered questions.Was Paloma
alive?If she was,what did Xavier have on Paloma that she would
agree to help him?The last time I checked we were all
enemies.Did this mean that Paloma was working with the
Russians now?Where the hell did Ingrid fit in all of this?I was
sure of one thing though,Ingrid was in much great danger than I
had thought.I could protect her yes but it was difficult to do so
when she was alone with that bastard.God knows the shit he
put her through.Something had to be done and an idea came to
I quickly called Falcon.
"General." He answered.
"Can you talk?" I asked.
"I need you to do something for me.Train my woman some
basic techniques to defend herself."
"On it General." He said and I dropped the call feeling a little bit
better.That would have to do.Ingrid had quick reflexes so it
wasn't going to be difficult to learn some moves to defend
herself from Xavier when need arises.


men say you're a really good shooter and you might make a
very excellent marksman in the future."
He perked my lips.By the way his left eye twitched I knew he
wasn't impressed one bit.He wanted me weak.Me being good
at shooting provoked him in a way but I wasn't going to stop.Its
like I had found my purpose.My fingers stopped itching when I
started.Whenever I held the rifle I felt so excited and happy.I
had already started to develop calluses because of holding the
heavy rifles.Besides shooting, one of his men offered to teach
me some defense moves and I agreed.One day they were going
to come in handy.
"I'm just interested in it and I realised that since I'm gonna be a
queen to the most amazing and powerful man in the world I
will have to up my game.On that note I'm starting some
exercises.One of your men offered to teach me some
techniques to keep my body in shape yesterday."He frowned
when I mentioned that.I didn't want to tell him that I was taking
self-defense classes.He would never agree to that.
"No don't worry babe I only belong to you.I agreed to taking
the classes just to stay fit.My body will be toned and I will lose
some fat.I will become just the way you want me to be.I have
to be fit for a fit handsome hot man like you." A compliment to
his big ego always get him to back off.
"If you say so.Who is training you?"
"He said his name is Falcon."
He sighed in relief. "I trust him.Be a good girl though he can be
ruthless.He is an ex military man.He can expose you to some
vigorous training.So good luck with your gym classes.I have an
issue at the brothels that I will have to personally check out."
I fixed his tie and nearly choked him."Take care of everything
for us okay."I perked his lips and smiled evilly at him.
"Don't wait up for me.I will be back around midnight." He
walked out.
I showered and went to meet Falcon in the gym room.He
frowned when I walked in wearing tight pants and a
croptop.Thats the only sports gear I had in my closet.
"Rule number one.You should wear properly.So go change." He
ordered with a cold look on his face.
"I have nothing else to wear."
"I know.Get into this." He gave me a pair of grey loose
sweatpants and a white vest.He walked out and I changed into
He came back and started teaching me some simple basics
moves."You have power,speed and the instincts that cannot be
taught but that would be meaningless unless you know when to
hit and how to disguise your attack.At the heart of attacking
and defending is simplicity..."
I interjected."....we use whatever works to overcome the
opponent. We start from stance.The essence of defense is
learning how to use stance, strength and speed to stroke the
He looked at me astonishedI was equally shocked."How did you
remember all that?"
"Remember?I have never don't this before.What do you mean
"Its like you have a muscle memory.Like you have done this
before and the muscle doesn't forget.It takes a long time for
some people to master the techniques I taught you but you
took minutes.Its like you were just revisiting what you have
practised before."
I shrugged."I don't know what this is about but I'm equally
surprised.Its like it was programmed in my head already even
though I don't remember doing it before.You know what,let's
just continue."
He gave me a quizzical look but didn't say a word.
I continued with my defense classes as well as my shooting
trainings.Its like I had found my purpose.For the first time in a
long time I didn't regret being in Xavier's estate.I always looked
up to the next day for my trainings with Falcon.I figured out he
was one of Raphael's man but I didn't confront him about it.He
was ruthless for sure.He was an ex-military man and once
worked close with the Secret Services.The organization which
provide bodyguards for powerful politicians.He didn't hide his
dislike for Xavier and that gave me some sense of comfort.He
would usually cuss him in deep Spanish.I was surprised that I
actually understood it very well.I have never learnt it before but
I was familiar with it.Besides my trainings, I kept a close eye on
Xavier.He was up to something and I was frustrated that he was
keeping it from me.I couldn't push too much or he would know
I was spying for Raphael.All I managed to gather was that he
was flying to Columbia,Mexico and Russia a lot.He was
definitely up to something.And it wasn't good.He was more
happier and more affectionate, that had me worried.When he
was happy,something was wrong.


I felt the weight of my dinner at the pit of my stomach.I had

spent the entire day with the man that I despised the most.Our
"situationship" was bearable when he spent less time with me.I
actually preferred it when he didn't give a fuck about me.Now
he was showing too much affection that I didn't know how to
react to it.At first I thought he was acting until I realised that
something had really came over him.If he was still acting then
he was doing a good job and he was really into the
character.The sweetness and affection had escalated until he
became a stranger in my eyes.The stranger that I didn't like one
"They say it takes a long time for a relationship to find its
footing.I think we have found ours.So we are getting married
the day after tomorrow."
What the fuck."Why?!"I blurted out the question without
thinking twice.
He was about to sip on his scotch.He lowered the glass and
looked sternly at me.The green shade of his eyes had
darkened."What do you mean why?"
Shit I was fucked!


he waited for my response.I had to think of something quickly
or he would find out that my behavior in the past days was all
an act.
"Why didn't you tell me babe?!!My gosh this is a surprise.Ohhh
my God thanks Xav.I actually thought I was going to be your
fiancé for the rest of my life.My gosh I didn't think you were
going to take this step.You don't know how happy I am.Why
didn't you tell me earlier?Babe you surprised me.Ohhh my God
babe.I don't know what else to say.I'm so happy Xavier." I
exclaimed and screamed in "excitement."I ran around the room
and jumped on him kissing him all over the face.
He smiled." For a moment I thought you weren't happy.I'm so
glad that you loved the surprise."He plastered his lips on mine
and my only coping mechanism was to picture the only man
who can get me off by just a smirk,Raphael.
"Of course I'm happy.I can't wait to be Mrs Xavier Ivashk." I
smiled,the "fakest" smile I could pull off.My jaws even hurt
from pretending like I was happy.Urgh! Story of my life.
"Yes you will be babe.And the whole world we know it.We will
rule together." He said with an evil smirk.Something was
definitely wrong.If he was happy like this then something
wasn't right.
"I have a lot to prepare my love.I have to fit my gown,taste the
cake and all that.Are we getting married here?Where will our
wedding be held?"
"I still want to surprise you.There is no need for you to worry.I
have everything organized for you,even the gown.All you have
to do is to be pretty and walk down the aisle.I can't wait to wife
you.You will only belong to me.You will be my little bitch that
belongs only to me."He leaned in and kissed the corner of my
mouth."We are different now.And I love how much you want
me.You're always socked for me."He took a sip of his scotch
and started kissing me.I was disgusted by how disrespectful he
was to his men.They had to watch us making out like that.This
was yet another disgusting power play of his.He was marking
his "territory" but that only made his men give me disgusting
lustful looks.
"I want you and I know you want me." He said as a matter-of-
fact.I despised him even more.Now that he didn't want to tell
me where the wedding was to be held I got even more worried.
"Let's go to our bedroom." Thank fuck for that.He dragged me
to his room and once again I had to imagine I was with
Raphael.As soon as we walked in he started kissing me
everywhere,licking and sucking before he splashed his scotch all
over me.He kissed the skin of my tits and started licking the
drops of scotch away,tasting me everywhere.I have never been
so disgusted in my life but I had to lay there and let him have
his way with me.I just had to take it.He took his time.He has
never been so affectionate, slow and seductive.I hated it even
more than when he just fucked me and got it over with.When
he was done we went to take a shower.I didn't want to leave
thereafter because I wanted to gather some information that
could help me leave the hellhole.I coaxed him into letting me
sleep into his room and he let me.I didn't sleep a wink.In the
wee hours of the morning he received a call and he went to
take a shower leaving his phone unattended.With shaking
hands I looked through it.I found some information about
Paloma and hopefully it was going to be of good use to
Raphael.When he was done showering I had finished
snooping.Phew,that was risky.Afterwards he left immediately
for Russia.I got off the bed and ran to my room.I got hold of my
other cellphone and dialled.
"Ingrid ¿Cómo está cariño?(How are you honey?)"His deep
voice echoed from the other end and I had goosebumps all over
my body.It sounded even more seductive when he said it in
Spanish.I was even more surprised that I understood his hard
Spanish but since I was around Xavier for too long it wasn't
much of a big deal that I understood him.
"Bien,gracias(Fine,thank you).I have some information about
Paloma that I hope would be of good use to you but before that
I wanted to tell you that Xavier wants to marry me
tomorrow.You have to do something to get me out of here."
"¿Qué?!(What?!)That bastard!!! I will fucking kill him.I will be
damned to let him have his way.Never! I will not let him." He
"You have to do something and I know you will.Anyway I read
some text between Xavier and someone called Erik.They
mentioned that Paloma is in Bogotá in Columbia.She is camping
in a jungle with her men.The exact location is a secret
though.Apparently she is planning wars in Syria.Every war is
beneficial to her so she is supplying the terrorist and the
military.Xavier also mentioned how much he needs her to be at
our wedding.I don't know why but I think its part of his sick
plan.Please do something Raphael."
"You have to trust me.He is not going to do anything to you
much less marrying you.I will never let him." He reassured.
"What will you do?I don't know where the wedding will be
held.What if he wants to ship me to another continent or
island.He is planning something Raphael and it's not good." I
had tried to be as calm as I could be under the circumstances
but now reality was starting to kick in.It dawned on me that I
was only left with a few hours to wed that bastard.Now I was
"Por favor, no fé preocupès cariño ¡Vale?(Please,don't worry
honey.Ok?)I got you."He reassured.
"Okay.I want to see you tonight."
"I will come." With that said I dropped the call.
If I was to spent my entire life with Xavier then I was not going
to deny myself some pleasure.I gave in to my lustful nature.I
was definitely going to let Raphael fuck the living daylights out
of me.I wouldn't probably get caught.Even if Xavier was to
catch us it wouldn't matter anyway.I chose to be shot than to
be tied down with Xavier for the rest of my life.I was not going
to get caught.I would probably pull it off.The wedding
announcement changed everything.I decided to play a game, a
dangerous one.I was going to have an affair with Raphael if in
case I would be married to Xavier.I didn't even feel guilty about
it.Anyone in my position would understand.
While waiting for the day to pass I went to the shooting range
with Falcon.At first he didn't try to talk to me because I was in a
foul mood.I was getting married the following day to the man
that I despised the most.And as the bride to be I was in a
shooting range.Story of my life.
"Go easy on the gun will you." Falcon finally spoke.I gave him
an eye and he chuckled throwing his hands in the air."Please
don't shoot."
"I'm pissed Falcon so please don't add to that." I said aiming at
the dummy.I continued squeezing the trigger until it was turned
into pieces.
"He is not going to sit by and watch him marry you.He is not
going to let Xavier have his way with you."
"But I mean nothing to him.Why would he risk his life and
resources for me?Sadly I'm just one of the bitches he wanna
fuck and be done with.I wonder if I'm even worth his energy.A
man that gorgeous can get any woman he wants at anytime." I
sighed loading the magazine with more bullets.
"And you happen to be the woman that he wants.You actually
mean a lot to him than you think.General would never take
interest in a woman for this long.If you didn't mean anything he
would have forgotten about you a long time and give zero fucks
about you.But that is not the case because you mean a lot to
him even when he doesn't wanna admit it himself.All men here
know you're Raphael's woman,even Xavier's men.You have no
idea how protected you're and that should mean something to
you.General would never waste his resources on something or
someone he doesn't care about.He cares and he is not gonna
let anything happen to you."
"I would love to believe that is true but I can't stop worrying.If I
marry Xav I will be doomed for eternity."



EDITION HAVANA CIGAR.My men walked in wearing
camouflaged army jackets,pants and army boots.They were
ready for their missions and activities of the day.
"General!" They all chorused and bowed.Among them was
Reaper and he seemed to be in the business mood as well.
I released the smoke and stamped the cigar on the
ashtray."Let's discuss the mission of the day and state of
activities in process."I looked at a table full of maps and details
of transport ships.
"We have transportations to Panama,Bolivia and
Mexico."Hunter pointed out.
I sat down and pushed the list to Reaper and my men.I pointed
at the direction of the map.
"We transport to Panama and Bolivia today and Mexico next
week.Xavier is trying to sabotage me and I have to deal with
him first.I know he will try to pull off the stunt he pulled last
time.He will tip off the police while my bunkers are on the
Mexican border.So for today we will keep things moving for
Panama and Bolivia."I liked to keep things moving.I did not
want the shipments to stay too long after they arrived.We had
gotten our huge shipment from South America so I wanted it
out of the warehouses as soon as possible.We had paid a
fortune to the government officials in all levels but I knew
better than to let the shipment stay longer than it should have.
"Mexico next week it is.So the men and I are going to make
sure things move today.We will use this one for today." Carlos
pointed the smallest ship on the map but it had served us well
before.We continued discussing the mechanics and details of
our operations.While we were at it more of my men walked in.I
sent fifty of them for their usual duties.I continued dispatching
them to their operations until they were all gone apart from
"You haven't smoked in a while." He pointed out.He was right.I
was stressed out about this Paloma issue.Reaper didn't find
anything when he went through Diego's things.The old man
was clever.He would never keep such important information in
his library.I should have thought about that before sending
Reaper but anyway it was already done.It was frustrating not to
know what Xavier was planning.It would be much easier if I
knew his plans, that way it will be a walkover to defeat him.
"One thing is for sure.Paloma must be alive but I wonder what
it is that Xavier is using against her to get her to side with him."
"I know its stressing but let's deal with one problem at a time.If
Paloma is alive, she is hiding which should give us enough time
to be ready for her when she strikes."Reaper poured some
scotch for us and gave me a glass.
"Is that the only thing worrying you?" He arched his eyebrow.
"I wonder if Ingrid is okay.She hasn't called me for a while now.I
should probably go check on her.That man is sick in the head."I
paced around.
"You need to get back to sleep and relax.Its still early in the
morning.Don't worry about Ingrid.You know she is safe right."
As if fate has decided it my phone rang.It was Ingrid.My heart
pounded in a crazy way as I answered her call.I was drove to
sensual insanity that I started speaking in Spanish.I had stopped
using that language in a long time
"Ingrid ¿Cómo está cariño?"
We continued talking and when I was done I had a smile on my
face.She was really good.
Reaper gave me a funny look."Now you're speaking in
Spanish.You stopped speaking in Spanish when you were a
teenager.Ingrid is breaking records."
I chose to ignore his remark."Its official
Paloma is alive.She is in Columbia in Bogotá but we don't know
the exact location. Apparently she is camping in a jungle with
her men and she is sponsoring wars in Syria because she will
benefit from them."
"She is extremely smart.She was hiding in plan sight all
along.Columbia was the last place I expected her to be.I
thought she would be at some fortress but no not Paloma.She
really is the El-Lobo.Should we get our guys to get on to her?"
Reaper asked.
"No.We have to tread carefully especially where Paloma is
concerned.She has decades of experience compared to me.She
knows the game like the back of her hand.She knows the
consequences of hiding in plain sight so she is ready for us.Lets
lay on the down low for while until I figure out a way to tackle
this issue.We are in the wrong here so we are the ones at the
receiving end."
"So in the meanwhile we can just send the drones to check out
the activities at the camps." He suggested.
"Paloma is not stupid.And this time around she will be extra
careful considering that we caught her off guard years ago.They
obviously have a radar station at the camp and they will detect
the drones from miles away.And that will lead back to me.I
don't want to provoke her because she is on a revenge
mission.We don't know what we are dealing with yet but one
thing is certain.She is fucking ready for a war and we might be
the one to have so many casualties.We are dealing with a
fucking war goddess here."
I was calm as I could be under the circumstances but this wasn't
good.Xavier this time around had a strong ally.I just had to find
what he was using against her.That would be my loaded
ammunition to kill two birds with one stone.I didn't have much
of a choice.Paloma would never want to hear my side of the
story.She would never understand that I was just a boy who
was following orders when I killed her husband and shot
her.Her animosity was with the General and I happened to be
the one sitting on the throne,with that title over my head.This
was her family's legacy hence she would kill for it.I had to
protect myself so when the time comes I would have to kill her
first before she kills me.
"If this shit had you this worried then its fucked up." He
drowned the contents left in his glass.
"Yea it is.Which is why I need you not to tell a fucking soul
about this until I figure out how to go about it.If the word goes
out that Paloma is back for the throne some fucked up enemies
would want to challenge me.I'm really in no mood to go into a
cage and fight someone like some fucking animal.I have better
things to worry about.Like Xavier wanting to marry Ingrid
"What the fuck?Don't tell me you gonna let him.He needs your
word for it too."
"I agree.He needs my permission first.The title of the General
places me as the head of the families.If he goes he goes ahead
with the marriage without my permission then him and
everyone else involved which I believe is the whole fucking
Ivashk and Vellutini clan will alienate themselves from
everyone.They are going to make enemies just by going against
my word and disrespecting me.I will also have a real reason for
wanting to kill Xavier."I said over my shoulder holding a glass of
scotch in my hand and the other one in my pocket while I
looked outside the window.
"The fuck Raphael?! So you want Xavier to marry Ingrid.You're
letting this wedding happen?!" He shouted.
I turned and looked at him coldly.That got him to back off as he
stopped gawking at me and started pacing instead."Boy watch
your tone when you talk to me.Ingrid will have to wear the
gown and she has to go the altar but the wedding is not
"Thank fuck for that." He said more calmly this time.
"And they will not get married at his estate. He knows I will
ambush it if he does that.The problem is I don't fucking know
where he is going to take her to."
"Doesn't Ingrid know?" Reaper asked pouring himself another
glass of scotch.
"Of course he didn't tell her.He knows there is a possibility that
I might know if he tells Ingrid.He is kinda smart but I'm
smarter.I know someone who might tell us.Accompany me to
the maids' quarters."I took my suit jacket from the leather
chair.We walked out of my office.There was some men on the
hallway lined up and on guard.They bowed in respect as we
walked by.I nodded my head in response.

"Buenos días.¿Cómo amaneciste.Me fantastíco¡ gracias."(Good
morning.How are you this morning? I'm great,thanks)." Cinz
was really in a good mood to go around tweeting in Spanish like
that.After her experience in Columbia she wanted nothing to
do with her roots.Just like me.
"Good morning to you too Cinz.I have a job for you.Is the bitch
still alive?" I asked.
She smiled evilly chewing her gum.Early in the morning like this
she was already in high heels.She was a ball of energy that
one.Our own Mexican Harley Quinn.
"Of course.I don't wanna kill her yet.She is a good fuck.So what
can I do for you General?"
"I want some information from her.I know she knows more
than she is letting out."
"I couldn't agree more."
A few minutes later we were in the torturing chambers.Layla
was strapped on the chair her face bloody and with
bruises.Fresh wounds were all over her face on top of the old
ones.Still she wasn't saying anything.It might have been
because her body had adjusted to the pain of having her skin
pilled off her face but Cinz had some skills up her sleeves.
"Hmm look who is trynna be strong here." Cinzía laughed
looking at Layla.
Reaper and I stood by watching our lil "sister" in action.We
were not going to be part of it.I would never lay my hand on a
woman.I wouldn't stoop that low.Layla glared at Cinz with her
eyes open.As open as they could be with how swollen they
were.Cinz bursted into laughter.Did Layla really think she stood
a chance against Cinz,that she would glare at her as if
challenging her?
"I'm gonna give you a manicure.After that you will start singing
and telling me things that I don't even wanna hear."
Reaper and I exchanged glances.What the fuck was the
manicure?Cinz took out the cutter from the tool box.She
showed it to Layla with a sick smile on her face and started
moving it on her face.She had her right wrist cuffed to the steel
chair.Layla tried to dislodge the metal cuffs but it was of no
use.Cinz held the cutter to the pinky finger.
"No no please no.I will talk.I will talk." Layla pleaded but it was
rather too late as Cinz pressed the cutter to her pinky.A minute
later the finger was on the floor.Cinz didn't stop there,she cut
from the pinky to the thumb.She sliced all of her fingers in one
cut.We watched as blood dripped from Layla's hand.Layla
watched in horror and when the pain finally registered, she
roared.Cinz looked at her tapping her foot,waiting for her to
adjust to her newfound agony.
"Now talk.We are listening." Cinz demanded.Layla cried with
her eyes rolling at the back of her head.She was about to loose
"Don't you dare sleep on me.I will cut off your clits." Cinz
shouted.She ordered one of our men to bring cold water.She
poured it on her and Layla opened her eyes trying to catch a
breathe.She started talking.
The bastard was going to take Ingrid to a fortified Island
somewhere in Samoa.
"Don't kill her.I want her to apologize to Ingrid when the time
comes." I said.
"Of course I won't.But I will punish her for what she did to our
queen.Selling her to that bastard Xavier was pussy shit and she
gotta have to pay for that." Cinzía hissed.
""She begged
"You beg so good.I'm almost fell bad.Layla your sins will not go
unpunished.You have no idea of the misery you subjected
Ingrid to when you sold her to that sick bastard.Who does that
to their own friend?If you come out of this alive you will tell the
tale.I hate two faced bitches the most."Cinz switched on the
"Now let's play babe." She grabbed Layla's hand.
Reaper and I walked out before we saw Cinz boring holes into
Layla's hand.


I couldn't wait for the day to pass and when it did I was ready to
go see Ingrid.I just couldn't wait to be with her.It has been long
since I saw that sexy cariño.This time around I went
solo.Xavier's men were not going to do anything to me.I didn't
need to carry the crozier for them to feel my authority.Around
11pm I was on her balcony.When I opened the door she
attacked me with a kiss that I was even surprised.Kissing was
too intimate for me but I realised that I kissed this woman way
too much.And it felt so good.
"Take me Raphael.I want you." Her voice was a whisper.She
wanted me and so did I.I held on to her slim waist as she
plastered her lips on mine again.My dick felt like it was going to
burst out of my zipper as I felt her warm breasts on my
chest.Her perfume was potent and it would be the most
intoxicating scent when mixed with her sweat.My hand
touched her thighs,my fingertips caressing her thighs.Her skin
was so so soft and smooth.It felt like velvet against my callused
fingers.I inched my hands further into her inner thighs and she
moaned in my mouth.I channeled my hands further into her
wet cunt and man was she drenched for me.My other hand
sunk deeper into her curly hair and I cradled the back of her
neck as I kissed her back aggressively.Her lips tasted like honey
with a sprinkle of coke.They were addictive.She was a great
kisser.Her tongue grazed mine and she gently bit my lower lip
making me even more harder.She kissed me like she haven't
been kissed in years.Our lips and tongues parted,merged,
twisted and danced but we both had to come up for air.She
looked at me with her silver-grey eyes glistening with
desire.The dim light made her even more hypnotic.
"Fuck me real hard Raphael.I don't care if he walks in on us.All I
want is you.Fuck me." She whispered breathing heavily with her
palms rested on my hard chest."Take me Raphael.I'm yours,all
yours." She whispered as I kissed my way down her neck.
"Fuck yea." I didn't take time and peeled off the nightdress she
was wearing.She didn't have anything underneath and her pink-
tipped breasts were bare before me.I have seen so many tits in
my life but that pair took the cup.They were perfect.I looked at
her like it was my first time seeing her naked,any woman
"Lie back on the bed mi cariño(my honey).I want to study your
body that if I am to take an exam I will get full marks.Fuck, mé
vuèlves loco(you drive me crazy)."
She did as I asked and laid on the bed with her legs wide open
for me.She had a naughty smirk on her face.I stood back and
watched as I removed my own clothes.I have waited for this
moment for so long.Damn, I imagined how it would be like
being inside her.
"Yo necésito me Rafaél(I need you Raphael)." She said in
Spanish like she was in a sensual trance.My name sounded
more beautiful when she said it in Spanish.Heck, her accent
turned me on even more.She had called out for me and I
couldn't deny her.I climbed on the bed naked with her.
"I have wanted you so bad.The very first time I saw you I
wanted to be buried deep inside of you." I whispered as I kissed
the inside of her thighs.I used my finger to spread her pussy lips
then pressed my nose against her pink flower before I ran my
tongue between her glistening flaps.She tasted even more
better than I had anticipated.My hands went under her ass and
I lifted her up as I licked every inch of her.
"Ohhhhh gaaawd...Raphael...uuuh..goosh..yes..." She moaned
louder as her hands dug into my hair.She really didn't care if
Xavier or his men heard us.That bastard got to enjoy her while
my dick enjoyed my hand but now she was mine,mine
alone.She now belonged to only me.I had marked her.My eyes
rolled in the back of my head as I tasted her cum.I ran my
tongue all over and cleaned her.She moaned louder biting her
lower lip.If Xavier was to walk in we were not going to stop.The
whole set up made this enjoyable.Fucking Ingrid in his house
was such a betrayal to that asshole.A man that pathetic didn't
deserve a woman like her.Only I did.My hand reached for the
condom and I wrapped it around my cock which felt like it was
about to burst.The taste of her pussy made my cock unbearably
hard.I gave her one last lick before I slid up body and pressed
my cock on her entrance.
"You're mine" I said before I thrust into her wetness and sunk
my cock deep.
"Ohhh... shiiiit..yesss...." She cried out and I felt her nails on my
back.She wanted me so bad and she was vocal about it.I took a
moment to appreciate her tightness before I started to slowly
thrust in and out of her.I kissed her slowly and my mouth
moved down to her breasts.I began to suck her nipple.She
moaned out loud and I groaned in pleasure.She was so tight
and her body became entwined with mine.My lips went to her
neck and my other hand pinched on her nipple.
"Ohhh Rafaél." She closed her eyes and moaned calling my
name in Spanish as she was lost in pleasure.I continued
thrusting in and out of her with an increased paced this
time.Her legs tightened around my waist and her pussy gripped
my cock even more tighter.
"Fuck..this pussy is good." I groaned.
"I'm close.." She cried out.My hand left her breasts and trailed
down her stomach.My thumb inched lower and onto her clit.I
pressed the slick pad of my finger against her nub and that's all
it took for her back to arch and her lips to part, screaming my
name.I gave her five more powerful thrusts and my cock too
swelled and pulsed inside her.I groaned as I held myself deep
and released in the latex.When I removed the plastic there was
so much cum that it spilled in my hands and on the
bed.Damn,sex has never been this good with a condom on.
"Fuck." I bellowed.I looked at her and she had a beautiful smile
on her face.Our post sex glow on her body made me hard
again.I was already recovering and demanding more.
"Again?!" She looked at me with wide eyes.
"We are only getting started cariño.Get on your fours."I
demanded, and she obediently did as I asked, showing me her
perf ect ass.


DEEP INSIDE OF ME.Even with a condom separating us,it was
the best sensation I'd ever felt.My hips started to shake before I
felt my climax approaching.I cried out his name as I was so
close to exploding.He didn't disappoint.He gave me master
strokes from behind,spanking my ass and fucked me through
my orgasm.I lost my breath feeling the throbbing sensation
between my legs and his cock sliding in and out of me.He was
balls deep probably in the wettest pussy he'd ever fucked in his
life.Raphael groaned as he continued thrusting.He wasn't much
vocal when he climaxed,he only groaned like a bull, but man did
I scream his name.
Sex with him was that good that I even cried out his name in
Spanish.I had imagined how it would be like having Raphael
inside of me and it was far much better than I had
anticipated.He continued pumping in and out like he was a
beast.We were like two animals fucking in the wild.I even
forgot that I was in Xavier's house and his men were probably
outside.At this point I didn't even care if he was to walk in on
us.With Raphael inside of me I had stopped thinking of how
dangerous this was.This was so risky and dangerous but logic
didn't matter to me anymore.Xavier could barge through my
bedroom door and I wouldn't stop.I felt his hands tighten on
my waist and his deep breaths filled the room.He was
close.After I had a plethora of climaxes he groaned ready to
"Cariño..." His cock swelled inside of me and pulsed.He shot his
load in the latex.He didn't grow soft immediately instead he
grew hard like he hadn't climaxed at all.He was already
recovering and ready to go again.He slid out and took another
condom.I looked at him with my eyes popped out.He smirked
and winked at me with his bedroom eyes which were
practically pornographic.
"Let's see how much this pussy can take." He rolled me over
again and thrust in.Ohh boy!


I laid on the bed exhausted as fuck and looked at Raphael who

was staring at me with those "emeralds" whose green shade
had darkened with desire.He was a beast in bed and he
worshipped my body like never before.He made me feel
beautiful and pushed me to the edges of immense pleasure.He
fucked me real hard.I'm sure he wanted Xavier to walk in on us
but the bastard wasn't there.His men weren't on the hallway or
they would have knocked on my door with the way I was
shouting his name when he was balls deep.Even if I was to
marry Xavier in a few hours time it didn't matter to me
anymore.My body had experienced the pleasure it has always
yearned for and I had made up my mind about having an affair
with Raphael no matter how dangerous it would be.From an
outside point of view I would be condemned for my actions but
once you wear my shoes and walk a mile in them, you would
feel how tight they were.
"What does cariño mean?" I broke the ice.
"Its Spanish for honey."
"Hmm." I didn't question further not wanting to ruin the
moment by saying something unnecessary.
There was a heartbeart of silence before he spoke. "You will
have to wear the gown and walk down the aisle tomorrow."He
was laying on the bed with me in his arms.We weren't even
shaken by the fact that Xavier could walk in any minute.A part
of me knew that Xavier would not be able to do anything to
Raphael or me even if he wanted to.Raphael was powerful than
Xavier.I saw that when he slammed his foot on Xavier's pathetic
"You want me to get married to him?! You know what?I don't
even care anymore if you don't keep your end of the
deal.Maybe its high time I accept my life with Xavier.I was crazy
to think that you would be pussy-whipped enough to get me
out of this hellhole." I tried to get out of his arms but he
tightened his hold.
"Mi cariño, I will not sit by and watch that man marry you.Just
do as I say and I promise you I will do everything in my power
to make sure he will not keep you prisoner anymore.You just
have to trust me.You will walk down that aisle and you will
stand besides him on that alter but the wedding will not
happen.Public humiliation will be so torturous to that asshole."
"Fine.I will do as you say and I hope it will not get me into more
"I got you cariño."
He kissed me savagely before getting off the bed and putting on
his clothes.I couldn't help but notice the phoenix tattoo that
was on his back.The legendary bird had its wings spread out
and was in orange flames which complimented his olive
skin.The tattoo looked familiar though but I couldn't recall
where I have seen it.
"Nice tat."
"Gracias.Its symbolic." He looked at me with desire in his eyes.
"Hmm.What does it symbolizes?" I asked taking sudden interest
in the beautiful art on his back.
"It was specifically designed for men like me.Men with
power.You know the legend of the phoenix.It was powerful
enough to reincarnate from its ashes.My power is like that,it
can never be extinguished.Even on my lowest I will always
resurrect.From my ashes I will be born again.So you really need
to trust me when I say I will live up to my word and free you
from Xavier's clutches."He fixed his formal suit jacket.I figured
he always wore black suits.
"I have had the best time of my life with you.Sex has never
been so good.You're a freak." He winked and perked my lips.I
was too tired to get off the bed.I sleepily watched him jump off
the balcony before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The next moment when I opened my eyes Stacy and my stylist

were in my room.I greeted them and went to take a shower.I
had a funny walk that Stacy was even worried but I told her to
relax.While taking a shower I had a smile on my face
reminiscing my moment with Raphael last night.His groans,his
thrust and his scent.Oh, boy.When I was done I went back to
my room.Stacy was sick worried judging by the dark circles on
her eyes.
"Do you think you will escape this?If he marries you then you
will be doomed for life." She said
"I know,but I trust Raphael.He is gonna save me out of this
situation.Now let's prepare for the wedding." I rolled my eyes
and she laughed.
"This isn't a wedding.I wonder what the hell this is."
"Tell me about it.Have you seen Xavier?"I asked.
"Yes.He arrived this morning with his men.He looked too
cheerful for my liking.I have a feeling that he is going to benefit
something from this wedding.I know it might sound crazy but
Xavier isn't the type to want to settle down.Why on earth
would he want to marry you?We know love is not the reason
why he had you imprisoned in his estate for nearly two years
now.Don't you ever wonder what it is that Xavier needs from
I shrugged."I never did but does it matter anymore?"
I looked at my reflection on the mirror.The white lace gown
was fitted to my measurements exactly.It was so tight and so
sheer with a plunging neckline and a long slit up to my upper
thigh that it left little to the imagination.My curly hair was
pinned up to one side to reveal my back and neck as well as the
diamond necklace that I was choked with.I wore the teardrop
earrings,with the same flawless diamonds worth thousands to
add to the collection I already had.My stylist completed my
look with the sky-high heels that Xavier obviously chose for
me.I looked ridiculous for a bride.
"This is crazy." I said with my hand on my hip.I looked like a
fucking hooker.
"I couldn't agree more." Stacy said loathing her own sheath
dress which of course left little to the imagination.
"Thank you." I said to the stylist who just smiled and walked
"Let's just get this over and done with." I said as we walked out
of my room.Xavier was waiting for me in the lounge hall.When I
walked in,Satan's only begotten son had a sick grin on his face.
"That gown is worth fifteen thousand dollars and it suits
you.You're covered in diamonds head to toe like the queen that
you're." He really thought I was a show breed.His money was
the least of my concerns.I would choose a sack over this gown
any day.I didn't even care about his money,much less this
luxury life.Xavier's wealth didn't impress anyone,least of all me.
I looked at him faking a smile, when all I wanted to do was to
cut off his balls and shove them where the sun doesn't
shine."Thank you babe.I really appreciate it."
"You look stunning.Let's go." He said.
All his men where dressed in black suits,not their usual army
regalia with bulletproof vests and shit.We went into his jeep
and we were driven to his helipad which wasn't far from the
shooting range.A helicopter was already waiting for us.Like I
had feared he was going to take me to an island or another
continent.He strapped me on the seat and sat by my side.Stacy
was on my other side.When reality dawned on me that I was
close to marrying this monster, I held Stacy's hand tightly.
"How long will it take to get there?" I asked looking at Falcon
who was our pilot with one of Xavier's men as the
copilot.Falcon seemed to know what he was doing.Of course he
trained in the Navy and flying aircrafts wasn't much of a big
deal to him.
"Two hours if the wind cooperates.Now we are about to take
off.I hope you're not the type that feels nauseous when the
planes climbs higher.If so, there are brown paper bags for you."
He said as the helicopter began to take off.
I had my fingers crossed.Hopefully two hours were enough for
Raphael to gather his men for the ambush.Obviously he knew
where we were going considering that Falcon was our
pilot.That gave me some sort of comfort.When we arrived at
the island there were a lot of people than I had anticipated.The
whole set up was to happen on the beach and this
motherfucker had to make me wear high heels?!The
decorations were simple but exquisite though.There was even
an altar decorated beautifully.My stomach twisted in fear.I was
about to marry the man that I despised the most.
"We are here my love." He said kissing me.
"I need to freshen up." I said.My nerves were kicking in and I
wanted to buy some time.
"Sure.Falcon take her to the beach house."
"Yes boss."Falcon and Stacy took me to the beach house.The
island was really big.The beach house was very beautiful that
under normal circumstances I would have loved to stay there.
"Where is Raphael?" I asked as soon as we walked in.
"He is almost here.Its probably gonna get ugly.And you should
have this." He gave me BH power brownie pistol.Stacy panicked
looking at the gun.Falcon strapped it on my thigh which wasn't
exposed by the slit.
"Its going to be a bloody sight and you will need this.Aim with
your eyes and not with your hand.Shoot with you heart and not
with your gun.Ok."
I nodded."Stacy you will have to stay here.I will make sure to
come back and get you.Falcon if anything happens remember
she is here and I want her to be safe." I hugged Stacy.
"We are almost free."
"Xavier will notice my absence." She said.
"He is too excited to notice all of that.Please stay here and be
quiet."I said.
"Muy calladíto,por favor.(Please be really quiet.)I will come
back for you."
Falcon said to Stacy.When he said those words they became a
distant echo in my ears.
"I will come back for you.Muy calladíto,por favor." I definitely
heard those words from somewhere but I couldn't figure out
where exactly.
"We need to go.It looks like I'm the one who will have to walk
you down the aisle." Falcon joked as we walked back to the
beach.He was trying to ease my anxiety but I was so tensed
that I couldn't breath properly. Xavier was on the other end
smiling from ear to ear.Our guests stood up and I was surprised
with the number of people that came to witness this sham of a
wedding.They were nearly thirty.I would have appreciated it if
no one came.This wasn't a wedding,it was some sick joke.I
didn't even have a bouquet to save my life.The crew that was
seated on the front with violins started playing as I walked
down the aisle with a slow pace.My heart pounded furiously as
I was close to Xavier who had a proud grin on his face.When we
arrived at the altar he quickly took my hand from Falcon and
held me tightly that I cringed.Our wedding officiator was some
old man with Russian features.Red hair
pale white skin and all.Everyone sat down and I looked around
hoping that I would spot Raphael somewhere but there was no
sign of him.
"Dearly beloved.Today we are gathered here to witness the
marriage of Xavier Diégo Ivashk and Ingrid Drucker.Do you
Xavier take Ingrid to be your lawfully wedded wife?Do you...."
Xavier interjected."I do and she does.Now pronounce her my
What the fuck?!
"What the fuck you asshole?Are you insane?How about you be
the good little bitch and shut the fuck up." I blurted out and
everyone gasped.This man pushed me around subtle all the
time but I couldn't handle it anymore.It had slowly piled on me
weight after weight now the burden was too heavy.Who the
fuck says that on a wedding?Forget that this was a sick joke,
but come on!
Xavier stilled and looked at me in disbelief."What did you just
say?" He squeezed my hand tighter.
"You heard the lady.You're an asshole."I realised the people's
gasps weren't only because I told Xavier where to get off.
My heart raced for a different reason altogether.In yet another
pair of a black three piece suit and a walking cane Raphael
made his grand entrance.The gasps grew louder and all the
guest shook to the sight of Raphael carrying his weight on the
aisle.Xavier stiffened and tensed while I smiled in happiness.
"I have been kind enough to let you live this long but now my
kindness is running out.I'm not gonna kill you yet but I will take
that which you value the most.Ingrid is mine now.Cariño get
your pretty ass here." Raphael's voice boomed around the
"What?You can't do that." Xavier protested.
"Cariño."Raphael turned his gaze to me.My body immediately
responded to the power in his voice and I yanked Xavier's hand
"Remove the ring cariño." He ordered.I finally had the ticket out
of Xavier's life and I wasn't going to pass out that opportunity.I
would go from the ownership of one man to another but at
least Raphael was preferable.He extended his hand to me.
"If you take one step I will..." Xavier threatened me but I
silenced him with a slap across his pathetic face,hitting him
with the hard metal of the ring.I removed it and tossed it to the
"I'm not a fucking object." I shouted and the gasps grew
louder.Raphael pulled me towards him and snaked his hand
around my waist.
"She is mine now.Mi cariño.She is General's woman now.I
marked her." Raphael shouted and everyone went dead quiet
as he taped the walking cane on the ground.
"Yea you knew you didn't stand a chance if you came as
Raphael that is why you're using the crozier as your shield."
Xavier glanced at his men around.There were equal men on
each side of the war.All of them were armed to the tooth and if
they open fire it was going to be a bloody graveyard.
Raphael gave me his walking cane and ordered Beast to take
me to the helicopter.
"I'm not leaving you." I protested.I did not feel safe with
anyone else but him.
"Go cariño.I will be okay." He said but I was having none of it.
"Fire!!" Xavier shouted taking his gun out but Raphael was a
man of quick reflexes so he quickly took his.They pointed the
barrels at each other while Raphael shielded me with his other
hand.Before any of Xavier's men could act on his order,most of
them crumpled dead around him as they were hit by snipers.All
hell broke loose.Everyone screamed and it was a bloody chaos
as the shootout began.Raphael ordered Beast to take me to the
helicopter but I was having none of it.Instead I took out my
pistol and started shooting too.They were surprised but I didn't
"Give me something heavy." I said throwing the pistol
down.Falcon threw me a rifle and I smiled at him taking my
position.Instead of being afraid I was thrilled.My adrenaline
kicked in and my blood rushed all over my body in excitement
as I aimed at Xavier's men.Some of Raphael's men had my back
as shields since I didn't have any protective clothing.I continued
shooting like I was born for it.Then suddenly, out of reflex and
instinct I looked around feeling something about to go terribly
wrong.In slow motion,I saw a men step forward with a highly
powered rifle and lifted it over his shoulder.He took aim at
Reaper and in flash of an instant shifted it to Raphael.
"RAPHAEL!!!!" I shouted a warning and leaped towards him,
knocking him to the ground.Falcon acted quickly and grabbed
the man but he had already pulled the trigger again.I had
managed to grab Raphael and pulled him down to the ground
but I had heard a bullet whiz.I looked beneath him and there
was blood everywhere,on his face and hands.
"No no Raphael nooo!My God noo!Open your eyes Raphael
please!" I screamed as his men shielded us.I sighed in relief as
he slowly opened his eyes.His head had hit the ground real
"Cariño its not my blood.Are you okay?" He asked with a hoarse
voice getting off the ground.The blood on his face was caused
by the graze of the bullet on his face.It was not a serious
damage.He started examining me and his eyes landed on my
left arm.His eyes popped out.
"Ohhh no cariño."
My arm was soaked in blood and it was running down,pooling
on the ground.The first bullet had grazed Raphael's head but
the second one hit my left shoulder.It was my first time getting
shot and because of shock I didn't feel the pain there and
then.When it finally registered, I screamed feeling the stung
and the burning sensation.The shooting had died down and
most of Xavier's men and guests were down and dead.It was a
bloody graveyard but Xavier was nowhere to be seen.
Everything started to go blur."Falcon go get Stacy."
My head started spinning as Raphael carried me.My head was
swimming in confusion and I didn't know where I was anymore.
"I will come back for you.Muy,calladíto,por favor."
A boy spoke to me in Spanish before darkness swallowed me

ESTATE.That was some really good pussy.Fuck Ingrid!She only
sparked my interests further when I thought it would be
depleted instead.I usually lost interest once I get between the
legs but now I wanted to know her even more.There was no
way I was ever going to allow Xavier to have all that.Ingrid
fucked me so enthusiastically like a hooker she had paid a
million dollars for.She was so transparent with me.There was
no playing games,she wanted me and she was vocal about
it.That was fucking refreshing.She looked at me like I was the
sexiest man she had ever laid her eyes on.Damn!When I arrived
at my estate it was past midnight.I didn't sleep nor did my
men.We were preparing for the day ahead.Since Xavier had
allied with Paloma he probably assumed that he had the upper
hand but that's where he was wrong.I was always prepared and
I outsmarted my opponent before they realise their lack of
cleverness.While Carlos and Reaper instructed my men about
the operations of the day I called Bruno.
"Holah.General" He said.
"I'm calling in for a favour." Straight to the point.This was
serious business so there was no time to beat around the bush.
"Talk to me." He said.
"I need some of your men to keep an eye on someone for me."
One way or the other the secret about Paloma being alive was
going to come to light.Besides I trusted Bruno.
"I'm listening."
"El-Lobo.She is in Columbia in Bogotá.I don't know the exact
location but she is camping in the jungle and they are moving in
small groups.Don't engage I just want your men to keep an eye
on her movements."
"I thought she died."The panic in his voice was clear.
"No she didn't. She only made us believe so."
"This is fucked up.She is back for the throne.Anyway I will tell
my men to work on it."
"On that note.Only a few people should know about this.If she
finds out that we know she is alive then we are fucked."
"I hear you."
"¡Vale(Ok)." I dropped the call.
"I sent some snippers to the island to take position
yesterday.There is a high possibility that we might
engage."Reaper said.
I gave him a pat." That is why you're my second in
command.You're smart."
We continued discussing our plans.We were ready for the
bastard.When the sun rose we were all ready for the day.Carlos
sent some drones to the island.The Ivashks and the Vellutini's
were there.Such disrespect.Now that they had crossed me
there was nothing stopping me from wiping them from the face
of this earth.My men and I took a two hour flight to the island.I
made my grand entrance and I was impressed when I found
Ingrid telling Xavier where to get off.She was really pissed and
she couldn't pretend anymore.When I came to the sham of a
wedding I knew that there was possibly going to have a
shootout so my men were armed with bulletproof vests and all
that shit.They were prepared for a full scale war.I only had a
pistol at the back of my slacks and I didn't have any bulletproof
vest.I hardly wore one.As a General I had to be as menacing as
possible.It was more terrifying to be provoked by a man who
was so fearless that he shows up without any protection.I even
had a smile on my face like the whole thing was a joke.When I
took Ingrid from Xavier,I knew he wasn't going to let it slide
easily despite me holding the crozier.No I didn't take the crozier
for protection.I took it because I knew Xavier was going to
disrespect me as a General and the moment he did,he made
more enemies than he already had.And if he had the slightest
chance to ever hold the crozier he blew it.
When the shootout began my chest glowed with pride as I
watched my woman in action.Yes she belonged to me now.She
was mi cariño to me only.Even in her sky-high heels she held
the rifle,ran,dodged and shot like nobody's business,while the
other hand held the crozier tightly.She was even more sexy
shooting in that dress.
"RAPHAEL!!!"A potential tragedy was averted thanks to Ingrid's
quick reflexes,unfailing instincts and reactions.The bullet was
going to hit my head straight and I was not going to survive
it.She took the bullet for me.Something no one has ever done
for me.That was an indirect line of loyalty to me and I was
forever indebted to her.When I carried her to the helicopter my
men bowed in respect for her even though she had passed
out.Effortlessly I knew she had won their ultimate respect
because of her selfless act.
"I can't take the bullet out or she will lose more blood.Right
now I just have to find a way to minimize the bleeding till we
arrive." We had brought Pablo along because we were
expecting this.
Falcon came with the girl that Ingrid called out and we took
off.We left Hunter and some men to take care of those who
died.They deserved a dignified burial.
"She is a heroine.That was bravery." Reaper said looking at
Ingrid who was laying in my arms.I refused to let her go so
Pablo had to attend to her while I held her.I wasn't panicking
because I knew she was strong.She was going to pull
through.When I thought I had seen enough she showed me
more to her.I was impressed.
"She is our heroine.If it wasn't for her our General would have
been dead." Carlos said and Beast nodded his head in
agreement.They respected her.I didn't know what to say
because it felt surreal that she actually took the bullet for me
and saved my life,risking hers in the process.
When we touched down at my estate a gurney was already
waiting for her with my medical team.The bullet was still
lodged in her arm so it had to be removed quickly.
"I need to clean your wound General." One of the nurses
said.The estate was big enough that the whole of Pablo's suite
was a mini hospital.While Pablo and his team were attending to
Ingrid me and my men were waiting impatiently.The blood on
my face was dry now and I didn't feel anything. The nurse
attended to the wound.There was no serious damage or no
point of entry since the bullet just grazed the side of my head.It
was a superficial wound.Ingrid had shielded me from the
second bullet that could have ended my life.
"Any news on Xavier!!!?" Reaper shouted to the men.He was
really pissed.I remained cool because I knew they were not
going to find him.He had already gone for hiding because he
knew he messed up.There was no point in trying to find him,at
least not now.Reaper continued ordering the men around while
I sat with Beast,Stacy,Falcon,Carlos and Cinz in silence.
"How is she?" Cinz was the first one to run to Pablo when he
walked out of the theatre room.
He sighed. "We managed to remove the bullet but there has
been considerable nerve damage.The bullet has been slashed
to make a greater destruction on impact.It has done its job
well.Much of her nerves were destroyed that we are not sure if
she will be able to use her left arm again.The nerve damage is
too extensive."
Every word came as a hard blow and my stomach twisted in
"Do what you have to do to save the use of her left arm.Do
everything you have to do in your power Pablo."
"Yes General." He bowed and walked away.


LEFT ARM.Everyone had their fingers crossed.We all wanted
her to be well and regain the use of her left arm.If the bullet
destroyed much of her nerves then there was a high possibility
that her arm would be irreparably impaired.I hoped for another
result.She didn't deserve to lose the use of her arm for me.It
was already enough that she shielded me from a potential
tragedy in the first place.When Pablo and other three specialist
were done with her,their final verdict was that her left arm
would have minimal function close to nothing at all.She would
never regain normal use of her left arm.They just waited for her
to wake up and hoped for a miracle.Maybe rehab and physical
therapy would help the arm not to atrophy too quickly but the
damage was extensive.
"She will be out of anesthesia after four hours.Let her rest.We
will check her progress as times goes by and hopefully she will
manage to use her arm at a minimal level but its never going to
be the same again." One of the specialist said.
I dismissed everyone and ordered Ingrid to be moved to the
grand bedroom which was already prepared for her.I wondered
how she was going to react to the news.She was probably going
to regret saving my ass.
"So what now?" Reaper asked as I stared at the amber liquid in
front of me.I didn't even have it in me to drown on the scotch.I
wasn't craving for it.I stood up and paced in my office with both
my hands rested in my pockets.
"Now we wait for her to wake up and break the news.She is
going to be so devastated."
Reaper sighed."She is a badass.And I believe she is not going to
regret her instinctive act of bravery.Did you guys fuck?"He
asked out of the blue.I arched my eyebrow clearly caught off
guard by his question.
"Why would you ask me that?" I shot back.
He chuckled."So yes you fucked.She saved you because you
have a good dick.If it wasn't for that she wasn't going to save
your behind.You're naturally an asshole.And believe you me
she is not going to like the fact that she is your prisoner
now.Her type is not the one that like to be owned."
He was right.Ingrid was going to throw a fit once she realises
that I wasn't planning to give her her freedom in the first
place.Freedom was her hard limit but now she was in too deep
in our world.She was safer with me than out there.If it was
some other woman I could have given zero fucks about their
safety.However this particular woman saved my ass,she was my
enemy's ex fiancé and most importantly she was damn good in
bed.There was no way I was letting a good pussy go.
"She won't have much of a choice.I'm the only man who will
keep Xavier away from her.She will have to suck it up like a big
"So what is your plan then,keeping her here and then what?"
I sighed. "You know I can't have a woman in my life right,at
least not a permanent one.I'm the General and my obligation is
to my men and the organization.There is no happily ever after
for me.I will enjoy her now,but I can't enjoy her in the long
"Bro,there is a life beyond the throne and the organization.You
have to also get off your little power trip if you want to get
along with her and continue fucking her.Otherwise if you act
like an asshole she is going to show you flames."
He drowned his last drops of scotch and walked out leaving me
lost in my thoughts.One thing was certain,Ingrid was going to
burst an artery once she realises that she just got rescued from
the hands of a dictator by another dictator who was just going
to own her.

"She is awake." Reaper announced the following morning.We
were all gathered on the breakfast table but no one could
stomach anything.We were worried about her.When Reaper
announced she was awake we immediately went to the grand
guestroom where I ordered her to be moved to.She looked far
much better than when she was brought in my estate with
blood all over her.When her eyes landed on me they sparkled.
"You're alive." She smiled and suddenly it was only the two of
us in the room.No one else mattered anymore.A maniacal smile
was on my face as I walked towards the bed.She looked so
beautiful despite not being well.Now my cock grew thicker just
by thinking of taking her right there and then.She was mine
now and mine alone.I wasn't planning to let her go,not now
and not ever.I was already possessive of her and my
attachment grew even more stronger when she took that bullet
for me.She held my gaze with the same unflinching focus but
that didn't last for long as she couldn't compete against my
intense gaze.It was easy for me to stare at her because I found
her the most sexually alluring woman on the planet, even when
looking pale with a bandage on her left arm.Everything about
her got me off.If I were to paint a picture of a perfect woman I
would paint her.
"Hey."Her voice escaped as a whisper, nearly as quiet as a
"Leave us." I ordered the people that were watching us like we
were a show.They obliged without saying a word.
"Hey." I climbed to the bed and plastered my lips onto hers.She
responded hungrily like she has been thinking about kissing me
all night long.I pushed onward and pivoted my body towards
her.I kissed her hard,getting her entire mouth with mine.She
smothered my lower lip with both of hers,using a slight tongue
that was so erotic.She was a good kisser but we both had to
come up for air.I rested my forehead on hers with a smile on
my face.
"I'm glad you're okay." She murmured and her other good hand
cradled my neck towards her face.
"And I'm happy you're awake too.For a moment there I thought
of the worst.I'm sorry about your hand.You risked so much to
save me and..."
She closed my mouth shut with a kiss.Her breaths filled my
lungs and I felt goosebumps all over my body.Something I never
felt for anyone.Heck,I rarely entertained kisses,they were too
intimate for my liking but this woman here kissed the living
daylights out of me.And I liked it.
"Pablo briefed me about what to expect.Even if I possibly won't
be able to use my left arm again,I don't regret saving your life.It
feels good to know that someone is alive because I intervened.I
don't regret it and you don't have to apologize because it was
my choice to save you." She spoke against my mouth and her
breathing escalated."I don't care if I won't regain full use my
arm.As long as it can carry the rifle then...."
I silenced her words with yet another kiss.If it wasn't for the
fact that she was a little bit weak,I was going to fuck her hard
on that bed.
"Gracias(Thank you).That was such a heroic act mí cariño.They
are already calling you a heroine around here."
She smiled."Dé nada(You're welcome)."
"So how are you feeling?" I asked.
"It feels like a dead weight but I will be fine.The wound stings a
bit and maybe not all my nerves were destroyed after all.Where
is Stacy?" She asked.On cue the door opened and a slender
brunette ran and threw her arms around Ingrid.
"Easy girl.You will squash me." Ingrid smiled and Stacy wiped
her tears smiling too.
"For a moment I thought we were going to lose you.God knows
what I was going to do if something worse had happened to
you." Ingrid had a heart,the one which was made of gold.Even
in pain she remembered about this girl.She was selfless.Other
people's lives were much more important than hers.She
thought of others first before herself, which is why she didn't
think twice before taking the bullet for me.
"I'm a die hard sweety."
"Thank you so much Ingie.After you recover we will paint the
country red.I have already started looking for apartments
online and I found cheap ones.We will sell your jewellery and
raise some money to use until we find jobs.We will do it.I was
actually inspired by a story of three girls who were discharged
from a mental asylum,they had no one to back them up but
they made it in the world...." She went on and on sharing her
plans and I kinda felt bad.Ingrid was going to blow a fuse once
she knows my plans for her.
"Umm about that.Xavier is still out there.You're safer with me
Ingrid nodded."I agree with you but once you capture Xavier
then we will be free to go."
Stacy smiled.
"Stacy can you give us a moment please." I asked and she
I looked at Ingrid and sighed.She wasn't going to like this one
"Thank you Raphael for rescuing me.I would have been stuck
with Xavier for the rest of my life.This means a lot to me."
"I did this for myself so don't thank me because you will be
stuck with me now.You belong to me now.You will only do as I
say.You will fuck only me.I own you.I'm sorry if I wasn't clear
with you and gave you the impression that I was a good guy.I'm
no different from Xavier but at least I know how to fuck and I
have human decency.So cariño don't thank me because you're
never going to get your freedom again.You mean a lot to Xavier
that is why he wanted to marry you in secret.Now I have you in
my possession.I will punish my enemy and get to fuck the most
beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.Make no mistake
cariño,I didn't rescue you.I'm not a hero.I'm a bad guy
instead.There is a name for people like me."Yea,I sounded like
an asshole.It goes with the occupation.You don't get where I
am in life without being one.
"The villain." She said through gritted teeth.
"Exactly.I'm the villain so don't mistake me for a hero."
I meant every word.Even though I was attached to her because
she saved my life,I owned her and I was going to keep her for as
long as I want.Yes Xavier was out there gunning for her life but
even with the bastard dead,I was still going to keep her
forever.I was a selfish man so there was no way I was going to
let her go.
Her silver-grey eyes narrowed immediately, and without
moving she seemed as if she coiled like a snake.She wanted to
sink her teeth in me and drain all of my blood.That's how pissed
she was."We had a deal Raphael. You can't do this to me.You..."
"I kept my end of the deal and you did yours.You asked me to
get you out of Xavier's mansion and I did.You're no longer in his
estate now are you?But you belong to me now." I said firmly.
"You can't do this to me Raphael.Are you telling me I just left
the imprisonment of one dictator only to be imprisoned by
I nodded."Yes.The difference is this dictator knows how to fuck
and you love his cock inside of you and he knows what human
decency is."
"That's besides the point Raphael.I had plans for my life okay.I
never, not even once dreamt of staying in a mafia's estate for
the rest of my life,let alone being fucked by one till I'm old and
grey.Living as a prisoner in a luxurious estate is not living at all.I
have dreams Raphael,living a normal life being one of
them.This isn't my definition of a normal life.I want to have my
own rights, live in my own apartment,fall in love and have a
family of my own with a normal man."
A jolt of energy surged through my veins.I didn't like the idea of
a faceless man fucking her.I was pissed off as fuck when she
mentioned having another man to start a family with.I didn't
even want another man setting their eyes on her lustily.Just
thinking about it annoyed the fuck out of me.I had to be an
asshole to make her stay or otherwise she was going to corner
me.She was capable of it.Freedom was a big deal to her that at
some point she had to compromise her morals.She slept with
me so that I could help her out.Ingrid went to extremes just so
she could be free from our world but it was rather too late,and
I knew she wouldn't understand.She was very stubborn and I
knew it was going to be hard to convince her to stay.I knew she
would want to take the hard way out rather than compromise
her freedom.It mattered to her more than anything.But I
couldn't let that woman go out in that cruel world.Even if I was
to kill Xavier in the future still I wasn't going to let her go.She
was mine alone.
"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I was going to give
you your freedom because its not gonna happen.I own you now
and you will live here with my terms.Its not gonna be as bad as
at Xavier's though.I have a vineyard,a horse ranch and shooting
range.You can keep yourself busy by tasting wines,riding horses
or shooting.You won't be forced to stay in your room and I will
never raise my hand at you.I will never hurt you,well maybe
during sex and that's the best part.We are going to fuck like
never before.So it could be worse cariño.You will definitely
enjoy your stay here." I said with a smirk and that only made
her boil.She didn't even realise how sexy she was when she was
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?I don't want any of
this.Ok maybe I want you between my legs but not like this,not
when I'm your prisoner and not when I don't have much of a
choice.Once you capture Xavier you need to let me go.You can't
do this to me and I refuse to be objectified.I will not sit by and
let you do that to me." She half shouted.
"What will you do?You're in my den cariño.In case you haven't
this place is heavily guarded by men armed from to the
teeth.You won't even make it to the front door if you try to
escape.If seducing my men is your greatest plan then you
better forget about it.My men here know that you're my
woman.They will not even dare to stare at your ass.If you try to
make a move they will be like statues.And honestly no one
around here can help you.Don't fight me because I get off on
that sort of a thing and you will only make it harder for
yourself.Just accept your new reality cariño.You belong to me
and you will forever be mine."I said.
"I thought you were different.My desperation for freedom
must have clouded my perception.Now I'm sure I made a deal
with the devil.I actually thought you had rescued me
Raphae.But no,like you said,you ain't a hero but a villain.And I
happen to attract a lot of bad guys."
Her eyes lit up with flames of hell.She was livid with me.When
this woman was pissed it only heightened her sex
appeal.Whether she was moaning or yelling at me,I found her
equally attractive.Now I was even hard that it actually
hurt.Right now she looked like she wanted to slap me right
across the face like she did Xavier on the altar.
"Jódete(fuck you)." She cussed and pursed her lips
together.The only thing I thought of at the moment was to
shove my cock into that mouth but I let it go,she would bite my
cock with how angry she was.
"Just call if you wanna fuck." I winked at her and she glared at
me.I knew she wanted me but she was damn pissed to act on
it.Once the cravings hit off she was going to come around.
"Mí heroína.(My heroine)." I smiled,teasing her.
"Fucking villano( villain). " She cussed and gave me the middle

ERIK AND THE REST OF THE MEN were angry but there was
nothing much we could do.Raphael was out there and he was
going to hunt me down.I couldn't afford to be found so after
the shootout I immediately flew to Columbia.That would be the
last place he would look for me,the first being Russia.I was livid
too.Ingrid played me really well.All that sudden affection was
all an act.I should have seen through her but damn me let my
guard down too quickly and started thinking with the head
between my legs.Fuck!She had me good.Now everything was
starting to make sense.Only she was the one who informed
Raphael about the wedding.God knows what else she told him.
"So what now?" Erik asked.Politavo and the men looked at
me.Under normal circumstances I could have told him to fuck
off but we had a serious problem at hand.
"We have no leverage on Paloma now.What do we do?If
anything we need her now.Xavier, you messed everything by
engaging with Raphael.Now you blew even the slimiest chance
you had of being a General.Raphael has a reason to kill you now
and there won't be a bloody war if he does.You will be very
lucky to get a decent burial.I strictly told you not to fire the first
shot but you did.Now we are in this mess because of you."
I clenched my jaws feeling the anger starting to creep in."The
blame game is not gonna help us.We need a way forward."
Erik chuckled."There is no "we" now.You need a way forward.I
will not bail your ass this time around.You need to come up
with a plan to put us out of this sticky situation."Giancarlo from
the Vellutini nodded his head in agreement.
Now I was in a tight spot.The initial plan was to marry Ingrid
and get Paloma to be my mother in law.With Ingrid as my wife I
was going to use Paloma however I wanted since her daughter
would be at my mercy but Raphael just had to ruin my plans.I
was so close man.Meeting Ingrid was not a coincidence.When I
joined the Russians,word got out that Paloma and her daughter
had a narrow escape and they were hiding in plain sight.I
insisted on revisiting that case and that is how I found out that
Paloma was alive.It didn't take time too and I found out about
Ingrid.The plan was to have her fall in love with me willingly
and she did.Once she was in my estate I could use her as
leverage against Paloma.Ingrid was the real heiress of the
throne, the owner of the crozier so I had to marry her to have
the equal rights over the title.I knew challenging Raphael
wasn't an option because he would easily kill me so I opted for
other means.After I marry Ingrid it was going to force Paloma
out of her hole.She was going to get her throne back and give it
to Ingrid because she was the rightful heiress.I was going to kill
Ingrid and take over the throne as her husband,simple.No
sweat and no tears.
"Maybe we should form an alliance with Paloma.Let's pay her a
visit." I suggested.
"Are you insane?! You threatened the woman Xavier!What
makes you think that she won't shoot your balls once you step
in her territory?Do you realize what we are up against here?If
the fact that you want to confront Paloma after threatening her
doesn't scare your testicles back in your stomach,then try
remembering that one of your men shot her daughter."Politavo
roared clearly pissed with my suggestion.One of the bitches
who was besides him gave him a tight squeeze on the thigh and
he calmed down.The other one poured some whiskey for
him.At his age he still had naked women splashed around his
place,most of them were slaves.Raphael loathed him but I
didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing.He was a
wealthy man who could get anything he wanted even if it
means buying women.After all in our world they were just
equal to dogs and in some cases used as currency.That's the
main reason why the men were against Paloma's reign.She was
a bitch and her only place was on the bed,naked with her legs
open,not on the fucking throne holding the crozier.We refused
to be ruled by a bitch.Fuck petticoat government.
"Paloma will not kill me because we have a common
enemy.Raphael.We will use her prejudice against her.She needs
some classified information to get to Raphael and I can give her
the information.For that she will not kill me.She is not
smart.We can pull this off.Once we get her on our side,we
might even convince her to give the crozier to me once she gets
it back.And she will get it back.She is raising a fucking army
right now that if she decides to attack Raphael she will defeat
him.Let's pay her a visit.I will sweet talk her into forming an
alliance with me."
Erik chuckled. "They call her El-Lobo for a reason.Don't
underestimate her."
I drank the last drops of whiskey in my glass."She is just a bitch
with money and power, but she doesn't have the balls for this
game.Let's pay the bitch a visit."


When we arrived at the location where Paloma was,we were

welcomed by her men in military protective clothing and
rifles.Its like they were expecting us because they were on alert
and ready to pounce lest we decide to turn in on them.The
jungle where they were staying had military surplus and heavily
camouflaged tents.It looked like a military camp.Paloma indeed
was a warlord because it looked like she was preparing for one.
"¿Dónde está Paloma?(Where is Paloma?)" I asked one of the
men giving him my best intimidating expressions but he didn't
seem fazed.He looked at me like my expression was
laughable.Instead of answering my question he just walked
away implying that we follow him.I was pissed that he
disrespected me but there was nothing much I could do.This
wasn't my territory.Raphael probably took over my estate and
my men.Now I only had a few millions to my name.Most of my
treasure was at the estate,in my office.Dammit! I didn't even
have one man to order around.Even that bloody Falcon flipped
sides.Fucking traitor.I was going to kill him for betraying me like
"This isn't your den Xavier.Keep it cool." Erik warned.I pursed
my lips together trying not to cuss or utter a command to one
of Paloma's men.I just needed more time.Soon enough I would
have everything.All of this would belong to me.
We heard some gunshots as the man continued to lead us to an
open field.In a fatigue camouflaged pants,a black vest,black
high bootheels and a bandanna tied on her head,Paloma was
holding a rifle and shooting like nobody's business.The Phoenix
tattoo on her back was very clear and I envied her.Only
Generals got that tattoo.It was a badge of honor.Instead of
shooting at dummies,they were five men all with apples on
their heads that were standing in place of the shooting
dummies.They all shook in fear as Paloma aimed the apples
they were balancing on their heads.
"Sientete como en tu casa.(Make yourself at home)" Paloma
shouted.She didn't even turn but she could tell we had arrived.
"My fucking daughter was shot on the fucking hand and how
the fuck did that happen?!" She shouted and continued aiming
at the apples while the men shook in fear.
"Please forgive us El-Lobo it won't..." The man was silenced by a
bullet going through his skull.
"Ooops I missed the apple.It won't happen again." Paloma
laughed evilly and aimed at the other one.
"How the fuck did that happen?" She shouted and her voice
boomed around the place.I was shaken too.I might have
underestimated her.She wasn't just a bitch.I could feel her
authority from where I was.She continued "playing" with her
men until they were all down and dead.She threw the rifle to
the other one on her side and turned making her way to us.The
demeanor, the way she carried herself was pretty much like
Ingrid,even the dark curls and the silver-grey eyes.She carried
so much authority and her steps were hard while she walked
towards us with a cold and hard face.
"Well that was fun.You want some scotch?" She asked casually
like we were old friends but the intimidation in her voice was
"I'm good.How are you Paloma?" Erik said slightly shaking in
fear but I wasn't going to be shaken by a bitch.
"I have a proposal for you."I said.Straight to the point.
She arched her eyebrow and glared at me."You don't have
manners Xavier Diego Ivashk.Bring me some scotch." She
ordered one of her man and walked towards her tent.We had
no option but to follow.Once we were inside she sat down but
didn't offer us a sit.I was about to sit down when she glared at
me again.
"Who said sit down?" Erik looked at me and I forced myself not
to cuss at her.
"Now why the fuck are you here?Your great plan of using my
daughter as leverage didn't work right?"She lit a Romeo y
Julieta Havana cigar and took a long drag then sipped on her
"We have a proposal for you Paloma and we hope you will like
it." Erik said with his voice slightly shaking.
She scoffed."A proposal for me?Not a threat?The last time I
checked you threatened to kill my daughter if I didn't cooperate
with you.What changed?"
"Raphael has her now and he has the throne too.You will need
my help to get to him and in return you will have to help me
too.I need your protective custody and I want to marry your
daughter.I might have threatened you using her life but we love
each other."
She laughed and took another drag on her cigar. "Yet she
fucked your brother and you don't even know about it."I looked
at her with my eyes popped out and she laughed at me.What
the fuck?Ingrid did what?!
Paloma stood up and came to my face."Boy you think you're
clever but you ain't.In fact the Rodriguez, Ivashk and
Vellutini,all the three families are stupid.I own all of you and
you don't even realise it.You're my little puppets and I'm the
puppet master.All I have to do is to pull the strings and you will
do exactly what I want you to.I have infiltrated the three
families but you won't know which one is on my side.As for you
boy,you're too arrogant to see when you're being
outsmarted.You thought you were clever enough to find out
about me and my daughter right?Let me tell you something for
free.You took the bait.If I wanted to disappear from the face of
the earth I could have but you found me,and only because I
wanted you to.All the information you found about me,I was
the one who set it up.I came out because it was high time
to,otherwise you were still going to believe that I was dead.So
boy you're not clever."
"So you watched whilst your daughter and I..."
She interjected. "Yes I know that you lied to my daughter and
made her fall for you when you only wanted to use her.I know
that you imprisoned her and you abused her for nearly two
years.I could kill you for that right now but you're not mine to
kill.Andriette Villela is going to end your life.Ohh you know her
as Ingrid.I didn't intervene because she had to learn to be on
her own.That's what being a Villela is all about.Surviving.My
father sent me to a brothel when I was a little girl so that I will
SURVIVE.Let me not bore you with the details but Ingrid was in
your life for a reason.And she is in your brother's life now for a
reason too.Her name means strong, fearless, brave and
limitless.Soon enough she will live up to her name.The time will
come and she will remember all that I taught her all these
years.Then she is going to destroy you all.She was programmed
for that."
Erik and I exchanged glances because we knew what this was all
Paloma laughed."What?You thought all those shooting skills
and fighting skills comes naturally just like that?"
"But she doesn't know you.According to her she is an orphan."
Erik shot back.
"Do you know what hypnosis is?If you don't, go do your
homework.And if you came here to ask to form an alliance then
you wasted your time.I won't make the same mistake that my
father did by trusting anyone from the Rodriguez, Ivashk and
Vellutinis.The Villelas run their shit solo.You messed with the
wrong family.The Villela's are close to destroying you all.Watch
the space.Now get the fuck out before I make you." She smiled
Erik and I exchanged glances.This was bigger than us and we
were fucked.

"LET'S RENEGOTIATE PALOMA.We have a common enemy

here.Raphael is our enemy.Let's join forces and take him
down.Yes you're powerful but you can't do that alone.You
might think you don't need us but you do Paloma." Butt-licking
has never been one of my attributes but since I'm the one who
needed a protective custody I didn't have much of a choice.If I
was under Paloma's jurisdiction then I would he
untouchable.But first impressions matters and I had fucked
up.Now I had to do everything I could to get her to join forces
with me even if it means licking her butt.
She took a long drag on her cigar looking sternly at me."I'm the
type that loves to play with their food before I take the final
cut.My name might mean dove but it doesn't mean I'm as
peaceful as that bird.I earned the name El-Lobo because I'm
fearless and I'm no way near peaceful.I don't need to join
forces with a bunch of arrogant boys from an arrogant boys
club to take down someone who is sitting on my throne.I fight
my wars solo.I'm not Carlos.My father made the biggest
mistake of his life by joining forces with a bunch of
greedy,sexist pigs.Now here we are but soon enough I will wipe
all of you from the face of this earth.Soon you will be just a file
in my archives.The fact that I outsmarted you should enough
proof that I don't need you.When you thought you were
playing me,you were actually being cooperative so I don't need
your stupid asses in my empire.You know what they say about
one bad apple.You will brainwash my men.That has always
been your powerplay.Like I said,I'm not gonna make the same
mistake my father made by joining forces with you.Besides,you
underestimate women.I want to show you that despite having
a pussy,my balls are bigger than yours."
"Paloma..."Before I finished my statement a bullet whizzed past
my ear.It grazed on my left side leaving a superficial
wound.Paloma had her pistol aimed at me.I hissed to the pain
of the flesh wound.The bitch almost shot my face.
"I don't miss so be careful next time.You're not mine to kill and
that is the only reason you're still alive but don't push me.Now
leave my fucking territory before I blow your fucking
brains.Motherfucker think they can buy me with flowery
words.You trippin' with me.Now leave." She literally barked at
us and we walked out of her tent with our tails between our
legs.I fucked this up and big time.
When we went back to our headquarters the men were mad as
hell but I didn't give a fuck.This wasn't entirely my fault.They
were the first ones to mess with Paloma.I was just a kid when
they ambushed her territory.I wasn't even there.They didn't
want to be ruled by a bitch so they planned her
assassination.They hated her because she was good at her
job.She was the best General our empire had ever had.She was
better than her father and the fact that she was a woman didn't
sit well with men in the families.Her hatred against us wasn't
my fault but I fueled it when I messed around with
Ingrid.Thinking about it now I really was stupid to think that I
could use her daughter to get what I want.Ingrid was her
strength and the only thing left after Lorenzo died.She was the
reminder of Lorenzo and obviously Paloma would go to
extremes to protect her.I really acted like a dog off the leash
sprinting right straight into traffic but I was never going to
admit it to anyone.I was actually agitated by the fact that
Paloma showed how stupid I was in front of Erik.She had to pay
for that.I was no match to her but I was going to hurt the very
source of all her strength.
The monster in me needed to be unleashed.I was humiliated
way too much and I had to do something about it.If I couldn't
get what I want then no one was going to get what they want.
"We should kill Ingrid." I broke the silence.Everyone looked at
me like I had grown some horns.When we returned from
Paloma's camp,the men weren't pleased to know that we were
played.They felt so stupid.Paloma got us good.
"You're a schizophrenic psychopath!" Politavo hissed in
"Are you crazy?First of all you're the one who started with the
plan of marrying Paloma's daughter to get the throne.We
backed you up and see where that led us.We were actually
falling right straight into Paloma's trap.We made her job easier
thinking we were playing her.Now you want us to kill her
daughter.How does that benefit us?Ingrid is with Raphael
now,we can't touch the bitch.And let's not forget how her
mother is protecting her."
"Ingrid is the source of Paloma's strength.If we kill the source
then it will be the final nail to the coffin.The Paloma you know
now is the shell of a woman you used to know.She is no longer
the same and she is driven by vengeance.But if we kill her
daughter then she won't have the strength to go on.It would be
easier to kill her too afterwards."I explained.
"Provoking is not gonna help us here.We need Paloma and
killing her daughter is not gonna cut it for us.We need an
alliance with her more than anything." Giancarlo suggested and
everyone agreed to it.
"Xavier you better drop the idea of killing Ingrid because its
ridiculous.What the fuck is wrong with you?Your desperation
for vengeance its gonna be your downfall." Erik said and
everyone agreed to that again.I was not gonna drop it.Not until
Ingrid pays for what she did.
"Ok fine.We might not have to kill her but her sins are not going
unpunished.We can abduct her and sell her to the Yakuza."
The Yakuza was a Japanese mafia clan that emerged in the late
80's and have been laying on the low for decades.Their
operations were secretive and even though they weren't as
powerful as the three families, they would make a good ally.
"You mean those niggers covered in tattoos all over their
bodies.They into slaves and shit?" Now I grabbed their
I nodded my head."Yea they into that shit.Now let's place
vengeance aside.This will be good business and we might find
ourselves a good ally here.The men will bid the highest amount
if they get to know that Ingrid is Paloma's daughter.Selling her
will also open other line of businesses for us.We need allies and
acquaintances because we have alienated ourselves from
everyone. We made enemies with a lot of people who respect
Raphael's reign.The best thing we can do is join forces with
people who are not under Raphael's jurisdiction.And for that to
happen we must have something valuable to offer,which in this
case is Ingrid."
"You're not so fucked up after all.I like this idea but the
problem is Raphael is going to protect Ingrid like never
before.We can't surpass his security we all know that.Our men
will be killed before they even make it to his front door."
Politavo said.
"We won't have to ambush his estate for that.Freedom is
Ingrid's hard limit.I know she will corner Raphael and he is
going to let her out sooner or later.The bitch haven't been out
for nearly two years now. Raphael will cave to her demands.He
will let her out and then we will pounce.For now we have to lay
low and make him believe that he is winning.When he least
expects it,we will attack.Erik I think your theory about the puff
adder is going to apply now."
Erik looked at me with a proud grin on his face. "You're growing
and I'm proud."
Then an idea came to mind.I smiled evilly."I think we can turn a
lot of people against Raphael.That will weaken his backup."
"How so?" Giancarlo asked.
"The men are complaining about not having younger meat in
the auction anymore.Raphael thinks its pathetic to buy slaves
and he almost closed that line of business.A lot of people are
not happy that there is no longer any younger meat on the
market.We can use that against him.He didn't grant our appeal
when we asked for underage girls.That should be enough to
make people hate him."
"You're right but we should be careful about that.We can't be
sudden about this because we are not in the good graces of the
men.Let's wait for the next auction when the batch comes in.If
there are no underage girls then we will protest.The men will
not ignore it because they have been frustrated by this issue.If
Raphael continues to be hotheaded then people will start
challenging him.That will shift his focus from Ingrid." Politavo
took a long drag on his cigar.He was right and was always the
voice of reason among us.Everything he said made sense so we
all agreed on that.
I smirked."Still on that,don't tell anyone about our plans.This
should stay among the four of us.Raphael has people all over
the place.You never know.Erik don't even tell Monica."They
nodded in agreement.
"Monica will not tell but its okay.I will not confide in her.Even if
the pussy gets so good,I won't say shit." He chuckled and I
"Don't talk about my mother's...urgh.You know what,forget it."
I stood up and poured scotch for all of them.
"To a bright future."I raised my glass.
We toasted."To a bright future."
The man chorused.


WHEN I WOKE UP I LOOKED AROUND trying to adjust to the

sunlight.My left arm hung like a dead weight at my left side.I
frowned looking at the familiar surroundings.I was in a large
king bed with a red and black bedspread.The Mediterranean
colors matched the panels on the windows.Oil paintings
adorned the walls and the light from the crystal chandelier
illuminated the artwork at its perfect brightness.The bedroom
had a living space which was covered with bookshelves anda
couch positioned in front of a large TV.
My head was swimming at first but I remembered what had
happened and panicked.
"Where am I?" I looked around in confusion.Therewere
monitors around the bed and I had an IV on my arm.The door
opened and a man with a white coat entered.
"Where is Raphael?" I asked.
"He will be here in no time.I need you to calm down.You're safe
here.My name is Pablo Rodriguez.I'm Raphael's doctor.Tell me
how you're feeling.Any pain?Does it hurt anywhere?" He asked.
I looked at my arm which was bandaged."It feels like a dead
weight.The wound sting a little bit though.Call Raphael for
me."I demanded.
"Yes ma'am I will.But there is something that I have to explain
to you.The damage has been very extensive.A lot of your
nerves were destroyed.My prognosis is that you might never
regain full use of your left arm or any at all and the other
specialists concur.We will have to watch your progress and
start with rehab and physical therapy soon so that the arm
doesn't atrophy too quickly.You will have to work hard to
maintain your recovery and to have this not affect your
balance.And who knows?Maybe your arm will function at an
minimal use."He explained.
When I saw Raphael about to be shot I didn't think twice.All
that registered in my mind that moment was to save his life.It
just wasn't because it was Raphael but I could have done the
same to anyone else,well except Xavier.My instincts had kicked
in and fearlessly I ran to save his life.I didn't regret doing what I
did even if it meant that I would possibly never be able to use
my left arm again.
"I understand."
He sighed and squeezed my hand."I just want to thank you for
what you did.You have no idea how many people look up to our
General and you saving his life meant a lot.You're our
heroína(heroine).You earned our respect because of your act of
bravery and we will forever be indebted to you."
I smiled."Please don't say that.I just did what anyone could
have done."
He shook his head."This is a big thing.Don't underestimate your
act of bravery.That was an indirect line of loyalty to our
General.And anyone who puts their life on the line for our king
will get a reward.We don't really give awards but you won the
hearts of the men around here.Well scratch that,they don't
really have hearts,they have stomach filled with booze.So
maybe yaa you won that."
We both laughed and the door opened.I stopped
breathing.Seeing him made things to my heart.Like a bolt of
electricity shot through my body.No one and nothing else
mattered.I was happy to see him.I was happy that he was
alive,until he mentioned that he was just going to imprison me
like Xavier did.I actually thought he was my knight in a shining
armour.I thought Raphael was my hero.My desperation for
freedom clouded my perception.I was busy spying for Raphael
forgetting the kind of man he was.I forgot the man I was
dealing with.I forgot that he was a fucking villain behind a
beautiful mask.He was no hero.I was stupid to think he would
be any different with me.
"Just call if you wanna fuck."He said with a wink.Even those
pornographic bedroom eyes didn't get me to feel any better.I
felt stupid for trusting Raphael.I was sick of being someone's
property.I didn't sign my soul to the mafias.Why was my fate
always entwined with these people?Not so long ago I was
Xavier's miserable prisoner.Now I was Raphael's.With Xavier I
was nothing but a puppet.He owned me but I refused for the
same to happen with Raphael.The asshole was indebted to me.I
saved his behind.Not that I expected anything in return but he
owed me his life.For that I had no interest to be cooperative.I
was going to make his life miserable.I know it was crazy of me
to want to go out there when Xavier was still on the loose but
that's how much I wanted my freedom.It has been nearly two
years now.I didn't even remember how it looked like out there.
"Hey are you ok?" Stacy walked in.I didn't know what to tell
her.She had warned me that Raphael was no different but I
refused to listen.
"I'm okay Stacy.I just need to rest." I chose to dismiss her.I
couldn't burst her bubble by telling her that we were just
imprisoned by another dictator.
"Okay sure.I will check on you later." She kissed my forehead
and walked out.
I wanted to walk out but I was too pissed to.Instead I just
stared on the artwork on the walls for hours.While I was lost in
my thoughts someone walked in.Urgh! I was too angry for
"Ma'am. You didn't take your lunch." I was angry at Raphael not
at this particular person.I turned and met a pair of silver-grey
eyes.An elderly woman probably in her early forties was
wearing a black and white uniform.She was wearing a smile
"Hello." I smiled back.And it was genuine.
"Hello ma'am.My name is Perla and I will be your personal
maid.If you need anything just call out for me and I will be at
your service."
She smiled with her hands on her back.She seemed to like me
so much even though we knew nothing about each other.
"Okay thank you Perla and please call me Ingrid.Ma'am seems
inappropriate considering that you're older than me.Old
enough to be my mother actually."
"Its okay Andriette..sorry I mean Ingrid.But General will not like
it if I call you by your name.I will just stick to ma'am."
I smiled."Please call me Ingrid."
She laughed and it was contagious. "Okay I will call you Ingie
when its just the two of us.So I noticed you didn't take your
breakfasts tray.I placed it in the living room.There is another
doorway.I used that one to get in.For your privacy of course."
"Its okay.Thank you Perla.I don't need anything to eat right
now.I don't have any appetite."
She didn't cover her sigh."You're hurt and you really need some
food so that you can take your medication.Your wound will take
long to recover.If you don't eat,you will possibly get an
infection.Then you might not be able to regain the use of your
arm forever. We don't want that so you Ingie
are going to eat."
I didn't have a comeback for that.For some reason the way she
spoke to me I imagined it as how mothers talk to their kids.She
clapped her hands once."Now let's get you to the balcony."
She didn't wait for my reply and helped me out of the bed.She
led me to the terrace and I sat under a thick overhang.She
served me some roasted chicken, mushed potatoes served in
mushroom sauce.

I arrived at the pool and dived into the water then began my
laps.It was difficult when my left arm felt heavy like this.I didn't
want it to be dead but having it to work on a minimal function
was proving to be difficult.Pablo and the physiotherapist that
Raphael chose were doing a good job with me.It has been three
weeks now since I was in Raphael's estate.I was still angry and I
didn't even wanna see him.Pablo,Celine the
physiotherapist,Perla,Cinzia and Stacy tried to make the stay
more comfortable for me but I was pissed.
"Do the underwater turns and swim back.Try stretching every
muscle in your body,including that arm."Celine ordered
standing in the pool just in case I fail to swim.I kicked hard and
paced up, racing against myself using my good arm.
"Its difficult to move it.Its already exhausting.The arm feels
heavier." I said removing my goggles.Pablo and Celine helped
me out of the pool.
"That's a good sign than for you to feel nothing at all.If the arms
feels heavier then its ok.You're feeling which means not all
nerves were destroyed.Let's call it a day." Celine said packing
her stuff.
I took a drying towel and didn't bother covering myself up.I was
provoking Raphael.He lost it the other day when I walked
around in a bikini.I ignored his ass.I enjoyed seeing him burst an
artery.Now he was going to lose it again.I met him on the
hallway with a bunch of guys who were wearing dresses and
head wraps.They were definitely Arabians.That shiny long
beard sold them out.His men that were lined up and on guard
bowed as I passed by.Raphael and the guys he was with
stopped on their tracks when they saw me.
"Hey boys." I smiled seductively at them.Raphael looked like he
was going to kill someone.
"Holah hermosa (Hey beautiful)." Reaper tweeted.He was
about to make his way to me but Raphael's voice stopped him
on his tracks.
"She is fucking off limits." He didn't raise his voice but he flexed
his muscles and commanded all of the power in the room.He
suddenly became bigger,louder and bolder.Everyone went
dead quiet.
I rolled my eyes."Get a life Raphael.You don't fucking own
me."The men he was with gasped.They were shocked that I
talked to their leader like that but I couldn't care less.I swayed
my ass back to my room.
When I walked in Perla was spreading my bed.A smile spread
on her face when she saw me.She liked me so much.Sometimes
it left me wondering.It was weird.Or was she pretending?
"I have prepared a shower for you.Do you want me to help?"
"No I will manage Perla thank you.My right arm is good."
She smiled and continued spreading the bed while I made my
way to the bathroom.
When I walked back to the bedroom after my bath Raphael was
filling the whole room.He was pacing up and down with a scowl
on his face.
"You look like you're about to shoot someone."
"Are you playing games with me?" He narrowed his gaze.I
arched my eyebrow.I didn't like his tone or his expression and
he got the message.Sighing he leaned in closer to me and
kissed my neck leaving hot trails.He tucked my damp hair
behind my ear and looked at me with those emeralds.
"I don't like it when you walk half-naked like that in front of my
men and my business acquaintances.I brought you here
because this is the safest place for you.My enemies and
acquaintances are always looking for my weakness and you
cariño are a weakness of mine.And don't talk to me the way
you did earlier,at least not in front of them.Don't show your ass
around like that.I work with sick bastards cariño and I won't
stand it if they lust over you and have dirty thoughts.Just the
thought of another fantasizing about you drives me crazy." He
paused and ran his hand through his hair roughly.
"I'm fucking obsessed alright.You're mine so they shouldn't see
what belongs to me."
"You just want to own me like Xavier did.I'm not up for that shit
Raphael.Now can you please leave."
"I'm trying to protect you.I'm the only man who can protect you
from Xavier.If you get out there you will be in danger,not only
from Xavier but from everyone else in our world.You're safe
with me."
"Then if you're protecting me don't be an ass about it.Your little
power trip is annoying.Establishing power by being an asshole
only makes you an asshole.You said you owned me and I hated
that because it only made you no different from Xavier."
"I'm no different from that guy Ingrid only that I'm classy and
better than him.I'm a very cruel man.Don't mistake me for a
good guy.I already told you that.The reason I'm being this civil
with you is because you saved my life and I love your pussy."
When he called me Ingrid I cringed to that.I wanted him to call
me cariño.I was only used to him calling me that.I held my waist
with my right arm and gawked at him.I was so annoyed by this
pig.This hot pig.
"Who are you trying to convince Raphael?Me or yourself?Why
are you trying so hard to wear this villain poker face when
you're with me?I know you're a criminal. You're a fucking mafia
boss and obviously you do a lot of bad things but you're not a
bad guy.At least I believe that you're not.So then why do you
try so hard to convince yourself and everyone around you that
you're a bad guy?"
He narrowed his gaze and his left eye twitched.I had studied his
moods too and now I could tell he was pissed.I had hit
home."You don't know me Ingrid.You don't!" He half shouted.
I continued to stay there with my right arm on my hip.I wasn't
even fazed by his little outburst. "Why are you so worked
up?Did I hit home?"
He didn't blink."If you're trying to corner me so that I will let
you go then you're wasting your time."
I chuckled."You hate it when someone sees right through you
right?I'm watching you Raphael and soon enough I will open all
the layers and find the real you."I said with a challenging tone.
He shook his head and looked at me coldly. "Don't try it.You
won't like what you will find.You're playing with fire
Ingrid.Don't poke the beast you won't be able to tame it."
With that said he kissed me aggressively but yet softly.I
moaned in his mouth and my pussy was drenched in
seconds.He pulled out and left me yearning for more.I had
missed him.Since I was too pissed,I was playing hard to get but
even I could feel my patience running out.One of these days I
was going to pay him a visit in his bedroom.I wanted to cool off
first.I just didn't get Raphael at all.He was hot and he was
cold.Its like he was hanging in two worlds:the one in which he
had to be a ruthless monster because of who he was and the
other one he was the true version of himself.Maybe I was being
ridiculous.Maybe I was wrong but for some reason I felt like he
wasn't really what he portrayed to be.When he was gone I
wore an oversized T-shirt and threw myself on the bed.At least
around here I didn't wear slutty dresses.While I was lost in my
thoughts Cinzía walked in.She was a loud girl and I actually
loved her personality.But man those tattooes.She was covered
in them all over.She would really fit for Hairley Quinn's
character.And she tied her hair in two pigtails too.
I really wanted the silence and privacy at the moment but with
Cinz it was just impossible.
"I knew the two of you were meant to be the first time I saw
you together.When you and General are in the same room, the
air practically becomes a sensual fog.The atmosphere becomes
horny.I have never seen such a strong chemistry and
connection between two people before.Don't fight this
heroína.General is your fate and you're his.You guys are each
other's destiny.I know freedom is your hard limit.But as alluring
as freedom seems to be,you will find out that it will be
frightening too for someone who has been in this world for too
long.If you go out there nothing is going to excite you.You will
always live your life looking over your shoulder.I don't know
about the future but what I'm certain about is that,you're going
to be here for a very long time.Even if you get the chance to
leave this place and continue to pick up the pieces of your life
from where you left them it will be difficult.Nothing is going to
interest you in that other world and you will long for the
comfort of your cage.You're one of our own now.You saved our
General and you earned our respect.Just accept that reality."
She sighed and sat on the bed."I know General can be an
asshole if he wants to be and the next moment he can be a
good guy.That's what makes him Raphael Rodriguez.He is not
complicated.He is just layered.General possesses a dark
shadow that follows him everywhere he goes,even in pitch
darkness.He is a strong guy but even though he doesn't say it,I
know my brother has his own demons to fight.Ever since you
came into this estate,he laughs more and he sleeps a lot
too.Everyone around here is happy.Its like you brought the
peace that has always been needed,you just don't know it.I
maybe asking for a lot but please our heroína give this place a
chance, give us a chance and give General a chance.You won't
regret it.You're the only person who can remove all the layers
and expose who Raphael is."
She got off the bed and walked to the door."By the way,we
have someone we want you to meet."


tonight.And keep this in mind,no one is having sex with
anyone.Don't link sex and seduction because they are two
opposite things. Sex is when desire is met and seduction is not
the gratification of desire.Its about the thrill of it.So ladies keep
Xavier's men interested.They are lusty animals.You maintain
the tension of wanting for a long time and they will start talking
just to get between your legs.Make sure you get something out
of your targets.Are we clear?" My voice boomed in the room.
"Sí El-Lobo.(Yes El-Lobo)" Three of my informants chorused.I
knew I could rely on them.They were good seductresses.
"Now go get the men.Smile and seduce.We need to get those
bastards."After bowing they all went to do as I had asked them
My brothels never closed, not even on holidays.Sex remained a
rising recession-proof commodity during any occurrence.I used
it also as my number one weapon.The power of pussy was
stronger than an AK-47 rifle.I practically grew up in a brothel.It
wasn't my choice but my father's.I was a daughter,my father
wasn't pleased because he always wanted a son.I don't know if
he was trying to train me or punish me by sending me to the
brothel when I was only 12.It has to be the latter.I had to learn
to survive because its not all red and roses at places like
that.Horrible men came there and yea I had to be strong to
protect myself.My father didn't even bother about my
wellbeing.My aunt took care of me while I was there.Carlos
never cared.Women were useless to him but I proved him
The door bursted open and my little sister barged in looking
different in her undercover outfit.She had some dark shadows
under her eyes which aged her instantly.She didn't look like she
was three years younger than me.The theatrical makeup
allowed her to create one ugly huge scar on her forehead and
contact lenses changed the color of her eyes.Instead of the
silver-grey eyes she had brown ones.It made her look different
all together.And that brunette wig made her look like some
French whore with a nasty scar.
"Its smelling like a pack of whores here." She said throwing
herself on the leather chair.
"Its a brothel." I said with my eyes glued on the CCTVs.I was
checking if anyone was being mistreated in the
rooms.Prostitution was a hustle that I respected.It might be
immoral and disgusting but just because the women chose to
earn their living that way it didn't mean they had to be treated
like shit.Some didn't have a choice and I knew that better than
anyone.If a client chose to treat my girls like they were pieces
of shit then I would throw them out or better yet kill them.I
hated the fucked up cunt waffles who thought all women
couldn't stand up for themselves.
"Checking up your whores?" She continued talking but my eyes
were still glued on the camera waiting for anything odd.
"As always." Nothing was wrong so I shifted my attention to my
little sister who had her feet on my desk.
"Damn.You look like you're 55 instead of 43."
"I should have been an actress don't you think?Even Raphael's
men will not recognize me in this shit.Anyway how much are
you charging the clients this time around?"
"We are not here to discuss brothel business Perla.You're not a
pimp." I furrowed my forehead and she rolled her eyes.
"I just want to know.I might want to come back for business.I
should talk to Patricia about this.I miss stripping.There is just
this thrill about swaying on the pole with your tits hanging
out.So what do you say?"She wiggled her eyebrows.
I knew she was joking but I frowned to that.She knew my
sentiments about them stripping.In fact I didn't want them to
work in the brothels.I lived in a brothel for nine years and I
knew how ugly it could get.I learnt how to first use a gun when I
was 13 because I lived in this shit.I was trying to protect myself
from a mean client and he ended up dead.Yes at 13 I was
introduced to whoring.Cheers to dad.I did good by killing that
sperm donor before he forced my little sisters into that same
fate.He was so evil.He had to die.Him and his little brother had
it coming.
"Don't start with me." I hissed.She rolled her eyes and took a
sip on my coffee that was on the table.
"What type of sugary ass shit is this?" She said with a frown.
"Its called coffee Perla.Ever heard of that?You don't drink hard
liquor here." I said sarcastically.
"Why drinking this shit when we are in a whorehouse where
liquor is the juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner?"
"You're in my office and we do coffee in here.That's what
civilised people do."
She shook her head with a frown and took out her marijuana
from her pockets.She made a joint and took a long drag on it.A
few minutes later my office smelt like weed.She was straight up
hot boxing me.
"Now this is the shit." She said with a grin.
"Let's get down to business Perla."
"I'm waiting for Patricia.Where the fuck is she?" She stood up
and went to pour some scotch for herself.I said no hard liquor
in my office.
"She will be here in a minute.She is in the other office handling
some hot headed clients."
She looked at me."They are complaining about the prizes of
your whores?"
"You could say that."
She took another drag. "Then I ask again.How much are you
charging them?"
"$3000 to enter the brothel,$2000 to enter the room and the
price for fucking is between the client and the service
She cocked her eyebrow. "And the elite level?"
"Of course I charge more because there are no cameras
there.God knows what those sick pigs do to my girls."
"So that's the same price for all the brothels?" Perla waa never
interested in the prostitution rings.It has always been Patricia
our little sister and me who handled that side of the
business.Perla did undercovers and damn she was good.
"Yes." I nodded taking the joint from her.
"Damn you're milking them dry."
I shrugged."Our brothels offer the best services.My girls are
expensive and you will be surprised to know the amount men
are willing to pay for sex.Lusty animals."
"Yaaah." She took a sip on her scotch and closed her eyes
enjoying the amber liquid."Man it has been long since I had this
juice.Being an undercover maid sucks."
"Yea sucks like a toothless whore."Patricia walked in.She went
straight to the liquor too.She was the youngest.
I watched as my little sisters drank the scotch like it was juice.I
smiled and my chest glowed with pride.They were the baddest
bitches who had been through so much shit.They would always
be my little ones though.
"Now this is the shit." They both said smoking the joint.That
exchange basically sums up Perla and Patricia.Sexy,rebels,
seductresses and baddest bitches in the game.
I folded my arms."I'm still waiting to hear if my daughter is
doing alright."
"Her arm will possibly never regain full use but she will manage
to pop bullets in the magazine or lift a pistol."That was Perla's
way of telling me that Andriette-Ingrid was doing okay.Relief
washed over me.
"So what's your plan Paloma?I'm tired of seeing that brat
holding the crozier like its his.That fucking shit belongs to us.Its
high time we claim it back." Patricia said with a frown.
I shook my head and looked outside the window."I love playing
with my food before I take the final cut.And public humiliation
will hurt those male dominated families who think having a dick
is all that.We will show them that we will rule in high heels.It
will be embarrassing for them in the underworld.Imagine with
their egos then boom they get outsmarted by a bitch.Right now
they have no idea we have penetrated all their systems.Let
them think they are winning and at the peak of their victory,my
plan will go into action.This time I'm prepared for them.I'm
going to use their style against them.Surprise attack.We will
show them what we are made of.Until then let's kill people and
make money."
I ditched the coffee and poured myself some scotch.
"What about Andriette?Every time I feel like hugging her and
telling her that I'm her aunt but it kills me knowing that I can't
until the time has come.Paloma I don't want you to drag this
any longer because it might do some damage to your
"What is that supposed to mean?I'm doing this for her too.The
throne belongs to her as well.After me she will take over."
"You tampered with your daughter's memory Paloma by
hypnotising her and shit.You programmed her and that means
you didn't give her a choice to run her own life.When she starts
to remember she will want vengeance and all that shit."
"Of course she is supposed to be driven by vengeance.She lost
a father and a sibling because of Raphael and his family."I half
"Raphael was just a kid following orders Paloma.He was a child
who was doing what he was told to do." Perla defended.
"And that costed someone their life.Now he is the one sitting
on the throne that doesn't even belong to him.He is the one
who gets to use that crozier when its our family's fortune." I
"Fine I get that but think about your daughter.You're using your
daughter to fight your battles.Don't you think that is
unfair?You're just acting exactly like Carlos our father here.Only
that you're using a different approach.Surely the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree." Perla shot back.
"Where the fuck is all this coming from?"We were at each
others faces now but Patricia broke us apart.
"I'm simply saying you're targeting the wrong people.And I
don't know why you want Ingrid in Raphael's life if you wanna
kill him at the end.Its your daughter who will be heartbroken
because she likes Raphael.I actually think the feeling is
mutual.They like each other Paloma.I see the way he looks at
your daughter.Its the same way Lorenzo looked at you.And
honestly Raphael is not that bad.I have lived with him for 10
years now.He is actually doing a good job as the General."Perla
I was agitated." That man took our throne,he killed my husband
and he killed my unborn child dammit.He shot me.You can't
take his side.I pray for your sake that it is the weed talking or
"Or else what huh?What you gonna do?What you gonna
do?Shoot me like you do your men."
We started arguing back and forth.A fight was about to break
out because we both reached for our guns but Patricia stopped
us.She was always the voice of reason between us two.Perla
and I always buttheads but we would quickly make up after
bruising each other's faces.By the time we finish the fight we
would be cool.
"We are not doing this.Stop it,the both of you.United we stand
and divided we fall.You're both right.Paloma,Perla is right in the
sense you're are taking this too far.You're lost so much into
vengeance that you're forgetting that your daughter is involved
in this shit.I don't see the point why you're still messing with
Andriette's memory.Yes at first it was to protect her but this
shit gotta stop.Andriette-Ingrid has the right to choose what
she wants because its her life.This is your mission not
hers.Perla,Paloma is right too in the sense that she is doing
everything she can to destroy those families.I don't support
using Andriette but she is the heiress of that throne and one
way or the other she is going to be involved in this mess.In fact
she already is involved.So can you please stop fighting.You're
both right."
Perla sighed."I'm sorry Palo.But you have to get where I'm
coming from.Being undercover might seem like nothing but it is
a very difficult job.I no longer recognize myself.It feels weird to
being Perla Villela.I have been Perla Rodriguez, a maid for
fucking 10 years and that shit is straining.I feel like a stranger in
my own home.I'm used to having Raphael and his family
around.I'm not taking his side but I'm just telling you the
aftereffects of being an undercover.My heart actually yearns to
be in Raphael's estate than here in Mexico, in a brothel.Even
speaking and thinking in our easy Spanish sounds weird in my
head.I'm used to English or hard Spanish that Raphael and his
team speaks.What I'm trying to say Paloma is,you should move
this plan quickly.You should take the throne by now.This plan is
dragging and its exhausting.The more you delay this shit,the
more your daughter and Raphael get closer to each other.She
took the bullet for that man.That should tell you
something."She took a long drag on her joint and I looked at
her thoughtfully.
"She will hate him once she remembers."
"Once again you're playing with not only your daughter's
memory but her heart too.Now I'm feeling some Carlos vibes
right now.You're being like him.He played with our emotions,
heart and mind." Perla shouted.
"He was trying to make us strong."
"Yet you killed him."
"I did that to protect you.He was going to pimp you and I had to
do something." I defended.
"And thank you for that but that doesn't justify you playing with
your daughter's head and heart like this."
"She doesn't need a heart.Especially if she is gonna take over
from me.She need to be the coldest bitch to be able to lead
those men." I clenched my jaws.
"Cold like you huh, but once upon a time you fell in love with a
man living a double life.He could have destroyed us if he hadn't
fallen in love with you and it could have been your fault.Don't
try to correct your mistakes on Ingrid." She sipped on her
I sighed and decided to drop the issue."I'm sending you to Jorge
for a debriefing, heavy psychological testing and reentry
readjustment to determine your state of mind.I'm sorry for not
realising that this is a lot for you too.I know it might seem like
nothing working as an undercover maid but I know its a
lot.You're protecting my daughter,you're infiltrating their
system and you're constantly on your toes trying to get
valuable information.Lets not forget that your life is at risk if
they find out who you really are.So thank you Perla for what
you're doing for us."
She smiled."Anything for the crozier."
I ordered one of my man to take her to our
psychologist.Already she was high on weed.
"Do you think she will pull through?She is hanging in two
worlds right now.Living a double life is exhausting." Patricia
"She is stronger than you think.Let's go check the elite level."
Patricia and I took the elevator and went to the elite
floor.Running a prostitution ring was illegal but the governors
and mayors didn't mind.I had them in my palms.Instead of
closing this criminal activities, politicians lowkey supported
them.At all my brothels they even demanded VIP treatment
and a fat envelope at the end of the month to keep their
mouths shut.The dirty world we live in.The elite floor was for
the most moneyed.I hosted highest officials in all government
levels, billionaires,gangsters and mafias.At my brothels I
received positive client reviews and ratings which is why they
were always full.Patricia and I passed one room with a door
open.Pearls and diamonds covered the necks of the four naked
women who surrounded a fat man with a huge belly.He was
probably a minister or something.It was disgusting.Some of the
clients wanted their doors to be left open.They were
exhibitionists.It was gross.Patricia and I ignored the groans and
fake moans in the hallway and continued with our
inspection.Most of my men were lined up and on guard.I knew
my girls would be safer but I couldn't help but double
check.Nasty things happened in those rooms.
"So what now?You're going to seize the throne?" Patricia asked
as we passed yet another room with an opened door.
"I need to have a meeting with the family first.I might be the
leader but I will pass everything to them first so that they know
what we are doing."
"I agree with you.Your reign is a democracy not dictatorship."
She said with a hint of mockery in her voice.I rolled my eyes.I
was a dictator.What I said goes.Letting them know what I was
up to was just courtesy.Some of my uncles hated me because I
dragged them by the balls but they didn't have much of a
choice.I earned my respect through blood,sweat and tears.They
knew better too.If I managed to put a bullet through my
father's skull
what would stop me from killing them?
As we continued walking one of my girls Beatrice walked with
some politician who was completely drunk.She was struggling
with him and we helped her to their room.
"I'm charging him $2000 per hour.He is such a difficult client."
She frowned.
"Do your thing girl." Patricia said sarcastically.I knew what she
was thinking.Beatrice was a fat girl and you would be surprised
that men took interest in her.People thought a whore gets
money because of their perfect body and beauty but the secret
was just looking the man in the eye,putting your best smile and
telling him your worth.I learnt that from Aunt Salma.When I
was at the brothel she became my seduction consultant that is
why they call me El-Lobo the sniper seductress.
"I want to have a peace of that." A man shouted to Patricia as
we made our way back to the elevator.
"You're refreshing like beer honey but I'm into double scotch
malt whiskey.Strong stuff." Patricia shouted back and I gave her
an evil eye.
"I'm not fucking him."
"You better not."
"But it wouldn't hurt right.I don't have a kid or a husband.I
need some fun."
"Not with the clients." I literally barked.
"I'm leaving for Columbia tomorrow.I will check on Perla before
I leave.Make sure she is alright when she goes back to New
York.There are also the informants I sent to Xavier's men
earlier.Make sure they return safe and sound."
"Consider it done."


When I arrived in Columbia I was welcomed by a man strapped

on a chair in a tent.My men had found him roaming around my
camp so it was clear that he was an informant.Now I just had to
find out who sent him.He had a butchered face but still he
didn't let out anything.He could sustain torture but I was going
to get him to talk.I changed into my camouflage pants, a black
vest,black thigh highs and a bandana.I took a long drag on my
Romeo y Julieta Havana cigar as I made my way to the tent he
was kept in.My fingers were already itching in anticipation.It
has been long since I played.Torturing was a game to me.
"Well,well,well.What do we have here?Someone bring me a
chair." I ordered and a few minutes later I was sitting on a black
velvet chair.
I looked at the tortured man who was strapped on the
chair,naked and bruised.He could barely keep his eyes open
and he had a huge wound on his forehead.I could see his white
"Who sent you?"
"Even if I....tell..y-you...You..will..kill me.." He stammered.
"You will talk.Trust me on that." I looked sternly at him thinking
of what I was going to cut first.
"Bring my knives." I had a thing for guns and I had a collection
of them but I had a passion for knives too.My collection of guns
and knives was intriguing.One of my men hurried with a leather
briefcase and snapped it open.I smiled looking at the
handcrafted knives of different sizes and shapes.I had them
crafted by an artist in Mexico.The handles were shaped with
expensive metal exactly like the handle of the crozier.I took my
favourite knife and twisted it in my hand.
"How should I cut you this evening?" I said closely examining
him.I could see the grins on my men's faces.They were ready to
see me butchering someone.
"Should I start with the nails?No I should start with the ears or
the tongue since you're refusing to talk.I will leave the nose.Its
so pointy so it will point to the part where I will cut next."
The man watched in horror as I moved the knife closer to his
"Do you know why I love this knife?It hurts like a bitch with a
pussy.Now let's have some fun."
I started working on him.I made beautiful drawings and
alterations on his body.His blood was like the paint I needed for
my craft.I should have become an artist.By the time I was done
with him,he was well crafted the way I wanted him to be.I had
the information I wanted.He was dead with dismembered body
parts.Blood was all over the place but it was the least of my
"If the Russians and Italians are watching us then it means
Raphael has his people on us too." Riccardo my right hand man
"I know.Email this man back to them."
I ordered my men to email the body parts of the informant to
all the three families with a message."Back the fuck off."They
knew I was coming for them and for that they were going to
back off.
While I was walking back to my tent I received a call from one
of my men.
"Castillo Benito.Talk to me."
"Raphael turned Mohammed Al-Jamar down.You remember
that Arabian terrorist group right?They wanted me to make
explosives for them for their terrorist attacks but Raphael
turned them down.I can't do anything because I'm under him
and if I do anything suspicious he will find out that who I really
am.This was good business Paloma but because I'm undercover
I lost the opportunity of making billions."
"You're right it was good business.Make the explosives and you
will give them to a font who will sell them to Al-Jamar."
"I can't.His men are watching me like hawks.The boy is not
stupid Paloma.Sooner or later he is going to find out that I'm
working with you and he is going to know about all the others
around him who are working for you.It's high time you take the
throne.I don't know why you're delaying."
"The longer the wait,the worth the result.Patience is a virture.It
sure pains but it pays.I know what I'm doing.Anyway if Raphael
is watching you then don't do anything.I will handle Al-
Jamar.And Castillo don't worry.We will take back what's ours."I
dropped the call.
He was the one who made the explosives that destroyed our
homes.After my attack we knew the trio would come back to
wipe us all.We had to make them believe we were dead so the
bombing happened.For years we lived double lives while
planning and plotting to take them down.When the time came
we hid in plain sight.We lived with them but they didn't even
know because they have let their guard down.The moment
they thought they destroyed us,they lost.Now I was enjoying
playing mind games with them.Knowing that I survived was
torture on its own.Everything those bastards enjoyed belonged
to us.My grandfather was the head of the family of bullets.He
was the one who started the operations in the 80's.Our family
was a set of criminal gangster groups before we became a
mafia organization.No drugs and arms passed by the Mexican
and Columbian borders without us knowing about it.We
operated in Mexico,Columbia, America as well as in Africa and
other Latin American countries.We held a monopoly on arms
trades around the world.We had a degree influence within the
Mexican government and law enforcement.When Carlos my
sperm donor took over, he formed an influential organized
crime structure.That's when the title General and the
constitution of our operations started.When I took over I
improved our operations but the men weren't happy.Carlos got
us into this mess by allying with those greedy bastards.But they
were going to pay for what they did to me and my family.


panic on the realisation that I was walking into the torturing
chambers.I had seen more terrifying things in my life.Xavier
would blow his men up in front of the yard,so it could be
worse.Walking forward,I found a bloodied woman strapped on
the chair.The room was empty except for the chair in the
middle and a table at the back.Two men and Cinzía stood
around her.I looked at Raphael in confusion.I didn't recognize
the captive but when she looked up I screamed in shock.
"What the hell is going on?" My voice trembled as I looked at
Layla.She had deep wounds and scars all over her face.She had
lost all her fingers and toes and she had some serious wounds
on her legs.They looked like holes.
When she saw me with one eye that was barely opened she
cried and her lips trembled.
"Why did you do this to her Raphael?What the hell is going
"She is not who she seems to be.She is the one who pimped
you to Xavier.She was sleeping with him behind your back all
this time.She also knew that he was going to kill you.Layla is not
your friend but a backstabbing bitch.And anyone who messes
with you our heroína becomes our enemy.Their sins will not go
unpunished.Layla is paying for what she did."Cinzía said.
I looked at Layla with tears running down my cheeks.I couldn't
believe that she did all that to me.We were sisters by choice for
crying out loud.
"Did you do this Layla?" I asked looking at her.
"You did this to me Layla?!" My voice echoed in the room.
"I'm..thoriii....thorii." I figured she had missing teeth even, no
wonder she sounded funny.If it was any other day I could have
laughed but I was deeply hurt.I remembered all the torture I
went through with Xavier and all the time I confided in her.The
bitch knew everything and obviously laughed behind my
back.She continued crying and apologizing.
I roughly wiped the tears off.She wasn't worth my damn
tears."I forgive you.I don't know why you did what you did but
for both our sakes, especially mine I forgive you."
"Do you want me to kill her cariño?" Raphael asked.
"No.She is not worth it.I want her to heal and leave my life too.I
don't want her blood on anyone's hands.It will not give me the
peace that I need in my life."
"¡Vale cariño(Okay honey).You heard the queen.We are not
killing her.Take her to Pablo's headquarters so that she can get
some treatment." Raphael ordered and we walked out of the


I slept in Raphael's room that day.It was pretty much like mine
except for the choice of colours.Black and grey dominated his
bedroom.We didn't have sex.We cuddled but the following
morning when I woke up,he wasn't in bed.I was still not used to
his schedule.I didn't even understand this arrangement.I didn't
want it to be like when I was with Xavier.I wanted to be in
Raphael's bed and arms every night.I didn't want to stay in my
own room,it was lonely.In as much as I was angry at him,I
wanted him so bad.For some strange reason too,he made my
night terrors go away.
I took a quick shower and wore a thick bathing robe.It was
around 6 am and I wondered where Raphael would be at this
hour.He spent much of his time in his study so I went
there.Some of his men were standing at either side of the
hallway and they bowed as I approached.I murmured a good
morning in response.
"Umm heroína.General is in a meeting and he doesn't like being
disturbed.Maybe you should wait for him in your room and I
will tell him you were here as soon as the meeting is over." One
men who was guarding the door said politely.
I sighed."Don't worry I won't disturb.I just want to say good
morning that's all.And I think my arm is giving me problems.It
hurts.He has to know right."I lied.
He bowed."Valé heroína."He opened the door and I entered.
When I walked in everyone went dead quiet.He was with four
of his men drinking some scotch.Then my eyes landed on a
woman.I didn't need to be told twice.She was a hooker.When I
saw her arm on Raphael's shoulder a jealous monster rooted in
my chest instantly.Who the fuck was she?She looked too
comfortable.I walked over to them with my right arm on my
waist.I was too focused on this woman that I didn't even hear
the men greeting me.
"Who is she?"
"She is Anita.You were playing hard to get so.."Raphael said
with a grin on his face.I felt like smacking it off.
"You fucked her!!!"I glared at him and he smirked.
I gawked at the girl ready to blow her brains out."Get out!"
She rolled her eyes."Excuse me?"
"I didn't stutter.Get out and if I ever see you near him,you will
know me.Get the fuck out." I was seeing red.I reached for the
pistol that was on the table and turned the safety off.I was
gripped by a horrible impulse and I was ready to blow her
brains out.
She smiled and removed her arm from Raphael."I'm sorry
heroína.I won't come near him again.He is yours trust me.We
were just discussing business and I got too comfortable.It won't
happen again.It was nice finally meeting you Ingrid."
I turned the safety on and placed the pistol on the table as
relief washed over me."Nice meeting you Alice."
The men chuckled,including her."Its Anita.And by the way,we
didn't fuck he is lying.If anything he has been playing hard to
get for a long time now."That made me feel better.
"Yea Alice whatever." I chuckled and looked at Raphael.
"And you.I'm high maintaince."
He grinned."Oh."
"Yea.When I'm fucking you I kinda have this thing of wanting
you not to fuck anyone else.I can't have you smelling like a pack
of whores."
He stood up from his chair."Oh really."He bit his lower lip.
"Come on guys get a room." Reaper said gulping his scotch.
"Please don't fuck in here.We kind of drink and eat in here."
Carlos said.
"Just get out already." Raphael ordered and the men walked
out murmuring something.Obviously they were complaining
but who cares?
"The ways you make me hard are shocking.Half the time you
will be clothed.What's underneath?" He asked,slipping the robe
away a little.
I blushed."Nothing."
"Hmmm." He groaned.
"So what have you been up to?" I looked at the files speared on
the table and fixing my robe.
"Playing hard to get huh."He chuckled.
"You had that woman's hand on your shoulder."
He laughed."You were angry at me.Wait are you jealous?"
I pouted and looked away.He caught me by my waist and pulled
me closer.
"You have nothing to worry about.I'm all yours.I will get Pablo
to give you a shot because I don't want to use protection with
you.I know we both are clean."
"You don't want kids?What if I want children in the
future?Since you're planning to keep me here forever I can't die
without having a minie me."
His body tensed."I don't want children." He said coldly.I looked
at him.His eyes were cold and his green shade had darkened.
"I just don't want them.Please don't ask me why."He said with a
cold expression.
I dropped the issue."So what were you up to?"
"I was checking my finances to make sure I won't be double-
crossed.I had to..."He started explaining his business.
"You do all that alone?" He nodded.
"Wow.That's a lot of work considering the things you control.I
think you have too much on your hands.Work and power.Why
don't you like create a hierarchy structure?You give positions to
your trusted men so that they handle other things while you
just handle the finances.It will give you time to breathe and its
less dictatorial."
"You mean form like a council?" He asked.
"Yes.But hey I don't know how this shit runs.So you do your
"No that's a good idea.I will consider it.Its only that I don't trust
"I understand.Now can you kiss me already but I'm still angry at
He chuckled and wrapped those muscular arms around
me.Before I could think he plastered his lips on mine.
I melted.


wasn't complicated, he was just layered.Like Cinzía had said,he
really did posses a dark shadow that followed him everywhere.
We reached a common ground in his study.I got to accept that I
was a pawn in a game.I was nothing but an object Raphael and
Xavier fought over.It felt that way and it was pointless fighting
Raphael.I was in his is ownership now.Besides,there was
nothing better for me outside the walls of his estate and I
actually felt relived to be there.But this wasn't where I wanted
to be.Though,what other option did I have?With that in mind I
willingly agreed to be his prisoner,only that I wouldn't be an
obedient one.
I woke up without him.I had moved to his bedroom.His side of
the bed was cold.Like he didn't even slept there.He must have
left as soon as it was dawn.I was sad that I didn't catch a
glimpse of him this morning and I was pissed that I didn't wake
up with his head between my legs.Pablo had given me the shot
and it had already taken its effect but Raphael and I were only
making out.He was punishing me or something was up.I would
say the latter.Something was keeping him on the edge these
days.He rarely slept.It has now been four weeks since I started
living in his estate but I could now read him like a
book.Something was going on around the estate that I wasn't
told about.It might have been about the package that was
delivered the previous day.The stuff gossiped about
it.Apparently it was a human body part or something worse.It
wasn't good.If the rumour was true then there was a new
enemy.I got to understood that in the underworld enmity was
never really over.It only subdued,to start all over again sooner
or later. They had a new enemy and Raphael was dealing with
that right now.I tried not to think about it and mind my
goddamn business.I had an almost dead arm to think about but
then again I just wanted Raphael to be okay,for both our sakes.
I took a quick shower and wore a strapless black dress,red
bottom heels and a black sling for my left arm.The dress wasn't
slutty like the ones I used to wear at Xavier's but it was
definitely sexy.I let my curls loose.I couldn't style them with
one arm and I wasn't going to a Met Gala either so there was
no need for me to go all out.I walked up the stairs and went to
his study.When his men saw me they didn't bother trying to
stop me.Once again I was going to ruin their morning
ritual.Drinking scotch at 7am sharp.I didn't bother knocking
either,I just barged in.His eyes met mine.Green to grey.They
locked to mine,not even blinking. He stared at me with an
intense gaze that it was almost hostile.I turned my eyes
away,his gaze becoming too much.He was angry.I suddenly felt
so vulnerable and exposed.I breathed and looked at him again.
"Buén dias(Good morning)." I said looking him straight in the
"What are you doing here?You should be in bed,resting." He
said authoritatively.
"I ain't the type that takes orders.You should know that by
now.What's going on here Raphael?" I said making my way to
his chair.I sat on it like I owned it and the men had puzzled
looks on their faces.What?Was the chair a throne or
"I don't answer to you." He responded rudely.
"You may own me but I won't put up with an asshole." I shot
"And I won't put up with someone who questions me.Now go
back to bed woman." He was close to bursting an artery but I
leaned in on his chair and swung it around.
"I'm not questioning you.I'm simply asking you a question and
that's how normal conversations work.Unless you haven't had
one in your life.And I wouldn't be surprised." I looked at the
men who had their jaws on the floor.
"We will continue this conversation after breakfast.Things are
about to change around here.You will have your morning ritual
after breakfast.I don't think drinking scotch without eating
anything first is a good move for your health."
"Are we in an anatomy lesson?If so, damn I wouldn't mind
listening to you for hours." Carlos said and Raphael shot him a
look that completely shut him up.I chose not to respond to that
I got off the chair and stood in front of Raphael but my gaze
was directed to the men."Meet you downstairs in five
minutes,for breakfast."
I headed out and they all followed quietly like obedient
kids.The maids were surprised seeing the men in the dining hall
for breakfast.The chefs served us iced tea first, the men
frowned to that but didn't dare to say a thing.They served us
the basket of bread,grilled chicken in green salad and roasted
tomatoes,as well as pancakes in strawberries, honey and
whipped cream.We ate silently and they seemed to enjoy.Even
Beast was nodding and humming while enjoying his meal.It felt
like home,sitting around the table and having breakfast like
this.It warmed my heart because at Xavier's I usually ate alone
or endure his annoying presence.
"This was good." Reaper smiled and drank more of the iced tea.
"Now that's how you start your day.After this you can have
your poison." I looked at Raphael who was trying very hard to
hide his grin.We left the help clearing up the table and headed
back upstairs to his office.
"Cariño I don't want to involve you in this.You played your part
by making us have breakfast but now go back to our bedroom."
Raphael said with his gaze a little bit hostile.
"I have this thing of not taking orders,even from my captor.You
call the shots around here Raphael and I get that, but if I'm
gonna be kept here probably for the rest of my life then I don't
wanna be kept in the dark.I want to be involved in everything.It
might be none of my business but I don't care.I just want to
know what's going on around here.So what's going on?"
He gave me his intimidating gaze but this wasn't the
time.Allowing myself to be intimidated wasn't an option at all
so I maintained the eye contact until he broke it.
"We received a package a few days ago.It was someone's leg
and a messaged was attached to it."Fuck the back off", the note
said.It's probably one of our enemies who popped out.They
already started messing with us by stopping our bunkers that
contained drugs and arms on boarders.We are loosing a lot of
money because we have to pay a fortune to the police and
government officials.There you have it.That's what all this is all
about." Reaper explained and Raphael gave him a disapproving
look."Why you looking at me like that?She is the fucking
I directed my view to Carlos,Hunter,Falcon and Beast. "Can I
talk to these two.Please gentlemen."
They nodded and walked out leaving me with Reaper and
"You shouldn't involve yourself in this." Raphael said.
"I'm already in too deep in this world.In case you haven't
noticed that.And if you're planning to keep me here forever
then I'm going to involve myself in everything.Don't fight me, I
get off on that sort of a thing." I rolled my eyes and he gawked
at me.He was gorgeous but damn,he was terrifying at times.
"Someone is playing chess with your empire Raphael." I paced
on the bookshelves,tracing my fingertips on the books.
"What are you on about?" Reaper asked.
I stopped on my tracks and looked at him."I was a history nerd
in senior high school.We learnt about war tactics that were
used long ago and that was one of my favourite topics in
History.Countries would use so many tactics against their
opponents to win the war.Distraction tactic was one of the
commonly used.One country would start a battle against their
opponent to shift their focus from the main war.The enemy
would waste their resources and lose their men on that battle
not knowing that there was an upcoming war.That's what its all
about.Distraction.Whoever your enemy is,they are distracting
you.While you're focusing on the bunkers they are making a big
move.You're wasting your energy on things that doesn't matter
right now.The enemy here is probably looking at their
chessboard where the chess pieces lay.The pawns are gone and
the bishops are now struggling to protect their charges.You're
the bishops.And they are about to make their next move.Right
now let's focus on the matters of the strategy.Two can play the
"I'm impressed.So what's the plan?" Reaper nodded looking at
I opened my mouth to speak but Raphael walked over and
leaned in for a kiss.He dipped his tongue between my lips and
enveloped me with his presence.
"We are still discussing matters of the strategy.Jeez guys."
Reaper complained.I tried to pull out but Raphael slipped his
hand over the curve of my ass and squeezed it.His tongue toyed
with mine but we had to come up for air.When we pulled back
Reaper was no longer in the room.
When he pulled back,he whispered. "Do you know how sexy
you look when you take charge?"
I blushed and looked down."We still have a lot of things to
"It can wait."Desire charged from him to me.It throbbed right
through me and went straight to my cunt.
"I want to have you.Right now.This can wait." He didn't wait for
my response.He held my hand and we headed to the
bedroom.The moment we stepped inside,he was all over
me.His mouth was back on mine,biting gently onto my bottom
lip.My right arm went about his neck and I arched into
him,inserting my tongue.The kiss chained and branded me.I
was his.He owned me completely.His hands began to
wander.He detached his lips from mine and he removed my
dress and sling then tossed them at the far corner of the room.
"This is not needed when I'm around.For easy access." He
ripped my thong apart and his mouth was back on mine.He
kissed my neck and tossed me on the bed.Only in my heels.His
clothes were gone too and he crawled on the bed.Cradling my
legs he lowered himself to my entrance.My hips bucked in
anticipation.I let out a yelp and a moan when I felt his warm
breath on my entrance.He looked at me with a smirk then slid
his finger.It came out coated with my slick arousal.
"Yep, you want me to fuck you." He grinned.
"P-please.." I moaned as I felt myself throbbing.Like it was an
order he went back to my entrance and slid his tongue then
started devouring.The sensation of his tongue on my flaps sent
a rippled shiver down my spine and I came immediately.He
didn't stop.He continued eating me like he was born for it.
"So fucking delicious." He came to my face and kissed me.I held
the edge of the bed,barely able to hold on as I felt his
mushroomed tip on my entrance.It was a tight fit at first but
slowly he stretched me to the maximum.
"Ohh my ...uuuh" I arched my back as he started thrusting in
and out with skillful strokes,he fucked me eliciting strong
shivers to my core.I was at his mercy.I felt myself building up
and I closed my eyes waiting for the pleasure.He stopped
thrusting and gave me an order.
"Keep your eyes open.This pussy should know who I am." He
growled.Then he thrusted again.The orgasm was a million times
stronger with that eye contact.He fucked me through it.The
sound of our thrust,our skin clapping together hard and slow
was like music to my ears.His green eyes were fixed on mine
and the gaze made it more sensual.Through that eye contact I
was learning more about him.The part he probably didn't know
existed.I could feel that deep within me.Those "emeralds"
opened.I swear they sparkled each time he came.Each time he
looked at me I spied more of his insides.Those eyes were not
only phonographic bedroom eyes but they were windows to his
soul.I was removing the layers,soon he would be completely
exposed to me.
I felt his cock pulsing.He was close and I felt another orgasm
building. He increased his pace,like a beast possessed.With five
more master strokes we both climaxed.
"I'm not done with you.It's been too damn long." He growled
and I felt him growing hard again.He slid his arm underneath
me,grabbed my opposite hip and in one motion,flipped me
over.I landed right on my hand and knees instantly.I don't even
know how he did that.He fixed a pillow beneath me so that I
would lay on it.With an almost dead arm it was impossible to
be on fours.He thrust himself again and I moaned in pleasure.
"We have a long way to go cariño.We have a very long way." He
said thrusting in balls deep.


"Now let's go talk about the strategy."He said fixing his suit
jacket.He ran his hand through his hair which was damp from
the shower we just had.
"I almost forgot what we were talking about." I chuckled fixing
my sling.He came to me and made sure that it wasn't too
tight.He ran his hand over my chest and pinched my nipple over
the fabric of the navy blue dress I was wearing now.
"Stop doing that.We will be at it again."
His green shade darkened. "I would love that."
"Me too but we have serious things to worry about right
now.Let's go back to the war tactics." I pulled a serious face.
He bit his lower lip. "I'm loving the history lesson."
"Víllano (villain)be serious." I joked as we made our way back to
his study.
"I love it when you call me that."He spanking my ass when we
walked inside his office.
I smacked his hands off and sat on his chair.He sat on the desk.
"So, what do you normally do for the bunkers to cross the
boarders without any complications?"
He shrugged."Pay a fortune to the government officials and
everyone else involved."
"Which means this person who tipped the police off paid them
more and might be equally powerful if not worse."
He looked at me attentively. "Yes she is."
"She?" They were being played by a bitch!
"Yes its a woman.And she is very powerful."
"Wow.She is good but I love challenges.I want to challenge
her.She will be my first challenge." I said excitedly.
He sighed."This isn't a game cariño."
"To her it is.She is playing chess with your empire.I don't know
the history about how you achieved all of this and I don't care
but I will not sit by and watch her ruin everything you worked
so hard for.Let me take this woman on."
He ran his hand through his hair. "I don't wanna involve you in
this life."
"I'm already involved Raphael and we both know that.Let me
handle this.I just need you to do exactly as I say.We are not
thinking like men now.This time around,we think like a
bitch.You're a guy and your mindset doesn't operate like that of
a woman but mine does because I am one.So let me handle this
one for you.If it doesn't work out,I promise you I will stay out of
your business."
"This one time."
"Yea this one time." I smiled.
"Now you said for the bunkers to cross the boarders you have
to pay a fortune for it right?" He nodded.
"Hmmm ok.When you left me in here the other day I saw some
papers about a wine company.I have been very much
interested in winery since it was the only thing that could keep
me sane at Xavier's mansion.You do have a company called
Rodriguez's wines operating in Mexico.Every month a thousand
bottles of wine are imported here in America right?"
"Yes.And your point is?" He went and poured some scotch in
two glasses and gave me one.I took a sip of the amber liquid
and it was strong down my throat but I could handle it.
"My point is we have found a solution to our problem.You
might have money to pay a fortune to the government officials
but every cent counts.And I don't think this woman is going to
stop doing this anytime soon.You can't always use money each
time something happens.Sometimes we have to use our
brains.Rodriguez wines is a legit business.The trucks that
deliver the wines here don't get checked on the boarder right?"
He nodded taking a sip at his scotch. "I love where this is
going.Carry on."
"We have to kill two birds with one stone here.The business has
to go on and at the same time you have to make your opponent
believe that she is winning.So send your bunkers with drugs
which gives you low profit to the boarder.And she is going to
get them stopped.I want that to happen.Which brings us to
tactic one.Distraction.While she is concentrating on the
bunkers we will have the rest of the drugs transported in the
bottles of wine.A few bottles will have the actual wine and they
will be on the front but the rest will have drugs.Also about your
arms.I have a similar idea.You are Mexican and you're rich
which means you probably have horse ranches all over Mexico
and here in New York.For this one you will have to use your
horses and hay.All the arms worth millions if not billions should
be hidden in the hay.The hay will be transported with horses to
and from Mexico.Surely the police will not bother searching the
hay and wines because it has "nothing" to do with you.Their
minds will be focused on the bunkers.As simple as that.Let
them think they are winning."
"Wow cariño.Where have you been all this time?"
I raised my glass and smiled. "You're the head of this empire
honey but I'm the brains.Let this woman think she is
winning.Men might have a big ego but for women its bigger.If
you show her that you're smarter,her ego will be bruised so she
will hit again and with her strength doubled.She might also
change her strategy and we can't have that.Chess is interesting
to play but only when you know your opponent's next move.At
this point we can't afford for her to shift her focus from the
drugs and weapons to something else.We might not have a
solution for that.I gotta say she is smart.She probably knows its
your huge line of business and she wanna exhaust your
resources.So no more paying off a fortune to the police.We will
do this our way."
He smiled and his eyes sparkled. "You were wrong cariño.She is
not playing chess with us.She is playing chequers and she can't
beat you in playing chess because you're the chess master." He
raised his glass."Check."
I raised mine too."Mate."
A soft smile emerged on his lips,but his eyes were still
lethal."And I know she is not acting alone."
I sipped on the strong malt. "Back to the history lesson babe.In
war they were sellouts, insiders
informants, traitors.Whatever the name and you have that
among your men."
"Yes its time to remove the venom from my ranks."
"And you have to be smart about it víllano.Remember we want
her to believe she is winning.I think I have a plan."
Raphael tried as hard as he could to hide his grin.He tried to
make sure his face remained hard and stoic.I knew he was
proud of me and I was surprised too that I had taken an interest
in this life.I disliked criminal activities and when I was with
Xavier I despised his line of work the most but here I
was,helping a man who was worse than Xavier.I loved seeing
Raphael relaxed without any tension written all over his
face.Above all,I loved the fact that Raphael would not see me
as just a bitch he fucked but he would appreciate my potential
of making things right for him.Also in as much as I despised
criminal activities,I lowkey got off on the idea of taking charge
and getting things done.
"I'm listening."He got me off the chair and made me stand in
front of him.His grip tightened around my waist and I could feel
his cock hardening on my stomach.This man was turned on.
"I know this is gonna be a bitter truth and you're not gonna like
whatever I'm about to say especially because we haven't
known me for a very long time but I'm not biased.Don't look
too far.The traitor is maybe Reaper,Carlos,Hunter,Falcon or
Beast.You might wanna add me to the list and its okay.But you
should know I have your back.The one who is selling you out is
either your staff or one of the people I mentioned.And I would
say the latter.Your opponent knew every detail of your heist
because you discussed it with your men.One of them told them
exactly how things were going to be done and at what time.She
wouldn't have pulled it off if she didn't know all the exact detail
of your operations."
He nodded."I know.Even my shadow leaves me when it gets
dark but it hurts knowing that at some point I will have to kill
one of them.They are the closest thing I have to a family and
they know how much loyalty means to me."
"Its sad but its true.So my idea is, give them all specific
tasks.For example Carlos will be in charge of drugs.Hunter will
focus on arms.Falcon will be for the death fights and so
forth.Dispatch them each to their specifics tasks.If anything
goes wrong let's say at the fights,Falcon will be
answerable.That is the only way you will catch the culprit.You
won't catch him if you discuss everything on the table
together.Each man for himself is what you need to do.If
something goes wrong,the person responsible should explain"
He looked at me like I was some precious diamond.His
emeralds were locked onto me,not even blinking.I suddenly felt
so vulnerable and exposed.I felt like he could see right through
me,see all my fears and doubts."Where the fuck have you been
all this while?"
I blushed and looked away."I'm here now and that's what
"You're really a heroine,always there to save the day.I'm a lucky
man." He cupped my faced and plastered his lips on mine.

After we discussed our strategy in his office,Raphael left with
some of his men to meet his cousin Bruno.I was left with
Reaper.We spent the rest of the day at the rooftop pool.He
kept me company and I laughed a lot because of him.He also
told me about their childhood stories.They were sad really.They
didn't get to live their lives as children were supposed to.
"You're father is sick in the head."I sipped on the cocktail he
had made for me.I was drunk but not wasted.I spent almost the
entire day sipping on the different cocktails he made.
"Yea he is a psychopath. He confined us to the island when we
were very young.We had to be homeschooled and trained
"He didn't give you a choice but then again you were already
exposed to this world.The least he could have done was to
shield you from the cruelty of your "world" but he didn't do
that.If one day I have a child.I would want them to grow up like
a normal kid.Whether or not he wants to be in this life it will be
his or her choice."
Reaper looked at me.His gaze was just intense as Raphael's but
only that it didn't send any vibrations in my body.Maybe I was
drunk but he eye-fucked me.
"Raphael doesn't want kids."
"Why though?"
"He has Diego as a father and Monica as a mother.That's why."
"Hmm.What did you say this cocktail was again?" I asked
looking at the contents.
"French 75.Its a mixture of champagne, lemon juice,syrup and
"This is good.I would love to have it everyday." I laughed.
"Now you're drunk and its about to get dark.Let's go back
inside.Let me help you out." He extended his hand for me.I held
it and stepped out of the pool but because I was drunk I lost my
balance.Luckily I didn't do a face plant on the tiles or fell back in
the pool because he held my waist,stopping me from falling.
I laughed.Yep the gin was going straight to my head now."Oops
that was close."
He smiled."Be careful."
Uh-oh!His masculine voice was filled with threat.He stood a few
feet away looking like a man possessed by the devil.I tried to
get out of Reaper's grip but he tightened it looking back at
Raphael unmoved.Before I could anticipate Raphael's moves,his
fist was buried into Reaper's face with a force enough to break
his skull into two.He gripped his shirt and slugged him two
times before I could figure out what was going on.I was too
drunk to do anything as Raphael grabbed Reaper by the throat
and punched him again, making his nose bleed.
"My God Raphael stop!!" I jumped on his back and locked my
right arm on his throat."Stop it now Raphael,stop!"
He pushed Reaper who now had blood all over his face."She is
fucking mine!You know she is mine,so back the fuck off!Let me
see your hands on her again.I will fucking kill you."
"She is drunk.I was stopping her from falling into the
pool,asshole.Calm the fuck down!!" Reaper shouted wiping the
blood from his nose.
"I don't want your hands on her.Have I made myself clear?I
thought you liked your hands.I will cut them off." Raphael
"Calm your nuts.I know she is yours dammit!You're so
boring."Reaper clicked his tongue and walked away.
Raphael turned and looked at me with a scowl on his face.
Ok,he was really pissed.
"Wearing a backless swimsuit,smiling at Reaper and in his arms
is not a sight I want to see when I return to you."
I swallowed hard and tried so hard not to stagger. "Okay."
"And you're drunk too.He made you the cocktails right?" I
looked down at my toes.
"Ingrid I'm very possessive.What is mine is mine.I hate sharing.I
don't share you body,your kisses,your smiles,your laughs.You're
mine alone.I know my brother,and like everything else with a
dick around here he wanted to fuck you too the first day he saw
you.Maybe you have no idea but you're very beautiful and very
hot.Men are lusty animals.You're the type that men fantasize
about when they sleep at night and it drives me crazy.You're
mine,only mine."
"I'm only yours." I said.He ran his hand through his hair and
lifted me in a bridal style to our room.
The moment we stepped in clothes were flying all over the
place.We were locked from the mouth to the toes.
"You have been a very bad girl.And bad girls get punished." He
spanked my butt.
"Punish me."I felt another sharp,stinging pain on my butt.He
spanked me again and again.He did it five times and I yelped in
pain mixed with pleasure.He backed me towards the bed and
we landed on it.He kissed me aggressively and stopped.
"You will be punished cariño for being a bad girl."He
warned.And walked to the living room,in our bedroom.In less
than a minute he had returned with pink and silky cords which
he used to bind my hands to the bed.I didn't protest because I
knew I was being punished, so I let him be.I gave him the total
control.I was already soaked for him but he didn't slip in
softly.He pressed me down the bed and roughly pushed in and I
moaned in both pain and pleasure.He didn't work on me softly
and slowly,instead his strokes were hard,fast and full of
"Raphael... Ohhh.." I moaned as I felt myself slowly building
up.He knew he was bringing me close to the edge but he
wouldn't let me go over.Every time I felt my orgasm approach
he would stop or changed the rhythm,driving me crazy into
"Did I say you can cum?" He asked slowing his pace and slid his
dick out.He started rubbing his cock against my pussy,while
looking into my eyes with a cold dominance grin on his face.His
expression simply told me that he owned me,he was a bastard
who didn't give a damn and he could fuck my pussy however he
wanted because it belonged to him.He then took his cock head
and rubbed it up and down on my clit.He was teasing me and I
was close to crying.It was already too bad that I couldn't touch
him.He put the head inside and took it out and rubbed it on the
outside of my pussy again,slowly.Then he laid his dick flat
against my clit,putting his weight on top of me and grinding the
length of his cock up and down my pussy.I cried and begged
when I couldn't take the teasing anymore.
"Please...Raphael... Ohhh please...just let me please.I'm
sorry..uhhh." I found myself pleading,begging.He really was
punishing me.He finally slid it in and gave me more possessive
strokes,when I was close he slowed down again.
"Not yet.I'm the only man for you..You won't entertain anyone
else.Do you understand me?" He groaned.I felt tears building at
the corner of my eyes.
"Yes...please...just let me..ohhh..fuuck..please.."I moaned as he
went aggressive like he was possessed.It hurt for some time but
there was pleasure too.The combination was surprisingly
addictive.He continued fucking me savagely and we both found
our sweet oblivion.He wiped us and we fell asleep without a
pillowtalk.We were too exhausted.
I later woke up to strange noise.It startled me from my sleep.I
looked at Raphael who had rolled away from me,gathering the
blankets to himself.Muffled sounds escaped his throat and he
was sweating.His breathing was hard,almost gasping for air.
"Princess...." He cried out,his voice low and hoarse.I felt a hot
tide of jealousy sweeping over me.Princess?He was dreaming of
another woman?!
I shook him vigorously from his sleep.He woke up like he was
being chased.When his eyes landed on me he hugged
me,breathing hard.I tried so hard to swallow the pangs of
jealous but failed.I yanked his hands off and glared at him.
"Who the hell is Princess?!" The jealous monster had rooted in
my chest.
"Who the hell is she?" I half shouted and he swallowed deeply
looking at me.


had the guts to tell me where to get off and I respected her for
that.The men too respected her and they literally bowed down
to her.She wasn't just feisty,she was smart too.When I thought
I had seen enough,she showed me another side to her.She was
the type that could get themselves stuck in shitty situations,
but certainly had the spunk to get out of them.She was the type
that never gave up and would retain as much dignity as they
could in the process.I couldn't help but respect her.There was
something about her.When I thought I had no other option but
to confront Paloma and start a bloodshed,she came with a
smart idea that could save me a lot of resources.She was
indeed the brains that I needed to run this empire.She was an
asset.Before I left to meet Bruno she walked me to my
hummer.Even in high heels she barely reached my shoulder, so
she rose to her feet,planted her palm to my chest and tongued
me down.I hardly kissed women at all.Kisses were too intimate
for me.When it came to whores,it was right down to
business.With one-night stands sometimes there was lip-
locking but not too much.But I seemed to kiss this woman
every single day.From passionate kisses.Aggressive kisses.Baby
kisses.Possessive kisses.I enjoyed kissing her.The kisses were
too intimate and with a lot of emotions but I liked them.


Bruno and I met at some isolated café at Times square.I wasn't

in the mood to meet at a secret location.I booked the whole
café after I checked its blueprint,just in case.I ordered a
Styrofoam cup of coffee.I was in a café after all.Bruno took his
time and I patiently waited for him while I drummed my
fingertips on the table.I stared at the industrial sized coffee cup
and smiled like a retard.Ingrid had ordered us to have breakfast
and we obeyed with no questions asked.She really had the
balls.Now I was interested in coffee instead of scotch.I took a
sip and it was actually wonderful,hazelnut mocha if I had to
A while later two limos pulled up at the café.Bruno walked in
with two guys.
"What type of sugary ass shit is this.You're a coffee guy now?"
Bruno frowned looking at the coffee cup in front of me.
"Its a coffee bay.No hard liquor allowed.So,straight to
business,you got the delivery too?" I asked and he nodded.
"I got the head and a note " fuck the back off."She found out
we are on her and we are fucked."He took a sip of my
coffee."This shit is actually good."
"We are not fucked." I said with a neutral expression on my
"You're too relaxed which means you have a plan?" He raised
his hand for the waiter and ordered pancakes.
"I'm going to use her plan against her.She planted insiders in
my people."
He furrowed his forehead. "I'm listening."
"Not everyone was happy with her ruling.Its not only in our
family but others as well.Every family has a feud.The Villela's
might be under a petticoat government but it doesn't mean the
men in the family are happy with being ruled by bitches." I
looked outside and another car pulled up too.
Bruno leaned in on his leather chair. "We have company?"
I nodded.
Alfonsi walked in.I sized him up as he walked towards us.He
was a big guy.At least 5'8.His broad shoulders were a mile
wide.He had the popular silver-grey eyes the Villela family were
known for.He also had dark hair and chiselled features.He could
feature in a photoshoot. He was good looking.Five men flanked
him.I didn't recognize them and I didn't care about them.The
whole café suddenly held so much tension and suspense that
could be too much for a normal man to handle.He sat on the
opposite table with his back on us.Bruno arched his eyebrow at
me in a questioning manner.
"Your problem has a simple solution." Alfonsi said with his back
still on us.
"And that is?" I sipped on my coffee, my eyes trained on Bruno
who was still confused about what was going on.
"I feel like Paloma is going to fall into an unfortunate situation
very soon." He said with his voice deep, filled with lethal and
"She is your blood.She is your cousin.If she dies it will only
benefit me.What's in it for you?" I asked tapping my fingertips
on the table.
He glanced over his shoulder looking at me. "I want you to send
the next batch not to the auction, but to me.And I want
younger meat."
"No underage girls is my only law and my men follow it
religiously.I can send the next batch but no underage
pussy.That's sick and disgusting." I said through gritted teeth.
"I want underage girls.That's my only condition."He said,his
tone threatening.
"What if you backstab and come for the crozier after Paloma
"I hate being ruled by a bitch.Besides,I was never interested in
that walking cane.I have money,so why should I care.I just want
her empire,nothing that has anything to do with you."
"And if you try to play me, I will give this information to
Paloma."I threatened.
He stayed quiet for a while." Which is why you have to believe
me because I'm risking it here and I won't do anything to
jeopardize my empire."
It was a ploy of a desperate man to make a play for his own
legacy so I chose to give him a chance."I will get you the batch
then, but no underage."
He stood up and his men followed suite."Deal."He extended his
My hand rested on the table and I looked at him. "No need to
shake it,we are not friends."
"Suit yourself then." He fixed his suit jacket and walked out
with his men.
Bruno looked sternly at me."Do you trust him?What if he was
sent by Paloma?What if you're helping him out instead of him
helping you?"
I nodded thoughtfully. "It could be possible or not.Alfonsi was
never involved in his family business ever since.He did his own
thing and even when the family went for hiding,he didn't.I did
my research.Alfonsi was a black sheep of the family and he is
my target.And I'm not helping him out.This is a family feud.Let
them fight the legacy out.My men will be on standby with no
knowledge to Alfonsi's plan.Let's see where this gets us."
"I hope this works." Bruno shrugged and stood up.
"I will see you around.And this is supposed to stay between us
I nodded.He sighed and walked out.I had my eyes on him.Just
like Ingrid had said I was removing the venom in my ranks.I
chose to involve Bruno in this plan with Alfonsi.If something
was to go wrong, Bruno would be my first suspect.I marked
I took out my wallet and took out a hundred dollar note for the
waiter.Suddenly cars came close and crunched to a stop right in
front of the café.Three more cars pulled up at the café and
surrounded the place.Several men jumped out.Guns pointed
and ready.I counted ten vehicles so far.I remained chilled and
my expression neutral.I wanted to see where this was going.
Heels clicked behind me but I didn't bother turning to see who
it was.
"My aunt always told me to watch my back.Never turn your
back on anyone,especially to the one you have scores to settle
with." That voice was familiar and I knew one of the days she
was going to pay me a visit.I turned and the first thing I saw was
the phoenix tattoo which was inked visibly on her back.Paloma!
"Nice to meet you again Raphael Rodriguez.Long time." She
said with her voice lethal and filled with venom.
"Paloma Villela.You have your back on me." I said sarcastically.
"I must say you grew into quiet a handsome young man."She
"Rodriguez men have it in their genes."
"Even killing innocent blood is in their genes too." Her tone was
"You're not so innocent Paloma and your husband wasn't.Its
been 19 years so get over it." I smirked even though she
couldn't see me.
"That wasn't a great first impression,don't you agree?Anyway I
came back to make things even.We all have turning points in
our lives.I'm here to tell you this is one of them.You just have to
pick the right road and sometimes those choices have to be
made quickly.I came back for what's mine.The crozier, the title
and the throne.Either you give it back willingly and I will let you
go freely or we will do this the hard way."
I leaned in on the chair and glanced over my shoulder.She still
had her back on me.His men were still in position aiming at me
but I wasn't fazed.I had snippers in position and my men were
nearby too.
"I have been the General for ten years now.And I built the
empire into what it is today.The crozier and title might belong
to your family but I worked for the achievements we are
enjoying today.What makes you think I will give that up at the
snap of your fingers?"
She laughed."You're surrounded Raphael and I can kill you right
"Very cute,but I ain't afraid of men who aim but not
shoot.Besides, I know you will handle me with care.You don't
want me dead yet because I have people on my side.If you poke
those monsters you will definitely spend a decade fighting a
war that you will lose."
She scoffed."Impressive, but you're going to have a long month
if you think you understand me and my plans.I'm giving you two
weeks to give everything up or we will start a war.Every person
who dies after this moment, their blood will be on your hands."
"And I love blood Paloma so bring it on."
"You better watch what you wish for Raphael.Vindictive women
unleash one hell of a fury." She stood up and walked in front of
me,still giving me her back.She was in a black vest, camouflaged
military pants and black heels.
I laughed. "You better watch your back Paloma.When you have
words with somebody,never walk past them.Never give them
your back."
She was holding a cigar which she took a long drag on.She
turned and blew the smoke on my face.She stared at me with
the silver-grey eyes, that reminded me of someone.
"Two weeks boy."
"A lot can happen in two weeks." She gave me a middle finger
and walked out with her underlings.


Now that I had a blast from my past the urge to hurt and kill
was too strong to be denied.I knew Paloma was going to show
up but she had caught me off guard.I so badly wanted to ask
about 'Princess' but I couldn't.When I returned to my estate I
was welcomed by a sight I wasn't pleased with,fueling my anger
and murder tension even more.Seeing Ingrid in Reaper's
arms,smiling like that drove me to the edge and all I could see
was red.A jealous monster took over and before I could even
anticipate my own moves I was all over Reaper, feeling like
breaking his skull into two.When I saw blood on his face the
monster in me was satisfied,but a part of me was still angry
that he had touched what's mine.I glared at Ingrid who tried so
hard not to stagger because of her drunkenness.I went on and
on about how possessive I was and for her sake I hope she took
me seriously because I meant every word.
"I'm yours." She reassured me and my cock twitched.I was hard
again and my murder tension was long forgotten.My lust for
her was constant.It bothered me at first,the obsessive craving
for her but now I was starting to embrace it.I accepted my own
madness.When I fucked her I was only introducing her to what I
set out to do,for her to know who she belonged to.Soon
enough she would go crazy if I'm away from her.The pain of the
separation would drive her to the edge and then,she would be
completely mine.
Since I had met Paloma it was expected of me to have a
nightmare about the night of my first kill.I saw the little girl
again in my dreams.Slowly her face was becoming a little bit
clear.Silver-grey eyes stared at me with intensity.But before I
could get the whole image back,someone shook me
vigorously.When I woke up,my skin was cold and clammy with
sweat and my heart galloped in my chest.I hugged Ingrid for
comfort but I was shocked when she yanked me off.Another
pair of silver-grey eyes glared at me.Wait a minute,those eyes...
"Who the hell is Princess?!" She half shouted with her eyes
burning with savage fire.
"Who the hell is she?!"Yep,she was really pissed.She probably
thought it was some other woman I have been fooling around
I scratched my head thinking of something to say.That night
was kept hidden away in my subconscious mind for years.It was
terribly hard for me to talk about that night.I wasn't willing to
share it with anyone.
"I asked you a question." Maybe I wasn't the only one who was
possessive after all.
"Come back to bed cariño its late."
"First tell me who Princess is.Who is that?Who is that?" When
women repeat their words,shit is about to hit the fan.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Its a kid who haunts
my dreams.A childhood friend."
She arched her eyebrow clearly not convinced with what I
said."I swear,she is not a woman I'm fucking or anything.I last
saw her 19 years ago and that was that.I dream about her
because I think I failed her."
"The last time I checked,you were confined on an island by your
psychopath of a father and you didn't have friends.Now who
the fuck is Princess?"
I sighed. "I swear to you I'm not lying.I failed that little girl.I told
her I was going to come back for her and the following day
when I went for her,she was no longer there.She haunts me
every time. Sometimes she accuses me of not keeping my
promise.Sometimes she would be screaming for me to save
her." I buried my face into my hands.Ingrid might have realized
that I was telling the truth because I felt her warm arm on my
shoulder.She squeezed me gently.
"What's the story behind this Princess?Tell me about it.What
really happened?" She asked.
I looked at her and sighed sadly. "I'm sorry I can't." Her eyes
dropped in sadness too.
"I'm not ready yet but soon I will tell you about it ok."
"Was she your lover?" She asked with a pout.
I laughed and shook my head."What,no.She was probably four
or five at that time and I was like 13."
"Hmm ok."She got under the covers.
"Wait,are you jealous of a kid?"
She scoffed. "You wish.Come let's sleep." She yawned.
"Let me go wipe the sweat off first." She nodded and closed her
eyes.By the time I got back from the bathroom,she was fast
asleep.I cuddled her and surprisingly fell into a deep slumber
without anymore nightmares.


The next moment when I opened my eyes,she wasn't in bed

and I panicked.But when I turned to my right side she was
seating on the beanbag, staring at me.She looked at me for a
while then stood up and removed her bathrobe,revealing her
perfectly sculptured naked body.
"Let's go shower." She smiled seductively and cat walked to the
bathroom with me watching her.I followed her like a dog on
heat.Which of course I was.I entered the en-suit, steam had
moistened the space.It had no wall but only a glass and an
opening.Water drenched her curly hair and streamed down in
squiggly lines along her neck,to her point tits that I was so
addicted to.She was a work of art.A cruel depiction to feminine
beauty.Sexy and so fucking tempting, with the right amount of
thickness and muscle in the right places.Water spilled all over
her.And with each drop,my body fell into an ocean of
lust.Warm steamy water sprinkled down my back too and
drenched my body.She licked her lips looking at me and a soft
groan escaped my lips.I slowly walked towards her and I was all
over her in a blink.I brushed my nose on her neck,inhaling
her.Hmm apricots. None said a word.She went on her knees
and a naughty smile spread on her lips.My cock was already
rock hard,impatiently waiting to be buried balls deep inside of
her.She put the mushroomed tip inside her mouth and worked
her hand up and down my length.I let out a soft growl as I felt
her warm,moist mouth wrapped on me.The pleasure was
immediate and intense that I closed my eyes feeling her soft
tongue.She stopped sucking and I growled in frustration.
"Open your eyes and look at me." She demanded.I obliged
immediately and opened my eyes.I watched her taking my cock
to the back of her throat ,moaning as she took me
deeper.There is nothing sexier than a woman moaning and
enjoying eating your cock.The image of her lips wrapped
around me was forever imprinted on my mind.She worked on
my cock like a pro and brought me to an orgasm.I shot my load
inside her mouth and she swallowed every drop.
"Holy shit!" I cussed.
She giggled."Shit is not holy."
I gripped her hips and pushed her to the moistened steamy
glass.I slid my fingers between her legs,teasing her clit.She
moaned,trying to push back against me.
"Ohhh Rafaél....don't be a bad guy right now..." She
whimpered my name in Spanish as I gave her a light ass tap.I
loved the red mark of my handprint.I wanted my mark on her.I
continued teasing her with my fingers and she melted in my
"Give it to me already..." She moaned.And just because I
exploded in her mouth, didn't stop me from fucking her.I was
rock-hard like I hadn't climaxed at all.That is a skill.I moved my
cock which was still coated in her saliva.I took the tip and
pressed it on her entrance. She gasped as I slammed all the way
We rocked together in the warm shower.Water sprayed on us
and steam rose around us.Moans and groans filled the whole
room.The sound of our wet skin clapping was the best piece of
music I have ever heard.I shed all my masks with her.She
unraveled me layer by layer.I let it all go as I made love to
her.Yes,we made love.And I loved every part of it.


"Buénos dias ¿Como amanéciste?"She smiled fixing my tie.

"Good morning to you too cariño.And I'm fine this morning,
She shrugged."I'm okay.I just had the best morning ever since I
came here.It might become my morning ritual.So take your pick
General.Either you drink your scotch early in the morning,in
your study and with your men or you will have me suck you up
in the shower."
I groaned. "The latter."
She smiled and played with my tie."Thought as much.Now let's
go have breakfast.I really need the energy."
I looked at her. "The dress is too short.You will not walk around
looking like this.Go and change.And where the hell is your sling
woman?You know..." She was wearing a red sheath dress that
reached her mid thighs.
She raised her hand, silencing me instantly."Stop with that
bullshit right now.If I'm going to stay with you for however long
that will be,you will not order me around.I'm not one of your
men and I'm not your enemy.Its very cute when you are
possessive and dominant in bed,but you will definitely look like
a douchebag if you order me around
telling me what to wear.And I won't put up with that.Deal with
it big guy.I ain't going around looking like a granny simply
because you're possessive and insecure.This dress is not
slutty.And on that note,you're going to apologize to Reaper for
what you did yesterday." She sighed and glared at me."As for
my sling,I don't need it anymore.The sling was to keep me from
moving the healing muscle.My wound healed already.I don't
need it anymore.If I get used to it then my arm will be dead
forever.I have to move it at some point and that's what my
therapist said.Now let's go have breakfast, I'm famished."
If someone else spoke to me that way,I would be pissed and lay
down the low.But listening to her telling me where to get off
was actually arousing.
We went downstairs together.When we walked in the dining
hall,the men and the girls were already waiting for us.
"Good morning.You two had a late night huh." Carlos said with
mockery in his voice.
"Keep your nose out of our business.Its not cute, poking your
nose where it doesn't belong."Ingrid shot back at Carlos and he
sank in his chair with embarrassment.The men suppressed their
laughs.Serves him right,he had a loud mouth.
"Good morning everyone.Hey girls, you scarce these
days.Especially you Stacy." She smiled taking a seat besides
me.The men,Cinzia and Stacy murmured a good morning with
their heads slightly bowed.
"And you're the scarce one girl."Stacy smiled and Beast stared
at her.
"Yea.They fucking like rabbits.I'm seeing you.You out here
fucking like never before."Cinzía said glaring at us.
Ingrid blushed."We have a lot to catch up on.I will come to your
quarters later on.Anyway Reaper,your brother has something
to say to you." She smiled at me.She had cornered me.Reaper
looked at me with a frown on his face.He had a blue eye and a
bursted lip.
"Sorry." I murmured loud enough for everyone to hear.
Ingrid smiled at me and squeezed my arm."Say it like you mean
it babe."
"I'm sorry." I said louder,looking at Reaper who had a smug on
his face.The guys had puzzled looks on their faces.Even the men
on guard who were listening to our conversation had shocked
expressions on their faces too.
"Good.Now let's have our breakfast."
"The DEA is onto us.They sent their dogs on the boarder
yesterday." Hunter blurted out.
"We discuss business after eating Hunter.Its called table
manners." Ingrid smiled at him and he nodded and shut his
mouth.The rest of the breakfast, only the utensils made
noise.Then I caught Beast and Stacy sharing a weird eye
contact.Stacy looked flushed and Beast's right hand was no
where to be seen. Wait a minute,those two... I decided to mind
my own business and finish my breakfast.When we were
done,we all went to my study.I started dispatching all of them
to their specific tasks.
"We ain't discussing the state of our operations and our daily
activities together now?" Falcon asked.
I nodded."Yes,you take care of the prostitution rings.Carlos
handle the drag racing.Beast focus on the death fights and the
auction.Hunter ,the arms dealing and money laundering is your
task.Reaper and I will take care of the drugs and all the other
issues at hand.At the end of the day,I want reports from your
specific tasks.You are all dismissed."
They looked confused and were probably questioning me but
decided not to say a word.


My body warmed when I woke up the following morning with

Raphael by my side.Even though he had muddled my body into
soreness,from the hard-hitting thrusting,to the tongue
whipping he did to my clit,I still craved for him real bed.I looked
at his morning boner and became soaked instantly. When he
woke up to me staring at him,I was thinking of steamy ways to
wake him up.And our shower session blew me away.
When he dispatched his men to their operations they were
clearly confused and unhappy but it had to be done.
"Ok I'm not gonna ask what that was about." Reaper shrugged.
Raphael looked lost in his thoughts for a while until I snapped
my fingers at him."Guys.I think Beast and Stacy are fucking." He
blurted out.My eyes popped out to that news.
"Ohh that's old news.They have been screwing since you came
"They are fucking?!!" I was shocked.Stacy was so innocent with
a small frame.How on earth did she handle a big man like
"They are two damaged people.Do you think they are into
BDSM and shit like that?" I looked at Raphael.
"Uh-uh cariño,don't even imagine what those two do.Don't
even think about how Beast's dick looks like,for the love of
God."Raphael said with a frown on his face.
"Ok, let's talk about DEA on our asses.They sent their guys on
us." Reaper went and poured scotch in three glasses.
"The Drug Enforcement Administration?" I took a glass from
"You know about that?" Raphael took a glass too and walked
over to the window with one hand rested in his pockets.
"I live in America Raphael.So what about the DEA?Don't you
have agents in there?"
"Apparently they were all found dead in their beds this
morning.The news thinks its some serial killer since it happened
in different locations.But we all know who did that." Reaper
Raphael glanced over his shoulder. "Its Paloma.I met her
yesterday and she gave me two weeks to leave the throne.She
is not working alone though.If she managed to kill ten of our
DEA agents then it means she is working with someone in
higher ranks."
"She is working with the senior special agent obviously. Sterling
Hayes." Reaper said.
"She is now playing dirty.She upped her game and we need to
do ours without her realizing we are outsmarting her.Do you
have anything on this Sterling Hayes.Any dirt?" I asked.
"I will get on to that but even if we do get dirt on him,what is
your plan?" Reaper asked.
"I don't have a plan for now, just find what we can use as
leverage on him.And do it now."
"As you wish ma'am." He dramatically bowed and left.


"I found nothing on Sterling.I don't know how he did it but

there is nothing serious we can use on him."After an hour
Reaper was back.
I paced around. "There has to be something.Did you find what
he does after his working hours,where he frequently goes and
something like that?"
He sighed thoughtfully."Yes but it looks legit.But there is a
catch though.He frequently visits the brothel in Mexico.Only
that it was recorded in the system as a field investigation."
Raphael shook his head. "That's a lie.That man is the senior in
the highest ranks.He can't go on a field investigation.He has
many agents to do the donkey work."
"Who does that brothel belong to?" I asked.
"Paloma." Reaper said.
"The woman on your asses right?" I asked and Raphael nodded.
"Bam!We got our guy.There is no field investigation going on
there.Either this guy has some fetish fantasy that he gets from
the whores or he has some shady deals with Paloma and I think
its both.That is the dirt we can use to get him off our backs." I
smiled excitedly.The adrenaline was already kicking in.
"So what's the plan?" Reaper asked.
I smiled evilly."Sometimes you don't have to think outside the
box,you have to think inside the box.My point is,we have to get
inside the brothel the same time Sterling goes there."
Raphael shook his head. "There is no "we," you're not going
anywhere.Xavier is still on the loose.What if something
"You can protect me.Besides,if you're going to a brothel to trap
this man,then you need me as the honey trap." I sat on his laps.
He shook his head vigorously. "I don't want you deployed as a
honey pot at that old-age home.That brothel is for sick old
bastards who will grope your ass and stuff.So hell no,you're not
going there."
I sighed. "You need me as the bait.If you show up there and
confront him then he is gonna be alerted and so as Paloma.We
are avoiding a war here.This will be more fucked if you engage
whilst trying to get Sterling.All we have to do is record him
doing something nasty.He is a special agent of the DEA right?So
we can use that footage against him,then he will get off our
backs.And for us to catch him in action, I need to up my
game.Raphael you said you were going to allow me to take this
woman on,so let me."
"She has a point." Reaper said but Raphael was having none of
it.He was really possessive.After a lot of convincing and
threatening he finally agreed to let me be the honey trap.I had
threatened not to give him a blowjob for a month and only
then did he agree.This man!
"I will get Bruno's men to work with us on this one.He flew to
Mexico yesterday so its easier and they don't attract attention
to themselves." Reaper suggested and we all agreed on that.
"So long I will prepare for our flight to Mexico."
"Sure." Raphael dismissed Reaper.
"You need to stop cornering me like that cariño.I seriously don't
want you in a brothel.Those perverts will touch you.God knows
what Sterling will do.And on that note I'm coming along.We
need to distract Paloma.The moment you walk into that
brothel,I know all the attention will be on you but if I come
along I will attract some attention to myself too."
"You see.So you don't have to worry about a thing."
"Fine.Let's go check the blueprint of that brothel."
We walked into the security lobby.It was big the size of a four
roomed apartment.Damn,I didn't know he owned that around
here.His security team was already working on the full plan
satellite image of the brothel.
Raphael went to one of the guys who was wearing glasses and
shit.Your typical computer geeks.
"Pull up the coverage, zoom in on the layout." He looked at it
with full concentration.
"Invade it and highlight the areas the cameras don't
cover."They continued talking for a few minutes.The IT guy
explained some stuff while he nodded looking at the layout.
He walked back to me. "We managed to hack her system and
for someone running a brothel,she is smart.There is a level
where there are no cameras.I bet that's where people like
Sterling do their dirt."
"Good then.Let's go get him."


We landed smoothly in Mexico and went straight to one of

Raphael's villas.The country was a beauty but I didn't have time
to admire her.I had things to worry about and take care
of.When we arrived the sun was already setting.It was a perfect
time to put our plan into action.I already had a room prepared
for me and the help ran around the place,making
"Your stylist is waiting for you." Raphael said with a
pout.Ohh,my bear didn't want this.He hated it when men
lusted over me but it had to be done.
"I'm all yours Raphael.You don't have to worry about an old
man with a wrinkled dick.And I'm not gonna fuck him ok." I
kissed him and walked to the room.
The stylist began with my transformation.After thirty minutes
or so she was done.I stared at my reflection on the mirror and
almost didn't recognize myself.I wore a black bustier which was
made of stretchy leather and lace.It was substantial,pressing
my tits together forming an amazing cleavage.The black bikini
pant was made of a leather material too,it felt good against my
skin.The deep red wig was curled up and pinned on the side of
my head,revealing my neck.Smoky eyes brought out the color
of the blue contact lenses I was wearing.My lips were covered
with bright red lipstick.The sky-high leather thigh highs
completed the look.Damn,I looked like a pole dancer if not
worse.The make up aged me though.I looked like different
person.You wouldn't recognize me in the first glance.Raphael
was going to burst an artery.
"You look like sin." The stylist commented.
"All because of you.Thank you girl,you need to be paid
handsomely."I smiled.
"Cheers." She smiled and walked out.
A minute later Raphael walked in and he stopped on his tracks
when he saw me.
"Ohh hell no.They can't see you like this." He licked his lips and
held my waist.
"There is no going back honey.We are doing this."
"This outfit is going to get you into trouble later on." He
squeezed my ass.
"Uh-uh stop it." I yanked his hand off and wore a trenchcoat.
"Are you naked in there?" Reaper shouted on the hallway.
"Come on in." I shouted back.He opened the door and stopped
on his tracks too.
"Ok,I don't even wanna imagine what's in that coat lest I will
get a punch or worse."He was wearing some bikers outfit, all
the way to a baseball cap.He had some dark makeup too which
aged him instantly.The trimmed beard he always kept was
shaved off.It made him look like a different person altogether.
"Yea,you better not." Raphael arched his eyebrow.
Reaper gave him the middle finger. "Bruno's guys are waiting
"Why didn't you use your men?"I asked my gaze directed to
"They attract too much attention.Bruno's guys are like
bikers.No one will know what they really are.They look like
mere gangsters and that will do." Raphael explained.
"Are we leaving together?"
"I will be right behind you.We can't afford to be seen together."
He nodded and took out a velvet box.There was a tiny earpiece
and a choker which had a huge crystal on the center.He
inserted the earpiece in my ear.
"I can hear you through this device,just speak loud enough.This
necklace is a bodycam.It will record everything."
I wore the choker. "Ok let's do this.All eyes on me.I'm the
bait.This is a snatch and grab situation.We get the clip and we
are on the plane back to New York."
"Yes ma'am." Reaper grinned and bowed while Raphael smiled
"So what's your pseudo name.They can't know who you really
I thought for a while and shrugged. "Andriette sounds fine to
me.Its a good name."
"Yea,I agree." Raphael nodded.
"Ok,all hands on deck." I brought my fist on the center.Raphael
frowned at Reaper.
"Come on guys,all hands on deck." They reluctantly brought
their fist and we fist bumped.
"Go get them Ingrid,ohh I mean Andriette." Raphael smiled.I
rose to my tiptoes and kissed him goodbye.
Bruno's men really did look like some bikers from a notorious
motorbikes club.We took a two hours drive to the brothel and
when we arrived the adrenaline kicked in.I removed the
trenchcoat and gave it to Reaper who froze in one place.One of
our guys gave me a leather whip.
"Stare at her ass and I will kill you." Raphael spoke through the
device.He had already entered first to check if the coast was
"Relax tiger.In position." I spoke as we entered a dimly
lobby.Naked women lounged the space, choked only with
diamonds and sipping wine from beautiful glasses.The air
reeked of sex.We walked past the lobby and entered the
lounge.The decor was delicious with naked women on the
portraits and statues of naked Greek god Adonis,the god of
passion.The whole place was black,red and white in color.Black
and red lingeries decorated the women who wore clothes.It
was indeed an old people's home because there were a lot of
old men around.
"Everybody in position?" Raphael asked.
"Yes." "Setting up."
"We are moving stairs to the right.Reaper and heroína take the
left that's where your target is."
Our men spoke. "Okay,let's get our guy."
I walked down the hallway and took elevator to the elite
floor.When I got there I went to the lounge.On my way a
woman approached wearing black vest,leather pants and black
heels with a bandana on her head.She was holding a long thin
cigar on her right hand.My head ached for that moment as I
recalled a memory I never knew I had.It replayed in my head
like a short video clip.I saw a woman strolling my way the same
way the woman with a cigar did but only that the image was
blurry.I shook the image off and confidently walked towards
her.Her eyes were trained on me.She looked sternly at me and I
held her gaze with confidence.
"Be careful cariño.That's Paloma,the woman who has been
keeping us on our toes.Avoid her if you can." Raphael warned.
"Its too late." I was about to walk past her when she stopped
on her tracks and looked at me sternly.She smiled,the fakest
smile I had ever seen.
"I haven't seen you here before." She said.I looked at her and
she was elegant despite the crazy outfit.She had beautiful curly
hair with a few grey strands and silver-grey eyes that looked
cold and empty.Her frame was that of an athlete, full of muscle.
"I'm new around here." I smiled back.
She arched her eyebrow. "What's your name?"
"Andriette Morena." The surname just popped into my
head.Her reaction was not what I expected though.She looked
shocked.Why was she?
"It was nice meeting you Paloma.Next time practise your
smile.You look like an uncomfortable-welcoming host.I'm sure
you don't go around asking your clients who they are,its rude."
I smiled one more time at her and walked past her.I could feel
her gaze on me as I walked inside the lounge.
"I'm stepping in,she is following you.You shouldn't have
entertained her." Raphael said.
"Its already done babe, get on to it.And I think I see my target."
The moment I stepped in it felt like I owned the place and all
eyes were on me.I looked at Sterling.He had two naked women
at his side.We exchanged a look and I smiled seductively at him
for a few minutes and then shifted my attention to someone
else.I knew it was going to drive him crazy and he would do
anything to get that attention back to him.I ordered a martini
and drank while looking at him for sometime and shifting my
attention to someone else again.
"Don't smile too much." Raphael said.I laughed and spotted
him sitting at a corner.
"Get over yourself big guy."
I continued flirting with Sterling from a distance and after
sometime he stood up and walked towards the hallway and I
followed him.He stopped on his tracks and smiled looking at
me.He was probably in his early fifties.Old disgusting bastard.
"I see you are following me." He said his grin widening.
"You're quiet popular around here.It has been very difficult to
get your attention." He held my waist and grabbed my ass.
"I'm cutting that hand off."Raphael growled.
"You have it now.Let's get out of here."Sterling said.
We went to one of the rooms upstairs including the two
women he was with.Raphael was already barking orders,telling
the men to stay alert so they followed me to the hallway.When
we entered the room there was a table with small packets filled
with white powder.
"Make the lines." He ordered one of the women.Say what
now?The special agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration
did drugs.This was interesting.When the lady finished making
the lines on the back of the other,he offered but I refused.He
went on and sniffed the powder while everything was being
recorded on the camera.
"We got it.Now get out of there."One of the men said
"Its not enough." I whispered.
"Wanna join us?" Sterling asked taking the handcuffs and shit.
"No,I'm on the sit on right now.I want to see you in action first."
He grinned. "Suit yourself then."
"Eeew,you gonna watch some live porn featuring an old man
with a wrinkled dick.And he is into some fifty shades of shit."
Reaper laughed.
I sat in disgust watching the man in action.Fake moans filled the
room and the old guy had his game on because he was
probably high on the coke.Wasn't he worried about his health
though? When he was done they all knocked out.They went too
hard on the coke.Great,now I didn't have to use manual
labour.It was too easy that it was almost boring.I was craving
for some adrenaline rush but with my almost dead arm maybe
it wasn't a good idea.
"We got it." I tweeted walking out of the room.The men came
and took me to our limo.I was glad I didn't bump into Paloma
again.She gave me the chills.
Two hours later we were back to the villa and we had the clip.
"So what now?" Reaper asked.
I smiled."The day after tomorrow we are going to the Office of
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces(OCDETF) to pay our
special agent a visit."
"Cool.Now all of you are dismissed.I haven't seen cariño in
days." Raphael groaned,holding my waist.
"Jesus,you're dramatic.You were apart for a few hours." Reaper
shook his head.
"Whatever. Leave us alone." Raphael ordered.
When they were all gone he ripped the bustier apart.Jesus


the Drug Enforcement Task Force center in Washington DC,
where the Office of Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces were
located.Raphael had came along too, but we weren't together
as he had other issues to handle with Bruno.I went to the
headquarters with Reaper and some of our men.Three limos
pulled in front of the storey building.One of the men rushed out
from the other car and opened my door.The chauffeur stood by
the opened back door with a black umbrella.It was raining in
Washington.I lifted my foot and stepped onto the concrete
pavement,Reaper followed suit.Keeping my head high,I walked
towards the entrance of the building with Reaper and six
men.The DEA bodyguards paced around the entrance,armed to
the teeth,with menacing expressions.Their faces held hard
edges.If I was casting an action movie,I would have hired
them.They looked the part.Reaper nodded to one of them and
we walked in, without them stopping us to check for
weapons.My black leather coat swished against my thighs and
my sky-high heels clicked in the hallway,grabbing everyone's
attention.Shoulders back and head up,I walked like I owned the
place.Sterling had a private office at the back of the hallway on
the seventh floor.It was the perfect location to catch him off
guard.We walked through the lobby like some ordinary people
but it was clear there was nothing ordinary about us.Our aura
filled the whole building that some of the agents were
intimidated.We moved down the hallway and went to the
elevator.A few minutes later, the doors of the elevator opened
and we walked to his office.
"You need an appointment to..."When the receptionist lifted
her head and saw me with my men,she went quiet
immediately.I glanced at her once and walked inside Sterling's
office.He was talking on the phone,with one hand in his pocket
and his back on us.He was probably barking orders,exercising
his privileges as the Senior special agent of the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA).When he finished talking on
the phone,he looked shocked to see his office invaded.He tried
to pull a brave face and extended his hand to me for a
handshake but I ignored it.Reaper did the same and sat down
at one of the leather chairs,while I paced around looking at the
interior designs and art of his office.
He looked at the men and slowly lowered his hand and took a
seat. "Ok,what can I do for you?"
I glared at him for a while.His upbeat demeanor dissipated in
the light of my intimidation.We ignored his question.I paced
around in his office some more and stood in front of his huge
portrait on the wall.I ran my fingertips on it and shook my head.
"No.I don't like this portrait at all."
"Excuse me?!" Sterling furrowed his forehead. "I don't think I
need your opinion.An how dare you just..."
I interjected."I think you do need my opinion." I walked to his
desk and one of the guys pulled out the chair for me.I sat leg
crossed and stared at him.
"What do you want?You're wasting my time.Leave before I call
the security." He said, his tone was threatening.He picked the
landline but before he could dial Reaper spoke.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you.Anything you say in this
moment,will only harm you.So I suggest you watch your tone
when you talk to us."
My right hand rested on the table and my fingertips slowly
drummed against it."There is no need for long introductions.I
hope you rested well enough yesterday because you had a long
night at Paloma's brothel."
That caught him off guard visibly because his body tightened at
the mention of the brothel.He smoothed the front of his tie
down his chest and sank on his chair."Alright,how can I help
I chuckled. "The question is how you're going to help yourself
agent Sterling Hayes.Trust me,you're the one who need serious
help around here,not me."I nodded to the men.They yanked
open his drawers and files as they scanned every document
they could find.Sterling looked at the men and back at me,then
swallowed deeply.I stood up and walked towards him.My left
arm was rested in the pocket of my coat.I placed my right arm
on the back of his chair,one of our guys stood at the other
side,we boxed him that he had nowhere to go.His chest rose
and fell in laboured breaths,as the fear flowed in his veins.
"You can relax agent Sterling.Even though I didn't stop over for
a glass of scotch,this is a friendly checkup.I just want to show
you something. I'm pretty sure you will like it." Reaper gave me
the phone with the video clip.I played the video and gave it to
Mr Hayes with an evil smile on my face.He went pale
"We found something." One of our men discovered a black
metal small box adored with golf designs on the top.He brought
it over like a waiter presenting a desert tray.I opened it and
they were small transparent packs with white substances.I
"Hmm isn't this amazing?The second in command of the DEA
has a nice stash of what I think is cocaine.You're a sneaky old
man." I playfully hit him on his shoulders.
He had a sheen of sweat on his forehead.I'm sure he shit in his
pants too"What do you want?"
I chuckled."What do I want?Its been so long since somebody
asked me that question.Well since you asked,I want a glass of
single malt scotch whiskey,and then later on I want twenty four
hours uninterrupted time with my man.But what I really want
right now, is for you to perform some abracadabra, magic shit
and make things disappear.I want a few things.I want you to
make some calls and pull some strings.Give me a file and get
your dogs off our back.I know you got your undercover agents
planted throughout our operations.I know you send
people,who send back coded messages making you aware of
our shipments,locations, quantities,money laundering and so
forth.Get your sniffing dogs off our cases.Another thing,I want
your field team far away from our bunkers at the Mexico
border.Your word is law around here.You just have to say it and
things will get done.Do that, and we will be good friends."
"Who the hell are you?Raphael is sending his bitches to do his
job now?" The men looked at him ready to attack but I shook
my head.
I looked at him up and down. "You're a good looking old
man.But with that kind of a mouth you have,I'm surprised that
someone hasn't cut your face up yet."He blinked and
"Relax,I'm not interested in knives.Guns are my thing.So you're
lucky I won't have to slice your face up if you call me a bitch
again.But I guarantee you that I will shoot your balls.And I don't
miss.Anyway,they call me heroína which is spanish for
heroine.They believe I'm always there to save the day.I find it a
little bit exaggerated but I love the nickname anyway.You're
going to see my face a lot in the future.So better get used to it
now and feel free to remember it."
Reaper gave me some files that our men had discovered in his
office.I opened them one by one. "Agent Riccardo Larea was
gunned at his house but his family was spared." I slammed the
file on the table and took another one.
"Another execution style homicide.Agent Will James was shot
while on a vacation with his family." I slammed it again and
picked another one.
"The DEA must be in mourning.The forensic investigator Gabriel
Jackson was found dead in his bed with a gunshot on his
forehead." I looked at the files on the table.
"The list is endless.But all these guys were our men and I'm
surprised that no one around here is in a mourning them.You
did not give these guys a dignified funeral which is unfair and I
won't let it go.I need you to compensate the families of these
guys handsomely.Also I'm giving you a task Sterling.Since you
killed all of our men,I want you to find us the best guys in the
game whose talent is being wasted here.I will make good use of
them.And I want you to do it as early as yesterday."
I planted my right hand on the table, leaned forward and
grabbed his chin. "When this conversation is over,I want all the
job done.And this dirty little secret should only stay between
us.If you dare to breathe a word to Paloma about our deal
then, my villain will do his worst and I won't stop him.This isn't
a threat,consider it a guarantee.Think carefully and do the right
thing.Think about your son who is about to graduate in high
school, and your wife who is pregnant. Whatever that happens
to them after this it wll be entirely on the choice you have to
make.We all have turning points in our lives, we all have to
choose the right road.And sometimes these choices have to be
made quickly so take your pick Sterling."


We touched down at the helipad at Raphael's estate, after a

five hours flight from Washington DC.Raphael was so proud of
me and Reaper couldn't stop talking about how I handled the
issue.When we left the headquarters I had some new men for
us and the DEA "troops" were off our backs.Sterling made sure
to deploy them somewhere else,our file was destroyed and the
families of the former agents were compensated
handsomely.Raphael was grinning proudly all the way home,he
was turned on even.I had accepted his madness.And I
understood where he was coming from because I wanted him
just as bad.Our craving for each other worried me at times.For
a mere few hours we were away from each other,I felt like
there was a burning inside my body.The separation was too
much and I ached to be close to him all the time.Now that I was
in his arms,I felt whole again.He had laid a deep claim within
me and being away from him drove me to the edge of
insanity.When we arrived we didn't went straight to fucking like
we had planned though.There was an issue at the maids
quarters that had to be taken care of immediately.
"I wonder what's going on?" Raphael asked as he straightened
his suit jacket and button it closed to hide his bulge.
"Its Stacy." One of the maids announced.On the mentioning of
her name,I ran to the quarters with Raphael and the guys
behind me.I was sick worried but when I walked into their
lounge hall my eyes popped out in shock.Stacy and a blonde girl
wrestled and fought right on the floor.Hunter has been trying
to get ahold of Stacy but she overpowered him as she held the
other girl's hair in a tight grip.It was basically an MMA
fight.Shattered glasses littered the floor.Shoes and ripped
panties.One thong dangled on the slow circling ceiling fan
above us.How the fuck did it even get there?
I was too shocked to even react and so were the other guys.
"I told you to keep your hands off my man and you put your
claws on him.And you know what's gonna happen?Somebody is
getting their ass beat and it ain't gonna be me." Stacy shouted
as Hunter held her tightly away from the blonde.
The other girls held the blonde."Your man?He fucks me and
you think you're special.Liam is not your man bitch, and he is
not mine either.He belongs to everything that has a pussy."
Uh-uh honey not me too.And wait a minute,who is Liam?The
other girl clearly sort revenge as she raced back at Stacy.Within
a blink Stacy too had pushed Hunter to the far corner of the
room as she went for the girl.Reaper rushed in to help and only
to get his balls kicked.The other girls started screaming telling
them to stop.Cinzía was at the far corner of the room,enjoying
the show.The fight was not going to stop and something had to
be done.I looked at Raphael.
"What?Beast has to sort this mess himself.I ain't getting my
face scratched and my balls kicked." He shrugged,taking a step
back.Ohh Beast is the Liam.I took a pistol from one of the men
and aimed the ceiling.Only the gunshot got them to stop.
"What the fuck is going on here?" I hissed and the girls glared at
each other,breathing heavily.The other girl's face was messed
up,with cuts and scrapes.It was all black and blue.Stacy only
had a tiny cut on her lips.I never thought she had it in her.On
cue, Beast entered walking leisurely with his hands in his
pockets.He looked around and immediately picked what was
going on.When Stacy saw Beast she went ballistic.She yanked
Hunter off and stomped towards Beast who was way too calm
in this situation.
"I know you don't speak and I'm okay with that because I only
want you to listen.I told you before we fucked that I have this
thing of wanting the person I'm fucking to belong to me
alone.And when you cuffed me to the bed, it only implied that
you agreed with me.I'm not hurt,I'm pissed that you actually
didn't take me seriously because I was taking us seriously.Every
time I think there is a glimmer of hope,I'm wrong.And those
moments hurt far more than having to know that you fucked
another woman Liam."
Her lips trembled and her voice was breaking.Everyone went
dead quiet and Beast blankly stared at her.
"I thought we had something here.It might not be love but I
thought we felt things.I thought we were two damaged
people,healing each other.I told you everything Liam, and you
might be mute but your actions implied that,with you I was in
good hands.Xavier took me away from my family, I lost my
parents and my siblings too
you know it all.The rape and the enslavement.You came to me
Liam a week after I got here and it felt like I belonged in your
arms.I thought something was there,but now I see it was just
me.Being taken for granted is my personal boundary and you
crossed that boundary when you slept with her.I'm done trying
to penetrate through your soul because you don't have a soul
at all.If you wanna continue being a monster then so be it,but I
will not sit by,having my heart broken.Its a good thing there a
lot of guys here."
Everyone was dead quiet and Stacy's words hit home.My gaze
moved to Raphael but he couldn't look at me.There was
something between us too.It might have been passion mixed
with lust but there was something more.I wondered if he felt it
too or he only used me for vengeance against Xavier and as a
poker chip.I wanted everything we shared,not just sex.I knew
he had walls around him and it would be difficult to penetrate
those walls and snuck by.He was the General,who was a stone
cold killer,conqueror and the villain.But could he be Raphael,
my lover,protector, who is kind,gentle and soft?I wondered if
he could be two different people for me.I knew I wanted
more,but I didn't want to find out what it was that I wanted
from him apart from what he was giving me.I knew he couldn't
give me that.
Stacy looked at Beast then her gaze shifted to Hunter.I knew
that look,she was up to something.She strolled towards Hunter
while Beast stood by and watched.Stacy wrapped her arms
around Hunter's neck and kissed him.The action might have
caught Hunter off guard because he froze on spot.
"What is this girl doing?" I glanced Beast's way.Not good.Not
good at all.He looked like he was ready to commit murder.He
finally snapped and prowled towards them and grabbed Hunter
by the collar.He pushed him away making him stagger.Beast
carried Stacy over his shoulder like a potato sack.
"You don't want me,but when someone else wants me,you get
jealous.You don't want anyone else to have me either.Liam
you're playing with me and I don't like it." Stacy screamed
punching Beast on his ass,but her punches didn't do shit.It was
like punching the Incredible Hulk.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked,worried.
Cinzía chuckled."She is definitely going to be okay.She just
won't be able to walk for days.Man,that was quiet a show."
Reaper shook his head. "It was intense."
"I will just go and rest." I excused myself.Stacy and Beast left
me wondering about my "situationship" with Raphael.I left him
at the quarters and went to the villa.I strolled up the stairs and
met Perla on the way.She had been on a leave for a few
days.When she saw me,a smile spread on her lips.
"Hey." She came and squeezed me into a tight hug.
"Perla.How have you been?How is your family?." I brushed her
"They are okay.You have been up and about so I heard.What
have you been up to, while I was away?" She brushed my cheek
I smiled."Nothing serious.Just seeing the country with Raphael."
She grinned. "You guys have my blessings.I like him for you."
I looked at her thoughtfully. "Perla.How long have you been
working for Raphael?" I asked.
"Ten years now.Why ask?"
"There is something I would love to ask you but right now I
need a bath." We walked to my room, instead of Raphael's
grand bedroom.
"I prepared the bath for you already.I will ask the chefs to
prepare something for you so long."
"Yes,they should prepare dinner for everyone."
"As you wish." She clapped once and walked out.I took a quick
bath and because of exhaustion I dozed off just after I finished
moisturizing my body.
....The next moment when I opened my eyes,I wasn't in bed
nor was I at the estate.Ohh no,the night terrors!
The sky swirled over and over in clouds of black.Rain whipped
down on me.My hand felt heavy,I was carrying a pistol.The
metal was heavy and cold.
"Shoot him now, do it.You have to kill him!" A voice hissed
behind me but I couldn't make out who it belonged to.
"No!" I cried out as the rain blinded my vision.I couldn't
move,my feet were stuck in mud.
"They killed your father,you have to kill them!!" The voice was
harsh and threatening.
I shook my head violently and cried out. "No I will not do it.I
don't want to do it.I just wanna go home.Let me go!
The owner of the voice walked in front of me.I couldn't make
out if it was a man or woman.Their back was on me.A tattoo
was visible on their shoulder blades.The ink was grey and dark
but I couldn't see the art,it was blur.They turned and walked
towards me but rain blinded my vision.
"Aim at the fucking dummy."My eyes snapped open and I
stared at the furious grey eyes
"It's not a dummy, its a human." I sobbed
"You have to kill them all.Never forget that!"Their voice
become a distant echo...
My eyes shot open.Sitting up in bed,I felt sick and my skin was
cold.I felt like I had just been standing in the cold rain.I had a
cold sheen of sweat on my forehead.My stomach twisted
violently and I snuggled out of bed.I ran to the bathroom and
fell down in front of the toilet before my stomach emptied the
unwanted contents.I gagged,vomited and cried.I felt my hair
being branched up and my back being brushed.
"Easy cariño easy." He said softly brushing my back, as I
vomited my intestines out.When I was done I shook
uncontrollably and drowsiness clouded my vision.Pain pressed
down on my chest and I couldn't breath.He carried me to the
sink and brushed my teeth,then afterwards carried me to his
room.I couldn't stop crying but I had no idea why I was crying.It
was just a dream but it felt so real.
"It was scary ..someone was forcing me to kill.I don't know..I
just..Its the night terrors.Its been long..s-sice I had them.." I let
out laboured breaths as I tried to explain to Raphael.
He cupped my face and kissed my forehead. "I know,I know
cariño.It was just a dream cariño,just a dream.All of that is not
"It felt real,I felt it.It was real.They are back.I don't want be back I won't be able to sleep."I cried out as he
brushed my back.I didn't call them nightmares, I called them
night terrors. I had that problem growing up.I always had that
dream where I was being forced to kill or some scary stuff that I
didn't even think of.But I had stopped having that problem at
Xavier's place,but now something must have triggered it.My
breathing become harsh and laboured.Before I knew it,the
whole gang was in the room and Pablo was by my side.
"Your blood pressure is high.You need to calm down.You..." He
continued talking but I was feeling too drowsy for an anatomy
"Just inject her and stop wasting time!" Raphael roared and his
men had to hold him so that Pablo could do his job.He injected
me something and that was it.My eyes became too heavy to
keep open.I passed out.


My eyes snapped open and I blinked the sleepiness away when

I heard the door opening.A few seconds later,I felt my bed shift
and his cologne teased my nose.He snuggled besides me and I
looked up to him.I saw him staring down at me,his face written
"worry" all over it.My heart pounded furiously against my chest
as I got lost in those green eyes.
"I'm scared." My voice came out as a whisper, but loud enough
for him to hear.
"It was just a dream.I'm here there is no need to be afraid." He
buried his face in my hair,inhaling the scent.
"Its always that one dream over and over again.Since I was
young I always had that dream.It stopped for a while when I
met you but now the night terrors are back.The person always
say something about killing and avenging my father.And the
next thing I know,dead bodies will be littering the groung and I
would be holding a gun."
"Do you know who your parents were?" He asked.
I shook my head. "I grew up at an orphanage.They say I was
dumped there,end of story.But I think there is more to the
story.I believe dreams are next to reality."
"It was just a dream cariño.Pablo said your blood pressure is
high so don't think to much.Let's do this,I will get my guys to
work on finding your family.Will that make you feel at ease?"
"Will you do that for me?" I asked.
He baby kissed me."I will do anything and everything for you."
The baby kisses turned into something else.The fear was
forgotten as he pressed me down on the bed,making love to
me.I moaned, I screamed his name.He groaned,he thrust
deeper,altering his soul to mine.This was perfect but when I
said I was scared it wasn't only because of the nightmare.I was
scared of the emotion that was growing inside my chest,making
me spin and drown in a sensual fog as he made love to me.A
soft groan escaped his lips and he kissed me for several
delicious seconds.Every cell in my body yearned for him never
to stop.I wanted to live in this moment for life.


The chefs served us the garlic bread with tomato

bisque,roasted chicken stuffed with herb spices, broccoli and
cauliflower, sweet buttered corn and herb-basted potatoes.We
all gathered at the table.It wasn't tense,Beast and Stacy were
lovey-dovey.I guess they kissed and made up.They were cute
and weird together.I definitely had to talk to Stacy.We had a lot
to catch up on.After dinner we went back to bed.He pulled me
closer to him,so that my head was pillowed on his chest and my
arm was draped over his ribcage.I closed my eyes, wanting
nothing more than the oblivion of sleep.
"You never forget the first person you killed.Your first true
initiation kill never leaves your mind.That kind of guilt never
goes away." His voice was barely audible, his breath ruffled the
fine hair near my forehead.I had already begun to fall asleep
but I opened my eyes,my heart hammering in my chest.I
remained silent and he continued.
"Diego started grooming me to be his successor when I was
very young,along side Xavier and Reaper.He never wanted me
to be a child.Monica, the woman who gave birth to me never
cared.Among the three of us,she hates my existence the most
and I don't know why.Unlike decent parents out there,Diego
never sheltered us from the ugliness of our world.The
Rodriguez men hold the same sickness in them.The craving for
violence and ways to make quick money.Every child born with
the Rodriguez blood in their veins,has no choice but to carry
the same "mutation" in them.I held my first gun when I was
He paused,his hand stroking my hair."I killed my first man when
I was 13.I didn't want to,but I had to.I was only following
orders.That kill is a cross I will carry for the rest of my life."
"Ohh Raphael." I could the pain in his voice.I wish I could take it
all away but I couldn't.
"Sleep cariño,you need to rest.Goodnight."
He kissed my forehead.I didn't push.I knew it was difficult for
him to share with me about his deep and dark secret.He
needed time,but I was grateful that at least he opened up.

I PACED THE LENGTH OF MY OFFICE,my mind filled with

Ingrid.She was all I could think about the whole damn time I
was away from her.It was a struggle being away from her,when
all I wanted was to be close to her,inside her.I always woke up
before her,now I was enjoying my new "morning ritual," that I
didn't want to drink scotch with my men anymore.But since we
had an urgent issue to take care of,I didn't have much of a
"Stop pacing around.You're making me dizzy and ruining a good
high.You will go back to her in no time.Jesus Christ,its just been
15 minutes and you're already losing it."Reaper said with a
frown.He was smoking a joint.My office smelt like marijuana.He
was straight up hot boxing us.Carlos looked at me and shook his
head.Beast's face was blank,his eyebrows drawn together as he
regarded me impassively.He shook his head too and then
sighed,he was worried about me.Yes I was worried about me
too.I was going crazy
"Get this shit over and done with.I need to go back before she
wakes up,lest she has a nightmare or something." I rested my
hands in the pockets of my sweatpants trying to hide my bulge.
Reaper narrowed his gaze. "She is still having nightmares?Its
been what,two days now?"
I nodded my head."She said she always had them and they
stopped when she came here.But they are back again.She calls
them night terrors."
"She needs a therapist.Maybe she is stressed and she needs an
EMDR.A lot of things happened and it might have affected her."
Carlos suggested while his eyes were focused on his laptop.
"I will take that into consideration.Now will you finish up
Carlos.I need to go back to her." I pinched the bridge of my
nose in frustration.
"Calm the fuck down Raphael, for fuck's sake.He is almost
done." Reaper took a long drag on his joint before releasing the
"Fucking hell,would you just look at my dick already.I need her
right now."I barked.
Beast shook his head and poured himself some scotch.
"All the files at the orphanage are encrypted, like crazy
encrypted.I have to work some magic, if I'm gonna have any
chance to fishing out the quantum that works in converging the
protection platform to unlock this data." Carlos said with his
entire focus on the laptop.Ingrid wanted to know about her
family and I was working on that.We reached a dead end during
the first attempt but this time around I was approaching it with
another means.We were going through the information system
of the orphanage and all the foster homes she grew up in.
"Why would an orphanage encrypt their information?"Reaper
arched his eyebrow.
"There are into some real shady shit."
"I'm in!" Carlos announced. "Wait,come look at this." He
narrowed his gaze looking at the screen.
"What is it?" I asked.
"USD500 000 directly deposited to the orphanage's personal
account as well as all the foster homes heroína lived in, from
some El Super Mercado.And the deposits were made during the
time she lived there." Carlos said.
"A grocery store gave a half million dollars to the orphanage
and five foster homes Ingrid lived in.Now that's some real
shady shit.Find out for me who the owner of this El Super
Mercado is.And judging by the name,I'm pretty sure its in
Mexico. Get me that information ASAP and be discrete."
Carlos nodded. "As you wish General.I'm on it."
"I will leave you guys to your shit." I walked to the door.
Reaper chucked. "Yea,you're pussy-whipped.Lucky bastard."I
ignored his remark and went straight to my bedroom.
As I approached my bedroom I heard some gagging sounds.I
rushed in and found Ingrid in the en-uit, sitting in the front of
the toilet.
"Cariño." I brushed her back.
Her bottom lip quivered, as her face held a sad expression.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
She shook her head and tears gathered in her eyes.She gagged
again and knelt in front of the toilet, as her stomach emptied
the unwanted contents.I brushed her back as she finished
"The night terrors can't just seem to go away.They are coming
stronger and clearer each time.It sucks because I feel drowsy
and vomit because of that." She said with a hoarsely voice from
the vomiting.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up.I'm going to talk to
Pablo,to arrange a psychologist for you."
I felt her body tighten. "I don't think I need a shrink Raphael."
"I wasn't really asking you cariño.I was telling you and I don't
wanna argue with you about this.You're my property and I take
care of it the best way I know how."
Yea, I know I sounded like an asshole.It goes with the
occupation.You don't get where I am in life without making
enemies more than you can count because of being a prick.But
one of the upsides?I get to say shit like this all the time and
people just shake their heads and wish they could be me.But
Ingrid here didn't take that bullshit.She would definitely tell me
where to get off.
She pressed her lips tightly, obviously annoyed by me."I'm your
woman,not your property."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
She shrugged. "It means what it means Raphael.I'm your
woman.I'm the one in your bed every night.I'm the one always
worried that you're going to be in between other woman's legs
and you're possessive just as much.You actually see me as your
woman and not your property or prisoner,so let's not pretend
otherwise.How many prisoners get cute petnames like cariño
huh?So Mr Bad guy,get off your little power trip because its
annoying.Stop being an asshole,it doesn't work on me.I'm not
your property or your prisoner.I'm your woman."She said as a
"The woman that I'm fucking." I corrected.
She chuckled and squeezed some paste on her toothbrush."The
"only" woman you're fucking.If I meant nothing to you,you
could have been involving me in a threesome or whatever
fetish is out there.But you respect me because I matter to
you.So Raphael, please just stop."She rolled her eyes and
started brushing her teeth.
I swallowed my pride and decided to change the topic."You're
still going to see a therapist.This might continue and I can't
have you go through that shit.I know how it is because I too
have demons to deal with at night.Look cariño,I have been
doing a lot of thinking.What if these nightmares are your
memories?Dreams can be a figment of our imagination or a
piece of a memory.Or maybe its stress."
She furrowed her forehead. "I have never been asked to kill in
reality before Raphael.I never went through what I'm dreaming
"Maybe its stress then.You might need an EMDR or
readjustment and maybe the nightmares will stop."
She wiped her mouth. "Okay, what's an EMDR now?I think I'm
loving the psychology lesson."
"Its a form of psychotherapy.Eye Movement Desensitization
and Reprocessing.Its an interactive psychotherapy technique
used to relieve psychological stress.It was originally designed to
alleviate distress and it works.Its an effective treatment for
trauma and possibly nightmares.You might..."
"Yea yea." She wasn't even paying attention to what I was
saying anymore.Her eyes were on my dick which was visibly
"We will continue this lesson some other time." She went down
on her knees.


She lay half asleep,satisfied by my deep thrusts and my pile of

cum inside her.I was satisfied too,she rode me like a hooker she
paid a million dollars for.Her hair was a mess from the way I
had fisted it.Her plump lips were swollen from taking me in and
being thoroughly kissed.She looked beautiful,and fucked.
"Should I send Perla with the breakfast?" I walked out of the
shower and started to get dressed.
"Hmm-hmm." She opened her silver-grey eyes that were filled
with the desire to sleep.And man,did she look so sexy.
"I will see you in a bit."
"Hmm-hmm." She shut her eyes closed.I chuckled.Yep,I really
roughed her up.When I was done dressing I called Cinzía and
Stacy to check on her.I didn't want her to be left alone.I
buttoned my suit jacket and went to my study.My men were
already waiting for me.
"Let's go." Reaper said and I nodded,leading the way.The men
on guard bowed as I passed by and I gave them a strict order to
make sure Ingrid was safe all the time.I even left Beast behind.I
went inside the limo on the circular driveway and Hunter drove
out of my estate.After three hours or so,we pulled out of the
driveway at Xavier's private estate,well it was mine now.When I
walked out one of his men ran with an umbrella but I waved
him away.We walked into the lounge hall,and Riggs the one I
left in charge came with the reports of the state of our activities
and operations.I gave some to Reaper and Carlos.
"He is doing a good job.Everything is in order." Carlos nodded
scanning the file in his hand.
"Okay this is good.Now let's discuss the state of our operations
today.I believe we have toys to transport to Palama,Bolivia and
"Yes General." Riggs spread the maps and list of our
transporting trucks on the table.I put him in charge of
coordinating our arms operations at the highest level.He was
the heart and brains of the business and managed to run it all
on a grand scale.I wondered how Xavier didn't realise that he
was an asset.It took us hours to organize everything that when
we were done it was already in the mid afternoon.After our
discussion everything was in order.The weapons were already
being packed in the trucks that were parked on the driveway.
I looked at Riggs clearly impressed."Is there anything else I
need to know?"
"Yes General." He ordered one of the men in Spanish and they
all ran around doing as they were told.A minute later they
walked in with a guy who was roughed up and handcuffed.
"I heard him talking to Xavier.He was obviously informing him
about what is going on and I thought it was important to let you
I knew Xavier was still keeping tabs on me but I found it so
stupid that he would ask one of his men to do it,obviously I
would find out about it eventually.I punched the guy on the
side of his head and felt the force of my punch cracking his
skull.My fist connected to his skull so solid,the impact
drummed through my fingers.A tough blow.He passed out.
Reaper rolled his eyes and poured some scotch for himself."You
should have hit him on the front or the back.The brain can't
take such blows."
"Thanks for the anatomy lesson,asshole.Bring me a fucking
chair and get this fucker to wake up."I yelled and Xavier's men
scrambled back doing as I ordered.
"Hunter, my tool box."He nodded and ran to the limo outside.
The guy woke up gasping for air after they poured water on
him."What information did you give him?" I asked.
"You're going to kill me anyway." He said with a hint of fear in
his voice.He better be petrified.
"When I get pissed off,I do a lot of fucked up things.My knife
please." I waved at Hunter who brought it with a smile on his
"I will give you an easier death just because I'm in a good mood
and I want to return to my woman quicker.I will cut you piece
by piece.The nose will be the last because its so pointy and it
will serve as direction to what I will cut next.I want everyone to
watch." I bellowed.
I pulled out the knife and pressed the blade on his neck.It made
a deep cut,slicing his neck.The cut wasn't deep enough to
destroy any major arteries.I still wanted to play.When he
started gurgling and struggling with a blade on his neck,I
stopped.I had other plans.The cut was just a start.I started
playing with him until the villain in me was satisfied.When I was
done,he had stopped fighting.Of course he did,because he was
no longer breathing.Blood was everywhere.My hands.My
face.My clothes.Hunter walked over and handed me a napkin.I
wiped my face and looked at Xavier's men who had terrified
expressions on their faces.They had never seen me playing.
"Lesson number one.Never betray me.You won't like the
consequences.Now clean this shit up.And make sure Xavier
doesn't mess this transportation.If he does, then shit will go
down.Riggs you change the route,since this fucker had already
told him about this transportation."
"Yes General."He bowed.I nodded.My steps were hard as I
walked out with Xavier's men bowing in respect.
"I need a fucking a shower."


When we arrived back at my estate I went to Reaper's suite to

take a shower.I didn't want Ingrid to see me with blood all over
me.After my shower I wore another suit and went to my
office.When I walked in with my men,Ingrid was sitting on my
chair, with her legs on my desk and holding a glass of whisky.
When she saw me she smiled and her eyes lit up.
"Finally, you're back." She stood up from the chair and strolled
towards me.She was wearing black leather tight pants,a black
fishnet top,a black leather jacket and sky-high heels which
made her several inches taller.Her hair was tied in a pony
tail.Her eyelids were covered in a smoky dark eye shadow and
her lips were painted in deep red.She looked like a biker,a hot
sexy one at it.
"You could just go naked if you're trying to impress me.It
always works." I smiled walking towards her.
She sipped on the scotch."I can't go to the drag race buck
I narrowed my gaze."What drag race?"I looked at Reaper with
confusion but he held the same expression as me.
"You're taking me to a drag race today." She said as a matter-
I folded my arms. "I don't remember agreeing to that."
She tilted her head and gave me a look.I knew that look.It was
the one which said,"I'm about to get stubborn and there is
nothing you can do about it."
"I don't remember asking you either.In case you haven't
noticed,I was telling you not asking for permission.Now go get
ready guys and get rid of the suits please.I'm giving you ten
minutes.Keep it moving people." She patted me on the
shoulder and walked out,leaving us all tongue tied.This woman
had just bossed me around, and it was my job to put her in her
place but I was too aroused to do that.She had laid down the
rules and it was sexy.
Reaper chuckled and ordered the men to leave us.He looked at
me and shook his head smiling.
"You're pussy-whipped and its not even funny.But I like it that
she is making you "human."
"I'm just letting her get away with it because I owe her my life."
He frowned. "Cut the crap bro.Why are you so stubborn and
hot headed?Just stop, and fucking admit it that for once you
care.Why is it so difficult for you to admit that you're starting to
feel?She is making you feel for the first time and you should
appreciate that."
I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.His words were
true and it made me angry.It was the truth that I didn't want to
acknowledge but Reaper had said it out loud
giving me no choice but to face it.I did care a lot about her.She
had far passed the phase of being my prisone.She wasn't even
one to begin with.
"So what do you think huh?!You think Ingrid and I are going to
live happily ever after.Wedding? Babies?Don't be delusional
Reaper.You know there is none of that in our world.We don't
chase rainbows and live fairytale lives.For all we know she
might leave one day for another guy who is better than me or
something might happen."The thought of it made my stomach
tie in knots.
He slammed the table. "Just stop!Stop hiding behind your anger
for Monica!Ingrid is not like our mother and you know it.She
had proved her loyalty so many times.She took a fucking bullet
for you and she has proof to show for that.She didn't even think
twice before stepping in to save your ass,something even
Monica failed to do for you.What do you think huh?That she is
gonna abandon you and run off with an enemy?You're fucking
stupid if you think that way.You're a lucky bastard Raphael, and
I hope it won't be too late when you realise that.Monica fucked
things up for us, but you're fucked up.I'm going to change for
the race before you ruin my mood with your stupidity."
He bumped on me purposely and walked out.I sighed and went
to my bedroom.Ingrid wasn't in.I wore a leather jacket over my
black V neck.I wore black jeans and my gun tucked at the back
of my waistband.I left my hair messy,flowing slightly over my
forehead.I walked out of my bedroom before tying the
shoelaces of my boots.It felt weird wearing jeans but
hey,anything for Ingrid.When I went outside my men were
already waiting and they were all changed.That fast huh.They
were about thirty motorbikes on the driveway and three
lamborghinis.Ingrid walked out of the black one with a smile on
her face.She leaned on it and looked at me whistling.
"Damn man, you're hot." She shook her head,whistling.And
that got everyone to laugh.I chuckled running my hand through
my hair.It seemed everyone was excited about this race.I
spotted Stacy and Beast,Cinzia and Carlos.Everyone was ready.
"We are riding this one babe.She is amazing." She said planting
a kiss on my lips.I took that as an invitation and snaked my
hands around her waist pressing her closer to my chest and
deepening the kiss.She pulled back and looked at the
"I like her."
"Its a 'he'.I call him DarkShadow."
She smiled. "Its a 'she' now.Her name is Blackwidow."
"Cariño if you want a lamborghini I will buy you
one.DarkShadow is my favourite."
"Blackwidow is mine now.But I hate sports cars though,they are
too small to make out in." There was no point in arguing with
her so I just let it go.
We took our ride and this time there were no hammers or
limos but my men were riding bikes.We looked like a bikers
club of some sort.When we arrived at the scene, all the
attention was drawn to us.It has been long since I went for a
drag race,but it still felt so damn good.I chatted with my men in
charge and obviously Ingrid was by my side.There was no need
for any introduction because they knew her already and they
treated her with respect.A couple of races started and Ingrid
was already excited.She danced to the loud music and cheered
for the racers like the rest of the crowd.
After the fourth race she looked at me with fire dancing in her
eyes."Let's go race.Please,please,please."
How could I say no to that?I went for the next race with her.She
sat at the right side.I revved the engine and the crowd cheered
when they realized I was going for a race.My opponent was
some professional racer that I owned called David.He revved
his own engine and the crowd went wild.Our starter was some
woman wearing close to nothing,holding a motorsports flag.She
stood between the two cars,to send us off.
"Ready" She spoke through the speaker. "Set."
I revved my engine again.The adrenaline of excitement kicked
through my veins.Ingrid had a smile on her face too.She really
loved the adrenaline rush.
"Go!" My legs jerked into action and the other hitting the gas
full force.The tires spun for a second before I took off.
"Whooaa!!Here we go baby!!!" She shouted,going through a
playlist.I didn't even know I had that.She started playing some
hip hop song that I didn't know of, but it sounded good.The first
turn came up and I spun with not much effort.It was
smooth.When the second came I did the same spun but my
opponent wasn't slowing down.I checked through the review
mirror and he was coming full force.I gripped the steering
wheel and pounded the clutch again into the other track to
distract David,but he was a pro at this.
"Fuck." I groaned in frustration as he got nearer.
"Need any help." She shouted in excitement.
I shook my head with my eyes focused on the road. "No
cariño,just hold on tight babe."
Like she would listen to me.She adjusted her seatbelt and
touched my zipper.Before I could understand what was going
on,she opened my jeans and my hard cock sprung out.
"What the fuck cariño?I will.."
"You need motivation babe." She wiggled her eyes
mischievously and without warning,took my cock at the back of
her throat,moaning as she took me deeper.The feeling of her
lips wrapped around me and the adrenaline in my veins was a
dangerous combination.
"Fuck!" I cussed and hit the gas full force.She didn't stop
sucking.On the next turn I spin up more than I wanted and
ended up gaining a lead.She went aggressive too and continued
eating me like she was possessed.Now all I wanted was to reach
the finish line and cum.I gripped the wheel and charged
ahead,crossing the finish line first,and I came before stopping
at a distance.She swallowed every drop and closed my zipper
with a silly smile on her face.
"Now that's what I call the adrenaline rush."
"Cariño." I looked at her speechless,before reversing.
"I want to take the next race." She said.
"No you can't.Remember your hand."
She rolled her eyes. "I will use my right hand and you will help
me if I need it.I'm not crippled Raphael."
I couldn't argue with her,not when she gave me a blowjob right
during the race.She had power over me than she knew she
had.When it was announced that Ingrid was taking the next
round,the crowd even went more wild.She climbed at the left
side behind the wheel.The picture of her,sitting on my fucking
seat with her hand on my wheel was too much.I groaned,my
dick growing hard and unable to control itself.
She smiled at me."Buckle up babe.Let's enjoy the fucking
ride."She revved the engines, looking at the starter.When she
said "Go," sending us away,she worked the wheel with her right
hand smoothly.She maneuvered the pedals smoothly,flexing
her legs every time she shifted.It was like watching porn.So
arousing.She slammed on the gas and broke into a wild smile as
excitement hit her.Her eyes watched the road like a prey and
she made the first turn with ease despite her left hand not in
use.I would help if needed,but for now she was doing just
fine.She hit the gas on the second turn and turned up smoothly
and we skidded forward.Now the speed had accelerated.She
skidded on the third turn and spun.It wasn't smooth because
she was quick.It was fast and dangerous that it got my heart
"Slow down cariño."I said holding the dashboard.
She shot a glance and grinned. "You scared baby." Our
opponent was far behind and there was no need to hit the road
but she was an adrenaline junk.She slammed on the gas and
cruised past the finish line and the crowd roared.
"We won baby!!" She shouted and set Blackwidow on the e-
brake and leaned on the seat looking at me.She threw off her
safety belt and crawled into my lap.Her plump lips pressed to
mine and she kissed me aggressively and with passion.She tried
moving her hand to my hair but ended up bumping her head on
the roof.
"Fuck! I hate sports cars." I laughed and she frowned,climbing

After the race all I wanted was to be inside her but I had an
urgent matter to attend to with Carlos.
"I will be back in a few minutes." I said.
She chuckled. "You ain't getting laid tonight.Its a girls' night
out.I'm sleeping at the maids quarters tonight."
What the fuck?! "Why?"
She shrugged and chuckled. "I'm sore.You pumped into me like
some possessed beast in the morning.Go handle your issues."
She knew she was torturing me.
"Cariño you can't do this to me.What am I supposed to do with
She laughed looking at my hard-on. "Jerk off." She perked my
lips before running out of the room.I sighed in frustration and
went to my study.
"It better be good news." I barked at Carlos.I was already in a
foul mood.Reaper just shook his head and took a long drag on
his joint.He was going hard on the marijuana,something was up
with him.
"We found the person who sent the money to the orphanage
and the foster homes.El Marcado was just a font.I cracked it.."
"Just get to the point please." I poured myself some scotch.
"Okay.It was none other than Paloma Villela."
"What?!" My eyes popped out and I lose the grip of the glass I
was holding.
Reaper shrugged.He was high. "Why would Paloma transfer
that much money,where heroiña lived?And during the exact
time heroína lived there.She is not the type to do charity."
"Yea why?" Carlos furrowed his forehead.
I started joining the pieces and when the realization dawned on
me,my stomach twisted in pain and my mouth went dry.
"Please get out." They looked at me with confusion.
"Leave.Now!!" I shouted and they both scrambled out.My limps
felt powerless and my throat was dry.How did I not figure that
out?The truth was right in front of me,the whole damn
time.How did I miss it?!
"Fuck no!!!"


DESPITE BEING SORE, I wanted to be with Raphael but I had

promised the girls that I was going to spend the night with
them.I didn't want to though.Damn Raphael.He looked super
hot in that casual biker outfit.He stood out even when we were
in the crowds at the drag race.You couldn't help but look at
him,even if you didn't intend to.He was one of the most
incredible man I had ever seen.When he walked out wearing
jeans and all,my breathe was sucked out of my lungs for a
moment.Damn he was gorgeous, it had to be illegal.
Cinzía snapped her fingers at me. "You zoned out again
girl.Thinking about Raphael?"
"Obviously.Does he know that he looks hot in casual too?"
"The man is a suit guy.Get used to it." Stacy chuckled.
"Okay,enough about Raphael.Stacy tell us,how did you and
Beast happen?" I asked munching on the popcorns that Perla
prepared for us.
Cinzía chuckled and clapped once. "And that, I wanna hear."
Stacy blushed and cleared her throat.Jesus Christ,she was
whipped.It was not even funny."The thing is,the senior maid
Perla asked me to take Beast's breakfast to his room.I didn't
want to because when I first got here,he freaked me out.Like I
would catch him staring and all that.And we all know how
threatening his presence is.So I went to his room and when I
got there he just dragged me in and locked the door.The next
thing I know,he had me pinned on the wall and kissed me."
Cinzía and me screamed,jumping up and down.
"Continue girl." I said looking at her attentively.
"What did you do?Did you kiss him back?" Cinzía asked.
"Kiss him back?I was freaked out.I did the most dampest thing
ever.I slapped him and ran out.He never bothered me
afterwards.A week passed and now I was the one going crazy.I
wanted his attention and he wasn't giving me any no
more.When I couldn't take it any longer,I went to his room and
threw myself in his arms.That's how its all started." She
"And the sex good?" Cinzía asked.
"Its out of this world."
"And I bet its fifty shades of freak." I wiggled my eyebrows and
she laughed."And we wanna hear the dirty details."
She munched on the pop corns and drank some wine.
"What do you wanna hear?The first time with him?" She asked
and we nodded.
"It was amazing.The feeling is undescribable.He tied me with a
rope,intricate knots that take a long time to construct.I was
completely naked for him.The kind of naked that would
normally throw me into a whirlwind of insecurities,yet with
Beast I felt beautiful and safe.I knew regardless of how curved
and twisted my body was,I was beautiful head to toe."
"Holy smoke.You into those gagging stuff and shit." Cinzía
asked with her eyes popped out.Stacy nodded.
"I'm broken and damaged but girl that's some deep and dark
shit there.Its too much pain."
"Despite the initial pain,my body likes the feeling.There is just
something dangerous about the combination of pain and
passion.Its very addictive like the drug you get hooked on,just
after the first hit.My surrender,his control.I like it like that.I'm a
narcist by nature,even before the rape and enslavement.And
that automatically makes me a natural submissive."
I shook my head trying to digest everything. "Whoa.I will stick
to my vanilla love making thank you.Raphael can only get as far
as spanking me or handcuffing me to the bed.The rest is just
scary.I can't."They both laughed.
"So Cinzía.You and Carlos.What's up?"
"He is just a fling.I like Reaper but the idiot sees me as his
sister.So fucking depressing." She said the last part out loud.
"You like Reaper?!" Stacy and I said in unison.
"Argh just get over it.I like him but he looks at me like a
sister.He probably thinks its gross in my pants."
I laughed my lungs out.I just couldn't imagine Cinzía and
Reaper,it was way too weird.We continued chatting and I even
forgot about Raphael for a moment.
"How is Layla doing?" I asked the question directed to Cinzía.
"She is healing.You wanna go see her?"
"Maybe tomorrow.Let's go have dinner now."


Dinner was served and Raphael didn't show up.He didn't come
back to the room at his regular time.I knew he had a lot of work
but I was surprised that he didn't pop in for at least a kiss.I
started to get worried.I walked to his office and found it vacant.
"Where is Raphael?" I asked one of the men who was on guard.
"General left a while ago.He took the hammer and left on his
own.I don't know where he went." He said with his head
slightly bowed.
"You let him leave alone?!" Now I was scared.I called everyone
to the lounge hall and they all didn't know where he went.I
started pacing around.
"Reaper call him.He can't go out there on his own.Call him and
give me the phone."
The phone rang for a while and I almost jumped when he
"Yes." His voice told me exactly what was going on.He was
definitely drunk
"Where the hell are you?I'm worried sick about you.You know
you can't leave without any men.When are you coming home?"
He growled."Stop acting like you're my wife.I will be home
when I want to be."He was wasted.I could actually hear the
sound of the glass hitting the hardwood table at the bar he was
"Ok we gonna do this in two ways.You can be a man and come
right now.You tell me what's bothering you and we will go
through it together.Or be an asshole and sleep alone.What its
gonna be?"
He groaned and I hung up before he responded.It was pointless
to talk to him when he was drunk.He sounded wasted.
I handed the phone to Reaper. "I want him back in one
piece,right now.I don't want to see a scratch on him.Handle him
with care because he sounded drunk.Get him back right away
and that's an order."
He nodded. "On it heroína."
I was sitting on the bed when Raphael walked in zigzagging.I
had never seen him like that.He was really drunk.For a man
who drank scotch like water,I wondered what got him wasted
like that.I didn't say a word and neither did he.He made a pile
of his clothes and kicked his shoes like a child.But in all his
glory,he looked nothing like a child.He crawled on the bed and
dragged me to a sleeping position.We remained silent for a
while until he spoke. "Cariño."
"Hmm." "I'm sorry." He said with his voice horse.
"For what?"
"I swear I didn't want to do it.I didn't want to kill Lorenzo.I was
compelled to.I didn't have a choice.Princess will have to forgive
me because I didn't mean it.I know I killed her father and shot
her mother but I didn't want to.And I'm sorry that even though
I hid her in the closet,I couldn't save her.I'm so sorry cariño.I'm
sorry."He wasn't a man who apologized for anything,so when
he showed remorse it was heartfelt.I looked at him with
pity.That's why he had nightmares about this Princess.
"Go to sleep Raphael." I said softly.
He grinned with his eyes half closed. "I knew you would forgive
me." He pulled the sheets and immediately closed his eyes.


order placed another bottle of Bushmills in front of me.I stared
into my glass,studying the sea of the caramel liquid.When I first
started to drink,the alcohol burned down my throat all the way
down to my stomach.Now it had to no effect on me.It was like
drinking flavoured water.I slammed the glass on the table,after
drowning in the liquid that tasted like caramelized toffee and
dark chocolate.
"Add some more vodka or gin or rum.Whatever that can get me
drunk.Mix it together." The bartender raised his eyebrow at
me,which told me he was probably close to cutting me off if I
didn't scale back.But I owned the bar and I owned him so he
quietly did as asked.I eyed my glass again.I knew I needed to
slow down on the bottle.But being drunk made me indifferent
and I liked not giving a damn.I looked around,at this time of the
night all the honest and hardworking people were in bed
asleep.Anyone drinking at this hour,in this bar was a
criminal.Like me.Quiet conversations from other tables hardly
reached my ears.Thank fuck for that.I appreciated the
quietness, but it wasn't really quiet in my head.
At the back of my head,a voice kept chanting.
" It was like some sort of hoodoo mantra that wouldn't go
away.The realization that Ingrid was my Princess,the girl I met
under unfortunate circumstances 19 years ago,sank into me
like bullets in the flesh.The universe really had a wicked sense
of humor.I took another gulp and groaned as the pain in my
chest deepened.I continued drinking.I had had enough that I
really didn't care what I was drinking anymore.A topless
waitress walked towards me.She had two piercings on her tits
through her nipples.The jewels sparkled in the dim lights.Even
with sparkling tits I wasn't interested.There was just one
particular pair of tits I was interested in,and the woman with
that interesting pair, I killed her father and she was the
daughter of my number one enemy.
"A broken man,gazing at shiny objects." That voice made me
sick to the stomach that I almost threw up.I was too
preoccupied with my drink and the sparkling tits that I didn't
realize that the 'she devil' had graced me with her
presence.Paloma raised her glass at me with a smug on her
"Nice meeting you,again." She grinned and took a sip of her
"How and when did you even get here?" I asked with my gaze
She shrugged. "In order to win the battle one must know
everything they can about their opponent.I have to know
everything about you,including what you eat everyday.And I
must say,I'm doing a good job." She gave herself a pat."Well
played El-Lobo,well played."
I shook my head and smirked."You're definitely right about
that.Knowledge is power.Tell me something Paloma?What
happened to Princess?"
The smug on her face was immediately wiped off replaced with
a neutral expression.She tried to let her face remain hard and
stoic but failed miserably."What are you talking about?"
I chuckled.Now even the alcohol in front of me wasn't as
interesting as where this conversation with Paloma was
going."Considering that I'm the one who saved her 19 years
ago,I'm bound to know about her.I should have killed her that
time." I gave her an evil eye."Or I can do it now."
I looked at her,maintaining a smirk that would annoy her.The
rum was working.I wanted her to snap.The second she got
angry,she lost.Her eyes narrowed and her previously cool
persona was long gone.
"What happened? Cat got our tongue?"
"I don't know what the hell you're talking..."
I interjected."You know exactly what I'm talking about Paloma
or should I say Queen El-Lobo.You thought I wouldn't find
out,didn't you?Have you ever wondered how she came out of
that shootout alive? Maybe a hero saved her,or a villain.Will
she be lucky this time around though?"
Her fingers tightened around the glass she was holding,a
minute later it shattered.She snapped and I grinned.
"Have you ever wondered why she is in your den to begin
Now that she had asked,it left me wondering.It was obvious
Paloma knew about her daughter.Then why did she sat back
and watched as Xavier took her, and me too?
"Maybe everything is going according to my plan after all." She
got off her stool and stood in front of me,with her eyes onto
mine.The silver-grey rare "stones" held the same hostility and
fierceness as Ingrid's.
"You can't outsmart me Raphael.I have decades of
experience.Your time is running out.Soon enough is gonna rain
She strolled to my other side and placed her head near to my
ear. "I love three things,and my daughter is one of the three.I'm
very,very,protective.Do something silly and you will unleash the
lobo(wolf).It's full moon tonight,so tread carefully."
"I fuck her every night.Doesn't that bother you?" I glared back
at her.
She scoffed. "I'm surprised no one has cut your face yet."
"I'm quite handsome."
"One of these days I'm going to curve it into different
designs.My fingers are already itchy." She smirked.
"Not before I curve yours.I will start with the nose.You seriously
need a nose job." I shot back.
"Be careful Raphael,I might have to kill you one of these days."
She smiled and walked out.Not many women made me
blink.This one did.She really was Ingrid's mother.
My phone rang.I wanted to ignore it but I knew the person
calling wouldn't stop.As it is I had drove off without my
men,they were obviously worried.And Ingrid! I answered.
"Yes." Even I couldn't recognize my own voice.I guess Bushmills
and whatever mixture the bartender made, was now doing its
"Where the hell are you?I'm worried sick about you.You know
you can't leave without any men?When are you coming
home?"I didn't like where this conversation was going.Firstly
because I hated being questioned and secondly because I felt
guilty.If she knew the truth about me,would she still worry
about me like this?
I growled."Stop acting like my wife.I will be home when I want
to be."
Yes I know,I sounded like the biggest asshole on earth.
She heaved a sigh. "Ok we gonna do this in two ways.You can
be a man and come right now.You tell me what's bothering you
and we will go through it together.Or be an asshole and sleep
alone.What it's gonna be?"
In my state I was going to choose the latter but she hung up on
me before I made that choice.I groaned and smashed the
phone with my fists shattering it into pieces.A few minutes later
I heard the engines outside and before I knew it Reaper and my
men were surrounding me.
"Heroína ordered us to get you back.Let's go." Reaper said.His
voice sounded like an irritating echo in my head.
"Leave me the fuck alone.I will come when I want to."
Beast groaned in frustration.Yea I know,I was being a prick in
the ass.
"She ordered us to bring you back unharmed but don't push me
man." Reaper said,trying to hold my arm.I yanked him off.Even
when drunk I was still more powerful than him.Without
warning Beast gave me a sucker punch in my stomach.I fell on
the floor and almost threw up.
"Heroína wants him unharmed." Reaper yelled.Beast shrugged
and looked away.
"Fine,let's go home." I groaned and they helped me to the
car.The moment I got in,I zoned out.Everything that happened
afterwards was wiped off my memory.


I dragged one hand down my face and finally opened my eyes,

squinting as I took the early morning light.My body felt warmer
than usual and I looked at my side.Ingrid was entangled
between my legs.I took a moment admiring her beauty but that
voice came again."You killed her father." My morning erection
died right away as the guilt started to creep in.I slowly got off
the bed,making sure I don't wake her up.After my shower,I
literally tiptoed out of the room.I wasn't ready to face her yet.I
sat at my desk and felt a migraine approach.Instead of drinking
some painkillers, I poured a glass of scotch.The door opened
and Reaper walked in.I was so not in the mood for his ass.
"You look like the incredible hulk,minus the incredible
part.You're hunched forward like you're about to jump on
someone's head.Your jaw is clenched tightly.What's bothering
I groaned. "You're not keeping quiet and that's what's
bothering me."
"It doesn't sit well with you that Ingrid is Paloma's daughter
right?" He poured scotch for himself and looked sternly at me.
I furrowed my forehead. "How did you know?I never told
He shrugged. "It wasn't hard to get.I joined the dots.And seeing
you drunk like that yesterday, only confirmed my
suspicions.You only get that crazy when your post murder
tension is high.After finding out that Paloma was the one
behind the USD500 000 paid at the orphanage and foster
homes heroína lived,you went crazy.It wasn't hard to read what
was going on.But my one unanswered question is,why is it
bothering you so much?"He arched his eyebrow but I remained
silent.I didn't have an answer to give him.
"As far as I know,no one knows that Paloma has a daughter.She
was a secret and you figured it out.Xavier knew about this too
and that is why he wanted to marry Ingrid so bad,so as to form
an alliance through marriage.That means heroína is actually a
good leverage right?Its obvious Paloma loves her so much and
you can use her weakness against her.Ingrid is a weapon you're
going to use to destroy Paloma.No scratch that.Since Ingrid
means nothing to you,she is just an object waiting for its
use.Look at her as a livestock waiting for its slaughtering
day.Right Raphael?" He looked at me with a smirk and I was
boiling.Each word pushed me to edge of insanity.
"Ingrid is not an object!!!" I yelled.
"Then what is she to you?!" Reaper yelled back.
"" I stammered.I groaned and lifted my scotch and
shook the glass as the ice cubes tapped against the glass.
He looked sternly at me. "What is she?Your prisoner right? Or a
leverage you're going to use against Paloma.I will say the
latter.Since she doesn't mean anything to you,she will be
useless once you're done with Paloma." He smiled and clapped
his hands once.
"Right,Ingrid is a useless shell waiting for its expiring date."
I lost it and slammed the glass against his skull,shattering the
tumbler into pieces and sending him on the ground
simultaneously.I grabbed him from the floor with his collar and
pinned him against the wall.
"Don't push me.I will kill you if you say shit like that about
He laughed like this whole thing was a joke to him."And that
brother,is your humanity.Your heart is feeling.You can't stand
anyone saying shit about her because you care.You know I was
afraid that you might have actually became the monster, the
bad guy,the villain, you think that you're, but she made you
"human." Remember when I told you that I was going to prove
that you have a heart and its not made of stone, this is the
I slowly let him go as each word sank in."One day brother,I'm
going to prove that you have a heart and its not made of
stone."His words rang in my head.I sighed and sat on my chair.I
burried my head inside my hands and messed my hair.
"I don't know what I'm going to do.I don't know Roberto.She is
going to kill me when she finds out."
Reaper looked at me wiping the blood dripping from his
forehead. "You called me Roberto,that means you're dead
worried.And I think her nightmares, are actually her
memories.The person she has been seeing in her dreams
is her mother.You need to tell her the truth before she recalls
everything.I know telling her will be like opening a Pandora box
but you need to do it and quickly."
"I can't.I can't hurt her like that.I can't do it."
"Then someone else will.You need to tell her the entire truth."
"I can't do it.She will leave or hate me." I shook my head."Fuck,I
have never been this scared."
"She is gonna find out sooner or later Raphael.Its better she
hears it from the horse's mouth." He sat on the chair and
placed his left ankle on his right knee."And will you stop this
thing of smashing glasses on my head."
"I killed her father.I shot her mother and she almost died.I
robbed her a future with her father.Lorenzo Morena is no
longer alive because of me.Do you think if I tell her that
truth,she is gonna take it lying down and act like nothing
happened?How do you think she is going to feel knowing she
fucks the man who ended her father's life?"I ran my hand
through my hair.
"So what's your plan huh?Hide this truth from her?You know
her,she is gonna find out you're hiding something." He took a
sip on his scotch.
"She won't find out anything.Unless you tell her."
"She is fucking recalling everything you asshole.Let's hope this
doesn't come back and bite you in the ass." He slammed the
He looked at me thoughtfully. "Wait a minute.What if she
knows everything?What if she is working with Paloma?"
I shook my head in denial. "No that's not the case.Now that I
know this about her,I'm pretty sure Paloma used hypnosis on
her.The nightmares,drowsiness and vomiting is a proof of that."
"Dammit!She is having a memory retrieval you asshole.You
need to tell her the truth before she recalls everything."
"I need time.This shit is hard.Even killing someone is easier than
this" I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"You don't have the time!!" He stood up and shook his
head."And you know what bro?For the first time in my life I
don't wish to be you.Let me leave you to your shit.I'm going to
get laid."
"You brought whores here?" I raised my eyebrow.
"There are at my suite.And they are mine." He winked and
walked out.
He was right,I had to tell her but I wasn't ready.And I knew time
wasn't on my side but I just couldn't bring myself to shatter her
world.This truth was going to destroy what we had.How would
she feel knowing she cums around the dick of someone who
killed her father?She will cut it and shove it where the sun
doesn't shine.I poured some scotch and walked over to the
balcony.I rested my fingers on my chin trying to plan what to do
next.I sat there for hours trying to sort out the confusing
jumble in my head.It was windy but I needed the temperature
to cool me off.Even though I spent hours trying to plan on my
next move,I ended up not having a plan at all.
While I was lost in my thoughts I heard some noise.There was
some commotion downstairs.I took my suit jacket and
descended the stairs,my steps hard.
"Bitches!What I tell you about disrespecting me?!" I heard
some shouting and I knew that voice.It was Cinzía.I ran down
and found her going berserk on two girls in the lounge
hall.What was going on with women of this house?First it was
Stacy,now Cinzía.
"Get your mothefucking asses up bitches!I'm fixing to beat your
ass some more."She held another girl by the hair and was
stomping the other one who was on the floor.
"Cinzía stop!!" Carlos tried to stop her but he received a mean
punch instead.
"Don't you touch me nigger,I will kill you."
When she was using a black mama's voice like that,she was
high.High as hell,screaming at the top of her voice.She
continued stomping the other girl who was curled into a
ball,crying. She was straight ghetto-stomping her.
"THIS AIN'T A FUCKING CIRCUS!!!" Ingrid walked in and slapped
Cinzía.That slap made me flinch.Cinzía was shocked by the slap
and only then did she stop stomping on the poor girl and freed
the other one.Then Reaper crawled from wherever he was
hiding from.
"For real Reaper?You say no to me because you see me as your
sister and you prolly think its gross in my pants.Are you kidding
me?Look man,I know you want to be brotherly and all but
goddamn Roberto!What I got to do to be your woman
huh?Should I take a bullet for you?Is that what you want?"
She was calm for minute but in a blink,she went nuts again.She
catwalked towards Reaper, if I should call that a catwalk.
"Look at this,its hot in here.Ask somebody.Ask Carlos,its hot
inside.You think you can walk out here with a big olé dick
,smelling good and shit and no one will want you.You think you
cute but you ain't though.Dude you fine,like real real fine.If you
ain't tryna like make me your woman and shit, I will continue
screwing Carlos until you realise that I want you.Real fine ass
You should have seen Reaper's face.He looked horrified and
freaked out that it was funny.Everyone in the room ended up
laughing their lungs out,but Carlos didn't look pleased at all.
"Stacy let's take her to the quarters.Reaper get your women
out of here and somebody clean this shit up." Ingrid ordered
and everyone ran around doing as asked.Well,I wasn't needed
so I went back to my office.I had my own issues too.
After a while there was a soft knock on my door.At first I
thought it was Ingrid,I was not ready to face her but I
remembered that she just barges in,she doesn't knock.
"Come in." I said.The door opened and our eldest maid Perla
walked in pushing a trolley with a food tray.
"Sorry to bother you but Miss Ingrid sent me with your
breakfast.And she ordered that you take these pain killers after
finishing your meal." She placed the tray on my desk.
I ran my hand through my hair.Even though I was kind of
avoiding her,she still cared.I was a lucky man.
"Thank you Perla.I will eat and drink the pills."
She nodded and walked to the door but stopped on her
tracks.She turned and looked at me with a smile.
"She is upset.I'm gonna let you into a secret that most guys
around here don't even have a clue about.Women love
words.You need to tell the lady how you feel.Just say it.Say it
again.Say it everyday.Learn how to say it better.Learn how to
sing it.Write it in a poem,in a letter attached to flowers,tattoo
on your arm if you have to.Tell her the truth.Tell her everything
and anything you want.If you do that there will be less cat
fights around here."
I chuckled. "Ingrid isn't into cat fights."
"Of course she is not the type to bring claws in a fight.When I
look at her,she is the type that brings guns blazing.Mess with
her and you will have bullet holes." She shrugged and walked
out.I didn't know if I should take her words as an advice or a
warning.I was planning to tell Ingrid the truth as soon as
possible but when Perla mentioned guns blazing I chickened
out.I had a 'vision' of how crazy she was going to get when she
knows the truth.It freaked me out.


Two days passed by and I was walking around egg shells.I

avoided I Ingrid as much as I could.Cowardly I know.But you
can't just tell the woman you share a bed with every night that
you killed her father.I was going to lose her because of
that.Even though I was compelled to kill the man,she still lost a
father and it was my fault.
I met with Alfonsi so as to keep my mind off things for a
while.He was doing as he had promised.The girls were
delivered and he was now doing his part.Paloma's men were
dying,they were killed and her deals were being
sabotaged.Alfonsi was 'disarming' her and it was working.After
my meeting with Alfonsi I stayed at the club with my men for a
while.I wanted to be with Ingrid but the guilt was messing with
my head.After my time with the guys,we went back to the
estate.The lights in our bedroom were switched off,that meant
she was asleep.I slowly and quietly opened the door to avoid
waking her up.She was a light sleeper so I had to be as quiet as
possible.When I was about to tiptoe to the bathroom,the lights
were switched on.
"Walk of shame huh." I slowly turned.Ingrid was sitting on the
couch with her left ankle on her right knee.
My mind went blank for a moment and then I said the dampest
thing ever. "Did you eat?"
There was a heartbeat of silence. "Out with one of your whores
There was a fraught and disbelieving silence. "You think that I
would do that to you?"
"Is the kind of assumptions any woman make under the
circumstances." She said looking at me sternly.
My head cocked slightly to the accusation.I became upset to
the thought of her not trusting me."What circumstances
Ingrid?You know I would never do that to you.Don't you think
asking me where I was might be preferable to throwing
Her face went red. "Don't give me that bullshit speech about
your integrity.I can see the damn lipstick all over your neck."
I recalled the moment Anita kissed me on the neck when we
were at the club.I pushed her off and dismissed her.Her bright
red lipstick must have smeared against my neck and now it
marked me like a tattoo.My fingers reached up and brushed the
area.They came back painted by the red lipstick.Fuck!
"Its not what you think cariño.Anita just...she ..didn't..Let's
I always did whatever I wanted without anyone questioning my
actions.I was used to laying down the law than explaining
myself and be answerable to my actions.Which is why it was
difficult for me to explain that I didn't sleep with anyone.
She looked at me with her bottom lip trembling. Not good.Not
good at all."You cold-hearted machine of a man,you will never
understand!You wouldn't be able to interprets the facts even if
they jumped out and punched you.Don't you see I care a lot
about you?And what do you do?When something is bothering
you,you don't talk to me.You came home drunk out of your
mind a few days ago and you don't even bother explaining your
behaviour.For two fucking days you have been avoiding me like
I have some kind of a disease.You come to bed when I'm asleep
and leave before I wake up.Then you spent the rest of your day
locked in your office and the rest of the night at the club.For
two fucking days you didn't even lay your finger at me.Am I
boring you now?Are you tired of me already?Well,I'm through
trying to pussy-foot my way around your brooding silences and
attempts to stonewall my conversation.Having to bite back my
questions all the time because Mr Moody doesn't want to
answer them or better yet open up to me."
She stomped towards the door.She was really upset.I ran after
her and tried to touch her but she yanked my hands off.
"I swear I didn't sleep with anyone.I would never do that to
you.I didn't, I swear.Please don't leave."
"I'm not leaving the room, you're.Now get the fuck out."She
opened the door.
"Cariño let me explain.I didn't do anything." Even I was
surprised with the sound of my pleading voice.She pushed me
"Go take a shower,you're smelling like a pack of whores."
With that said she slammed the door on my face.She was really
upset.I guess she was on her period or something.I knocked on
the door for a while hoping that she would open but none of
that happened.For almost thirty minutes I stood there but she
didn't open.I ended up going to the grand guestroom.The bed
was uncomfortable and cold that I kept on tossing and turning
the whole night.The following morning I went to our bedroom
but I found it vacant.I searched around the villa and she wasn't
around.I finally found her at the maids' quarters but she didn't
want to talk to me.Stacy and Cinzía asked me to leave her for a
while.During breakfast she didn't show up.She had her
breakfast at the quarters instead.
"General.We have a problem.I'm at the radar station." Carlos
sounded riled up on the phone so I immediately ran to the IT
"What happened?" My voice boomed in the room.
"We sent out pulses of radio waves and they detected thirty
drones which are being sent here.The waves reflected off that
the drones are coming from a nearby area." Carlos explained.
"Shit!!!Get our snippers in position and alert everyone." I ran
out and went to the quarters.When Ingrid saw my face she
didn't fight me.I was trying to be as calm as I could be under the
circumstances, but the woman could see right through me.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"I think Paloma is on her way here." I said,holding her hand and
going back to the villa.
"Or she is already here." I said with my eyes on the circular
driveway.A number of hammers had pulled into the
driveway.She had also brought a tank with men that had their
guns aimed and ready.Of course there were wearing
camouflage and military wear.Are you kidding me?! She was
"Cariño go inside.I will come check on you later.Let me handle
this." I ordered her.Like she would listen to me.
She held my hand tightly. "No.We are doing this together."
"I said I'm not letting you handle this alone."She said
firmly.Arguing with her was pointless so I went with her to the
driveway.We found Paloma standing in front of the
hammer,with her arms across her chest.A dozen of my men
surrounded her,all holding pistols and AK-47s.She didn't seem
the least bit worried about all the bullets sitting inside the
barrels.She had her snipers in position obviously.She had sent
in the drones so she knew what she was up against.I must say
she was prepared.And she surprised me.
"Beautiful day huh?" She took a long drag on her cigar and
puffed the smoke in the air.Her eyes landed on mine and
Ingrid's fingers that were interlocked.She frowned.
"Its not two weeks yet.What a surprise?"Ingrid said looking the
least bit intimidated.Yes,there were mother and daughter for
sure.The aura around them both and fierceness in their eyes
was the same.I bet when Paloma was looking at Ingrid she was
seeing her inner reflection.
"I always get to change the plan.I don't play by the rules."
Paloma grinned.I felt cariño's hand tighten in annoyance.
"Cariño let me handle this."
Paloma scoffed."Cariño huh?What a nice pet name.So is this
how you welcome your guests?I mean I'm all dressed up for the
occasion.Its a friendly check up.I stopped over for a bottle of
scotch."She threw her cigarette down and stomped on it with
her heels.
"What a grand entrance Paloma." I glared at her.We hated each
other that I sometimes wondered how was it possible for us to
exist in the same building for more than five minutes without
killing each other.
She smiled."If you had come a minute later,I could have shot
these fuckers for pointing their guns at me."
Then she stopped smiling and glared at me.
"I'm back for what belongs to me." Her eyes moved to
Ingrid.Holy shit!!!
"Let's go to the lounge hall,shall we?" She didn't wait for my
respond and walked inside.I could have stopped her if I wanted
to, but it would be a bloody graveyard within seconds.I had
Ingrid to think about.I didn't want a situation where she would
be shot again because of me.Paloma sat down on the couch
and we did too.We remained silent for a while.The tension in
the room was too much.Ingrid and Paloma were throwing
daggers at each other.Mí cariño wasn't backing off.My heart
drummed in my chest.I could tell it wasn't going to end well.
"Did he tell you that he knows your parents?" Paloma asked
and I felt like someone had just ripped one of my kidneys out of
my stomach.
Ingrid looked at me. "What is she talking about?"
"What the hell do you want from us?Leave our premises before
it becomes a bloodbath here." Ingrid's voice held so much
Paloma laughed and sat leg-crossed.At this point there was
nothing much I could do or say to stop the truth from coming
out.It was bound to."Uh-uh my girl,that is not the tone to use
when talking to your mother."
"EXCUSE ME!!!" Ingrid's eyes popped out as well as everyone
else's.Myself included.I didn't expect Paloma to drop the bomb
like that.I looked at Reaper and he shook his head,giving me the
look which says "you're fucked."
"You can ask your man.He knows everything."
"What the hell is she talking about Raphael?" Ingrid looked at
me.My throat went dry.
"I'm here so that we can help you remember.I came with my
hypnotist.He will help you retrieve all your memories."
"Is this some kind of a sick joke Raphael?What the hell is she on
about?What does she mean she is my mother?Answer me."
She yelled.
I sighed. "She is your mother."
"No,no,no.What is all this?This gotta be a bad dream."She
shook her head.
Paloma waved her hand to one of the man who was holding a
brief case.
"This is Luis,my hypnotist.You will get all the answers you
want.He is going to hypnotise you and then you will remember
Ingrid went hysterical. "I don't want that shit. I don't want
it.What is this Raphael huh?Is this because of my
nightmares?Now you're joining hands with the enemy?"
Paloma smirked.Well played Paloma, well played.
"You will get all the answers you need.So can we go to a
guestroom where you will lay down on the bed and be
"I said I don't want it." Ingrid yelled.
"Well you don't have a choice because you're my child.If you
wanna know the truth then you will have to do this.It will let us
access your subconscious mind where all your memories are
being kept." Paloma yelled back.She stood in front of Ingrid and
they glared at each other, breathing heavily.
"You have a lot of explaining to do."Ingrid looked at me and
walked towards one of the guestrooms.


"Once you're in a receptive trance-like state I'm going to tell

you some instructions and you follow them.Hypnosis is..."
Ingrid interjected. "I know what it is.Now get this shit over and
done with."
She glared at the hypnotist.Paloma looked at me and
smirked.She mouthed "checkmate" and looked at Ingrid who
was laying on the bed with a bright lamp above her head.
The hypnotist took out a medallion. "Ingrid I would like you to
look at my medallion.Concentrate on its movements."She
looked at the medallion.
"Look at it swing back and forth.Clear your mind.Watch it
She kept on looking but her eyes seemed to be getting too
heavy to keep open.She blinked a few times and concentrated.
"Now you're getting sleepy....and" She closed her eyes and
the hypnotist clapped his hands.
"Ingrid,this is Doctor Luis talking to you.Now you're in a trance
like state but you can still hear me.Can you hear me Ingrid?"He
She moved her lips slowly. " Y-yes..I can."
"Good,now listen to my instructions carefully.On my command
when I clap my hands,I want you to remember everything that
happened.Everything that I told you not to remember from the
night I hypnotized you.I want you to remember all of it,as vivid
details as possible,like you're actually there again." He clapped
his hands and everyone went quiet.Paloma had a smug on her
face and my palms became sweaty.It was obvious she
programmed her for something evil.
A couple of minutes later, sweat started to drip on Ingrid's
forehead and her breathing pattern changed.She shook slowly
like she was having a nightmare.
"You can't do this to your daughter.Tell him to stop!You can't
do this Paloma.For God's sake she is a human not a robot!"
Perla ran in and I looked at her trying to join the dots.
Paloma grabbed Perla's arms. "She is my daughter and I'm
doing what's right."
When I looked at them both,I didn't need to be told.I
immediately knew.
Ingrid started shaking and jerking violently.We all panicked.
"I ..don't ..wanna ...remember.I can't do it.I can't.." She cried
out with her eyes still closed.
"Stop this Paloma!!" Perla shouted.
"Hold her hands and legs so that she won't fall off the bed."
Paloma ignored Perla and ordered her men.
"I cant...I can' it..I can't.." She cried out.I could have
stopped it but I owed it to her.She had to know the truth.
"Yes you can.This is your mind.You control it.You have to
remember everything." The hypnotist urged her.She jerked
violently for quite some minutes,shaking her head.Then she
"What's wrong with her?" I panicked.
"She is fine.You should worry about yourself now." Paloma
smiled evilly.
Ingrid opened her eyes and gasped for air.She got off the bed
and ran to the ensuit.Perla followed her and held her hair as
she stomach emptied the unwanted contents.After she was
done she washed her mouth and came back to the room.
When she looked at me I was nervous as hell but gathered the
courage to walk to her.I cupped her face.
"Are you okay?Are you feeling okay?Is there anything I can get
She stared at me blankly. "I'm okay.I'm feeling drained and a
little drowsy."
"You're supposed to remember.Did you remember anything at
all?" Paloma asked.
I ignored Paloma and kissed Ingrid's forehead."Okay.I will ask
someone to get you something to eat."
She glared at me and she slowly removed my hands. "Yes you
can get me something to eat,then I would like to get to the
bottom of how you murdered my father!"She said with teary

PALOMA STROLLED TOWARDS US with a sick grin on her

face.She cupped Ingrid's face and kissed her forehead.
"My daughter is back.Its time for us to take back what's
rightfully ours.What always belonged to us.I want you Andriette
to decide what we should do to this pathetic man and all his
dogs.Make a decision of strategy over emotions.What should
we do with this pathetic loser?Remember he killed your
father.He deserves to suffer.Just say the word."Paloma looked
at me with a smirk on her face.
Ingrid yanked Paloma's hands off her face. "Then I would also
like to get to the bottom of how you used me as a pawn in your
Paloma shook her head. "No my darling.I didn't use you as a
pawn.The only villain here is this bastard.He should pay for
what he did.Just say what you want me to do to him and I will
make it happen."
I held her hand,she didn't fight it.I became hopeful."Don't listen
to her cariño.I wasn't born to be a killer.I didn't wake up one
morning as a child and dreamt of murdering people.I became a
villain through horror.The monster in me wasn't born.Mine was
man-made.I didn't want to kill your father and you know
that.Please don't let her twist your mind and make you a
person you're not."
"Don't listen to him.He is the villain here.He is the bad guy who
destroyed everything for us.He killed your father Andriette.He
robed you your future with your dad." Paloma half shouted.
Ingrid stared at me.Those beautiful silver-grey eyes dissected
me.I felt cut and open for her.She had unraveled all my layers
and left me exposed,yet she didn't even know it.I had shown
her my madness.I had revealed the real inside of my mind.She
knew it all.She witnessed the swirling chaos and guilt in my
head when I had the nightmares.She saw the dark depths of my
demons I was fighting all these past years.I looked at her and
hoped for the best.I hoped for her to understand that I didn't
want to kill her father,I was compelled to.
There was a heartbeat of silence as everyone exchanged
looks.Ingrid's eyes were on me the entire time.
"You knew all along that I was her daughter and that is the
reason why you wanted to keep me prisoner?Is that it?All that
happened between us, was it because you cared for me as a
person or I was just a commodity that would come in handy?Do
you really want me or you want what I can give you?When did
you find out about this?Did you know all along?"
"No cariño no.I found out the day I got wasted.I felt guilty and it
was difficult coming to terms with the fact I was the one who
fired the bullet that killed your father.I didn't know how to tell
you because I was afraid of how you were going to react but I
was going to tell you.I just didn't know how and I was trying to
figure it out.You have to believe me.I didn't want any of this to
She sighed and looked at Paloma."I want him dead.I want him
to have a very painful death."She said.
An odd feeling of weakness washed over me,as if I have been
battling against some immovable force and finally ran out of
"No cariño,this is not you.Babe listen.." She raised her hand
forcing me to stop talking.
"I'm not done talking yet."Her gaze moved to Paloma.
"Is that what you wanted to hear mommy dearest?"The
sarcasm in her tone was clear.
Paloma gave her a confused look. "Yes my darling.He has to pay
for everything that he did to us.Are you having second
thoughts? Remember he killed your father.He put holes in
me.He stole something away from me and I need it back.Killing
him is a necessary evil.Avenging your father's death and not to
forget your brother/sister I was carrying,is the right thing to
do.That is what is expected of you.Your father would have
wanted this.He would have wanted for you to finish them all."
Ingrid took a step backward,shaking her head."Well contrary to
your expectations,I don't want him dead.And I know for a fact
that my father wouldn't have wanted this.He wouldn't have
wanted his Princess to be a monster,in the name of revenge.He
wouldn't have wanted me to kill the same person who saved
She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Muy calladito,por favor." Please stay really quiet.You said that
to me before hiding me in that closet so that no one would find
me and kill me.I remember it.Your face might not be as clear in
my memory but I remember it.I don't recall the kind of person
my father was but I know for a fact that he had a heart.I know
that wherever he is,he understands that you were just a boy.I
also know that you carry my father's death over your head till
you die and that is enough punishment, especially for
something you were forced to do.But what I don't know is, if
me staying by your side even though you're responsible for my
father's death is really worth it?"
Her view moved to Paloma again.
"As for you.Don't try to brainwash me.It doesn't work on
me.You only think about fulfilling your way hard desire for
retribution and nothing else matters.For over a decade you
have been stuck with this idea of vengeance.And I was the one
at the receiving end.Do you know what its like not being able to
sleep,having nightmares all the damn time because someone
tampered with your memory.I suffered because of you.Am I an
experiment to you?Am I lab rat?Its been 19 years and still you
want revenge?But guess what mommy dearest,I'm not like
you.You out here for vengeance and innocent people are gonna
get killed and I'm not going to be your accomplice.I'm not going
to help you kill people in my father's name."
Paloma clenched her jaws."What the hell are you saying?"
Ingrid ran her hand through her hair and yelled."You heard
me!I'm saying your days of brainwashing me and emotionally
manipulating me are over.You made me kill people Paloma.And
now that I remember everything, its going to be difficult for me
to sleep knowing that I'm the reason someone lost their
lives.You tied people on poles and forced me to shoot.You did
that to me!!! I'm not a robot or a killing machine.You messed
with my mind.You had me hypnotized,creating false memories
in my head.Things like that have the aftereffect and you think
I'm gonna take it lying down?I remember everything.Raphael is
the man who killed my father,of course you made sure to
program me into hating him,most of the shooting dummies
were made in his image.But I also remember everything you did
in the name of making me strong.You and I know it was only for
your selfish motives.You dumped me at the orphanage.I
suffered there.I had to learn how to survive on my own,while
you were out there planning a revenge mission.I was only 7
years old Paloma,but you left me there.Then after 5 years you
came back again.I thought finally my mommy was back and I
was going to live a happily ever after.Only for me to get a
happily never after."She chuckled and looked at Paloma with
tears running down her cheeks.She wiped them off.
"I remember it was my 12th birthday.You gave me a gift.And it
was a gun.I was only 12 years old!!! I recall telling you that I
didn't want the gun and I didn't want to kill but what did you
do?" She looked at her mother with her lips trembling.I became
still for a minute because I was just shocked and confused at
how the whole thing was turning out.I looked at Reaper and he
"I was training you Andriette.We talked about this and you
understood where I was coming from.What changed Andriette
Villela?! I did all that for you,for us and our family." Paloma
"My name is Ingrid,Ingrid Morena.That is my identity." She
yelled."You did all that for yourself and no one else.You used to
punish me for refusing to kill people.You locked me in the
basement of the orphanage for days,simply because I refused
to kill.When you used to take me to your military camps from
the orphanage, you would sometimes lock me out in the rain.I
would spend the night out in the rain.Then the next morning
you would force me to stand up and go to the shooting
range,to kill.You trained me to be a murderer.You would lock
me up in your tankers whenever I refused to kill.And you say
you did that for me?Are you listening to yourself right now?You
wanted me to be a killer,a monster.For heaven's sake I don't
even know how many people I shot dead because you forced
me to.Your one and only daughter.My life was better when you
left again when I was 19.It was peaceful at the foster homes.I
wish I hadn't remember all the pain you put me through.I
coped better with my false memories."
"Listen my darling,I did what I thought was right.My ways may
have been a bit misguided but.."
Ingrid interjected. "A bit misguided?!! You fed your own urge
for vengeance first against my happiness and at the expense of
my sanity.And you have the fucking nerve to say you were a bit
misguided.You did this for me,for the family?!Who are you
trying to fool,me?!" She looked at Paloma shaking her head
with fury.
"When you left for the second time you made sure I was
hypnotized.I didn't remember anything.My mind had created
false memories about my past and it was your doing.I always
questioned why I was still in the foster system when I was
19,but now its starting to make sense.You were using me but
you didn't want me to know about it.And a good proof to
emphasize this point is that you watched me falling right into
Xavier's trap and you didn't do anything about it because that's
what you wanted.Before the hypnosis,I had refused to be a
honey trap."
She looked at me."I was supposed to seduce either you or
She looked at Paloma again."So you came up with a plan of
using me without me knowing about it.Meeting Xavier might
have been Layla's doing but she was just yet another pawn too
and she didn't even realise it.Me and Xavier didn't happen due
to fate or whatever but that's what you wanted.The situation
worked exactly in your favour.Now I understand why you
always say,the best way to eliminate a threat is to find
someone else to do it for you.I'm the pawn in your game ain't
I?I was that someone meant to eliminate the threat for you
right?You're nothing but a very selfish and vindictive woman!"
She yelled.
"This motherfucker killed your father,he stole from me and he
put holes in me!" Paloma yelled back.
"And you're filling those holes with hatred.Raphael was just a
kid following orders.He was just a tortured,misunderstood
villain forced to do bad things by circumstances beyond his
control.He was doing as asked because he didn't have a
choice.Just like you didn't give me the right to choose what I
wanted to do with my life.The only thing he stole from you was
the legend, 'El-Lobo brought to her knees by a kid,' that is the
only thing Raphael stole from you.He proved that you're
human,just like the rest of us.I know for sure for some
psychotic reason you think you're immortal but you ain't and he
proved it.You don't care about my father's death so don't use it
as an excuse for your personal agenda.Its been 19 years.You
have to let it go.How far do you really want to take this huh?!"
"As far as necessary!!!So what am I supposed to do huh?Bow
down now and give this motherfucker a pass?He has my crozier
and my empire.He is playing chess with your legacy and I'm
supposed to sit and watch.Everything is mine,yours too."
Ingrid laughed bitterly shaking her head."You love playing
victim don't you Paloma?None of this belongs to you.Not even
a coin.And we both know that."
Ingrid's tone was threatening, she had a smirk on her face too.I
saw Paloma blink,not many people made that bitch blink in
shock but her own daughter did.I looked at Reaper and gave
him a signal.He nodded and walked out.
Paloma narrowed her gaze in anger.Ingrid arched her
eyebrow.Not good.Not good at all.She wanted her mother to
lose it and the minute Paloma got angry, she lost. "Are you
threatening me?!"
"Am I?It doesn't sound like a threat to me.I'm just being
real.The crozier doesn't belong to you, so as the empire.And we
both know that."Ingrid slowly walked towards Paloma.Her eyes
burnt with savage fire.
"We both know the crozier doesn't belong to you.Don't we
mommy?I heard you talking to your sister Patricia.I remember
everything like I'm even there right now."
"What is she talking about?" Perla asked.I didn't know how to
feel about knowing the fact that she was Paloma's sister.She
was like an elder sister to me.She was family.She had worked
for me for 10 years,undercover.I grew to consider her as my
closed one.Now I had just realized that she fooled us all
along.Even though she didn't seem to agree with Paloma's ways
of thinking,I still felt betrayed.
"Don't listen to her.She is not thinking straight." Paloma barked
at Perla.
"Aunt Perla,whose side are you on?" Ingrid asked.
"Yours of course.I admit I wanted revenge back then but its
been long.And I got to know the type of a General Raphael
is.He earned the title through blood
sweat and tears.I tried talking Paloma out of this but she
wouldn't listen."
Ingrid nodded. "Good I will tell you what I mean after I'm done
She looked at Paloma again."I know why you hypnotized
me.You knew I didn't want this.And I was never going to agree
to be your honey trap.You played your cards and made sure
Xavier would find out about me.The abuse I suffered in the
hands of that man was unbearable but you didn't care.As long
as you got what you wanted,my safety didn't matter.So much
for being a mother huh."
"I did what was right." Paloma said through gritted teeth.
"Are you kidding me right now?!" Ingrid shouted and ran her
hand through her hair."Exposing me to this bullshit is right.You
were supposed to protect me but you did the opposite!You
were supposed to shield me from the ugliness and cruelty of
this world.And that's what decent parents do.They shelter their
children from danger.They do everything humanly possible to
ensure their children's safety.But you,not only did you mess
with my memory and playing with my sanity,you threw me
right into the lion's den and then you say that was right.Are you
even listening to yourself right now?!"
"I was protecting your legacy.All this belongs to you.Don't you
get that?!"
"Ohh for the love of God Paloma this doesn't belong to me.I'm
not a Villela, I'm a Morena! The crozier isn't rightfully yours
either.And how can you even say you were protecting my
legacy by using me as the bait?How can you even say that?Does
it sound even right in your head?!"
Paloma clenched her jaws tightly and Ingrid glared at her.The
tension became palpable between them two.It felt like we were
now in a center of a battlefield.The continued glaring at each
other.Only God knew what they were thinking.Ingrid
maintained the eye contact with confidence and her eyes held
the fire of hell in them.Unknowingly she was buying us some
time.I looked at Reaper who had just walked back inside the
grand guestroom.He nodded and I smirked.We played it safe
the damn entire time.
"You don't want me as your enemy.I love three things in this
life and you're one of them.I hate many things and you don't
want to be one of the things I hate.So I'm giving you a choice
right now.Either you come with me and be with your mother,or
you continue to play heroine as they call you around here for
the villain who killed your father.Make the right choice and
Ingrid laughed and shook her head."You never change mommy
dearest,you never change.You will always be selfish.How about
I give you a choice as well?Either you forget all of this
vengeance and crozier bullshit and then I will choose you,or
you go for the crozier and I will choose to stay with the bad
The room was filled with silence as Paloma narrowed her gaze
towards her daughter.Ingrid furrowed her forehead and
smirked."Let me just say out loud what you have chosen.You
are going for the crozier and I'm choosing to stick with the
villain."She said firmly and my heart drummed in my chest.It
almost busted my ribcage.
Paloma tried to slap Ingrid but my cariño held her hand before
it reached her face."You're not thinking straight.In fact you're
not thinking at all."
Ingrid leaned towards Paloma."The only one who is not
thinking at all is you.Mommy dearest you need to get your
head checked.Who in their right senses holds a grudge for 19
Paloma's nose flared in anger and she took out her pistol
quickly before we could anticipate her moves.She pointed the
barrel at Ingrid and everyone gasped.Ingrid however, was very
calm like she wasn't bothered about the bullets sitting inside
the barrel.No one expected what happened next either.Before
we could blink the gun was snatched away from Paloma.Now
the roles had reversed,Ingrid had the barrel pointed on her
mother's forehead instead.No one moved an inch.We had to
play it safe or someone would end up getting hurt.
"Using a gun isn't just about learning how to point and
shoot.An average person can move twenty feet in less than a
minute.If they have a knife,they can get you before you pull a
fire and you will end up looking stupid.So with a gun you need
distance and speed mommy dearest.You are known as the
sniper seductress.You have a reputation of dodging bullets in
heels but you're too arrogant.You think you're an extraordinary
marksman and you know everything but you don't. This is the
reason why Raphael shot you, and he was only a damn
kid."Ingrid emptied the bullets from the barrel and threw the
pistol down.
The space under Paloma's left eye twitched.She was mad as
hell.Not only did her daughter disrespect her in front of
everyone, but she also did what no one else expected her to
do,not even me.She chose me!"You don't want to start a war
with me Andriette, it won't end well."
"My name is Ingrid.That's my identity now." She corrected her
mother.If I should that woman a mother."And always
remember the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"You really want a war with me?You think you can start a war
with me,my own daughter?" Paloma touched the center of her
chest and laughed.
Ingrid held a neutral expression on her face. "Be careful
Paloma.You gave birth to me.Right now you're looking at the
woman you pushed out of your tummy,so tread carefully.I will
have the last laugh."
Paloma sat on the bed and smiled sickly at Ingrid. "Very cute
my daughter.My enmity is not with you,so stay out of my
way.You don't want me as your enemy.When I get angry I do a
lot of fucked up things.You won't be able to withstand the
Ingrid chuckled and leaned Paloma's way that their faces were
a few inches away."You're right I won't have to withstand the
storm.Maybe you're forgetting something mommy,I'm actually
a hurricane, so don't try me."
Ingrid strolled towards the door.Her authority filled the whole
space that I even felt it.
Paloma stood up from the bed. "Trust is a commodity our
family holds very high and you let me down.My requirements
are small.Just don't fuck with me and we won't have any
problems.But you just fucked with me right now and we have
got a serious problem.I won't sweep that under the rug and
forget about it.You want a war with me and you will get
one.Blood is going to drown on your doorstep.Everyone who is
going to die after this moment,their blood is on your hands."
She spoke with her view directed to both of us.
Ingrid turned and glared at her. "I like blood mommy.I'm your
daughter after all." She shook her head and wiped the tears
that were falling down her cheeks."So much for a mother and
daughter reunion." With that said she walked out with
Perla,Reaper and some of our men behind her.
Paloma gawked at me."I need my crozier right now.I don't
wanna fight. I'm resisting the urge to strangle you so don't push
me.Give me what belongs to me and we won't have any
problems."I couldn't believe that this woman was choosing a
damn walking cane over her daughter.
"It doesn't belong to you." I walked out of the room and went
to the lounge hall with her on my tail.Beast walked in with
bloody clothes and he gave me a nod.
"Don't force me to tell my men to open fire." She clenched her
"I was hoping you would say that.Go ahead,tell them to open
fire.I want to see where this is going."
I reached into my pockets and pulled out a cigar.I lit it a second
later then the smoke escaped from my mouth with a slow rise.I
took another deep puff then rested he cigar between my
fingers.Paloma send one of her men who was inside the lounge
hall to inform the others outside to open fire.The remaining
guys inside the lounge had their fingers on their
triggers.Waiting for the massacre the second it broke out.The
one who was sent out ran back with horror written all over his
"They all dead.All of them are dead." He screamed in
Spanish.Paloma looked at me and I wiggled my eyebrows at
"Fire!" She ordered the remaining twelve that were in the
lounge.Before they could do anything,each one was hit by my
guys.Gunshots went out but I didn't even flinch.Her men
crumpled down around her with gunshots on their heads.She
looked horrified.Luis the hypnotist ran out.I let him be.I took a
long drag on the cigar and released the smoke.
"You should take your daughter's advise seriously.Shooting is all
about distance and speed.Anyway we left the drivers only
because they have to drive away your hammers and that tank
with the bodies of their friends."
I stood up and leaned her way."Let me tell you something for
free El-Lobo.Arrogance is the number one cause of
downfalls.Every regime in history had crumbled down because
of that reason.You have over a decade of experience but you're
too arrogant.When you paid us a surprise visit, you had to be
smart enough to realize that I had a back up plan.Thank you for
the surprise visit though and you're welcome for the surprise
attack.My last enemy who talked to me,left the room but not
the building and all we did was talk.You're not going to be so
lucky next time and all we will ever do is talk."
I took another drag on my cigar,looking at her.I used her power
play against her.The distraction tactic.While she was busy with
Ingrid in the guestroom, I signalled Repear to tell our men to
open fire.They did and they were very silent and smooth about
it.My snipers got to hers in no time and they did their job
"Beautiful day isn't it?I'm sorry you dressed up for nothing.You
were looking good though.The bandanna and military pants
doesn't cut it anymore.You need a wardrobe makeover."
"You might have won today but you will not always win." She
said her face red with anger.
"Then we will have to fix that Paloma.You're right,I will not
always win but one thing is for sure,I never lose.Its either I win
or I learn.Let me give you an advice,from one criminal to the
other.Don't be too quick to claim your victory,you might end up
looking stupid.I hope today was a lesson learnt."
"This is not over."She groaned and walked out,her steps
hard.There was nothing she could do.She knew better than to
try and turn on me when all her men were dead.She was
outnumbered.I didn't want to kill her at that moment either,it
would be cowardly.I wanted to take her on fairly.
Silence filled the space after she walked out.My men looked at
me.I knew they had questions but I wasn't going to answer
"Man that was intense.So Ingrid is like Paloma's daughter and
she didn't know about it.So if the crozier doesn't belong to
Paloma,then who the hell does it belong?!But I must say Ingrid
is the it though.She is the king.I mean.."
"Shut up Cinzía." Carlos and I said in unison.
She rolled her eyes."Chill out,you out here trynna bite me my
head off.The bitch gave me creeps though."
I sighed and placed my cigar in the ashtray. "Please get
someone to clean the blood off the tiles.Thank you for the job
well done.You're all dismissed."
"General." They bowed and went to the hallways to stay on
"Did anyone get hurt?" I asked Carlos.
"Nothing serious.Just a few bruises and flesh wounds."
"Make sure Pablo attends to them."
"Sure.I'm on it General." He bowed and left too.
I strolled upstairs to our bedroom and as expected she wasn't
there.I brushed my teeth and drank some scotch,to wash off
the smell of ash on my lips.Afterwards I went to the grand
guestroom.I found Reaper and the other guys on the door,on
"She is upset bro,like really upset.I can't believe she chose you
over her mother,if I should call that woman a mother.For a
moment I thought she was going to pull a trigger and blow your
brains off.Now do you realize why I say you're a lucky bastard?"
I nodded,trying to suppress a smile.I felt heat rising to my
cheeks.Man,I hadn't blushed in like forever.
"Say it.I'm right." He poked my shoulder.
"Jeez you're right.Now can I go see her."
He sighed. "She is with Perla right now.I don't know how to feel
about that woman anymore.She was like a mother figure in my
life.Then she turns out to be Paloma's sister."
I shrugged."If her intentions are pure and Ingrid wants her to
stay then,there is nothing much I can do."
On cue Perla opened the door and walked out.I stared at her
with my jaws clenched.She didn't look offended at all by my
sudden dislike for her.She just smiled and walked away.I
nervously walked inside the room.Ingrid was standing on the
window with her right hand holding her left arm.I moved closer
to her but I didn't touch her.
"Hey." I said softly.
She didn't turn to look at me."I need to be alone Raphael.I need
to process my thoughts alone.I need to make sure that I made
the right choice by staying.I don't want to look back one day
and regret my decision.Please don't disturb me.If you're around
then I won't be able to listen to my inner self.I will come out
when I'm ready."
I nodded. "Ok I understand.Thank you for everything."I rested
my hands in my pockets,resisting the urge to hold her.She
didn't respond.She just sighed and that was my cue to leave her
I walked out struggling with not pushing any further.She chose
me.Regardless of how she felt with me being the one who
ended her father's life, she decided to give me a chance.I knew
that was the most difficult decision she had ever had to
make.And it didn't help matters that she made that choice
without thinking it through,so she had the right to feel the way
she wanted to.I wouldn't argue with her feelings but I would try
to soothe them.I walked out with my heart dangled on a weak
string,unsure if it would fall.She needed time to think.She just
had known that some parts of her life were a lie.She had
recalled some painful memories.Her mother chose the crozier
over her,the crozier which surprisingly didn't belong to her.That
was a lot for anyone to swallow down.And a good dose of sex
would not help her forget that I was the one who fired the
bullet that killed her father.What mattered at the moment was
that she chose me.Yes,she chose me!!!

I SPENT ONE WEEK in the grand guestroom, trying to gather my

scattered thoughts, trying to solve the confusing jumble in my
head.My world have been thrown off its axis.It was difficult to
come to terms with the fact that I lived a lie all along.My mind
spun with all that had transpired for the past years.I wished I
hadn't remembered any of it.It was painful to accept the fact
that I had killed people too.In a dark way it made me
understand where Raphael was coming from.I didn't suffer
from the post murder tension of my first kill like he did though.I
didn't remember which one of it was my first kill.Was it the
man I shot on the forehead who was standing in the place of a
shooting dummy or the one I tortured till his last breath?I
couldn't recall exactly how old I was,but I was probably in my
teens.What I was certain of however,was that I didn't want to
do it, but I was compelled to.It was hard to believe that I
actually ended someone's life.Then it dawned me when I
recalled the day at the island,I shot with no fear,I still had the
muscle memory and it was triggered the day Raphael sneaked
into my room back at Xavier's place.In a twisted way all that
made me choose Raphael even when he was the one who fired
the bullet that killed my father.Rage and hurt mingled with
broken love but I still chose him.This was my life,my life with
him.No one would tell me who I would and who I wouldn't be
with.Even my deceased father.Wherever he was, I knew he
understood.The world would condemn me for my decision but
it was a harmless betrayal.
"You're coming up with excuses.You're trying to make yourself
feel better about choosing him over your mother."A voice
chanted at the back of my head but I locked it out.What
mother?That woman tortured me half my life and tried to
create a killing machine out of me.Which might have came in
handy for me but she wanted to use me for her own selfish
reasons.She chose a walking cane over me.That on its on
showed how less I meant to her.Now was I forced to live my life
according to her wishes because she fought and lost my father
in a war that I had never asked to happen?Raphael and I didn't
want this to happen.If anything we were victims in the
That was what I sat in my room thinking about.On the seventh
day,I was shocked that time had flown by and all I did was to
sleep or sit on the balcony staring at the view outside the
villa,feeling the surreal darkness surround me.I barely ate and
no one was on my case about it.What was the right decision in
all of this?I pondered that on the last day,knowing I couldn't
walk away from Raphael.Regardless of what he had done,it hurt
me yes but I did not hate him.Instead,my hatred was channeled
towards Diego his father.I held that man responsible for my
father's death because he was actually responsible for it.So at
the bare minimum, I had to give Raphael a chance.I had missed
him too.I missed his musky scent.I missed his hard body.I had
already talked to myself long enough the past days.And I had
gone too long without seeing him.
Around six o'clock, I took the landline and made a call to one of
the maids.She came to my room immediately and wrote down
everything I wanted.
"What's your name?" I asked.
She smiled. "My name is Cassie ma'am."
"Ok Cassie, please don't tell anyone I ordered that ok.And when
you bring it here make sure Raphael doesn't see you." I said.
She clapped once."Yes ma'am I will make sure of that."
"And bring me something to eat.I'm famished."
"What would you like to have?" She asked.
I barely ate during the week so I was crazy hungry.
"I want some sweetbreads cooked with cheese and smoked
salmon stuffed with oysters."
"Ok its coming right away."
"Good you can go now."
She smiled and bowed slightly before walking out.A few
minutes later I demolished my meal,unable to control the
hunger pangs in my stomach.I took a bite of the sweetbread.It
was stuffed with an assortment of cheeses and slathered in
homemade marinara sauce.
"Jesus this is good." Cassie watched with a smile as I finished
my meal with a few more bites.
"Thank you Cassie.And for the stuff too.Can I ask for one last
She smiled. "Anything ma'am."
"Can you do my makeup please?"
She nodded excitedly. "Of course.When do you want me to do
"Come back after like an hour."
She nodded. "Okay." She walked out with the push tray.
After my meal I took a long bath and washed my
hair,luxuriating in the apricot scent filled steam from the
bathroom.Wrapped in only a towel I sat in front of the dressing
table when the door opened and in walked Cassie with a small
"I hope I'm not late." She smiled walking over.
I smiled back staring at my reflection on the mirror.
"No you're right on time."
She opened her case and started with my hair.She did my hair
with a straightening iron.I wanted it straight and not its natural
curly.My face was painted with the makeup he liked.Smoky
eyes brought out the silver-grey color of my eyes.My lips were
covered with deep red lipstick.
"Thank you Cassie."
"You're welcome ma'am." She closed her case and walked out.I
looked at the red corset that was on the bed.I ran my fingertips
over it and the material felt soft against my skin.It was exactly
like how I told Cassie I wanted it to be.I wore the red corset and
the material over my hips was stretchy lace,allowing my bronze
skin to be visible through the material.The padding bra pressed
my tits together,creating a beautiful cleavage.I felt the lacy
material of the thong before I pulled it on.I completed my look
with the sky-high black heels which made me inches taller.I
walked to a private doorway which led directly off the master
bedroom.The one which contained floor length mirrors,a
pole,red velvet couches,a king-sized bed and another swish en-
suite bathroom.We never used it before.It was ridiculously
large and had most part of the wall covered with mirrors.I
stayed on my knees at the foot of the bed with my heart
pounding like crazy.I began counting down the minutes before
eight o'clock.Cassie would have gone to him by now and he
would definitely come a few minutes before eight.I stayed on
my knees and continued counting looking at the only clock at
the other side of the wall which wasn't mirrored.Five minutes
to eight,the door opened and Raphael walked in.It was my first
time I had seen him after seven days.My heart began to pound
with a trembling kind of excitement as I turned around to find
his gaze raking all over me.Heat spread in my body like
wildfire.For a moment he didn't say anything, just studied me
with desire drenched eyes.
"Cariño." His deep voice spread across my body just like the
heat. His face expressed lust and disbelief.The swift and heady
rush of desire heated my veins as he slowly walked towards
me.That is why I needed time away from him.Around him there
was no doubt that I yearned for him and I wouldn't think.My
whole body came to live knowing he would touch me soon.
"Hey." I said softly.
He leaned over and helped me to my feet."Hello." He said as he
bent his head to whisper a kiss on my bare shoulder.
"Thank you cariño.And I'm sorry.If I could go back,I would try to
do something differently.I at least would have never pulled the
trigger.I don't wanna lose you."
"Me neither.I'm just trying to figure out how we will do
this.Without you feeling guilty all the time and me questioning
my decision of staying by your side,regardless of everything
that happened."I whispered, closing my eyes as I felt the
soft,seductive graze of his lips.
"Then take your time."
"I already did.Not anymore.I missed you.Did you miss me?" I
closed my eyes,feeling the connection I have been yearning for
the past few days.
"More than you can imagine."
"Then take me.I'm all yours General.I'm at your mercy."
He groaned in response and his hand moved round to give a
little tug in the zipper which constrained the corset.He slowly
moved the zipper down,then unclipped the bra too so that it
fell away, revealing my rosy-tipped breasts, the slender dip of
my waist and the rounded thick curve of my hips.He let his
fingers drift downwards to cup one breast.My eyes opened
wide as I saw the image reflected back from the mirrors on the
wall.His honey skin complimented the bronze of my own.Warm
heat gathered at the pit of my stomach as his lips grazed over
my straightened hair.I wriggled,trying to turn so that I could
have him kiss me properly,but he wouldn't let me.
"General." I breathed heavily.Calling him with a title only made
him a wild beast and that's what I needed that night.
"Watch.Watch yourself in the mirror mí cariño.Watch how
beautiful you look when you experience pleasure.Watch how
beautiful we are together."
He commanded as his fingers stroked my nipple and the other
hand moved downwards.I closed my eyes as the pleasure was
starting to build up.
"Open your eyes!" He ordered again and I did as asked.A hot
and fierce heat shored up inside of me,as he reached further
down and ripped my thong apart,leaving me only in my heels.I
squirmed as he moved further down to my flaps and played
with the honeyed moisture they concealed.His fingers tangled
down and he inserted two of them,making me gasp his name as
I felt the heat spiralling upwards like a great tidal wave.I felt like
some erotic puppet and he was the erotic puppet
master,pulling the strings.
"General." I gasped, closing my eyes as I felt myself about to
come.He stopped thrusting.He wouldn't let me cross over.
"Open your eyes and watch."He urged.
My lids fluttered open to see my shade dark with
desire.Glancing upwards I met his mocking reflection on the
mirror as his fingers continued their dance.I bit my lower lip as
the heat dissolved in me.Helplessly I watched myself orgasm.I
saw the involuntary jerk of my body and the way the blush
color in my cheeks seemed to spread all over my breast.I saw
his own green shade darkening and his erotic expression as he
breathed heavily on my neck.Weakly I clutched onto his arm
until the spasms died away.
He pulled out his finger and licked. "You're delicious.Wasn't
that the most erotic thing to see.That image is forever
imprinted on my mind."
I couldn't agree more.Still dazed,I nodded.With one gentle
move,he pulled me into his chest and placed his kiss on my
lips.He cupped my face and pulled my mouth to his,kissing me
hard,kissing me aggressively like that had been all he wanted to
do since he had his eyes on me.His lips were hungry as he
kissed me,and he breathed into my lungs and took my oxygen
away.I moved closer,my tits right into his chest.My fingers
moved into his hair and I moaned into his mouth as I kissed
him.I matched his desire with my own hunger,falling into the
best kiss of my life.
"Are you going to undo my tie?" He murmured.With trembling
fingers,I complied and I unbuttoned his shirt too.He helped me
with the belt and slacks, swiftly divesting himself from the rest
of his clothes until he was naked as I was.He pulled me closer
and tripped me over the bed,and didn't bother removing my
"Please General" I whispered as I felt the hard length of his cock
pressing insistently against me.He pushed me back onto the
bed and moved over me,his fingers entwining in the spill of my
hair and his lips whispering over mine in little kisses.Already I
was eager to feel his tensile muscle and the honed perfection
of his torso.Although I knew what to expect,the glorious
intimacy of his first aggressive thrust still took my breath away,
like it was our first time.Glancing up ,I could see as he entered
me the play of muscles in his powerful shoulders as he moved
hard inside of me.His lips dipped to tease mine,brushing and
biting and grazing, until I greedily raised my hands and pulled
his head down,hearing his soft laugh as he deepened the kiss.I
moaned loudly as he changed the rhythm, going hard and
aggressive until I felt so full of him that there was only one way
to release from the intense tension.His green eyes were onto
mine.Green to grey.I cried out a strange, broken little sound
that I couldn't recognize my own voice.He slid one arm
underneath me,grabbed my opposite hip and in one motion
flipped me over.I landed right on my knees instantly.
"Look at us babe.Watch us together." He urged and obediently I
looked at the mirrors.His hands tightly clamped around my
waist so that he could draw me even closer, until I felt so full of
him.He smacked my ass many times and fucked that pussy up.I
watched us together entwining and moving in a sensual
rhythm.He gave me a few more powerful hard strokes and I
heard his own ragged groan.Color rose on his face as well as we
both reached our climax.
"Take it all babe.Its all yours,take it all.Fuck Ingrid!"He emptied
the last of his seed into me after calling out my name.
Afterwards we lay on the bed,wrapped in each other's arms,
my heard on his chest as I listened to the thundering of his
heart as it grew steady and his hand stroked absently at my
hair.I didn't realize that sex could make you so utterly
vulnerable, even more vulnerable that it could bind you to a
man,make you want to cling to him and never let him go.His
hand stilled to lie on of my head,he must have gone to sleep.I
turned slightly and looked at him with a smile.My eyes drank in
the details of his face,committing them to my memory.I didn't
want the horror of being told that all this was a false memory.In
sleep his hard features were relaxed,his expression less stern.I
studied the dark sweep of his lashes and the way his hard
mouth had softened into a sensual cute pout.

I DIDN'T NEED TO FEEL HER WARM body on me to know that

last night was real.The moment I opened my eyes, her apricot
scent struck and immediately my cock jerked up.I watched her
face in the pearlescent light and was tempted to wake her up
with a kiss on those plump and pretty lips and have my way
with her again but I knew she was so sore because I kept her up
almost all night.I reminisced the previous night with a smile on
my face.Something powerful and possessive snagged up my
chest.I had been with beautiful women and experienced all the
right moves but none of them had a hold on me like Ingrid
had.She not only had a hold on my body, but also my mind,with
her determination and fierceness that matched my own,with a
little bit of useful anger too.
Despite the serious issues at hand, I had been distracted the
previous day wondering when she was going to come out.One
week without seeing her,felt like years.The first day went by,I
didn't sleep.The bed was too big and cold.I barely ate and I
didn't even touch scotch.The second day I walked up to the
grand guestroom like a psycho and stood there for a long
time.No sound came from the room.On the fifth day I walked
up to the room again,I was about to open when Reaper
stopped me and dragged me to my office.I finished the entire
day locked in the office,sulking and full of worry.I couldn't think
straight.Forget working.Forget Paloma and her bullshit.My
heart dangled on a weak string the damn entire time.All the
days she didn't leave the room.The staff checked on her and
brought her meals.She barely ate as well.When the maid came
to me with the message that Ingrid wanted to meet me in the
master bedroom on the third floor I was nervous as hell.Why
didn't she want to meet in our bedroom?What if I had lost
her?I pondered on that as I made my way to the bedroom.But
the moment I walked in and saw her in a red lingerie,on her
knees,my worry dissolved immediately.God,she was
beautiful.And I gave her a demonstration of my superior
sexuality throughout the night because she completely
surrendered to me.She had never called me General and
hearing her say it so seductively like that drove me to a beast
mode.I got off the bed and went to take a shower.
"Learn how to say it.Learn how to say it better.Learn how to
sing it.Write it in a poem.In a letter attached to flowers.Tattoo
on your arm.Tell her everything and anything you want."
Perla's words rang in my head while I was fixing my tie,staring
at Ingrid.Her legs flashed honey-gold in the sun's early morning
glow.She was definitely a mixture of something.I picked the
"I need your help."


"So what do you wanna do for her?You planning a trip or

something?"Cinzía asked pacing up and down.Stacy looked at
me thoughtfully.
"I called Stacy.What are you even doing here?"
She shrugged. "I'm here to help."
I looked at Stacy. "So what should I do?She will wake up any
minute from now."
"Its like 7am right now Raphael.And if you fucked her the whole
night she is probably snoring as we speak."
"She doesn't snore." I defended.
"That's besides the point.What do you wanna do?" Cinzía
I sighed. "I called you here because I have no clue on what to
Cinzía shook her head. "You started fucking when you were
probably fourteen.You're in your early thirties now and you
have experienced every sexual pleasure out there with
different types of women.But now you're telling me you have
no idea on what to do for a woman before she wakes up."
"You're not helping Cinz.And Ingrid isn't just any other
women.She is my woman."
She shook her head and poured herself some whiskey.
"What do you wanna tell her or do for her Raphael?" Stacy
asked.Okay maybe we were going somewhere.
"I wanna tell her that I appreciate her and what she did last
night.I appreciate our moments and the way she looks at me
like I'm the only guy in the world and the rest are her sisters.I
wanna tell her that she is a good lover.I want her to have some
breakfast in bed and all that stuff woman love.I sound corny
don't I?"
Stacy's eyes lit up. "Actually you don't sound corny.You know
what?You should prepare the breakfast yourself.It will make it
more romantic and she will love it.Then you will write a note
and we will pick some flowers from the greenhouse."
I nodded. "But I don't know how to cook."
Stacy frowned. "You can't even fry an egg?!"
"Beast can't too,so don't look at me like I have eight legs."
"Urgh, whatever.Lets just go to the kitchen.We will teach you."
When we walked into the kitchen everyone looked at me like I
was an intruder.
"Is there anything specific you want us to prepare for you
General?" My head chef Jeff asked.
I cleared my throat. "No Jeff.Ahem,well umm.I'm actually here
to cook."They all looked at me with their eyes popped out.I
avoided their surprised gazes and moved around the kitchen.I
didn't even understand some of the utensils in there.
"So Jeff,in your professional chef's opinion what's your most
popular dish." I removed my suit jacket and cuffs and started
folding my shirt.
"My soufflé is to die for.So I have been told."
I nodded. "So I should prepare soufflé for her?"
He chuckled. "It takes a lot of time to prepare it.Perfect timing
is the key to a good soufflé.And considering that this is your
first time in the kitchen trying to prepare something for the first
time,I wouldn't recommend you to try soufflé.Let's try
something simple shall we?Bacon,scrambled eggs,roasted
potatoes with herbs,sausage links and a lemon cake for desert."
I frowned. "That sounds complicated."
"Its not.Start peeling the potatoes." Stacy said.
"I don't know how to do it."

Jeff chuckled and Stacy laughed."So what do you know.Killing

people?Start peeling the potatoes." She gave me a peeler.
"I will just go and check on the flowers."Cinzía said.
"I think she will like red peonies." I suggested. Cinzía nodded
and walked out.
"What about the note?" I looked at Stacy.
"Just peel the damn potatoes will you."


"What the hell is going on here?!We have been looking around

for you and you're in the kitchen!Are those eggs on your shirt
or what?Wait are you cooking?"Reaper walked in with the rest
of my men.They all looked at me like I had grown some horns.
"No I'm eating.Yes dumbass I'm cooking."I responded to Reaper
with my eyes focused on the eggs.This was my fifth try on the
scrambled eggs.I had burnt the rest.
"Phew at least the bacon is almost done.Cooking is such a job."
"Finish up on the eggs.And don't forget to season them with
some spices."Jeff ordered
"Okay.Reaper will you help and deal with sausage please."
He frowned. "Me!"
"Yes you.We are running out of time."
"Is it someone's birthday today?" Carlos asked.
"No its not.You help Stacy with pancakes."
"Ok."When he was about to walk towards Stacy,Beast held the
back of his collar and pulled him back that he staggered.Beast
then folded his shirt and walked towards Stacy.
"Go to the coffee machine or something.Don't just stand
there." Cinzía ordered.Suddenly everyone was in a good mood.
"Turn off the stove first General you will burn that shit up
again." Cinzía said.I removed the pan and the stove
automatically turned off.I sighed in relief and season the
scrambled eggs.
"All set." I smiled looking at the slabs of sizzling bacon,sausage
links,roasted potatoes covered in herbs,scrambled eggs and the
lemon pancakes whipped in cream.Damn cooking was a
struggle.I placed everything on the food tray along with three
red peonies in a small vase and a note.
"Finally.This was a struggle." Hunter wiped imaginary sweat off
his forehead.
"Dude you didn't do shit.You were just standing there." Carlos
"Something smells nice in here." Her voice made my heart
pound in a crazy way.Wearing tight jeans and a loose t-shirt
which left her right shoulder bare,she leaned on the door
looking at me with a smile on her face.She looked like a 'girl
next door',sexy and adorable.My body throbbed to the instant
"Umm good morning.I prepared some breakfast for you." I
smiled presenting the tray like a waiter.
She narrowed her gaze. "You prepared breakfast for me?"
"No we.I also prepared some bacon and I got burnt.And..."
"Shut up Reaper." Everyone said and he pouted.
"Yes I prepared it.Come take a bite."
She smiled. "Hmm now this,I wanna taste."She walked over and
took a bite of the bacon.She then tasted the eggs.Her eyes
rolled at the back of her head and she moaned like she was
having the best sex of her life.
"My gosh this is orgasmic." Her eyes landed on the note and
she took it and read out loud.
"I'm a lucky man.You know how to turn me on with your big
silver-grey eyes and your petal lips and your soft firm
curves.You're a sleek and seasoned lover that you have
captivated me and I don't wanna let you go.I appreciate our
moments and having you in my life.I'm blessed.Raphael."
She looked at me with an adorable smile and perked my lips.
"Ohh my word, you're so corny darling and this is romantic.I
love you so much."
The last part must have slipped out mistakenly because she
looked at me with her eyes popped out.Everyone else had their
eyes out too.Myself included.
"Ohh my God." She murmured looking everywhere but me.
"Well let me taste the sausage it looks delicious." She said
taking the tray and immediately walking out of the kitchen.
"Was it me or she said she loves this guy." Reaper asked.
"I heard it too." Stacy said.
"Me too."
"I think I'm dreaming." I took my suit jacket and went to my
My men joined me and we stared discussing our strategy but I
have been distracted.Did she say she loves me?
"Raphael concentrate!" Reaper slammed the table.
"The Interpol and the FBI are on high alert.They know there is
some Mafia war going on.And we don't want them on our asses
and Paloma is making sure everything traces back to us.The net
is closing in,we need to think of something."
It had been a week but Paloma and I were already at war.She
had already started knocking out some of our high profile allies
and I was taking down hers too.No one understood what was
going on.What everyone knew was, the General and El-Lobo
were at war.People were getting killed and bodies were piling
up,in just a week.Before I responded Ingrid walked on with
Perla.She had a neutral expression on her face like she hadn't
said she loved me earlier.I frowned looking at Perla who was
holding like a chess board of some sort and two wooden bowls.
"I know you don't want me here and I get that.But if you wanna
defeat my sister then you need me."
She sat down and Ingrid remained standing.All attention was on
her now.I had never encountered a woman like her,who
grabbed the attention and respect of cold criminals twice her
size.Whenever she was talking business, she got big and
loud.She would act like a professional woman at her fifties
rather than twenties in that regard.
"Like I said the other day, the crozier doesn't belong to my
mother Paloma.Its not rightfully hers.Carlos my grandfather
was supposed to handover his reins to his younger brother
Marcus not his children.And Marcus as the last born was the
one supposed to handover his reigns to his children.And his
children happens to be Alfonsi and my aunt here
Perla.Yes,Perla is not Paloma's sister,they are cousins.A few
people knew about that and I overheard Paloma talking to
Patricia.Since uncle Alfonsi washed his hands not wanting
anything to do with the family,my aunt here became the
rightful heiress.So Paloma killed grandpa Marcus so that
grandpa Carlos would be left with no choice but to handover
the reins to her,when they rightfully belonged to aunt Perla
here.When that happened people weren't silent about their
distaste for the new leadership,obviously finding grandpa
Carlo's decision incredibly biased.Generals are supposed to
handover their titles when they die.So the men started putting
pressure on grandpa as a result Paloma killed him to shut
everyone up.And with grandpa dead,no one would question
the decision."She explained.
"Wow so that means if these secrets come out,a lot of people
would be against Paloma and they will support you Perla."
Reaper looked at Perla.
She shrugged. "You can chill out.I'm not interested in the
walking cane neither is Alfonsi.I just want to deal with the
betrayal I got from Paloma and Patricia."
"So we can easily defeat her using this.She has more enemies
than us."
Ingrid shook her head.She opened the board that Perla had
walked in.She also had two wooden bowls with black and white
soft like stones. "What is this?" Hunter asked.
"This is a Chinese chess game, called game of go." Ingrid said.
"With all due respect heroina we don't have the time to play
games right now.People are getting killed.We can't sit around
here and play a game." Reaper said.
She shook her head."If you wanna win this,you should learn
how to play because this is like a game to my mother.And trust
me,whenever she is planning something serious she plays this
game first."
She placed the board on the center alongside with the two
wooden bowls.
"The game of go,play starts with an empty board.The black
stones are always placed first,then white.You place stones to
create territories then you capture your opponent stones by
completely surrounding them.There are different styles of
play.Aggressively, passively and orthodox.The provoked play
always get to go first which in this case is my mother.She plays
aggressively when she is offended.And you have been matching
her anger and in such situations things get pretty ugly.Its a
game to her and if you don't tread carefully she might win."
She rearranged the white stones and Perla moved the black
ones.They were playing while she explained.We were all
silent,concentrating on the game.
"At this point we need what we call a divine move.Its an out of
the box move,in order to turn the game around."She moved
one stone and with that move she completely surrounded all
the black stones that Perla was stuck.She won.
She smiled at me. "The best way to eliminate the a threat,is to
find someone else to do it for you,plus the divine move.Paloma
attacks aggressively and we attack passively.Eventually she will
get tired and she will play in an orthodox manner and then we
will switch back to aggressively.Game over.If you wanna defeat
my mother, learn how to play this game because that's the
crucial part."

THE FEELING PUMPED through my body as she spoke was

nothing like I have ever felt before.I wanted to protect her,
respect her and hold her close and possess every inch of her.I
wanted to taste her body over and over again and make her
laugh and I wanted to give her everything her heart desired.Is
this what it's like being in love?The overwhelming desire to
possess and dominate all of her while being generous with
everything inside of me?It was like I have been handed a
precious queen and it was now my duty as her king to make
sure no one harmed her or breaks her spirit for as long as she
lives.I respected her.And I was a lucky man to have her in my
Everyone kept quite as she finished explaining.
"So what's our divine move?We need to get everything moving
before we have more casualties."Falcon asked.
Ingrid arched her eyebrow at him and looked back at me."Give
us some privacy please.And for now go make yourselves useful
in some other things." She said firmly and they all walked out
doing as they were ordered.
"Let's go to our room." She didn't wait for me to respond and I
didn't wait to be told twice.She led me to the master bedroom
we had spent our time the previous night.She sat on the red
couch and motioned me to sit besides her,which I did.
"I don't get a good feeling from Falcon.Something about him
isn't right and its like he is hiding in plain sight.He is a little too
eager to help you.Come to think of it,he spied for you when I
was at Xavier's and obviously someone spied for Paloma
too.The only person capable of doing that smoothly without
getting caught is him.He is a double agent.People say there are
always signs of who someone is and if you're close to them
then you choose to ignore them and see what's right in front of
you.I'm starting to believe that.It keeps getting harder to ignore
Falcon's actions.When Paloma came here,he wasn't
present.We have been preoccupied with a lot of things but now
that I think of it,he has been barely present and no one seemed
to take notice of it.And whenever he is available,he is too keen
to know our next plan.I trust my instinct Raphael.Falcon is
working for Paloma.He is the venom in your ranks."
Now that she pointed it out,I had no choice but to face it.I
couldn't make excuses for Falcon because she was right.He was
indeed the insider.I weighed what she had said and what I had
noticed too and I realised she was actually right.Falcon had
been trained to spy and it was not surprising that he switched
teams.He didn't owe me anything.
"I will kill him."
She shook her head. "No,he may be actually useful to us you
know.We will discuss a different plan with them and he will
feed Paloma with the wrong information.And when we discuss
our real plan,we don't do it in the office because I think its
bugged.We will do it somewhere else and we won't tell your
men.You will just have to order them when the plan is in
I nodded. "I like the sound of that.I noticed when you were
playing the game of go with Perla you used all tricks.You were
aggressive, passive and orthodox."
She smiled. "They call players like me tricksters.I make you
believe I'm a passive player at first but I'm actually a neutral
one.I use all ways on the board.It takes one trickster to know
the other.That means you're a trickster too,so you can easily
take my mother on.She is just an aggressive player.Tend to
make mistakes when emotions are involved."
"Yea you're right.I will beat her at this game.She won't see
what's coming for her."
We remained silent for a while.It was kinda getting
uncomfortable.I cleared my throat and looked at her.The
atmosphere suddenly became awkward.
"So about what you said in the kitchen,you know in front of
everyone..ummm that,you know."
She looked everywhere else but me. "That what?The eggs were
good.What are you talking about?I'm starting to get confused."
"You know what I'm talking about.You know what I mean."
She gave me a look.Trying to play dumb I see."I don't know
what you mean.So where are we going to discuss our divine
move?"Her changing the topic got me to back off.I wasn't ready
to ask her if she really meant what she said.Did she really love
me or it was just a slip of the tongue?
"I have a place I need to show you.None of my guys know it and
its not on the blueprint of this building.Come."
I led her to one of the floor length mirrors."Where is the
place,on the mirror?Is it mirror mirror on the wall type of
bullshit." I laughed at her attempt to crack a joke.
"I'm serious where is it?"
"You're looking at it."
I moved one of the floor length mirrors.There was a door with a
scanner.I placed my palm flat on the screen,it scanned my
fingerprint and the steel door behind the wall opened.She
gasped as we entered the first room which was covered in book
shelves.Behind one of the shelves was yet another scanner and
after doing the same procedure again,the shelve moved
exposing another doorway.I led the way and we silently walked
down the endless staircase which led to our destination.
"I feel like we are going down some dungeon.This is freaking
me out." Her voice echoed.
I chuckled and held her hand tightly. "We are almost there."
"If you say so." We continued walking down the stairs,with only
dim lamps on the stoned wall.When we finally reached our
destination and I had my fingerprint scanned again, she gasped
walking inside.
"Ohh no ways!What the hell is this?" She chuckled looking
"I call it the museum.Its my secret room."
"It sure looks and feels like one.Its vast.Big and intimidating.I
feel like a tiny little raft bobbing around in an unknown
territory.I feel like I have walked into an actual museum or
something out of a Gothic novel." She looked around admiring
the stone room adorned with art, tapestries and moldings so
intricate they almost looked like some kind of architectural
frosting.She looked at the graceful statues,collection of
guns,precious diamonds,and priceless art,beautifully adorned
in the room with an amused expression.And then her eyes
landed on the walking cane that was placed inside a glass
box,sitting on top of a velvet cloth.Her eyes widened and she
gave me a confused look.
"But the crozier stays in your office."
"Yes the Villela's crozier.This one is mine and I don't call it the
crozier.Also this one is only a replica.The real one is at one of
my fortresses and I will show you one day.Every men carries a
badge,some symbol of his elegance,and this is the replica of my
'badge' of honor.I knew one day the issue of the crozier was
going to spiral out of control and I wanted something I would
call mine.I wanted my own empire, so I made my own walking
cane,worth more than that crozier.Anyone who takes after
me,will take over all of this."
She looked at me with her eyes popped out and started running
her fingertips on my collection of guns and diamonds,among
other prized possessions I had.
"Besides,I love collecting valuables."
"What if someone blows up the villa or something?"
"Well it will not affect this place.It was built with
limestones,surrounded with steel and it was designed with
fireproof material and shock absorbers.Let's say this villa blows
up,no one will find out about this room because its
underground.If anything happens and if you make it in here,you
will be safe.Everything inside here is worth so much money,that
it could last you a lifetime."
"Why are you telling me all this?Why am I the first person to
know about this 'museum'?"
"Because I don't want to keep secrets from you and I trust you
Ingrid.You're my forever so you should know.Look,I can't
promise you happiness all the time but I will try my best to
keep the smile on your face.You're mine and everything I have
is yours,which is why you had to know about this 'museum'.And
it's not the only secret room I have.All my villas have a
'museum' just in case,and they all have my walking cane,my
'badge'.The only difference is that,my real 'badge' of honor is at
one of my fortresses.No one knows about that fortress.When
the time comes,I will take you there."
She looked at me with shock."Do I mean so much to you that
you didn't hesitate to show me all of this?"
"Yes you mean a lot to me.We haven't known each other for a
long time but you didn't think twice and took the bullet for
me.That meant something and a lot more.Even though you're
trying to dodge what you said in the morning, I took the words
to heart because no one has ever said those words to me
before.Don't underestimate the impact they had on me.You
mean a lot to me cariño than you know.Come."
I led her to one of the huge portrait on the wall.I removed it
and there was a safe behind.I enterd the code and it
opened,exposing some expensive artefacts, 'bricks' of cash and
a few gold bars.
"If anything happens,then you will have all this,alright."
She cupped my face. "Nothing will happen.Don't talk like that."
I chuckled. "Yes I know darling, but this war with your mother is
about to get very very ugly.She is going to join hands with my
enemies and a lot more is going to happen.Anything
unexpected might happen in our 'world'.I just want you to be
ok and be secured in case the unexpected happens.You have to
know about all of this."
Ingrid was never meant to be anything more than just a pawn
in a game, but now she was the centre of my world.She made
me a far happier and less bitter man.She tested my strength
and erased my weakness with her own power.She made me
happy in categories I had never considered important.It would
be stupid to let a woman like her slip away.
"I get it,but nothing is going to happen to you." She walked
away,as an act of saying 'this conversation is over.'I pulled the
artefacts I had collected out of the cabinet, until I found the
ring that had been passed down through every daughters in-
law of the Rodriguez until my grandmother received it.My
grandfather gave it to me instead of his son Diego.The day I was
titled the General, was the day he passed it on me and shortly
after that he died.He told me that one day,a woman was going
to have a strong hold over me and I didn't believe him.I just
assumed it was old age when he said I was going to find my
one.The woman who was going to keep me on my toes and her
fierceness would match mine.I never believed in anything he
said,it was utter nonsense to me but now I guess he was right.I
have finally met my match.No scratch that,I finally met my
equal.This ring only belonged to Ingrid,mí cariño.I looked
closely at it,some cleaning and shining would do it good.It had a
slender band infused with rare small diamonds and a huge
flawless one on the center.I slid it back into its box and closed
the cabinet.She was too preoccupied in my collection of pistols
that she didn't notice anything.Soon the ring would be on her
"So what will be your divine move?"
She asked, staring down at one particular pistol that had caught
her attention.
"You're staring at it." I said.
She snapped her head up and looked at me. "The pistol?" I
She shrugged. "Anyway I was thinking.You have your own
crozier,I mean your badge like you call it so why can't you give
Paloma the crozier and get her off our backs.Is it about respect
in the underworld?"
I nodded. "Yes.If I give in to her demands easily then I will lose
respect.Giving her the crozier will mean that I'm giving her the
title and the empire.When I took over the reins from Diego,it
wasn't an empire like this.I made it what it is today.The
organization was only focused on a few things,arms, sponsoring
terrorist wars and trafficking.It wasn't really successful like it is
today,we were struggling.When I took over I opened the other
lines of businesses and made it an empire.So I can't let Paloma
easily take that away from me.I worked so damn hard and I
deserve some credit.Its been years now and your mother just
want to snatch my blood,sweat and tears.It doesn't work like
that cariño.Generals are known for doing the cruelest things
you can ever imagine and I'm going easy on her that's why she
is disrespecting me, however she wants.She needs to be
reminded who leads the pack.She might be the wolf,El-Lobo
like they call her,but she has to be reminded who the alpha is.I
know she is your mother and for that I'm not going to be really
cruel like I'm supposed to be.I want her defeated and not
dead,but if she pushes a little too hard,she might get what she
is asking for."I said coldly and Ingrid stared at me attentively.I
had never used the authoritative tone on her,but she also had
to know that when the General speaks,even she listens.
But she wasn't scared,instead she smiled and snaked her
arm.around my waist."I hear you General.So what's your plan?"
"I'm joining hands with the Bratva family.Like you said,the best
way to eliminate threat is to find someone else to do it for
"The Bratva.I have never heard of that family before.They
sound Russian." She said.
I nodded. "Because they are Russians."
"I thought you hated Russians.Are they in the same team as
Xavier's dogs,the Ivashk?" She asked.
"I do hate Russians.They reek of vodka and cabbage.But keep
your friends close and your enemies closer.And no they are not
the same as the Ivashk.Comparing the two,the Ivashk family is
actually a small criminal group.The Bratva mafia family is an
organized Russian criminal family group that began in the
imperial period of the 'tsars'.They emerged in a flourishing
black market,exploiting the unstable governments of the
former republics.Now at their highest point, they control as
much as two-thirds of the Russian economy.They impose the
greatest threat to the US national security just like we impose
the same level of threat to the Russian KGB."
"How do you know about all of this?" She asked.
I stood up and gestured her to the other side of the room.On
the wall there was a huge board covered with a navy blue
cloth.I removed it and she came to my side,staring at the board
with astonishment written all over her face.She looked at me
and back at the board again.I had photos of the Bratva family as
well as other powerful Mafia families of our 'world',littered on
the board.Pictures of the leaders of the
Corsicans,Bratva,Yakuza,Ivashk,Vellutini and even my own,the
headed different empires made of other pictures of our men
that I tapped up into shapes of big pyramids.On the top of each
pyramid was the leader.I organized them in order of the
hierarchy.Red,yellow and green strings were tapped to one
picture and linked to the other.Little by little,I pieced together
each empire I knew of,in the underworld.
"Wow.What is this?" She asked with her eyes popped out.
"My research.Being a General is not only about collecting
taxes,making money, ruling and killing people.Its also about
being aware of who will kill you,dodging death and knowing
everything else around you.Something which I guess your
mother knows nothing of.In the underworld,as a leader I have
to know who is who of the criminal world.I have to know who
I'm dealing with and the link they have to my empire.Its not just
about the title and the walking cane.It's a lot more than that."I
explained with my hand on her waist.
She looked at me. "Okay, so why do you use different
strings,red,yellow and green?"
I chuckled. "So everything I said,that's your takeaway?"
She nodded with a cute pout. "Yes, the little detail definitely
means something, just like a slight move on the game of go."
I nodded with a proud grin on my face.
"You're right.The red string means things that I understand.The
yellow means, I'm working on it.The green means I have no
She looked at the board and looked at me with a frown. "But
my picture has a green and yellow strings.You have no idea and
you're working on it?And why the hell is it linked to Xavier?!"
I laughed. "When I tried searching about you for the first time I
didn't find anything that is why I used the green string.I also
didn't understand why you were involved with Xavier in the
first place that's why I was working on it and I used the yellow
one.I last came inside here,the day I wanted to research about
She nodded and removed the strings from her picture that
linked her to Xavier.She used the red string and linked it to my
picture."Now this looks so much better."
I chuckled and shook my head. "Ok now back to business."
I pointed the picture at the top on the pyramid of the Bratva
family."This is the Godfather the leader of the Corsicans.A
French mafia organization.The Corsicans and us signed a pact
not to stay out of each others ways so he isn't a problem.The
only important thing is that he is the leader to all of us because
he has some sort of leverage on us but that isn't important right
now.Then there is Zakone Bratva.He is the Pakhan of the
family.It is Russian for the boss.Its a title,like I'm called the
General.He controls four criminal cells in the working unit of
the Bratva family.Zakone,the Pakhan is the backbone of this
entire family."
I pointed another picture just below Zakone."And this is the
Brigadier.He is called Ranger but I prefer to call him
Brigadier.He is the second in command.He is like the captain in
charge.The Brigadier is an intermediary.So to meet Zakone the
Pakhan of the Bratva family, you will have to meet his Brigadier
first.The problem is Zakone rarely see visitors.He is a paranoid
recluse who barely steps outside the gates of his estate."
She sighed. "How is all this linked to my mother?And what is
the divine move?"
I pointed at another pyramid which had pictures of Asian
faces."Now listen to where this is going.This is the Yakuza
family.They are a Japanese mafia family.They do not consist of
one group though.Rather there are many syndicate groups that
together form one organized crime family.You see these ones
with tattoos all over their bodies?" She nodded.
"They are called the Yamaguchi-gumi clan.Like another family,
they all have a feud.This is the most hated clan and there are
the ones your mother is working with.She is not working alone
because she knows she can't defeat me alone.She joined forces
with some other mafia family then I will have to do the same to
make this fair and square.Now our divine move is that,it is in
our favour that this Yamaguchi-gumi clan is a sworn enemy of
the Bratva.For a long time all the Pakhans of the Bratva family
tried to get to them but failed throughout the years.I will be
offering Zakone an opportunity to settle scores with the
Yakuza's while defeating Paloma at the same time.We have a
common enemy here so we will work together."
She nodded and looked at me thoughtfully."This is more
serious than I thought.I thought it was just a small feud but
man was I wrong.So how are we gonna get to him?You did say
he is a paranoid recluse.Not a confident Pakhan if you ask me."
I led her back to the pistol that had caught her attention."Just
like me,he got a thing for rare antic weapons.I'm putting out
the word that I'm selling one from my own collection."I took
out the pistol.
"This is a French lock, turnover pistol from 1845."
She gasped. "You lie!"
"I'm serious.It will attract Zanoke's attention."
She smiled."Let's see if the paranoid Pakhan wants to add
another gun to his collection."


"He just landed in New York and he is attending an opera just a

three hours drive from here."
I said and Ingrid's eyes lit up with excitement.I put out the word
like I said I would and it reached the Bratva's Pakhan.I knew the
pistol would be a honey trap he couldn't resist.Three days after
I put out the word,he graced us with his presence.Only Ingrid
and I knew about this plan and we mostly discussed it in the
'museum'.No one suspected anything.They just thought we
were having lots of sex.Well yea we did, but we were putting
our plan into motion as well.
"So we are going to this opera?" She jumped in excitement.
"No I'm going alone.This is too dangerous cariño.He is a
Pakhan,I'm a General.We are two different leaders and we are
powerful in our own rights.Anything might happen because in
meetings like these,its about showing who is more powerful
than the other."
"I said I'm coming with you."
I tried to reason with her but like any other day I gave in to
her.She had her own way of convincing me.We spent the rest
of the day preparing for the opera.My men didn't understand
why I was suddenly interested in that sort of a thing.Reaper
even joked about it,saying I had became a romantic fool but the
opera was not gonna cut it.If only they knew.
During the evening we arrived at the opera house.I didn't want
to attract much attention to myself but it was just
impossible.We stood in the lobby of the opera house and all
eyes were on us,especially Ingrid.The gold gown she was
wearing complimented the maroon colors of the opera's
manor.She looked elegant and was naturally a head-turner with
her beauty.This was also my first public appearance with
her,people were just curious about the woman in my arm.We
walked inside and joined the crew.The floor was littered with
aristocrats, nobles,socialites and elites of the high criminal
society.Obviously,anyone who was this rich made their money
illegally, one way or the other.We went to our secluded balcony
and sat there with my men surrounding us.A symphony played
on the stage,accompanied by a large grand piano that looked as
ancient as the rest of the opera house.The manor had been
restored but most of its original work had been left
alone.Ingrid's attention was on the orchestra on the stage.She
seemed fascinated by their skills in playing the brasses.As
expected a few minutes later Brigadier stepped in shortly,
escorted by his men.I knew Zakone didn't have the balls to
show face in public.Brigadier had secluded another opposite
balcony at the top as well,which would make a perfect place for
this meeting.It was a private but it was also public.The lights
were lowered and the show began.I left Beast and some of our
men with Ingrid as I made my way to Brigadier.He knew about
this meeting because his men didn't try to stop me when I
reached at his balcony.I sat down and we remained silent as the
opera continued on the background,the singers projecting their
voices to unbelievable high crescendos.
"Zakone didn't have the guts to show his face.He really is
paranoid."I said with a chuckle.Obviously the men didn't like
my remark but couldn't do anything about it anyway.
"Its Pakhan to you." Brigadier said with his eyes fixed on the
"He is your Pakhan not mine.Anyway let's cut to the chase.I
want to meet him.He can choose the location."
"I'm the intermediary." He responded coldly.
"And I don't give a fuck about that.I want to meet Zakone
tomorrow.Its a peaceful meeting.If he can't meet me then the
deal is off."I stood up and fixed my suit jacket.
He sipped from his glass and looked sternly at me."Fine
tomorrow it is.We will send you the address."
He looked over at the balcony where Ingrid was."Is she the
reason you're on war with El-Lobo?"
I gave him a death stare. "Stay out of matters that doesn't
concern you." With that said I went back to mí cariño.
We stayed for the next two hours until the show was
over.Ingrid was so into the show but I was bored as fuck.This
wasn't my kind of environment but because she loved it,I had
to endure.She paid for that though.When we got home I fucked
her till she couldn't feel her knees.


"You're in over your head if you think we should meet the

Russian Pakhan without back up!!!"
Reaper didn't know the reason behind this meeting, but he was
definitely against the idea of going to the villa that Zakone was
staying at, without our men.But I wasn't stupid.
"Just go with the flow okay.Nothing is gonna go wrong."
He shook his head. "I don't wanna die dude.I'm too
young.Meeting Zakone and Brigadier without back up is a
straight up trap."
"And you think I'm stupid not to know that?Let's go."
He sighed and jumped inside our hammer. "This is me signing
my death certificate."
"Just breath." I shook my head and drove off.
After a few hours we were in the lounge of the villa Zakone was
staying at.It has been several minutes since we arrived but
weren't even offered some scotch.Not that I wanted it
anyway.Bodyguards swarmed the entire place,armed to the
teeth,but I didn't care.It was only a matter of minutes before
this meeting occured.It was the deal of the century.After
several minutes more men entered.Large muscular men.They
were dressed in black.Almost all of them had tattoos and scars
on their faces.Zakone walked in.I sized him up.He was a big
guy.At least a 6'4.Almost like me but he needed a little more
muscle.He had the Russian typical look.Red hair and pale
skin,and of course he reeked of vodka.Several men flanked
him.I recognized Brigadier only.
He looked around the room and sat down.I placed my right
ankle on top of my left knee,I was the least intimidated by his
presence.We remained silent for a while.Tensions rose high.
He then looked at Reaper. "Don't they call you the
GrimRepear?"He broke the ice.
Reaper arched his eyebrow. "They do."
"Yet you don't live up to the name.The GrimRepear is the
personification of death.He comes to collect the souls of those
whose time has come.There are different dark stories
surrounding him.I don't smell death on you,I smell fear
instead."He was trying to get Reaper to lose it but my little bro
knew better.
He chuckled. "So says the Pakhan who is paranoid to meet the
outside world.Paranoia is just the same as fear."Reaper shot
Zakone didn't have the come back for that.His gaze moved to
me. "What is it that you could offer me that I can't obtain on
my own?I'm the Pakhan,General.There is nothing beyond my
reach.Even now I now everything of you and yet you know
nothing of me.Only whispers that are shared in the dark by
people who are afraid of me."
I chuckled. "You give yourself too much credit Zakone.And I
don't need to know about you because I don't care."
"Pakhan." He corrected.
"Zakone." I said again,annoying him further.
"Anyway I have a French lock turnover pistol crafted in the mid
19th century."
"Where is it?" He asked with greed written all over his face.
"Not so fast.Curiosity killed the cat." Reaper said with a scoff.
The men immediately took out their guns and aimed the barrels
at us.I was not even moved by the fact that there were bullets
inside the barrels of those pistols and rifles they were holding.
"This is supposed to be a peaceful meeting." Reaper said.
Zakone smirked. "I agreed to meeting and not to peace.Not
smart to come alone."
I chuckled and smirked back. "What makes you think we came
On cue headlights flashed as cars pulled into the
roundabout.The engines were audible until they were killed
right in front the villa.My men exited the cars and several
hammers followed in behind.They stepped out of the hammers
all heavily armed and wearing bulletproof vests.A woman
walked up the hallway,flanked by several men.When her figure
was highlighted by the light of the porch ,I smiled as I could see
her sexiness clearly. Showing a perfectly contoured face,silver-
grey eyes that held fierceness and skin so smooth and golden
that it resembled honey,was the woman I have been buried
balls deep before I came to meet this bastard.My heart raced
but for a different reason altogether.Very elegant she wore a
tailored royal blue suit that contrasted the color of her eyes in a
good way.Small diamonds dangled from her ears.Another pair
decorated her fingers.She wore a bracelet with the same
flawless diamonds,hundreds of thousands of dollars to add to
her collection.Fur covered her shoulders. She owned the room
like she always did.Her sky-high heels clicked,grabbing
everyone's attention.Zakone's included.
"Did I miss roll coll?Ohh sorry, present." She waved her
hand.Smiling,she stalked towards me and bent over,giving me a
deep kiss.After a few seconds she pulled back and fixed her fur.
"You brought a woman into my home?!" Zakone said with
anger and a hint of disbelief.
"Not just any woman.We brought a heroine." Reaper said.
Brigadier laughed sarcastically. "So you're having bitches doing
your job now.Are you that spineless?!"
Ingrid shot him a look. "What did you just call me?!"
Brigadier scoffed and walked over her, carrying his weight. "A
bitch.What are you?Are you anything better?"
I remained relaxed knowing that he was definitely going to pay
for calling her a bitch.She chuckled and before Brigadier could
anticipate her moves,she moved her hand to his crotch and
gripped on side of his sac through his slacks.Then she
squeezed,sinking her claws into his balls.Brigadier groaned in
pain and everyone was just too shocked to move.Zakone had
his eyes popped out and Reaper suppressed a laugh.Brigadier's
face went red and he tried to push away her wrist to free his
balls, but when he tried to push her down,her finger tips inched
closer and tighter.She was like a crab.The more you tried to get
free,the harder she squeezed.
"I have all the time in the world and I'm going to teach you
about respect.From where I come from there is something we
call gender equality.Men and women are equals.You respect a
woman just as much as you respect a man.It doesn't matter if it
is the underworld or the real world,you respect everyone
equally.Now repeat after me,gender equality."
She held his full sac and squeezed.Failing to hold it in Brigadier
roared in pain.
"G-gender ...e-equality."
"I'm Ingrid Morena.Feel free to remember my name in the
future because we are going to meet again.And you will have to
remember my name.What did I say my name was big
bear?"She sank in her claws and Brigadier was close to
crying.Zakone pressed his legs together obviously feeling the
pain Brigadier was going through.
"I-Ingrid.Y-your name is Ingrid Morena." Brigadier stammered
and Ingrid released him.He had a permanent painful boner and
his face was red.He couldn't walk and his men took him out.
"Good.Nice to meet you Brigadier." She turned to Zakone with
a smile like she didn't just grabbed the balls of a man twice her
size.She offered him her hand.
"And nice meeting you the Bratva's Pakhan.I'm honoured."
Zakone stood up and took her hand.He placed a kiss at the back
of her hand and sat down."I have heard rumours about you,but
I thought they were exaggerated.I have never met a woman
like you.A woman who fights and doesn't shy away from a man
twice her size.You stand up for yourself when people disrespect
you.You're a rare gem and I respect you for that."He looked at
me with his cold look slowly wearing off.
"She is for keeps."
"I know." I smiled.Ingrid sat besides me and ordered one of our
men with a wave.The guy walked out and came back with a
glass box.Inside the box sat the pistol on the red velvet
cloth.The second Zakone's eyes spotted the box,his eyes
widened with greed.Like it was a bomb that could explode any
second, my men handled it with care.Zakone wasn't the kind of
a man that needed money,but he liked to collect valuable
things nonetheless.He stared at the pistol for a moment and
looked back at me.
"Gentleman, what we are looking at here,is a French turnover
pistol crafted in the mid 19th century like I have said.It was a
gift from Louis the 14th to a prominent French family. It has
only been fired once.It was passed down from the prominent
French family till it came to the possession of my own
family.Now its in my hands."
"How much is this worth?I'm willing to buy it at whatever
price." He drooled over it.
"My requirements are small.I want you to eliminate some men
for me."
He smiled. "You want me to get my hands dirty for you?"
"Whichever way you wanna take it.I want your men to
eliminate the Yakuza's, more specifically the Yamaguchi-gumi
clan.They are working with my enemy Paloma.I don't want her
dead though,leave her to me.Its just a little price comparing to
the worth of this pistol."
He nodded. "I hear you.So why are you fighting El-Lobo?Isn't
she like your mother in law.Family feud?" He looked at Ingrid.
"You can say that.But just do your job and you never
know,maybe we will be good friends in the future." I said.
He smiled. "Okay you got yourself a deal."
He was about to open the box when Ingrid held it first.
"Not so fast." She said.She asked me to dissemble the pistol
from it's original state and I did just that.She gave the barrel to
Zakone and took the rest of the parts.
"There is a lot from where this comes from.You double-cross us
then all you will have its a barrel.Keep the end of your deal first
and then you will have the rest of the gun emailed to you."
Zakone chuckled. "Now I understand why you brought her
here.It was nice doing business with you.I will keep my end of
the deal,now that I have something to think about." He waved
the barrel and stood up.We exchanged a handshake.

For four moths Paloma and I battled each other.I brought new
agents on all sides,especially the ones trying to dig in on us.I
had the agents who monitored the situation at the
agencies.The DEA,FBI,CIA and Interpol were on to us but their
hands were tied.Their boards littered with pictures of
Paloma,the Bratva,the Yakuza's and me.They knew that there
was a war going on because bodies were piling up but they
didn't know what to do about it.They attempted to piece
together the origins of the war and ways to stop it but to no
avail.The Russians' KGB alleged that the war dealt with
drugs.The CIA jumped in claiming that the battle had begun
over the problem of territories.They never understood how we
operated.It was just a walking cane and the title that was
causing this war.Zakone kept the end of his deal and sent his
men to deal with the Yakuza's.A lot of them were killed.I had
sent a lot of faces and body parts to Paloma's camp.All her
allies in Japan and Russia were killed.The ones in Mexico
remained untouched but I was getting to them the following
week.Ingrid and I made the Rodriguez family a powerhouse.For
the first time in ages,the family was feared on its on without
the backup of the Ivashk or Vellutini.Some of the weaker mafia
units hid when we snuck into their towns.They were unsure of
how El-Lobo had disrespected me,the General, so they did not
want to further insult.Paloma's net was closing in because now
she was playing in an orthodox manner and we were going
aggressive on her,not giving her time to breath.Ingrid knew her
mother very well and she was right,Paloma's moves were
predictable.And I knew I had caught her off guard when I
teamed with the Bratva's Pakhan, Zakone.I wasn't getting my
hands dirty this time around.That was my divine move.The out
of the box move.

HIS SOFT LIPS MOVED WITH MINE,instilling the same desire

within me just by touch.His mouth moved a little faster,picking
up the pace for the both of us.He sucked my bottom lip before
his tongue moved into my mouth and greeted mine into an
erotic dance.He ran his hands lightly up her spine and I gave
one of the little shivers of delight and leaned closer.I was
aroused and ready to go again.His unique flavour was so exotic
and it drew me into some kind of sensual fog.Like an addict, I
couldn't seem to tear my lips away.But finally we had to both
come up for air.My breathing was unsteady and I struggled for
cool and clear sanity.He always had a way to make me lose it.
"I have some work to finish cariño,just give me a few minutes.I
have to block your mother's last attempt for a win."He
suggested,tearing his gaze away and returning his focus to his
PC."In the meantime I have ordered breakfast for you my
darling for..." He perked my lips."....fifteen minutes."
"So we have fifteen minutes.Work can wait.My mother and her
bullshit can wait." I grinned mischievously and closed his PC.
He chuckled. "You're going to drain my semen.Cariño this is
abuse.You're trouble you know that."
"So you have said." I smiled seductively.He grabbed around my
waist,swung me up and hoisted me onto the table and spread
my thighs apart.The glass table arrangement rocked unsteadily
behind me.
"Don't stop."
"Don't intend to." He slammed into me without warning.I
gasped and moaned at the same time.He dragged my ass to the
edge of the table and I clenched my hot wet heat around his
cock.He began thrusting slowly and teasingly.I leaned back on
my elbows,offering and demanding.
"Yes... faster." My vision hazed,my body shuddered and I heard
him cuss,violently,before he plunged again aggressively.The
impact drove the air from both our lungs.My hands clung to his
sweat-damp shoulders and my hips arched to meet his
thrusts.It wasn't slow and gentle that morning,Raphael's
control was all over the place and I didn't want it either.I
wanted fast,uninhibited abandon. That was what he gave
me.Mindless,aggressive passion.Flesh met flesh,every harsh
breath expelled matched the fierce pace we had set.He drove
me up harder and faster until I came aggressively. I collapsed
against the table,its glass surface cool against my damp back.He
slowly pulled himself out of me,with his cum dripping down my
"You okay?" I nodded.
"Let's go shower." I nodded again and he chuckled carrying me
to the bathroom.I felt him move behind me into the shower
stall.Its generous size accommodated more than two people.
"Place your palms flat on the tiles in front of you." He ordered.I
did as told,using my one good hand.Anticipation quivered
through me.He walked out of the shower and came back a few
minutes later.Then he stroked something cold and slippery over
the back of my neck.I squealed with the unexpected pleasure of
hot and cold.
"Is that ice.." I trailed off because I was now concentrating on
the ice mingling with hot spray as he stroked lower,all the way
down my spine,slowing to massage a tight circle at the small of
my back, then down at the back of my legs,lingering sensitive
areas behind my knees.And back all the way up to my
moist,warm and tender place.He crunched another cube
between his teeth, then he was sucking on my shoulder,ear
lobe,neck,with icy lips and tongue.His other hand continued to
rub the slippery coldness on my honey pot.I moaned his name
as I felt myself grew more wetter and warm.
"Spread your legs for me." He murmured. I squirmed as the
warm hardness of his body continued to surround me.At the
same time he continued skating swirling patterns of ice over my
skin.Hot and cold slippery sensations. I felt the heat starting to
build up,deep in my belly and spiraled upwards.
He knelt. "Lean back and hold on to the back of my neck." He
ordered again,his lips moving over my thighs,going closer and
"Yes..." I wrapped my right arm tight around the back of his
head.His ice-chilled lips kissed my hot moistened flaps.His cold
tongue,combined with his hot breaths was enough to gave me
an amazing climax.My muscles clenched around his tongue and
I fisted his hair tightly that I'm sure it hurt but he didn't seem to
"Fuck I love you." I screamed out again.
He stood up and rested his forehead on mine."Say it again.Look
at me and say it cariño."
"I love you Raphael."I said it loudly without any doubt or
hesitation. I knew I loved him.I always did.He smiled and kissed


"Let's go together to meet Zakone then we will go to the

vineyard afterwards.I don't wanna go without you."
I didn't understand why I was so unnerved this particular day,
but I was suddenly alerted by some dark instinct.Something
was going to go wrong that day.Terribly wrong.I felt somehow
vulnerable when he wasn't by my side so I was against the idea
of us going separate ways.
He fixed his suit jacket and cupped my face. "Cariño,I'm just
meeting Zakone for thirty minutes.You can go to the vineyard in
the meantime.You will be with Hunter and some of the
men.You will be safe.After the meeting I will come straight at
the vineyard.We will taste the wines and then we will fly back
to New York.Everything is gonna be alright."
I stared into his face and noticed the brightness in his
eyes.After a long four months of fighting a war with my
mother,he didn't appear the least bit tired.Everyday he looked
like he had just woke up from a great night of sleep,with no
worries at all.
We were in Mexico and he was meeting Zakone at one of the
villas he was staying in.They wanted to execute my mother's
last Mexican ally.
"Be safe okay."
"You too.I will meet you in no time.You won't even notice my
absence." He kissed my forehead.We left the villa in separate
cars and went our separate ways.After meeting Zakone he
wanted us to spend the rest of our day at one of his vineyards
in Mexico which was like a four hour drive from his villa.The
reason why I decided to go there instead of waiting for him to
come back first was because the girls were waiting for
me.Apparently they were in Mexico too.In the past few days
the girls and the guys were so secretive.I suspected they were
up to something.
I left in a hammer and three other cars which had at least thirty
men.Due to the steamy sessions I had with Raphael earlier, I
slept during the first two hours of the journey.I woke up when
suddenly the car came to a sharp halt with a jolt.I looked up
and saw old military trucks were blocking the road.The men in a
motley array of military gears walked towards the car holding
guns.All were beaded and wore helmets.
"Hunter we okay?" I looked at him.
He smirked. "Definitely." Without hesitating he pointed his
pistol to the drivers head and squeezed the trigger. The driver
fell against the steering wheel as blood gushed everywhere.It
happened so fast before I could even anticipate his moves.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted.He grabbed my ankle
and took out a pocket knife.I tried fighting him but it was only
useless with how powerful he was and he hit me on the
forehead with the back of his gun,it made me feel dizzy.He sank
the knife in my ankle and curved out a small device.It was a
tracker I didn't know I had.It must have been installed right
next to a vein because I bled a lot.Afterwards,he opened the
door and yanked me out of the car.Most of our men were down
and dead,it happened so fast.A few that were still standing, all
had their barrels aimed at me.
"What the hell is going on here?You working with my
He chuckled. "Just get in the damn track."
"What the hell did she promise you huh?! If she told you that
she is doing this for the greater good then she lied to you.Don't
do this.The only greater good my mother strives for is her
"We don't wanna fight you but the boss said we can rough you
up a little bit." Hunter said with a sick grin on his face.
I sighed feeling helpless.There was nothing I could do,I was
outnumbered "Do me a favour Hunter.Stay safe for me because
I'm going to kill you myself when all of this is over."
"You're a dead woman now Ingrid.Raphael is not going to find
you because we are going to mislead him.We have your
doppelganger to buy us some time.He is going to follow her and
not you.By the time he realises he is being fooled,it will be too
He roughly held my chin.And another truck was opened,
exposing a woman who was wearing the same clothes as
mine,same hair,same body and height.She was tied with ropes
and had a black hood covering her head.You could actually
mistake her for me.
"What the hell?!"
One man immediately slipped a hood over my head,handcuffed
me, picked me up and threw me at the back of one of the
trucks.My arms were flailing and I tried to fight off the man
who was carrying me but it was useless.He dumped me in the
truck and jumped in after me,and the truck started to move.It
all happened so quickly that there was nothing I could have
done.Besides,I was outnumbered.The drive was a rough one
and my head bumped on the floor of the truck as it bounced
along at a very dangerous speed.The guys who jumped in with
me put their full weight on me with their boots.One of them
kicked me and I let out a sharp sound in pain.They spoke in a
language I couldn't recognize and I couldn't hear them properly
because the heavy black hood,made from blanket,muffled their
words.I tried to be calm as I could be under the circumstances
but the men's boots pressing me down
the cuffs cutting into my skin and the suffocating hood over my
head made things difficult.I could smell the spicy odor of
unwashed male bodies and sweat,it permeated the
truck,making me feel like throwing up but I wouldn't dare.I
nearly passed out.
After what seemed like forever the truck finally stopped and I
heard men's voices and the sound of people running.Then I was
lifted and dropped hard on the ground like I was nothing.I
didn't have any shoes on and my ankle hurt like a bitch.I
groaned in pain.I lay there unable to move with cuffs binding
me.I was dying of thirst and I had the desperate need to pee.I
was now soaked in sweat and I was badly dehydrated.I was
hungry too but that need was secondary to the thirst that was
consuming me.There was dirt from the hood in my mouth and I
could barely breath from the thickness of it.
"Put her inside." I heard a man's voice but couldn't recognize
who it belonged to.
Someone held my arms roughly and I wiggled in their hold.
"Bitch I will kill you." The voice had an accent.His breath
washed over me despite the hood,bringing with it the odor of
vodka and cabbage.
I hate Russians.They reek of vodka and cabbage.Russians! They
were definitely Russians!
"What the hell?!" My own voice was muffled too.I was lifted off
the ground again and carried at a short distance then dumped
in a constrained cold space.I heard a sound of heavy lid
dropped on top of the space where I lay.I could hardly breath
and it was so cold.Then the realization dawned on me,I was in a
fucking freezer.I could not move and it was hard to
breathe.Slowly I felt the sudden urge to sleep.I drifted in and
out of consciousness as I lay in the darkness and cold
space,with the hood still over my head.Slowly I succumbed to
the dark oblivion.
The next moment when I opened my eyes, I couldn't recognize
my surroundings because of the darkness.I tried to raise my
right arm but I was terrified to find that I couldn't.I tried to
move my legs too but I couldn't.I couldn't move my body,it was
frozen and stiff.The only part of me that was moving was my
pounding heart.I took a moment and breathed.I tried again and
the sound of metal jiggling filled the darkness.I was chained.I
tried to fight it but only winced in pain when the cold metal bit
into my skin.My hands and legs were manacled to a cage.I was
shackled in a cage like an animal!My vision swam with dizziness
and my head titled against the bars of the cage as I tried to
keep my eyes open.After a while I heard footsteps approaching
and suddenly I wasn't in the dark anymore.The dim light was
on.My eyes snapped open,I adjusted for a second,then I stared
right into his eyes.XAVIER!!!
He was standing right in front of me.He was so close that we
were exchanging breaths.
"Welcome back baby doll.Did you really think I wouldn't get you
back?Did you really think I would let you get away with what
you did at the island?"He said in my ear,his tongue licking down
my neck.I frowned in disgust and tried to tilt my head to the
other side.
"You bastard!!!I will fucking kill you!!!" I wiggled in the
chains,trying to break free.Which was impossible.Seeing him
again made me want to puke.I hated him with every fibre in
His fingers wrapped around my hair and he fisted it roughly.I
winced as my scalp burned like fire.He laughed like a lunatic he
"Hmm look who has grown some balls around here.You let him
fuck you.You slept with him when I was with you,in my damn
estate.Did you forget that you're mine alone?! It looks like I will
have to remind you."
He walked backwards and sat down on the chair placed in the
middle of the room.I scanned my surroundings,the room was
practically empty.There was only the cage I was in,in the middle
and what looked like a freezer at the far corner.It was definitely
the one they constrained me in earlier.
"Recognize the place?I'm sure he didn't bring you to this one."
He asked with a sick grin on his face.He really was sick upstairs.
"Anyway I will tell you this for free.This is the basement of the
warehouse in one of Raphael's horse ranches.He abandoned
the horse ranch a long time ago.He probably forgot about
it.Talk about hiding in plain sight.I know my brother is probably
going to start looking for you in Russia and Italy.He won't even
think about this place ever." He got off the chair and moved so
He grabbed my chin roughly."You ruined my plan.Babydoll look
at me.Everything I have done is for us.For you.I have always
protected you and kept you safe.My enemies couldn't get to
you.I loved you and I still do my dear.Only that my love for you
is dark.It scares me sometimes."
"You need to get your head checked Xavier.I'm not going to
give you the pleasure of whatever you're seeking.You say you
love me but you chain me and cage me like a fucking
animal.What the hell is that about?!" My voice echoed in
"I'm punishing you,that's what its about.You need to watch that
tone when you talk to me and you better drop that attitude.I'm
going to punish you into submission.No one is going to save you
from me babydoll.Even your dear General is not going to find
you.He is not coming for you because he is never going to find
where you are.Now you're safe with me.You're mine again.I
have been planning this for months now and all my hard work
finally paid off.When my brother was focused on the war with
your mother.I took that as an opportunity to put my plan into
action.For a while he forgot about my existence.Hunter was
ready to help and you know why? He is tired of the General as
well.He is tired of being ordered around like useless fool.And
trust me on this,the first person he is going to suspect is your
mother.It won't really work in her favour either because she is
not in good books with the General.She played me too and she
is gonna pay.Everyone who messes with me meets the same
fate.They suffer!!!"He grabbed my thigh roughly, his fingers
digging into my skin,leaving his handprint.
"It will be torturous for that brother of mine to know that I will
be fucking you as I please.Of course I will make sure he
knows,after he unleashes his rage to your mother.Its going to
kill him.You see my brother became a committed and
monogamous asshole when he met you.Which was fascinating
because he used to be buried deep between a woman's legs
every night of the week.You actually mean shit to him and now
that I have you,it will hurt him to the point of no return.He will
feel the same pain I felt when he had Cinzía kill my wife like she
was just livestock.She was pregnant and I lost my son thanks to
him.I love you Ingrid but you will also be his price to pay.He will
suffer the pain of loosing you.I'm going to fuck you and remind
you who exactly you belong to.I'm going to take and take and
take,until you have nothing else to give. "He ripped my already
toned dress,leaving me in only my thong and bustier.
"You wore this for him.Interesting" He said looking at me with
eyes filled with lust.
I spat on his face. "You're sick, you disgusting psychotic
bastard."The back of his hand smacked across my face and my
head knocked on the wire of the cage I was in.
"Sometimes its hard to know who is really the villain.Its why it
makes some of the stories so captivating.Don't make me a bad
guy Ingrid because this time around I'm the good guy
babydoll.You should know which side to pick and you picked
the wrong one.Raphael is the villain.He is the one responsible
for all of this.Well you also have your fair share.You teamed up
with him.You thought you were a Charlie's angel?!You're going
to get punished for that.And its all yours and that assholes'
He pressed my head roughly on the wire.I grunted in pain as
agony pierced through my head and neck.He gripped my hair
again and shook me vigorously.His fist then made contact with
my face and I heard something crack.Probably my jaw.I didn't
cry because that would only feed his ego and give him
pleasure.My lip had cracked from the punch and I tasted my
own blood.
At the back of my head a voice kept on chanting like a
mantra."You're the villain's heroine, you're strong.You're the
villain's heroine,you're strong.You're the villain's heroine,you're
"Is that all you got." I smiled.
He licked my face. "You know I have considered killing you after
I lose interest but I think I have planned something else for
you.I can actually make money out of you?"
"What the hell are you talking about?" I felt like strangling the
life out of him but that was impossible with me chained like
He laughed and gripped my hair again."I'm going to sell you to
the highest bidder. You betrayed me.This is all your fault.You're
making me do this.I fucking love you."He said against my neck
as he ripped my bustier and thong.Leaving me naked.I couldn't
do anything not with the chains wrapped around me so
tightly.He took out a foil wrapper.
"I don't want to fuck my way through his cum.It disgust me."He
roughly pushed my thighs apart and after wearing the latex,he
slammed inside of me aggressively. He never lasted when he
used to fuck me but this time around it was different.I'm sure
he was on some pills.He pounded his cock inside of me
repeatedly, his fingers wrapped around my throat.He was like a
possessed beast.With the hunger,thirst and exhaustion I
couldn't remain stronger no matter how much I tried.I have
been kept in the freezer with a hood over my head,I have
bumped on the floor of the truck several times and now I was
being raped, chained to a cage like an animal, it was hurting
everywhere.I felt disconnected until I slipped into darkness for
a while.My eyes felt heavy and I struggled to open them.When I
managed to open them he was done with me and was sitting
on the chair enjoying the view.
"Once I'm free from all this I'm going to make you pay.I'm going
to pour boiled water on your dick.Then I'm going to cut it in
pieces and I'm going to make you eat it.Trust me on that."
He dramatically clutched his chest.
"Uh-oh lovey that's so dark.You think you're going to escape
this?Then you're probably more delusional than I thought."
I laughed weakly and I knew it annoyed him.If he was expecting
me to cry then he was sadly mistaken."You're not going to
break me Xavier.Try as much as you want but I get my strength
from the pain.One day I'm just gonna remember this and
say,this made me stronger.You're going to be a testimony
Xavier.You're not going to break me.And once this is all over I'm
going to kill you in the most painful way.That is my promise to
My voice was unnaturally calm.He stared at me for a
moment,surprised by my bravery.
His laughter filled the room. "Who said anything about breaking
you Ingrid? I'm not going to break you.I'm just going to drive
you crazy.I heard they call you the heroine back at Raphael's
estate.You proved how much of Paloma's daughter you're.It
will be hard to break your spirit but I think I have something
equally strong that can do the magic on the first hit.Heroine
what do you think about heroin,do you think its gonna do the
"You want to drug me?!" I shouted as loud as I could.
"I'm considering it.I mean its actually a good idea.I won't have
to fuck you chained to the cage like that.Once I inject you with
the first dose of heroin,you're going to get addicted on the first
few hits.Then you will do everything willingly. You will suck my
dick willingly and you will open your legs for me without being
forced and do you know why?You will do everything to get your
fix.So babydoll,like I promised I'm going to toy with you till its
stops exciting me.When you became a useless shell of the
woman you used to be,I will sell you for a cheap price.Even if he
finds you,it will be pointless.I actually think by next week,he will
be buried between someone's legs.If you think you're special to
him then you are sadly mistaken.The only thing that will be
bruised is his ego."The smile on his face made my stomach roll
until I gagged,feeling like throwing up.
My eyes rolled into my head as I failed to keep them open.But
even through the agony, I thought of Raphael.He was probably
being misled by Hunter, that bastard! I also knew that this place
I was being held hostage at,was the last one he was going to
think of.It was his own ranch like Xavier had said and obviously
he wouldn't suspect that I was being held hostage at one of his
own place.I gotta give it to Xavier.Smart move on this one.
"Fighting me is going to make this worse.I get off on this sort of
a thing.So don't try to fight me."His voice made me snap my
eyes open, as open as they could be with how heavy my eyelids
felt.He unlocked my chains and I fell right on the ground. I
couldn't move,I was cold and stiff.
"You're mine." He hissed before walking out.
I was so cold that I trembled so hard and it felt like my insides
were shaking.I reached for my ripped dress and tried to cover
myself.It was shocking how my day just had a wrong turn like
that.To think that I started my day with a man I loved buried
deep inside of me, seemed like a dream.
"You're the villain's heroine,you're strong."That voice started to
chant as I lay there,shivering in and out of sleep.
I don't know for how long I laid there but it didn't take long for
me to wake up gasping for air and shivering.Someone poured
ice cold water on me.I was no longer alone in the room.Some
gunmen formed a circle around the cage.There was nothing
much I could do.My dignity was shredded into pieces.The man
who I assumed poured the water on me kicked a bowl towards
"May not be the luxurious dinner you have at Raphael's estate
but its delicious than what anyone here eats.You shouldn't
waste it.Eat." He ordered.I sat up and stared at the bowl a few
feet away from me.Without wasting time I crawled and reached
for it,only because I needed the food.When I was about to take
the bowl he kicked it again.
"I'm so going to kill you." I said with my weak voice.All of them
roared in laughter but I meant it.I was going to kill him.I finally
took the bowl and ate the tasteless food.It would do for now.I
really needed the energy.
"Can I have some water." I said.He waved one of the men
over.He brought a cup.The guy who brought the food poured
the water on me.
"Oops." They laughed again.
I looked at the bucket on the corner.That was probably my
ensuite.I had the need to pee but I held it in.I was humiliated
enough already.

"INGRID WAS TAKEN." Hunter's voice echoed in my head.There

was a terrible unreality to those words.It couldn't be real.The
room swam around me as I tried to digest what he had just
said.I felt cold and my feet were rooted in place refusing to
move.There was a serious ache in my chest.Swallowing past the
lump in my throat,I took a step forward and tried to walk but I
"What did you just say?" I asked in a choked voice feeling as
though I was moving underwater.I slumped into the chair
unable to control the pain in my chest.I looked at Hunter and
he went onto his knees while holding his bleeding hand.His face
was swollen and purplish as proof of his struggle.
He bowed his head and placed his gun in front of him.A posture
of submission. "General,I have failed you and I failed your
heroine too.You have every right to take my life."
With trembling hands I took his gun. "You are right.I can take
your life right now but I will not do so.At least not until we find
her.She will be the one to say how she wants you to be
punished.For now you will have to explain how everything went
down.We need to get to her before anything serious
happens.Stand up Hunter."I ordered.
"Carlos track her down right now.Whoever took her couldn't
have gone far."I couldn't let myself get weak at this point.She
needed me and I had to act fast.
I ignored the serious ache in my chest and rubbed a hand
tiredly over my face. "Reaper,call in other men.We are leaving
as soon as we get Ingrid's location."He nodded and ran out.
I looked at Hunter and ordered one of my men to bring me a
first aid kit.Pablo would take long to arrive and his wound
would be infected by then. "I will take the bullet out and stitch
the wound so long." I wore the gloves and took out a surgical
He groaned in pain as I held his hand and made a cut on his
wound. "Start talking Hunter. What happened?"
He took a few deep breaths and started explaining as I took out
the bullet.
"We were driving to the vineyard.A few hours on the way,we
saw some military trucks blocking the road.Its like whoever
planned this,knew everything inside out because they had quite
a number of men.We were outnumbered.They killed the driver
of the car I was in with Ingrid.I told Ingrid to stay in the car but
you know how she is.She took a gun and jumped out.It was a
crossfire and our men were killed.And when they were about to
shoot her that's when I jumped in.I was shot on my arm and I
couldn't do anything so they dragged her to one of the trucks.I
blacked out before they drove off.The guys were beaded and
wearing helmets.This is written Paloma all over it.She has
insiders in our men, and that could explain how easily she knew
where we were going."
I stitched his wound and took off the gloves.I looked sternly at
him and shook my head. "I don't believe you.I don't believe a
word you said."
He looked at me shocked,with his gaze unflinching. "What do
you mean?I'm telling the truth."
"I never said you were lying." I closed the first aid kit.
"So what are you saying General?I'm telling you how everything
went down."
I shook my head. "When you were explaining and I was taking
the bullet out of your arm,I was reading your pulse.It never
went up.It never went down.It was steady, the whole damn
time.You didn't flinch.You didn't stutter.Even through the pain
of the gunshot,you explained everything in vivid detail like you
practised it again and again.You were way too calm even.I know
you Hunter,this is not how you act when there is a
shootout.You might be the calm one, but you will definitely be
riled up.And right now you aren't."
"Its because I'm telling the truth."
"Or because you're a very good liar." I grabbed his arm and
pressed my finger on his wound.It bled again,making a bloody
mess on the bandage."Come to think of it.You're the only one
who came out of this crossfire with just a gunshot wound and a
few bruises on your face.Ingrid was taken and the rest of my
men were killed.If it is Paloma who planned this,she was going
to take you along, knowing very well that you're an assert.Even
if it was anyone,they would have spared someone else and
took you as well since you're my right hand men and you're in
my inner circle.But for strange weird reason they spared
you.You're the only one who came out in this messy situation."
I pressed harder on his wound and he groaned.
"If I ever find out that you lied to me and if anything happens to
Ingrid,I'm going to take more than just a bullet out of your
body." I pushed him to the ground and ordered Beast to take
him back to the estate and keep him in our 'holding cells.'
Falcon had betrayed me.People close to me worked for my
enemies so I didn't trust Hunter one bit.My gut instinct was
telling me not to either.Something wasn't right.
"I found her!" Carlos announced.My heart leaped and I stared
on the screen.She was at some abandoned building, a few
hours from my villa in Mexico. I organised the men quickly and
we drove to the building.It didn't take long to reach the
abandoned building according to my watch,but it might as well
be years with how my anxiety was.
We walked inside the building and found her tied on the chair
with a hood over her head.Her dress was torn and she didn't
have any shoes on.My men rushed to her but I stopped on my
"What's wrong?" Reaper asked.
I clutched to my chest as the ache grew stronger. "Its not
her.We have been played."I could feel it.It wasn't her.We have
been played.All this was done to destruct us and as a way to
buy some time.
"How do you..."Before Reaper finished his question,Carlos
called us over.I couldn't move I was just stuck in one place.
"What the fuck?!" Reaper cussed looking at the woman.They
helped her up and I looked at her.She looked like her.They were
exactly the same height.They had the same build.The same full
lips.Her nose was gently sloping but bobbed,blunt at the
nostrils,just like Ingrid's. Her cheekbones wide,chin strong,and
slightly, rebelliously thrust forward just like Ingrid's.But those
eyes were different.Her's were sea blue but my Ingrid's were
silver-grey.She was too pale too and a little slender with no
muscle.She looked almost like Ingrid but she wasn't her.The
guys looked as shocked as I was.
"Please I'm sorry I don't wanna do this.Please spare me.I can't
be someone else for you please.I just wanna go home to my
family." She looked terrified.She stared at me with fear.
"What the hell is going on here?!Am I dreaming or
what?"Carlos had his eyes open with bewilderment.
I clutched to my chest, tighter this time.It was hard to breath.I
had to find her.I had to get to her.My face was pale and my
hands have been trembling since the news.I staggered, unable
to control the pain in my chest.It was excruciating.
"I think he is having a heart attack."A voice echoed before I
blacked out.


The next moment when I opened my eyes,I was in my bed.I was

back in New York.An IV was in my arm and monitors on wheels
were connected to my bed.A blood pressure cuff tightened on
my arm uncomfortably.Then I remembered that we haven't
found Ingrid yet and it was probably a day since she was
taken.My blood boiled under my skin,promoting me to go out
there and kill until I find her.I embraced the darkness inside of
me and allowed the monster to take over.I got off the bed and
removed everything connected to my body.While I was
changing into my military pants and boots, Reaper walked in.
"Bro your blood pressure is high,like crazy high.You have been
out for a day.You need to calm the fuck down.Something
serious could have happened to you.You scared the shit out of
all of us.Your stress level is high.You need to slow down."
I wore my T-shirt.Its been long since I wore this kind of outfit."I
have been out for a day! I need to find her.I can't stay in bed
and do nothing."
I said my voice hoarse from the effort of keeping my emotions
in check.I tucked my pistol in my waistband and walked out
with Reaper on my tail.When I walked inside my office
everyone went dead quiet.
"I'm going to kill Paloma.Did you find anything on her?" My
voice boomed in the room.
"She is not the one behind this." Perla's voice echoed in the
room.Only then did I acknowledge her presence.
"How do you know?Your sister is capable of doing anything to
get her way." Reaper asked,clenching his jaws in rage.
"Why would she kidnap her?Ok let's say she did kidnap her.By
now she would have probably asked for the crozier in exchange
for her, but there is no word from whoever took my niece.The
person who took Ingrid, wanted her and not anything else from
you.He/she is not using her as leverage on you because they
already have they want.And who plays the game this way?Who
do you know takes chances like this?" She was making a whole
lot of sense and it finally clicked.
"Xavier has her.He is the one who took her." A sudden surge of
anger coursed through my body.Xavier had to die.But first I had
to find him.It only been a day since he took Ingrid and it felt like
"Perla since you seem to know so much,who is that
woman.Ingrid's doppelganger?" Reaper asked.
She sighed. "That's Adrianna Morena.Ingrid's cousin,from her
father's side.They are a few days apart.And Ingrid is the older
one.From the little information I have, she was sold by her
uncle Rocco.He is Lorenzo's third younger brother.That man
will do anything in his power to keep everything to himself.So
selling Adrianna was a means to get her out of his way in
claiming the legacy that rightfully belongs to the grandchildren
of the Morena family,I suppose."
"Another Mafia family?" Reaper asked.
"Paloma knows more about it and yes its a mafia family.Being a
mafia is like royalty to them.They take it way too seriously like
involving crowns,ranks,titles,thrones and everything.Rocco is a
power hungry man.My guess is Adrianna was tricked and sold
to Xavier under false pretenses.Xavier apparently tried forcing
her to act like Ingrid but the funny thing is,he didn't know how
Ingrid acts so his plan didn't work.I guess he thought fool
you,which is very stupid.Maybe he was planning to take Ingrid
and replace her with Adrianna but then another opportunity
came and he grabbed it.Adrianna might look like Ingrid but she
is not her.If you look closely they are very different."
Carlos cocked his eyebrow. "And how do you know all about
this?Especially about this Rocco guy?"
"You're not the only one who is a genius, cupcake.And this isn't
about you."Perla rolled her eyes and Carlos furrowed his
"Fine,Rocco and me had a thing when Lorenzo was dating
Paloma.The reason why Lorenzo left his family in Italy is
because he was fighting with his other three brothers over the
family's legacy.It rightfully belonged to him but Rocco wanted
to take over.Lorenzo gave it up and came to Mexico to start his
own thing.My guess is either way, Rocco couldn't claim the title
because he is the youngest brother.The title too is supposed to
be passed down in every generation.After their father it was
passed down to the other brother Lucan.Now it was supposed
to be passed to the older grandchild, which is Ingrid.But since
they don't know about her,Adrianna was the one supposed to
take over.So Rocco sold her,to get her out of the way.I'm not
saying this is exactly the situation but I'm taking a wild
guess.Now can get our minds on what's important.This Morena
family feud is not ours to deal with but we will keep Adrianna
till we find Ingrid."
"I agree.Now I understand why Ingrid is the way she is.Being a
leader is just in her blood." Reaper sighed and sat down.
"Ok right now we need to find Ingrid.Lets start with Russia.I
need you to get Zakone on the line.I want his men to look for
her.Then send some of our men to Italy."Reaper ordered while
I slammed into the chair.
He looked at me and tried to wear a brave face."We will find
her brother."
My heart was heavy and it hurt.It hurt for many different
reasons.But they all meshed together until all I felt was pain.It
hurt without Ingrid.It hurt even more knowing I couldn't
protect her at this point.We were happy the previous day.I had
made love to her.She was drenched for me.And all that was
taken away from me.I had planned a surprise for her at the
vineyard.I was going to ask her to marry me.But before I
could,she was stolen from me.I stood up and flipped my desk
over and shattered it.Everyone flinched at my outburst but
didn't dare to say a word.
Without saying anything,I gathered enough strength and
walked out.


I stared at the screen while the video played.I stared longer

than I should have,feeling my eyes burn.On the screen my
Ingrid moved around like a lost soul.She was scratching
herself,screaming and talking to herself.She was sitting on the
hard floor.Caged like an animal.There were chains around her
wrists and ankles.She was barely covered,her dress was ripped
until nothing covered her body.She had lost weight.Some of her
bones were practically showing.Her hair was greasy and looked
like a crow's nest.Her face was covered with bruises and
dirt.Her lips were dry,crusted and cracked.Her eyes sank in,she
was barely recognizable.I watched in agony as she continued
scratching herself,leaving purple bruises on her skin.Taking a
step forward Xavier appeared and ran his finger on her
cheek,while holding a syringe with the other hand.
"Our whore is pretty don't you think?We are playing here.We
are enjoying.How does it feel being at the receiving end
brother? Refreshing, isn't it?This is exactly how I felt when you
had that crazy bitch of yours torture and burn my wife to
death.Anyway the next show will be much much longer.For
now you can binge watch this one if you like.I'm considering
emailing her back to you,piece by piece.My interest in her is
fading." He turned his gaze towards Ingrid and brought the
syringe to her face.
"Do you want your fix babydoll?"
To the sight of the syringe, Ingrid shivered and shook."First suck
my dick."
I threw my phone on the wall and it shattered in pieces.I lived
on the anger inside of me.It kept me grounded enough to find
my heroine.The image of Ingrid shivering and scratching in a
cage was forever etched in my memory.I knew she was strong
but there was only so much that one could take.Xavier had to
die.But first I had to find him.The asshole was smart.A coward
but smart.The moment he had Ingrid in his trap,he went off the
grid.Nowhere to be found.Four months felt like years.Every day
was worse than the previous one.It got harder until I didn't
know what to do with myself.I didn't know how to live
anymore.I never stopped searching for her but she was
nowhere to be seen.I turned Russia,Italy and Mexico inside out
but there was nothing.The whole house was in a gloomy mood
without her around.Nobody really talked or ate.We all stopped
caring about anything else.Xavier would record every
week.Now he had suddenly stopped and that got me
worried.Weeks of nothing stressed me even more.I was
somewhat thankful for his videos because I knew she was still
alive.Every day the asshole taunted me.And everyday I was
helpless.His phone wasn't traceable, nothing was.He was
playing a dangerous game and one of us was going to lose at
the end.I was going to make sure that it wasn't me.Due to my
inability to find Ingrid,the past few months after her abduction
were filled with lots of blood.I killed more than I have ever had
in my life.The Ivashks and Vellutinis died left right and
center.Xavier's men,allies,friends,enemies and business
associates,I killed them.I wouldn't stop until I delivered all their
corpses at Ingrid's feet.Dead bodies were littering my way to
where she was being held.It was a bloodbath.
I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and pain.I felt
pathetic.Even the fact that I had brought Paloma to her knees
didn't excite me.Talking about the bitch she never showed up
to ask about her daughter.I was sure she knew her daughter
was taken and she was probably rejoicing.I wouldn't put it past
her.I was in pain.Serious pain.Whenever I was angry I reached
for the bottle of scotch.But I didn't do that after watching that
video again.I had hoped to find a clue but there was
nothing.Whenever I was pissed I shoved my fist through a
wall.But that didn't happen either.What I felt in that moment
was different from what I have ever experienced before.I
allowed the shadows to surround me and steal my soul.I was in
such distress that my body didn't know how to cope with the
pain.How would I internalize it?Without her around I become a
monster.A killer.Heartless.Ruthless.Vicious.What was worse
was that I became my heroine's villain.I became her monster.
"When we find him,I'm going to kill that bastard." I didn't hear
Reaper walking in but I could feel his rage.It radiated all around
the room.
"He is mine to kill."I leveled him with a glare.
"You're not the only one who cares about her Raphael.Look bro
I will never take the right of killing Xavier away from you,but
the rest of us will have a hand in it too.Anyway, what should we
do with Hunter."
"Every dog has its day.He will stay at the holding cells for as
long as Xavier is out there alive.I have a feeling that he has a
hand in this too.If that's the truth then he will regret the day he
was born." I tightened my fingers around the glass I was
holding,it shattered into pieces.
"If he worked with Xavier then we can get some information
from him."
I shook my head. "We won't.If they worked together then
Xavier didn't tell him about his hiding place, in the fear that I
was going to torture him for information.If he told him then we
are not going to get anything out of Hunter.He is my man,he
can sustain torture.He would rather die than tell me
anything.Let him stay in the cells.If he had a hand in this, I feel
pity for him.He will pay dearly."
Repear slammed a heavy file on the table. "Okay.All the other
names connected to Xavier.His right hand men,allies and
associates.Their families are also listed.Everything there is to
know about them."
I already had killed so many of his men.The asshole was smart
enough to keep his hiding place a secret,but I was going to find
"Do you have anyone for me at the chambers?" I asked.
"Yea." He nodded,looking at me with a worried expression on
his face.
"Another useless piece of shit to kill." I stood up and led the


RAPHAEL'S EYES APPEARED DARKER than usual,anger glistening

in them.He was a madman when he was angry.He would blur
the lines between right and wrong.At this point nothing else
mattered to him except finding his heroine, his cariño and
exacting revenge on those who wronged him.He would do
anything and everything.We needed Ingrid back not because
she silenced our demons but because she calmed them.She
brought some light into our dark lives.Some laughter.Some
love.She brought so much into our lives that sometimes our
hearts were not big enough to take it.We needed her
back,especially for the sake of Raphael's sanity.I understood his
madness too because I was struggling to keep it together
without her around.It was impossible not to love her.She
brought happiness into our world.Now that she was taken away
from us,there was a void that couldn't be filled.
Raphael led the way and I followed right behind.When we
walked into the torturing chambers the smell of blood met my
nostrils but I didn't care.Blood stained the walls of the
chambers.Raphael walked over to the battered man in front of
us.Tied by the rope,he was slumped forward in his chair and
panting.Blood-drenched saliva spilled from his mouth.Carlos
carried a chair over to Raphael but he waved it away.Everyone
in the room was tense,knowing very well that what was to
happen next was horror.Before the man opened his mouth to
speak,Raphael's knuckles cracked his skull,when his fist made
contact with his face.The sound was deafening in the silent
room.Everyone flinched to that punch.Myself included.The guy
screamed to that punch.
"Where is he?!" Raphael's voice boomed in the room.
The man shook his head. "I don't know.I swear."
"You don't fucking know?!Useless piece of shit." He clenched
his jaws and grabbed his blade tightly.This wasn't good at
all.The man opened his mouth to speak,but Raphael never gave
him a chance.His fingers tightened around the blade before he
drove it down,right in the middle of his throat.The guy gurgled
his last breath as his blood poured around him and on
Raphael.His chest expanded and he took his last breath.Nobody
spoke a word as we all stared in horror at the dead man,his
eyes still open and with a blade stuck on his throat.
"Now I need a fucking shower." He growled before walking out
like nothing happened.He had killed a lot of Xavier's men and
he wasn't stopping.The estate became a bloody
graveyard.Bodies piled in the chambers everyday.People
died.We only needed Ingrid to get Raphael out of the mess he
was trapped in.Darkness had swallowed him whole.He became
a lost, dark and evil soul without her.He loved her too
much,that he was going crazy.My brother had become a
committed and monogamous man when he met her,which was
fascinating because he didn't believe in monogamy,and he used
to be deep between a woman's thighs every day of the week.
It was way past midnight when he killed the last person for the
day.Shortly afterwards I went to his study,knowing he would be
a mess there.When I walked inside the study he was hugging a
pillow,obviously her pillow.He was talking to himself and I knew
he was drunk.He killed during the day and drank himself to
oblivion during the night.The following day he would go on with
his day like he wasn't crazy drunk a few hours before dawn.I
rubbed my hand over my mouth and face trying to hold in the
emotions.I was losing it too.I needed her too,for my sanity as
well.I looked at Raphael and he was flat on the floor with an
empty two bottles of Bushmills and Johnny Walker.I had never
seen him so broken.So lost.So disconnected from the world.My
brother was one of the strongest men I knew,the most ruthless,
yet he was broken over a women he desperately loved.I never
thought I would see this day.What a fucking mess.
"Okay,its time to get you to bed, big bear."I dragged him to his
room and pushed him on the bed with a sigh.
"I...want..Ingrid..cariño.Ingrid..I want her..I..want my
heroine.."Ever since she was taken,nightmares plagued his
sleep every night so I wasn't surprised.But he wasn't asleep
because he started sniffing.He was awake and he was crying!
I shook my head with a sigh. "Sometimes I wish we never met
you.We are lost without you and only you can bring us out of
this mess."
I walked out and went to my suite.

"Wake up Reaper.Wake up!!!" Someone shook me vigorously

from my sleep.I woke to Cinzía's worried face.
"What is it?" I yawned.
"Its Raphael.He is at it again.This time,its gruesome." She said in
a full panic mode.
"Fuck!What time is it?" I got off the bed and wore my pyjama
"Six o'clock Reaper.Let's go,you need to stop him." She dragged
me by the hand and we both ran down the stairs.We walked
out and Raphael was in front of the yard on the concrete.Five
men were tied and on their knees.Two of them were already
dead.We ran towards him but stopped dead on our tracks
when he shot us a look.Our men were watching in horror and
no one dared to stop him.
"Where is he?Where is your boss?!" He barked to one of them.
"I don't know General.I swear I know nothing." The torn man
gazed up,his eyes swollen with a purplish shade decorating
He let go of his face. "So you're useless to me."
He threw the man on the ground, face down.Then he pressed
his right knee against his back and yanked on his hair,forcing his
head to arch back,making a bone cracking sound.The man's legs
crammed uselessly against the ground and his screams grew
louder as Raphael placed his blade on his cheeks.The man's
bone cracked and his flesh meshed under the blade.He cut the
guy's whole cheek.Blood sprayed everywhere as he sliced open
his face,leaving a deep bloody gash.The guy's screams were
deafening and they only fed Raphael's monster.I gagged,my
stomach heaving but Raphael was far from being done.His
other cheek was next,and then he pressed the knife into his
upper arm,cutting off a strip of flesh.He continued cutting and
slicing him until his body jerked and he let out a strange gurgle
before falling silent.He wiped his blade with the dead guy's
clothes then walked over to the next one.
"Raphael stop." I warned.
He shot me a death glare. "You want to take his place?" I
remained silent."Thought as much."
He slammed his foot hard onto the next guy's skull.The guy
screamed at the contact,his head thumbing against the
concrete from the impact.Then Raphael went 'Stomp the
yard',the only difference being that he wasn't really stomping
the yard in this case, but something else very delicate.He
slammed his foot on the guy's head again and again.
"Raphael stop.Raphael!Raphael!" Cinzía and I shouted but he
didn't snap out of it.He continued stomping on the guy's head
with his military boots until the screaming stopped.Then it was
just the sound of the guy's skull cracking under his boots.It took
a few more stomps,soon the guy's brains smeared across the
concrete, blood sprayed everywhere.I couldn't control
myself.Hot vomit rushed my throat and I managed to turn my
head to the side before the contents of my stomach emptied
out onto the concrete.Cinzía was also gagging on the other
"Pussies." He chuckled wiping his boots on the lawn and moved
to the next guy.
"Well I don't remember how many bones a human body has
but I guess I'm about to find out.What I know for sure however
is that there are hundred ways to break those bones.Maybe
today I will use fifty ways.Where is Xavier?"
The guy shivered and I'm sure he shitted his pants too."I just
know that he mentioned hiding in plain sight.That's all I
know.He is not somewhere far.He is closer.He will never hide in
obvious places like Russia or Italy because that's where you will
look for him first.Please spare my life." The guy shivered.
"Hmm at least I got something.Which means we were looking
too far.He is near but the question is where is he exactly.You
probably don't know that one but thanks for the intel?" He
looked at the guy.
"I will give you an easy death.You gave me something at least."
He cocked his gun and aimed for the guy's forehead.


MY EYES SNAPPED OPEN,the cravings kicked in.My heart rate

exploded and the adrenaline almost gave me a heart attack.My
eyes open, took in the scene around me,darkness, a cage and
damp coldness.
Where am I?Wait a minute.First of all, who am I
I tried to remember something about myself but everything
was a blur.I couldn't remember my name or my life.Wait a
minute,I might know my name.The villain's heroine.Yes,that
was my name.It sounded familiar on my lips.Every day was
painful.Every day my body was abused.Everyday I hoped for
that guy I saw in my mind to find me.Was he a figment of my
imagination?Was he an imaginary friend?For some weird
reason I believed in him.I was drifting, falling deeper and
deeper into the dark abyss.The door opened and he walked
in.The man I hated with everything in me.I had no idea why and
how he held me hostage.I didn't know what I did to offend
him,but he was definitely going to pay for doing me like this.
"How are you doing today?Ready for your daily dosage?" He
had a sick smile on his face that made me sick to my stomach.I
thought I was strong enough to fight off the drug and not get
hung on it but the chemical was too strong.I tried to fight off
the cravings at first but I was pulled under its control.
"I'm going to kill you.I'm going to kill you.I'm going to kill you." I
repeated the words like some mantra.The words were mere
whispers but it was the vow I made for myself.I was going to
end this bastard's life.
"Ohh no babydoll.Not before I kill you first." He grabbed me by
my hair and yanked harshly on my scalp so my neck would be
exposed.Then he stabbed the needle into my neck and injected
the fluid.Suddenly everything was silent.All movement around
me slowed down to an undescribable slow pace.I felt his heavy
length at my entrance and I closed my eyes.He pushed inside
until he was buried deep inside.My chains rattled as he started
to thrust aggressively and painfully.I could feel my heart
pounding through me as visions flashed behind my closed
eyes.The image of that unrecognizable man swirled before me
right to the end.When he was done I threw up.The basement
already smelt bad, I smelt bad and the vomit only added to that
"Dirty bitch." He spat on me and dragged me by my hair.I
winced knowing what was to come.Before I knew it,the heavy
lid of the freezer was closed.I was held captive in the cold and
dark box for what felt like eternity.When I felt the urge to
sleep,the lid was opened and I was yanked to the ground.
"Today is your lucky day bitch.I'm selling you to the next
captor.You're of no use to me anymore." His voice echoed in
the basement and the next thing I know I was being dragged
out by my hair.When I opened eyes next,I was in a tub and a
lady was giving me a bath.Thank fuck for that.I closed my eyes
as I felt the warm water on my body.She helped me wear a
dress and fed me some soup,then the asshole was back again.
"You look so much better."
"I'm going to kill you.I'm going to kill you.I'm going to kill you." I
said weakly.He laughed evilly and ordered his men to take me
out.The moment we stepped out,the sunlight blinded my eyes.I
could barely see anything.I have been in the darkness for so
long.I tightly closed my eyes,failing to adjust to the light.After
blinking countless times I got used to the blinding light.I did my
best to walk but I felt powerless.I could barely stand,forcing my
captor's men to practically carry me.There was an airstrip
outside and there was a sizeable plane.It looked military.Inside
the plane wasn't luxurious.Its body was military in style,with
seats along the walls,instead of arranged rows.It was the kind
of plane I once saw in movies, usually with Navy SEALs jumping
out with parachutes.I was strapped on the seat.My wrists and
ankles were cuffed.The engines revved up,the plane rolled and
took off.I looked out the window,seeing the building of the
warehouse I was being kept at disappearing.Slowly, my eyelids
felt heavy and I succumbed to the dark oblivion.

WHEN I REGAINED CONSCIOUSNESS my head felt like it had

been stuffed with wool.I scanned my surroundings and reality
kicked in.I was trafficked.I was in a cage,similar to the one that
bastard kept me in,only that this one was small.I looked up to
my side,they were several cages up against one another and in
each was a woman or girl.Naked and in tears.It looked like we
were in a nondescript warehouse-like building.In the cages they
were buckets in the corner where they expected us to shit,a roll
of toilet paper on a stool and pests infested rags on the other
side.We were fucking people for crying out loud!I looked
through the bars of cage I was in,there was a young girl in the
other cage.She was way too young to be in this
predicament.She was a child,probably seven or eight years and
she couldn't stop crying.The little girl was in even worse
discomfort, her eyes glazed and were feverish-looking.Her lips
were crusted with blood.With my hands cuffed together,I
couldn't reach over and give her a comforting pat on the arm.
"What's your name?" I whispered.She turned, her arms over
her chest.
"What's your name.I need to know you so that I can get you
out." It didn't even make sense to me too, but for a weird
reason I had a strong feeling that I had the guts to rescue
everyone.It was a stupid thought,I know.The drugs I was
pumped were definitely starting to work.I had stopped shaking
and scratching because I had my fix.If anything I had some little
strength in me.
"My n-name is K-Kira.I want to go home." She whispered.
I nodded. "Okay Kira.I'm going to get you out of here okay.You
just have to close your eyes and pretend all of this is a dream.It
will be over now stop crying.I will rescue you."
"What are you,Wonderwoman?This is our fate.Stop giving the
child some false hope.How can you possibly get us out?You
think you're a heroine or something." Another woman from my
right side shouted.She was agitated like this was my fault.
"Actually heroine is my name.I'm the villain's heroine.That is my
name." I said confidently.
"Girl,bye.Will you just keep quiet.You gotta give me the coke
you're high on,its probably giving you excellent hallucinations."
She sucked her teeth and looked the other way.
"I will get you home Kira.I will get you home Kira.I will get you
home Kira." I couldn't seem to stop the mantra,so I continued
chanting much to the other women's annoyance.Kira placed
her forefinger over her lips as if to silence me.But I didn't
stop.Someone must have heard me,because footsteps sounded
before a tall and athlete built man approached.
"I said no talking." He barked in accented English.To me he
looked Japanese or maybe Chinese, not that I can pretend to be
an expert on either nationality.They are confusing as fuck.The
Asian guy opened Kira's cage and stepped in.The poor child
shook and cried in fear.
"No don't.I was the one talking.Don't hurt her."
"Shut up bitch." He growled,undoing his belt.
I couldn't do nothing when he was about to hurt a poor child so
I went ballistic.The drugs gave me some strength that I didn't
know I possessed.I started shaking,kicking and screaming.I was
hysterical that I attracted more attention from the guards that
were outside.It probably wasn't a good idea but its not like I
had a variety of ideas to choose from.I did what I had to do at
the moment to stop that man from hurting the poor child and
that was to behave like an animal,which in some ways I was.We
were caged like animals after all.And my animistic behaviour
saved Kira.More guards rushed in and the Asian guy quickly
zipped up his pants.The one who appeared to be the leader
approached the guy and barked some order at the guy in a
language that I couldn't make out.But according to my
understanding it was probably a reprimand because the Asian
bastard cowered in fear and walked out of Kira's cage.The
leader looked at me with a sick smile on his face and they all
walked out.A few minutes later they gave us some food.If I
should call stale bread with roaches and sugarless black hot tea,
food.I needed all the strength I could get.After the drugs wear
off I would be powerless and in desperate need of a fix.The
food would give me some strength.I ate and urged Kira to do
the same as well.I have eaten worse in the hands of my
previous captor so this was like the meal of the day.


Days blended into each other since I was brought here.I lost
count.Maybe weeks or a month?I didn't know what they were
planning to do with us but I was somewhat thankful that I was
here.The guards didn't rape us and they fed us.Even though
they were feeding us shitat least I got to eat.I got my fix too and
that kept me going.We had rags to protect us from the cold,so
it could be worse.All the others lost hope but I had a belief that
if they let me out of the cage and unlock the cuffs,then I was
going to escape this shit.Never underestimate an animal off the
leash.After our morning meal and my fix the guards left us
alone for a while.Then they came later and started barking
orders at us.One of them unlocked my handcuffs but before I
had a chance to rejoice,my wrists and ankles were tied together
again by a chain.A heavy metal collar was placed on my neck
and it had a chain that linked to the other women's collars
too.The guard's touch on my skin was indifferent and
impersonal, I was just a thing to him and not an actual human
being.Luckily,Kira was by my side and I managed to hold her
hand.She was the youngest amongst us.
"No touching." The guard barked.I slowly let go of her hand and
gave her a reassuring look.She couldn't stop crying and I knew
she had given up hope.
Like animals, we were pushed into a line with our hands, legs
and necks in cold metal.We were led into some room that I
couldn't recognize. We weren't allowed to speak to each other
or touch.We marched through the door and onto a stage.The
room was dim with the exception of the spotlight that was on
the stage.The moment we walked onto the stage,whistles and
screams of joy filled the room.I stared into a sea of
faces,probably hoping to spot a familiar one.But the problem
was,I couldn't remember anyone from my life.I didn't even
remember anything related to it.When I tried to remember
something all I got was a serious headache.Each table held a
single man and a woman lying naked on the table with what
looked like food decorated on them.It was definitely
sushi.Topless waitresses moved around and brought drinks for
the disgusting pigs.A man stood at the podium on the stage.He
was dressed in black and his smile was the worst feature.He
looked like he did this on regular bases.To him we were nothing
but a new batch to be sold.We were fucking people for crying
out loud.
"Gentleman and the other gender.We have all done this
multiple times.We know the rules and we know how it rolls.So
tonight I'm hoping that we will behave and not fight over meat
like some hungry dogs.Our raw and meal of the day tonight is
Kira Reispeld.Only 10 years.Young,innocent and untouched.She
will be the perfect obedient slave.Then we move on to our
special meal tonight.We have the General' woman.Raphael
Rodriguez, the leader of the Rodriguez, Vellutini and Ivashk
stepped on everyone's toes in here.So this is your chance for
vengeance.Who will be the lucky man to take home the raw
meal and the special meal of the day...." He continued
introducing everyone,giving a little biography but the bastard
said nothing about me.And why the hell did they call us
meals?We were people.
"We start the bidding at hundred thousand."Hundred
thousand, a whole human being a for a mere hundred
thousand, are you kidding me?!
"Five million for the raw meal and the special one." A man
said,smoking a cigar, as he kept his paddleboard in the air.
"I will make it a ten."Another one shouted.The bidding moved
to a twenty,fifty,until Kira and I were sold at eighty million. We
were dragged off the stage and thankfully the cuffs,collars and
chains were removed.Unfortunately we were still naked.We
were circled by gunmen as they led us outside.There were
several black SUVs waiting for us and the guards dragged me
and Kira to one of them,forcing us into a back seat.Four of them
climbed in with us,forcing us to huddle together.I could feel
Kira shaking like a leaf and I reached over to squeeze her cold
hand with my own.She looked at me and the terror in her eyes
pained my heart.Poor child.Strangely I wasn't terrified like she
was,maybe its because I had experienced worse.Being locked in
a freezer,kept in a cage,pumped with drugs and raped more
times than you can count is no joke.The car started up and
pulled away.Still holding Kira's hand I looked out the window
and sighed.The road we were on was smooth but the
atmosphere in the car was tense.The four men in the backseat
with us were gripping their weapons tightly and I got the sense
that they were afraid of something...or someone. Surprisingly
enough where we were heading to was not an abandoned
place like I had thought.On the way I could see supermarkets
and all other buildings.The driver too was slowing down
meaning we were close to our destination.We were definitely
in an Asian country,the facial features I saw said it all.The car
was finally stopped in front of one supermarket and I looked at
the guards with confusion.They yanked us both out of the
cars,naked like that.The people continued minding their
businesses like it was a normal thing to see naked girls being
dragged out of cars and their dignity crushed.We were led to
one of the supermarkets and to my biggest surprise it wasn't
really a supermarket inside.It was a brothel! When we walked
in Kira couldn't stop crying and one of the guards slapped her
across the face.
"I'm going to kill you.I'm going to kill you.I'm going to kill you." I
repeated the mantra.I was shaking and it was probably because
the drugs were staring to wear off.I needed a fix.The same
bastard slapped me across the face and I scowled at him.He
laughed and we were forced upstairs.We were locked into one
of the rooms.Kira wailed.
"I wanna go home.My foster family is worried.I wanna go
home." She cried.
"You will go home.You will go home.You will go home."Now I
was feeling like bugs were crawling under my skin so I started
with the scratching.I needed a fix!
"You said you were going to save me."
I shook my head. "And I will save you.I need you to keep quiet
for me Kira.Right now I need quietness." My tongue was
starting to feel heavy in my mouth and I couldn't stop
scratching.My head too was starting to ache.Kira sat down and
hugged her knees while I paced around scratching.I was close
to going ballistic because I needed a fix.The door opened and
some elegant woman walked in.
"I need a fix.I need a fix.I.need it now!!!" I shouted.
She didn't look disturbed by me attacking her like that.It was
like a normal thing for her. "What do you take honey?" She
asked chewing a gum.
"I think I was injected heroin.I need it now!" I shouted
again.Kira flinched in fear.
"Okay coming right up."She walked out.
A few minutes later she came back with some substances like
tar and a straw. "Snort honey." She said and I looked at her in
"Take it with your nose.Snort." She ordered.I knew I couldn't
fight it no matter how much I tried.With trembling hands I took
the straw and followed her instructions.A few minutes later,I
was feeling much better and I had strength for days.She
showed us to the bathroom and after showering, she gave us
some clothes.If I should call those skimpy things clothes.
"Food is coming right up.Do you eat sushi?" She asked,Kira and
I nodded.
"Bring lots of it." Kira said with a low voice.
"Yea of course,you need the energy because the boss is going
to keep you up all night." She remarked and Kira shook in
fear.The woman didn't even care,she took one glance at us and
strolled out.
I walked over to Kira who was shaking. "Did anyone put their
thing here." I pointed her private area.
She shook her head crying. "No..but they..they took out their
thing..and ..and poured some slimy liquid on me." She cried.I
squeezed her arm with my right hand
apparently my left one just laid dead on my side.It slightly
moved at times but something was definitely wrong with my
arm.The lady from earlier came back with lots of sushi.Kira and
I ate like it was our first time seeing food.Maybe it was actually
because I couldn't remember the last time I had proper food.
After an hour or so,the door opened and our nightmare walked
in.An old fat man with a stomach huge enough to
accommodate Kira and me,smiled sickly at us.Hell no,there was
no way this was going to happen.Ain't gonna happen.
"The woman everyone has been talking about.Its an honor to
finally meet you,especially under these circumstances." He
smirked at me,removing his suit jacket.Why would anyone talk
about me,I didn't know a soul around here.I only knew Kira and
that bastard who kept me in the cage for as long as I
remember.Those were the only people I was familiar with.
"Stay away from us." I said taking Kira behind my back,shielding
He chuckled and his hands moved to the top of his slacks,he
removed a pistol from his waistband and he started to
unbutton the slacks.He revealed the ugliest dick I had ever seen
in my entire existence.Hell no!!!That thing was not a dick and it
wasn't getting inside of me or Kira.I had to do something to
stop that misfortune from happening.Strangely enough,my
mind was clear despite what was about to happen and I
registered several things at once.My eyes landed on the pistol
at the table and my fingers itched for some reason.I looked
back at the old man as he continued removing the rest of his
clothes.Then I looked at the lamp just beside us.For a moment I
had a blurred trailer involving a lamp and a pistol.The drugs
were making me hallucinate and this wasn't the time.I shook
my head and cleared my thoughts.I had to focus on getting us
out of the damned place,unharmed.
"Kira close your eyes."I ordered and she moved her hand over
her face.
I looked at the pistol again and the old guy followed my
glance.He chuckled again. "Not a chance honey." He held the
gun... and buck naked.I quickly grabbed the lamp and he
laughed his lungs out."That lamp is worthless honey.Put it
down." He ordered, slowly walking towards us with a sick smile
on his face.I looked everywhere but not that dick.
"Put the damn thing down." He shouted with a loud
voice,startling Kira.To divert his attention, I slammed my feet
right into that thing.Yes I had to kick that ugly thing he called a
dick.He was one of the strongest because he didn't go down
immediately,he just groaned holding his sac.Maybe my kick
wasn't too strong but I had plan B.Instinctively, I struck the gun
with the lamp and sent it flying across the room.His head
snapped in the direction of the flying gun,shocked that I had
smacked it out of his hands quickly.Before he could run and
snatch it,I hit him with the lamp using all my strength, the glass
of the lamp shattering on impact.He fell to the floor and I
quickly reached for the gun and switched off the safety button.
He groaned and stood up. "You don't know how to use that
thing.Give it...."
Pop!Pop!Pop!The gun went off and his body fell with a heavy
thud on the floor.He had three bullet holes.One on the
chest.One on the head.One between his legs.Yes,I shot that
thing.Wait a minute,I killed a man!Well I didn't have time to
digest it,my mind was screaming run!I opened the door and
there stood a man with a scowl on his face.
"Going somewhere?" Of course he was alarmed by the sound
of the gun.
Think!Think!Think!A voice screamed in my head.Without
hesitation, I knocked the man's Adams apple with the butt of
the gun.Probably shattering important parts of his throats.Best
case scenario, his voice would change significantly or he would
never talk again.Worst case scenario,his esophagus had
smashed,and he died as he hit the floor.The man dropped to
the floor.His body didn't rise and fall as if he was
breathing.Well, tough.Whatever they gave me hyped me
up.That bastard gave me drugs that slowed everything around
me but the substance I snorted earlier boosted me to a straight
up hundred.Casting a frantic glance around,Kira and I ran out of
the room.
"Kira hold this hand.Hold tightly because I can't hold you,so you
hold on to me." She nodded vigorously, her eyes with a spark of
hope.Luckily for us the hallway was empty. We ran to one of
the rooms which didn't have a single soul around.I glanced
around and noticed that we had ran into a weapon's room.My
eyes scanned the room with amazement as I spotted rifles and
grenades.I reached for a rifle and two grenades.
"So this is what you do.You take out the magazine from the
rifle.You check the magazine first and if its empty pop the bullet
into the magazine, then slide the magazine back in.Then you
pull the charging handle,turn the safety off and pull the
trigger,aiming at your target.All this should be done in a
minute.If you take longer you will be killed before you even
check the magazine.Shooting not only about aiming, its about
speed."A voice rang in my head.It felt like someone was talking
right next to me.I looked back at the rifle and looked at Kira
who was terrified as hell.
"I know you're scared and we don't have much time.But I want
you to be a strong girl and pull this thing out for me.I need to
see what's inside.I could do it myself but for some reason my
other hand is not working." She nodded and pulled out the
magazine.It was packed.
"Good,put it back."She did as I told her.I pulled the charging
handle as the voice told me and held the rifle.
"Hold these grenades and when we walk out,I want you to pull
this thing and throw it on the hallway.Use all your strength
okay Kira.This is our chance to escape this so be a strong girl
"Okay." She nodded.
"This is it.I will count down to three and open this
door.1,2,3...let's go!!!" I opened the door and like a good girl
she was,she unlocked the grenades and used all her strength,
throwing them on the hallway.
"Hold my hand." I shouted as we ran down the stairway.Luckily,
the small scale grenades did not blow the entire place but only
exploded enough to cause a distraction.I heard the explosion go
off and the fire alarm went off.It was already chaos.Kira and I
managed to sneak into what looked like a kitchen stairwell
without being detected,but the door stayed open too long and
triggered a sensor.But that was the least of my concerns.People
were probably too busy trying to escape the explosion.We
eased into another staircase and waited for a group of men
with guns to pass us by.I felt dizzy a few times but I could
manage.Kira was holding my left arm tightly and a knife she
took from the kitchen.We took a few steps down the hallway
and met a man with a gun.I didn't give him time and squeezed
the trigger,firing countless bullets all over him.
"Don't look at it." I shouted at Kira as we ran as fast as we could
down the hall and reached what looked like a back
entrance.There were bound to be guards outside there so I shot
at the door like a madwoman and I heard heavy thuds.Quickly,
we ran out of the door and hid behind the first drum we
saw.They were five men left.The shootout began.
"Stay Kira.You will only come out when I say so."
"No you can't leave me." She trembled.
"The moment I stand up they will start firing and they might
shoot you.One of us has to walk out of this alive.So stay." With
that said I stood up without warning or fear and started
shooting them screaming my lungs out.When I opened my eyes
four of them were down.I tried to squeeze the trigger and I had
no bullets left.Shit!The only guy left came out and pointed the
rifle at me.He pulled the trigger but nothing happened.
"I see you ran out too.I can take you on." I challenged.There
was no way I was going to take that Hulk.I was all skinny and
bones and only relying on drugs.He charged towards me with
full speed.I closed my eyes waiting for my fate.But nothing
happened.When I opened my eyes the guy was groaning on the
ground with a knife stabbed on his stomach.Kira screamed
holding onto me.She stabbed the guy!When he was about to
stand up I slammed my foot on his stomach,stabbing the knife
further deep into him.We sprinted out of the premises and we
were right down the alleyway but there were no people
around.But the second we reached the witness out the
sidewalk,we would have more protection.We stopped right on
our tracks when several black SUVs pulled right in front of
us.Several men jumped out and the man who made
announcements at the auction walked out.I got a dizzy spell
and a sting on my stomach, the side where the appendix is
located.I touched the area and my hand came out bloody.Only
then I realized that I have been shot and the pain was slowly
registering into my body.I could feel Kira shaking besides
me.We had come too far,there had to be a way out.
"Hey lovies,how was your run?Truly,I have underestimated
your abilities.I thought people were just exaggerating but I saw
it for myself.Even as skinny as you're right now you managed to
escape the brothel.But you were not going to run far
honey,especially with a bullet stuck in your stomach now." To
the mentioning of bullet,I groaned as I was starting to feel the
burning sting.
"Now that you had your run.Its time to go back..." He didn't
finish his statement as his eyes darted to the other path.I heard
cars screeching to a halt and I slowly turned back the way we
came and saw another group of heavily armed men coming out
of black hammers.Their guns were drawn.And we were
surrounded in a blink.I suspected these two groups had no
connection.I glanced back to the other group of my earlier
assailant.They all dropped dead like a bloody plague hit
them.Only Mr announcer was left.Two women came from
behind him holding rifles.
"You come for my daughter, you come for me." One of them
said as he kicked Mr Announcer on the balls.
"And that's my fucking niece.You messed with the wrong
woman." The other one hit him with the back of her rifle and he
fell on the ground.
Suddenly the atmosphere became brooding,dark and heavy.I
saw a man slowly walking towards me with a pained expression
on his face.He looked like his legs couldn't carry all his muscle
and flesh.His six-foot-four frame was chilling even from a
distance.He was built like a monster.The expression he held
was that of a wounded lion.An animal that had been provoked.I
got the dizzy spells again but before I could make it to the
ground I felt heavy arms carrying me off the ground.
"S-save..K-Kira...s-save her..." My eyelids were feeling heavy
and I had an urge to sleep.
"Stay with me cariño,please stay with me..." A deep voice
shouted before I closed my eyes.

DUE TO MY INABILITY TO SEE INGRID,the past months were

filled with deaths and rage.I killed more than I have ever had in
my life.Xavier's people died,left,right and center.I made them
bleed to death.Blood wasn't something new to me.I was
accustomed to it and the horror that came with it.I made
people bleed,during that time.I took pleasure in seeing them
begging for their lives as they bled to death.She wasn't here
with me so my skin itched with the need to kill.I let the fury
boil.I let myself feel the anger,knowing it would serve me well
later.Only the anger would keep me going.The agencies tried to
crack the reason why I was on a killing spree like this but again
they met a dead end.I had photos of the CIA walls littered with
pictures of Xavier's acquaintances whom I killed and me.They
attempted to piece together the origin of my rage.But men
never understand the conflicts of a human heart.Why else
would one kill another if not for love?I looked at the man on his
knees.His eyes were pleading and saliva drenched with blood
spilled out from his mouth.
"P-please..." He begged.I only fed on that plead.It angered me
more instead.
"In your next life,pick the right side." I sliced his cheek,making a
bloody gash.The man's screams broke through the silence.His
bone cracked under the blade.His body squeaked.He was close
to dying.I stood in front of him and stabbed him on the neck.He
was gone.I looked around and my men stood at a
distance,without moving an inch.They were afraid of infuriating
me even more.Bodies littered my yard.
"Clean this shit up." I threw the blade on the concrete and
walked back inside.
Carlos ran to me with towels in his hands. "I have prepared
your shower." I nodded and took one towel and wiped my face
before strolling towards my room.
After I was done showering, I went to my office,to try and find
out where Xavier could be hiding.One of the men had
mentioned something about hiding in plain sight.I quickly called
Carlos to my office.
"Take a few men and go to Mexico.Search all of Xavier's
places.I'm talking about villas,ranches and even vineyards." I
kept quiet for a while. "And check my places too."
"General." He bowed before running out of the room.
I sighed and lean in on my chair.Everything was silent and cold
as I stared at the ceiling.My mind was filled with Ingrid.Her
smiles.Her laughter.Her sassiness.I closed my eyes and groaned
in pain.Ingrid's face flashed behind my closed eyelids,and my
body tightened as a wave of undescribable pain coursed
through my heart.Under the layers of fury and rage,my heart
was aching.It ached so much that I was suffocating under
pressure.But I knew that the pain was nothing compared to
what Ingrid was going through.The thought was enough to
drive me over the edge.I tightened my first in anger and
slammed it on the table.Through my rage and pain,I heard the
door open.Only one person had the right to walk in without
knocking and that person was not here.My eyes blinked
open,making contact with Adrianna's as she stepped into my
office.Her eyes moved to the floor and she played with the hem
of her dress.
Leaning back against my chair,I crossed my arms over my chest.
"What the hell do you want?"I asked through gritted teeth.
"I heard you were not okay so I just wanted to help you out
Raphael." She whispered and sat down on the opposite couch.
"Its General to you and I didn't say sit down.Now get the fuck
out.I don't need your help."
"Oh." She got up from the couch and walked around the table
towards me.Then she smiled,her expression turning seductive
and sultry.She licked her lips and then strolled forward,her
short dress rising higher until her thighs were barely covered.
"I heard that she looks like me.You can picture her on me.It will
be easy."
She leaned forward showing me her barely covered cleavage.I
clenched my jaws in annoyance at her desperate attempt to
seduce me.
"You will never be her." I shouted,pushing her away causing her
to lose balance and fall.I took out my gun and aimed at the vase
right above her head.It shattered,broken glasses littering all
over her.
"Pull that stunt again and next time the bullet is going through
your skull." I roughly grabbed her from the floor and pushed
her through the doorway.
"I don't want to see her in this house.Make sure she stays at
the quarters.If she gives you a hard time,lock her in the holding
cells." I ordered one of the man standing on the hallway.He
bowed before grabbing Adrianna and dragging her downstairs.I
didn't care if he manhandled her,how dare she?!


A while later Carlos came back and they didn't find Xavier.I was
"You found nothing!!!!" I barked.
"We have valuable intel."Carlos flinched."It looks like Xavier
was hiding at one of your horse ranches in Mexico.We arrived
there a little bit too late and he was gone.Luckily we found
some men there and tortured them for information.Xavier has
been working with the Yakuzas the damn entire time.He was
working with the Chen-chen clan.Those are the people who
provided him with resources and men.In return he had to give
something valuable to them,and its Ingrid.The men mentioned
that he flew out yesterday but they don't know to where
exactly.My guess is that he is going to sell Ingrid to the
I tried to be as cal as I could be under the circumstances."Okay
get everyone on board,quickly.We have to find Ingrid before
something worse happens.If she gets into the hands of a Yakuza
it will be difficult to find her.We will start searching in Japan.I'm
sure that's where she is.We have to plan this carefully because
if they find out that we are on them,they will kill Ingrid to spite
me.Tell Reaper to get everyone in here.We have to work
fast.We will get to them.All of them.If I have to go to war with
the Yakuza family then I will.I'm not going to stop until I find her
and everyone who had a hand in her sufferings is going to pay
the ultimate price.I will not stop until I deliver all their heads on
her feet."
There was no way I was stopping.Mí cariño had to be
found.Today or tomorrow.Or the day after.Now I had found my
push again,a new purpose.I was going to destroy the Japanese
mafia.One by one,until all bowed down to Ingrid.To me.I was
snapped out of my dark thoughts when Carlos ran inside
without knocking.His cheeks were red and he was clearly
flustered since he forgot his protocol. "General,we have a
situation.Paloma is outside.We have her surrounded,but
surprisingly she is unarmed.What would you like us to do?"
"Don't shoot.I'm coming." He nodded and ran back outside.I
walked outside and found Paloma standing in front of her
hammer with her arms crossed over her chest.She was wearing
her usual army regalia.My men surrounded her with rifles but
she didn't seem the least bit worried.I remained silent with my
gaze on her.She was quiet too,trying to keep the eye
contact.The atmosphere became too tense and suffocating for
a normal man.This was a game of dominance and I was
winning.When she couldn't keep up with the eye contact she
broke it and sighed,pressing her hands into her pockets.
"I guess I should get used to being welcomed like this.I'm not
here for a fight.You made your point Raphael and you won.I'm
not here for our differences.I'm here for my daughter.I want us
to work together so that we can find her."
"After four months that's when you show face and pretend like
you care.I will show you today bitch." Before I had the chance
to respond to Paloma, Perla beat me to it.She came out of
nowhere like a hiccup and charged at Paloma,giving her one
tough blow.I flinched to that.Paloma fell to the ground and
stood up touching her jaw.
"And that,was for my father.Stand up bitch.I'm fixing to beat
your ass some more." I have never seen Perla so enraged.She
was always the sweetest person around.Paloma stood up and
Perla got into a fitting stance.She fisted her hands and raised
them.Paloma remained stiff,elbows in and ready.It was now
basically an MMA fight and no one dared to stop them.This
wasn't a cat fight.This was a fist fight.Paloma swung her fist and
Perla had quick reflexes,she immediately ducked.It was damn
"Is that all you got bitch." Perla scoffed.Paloma again tried a
different method and charged for Perla who welcomed her
with a punch on the jaws and another one on the ribs.They
were tough blows delivered with skill and I heard something
crack.The men were shocked just as much.
"And that was for the crozier that doesn't belong to you."
Paloma staggered and Perla charged at her without giving her
time to recover. She started delivering blows on her face
"And that was for being a bad mother." She punched her on the
nose and bursted her lips with another blow.
"And that was for being a bad sister."
After four more blows Paloma fell on the ground with saliva
drenched with blood drooling out of her mouth. Her left eye
had a different shade of purple.Her lips were bursted.Her nose
was probably broken.Her jaw was definitely twisted.
Paloma groaned and took out her handkerchief and pressed it
on her nose.She stood up. "Long time no see little sis." She
smiled like the whole thing was a joke.
Perla glared at me. "Why isn't she dead yet?What the fuck is
she doing here?"
"I was wondering the same thing.Ingrid went missing and she
shows up four months later.You wanna rub it in our faces."
Reaper said,equally annoyed by Paloma's presence.
She chuckled and shook her head. "I might be bad at parenting
but cut me some slack.She is my only child.I carried her for nine
months and gave birth to her."
"Ohh for the love of God,you chose the crozier over her and
you never cared about her.You want to act like a loving mother
now,you're 24 years late." Perla shouted.
"I care okay,jeez you broke my nose.My actions were
misguided and I don't dispute that.I was on a vengeance
mission and that blinded the love I had for my daughter.I said a
lot of hurtful things that day in anger but that doesn't mean I
don't love my child.It maybe the twisted kind of tough love but
she is still my daughter.The fact that I swallowed my pride and
came here even after everything that has happened, should
mean something to you.Do you think during the last four
months I was just relaxed,sipping on scotch?No I wasn't.I was
looking for my daughter.I can't do this alone because thanks to
you Raphael I'm out of resources, men and allies.We need to
put our differences aside and work together for the sake of
Ingrid and her safety.You made your point Raphael,and I accept
defeat,for now.What matters this moment is we find Ingrid.I
need you,in as much as you need me.I think I know where she
was taken.In fact,the place I have in mind is the exact location
they took her to.And for you to get there you need me." The
fact that she had humbled herself made me give her a benefit
of doubt.But with Paloma you never know.She always has
something up her sleeves.
I folded my arms over my chest. "What's the catch?What's in it
for you?" I asked.
She shook her head. "At least give me some credit.Outside this
evil and dark exterior there is some motherly love in me.I don't
want anything in return.I just want my daughter back home.I
knew it was going to be hard for you to believe me so I brought
you something.And hopefully you will believe me after seeing
what I brought." She walked to the back of her car and opened
the booth.She yanked something...or someone out of the booth
of her hammer.A man was tied with ropes and had a black
hood over his head.She kicked him and he fell right on my
feet.She removed the hood."I guess now you won't doubt my
intentions."She grabbed him by the hair and turned his face
I didn't have to see my face to know my expression thundered
with fury.I felt the rage vibrating through my bones.Instead of
the coldness and numbness seeping through my body,all I felt
was the burning anger.I felt hot,my skin itching with the need
to kill.
"Bastard." Grabbing his chin,I raised his head and punched
him.I craved his scream so I punched him again,harder.And the
cracking sound was satisfying.I grabbed his throat and
squeezed,watching him fight for his breath.It didn't help that he
was gagged.I pressed a little harder and my fingertips felt his
windpipe.The whites of his eyes turned red as he suffocated
under my hold.His pupils enlarged.His nose swelled turning into
a disgusting shade of green.His face started to turn to a shade
of red and purple,with tiny red dots breaking across his skin as
he struggled to gasp for air.
"If you continue like that then you're going to shatter important
parts of his throat.Best case scenario,his voice will change
significantly or he won't be able to talk ever again.Worst case
scenario,you will squash his esophagus and he will die.Death is
too easy for this bastard so let him go before you kill him."
Perla said and pushed him to the ground.His whole body shook
with the effort of taking as much air as he could.My blood was
boiling and my rage was uncontrollable but Perla was
right.Death was too merciful for people like us.It was an
ultimate rest.While healthy and normal people feared death,we
didn't because that was mercy to us.So I wasn't going to offer
Xavier that mercy on a silver platter.I looked at him with
hatred.He was the reason why Ingrid was suffering and God
help me,he was going to pay dearly.
"We all want a hand in his suffering so for now,we need him
healthy and strong.He has to feel the excruciating pain of being
killed bit by bit." Paloma clenched her jaws.I don't even how
she found him but I was grateful nonetheless.
"Maybe I'm going to like you in my next life.That is if there is
any." I nodded to Paloma.I directed my gaze back to Xavier.
"You're going to pay for what you have done.I'm going to make
you suffer for hurting my Ingrid.I'm going to hurt you and I'm
going to mess you up.You're going to beg for death and I will
not give it to you.I will make sure you will rot alive.I'm going to
make you pay for every tear that she shade.I'm going to make
you suffer Xavier that even the devil is going to take
pointers.You messed with the wrong woman.You messed with
what's mine, and for that you will forever regret laying your
eyes on her in the first place.You're going to pray for death and
its not going to come for you until I say so.You're going to
regret ever being born.I'm going to feed on your cries.I'm going
to feed on your agony.You unleashed the monster in me Xavier
and you will not be able to tame it.Whatever that is going to be
handed to you will never be enough.I will never be satisfied and
I will continue to hurt you.I will keep on going until it stops
exciting me and someone else will take over.You messed with
my heroine.Now her villain is going to mess with you,big
time."At the thought of Ingrid,I gave him a furious punch on his
"Take him to the holding cells Beast.For now he should stay
with his partner in crime.Feed them and make sure they don't
escape.If they escape from this place,you will take their
place.And I mean all of you.Guard them with your lives because
if I don't find them here when I return from saving my
cariño,you guys are going to die and I mean every word." I
ordered.Beast nodded and dragged Xavier to the holding cells.
I looked at Paloma. "Come on in."
She smiled. "Its about time.So are you not going to ask me how
I found him?" She asked as we made our way to my office.
"And feed your ego."
She scoffed. "I'm going to tell you anyway.He was about to run
off to Africa.You might have killed most of my allies but some of
my remaining guys informed me about it and I had him
captured.Apparently he had flew out of Japan and he was in
North Korea.That's where they found him and they brought him
all the way down here."
"Okay."I sat on my desk and folded my arms.I wasn't about to
say thank you to her.I was too proud to acknowledge the fact
that she really did me a great favour by capturing Xavier.
"I take that as a thank you Paloma,so you're welcome." She sat
on one of the couches.
"So you said you know where Ingrid is."
"I still don't trust her." Reaper pointed out and Perla nodded in
Paloma sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in
"Look we got one priority right now and that is to find my
daughter and bring her back home.We gonna map any clue we
need to figure this out.Forget trusting me,forget liking me.I'm
not here to make friends either.As we speak I feel like blowing
your General's head off but right now I'm ignoring that.What
we don't have is time,which is why I need to you guys to work
with me here.Attackers might regret bad moves,but it is much
worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass
by.And the opportunity to save Ingrid is this one.We will kill
each other later."
"You're right Paloma.But you're an opportunist yourself.So let
me get this straight,I have done enough dirty work over the
years to become the General I am today.Plenty of my
acquaintances and enemies wanna see me dead.And you are
going to be standing right behind me fully armed while we
engage in multiple fire fights.I get the feeling that you wouldn't
mind pulling the trigger during the shootout.So what possible
reason do I have to think that there is no target strapped at the
back of my head?"
She chuckled and shook her head. "Hell, who doesn't wanna kill
you?Right now its just me we are looking at but everybody else
wants you dead.Don't trust a person that don't wanna kill
you,well except for my daughter maybe.Heck,put even your
little brother's name here on the list.Everyone wants you
dead.You are not the nicest person to like.Right now I feel like
cutting off your limps and shove them up your asshole.Then I
will take out your intestines and..."
Perla interjected. "Okay,we heard you Paloma.You made your
point.Now let's get back to the issue at hand.Where do you
think Ingrid has been taken to?"
"Ingrid was taken to Sapporo." She said and we all kept quiet
waiting for her to continue.
She looked at Reaper. "Why are you looking at me like that
poop face?Don't you know where Sapporo is?Do you live under
a rock or something?"
Reaper sighed and shook his head in annoyance. "I know
Sapporo is in Japan.We are just waiting for you to explain
further.If she is in Japan then how did you know?It could be a
trick used to buy some time.We can't waste more time because
we have lost much of it already."
Paloma sucked in a deep breath
probably annoyed by Reaper's lack of intelligence. "Xavier has
been working with the Yakuza family.FYI there are five different
clans in the Yakuza family and they don't get along.Xavier
worked with Chen-chen clan and I worked with the Yamaguchi-
gumi clan.Despite being family these two clans are rivals so
they are always finding ways to take each other out.I had
promised to help the clan I was working with in return of them
helping me with the crozier issue.So in order to defeat their
enemies they share every information they can get with
me.When Xavier landed in Japan,I was notified by some of my
guys.They didn't know why he was there but they suspected
that it wasn't anything good.I knew Xavier took my daughter so
it was only logical to think that he was selling her to Chen the
leader of the Chen-chen clan.The bastard is a pimp and he loves
young slaves.Which is why I'm sure that Ingrid was taken there
for auction.And if my guess is right they will hold on auction
after a week on Chen's birthday.If they are celebrating then
there are three spots for a bastard like that,the BDSM club,the
opera or the human trafficking auction site.And I think the
I thought about the reality of the situation and it was terrifying.
"We have to attack now if that's the case.Ingrid can't be sold
and be in the hands of Chen.It will be way too dangerous.We
need to go as early as yesterday."
Paloma's mouth hardened and she gave a hollow laugh.She was
trying to keep her expression hard and stoic but looking at her
now,she was struggling to keep it together.Maybe she loved
her daughter after all.
"Now here is the worst part.Fighting the Yakuza is not like
fighting me.The clans might be rivals but when it comes to a
common enemy they unite.If we go now without a strategy we
will be defeated and they might kill Ingrid just to spite us.We
need a plan.And I hate to say this but it will be much easier to
get back Ingrid when she has been sold.Probably right now she
is with the other girls.And the Japanese guard the batches like
hawks.If we attack now they will kill Ingrid.However once she is
taken maybe to Chen's brothel or somewhere else,it will be
easier to get her back safe and with less causalities.So we might
have to wait until the auction,which is next week on Chen's
I felt sick.The thought of Ingrid being auctioned as if she were in
the middle of some wretched marketing exercise made my
stomach twist."They might do something to her before we get
"Raphael don't give up hope.All that matters is that we get her
back alive.Let's not think about anything else right now,but
rather dwell on the matters of strategy.We don't have much
time.We only have a week." Perla's shoulders dropped forward
an inch or two as if she was carrying the weight of the
world.Reaper looked pained and frustrated.
"We just have to wait for this week and plan.We don't have a
choice.This means war."
Paloma nodded. "Yea.Anyway can I have a word with you in
private." She looked at Perla and Reaper.They got the message
and walked out.
"What is it?You want something in return?" I said quietly and
sank down on my chair.I drummed my fingers on the
table,looking at her.
She frowned in annoyance. "Am I really that bad."
"You're the worst."
"Urgh!Whatever.Anyway from one devil to another,let me
enlighten you.When you get Ingrid back and you kill
Xavier,don't relax thinking this is all over.You know very well
that in our world enmity is never really over.Our enemies
subdue only for another to pop up next."
I leaned in on my chair. "Are you talking about yourself?"
She chuckled. "I'm quiet surprised that we stayed in one room
for more than thirty minutes without killing each other.And
no,I'm not talking about myself.Yes its frustrating to sit here
and help you,but maybe this is my chance to make things right
with my daughter.I wronged her.I'm ashamed of myself as a
mother,because I abandoned her while seeking retribution.I did
nothing for her as a mother is supposed to do for their
child,and she made it without me.Then she is better than
me.She is not only a better person than I am,but she is
kind,responsible where I'm not and selfless.Not just as my child
but as a woman,something I didn't teach her.Her goodness
holds up a mirror to my ugliness and that is too painful for
me.So I had to project all this on her,by saying that she was my
enemy and making her feel guilty for choosing you over me.Its
nothing wrong she did.It's just my guilt.So if I have to swallow
my pride and makes things right,then this is my moment.I
almost lost her the first time when she suffered from abuse in
the hands of Xavier and I did nothing.Then she took the bullet
for you and almost lost her life.Once again I did nothing.This
time around I just can't sit and watch because I feel like if I
don't do something now then I might never get that chance
again.Even if it means working with you then I can tolerate
it.You saved her life anyway so consider it as my
gratitude.Although you killed my husband whether you were
forced or not."
"I don't trust you Paloma but for now I will give you the benefit
of doubt.So what enemies where you talking about?"
She nodded. "Fair enough.Anyway I was saying in your attempt
to defeat me in which you succeeded,you allied with the wrong
guys.Just like you don't trust me,you can't trust Zakone."
"I don't trust him."
She sighed. "Yet you introduced Ingrid to him.That sounds like
trust to me."
"I didn't really introduce her to him.I didn't want to go with her
to meet Zakone but you know how stubborn your daughter can
be.And I can see who she takes after."
She smirked. "Whatever you say, but my point is you made a
mistake by introducing Zakone to your woman.Zakone loves a
collection of things and not only antic weapons but women
too.You know how unique and beautiful my daughter is.There
is just something about her that grabs your attention.You know
exactly what I'm talking about because I'm sure you saw it too
the first time you met her.Zakone like any other men out there
probably wants her.Its not all the time you get to meet a
unique breed like Ingrid.Zakone hates it when he can't get
something he wants.So you probably made another enemy
without even realising it.On top of that he works with
Rocco.Ingrid's uncle.I'm sure by now you already know that
Ingrid is the one supposed to take over the legacy of the
Morena family.She is the next *Don* (a high-ranking leader of
the Mafia) in line.That title holds more power than the title
General.As the next in line, Rocco will try to kill her.That man
can do anything to prevent her from claiming her title.He
already knows about her existence and all thanks to you.You
decided to show her off.And it can't be a crazy coincidence that
you join hands with Zakone, and the next thing Xavier manage
to kidnap Ingrid,then Adrianna comes into your life like a
damsel in distress and you decided to play superhero.Don't
trust Adrianna because I'm sure whatever she told you was a
lie.I have a feeling that there is more to the story.Xavier might
be a coward but he is not stupid.For all we know maybe he set
one last wolf trap in the snow for you.I have been the General
too and in as much as you managed to defeat me,it will work in
your favour to take my advice.Joining hands with the Bratva is
like signing a deal with the devil.It will come back one day and
bite you in the ass.So don't relax thinking that after we save
Ingrid all is over.If anything maybe you started another war.I'm
telling you all this because maybe you really care about my
daughter,and you will manage to do what I failed to do.And
that is loving and protecting her."
I nodded and swallowed my pride. "Thank you Paloma.We hate
each other but thank you for this."I believed her,especially
because of the stunt Adrianna pulled earlier.Thinking about it
now,it was really too much of a coincidence and Xavier was not
going down without a fight.As a result I hanged on to every
word Paloma said.
She stood up and poured some whiskey for herself. "You're

"There is something about the Yakuza's tactics.Its like they
change positions and move in pieces.We have to do the same
because that's the way around to know the exact location they
will hold the auction.Everything they do is calculated so we
have to be extra careful.When we enter their territory we have
to lay low so that we don't alert them and that's where I come
in.I'm their ally so I will lead in the front.Raphael you have to
lay on the downlow because once they know that you stepped
into Japan anything might happen to Ingrid.This is war.We are
taking guns straight into the war zone to get my daughter back
in one piece.We need a good strategy.I need to think."Paloma
paced around the room.It has been two days since we started
working on getting Ingrid back and joining hands with Paloma
was surprisingly worth it.
"Stop pacing Paloma,you're making me dizzy."Reaper
"Shut up poop face I need to think.I need to play.I need
something to concentrate." She stopped on her tracks when
her eyes landed on the game of go board."Ingrid taught you to
play this didn't she?" She smiled taking the board and
organizing the stones.
"Yes she did."
She chuckled. "No wonder why you were able to defeat me.She
is the only one who can beat me in this game.Now I need some
quietness because I need to think."
Reaper shook her head. "So what?We just gonna stand here
and watch you play Chinese chess."
"Don't underestimate this game.I wonder why I didn't think
about it.You defeated me because she helped you.She knows
how I play.But anyway that doesn't matter anymore." She
concentrated on the game and played on her own for about
half an hour.In the meantime I studied the blueprint of the
building where the auction was probably going to be hosted.
"So what's the plan chess master?" Reaper asked mockingly as
he crossed his arms over his chest.
"What do we know about where she is being held?" Perla
asked.Carlos walked over to the monitor and turned the screen
on.I layed down the blueprints of the brothel and rolled them
out.It wasn't really a supermarket but a brothel.
Paloma pointed to the room that faced the alleyway. "This is
the only emergency escape route that we know of,as indicated
here.Its heavily guarded during the day and night.I'm afraid
Ingrid will probably try to escape so it can be breached.As a
result there is high possibility that this point of entrance will be
"So you're saying Ingrid will try to escape even when badly
hurt.I'm sorry to bring this up and asking a question that no one
here wants to ask.Are we going to find her alive?And if so,in her
condition will she try to escape?I know no one wants to hear
this but Xavier drugged her.She is badly hurt and her left arm is
as good as dead.I doubt she might try to do something so this
point of entrance will not be breached." Carlos said.
Paloma chuckled. "Let me tell you something stupid
Reaper interjected."What's the point of her?Seriously, despite
from constantly nicknaming us and the bandanna on the
neck.What's with the bandanna anyway?Its 65° out."
Paloma rolled her eyes in annoyance. "That's why I call you
poop face.Okay, before I was rudely interrupted I was
saying,my family has a surprisingly progressive
tradition.Knowing about violence and wars are typically started
by the men of the family.The sound and hard decisions of the
family are made by women.The sons are trained to be soldiers
and daughters to be leaders.Do you know what the first lesson
we teach our children?We take our children and we bind them
in chairs and we wait for them to get out.It might take hours for
others and seconds or minutes for others.I trained Ingrid to be
both a soldier and a leader.My ways may not have been the
best ones and my intentions were misguided but at the end of
the day the lessons always come in handy.This is my daughter
we are talking about.I trained her not to ever give up because
that's what it takes for a leader and a soldier.She might have
one good arm and not in a good physical condition but I will tell
you this,she will always find a way to get out.She always
does.So the next time you underestimate her,think about this
you stupid genius.You might be surprised of the things she is
capable of doing with that one arm."
Carlos raised his hands up as of surrendering. "Fine I hear you
old hag"
"Are you all done now and can we continue?" I asked and they
all looked down.
Paloma clicked through more photos. "The exterior guards at
the brothel line every exit with heavy weapons and it makes
the situation even more risky because we will be trying to save
Ingrid and come out of this alive as well."
"If we can't break in,can we draw them out?" Reaper asked and
I nodded.
"That's my suggested plan of extraction." I turned over the
blueprint to reveal a plan of the surrounding block and nearby
properties. "We line explosives here and here." I said,pointing
to four key point around the brothel. "I say we time them to go
off in intervals to create confusion."
"So this is the plan?We just blow a bunch of shit up and hope
we can snatch Ingrid on the way out?" Perla asked from over
the corner and everyone turned to look at her.
"Do you have a better one?" Paloma asked with heat in her
words.She stopped forward and pointed a place on the
map."This is their security system and this is their emergency
exit.If there is the problem,this is where she will go."
"What if someone goes in and retrieve her?" Carlos suggested.
Paloma rolled her eyes. "Stupid genius the Yakuzas will know
us.In case you haven't noticed, we don't have Asian genes
around here.And all their men are Asian.They will know all of
"What if we sneak in and we don't get caught and we get Ingrid
out of there.No problem right?" Carlos pushed to be heard.
Reaper shook his head. "Scenario two is we sneak in and we get
caught and we just blow shit up anyway and run out,leaving
Ingrid inside.Then that's the problem."
I rubbed my chin. "Reaper has a point.The problem is, this isn't
our den and we don't know what to expect.If this goes south
we can have explosives in place to create distraction.If we are
able to do it silently then its fewer casualties and less chances
that something will happen to Ingrid."I drummed my fingers as I
weighed our options.I didn't like the idea of sending someone
in alone to get Ingrid only for them to mess up,but the thought
of possibly hurting innocent people,Ingrid included in a series of
explosions was gut-wrenching.Why were there only our two
"I will get her back.I will have to.I would rather die protecting
her and my sacrifice will be in vain if something happens to
her,so we have to be extra careful.If it means war then its war,if
it means we are sneaking in then that's it.We will have to be
prepared for anything." The room remained quiet as I passed
my order.
"Fine but just remember,in Japan you're an enemy and not the
I nodded. "I'm not just an enemy,I am my heroine's villain."


"Today we have a chance to take Ingrid back.No mistakes.Most

of us we are going somewhere we know and we are doing what
we are used to do, but it doesn't mean we know what to
expect.I know every one of you are experienced combat men
and you're not worried about the shootout because its like
friendly fire to you.Let's be careful.We will look out for each
other.This is the fight to get our heroine back and we are gonna
win.Whatever it takes." We had arrived in Japan secretly with
quite a number of my men.It was a success because the Yakuza
family specifically the Chen-chen clan wasn't aware of our
arrival.Now it was the day of the auction. Word was out, as
expected Chen bought Ingrid and took her to his brothel.Now
that I knew I was so close to getting her back I was nervous and
"All hands on deck." Reaper shouted and everyone looked at
him in confusion.I smiled when I remembered what this was
"Its what Ingrid loved saying before going for a mission.We
bring our fists together and we say all hands on deck." They
nodded and we did the signature fist bumping.
Paloma charged her rifle. "Let's get my daughter out of this
Reaper frowned. "Old hag,you will be a liability in those
heels.We don't have the time to save your ass."
Paloma cocked her head to the side. "Old hag,really?These are
killer heels,they will come in handy."It happened so fast but the
next thing we knew Carlos was on the ground with Paloma's
legs wrapped around his neck.
"What the fuck?I didn't say shit." Carlos snapped.
"Still think I'm a liability?" Paloma smirked getting off the
Perla rolled her eyes. "Show off."
The drive to the brothel was tense.When we arrived there was
already chaos.When the hammers came to a stop I quickly got
"Looks like we aren't playing hide and seek anymore.We will
defeat them in their den.As it is Ingrid has already caused a
havoc." Paloma shook her head.
"Ingrid?" Reaper furrowed his forehead.
She shrugged. "Who else do you think caused this?A minnie me
of course.My pride and joy."She grinned." Relax poop face.Fire
fights are supposed to be fun,its like going to a field trip with
Reaper shook his head and did the sign of the cross."Lord have
"This is war." I shouted and my men surrounded the brothel in
mere seconds.Smoke was coming out of one of the rooms.It
appeared as if a small scale grenade exploded there.As soon as
we stepped in, guns were blazing and bullets were flying.I
didn't have time for a fucking child play.Turning around,I fired
any men who came into my path.I shot bullets into their
heads,necks and hearts.I continued gunning down men and
Paloma besides me doing the same.She was savage in her
attacks.One of the explosions we timed went off and there was
even more chaos.It came in handy because it caused a
"General." I heard someone scream.I stared at the man
pointing a gun at me.Before he could pull the trigger Paloma
appeared from nowhere and stabbed him in the eye with her
heel.She pulled her heel out and shrugged looking at me.
"I ran out of bullets and you're welcome.I told you they were
killer heels."She wiggled her eyebrows.I shook my head in
disbelief. They were indeed killer heels.
"If we don't find her in here we are going outside to that
emergency exit.You use the other side Paloma and I use the
other one." She nodded and ran out with Perla.
"Someone cover for me." I shouted and more men came to my
side.We searched inside and didn't find her.My heart was
pounding like crazy.What if she was caught up in the
explosions?When we didn't find her inside,we didn't have a
choice but to go around the alleyway,that was our last option.If
she wasn't there then it would mean we lost the war and we
lost her.I prayed for a different verdict.We got into the car and
quickly drove to the alleyway towards the emergency
exit.When the car came to a stop,I quickly jumped out.My eyes
fell on a skinny woman and a child who were slowly walking
backwards trying to escape a Yakuza.When his eyes landed on
me,he froze.Perla and Paloma came behind him and killed the
few men he had within a blink.
My heart pounded like crazy as she turned around and looked
at me.Everything started to move in a slow undesirable pace
and I couldn't hear anything or anyone.Mí cariño looked so
fragile,so small.So broken.She had lost so much weight.She
didn't even seem to recognize me.
"No no no cariño." My heart shattered as I struggled to
walk.Agony coursed through my body.It hurt everywhere but
my heart hurt the most.I felt it break.When I lost her I thought I
was in pain, but now I knew what real pain felt like.It was
fucking excruciating.When I saw her slowly going for the
ground I ran and carried her in my arms before she could reach
"S-save" She looked at the little girl
before closing her eyes.
"Stay with me cariño.Please stay with me.I love you mí
cariño.Please don't leave me.I love you.Te amo mí cariño.Please
don't die on me.Please don't leave me,please." I cried out as
the words slipped past my lips effortlessly.I said them without
any hesitation but filled with honesty and pain for the woman
in my arms.A year ago,I wouldn't have believed those words
were possible.But now it felt like I would suffocate if I didn't say
them.Ever since she was taken,I regretted never saying the
words.I never thought I was capable of loving someone.The
moment she was snatched from me,I realized my mistake.
"I know a nearby hospital." Paloma shouted as they helped me
off the ground and tried to take Ingrid out of my arms.
"Take Kira." I ordered and Perla lifted the child as we all ran to
the car.
"She needs the hospital. She needs surgery." Pablo notified.As
always we took him along.He managed to minimise the
bleeding till we arrived at the nearby local hospital.As soon as
we arrived they put her on the gurney and an oxygen mask on
her face and ran with her into the theatre room.Reaper and
some of my men had to hold me back because I wanted to go
inside as well.
"Pablo is in there she is safe, and besides we have surrounded
the hospital and booked the entire floor." Reaper assured but I
was having none of it.The child too was taken in for a check
up.After hours of waiting Pablo came out.
"Her appendix was damaged and we removed it.Luckily its not
that much of a big deal if one's appendix is removed.A human
can live without it but the problem is she lost a lot of blood.She
needs blood ASAP."
"I will donate." Falcon stepped forward.
Paloma looked at me. "They are related but I won't bore you
with the details right now.Falcon can donate the blood.Go." He
nodded and ran in with Pablo.
Paloma came and sat besides me. "Now you have to add the
Yakuza family on your list.There are your enemies now.The
things we do for love." She shook her head.
"So what now after this?" Perla asked.
"I'm going to outlaw human trafficking.I'm going to ban it
altogether." I said through gritted teeth.
"What?!You think the men will agree with that?You're taking
one of the biggest business and throwing it in the garbage.And I
doubt you're going to substitute it with something better
because there is nothing more lucrative for those lusty animals
than trafficking.Look Raphael, I know you're angry but this is
not as simple as you think.I tried it when I was the General and
that only got me alienated from everyone else.That is the
reason why it was easy for your father to turn everyone against
me.You will only make enemies for yourself.Worst case
scenario, you might get yourself killed.And the men will not
agree.This will cause havoc in the families and everyone else
I shrugged. "Well my word is law.And I'm not talking about
outlawing human trafficking in our organization only,I'm talking
about the whole country.I'm gonna make it happen.Personally I
would like to see who goes against me with half of his skull
blown off." I said through gritted teeth.

MY MEN CROWDED around the hospital in Sapporo,and

arrangements were made to get Ingrid airlifted as quickly as
possible,when she was good enough to be moved.The surgery
was a success and Falcon managed to donate blood for her.Of
course the blood group matched.Paloma had a lot of explaining
to do as to how those two were related.We flew back to the US
after two days.My plan was to have Ingrid treated at my estate
but Pablo insisted that she needed the hospital.As a result
when we arrived,my men shepherded us into a helicopter and
we then flew to one of the hospitals I owned in San
Diego,Mexico.Meanwhile I had Carlos and Perla to take Kira to
one of the villas and have a her examined again.She was
mercifully unhurt.Ingrid was the injured one and her physical
condition wasn't good at all.The whole situation scared me.I
have never been that afraid in my life,especially when Pablo
mentioned that at one point during the surgery, she had nearly
died from the loss of blood.She started failing on the table and
her vital signs had began to plummet.She flat lined twice during
the surgery but they defibrillated her thrice and brought her
back.Knowing that I almost lost her made me think about my
karma.If anything was to happen to her then I wouldn't be able
to live with myself.Losing her would be the most cruelest
punishment ever.I loved her.Now I understood why we were
always warned.Do not fall in love.Do not let yourself get
weak.Do not make that mistake.Love is the most painful feeling
in the world.It will crush you.To love someone to the moon and
back,only for you to lose them at the end is torture.However it
was already too late to think about how painful it is and how it
was a mistake for men like me to fall in love.I had already made
that mistake.
When we arrived there was a team of doctors waiting to access
Ingrid's condition.I had the entire top floor reserved only for
her.I couldn't take any chances.
"She is not out of the woods yet General but the worst is
over.For now we are going to take some blood test and monitor
her condition.We got this General." Pablo reassured me and
disappeared into Ingrid's room to examine her progress again.I
remained seated in silence with Paloma and Reaper,for a
while.I really appreciated the silence because my emotions
were all over the place, until Reaper decided to open his
"So how is Falcon and Ingrid related?" He directed his gaze to
"They are cousins."Reaper and I looked at her,waiting for her to
continue explaining.
She sighed. "Lorenzo had three brothers.Lucan,Riccardo and
Rocco.Falcon is Lucan's son.Just like Lorenzo,Falcon didn't want
anything to do with the family so when Lorenzo left he tagged
along.He was more of a son to Lorenzo than a nephew.The
reason why even Perla didn't know about him is because Falcon
enlisted in the army when he was a teenager.After Lorenzo's
death he came back for vengeance as well.He loved him like a
father.You took him in and most of the things I knew about you
was because of him.You trusted him enough to adopt him in
your inner circle."
I chuckled shaking my head. "You had a lifetime to kill me,why
didn't you?"
"Its one thing having someone to keep an eye on you,but its
another thing to have you killed.I so badly want to kill you
because you murdered my husband, but I'm clever enough to
know the consequences of such an action.Look at us,we are still
fighting over something that happened nineteen years ago.If I
were to kill you then I would spend a lifetime fighting a war
that I would lose at the end anyway.Even in your grave you
would torment me.You're very lucky that our organization has
people who are fans of your reign.Which brings me back to my
point, don't mess it up by trying to do something that will have
the men turning their backs on you.I tried outlawing trafficking
and look at me now.Somethings just can't be changed.You can't
save everyone.You will kick a beehive if you try to do this."
Reaper shook his head. "Its pointless talking him out of it.He
has already made up his mind.When he pursues something he
never stops until he gets it.Sometimes he acts like a dog off the
leash,sprinting right straight into traffic."
I chuckled. "Reaper,you do realise I'm here right.Anyway
Paloma,so if Falcon is Lucan's son, how come he is not the next
Don in line?And are the Morena's Mexican?"
She shrugged. "They are Italian-Mexican.I don't really know
how the Morena family works,but Lorenzo's father wrote a
will.Its common for people in the first estate to leave a trust for
any potential recurrence.Maybe to makeup for the lost time
with his son,he left the title and throne to Lorenzo and his
children.However,since you killed Lorenzo,Riccardo who is
Adrianna's father took over the legacy and Lucan took over the
title.They all don't know about Ingrid,well at least that's what I
think.Rocco on the other hand has always been very ambitious.I
wouldn't be surprised if he kills his brother so that he takes
over.But once he knows that Ingrid is Lorenzo's daughter, and
the rightful owner of the empire,he will come after her.He will
do anything in his power to prevent anyone from claiming the
title.That is the reason why I don't feel comfortable with
Adrianna in the estate.She might have been sent to spy for
him.She might be working with her uncle to bring her father
down.I wouldn't be shocked.You will be surprised with what
people do for power.I killed my father and my uncle for the
crozier so I know better."
There was a heartbeat of silence."The reason why I kept
Adrianna is because I wanted to find out more about this
Morena family.I can't let her go soon because I have to get to
the bottom of this.If the legacy belongs to Ingrid then she has
all the right over it."
"You're right but its not as easy as you think.Being a Don is not
just a simple task.It means being the boss of the bosses.Don is
an honorary title.The honor of becoming a Don is given only
when the recruit shows considerable leadership skills,intellect
and charisma.I know my daughter posses all the skills but it will
be too much for her.She will be involved in
management,organization and ideology of crimes.And mind
you,we don't know which families makes up the Morena
criminal organization.On top of that they don't know the
person Ingrid is.And for a title like that,women are always
underestimated.Ingrid has to claim the title because it belongs
to her yes, but the Morena family is male dominated.They will
kill her before she is even a seat away from the throne.Its
depressing because its like watching history repeat itself.I went
through the same ordeal when I became a General and I don't
want Ingrid to go through that.Which is the reason why I never
wanted her to know about her father's family.I don't think she
will be able to handle it.That title is too heavy for her,it comes
with a lot of responsibilities."
We couldn't continue with our discussion as Pablo came back
from attending to Ingrid.
"We ran some blood test and we found out something.We
found quiet an amount of opioids in her system."
"Elaborate." I said.
Reaper chuckled and rested his hands on my shoulders.I fought
the urge to push them off. "Bro you slice people open and you
have labs where people cook drugs,but now you're having
trouble grasping what opioids are?"
"Shut the fuck up." I bellowed and directed my gaze back to
Pablo,waiting for him to elaborate.
"The opioid I'm talking about here is heroin.It was quiet an
amount.To detoxify it and to reduce the withdrawal symptoms,
I approve lofexidine and that's what we are going to use."
Paloma sighed. "I don't understand why you doctors want to
walk around like you're the most intelligent people on
earth.Why using big terms?Anyway, use whatever it is that gets
her to be okay.Liquids, whatever shit you were talking
about.Always want to talk big,we know that you're learned."
Reaper chuckled and Pablo directed his gaze at me."It's going to
be a long ride General.She is going to undergo some serious
withdrawal symptoms like pain,diarrhea, nausea and
vomiting.And we are only looking at physical pain.Its a different
story to how the drugs and the trauma she went through
affected her mentally.I will be brutally honest here, it's going to
get very tough.The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the
aftereffects of heroin is a dangerous combination on its
on.From my medical training, she is a long way from being
cured but she is strong and I believe she is gonna make it.Let's
be hopeful."
"Yaa we will be hopeful if you slow down on the constant
negativity.She is a heroine.She is strong.The fact that she
escaped a brothel,hurt like that in the first place is enough
proof that she can fight this too."Reaper was agitated.
"Thank you Pablo.We can go see her right?" He nodded.We
passed a number of guards I had stationed in the hallway
outside her room.They were armed to the teeth and looked like
scary sons of bitches.We walked into the room and the tubes
and monitors connected to her body were horrifying, but I
knew she would make it through.I prayed she would.
"Her breathing isn't laboured and her vitals are good,so that's a
good sign.She is probably just in a deep sleep.People who go
through traumatic experiences, they tend to shut down.Sleep is
one way to do so.Ingrid will likely sleep a lot so don't panic.And
it will be a good thing if she does.When her body is resting like
this,we can monitor her withdrawal symptoms.Thinks get ugly
when she is awake." Pablo explained.
I sat besides her and peppered her head and face with
kisses.And all the while she remained immobile.If it wasn't for
her chest rising and falling slowly, I could have thought she was
dead.Paloma stood at the far corner of the room.She looked
terrified.Seeing her daughter skinny and bruised like that must
have done a number on her bravery.She looked nervous.Reaper
stood at the foot of the bed with a stoic expression on his
face.We remained silent until Paloma walked out,a minute later
Reaper strolled out as well.I held Ingrid's hand and whispered
everything I could think of.I told her how much I loved her.
"I'm sorry cariño for failing you.I took too long to come to your
rescue.I don't know how you're going to forgive me,but I
promise you that I will never fail you again.I just need you to
wake up and give me some sort of reassurance that you will
withstand this storm.We will figure everything else after.I love
you Ingrid.Please fight this for us."My chest grew tight,and my
eyes pricked with unshed tears.For the first time in my life I felt
weak.Stupid tears.Fuck,I was crying.
I didn't lose my resolve.Seconds,minutes and hours passed by
and before I knew it,the sun rays shone through the window.I
couldn't sleep a wink.I was afraid that the next moment I wake
up,she would be taken away from me again.Pablo and the
other doctors came to check her condition again.Not that I was
expecting anything else,it was still a long road to recovery.All
they had to do was to wait for her to wake up and manage her
During the afternoon I left to one of the villas.It was a difficult
thing to do but no matter how hard it was,I was still the
General.At a moment like this I couldn't let myself get weak.I
had to get things done,especially for her sake.I had enemies to
take out and rules to change.I left the hospital swarmed with
my men,especially at the floor she was in.They occupied all the
hallways and they took over the security system.No one was
going to surpass that.I left Beast and Perla in charge,and the
girls too were there to keep her company.The little girl Kira
even insisted on staying by her side.Ingrid was her heroine,so
that was expected.Reaper and Paloma didn't wanna leave
either but they didn't have much of a choice.
"So what are you going to do with Xavier and Hunter?" Paloma
"I'm sending them to jail..."
She interjected angrily. "Are you out of your goddamn
mind?!After everything they have done, you're just gonna send
them to jail?!For people like them its like sending them to a
vacation.They deserve to suffer and you're thinking about jail.I
think I might have overestimated your capabilities.After what
they did to my daughter!!!" She shouted.
Reaper shook his head and poured whiskey into two glasses.He
gave Paloma one."Relaaax Palo Palo.Stop acting like the mother
of the century, you're 24 years late, old hag.Raphael is not yet
done talking listen to what he has to say.You're too forward old
woman.Your energy surprises me sometimes.Do you take
steroids or something?" He shook his head,taking a sip.Paloma
gawked at him.
"Before I was rudely interrupted I was saying
I'm sending them to the maximum prison for only two
months.They will have to get the taste of their own
medicine.Confining someone to prison sentence might seem
like nothing but its torture.Once your stomach start rejecting
the food,the torture will begin.I will make sure that in the
meantime they will stay in isolation cells that are very
small,that one cannot stretch in.They are going to receive the
worst treatment in there.They have to feel what is like being
raped and bossed by a sissy half your size with a baton.We
crossed a lot of men in there.Our enemies in there are going to
enjoy having Xavier and Hunter as their bitches,trust me.This is
psychological warfare.Torturing the mind first before the
body.Its just a warm up for what I'm going to do to them
both."I clenched my jaws.
"What if they escape?"
I shook my head. "Trust me they won't.I had my uncle Fernando
imprisoned for years.He had more allies than Xavier but no one
came to his rescue.No one is going to help them."
"Fine.If you say so.I'm also going to make sure that they won't
be able to escape.They won't even try.Before I forget, I'm flying
to New York today.I'm going to take Adrianna.I don't trust her
one bit and it doesn't sit well with me that she is roaming
around that estate while all of us are here.I will take her to my
camp in Bogotá.My soldiers will look after him."
I arched my eyebrow. "I still don't trust you Paloma.You're too
eager to help and its quite shocking.Everything in our world is
in pieces.We have to put all of them together to find the
truth.I'm putting pieces in the puzzle,so watch out Paloma. "
"And I don't blame you.I understand why you don't trust and I
don't trust you either.I'm only doing this for my daughter and
Lorenzo.You and I will kill each other once all of this is over."
She sat on one of the couches and placed her right ankle on her
left knee.
"So what now?" Reaper sipped on his scotch.
"I called for a meeting. I'm going ahead with my plan."
Paloma shook her head. "Trying to outlaw human trafficking in
this organization is a mistake and you know it.You think those
disgusting bastards are going to agree to that?You're only
loading the ammunition they will use to shoot you.Taking one
of the biggest businesses and throwing it in the garbage is a
wrong move.I understand that Ingrid's condition pushed you to
the limit but you can't be sentimental about this,be logical.I
tried this and failed." She tried to talk some sense into me but I
was having none of it.She tried it and failed,good because I
wasn't her.
"We already bring enough money from our other line of
businesses.Its not gonna make any difference in the long run.I
was always against this shit.We are criminals yes,but some
crimes are too horrible to be proud of."I rested my hands in my
pockets.I was determined to outlaw trafficking,no matter the
consequences.Ingrid being a victim of that practice was my
hard limit.
"You know it's not about the money,but rather the thrill of it."
"And I'm going to ban it altogether.There will be no trafficking
in my organization." I paced the length of my office and looked
at Reaper.As my second in command I needed his input too.
He furrowed his forehead. "What?Don't look at me like that.I'm
not up to fighting this upcoming problem,and honestly with
Ingrid in a hospital bed you don't look like you're in a very good
mental condition yourself."
"So I'm supposed to just sit down and do nothing, even after
what happened to her and Kira?Think about the kids forced in
this shit." I bellowed.
"You can't save everyone Raphael.Do I have to remind you
what we are up against here?A pack of hot-headed crime
bosses,all of them killers and stubborn as mules.And if that's
not enough to scare the testicles back into your stomach, then
try to remember that the CIA,FBI and Interpol failed to stop
these operations.Diego is waiting for the perfect moment for
you to trip so he could pound on you.You're giving him that
opportunity on a silver platter.Raphael seriously,not worth the
risk." He folded his arms and slumped into the sofa.
"Do I need to remind you who leads that pack of crime
bosses,who are killers and stubborn as mule?I lead that pack! I
am their General.I am their alpha.What I say goes.My word is
law and they won't have a choice but to listen.Ingrid would
have wanted this too.After what happened, I'm not gonna sit
by and let this continue.I won't be able to live with myself.For
Ingrid,its worth the risk." I bellowed.
Reaper chuckled. "What happened to, 'I'm immune to their
tears.'You used to not give a fuck when the girls were brought
on the stage,naked and in tears."
"I'm into criminal activities Roberto but you know very well I
despised that line of business more than anything.Why do you
think I twisted the law in the beginning?Ingrid being a victim
was just the pushover I needed to have the whole operation
closed down."
Reaper sighed. "You might have all the power to do what you
want but this is not going to be simple as you think.There is
going to be resistance.There is going to be anger.The man are
going to question their loyalty to you."
"I know all that Reaper and I'm ready for anything."
Paloma chuckled. "Ingrid has charms shame.Do what you think
is right but you're kicking a beehive here,the bees are gonna
stung.You're provoking unnecessary wars.Every war has a
causality remember that.If you abolish the operation in the
organization then it means the effect will spread all over the
country.Its not gonna be simple for you."
"Trust me.I know its not gonna be simple but I'm
ready.Reaper,go and prepare to leave for the meeting in an
hour." I said authoritatively.
He made a face. "Why did I agree to be your second in
command in the first place?One day you're going to get me into
"I don't cause problems that I won't be able to solve.Now go
and get ready."
"Oooh hail to the General."Paloma said mockingly before she
walked out.


We held the meeting at one of my factories at the outskirts of

San Diego.It was where our drugs in Mexico were
cooked,prepared for shipment and then distributed by
carriers.The whole bottom floor of the building was a
laboratory. The building was six stories tall,but the base was
surrounded by tall iron gates that made it impossible to step
foot in the premises.Lush landscape blocked the front of the
building from view.There was only one entrance and my men
stationed around the perimeter,at least forty of them.It was
more of a military complex.When I walked inside,my chemist
were busy cooking ketamine.They bowed and I nodded in
response before taking the elevator to the top floor.A few
minutes later, I stepped out of the elevator and walked to the
room where the meeting was to be held.
When I stepped in the room,they all took notice of my
presence.And as a sign of respect, they shut the fuck up.I
spotted Diego first and I became even more agitated.My anger
fueled when I laid my eyes on Politava.He was the one who was
seriously into sex slaves.It was his fetish.All fifteen of the men
in the room were dressed in suits.They looked like businessmen
instead of the pigs they really were.I buttoned the front of my
suit jacket and I stood at the head of the table.I surveyed all of
them,holding back my rage as my eyes met Diego's.Reaper
looked at me from his seat,wearing a warning expression,
telling me not to go through this but I couldn't change my
mind.Carlos was on the other corner with an iPad in his
hands.As unbelievable as it sounds,we recorded minutes.When
I said the organization was so structured that it was boring, I
wasn't lying.
"We are starting to question your capabilities as the
General.While you're chasing after Xavier's bitch,you forgot
that you're the boss to three families.You're not taking care of
the business and it affects all of us.We have every right to
question you as the General.If you continue this downward
spiral,you will be forcing us to appoint another candidate for
the throne."Of course Diego took the opportunity to attack.The
fact that I had captured Xavier didn't sit well with him.It was
noticeable that he was angry as his chest heaved with every
breath he took.
"Shut the fuck up." I bellowed. "I called for this meeting and my
capabilities as a General is not the agenda.Besides,you know
I'm good in what I do.And if you call Ingrid Xavier's bitch one
more time,I will cut off your tongue.And I don't bluff." I paced
around the length of the room."The reason why I called you all
here is to notify you that I'm outlawing trafficking from our
organization.Its banned altogether."
Politavo rose to his feet immediately. "You're abusing your
power.You can't do that!" He shouted.
"I can do anything and everything I want.I'm not a prime
minister or a highest level government official but I'm declaring
right now that human trafficking is officially outlawed.And its a
good thing that I'm the one who has the final say.Only my
authority is needed to make final decisions,so there is really
nothing you can do Politavo."The men started whispering
amongst themselves.They couldn't really voice their opinions
because of fear.Diego and Politavo were the ones trying to
revolt and I had to teach either of them a lesson,or both.
"We will vote you out if you try to be hot headed.You're ruining
our business and you know it."
"I don't give a fuck!!" I nodded to one of my men standing on
the door.One of the guys blocked Politavo in and the other one
met him from the other way,cornering him.The remaining men
glanced at each other,quickly figuring out that something was
about to go wrong.The two guys held Politavo roughly.
I strolled towards him,my hands resting in my pockets. "You
think I'm stupid, don't you?But you seem to forget that I have
been the General for years now.The title has been hanging over
my head for a decade now.You talked about me abusing my
power.Let's talk about you disrespecting my order.And we all
know disobedience is punished by death."
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about.I always did
everything as per your order." He shouted.
I lost it and slapped him across the face.Everyone had their
mouths shut. "Don't insult my intelligence.You disobeyed every
order of mine.I say left and you go right.For starters,I said no
underage girls but your estate in Russia is filled with girls young
enough to wear diapers.Then secondly,I fixed a price for our
drugs and weapons but you sell them at a higher price.More
money means more problems.That's only true if you aren't
me.That money isn't coming to me.I'm getting the same
amount of taxes and cuts as usual.So where is all the money
going?You undercut my share insignificantly and with
everything that I do to keep this shit running,that is disrespect
on its on.I work my butt off to make sure everything runs
smoothly for everyone in here,while you snore everyday
enjoying the money.Thirdly Politavo you worked with Giancarlo
here to bring me down.I know you helped Xavier with the
Yakuza's situation.I'm always one step ahead.I always
know.And for that I have every reason to kill you.Why should I
let you live?"I nodded to the men again.They dragged him to
one of the large windows that was six stories above the
sidewalk.They unlocked it and pushed it open.One of them
pulled him to the ledge.
He started shivering and sweating.All the bravery disappeared
when the realization of what I was about to do dawned on
him."Please I'm sorry General okay.I'm sorry man alright.I just
got greedy.We will ban trafficking.I agree with everything you
"I have let you live long enough when you shouldn't have.You
always say that if I don't do cruel things that Generals are
known for then I will lose your respect.I'm still cruel."I rested
my hands in my pockets,lifted my leg and kicked him,down he
went.He screamed as he fell from the window.I looked over the
window as his battered body hit the pavement.
"Meet you in hell."I turned back to the table,my gaze directed
to Diego and Giancarlo.They both flinched."So,gentlemen I
hope you all have decided.Do you want to be alive or dead?"I
took out my pistol tucked in my waistband and placed it on the
table.Everyone remained quiet.
"If you ban trafficking you have to substitute it with something
else.We are going to lose international buyers.We won't make
more money like we used to." Diego was calmer now seeing
that I wasn't going to think twice before blowing his brains.I
had better torture for him in mind.
I took a seat at the head of the table. "I don't give a damn.You
can make a lot of more money other ways.Stopping trafficking
is not gonna make any difference in the long run.We can
replace trafficking with prostitution rings.Sex will always remain
a rising recession-proof commodity during any occurrence.We
will bring high revenue of girls,and only those who are willing to
hustle that way.We can make more money that way.With
fewer girls,you charge the clients more money.Its basic
economics.All trafficking sites will be replaced with brothels.I'm
going to send men to your places and I will come checkup
myself.If anyone of you dares to go against my order,well you
know the ultimate price to pay." I stood up and fixed my
jacket."And yes,go and plan whatever you might think of
planning against me.I will always find out, and remember I'm
always one step ahead.So I dare you!"
I walked out with Reaper and Carlos on my tail.
"Did you really had to kick him out of the window?"Reaper
always had something to say.
"Shut the fuck up." I bellowed and ordered the chauffeur to
drive straight to San Diego hospital.
When my eyes landed on her,all the anger vanished.I kissed her
forehead and held her hand before sitting down.
"I know if you were awake you were going to support me
today.Before I leave for the meeting you were going to whistle
and tell me that I'm hot.You were going to welcome me back
with a smile on your face.I miss you.I wish I had never let you
out of my sight that day.Cariño you need to come back to
me.I'm lost without you."
My eyes widened as the monitors started beeping.My heart
stuttered and I swore it stopped for a second when silver grey
eyes stared into mine.But before I could rejoice, I was pushed
out by Pablo so that they could check on her.


Raphael kept on pacing while Pablo and his team attended to

Ingrid.He was even more worked up now that we had found
her.I knew he was going to go to extremes to protect
her.Nothing was going to happen to her.I was glad we had our
heroine back but my heart shattered with the condition we
found her in.Xavier and Hunter were going to be at the
receiving end of Raphael's wrath.He was cooking something
very evil in his mind,I just knew it.They hurt his heroine so they
were going to pay dearly.Being confined in prison was just an
introduction to what they were going to get.But still,it was
never going to be enough to feed the monster in Raphael.They
had provoked him by hurting Ingrid.I had watched as my
brother broke.And very few times had I see him at his weakest
point.He was the General.He was the boss to the coldest
criminals you could ever think of.Unsympathetic.
Sadistic.Cruel.Vicious.But I saw him crying and breaking down
with Ingrid in his arms.I watched my brother,the ruthless and
menacing man I have ever known,sobbing and confessing his
undying love for his heroine,his cariño.She was back and she
brought the light but for Raphael nothing else mattered except
his revenge.It was a cruel punishment for the pigs to abolish
trafficking and I knew Raphael was not going to stop there.He
was going to make sure that everyone knows that his heroine
was not to be messed with.He was ready for anything and the
men knew better.He had his heroine back, so he was
"I'm glad she is back.He is a broken man without her.Too
broken and lost." Perla's voice dragged me back to reality as
she sat besides me.
"He will be fine.Now that she is back everything will fall into
place." I smiled.
She gave me a quizzical look. "Will everything be okay
Reaper?Are you sure?"
I chuckled. "Of course.I can't wait for her to recover and start
ordering us around.I miss her feistiness.The house was quiet
without her.Im happy she is back.We needed her for Raphael's
sanity."I smiled.
"Xavier and Hunter are going to be at the receiving end of
Raphael's rage."
She nodded still looking sternly at me. "Reaper for your sake I
hope you won't make the same mistake."
I gave her a confused look. "What are you talking about?"
She stood up. "You know exactly what I'm talking about.Don't
make the same mistake.You can fool everyone else but not me.I
always know."She squeezed my shoulder tightly before walking
I looked at Raphael and glanced down.Perla was too late to
warn me.I had already made the same mistake.Her
smile,laughter flashed behind my closed eyes.The look of love
as she gazed at him.No one else but only him.
"Don't make the same mistake Roberto." I repeated the mantra
in my head but it was useless.It was too late.I had already made
that mistake and I couldn't rectify it because forces outside my
control dictated my emotions.


I PULLED THE COMFORTER OVER myself and Ingrid before I

pushed my face in her neck;her sweet scent calmed me.She
started sniffing and struggling.After everything that happened
and the trauma she went through, her nights were always
plagued with nightmares.I plastered her face with kisses and
whispered sweet words in her ears,utill she stopped fighting in
her sleep.I had promised to fight her demons so this was me
trying.Once she started snoring lightly I knew she was finally
peaceful.Over the past five months so much had happened,and
I wondered how she was going to get back from it.Her
withdrawal symptoms were the worst I have ever seen.She
went through so much pain.Vomiting.Diarrhea.
Nausea.Scratching.Shivering.You name it.The bad part was
when she woke up she couldn't recognize me.She asked me
who I was.And the worst part,she never spoke a word after
that.Mutism was another way to cope with trauma,I saw that
from Beast.Temporary memory lose too was another way of
shutting down the pain, but even though I was familiar with all
of this, it was hard to watch Ingrid go through the ordeal.I
talked to her everyday.I told her I loved her hoping it would
elicit a reaction,but there was simply nothing in her.Whenever
she looked at me,her eyes were empty and lifeless.She wasn't
seeing me.She became an empty shell of the woman she used
to be.Her eyes were drained and her lips thin and
unwilling.Only when I fed her did she move.I swear I could hear
her bones creak while she was eating.Her memories stayed
stubbornly locked away,no matter how much I tried to bring
them back.I planted another kiss on the top of her
forehead.This wasn't the time to give up even though I was
feeling helpless.I stroked her hair continuously until I
succumbed to the dark oblivion.I always made sure that she
was the first person I see when I open my eyes and the last
person I see before I go to sleep.
The following morning,I tumbled over the edge of
consciousness as my eyes finally adjusted to the glaring
sunlight.I immediately turned to my side and she was wrapped
in my arms,her body anchored into mine.I sighed as relief
washed all over me.I had became very edgy and overprotective
when it comes to her.The past five months I had her protected
like nobody's business, and I wasn't going to stop.During such a
difficult time,the only good thing that came out of the situation
was that Ingrid was recovering psychically.Her skin was starting
to glow and she was starting to gain her weight back.Her
wounds were healing, and luckily they didn't scar.It was a slow
process but it was happening.Her withdrawals were lessening
each day, thanks to the lofexidine that Pablo talked
about.Physically there was progress but I can't say the same
about her mental condition.She was so lost.
My heart skipped a bit when I stared back into a pair of silver-
grey eyes.They were empty and lifeless but I was grateful that
she was looking at me even though she wasn't really seeing
me.Either way I was thankful to have her in my arms."Good
morning cariño.Did you sleep well?How long have you been
awake?" Not that I was expecting her to say anything but I
stared at her and wondered if there was any glimmer of
interest.As always there was nothing.
"I love you.Please come back to me cariño, please." I said gently
before kissing her forehead.I trailed my fingers through her hair
and massaged it.I continued talking alone until the nurses came
to give her a bath.I bathed there too.I had literally became a
resident at the hospital.Once the nurses were done with her
hygiene,the doctors came to check her progress.
"Dr Kumar had arrived.He is at the neurology department.Its
just two rooms from this one." Pablo said,knowing very well
that I didn't want to leave Ingrid alone.
On cue Reaper,Perla,Kira and the rest of the pack arrived to
check on her.I left them crowded in her room but after I gave
them a strict instruction not to bother her.Talking about Kira,I
made a few calls and pulled some strings so I was working on
her adoption.The process was almost done.It turned out that
the foster parents were the ones who actually sold her to the
Yakuza for a couple of thousand dollars.When we went to their
homestead,they had already left.I hunted them down and had
them killed.Don't look at me like that,they kept Kira under false
pretenses.They pretended to be nice people when they were
not,but of course I didn't break that down to Kira.The poor girl
was devastated enough when she learnt that her foster parents
died in an 'accident'.I didn't tell her the truth because I didn't
want to ruin the last memory she had of them.After everything
she went through,I assigned a psychologist for her.The EMDR
and some readjustment helped her to get over the trauma of
what happened to her very quickly.After three months of
therapy she was back to being a jolly and adorable kid.Now I
was a parent to a ten year old.I didn't see that one coming
honestly.But,I knew for sure that Ingrid was going to be happy
and proud once she knows that I made that move.
"She hadn't said a word after she asked me who I am Pablo.I'm
starting to get worried." I ran my hand over the face as I sat
with Pablo and Dr Kumar in the neurology department.
"Look Mr Rodriguez, selective mutes can be surprising.They will
talk to some people and not others."Dr Kumar said.
I gave him a quizzical look.He was a well renowned neurologist
all the way from India but now I was starting to question his
intelligence.When Ingrid remained mute for the first two
months, we didn't have a choice but to seek for assistance from
another doctor.My team didn't find anything specifically wrong
with her.Their verdict was that she had gone through a big
shock and she was still trying to process it, but now I was
seeking for another prognosis.A better one.I just wanted to be
told that she was going to be okay as early as yesterday.
"Are you suggesting that she is choosing not to speak?That she
could if she wanted to?Have you seen her condition?How
qualified are you?"Pablo picked that I was angry and told me to
calm down.
The doctor sighed. "I'm sorry if I sounded insensitive Mr
Rodriguez.All I'm saying is that if she is a selective mute,then to
some extent she chooses who she speaks to.Which is good
because she would eventually start to speak again.But I'm more
concerned with the neurological side of things,her brain to be
precise,in case she doesn't have a choice but to be mute."
My throat went dry immediately. "You mean like brain
"Well,I went through Mr Vellutini's reports here,as well as the
rest of the team,and brain damage is one possibility considering
that she went through harsh experiences.If there is a problem it
will show on a brain scan." He suggested and I buried my head
in my hands feeling weak.
"Has she made any kind of vocal noise after she went mute.Like
a grunt or squeal perhaps?What about her movements? Is
there any sign of paralysis."
I nodded. "She screams when she is sleeping.She groans as if in
pain at times when she is awake.And she rocks herself backs
and forth."
"So that's good news.All we have to do then is perform an MRI
scan." I remained quiet,waiting for him to continue
explaining.Its not like I didn't know that MRI stands for
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, I just wanted the doctor to
elaborate so that I would be filled in on everything Ingrid would
be going through.
He fixed his glasses, preparing to bomb me with some medical
jargon.Here it goes."The nuclei of the hydrogen atoms in her
body will be pulled into alignment with the scanner's magnetic
filed.Radio waves then will kick her nuclei out of kilter,and
when those waves are stopped,the nuclei effectively pop back
into position, releasing their own signals as they do so.It is
those signals that are captured and analysed and translated
into images of her brain."
I folded my arms and glared at the doctor.He flinched under my
gaze. "When you look at me do you think I have a degree in
medicine or a mere certificate related to science?"My voice
boomed in the room.
"N-no s-sir." He stammered.
"Exactly,now start explaining with the language I
understand.Why do you want to go around acting like the only
intelligent people on earth?Start explaining in simpler terms!" I
"All he is trying to say is heroína will be slid in a tube,where the
machine will image her entire body,map her brain,internal
organs and trace the path of her blood vessels to make sure
they are not bleeding inside her head.She will be slammed by
noise as the machine goes about its business, probing a
magnetic field into parts of her that no one has ever seen.The
scan will be like a precision picture of her entire being."Pablo
immediately jumped in for Dr Kumar's rescue because he was
too terrified by my outburst.I swear I was very close to beating
the crap out of him until he starts speaking in a language we all
"Hear that,that is how you explain Mr Genius.Now I understand
exactly what will be happening."
He nodded. "Yes sir.For now we will just have to monitor her
condition.I have to assess her before the scan.So we will
perform the MRI after two days."
I nodded. "Okay so tell me the worst then.The most
awful,wretched scan results you can think of.Then when we get
the real results, I will be prepared for anything."
Dr Kumar lowered his glasses."Mrs Rodriguez is a puzzle,I
admit."Mrs Rodriguez, I loved the sound of that."But what I
have picked is that she is very strong.Not everyone survives
what she went through.There is..."
"Mr Kumar." I said sternly."Tell me the worst."
He just stared,then sighed. "Damage to the primary auditory
cortex,perhaps due to head injury.A stroke again resulting in
lesions and tissue injury to the speech centers in the
brain.Which is why I said in the beginning,it will be good if she
is a selective mute.Only then we will know that she is choosing
not to speak for traumatic reasons."
"Ok,so what's the best scan result we can hope for?"
"That her brain looks perfectly normal,of course.Its what we all
hope for,General.I just want it to be that she is mute and has
suffered a temporary memory loss because of trauma not any
head injury.The scan will determine that and we are all hoping
for the best."Pablo said.
"Okay." My throat was completely dried up and my limps were
weak when I walked out of the office.
When I walked back in her room,everyone was staring at her in
complete silence.She was fast asleep but they were watching
her like hawks.It would definitely be overwhelming to be
crowded like that so I chased them out except for Kira.
"Uncle Raph do you think she is going to be okay?" Kira asked
with worried expression on her face.
"She is going to be fine.She is strong." I reassured her.
"Is she going to die?She saved my life,she got shot because of
me.That bullet was meant for me but she got shot instead." She
said with a look of panic on her face as tears streamed down
her cheeks.
I squatted down to her height.I understood what she was going
through because Ingrid once took a bullet for me. "Do you
know what people at home call her?" She shook her head
no."They call her heroine."
She wiped her tears off. "Like Wonder woman or Supergirl."
"Yes like Wonder woman or Supergirl.But she is a different kind
of heroine.She is not a supermutant.She doesn't have lazers
and she doesn't fly." She chuckled and I wiped her tears off.
"She is strong and she has a very big heart.Do you know that
she once saved me too?"
"Really?" She looked astonished.
"Yes.She once saved me from the bad guys too.The reason why
her left hand doesn't work is because she saved my life.Don't
feel bad that she saved you,instead be grateful.She would want
you to be happy not feel bad about it,or her sacrifice will be in
vain.That is why she is our own Wonder woman.If you continue
crying then she will be sad when she wakes up and that way
she won't recover quickly."
She nodded. "Okay I won't cry."
"Good girl." Well I was a good parent after all.Don't you agree?


I left Reaper and the rest of the pack at the hospital and went
back to the villa with Kira.When we arrived she went to her
room to do some homework.I had her homeschooled of
course.I changed my regalia.When I finished my transformation
I was in military pants, a black T-shirt and boots.It was time to
pay those two morons a visit.Instead of staying two months in
prison I had Xavier and Hunter stay for three months because I
had to deal with Ingrid's situation first.She always comes
first.When they were released,they were in a bad condition.Our
guys in there roughed them up pretty good,and they were
everyone's bitches of course.They had their asses fucked.Now
how does that feel?I had them shepherded here in Mexico
because I didn't have the time to fly to New York everyday so
that I could torture them.They stayed in the basement with rats
as their roommates.
When I was about to walk out Kira walked in holding her book.
"And then?" I asked.
"My math teacher asked me to dissect this massive math
problem.Can you take a look at it.I think the problem is wrong."
She gave me her book.Well,well,well, the pecks of being a
foster parent.Hello,I had some people to torture right now not
to solve a math problem, but hey who said being a parent is
easy.I sat down and went through the math problem.
"Not much to dissect if you ask me.The problem is wrong." I
She nodded her head and shrugged. "I thought I was the only
one seeing that.The problem is wrong.For starters Mr Crews
forgot the negative sign on the exponent.It went downhill from
there.The problem is unsolvable.Math teachers only know how
to grow beard and act like they are intelligent, when in reality
they only create problems they can't even solve themselves."
She shook her head.I looked at her with surprise written all
over my face.For her age,I think she was too smart.
"So let's solve it together then." She sat on my laps and I didn't
know how to react to the sudden affection.My father never
cared about me nor did my mother,but this young girl was
teaching me to be her father and mother.It was both an
exciting and overwhelming experience.
"If you realised that the math wasn't correct why didn't you tell
your teacher?"
She shrugged. "Its rude to correct older people.Besides,nobody
likes a smart-ass."
"Wow okay."
She walked up to the door. "Can we watch a movie later on.I
don't watch TV often but I got hooked on NCIS:Los Angeles."
"What are you 20?"
She laughed."I'm 10 but I love crime dramas.They are
"You are supposed to watch shows that people your age
She shrugged. "Its boring.Please don't suggest Disney,its super
boring.If you're not up for NCIS,we can horse race once you're
done with what you're doing.I figured there are some horse
ranches around here."I thought I gave my men a strict order
not to let her out of their sight."Don't worry,I'm a smart-ass
remember, I found my own secret passage to go outside the
house.And I heard the horses from the stables too."
I lifted her. "Kira don't go there and don't sneak out.Something
bad might happen, so you will have to do as I say."
She nodded. "Okay dad.Wait,can I call you dad?I mean you're
actually my dad right.And Uncle Raph sounds lame to
me.You're my dad now."I swallowed past the lump forming on
my throat.She didn't wait for my response.
"Okay you're officially my dad.You're supercool.I like your
outfit.You could cast in an action movie,you look the part.And
about the horse race,I think we should postpone it until mom
gets better." She squeezed my shoulder before wiggling her
way out of my arms and running back to her room.I wondered
how Ingrid was going to react once she get better.I was freaking
out here.Adopting Kira was a rushed decision but now reality
was starting to dawn on me.I was a dad to a whole freaking
human being with legs,hands and not to mention smart-ass
brains.What the hell did I get myself into?But she was the
second good thing that had ever happened to me,Ingrid being
the first.
"Don't run
you will trip." I shouted.
Like she would listen to me. "Okay dad." She continued running
I shook my head and walked down to the cold basement.My
steps were hard and stale.When I reached the bottom, my lips
stretched into a smirk.
"Miss me?" I said calmly, but I was boiling with rage inside.
"And he is back." Paloma's voice filled the room.She was sitting
on the far corner of the room exchanging a joint with
Bruno.When did he even get here?
Most of my men were in the basement too.They needed to see
me kill.They needed to know the consequences of betraying
me.After this,they were going to think twice before doing so.
"Hola¡ General." He exclaimed. "I couldn't miss out on the
fun."He shrugged answering the question I didn't ask.
"Suit yourself." I looked at the Hunter who was struggling to
open his eyes with how swollen they were.Xavier's head
snapped up and he sent me a petrified look.I had them both
chained against the wall,their ankles bound as well as their
wrist,bloodied from their struggles to break free.Xavier's cheek
was bleeding from the bloody gash I had made with one of my
blades.Saliva-drenched with blood drooled out of his mouth.
His face was covered with sweat too.He was breathing hard
from exhaustion.I stood in front of him and grabbed his face,my
fingers digging deep into his wound.He struggled,his face
forming a disgusting shade of green.He groaned in pain,his
blood dripping all over him.The gash was deep,the skin had
peeled until I could see his cheek bone.I let him go and wiped
my hands with a napkin.They had been mercilessly tortured
under our hands.My men broke their bones and beat them to
pulps, but slicing was only for me.But still my thirst for their
blood has not been quenched.I was not done.I was not even
close.We still had a long way to go.
"They are bleeding too much,but we have a way to stop that." I
waved to one of the men.He brought the blade and this time its
metal was red-hot.
"P-please...R-raphael...I'm y-your brother." He coughed blood
but it was the least of my concerns.
I chuckled. "You should have thought about that before
messing with me and my woman.Anyway,you beg really nice,I
almost fell pity." I stood in front of him.I saw disgust and hatred
there.But none of it matter,if anything the feeling was
mutual.He couldn't do anything anyway.He was helpless. And
he knew it.In the depth of his eyes I saw resignation and fear.
I took my blade and pressed the red-hot metal against his
bloody gash.Xavier thrashed and the chains shackled as I
continued to twist the handle into the wound.He tried to
scream but his voice was almost gone.
"Now how does that feel huh?Its refreshing to be on the
receiving end,isn't it." I stopped twisting so that he could adjust
to his new found agony.
"Oh God.Help me." I heard Hunter cry and I laughed.My
laughter vibrated in the whole room.
"And you.After everything I have done for you,you chose to
side with the enemy.I took care of you and I did everything for
you.You were nothing when I found you.You were close to
dying but I saved your life.I'm not bragging but you wouldn't be
here if it wasn't for me.And that's the thank you I get from you.I
took you under my wing and gave you everything but it wasn't
enough.You wanted more.You got greedy.Did you really think
he was going to make you his second in command Hunter?How
could you be so stupid?What makes me more angry is not your
disloyalty but stupidity."
"I-I'm sorry General.P-please for..old time's sake.P-please spare
me.I will leave forever.Y-you will..n-never see me..a-again." He
mumbled in between crying.
"You of all the people knows how badly I handle betrayal.You
know how much loyalty means to me."
Bruno chuckled shaking his head. "Well sorry for
interrupting.I'm not getting involved in your male mating rituals
but after you're done with that traitor pass him to me.I don't
want to torture him but my alligators need food."
I turned and looked at him with my eyebrow slightly
crocked."You have alligators?What for?"
He shrugged. "I have two of them.They my pets.They will be
pleased to have a whole human being for food.It will be like
Christmas for them.And make sure you don't kill him first.It will
be more fun watching him scream." He gave me a sinister
"You're more rotten than I thought." I shook my head.
"We have the same mutation.Remember you're a Rodriguez
too."I give up.
Paloma stood up holding a box of Havana Romeo y Juileta
cigars."Can I have some fun on this traitor." She said her eyes
on Hunter.
"Have fun." I directed my gaze back to Xavier.His eyes were
rolling at the back of his head.He was about to pass out."If you
sleep on me I'm going to cut your dick off and feed it to you." I
threatened and he immediately snapped them open.
Hunter's screams filled the room.I watched as Paloma lit a cigar
and pressed into Hunter's flesh,making a hole in his
stomach.Over and over again she did it.Lighting more
cigars,pressing them on Hunter flesh until they burnt out.I
could almost smell his burnt flesh in the air.
"Well I gave you time to adjust to your pain.Let's pick up from
where we left."
I took my blade and looked at him."How should I cut
you?Should I start with the balls?"
"I-I'm your brother.. Don't do this please.J-just..kill..m-me."
"Shut the fuck up.When you were hurting Ingrid did you feel
pity for her?" I bellowed."You know what?Unlock the cuffs.I
want you to suck Hunter's dick.You forced yourself on
Ingrid,now I want you to feel how refreshing it is to be the one
being forced to do something you don't want to do." I nodded
to my guys and they unlocked his cuffs.
"P-please...b-brother." He begged laying on the ground,unable
to move.
"Hold him and help him suck his friend."
Bruno laughed his lungs out. "Man you're rotten in your
head,what the hell.I'm not gonna watch that shit,it will ruin a
good high.Call me once they are done sucking each other."He
shook his head,walking out.
"Do it now.And you Hunter better get a hard on.That's the last
head you're going to get."
Xavier cried and gagged while sucking Hunter.The scene was
hilarious that my men laughed.I didn't laugh because all I could
see was him forcing his dick down Ingrid's throat.
"I have men who are horny.I'm sure they wouldn't mind fucking
asses." Paloma suggested.
"P-please..n-o..more.." Xavier gagged before vomiting on the
Paloma pinned him on the ground,making him face his puke.
"You think you have the luxury of wasting food like that.You're
playing with us.Lick it right now." Okay,now that was my cue.
"Make sure they don't bleed to death." I said in a deadly voice
and walked out.
A few minutes later Paloma walked out,wiping her hands."Well
that was fun."
"Yea.So Adrianna?" I folded my arms.
"She confessed.The whole story of being kidnapped and forced
to be a doppelganger was a lie.She was sent by her uncle and
they had partnered with Xavier.Look Raphael, I want my
daughter to get everything that belongs to her but she can't do
it alone.Once she gets better and is in a good condition to take
over the title,then I need you to be by her side." She squeezed
my arm and walked back inside.
I was about to go and have a chat with Bruno before I left for
the hospital when Reaper called.I answered immediately. "Is
Ingrid okay?"
"You need to come back right now!She woke up and started
looking for something...or someone.I think she is looking for
you.She is screaming her lungs out and only you can calm her
down.You need to come back immediately.She is losing it and
breaking things." He sounded breathless.I didn't wait to be told
twice.I immediately ran to my room and had a change of
clothes.I didn't have the time to take a shower.I literally flew
back to the hospital.When I stepped out of the elevator I
sprinted to her room.I found the doctors and my pack crowded
on the door.Then her screams.They were heartbreaking.When I
heard something breaking I pushed past them and walked
inside the room.She was a mess.Her hair was like a nest and
she was holding a broken lamp.Broken glasses littered the
floor.She was breaking things that she didn't even notice my
"Cariño." My voice filled the room, and only then did she stop.
She shivered looking at me and threw the lamb down,then she
broke into a loud wail.I ran towards her and hugged her
tightly."I'm sorry cariño.I'm sorry I left.I'm so sorry.I'm not
leaving you again okay." I carried her back to her bed and
ordered the room to be cleaned.I held her tightly in my arms
and in no time she was snoring lightly.


"Heroína.How are you feeling today?" Pablo said fondly

standing at her beside.Dr Kumar on the other hand didn't wait
for a reply,knowing that they weren't going to get one.The
other two doctors stood on the side,watching.Dr Kumar lifted
her writs and measured the tick of her pulse.
"Normal?" I asked when he was finished.
"Pretty much." He removed a stethoscope from his bag and
listened to her chest through her nightdress.
"Fine." Dr Kumar replied.Then he took her temperature, and
again it was normal.Seeing her ghost-like in bed,rocking herself
and not being able to do a thing was agony.
"No change?"
Dr Kumar sighed. "No change sir.She is just rocking herself back
and forth like that,staring into space.We are trying all that we
can but she is not responding to anything."
I was frustrated. "Don't tell me shit.I own this fucking hospital
and you're on my fucking payroll.I don't pay you to tell me that
there is no change.I pay to make sure she is alright.I want her
back and normal,do what I fucking pay you to.I need my
heroine back,I need her back.Heroine please come back to
me,please.You're a heroine,you're strong.You can fight this,
please babe come on."My voice broke but I didn't care.Nothing
else mattered anymore.She looked at me once before closing
her eyes and laying her head on top of her knees.
"General don't give up hope.We are taking her to the scan
now.The results will determine if something is wrong or not.But
I assure you that nothing is seriously wrong,this is just a phase
and everything will be alright soon."
I sighed. " Do what you gotta do.Let's do the MRI thing
then.And if nothing is wrong with her then she is safe to go
back to the estate right."
He nodded as the nurses came with a gurney. I lifted her from
the bed and carefully laid her on the gurney before we went to
the MRI reception.

MY EYES BLINKED OPEN,sweat dripping on my

forehead.Sleepily my eyes tried to adjust,I blinked once and
twice.I was engulfed in darkness.I was cold and numb. Darkness
and cold,that is how I imagined death to be.Was I dead? I had
no where to run to,there was no escape.I was alone,battling my
demons solo.I cried till I couldn't anymore.No one came to my
rescue.How long have I been in this pitch dark world?I was
living in a blur.The days and nights had blended into each other
until I lost count.Days,weeks,months or even years.How long
have I been here?I closed and opened my eyes again and again
but there was no change.I fell back to the dark oblivion. There
was no escape whatsoever.How did I get here?I tried to
remember,but like any other day I met a dead end.I couldn't
remember but I knew I had to recall how all this started.I had to
know how I ended up in this miserable situation.
"No change?" A voice echoed in my ears,but I couldn't make
out who that deep authoritative voice belonged to.
"No change sir.She is just rocking herself back and forth like
that,staring into space.We are trying all that we can but she is
not responding to anything."
"Don't tell me shit.I own this fucking hospital and you're on my
fucking payroll.I don't pay you to tell me that there is no
change.I pay to make sure she is alright.I want her back and
normal,do what I fucking pay you to.I need my heroine back,I
need her back.Heroine please come back to me,please.You're a
heroine,you're strong.You can fight this, please babe come
on."The deep voice again.I screamed but they didn't hear me,so
I had no choice but to fall back into the dark abyss.
For a long time all the words I wanted to scream got wedged in
my gullet.The result was silence.I couldn't speak a single
syllable.It was self-presevation of the highest level.The vile
bung that was trapped in my throat was as stubborn as a
blocked drain.As a result I couldn't say a word.Instead I yelled a
lot in my head so it ached.
A voice brought me back from the dark abyss I was slowly
falling into. "Mrs Rodriguez, this is gonna take about forty-five
minutes to an hour.Now remember, try not to move.Mrs
Rodriguez you're going to hear some noise now.Its gonna be a
loud clanking sound,kind of like a hammer hitting a metal."
They gave me some headphones before I slid into a metal like
bed machine with bright lights.Getting into it was like being fed
through a drinking straw.The banging and the whirring
started,to pass time I started to count in my head.When it got
louder I was uncomfortable.
"Just relax Mrs Rodriguez.There will be more noise but we will
soon be finished.Keep very still."
Mrs Rodriguez.I mouthed silently.Why did he keep on referring
me as Mrs Rodriguez?Was I married?
I resumed my counting as they changed the sound to music.I
started counting in time to the beat.I only get to forty before
my mind wandered away from the numbers and vague
notes.Suddenly there was noise,loud as roadworks.It was like
cars screeching and engines.It sounded like a drag race.Wait,a
drag race.
"I cant go to the drag race buck naked."
"What drag race?"
"You're taking me to a drag race."
"I don't remember agreeing to that."
The voices continued to chant in my head.Have I done this
before?My memories were broken and shattered around the
place.They were too many pieces to pick.
"Okay Mrs Rodriguez, we are all done now.We are going to take
you out of the machine.Just relax.You have done very well."
The invisible person spoke through my headsets.
I was very dizzy after the scan,and the man with the green
emeralds was looking after me ever since.I had gotten used to
him,everything about him.His musky scent.His deep
authoritative voice.His green eyes.Even being wrapped in his
arms all day long felt soothing and comforting, yet I didn't
remember who he was.Nonetheless I felt safe.Everytime I fell
into the dark hole,his voice brought me back.
"You did well cariño.Now we are going to wait for the
results.They are going to take at least an hour."He spoke to me
very fondly like he had known me all my life.He would tell me
all about his day, and some of the things he said didn't even
make any sense.Sometimes he would cry too,and it hurt me
each time he shed a tear.
"Mí cariño,I know nothing is wrong with you.And after all this
we are going back home.I will personally make sure that you
remember everything.All the time we spent together,you will
remember it all.I make that promise to you."Each word he
spoke brought back a piece.I closed my eyes tightly against the
flash of my memories.
"Raphael, that's the name to shout when I'm balls deep."I
heard a voice in my head,although I knew the green-eyed man
by my side didn't say those words.
Time passed and we stayed in silence until someone walked in.
"We have Mrs Rodriguez's MRI scan results.The principal
findings were that there is nothing absolutely wrong with her
brain.There were also normal findings in the cerebral white
matter,where axons, the wires if you like to call them
that,connect one nerve to the other.Everything is
normal.Trauma is the only explanation for Mrs Rodriguez's
mutism and sudden inability to cope.Her road to recovery
might be slow but we will get there depending on her
determination.Although its a necessary precaution to allow
further testing.She must be professionally assessed one more
time but from where I'm standing, her brain is okay.She is just
not over the shock yet.It takes time for others but soon we will
get there.She needs love and positivity to get back to her
normal self.There is nothing much we can do at this point."
"Okay,thank you." The person walked out.
The man besides me plastered my face with kisses."You heard
that cariño.Your brain is fine.Its just trauma."
That word cariño was another memory.
"Ingrid ¿Cómo está cariño?"I was going crazy.Nothing was
making sense.I was so lost but I kept hearing voices.
He started crying again and I felt my chest tighten."I can't go on
like this cariño please.Come back to me my love please.I know
you can hear me,please my love.I can't imagine my life without
you.Just give me a sign that everything will be alright.Please I
can't go on like this cariño.Please come back to me.Please come
back to your villain."
"Exactly, I'm the villain so don't mistake me for a hero."
"Mí heroína"
My eyes snapped open in surprise and I looked at him.I rubbed
my chest trying to get rid of the tightness.The more he cried the
more it hurt.
I had to remember that name.
Ra...Rap..It started with an R.
Raph.It sounded familiar.
Raphael.As I repeated the phrase in my head,I heard a whisper
past my lips.
"Raphael." It was a struggle.
His eyes opened in shock and he knelt before me."Say it
again,say it again mí cariño.Please tell me I'm not dreaming, say
it again."
The more he insisted the more I fell for it.I wanted to go back to
being numb.I fought to stay numb and oblivious to my
surroundings so that I wouldn't feel the pain,but he was
persistent."Come on cariño please.You said my name.I heard
you.Say it again please.Come on."
"Raphael." I whispered.


The sound of my name from her lips was heaven.I have never
loved my name like I did that moment.After she whispered my
name, I didn't push it.She curled on the bed and fell asleep.At
least we were getting somewhere.I felt like life was breathed
into me again.I realised I lived through Ingrid.Her happiness had
been mine.Her smile,laughter and even those silly whistles
brought me to life.The look of love in her eyes brought me
compassion.Now that she gave me a sign that everything was
going to be alright,I was hopeful.I snuggled besides her on the
bed and wrapped my arms around her.Holding her in my
arms,a sudden urge of possessiveness filled me.I was always
possessive but this feeling was stronger than before.Instead of
pushing the madness away, I embraced it.And with it, I let my
anger fuel.Xavier wasn't only going to pay for hurting
Ingrid.No,his pain would be thrice as much now.He was the
reason she was in this condition in the first place.I placed a kiss
on her forehead and closed my eyes.That is how we fell asleep.

The following morning my men shepherded us to the helicopter
and we were brought back to my estate in New York.It was a
struggle to convince Kira to go back to New York because she
wanted to stay in Mexico and enjoy the Mexican food.When I
promised to hire a chef who was going to prepare Mexican
food for her that's when she agreed.Yoh,who said being a
father is easy.
When we arrived,Ingrid got off the car and examined her
surroundings,then without waiting for anyone she slowly
walked inside.I wanted to carry her but Pablo stopped me.I was
frustrated but he insisted that I should let her be.Everyone was
ecstatic by her return but she paid no attention to the smiles
and bows she was receiving from the people and continued
strolling upstairs.I followed behind,and I was surprised to see
her going straight to our bedroom.She climbed onto the bed
and slept on her side of the bed.I smiled lazily and covered her
with a comforter.At Pablo's insistence I left her to rest.When I
closed our bedroom door I looked up to meet Kira,with her
brunette hair damp and messy.
"Dad." She was looking at me very seriously,and she was
wearing a white skirt and a pink sweater.She was looking
incredibly cute.
"Kira.What is it this time?What happened to your hair?Why is it
She shrugged. "I just finished taking a shower.Come do my
hair." She demanded, before she started beaming and bouncing
as she threaded her way to her room.Feeling helpless,I looked
at my men who were standing at the hallway,they all
shrugged.Sighing,I followed her.Pink and purple dominated her
"Couldn't you ask aunty Stacy or Cinzía to do your hair?"
She threw a towel and a hair blower at me. "Aunty Cinzía is not
so gentle and aunty Stacy does ugly pigtails."
"But I can't even do a braid." I said massaging her head with a
"You will learn.That's what being a father is all about."Tell me
again,why am I surrounded by feisty women who always order
me around, and I can't help it but do as asked?
After a long struggle I finally got it right.I managed to do two
pigtails.Those things ain't easy.
"Thanks dad.Now can I go see mom.I'm just gonna stay there
for like a minute.I just wanna see how she is doing and I won't
bother her.I swear I won't be a problem at all." She said battling
her eye lashes.
"She needs to rest Kira."
"She needs company too.Imagine if she wakes up and realises
she is alone.She will freak out."
I sighed. "She is used to this place.Right now she needs rest."
"I'm still gonna go and keep her company anyway.Enjoy the
rest of your day." She turned to walk away.
"Don't you have homework to do?" I followed behind.My men
watched trying to suppress their smiles.
"I did my homework already.And the last time I checked all my
teachers are still in Mexico." She folded her arms.
"They will be here after four hours."
"Talking about homeschooling.Does this mean I will never go to
school like other kids?" She asked.
I squatted to her height. "Its dangerous out there.A lot of bad
guys wants to hurt dad and his family,so you my little girl will
have to stay in this estate where you will be safe."
"So we can only trick and treat in the house?"
"Trick and treat?" I asked.
"Halloween duh.It's around the corner dad.Don't tell me you
don't celebrate it." She looked upset.
"No no we do.Just write the list of everything you want and you
will get it."
Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Even a jumping castle."
I smiled and lifted her. "Yea,even a jumping castle."
She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. "You're the coolest
dad ever.Now let me go see mom." She wriggled herself out of
my arms and ran to our bedroom.
"Welcome to fatherhood." I turned and saw Paloma leaning on
the wall with her hands in her pockets.
I shook my head. "This is so much work.Can you teach me how
to braid later on."
She chuckled. "I don't even know how to do that shit.Ask Perla
she might help."
"I have no words for you." I chuckled.We started walking
out,going to the torturing chambers.
"She reminds me of Ingrid.She was so full of energy.She kept
Lorenzo and me on our toes.We ran after her all the time.She
would hide everywhere, make a mess and give us a
headache.The only time we would rest was when she was
asleep." She chuckled but I felt the sadness in her tone.I felt
guilty knowing that I had ruined that perfect little family.I was
forced to yes, but that was no excuse.
"Paloma, I'm sorry for killing your husband and Ingrid's father.If
I had the choice I would have done things differently."I wasn't a
kind of man to apologize for anything, so when I showed my
remorse,it was heartfelt.
She squeezed my arm. "Don't worry, you will pay for it one
day."I furrowed my forehead and she laughed.
"Relax,I'm joking.Listen,I won't look at you in the eye and lie
saying I like you because I don't.Whenever I close my eyes all I
see is Lorenzo lying in a pool of his blood with a bullet stuck in
his forehead.However,for peace and my daughter's sake,I'm
willing to tolerate you.You saved her,not once but twice so for
that I will let the feud between us slide." She extended her
hand for a handshake.I took it and we shook hands.
"For Ingrid's sake." I said and she nodded.I didn't trust her one
bit,especially after the remark she made.Because it wasn't a
joke.Nothing was what it seemed to be.In our world every
action,every word had a meaning behind it.Everything was a
game to play.A game we mastered.And this was perhaps
Paloma's divine move.The move out of the box in the game of
"Let's go give those fuckers a hard time." She said before we
made our way to the torturing chambers.
"Enjoyed your flight?" I smirked at Hunter and Xavier who were
cuffed on the metal chairs.They both had wounds all over their
bodies and their skin had turned into a disgusting shade of
purple and green.I didn't feel any pity for them.If anything their
whimpers only fueled my anger.I walked over to Xavier and my
fist met with his right eye.I felt his bone crunch under the force
of my punch.It was a tough blow that I felt its impact vibrating
through my fingers.I unbuttoned my suit jacket,took it off,and
handed it to Falcon who instantly appeared at my side.He was
trying to score some brownie points since I found out that he
was working with Paloma.I had to punish him but the fact that
he was Ingrid's cousin made things very difficult,and he had
saved her life too.
"Carlos my blades." I ordered and he hurried over with a
briefcase,set it on the only table in the room and snapped it
"Somebody bring me a chair." My voice boomed in the room
and one of the men hurried over with a chair.
I rolled my sleeves and traced my fingertips on my blades.
"Which one should I use today?" I tapped my fingers on my
lower lip and picked the smallest blade.
Hunter's cries filled the room.He was starting to annoy
me.Walking over towards him,I held the blade to his face.
"Do you know why I love this blade here?It is the smallest but it
gets the job done.And it hurts like a bitch."
"P..le..a..s..e m...ore." He cried but all I could see was
him presenting Ingrid to Xavier on a silver platter.He was in my
inner circle.He was one of my trusted man.But in the end,he
showed no respect.I placed the small blade on the table and
took the latex gloves.I put them on slowly,taking my
time.Hunter and Xavier watched in terror.
"P-please...G-general..p-please..." He wailed.
Reaper smacked him across the face. "At least have some
balls.You beg like a bitch."
"Carlos hold his jaw for me." I ordered.
"General I'm a thief not a butcher.I'm good."He shook his head
and I rolled my eyes,looking at Bruno.
"Fine I will do it." He threw the butt of his cigar and stamped on
it,before walking over.He gripped Hunter's hair and turned his
head upwards.He held his jaw forcing his mouth to open.
He begged me with his eyes as I held his tongue with my left
hand and the blade with the right.
"You talk too much.Its the power of the tongue that led you to
betray me.Today I'm stripping you off that power."I stared at
him long and hard.Tears filled his eyes and he continued
begging me.It was rather too late for that.One single cut,his
tongue was no longer attached to his body.He looked at it in
shock.When the pain finally registered, he roared,making a
gurgling sound.Was that shit I smelled?Yes,he shitted.They
always turned into disgusting carcasses when their death
flashed in front of them.I watched him jerking in pain.Blood
pooled out of his mouth.Such a disgusting sight.
"Disgusting piece of shit." I threw the tongue on the
floor.Xavier screamed in horror."Do you want me to shut you
up too?" He closed his mouth immediately.Sobs escaped his
mouth.On cue,Perla and Beast walked in.Beast was holding a
chainsaw and a driller.
"I thought I was sick in the head but this is the whole new level
of insanity.What are you guys now,mechanics?" Bruno
chuckled,shaking his head.
"I also want to have some fun." Perla removed her leather
jacket and took the driller.
"By the way I brought the alligators.I wasn't tripping when I said
they needed food.They are in a van,locked in a cage at the
backyard.Once you're done amputating that nigger with a
chainsaw, tell me.But make sure he doesn't die." Bruno said
taking a cigar out of his pockets.
"General wanna smoke?" I nodded and we walked out,leaving
Perla and Beast having some fun.A few minutes later we heard
loud screams.
"After this no one will cross you.Man,that's some sick shit.A
chainsaw, really?" He chuckled taking a drag on his cigar.I
played with mine.
"Says the guy who keeps two alligators for pets."I shot back.
He shook his head chuckling. "So how is the queen?There is
some rumour that she is the next Don of the Morena family."
"You and Paloma are getting close.Too close if I must say.She
even went as far as telling you about that."
He released the smoke and glanced at me. "I know what you're
thinking but there is actually no need to worry about my
loyalty.I'm family and when she said it,we were making
I arched my eyebrow. "It better be the case."
"Of course it is.Look,I get that you don't trust anyone around
you anymore.Its cool and I won't hold anything against you.For
what its worth,I will never betray you."
I chose to change the topic. "So what do you know about the
Morena family?"
He took another long drag."Well,they run Italy in plain
sight.They own the police,the prisons and almost all the
criminals.Their criminal organization started decades ago as a
family of assassins.If you paid the right price,they would take
out anyone you wanted.And I'm talking about people in the
high places.Over time it morphed into something else.Now they
mainly focus on making bullets and cooking drugs.That's the
illegal part of the business.They have an influential crime
structure and just like you,they have their thumb pressed into
everyone.They tax criminals and take a percentage of their
profits.Legally,they own a hotel,resorts and rental properties all
over Italy, especially in Milan."He explained
Now I understood why Paloma said it would be a huge
responsibility for Ingrid to be the Don.But if she had the right
over everything she had to take over.I also believed there was a
valid reason why Lorenzo's father left everything in his name
when he had three other brothers.I had to help Ingrid getting
what belonged to her.That's the least I could do since I killed
her father.
"So the Don is responsible for all of that?How many families are
under the Morena's?"
"I'm not sure about that,but I'm yet to find out.The Don is the
most feared.I don't know how the organization is gonna take
being ruled by a woman.But what option do they have if Ingrid
is the rightful heiress."
I sighed. "Only one option, killing her before she makes it to the
"Then we have to make sure they won't be able to even touch a
strand of her hair."
"Yes.Find more information about them,especially the acting
Don,Lucan and the last born son Rocco.Do that as soon as
possible and keep me updated."
He nodded. "Sure."
We walked back inside.We found Hunter in a disturbing
condition.He had lost both his legs and torturing him further
was a waste of time.He was hanging on a tiny thread.My men
took him,all of him and we went to the backyard of the
torturing quarters.Bruno was serious about the
alligators.Hunter was thrown into the cage and the alligators
savaged on his useless carcass.His screams didn't last long
because he was gone in a minute.It was a disturbing sight.
I turned and looked at my men. "You hear that gentleman,
silence.People who doublecross me never live long.These are
the consequences of betraying me.Let this be a lesson learnt."I
"General."They all chorused with their heads bowed as a sign of
"Don't torture Xavier for now.I still want him alive." I ordered
before making my way to the villa.The torturing chambers were
far from the villa,so after a five minutes drive I walked to
Reaper's suite to take a shower.
"Go through the files at my desk.If there is anything amiss then
let me know." I ordered Reaper before going to my suite.
I walked into my bedroom and I didn't see Ingrid on the bed.My
heart drummed wildly, my body drenched with sweat.Fear
welled up inside of me.I frantically looked around the room but
she was nowhere to be seen.
"CARIÑO!" I shouted.
"Dad,we over here." Kira shouted from the balcony.I sighed in
relief.The thick overhang covered them from view.I quickly ran
over to the balcony and kissed Ingrid all over the face as soon
as I saw her.
"Eeew." Kira frowned and I laughed.Ingrid didn't pay attention
to me as her eyes were glued on the board that was on the
table.She was playing the game of go.
"She just took me over here and started playing this weird
chess.She found the game board over the table and she has
been playing for hours now."She said, her eyes trained on
"Its called the game of go.Its a mind game, a little complicated
than chess." I brushed Ingrid's hair.
"I figured."
"Yea.Now can you go back to your room."
She pouted. "But I still want to spend some time with mom."
"Well now this is mom and dad time Kiki."
She stood up and flipped her hair. "You know what,I won't even
ask." With that said she strolled out of the room.
I looked at Ingrid who was still concentrated on the game.
"Okay cariño,its time to rest.You have played that game for a
long time now."
She heaved a sigh and stood up."Are you hungry my love.Do
you need anything?" There was silence.Not that I was expecting
her to answer.I took her back inside the room.
I laid besides her on the bed,but without my arms wrapped
around her.I wanted to see her reaction.We stayed like that for
a minute until she started shifting uncomfortably.I still didn't
Her lips finally parted. " me..." She said
softly.My heart leaped and danced. My stomach tightened in
"Of course cariño,you won't even have to ask.My love, you
don't know how much this means to me." She moved closer to
my body and rested her head on my chest.I smiled.There was
We remained silent while I continued stroking her hair.
"Ingrid,can I kiss you?" I murmured.She snapped her head up
and glared at me.She seemed agitated.Fuck! I pushed too hard.
"Cariño..." When I said cariño,the corner of her mouth
stretched slightly into a smile.Oh,I get it now.
"Cariño,can I kiss you." I rephrased.She swallowed several times
before moving her head towards mine.Our gaze made contact
and we stared.We breathed.A matching rhythm between
us.Our lips touched in a feather-light touch,then I kissed her.I
felt her brief resistance as she tried to fight it,but eventually her
lips parted beneath mine within seconds.Softly my mouth
covered hers.I could feel her body warming and melting under
my touch.At last I lifted my head and traced the outline of her
lips with my fingers.
"Very soon you will remember everything.This is just
temporary." She sighed in my chest,her right arm tightening
around my waist.Fuck,I was hard.
Later on,I woke up to a strange noise.It startled me from my
sleep.My heart pounded from an adrenaline surge.I sat up on
the bed and looked at her.She had rolled away from me.The
sounds escaping her throat were muffled.They reminded me of
a wounded animal.She was having a nightmare.She was
breathing hard,almost gasping for air.She cried out and flipped
over onto her back.
"Cariño." As soon as my fingers touched her arm,she grabbed
me,her motions so fast and pulled me towards her.Her arm
around me was tight and inescapable.
"Raphael", she mumbled. She was in the grip of her nightmare
and was seeking comfort, and I was the only one who could
provide it.
"Shhh cariño,I'm here with you.Everything is going to be
alright.I'm here with you." My face was buried on her
neck.After a while her breathing eased.She relaxed a little and
her frantic heartbeat began to slow.
"Raphael," she whispered again,but with less sorrow in her
voice.I let her hold me,not moving lest I wake her from her now
peaceful rest.That is how we fell asleep.

"Increase the demand of a limited product,and you increase the

price per unit.With lower inventory of women,we charge them
ten times the amount.We are driving up the asking price of
every man who walks in the brothel.Now that trafficking is out
of the picture, the profits will increase by at least 50% if we do
it this way." I stared at Anita who was by my side while I went
through a file.
We were in a meeting the following morning, discussing about
the issue of the brothel.I wasn't a pimp but this was a line of
business I had to seriously look into since I had outlawed
human trafficking.When the men see the money,they would
forget about the changes in our organization, and their
resentment wouldn't spew into anarchy.I had promoted Anita
to management for my one big brothel,Honey.She was too
smart to be a prostitute.
She nodded. "So we will be charging $4000 for the lower
rooms.The VIP levels will vary in price.I will charge $3000 for
entrance,and the price will include alcohol and food.The client
will still have to pay the girl and we are the letting the girls
decide the price.After that all I will have to do is set the room
up and charge his card.Once everything is done,I give the client
a key and notify security.We will make a killing."
"You will be surprised by the amount men are will to pay to
satisfy their fetish." Reaper shook his head while pouring
whiskey into a glass.
Anita rested her arm on my shoulder. "Talking about fetish.I
have an idea,two of them actually.Why don't you open a BDSM
club?Then another thing why not create a website for
Honey.Apps and escorts sites are replacing streetwalkers in
tone fishnet stockings.These websites will provide reviews and
user ratings from our clients.Another thing,not all girls love
staying at brothels so I suggest that to avoid transport cost for
them among other things
why not provide ubers for our girls.They will drop them to and
from their places.That way the business won't be
"You're smart after all." Carlos said scanning some files.
Anita giggled,burying her head into my neck.What the fuck?
"What are you doing?" I frowned.
Before she responded the door opened.Ingrid stood frozen,her
gaze going to Anita's arm which was on my shoulder, before
moving back to my eyes.There was a hint if anger in her
eyes.Her chest moved faster,her breathing became louder.She
wasn't numb to what she was seeing.The flames in her eyes
continued to rise higher and higher.Her nostrils were flared to
twice their size.She was livid.I could have yanked Anita away
but this reaction here is what I wanted to see.After her
nightmare she barely said anything else,nor did she
acknowledge me.Seeing her agitated now proved that she felt
something after all.
When I held Anita's waist and pulled her closer to me,Ingrid lost
it completely.Before we could anticipate her moves,her fist was
buried into Anita's face with enough force to break her skull
into two.Anita fell back,her eyes already swollen and blood
dripping her face.
"He is mine.Mine alone,so back the fuck off!!!" Ingrid
shouted.That's the longest sentence she ever said since we
came back.Everyone stared at her in shock.
She breathed heavily and looked at me,tears glistening in her
eyes."You touched her.You touched her." She cried.
"Cariño listen..." I tried to hold her but she yanked my hands
off.Maybe holding Anita's waist was a wrong move.
"You touched her." Her fingers dug in her head.A wounded cry
left her mouth.She rubbed her neck furiously trying to fight her
next breath.Her knees buckled and before she made it to the
floor, I caught her in my arms.She passed out.
"Fuck! Call Pablo." I shouted carrying her to our bedroom.
A few minutes later Pablo had the blood pressure cuff
tightened around her arm. "Its just her blood pressure.You
don't have to be worried about anything.And she should stop
taking lofexidine.Her withdrawals stopped and she no longer
has any heroine in her system.However, as precautions I will
have her assessed by other doctors and we will all do a
thorough checkup on her."
I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh. "Finally,thank you God."
Ingrid shifted on the bed as the blood pressure cuff got
uncomfortable and she slowly opened her eyes.
"Ingrid." At the sound of my voice,she turned her head.Our
eyes made contact.
She quickly scrambled to my laps. "Raphael, I remember.I
remember everything." She said softly, wrapping her arm
around me.For so long,I have waited for this.My heart
drummed,and I held her tighter.I never wanted to let go.She
was mine as much as I was hers.The day our eyes met,our fate
was sealed.
"You remember mí cariño.I was scared thinking you wouldn't.I
have never been so afraid in my life.Thank you so much my
love.Te amo."
She slowly let go and looked at me with years flowing down her
cheeks. "W-what?"
"I love you Ingrid Andriette Morena." The words passed my lips
effortlessly.I never thought I would be this much in love.Heck,I
vowed I would never fall in love with anyone but now my
emotions were driven by forces that were not in my control.I
didn't think it was possible to love someone this much.
"Ohhh my God.I love you too.I love you so much Raphael
Rodriguez."I pulled her back into my arms and tilted her face
upwards,stroking away a dark strand of hair which had fallen
over her cheek as I looked down on her.
"Kiss me," she whispered.Softly, my mouth yielded and hers
opened beneath mine.I took instant advantage of the honeyed
heat within, sliding my tongue against hers in a dance,a duel or
a demand,I didn't know which.I didn't care.She was my feisty
combination of strength and vulnerability and I found her
enchanting, just like the first day I plastered my lips on
hers.Gathering her loosely flowing hair,I wounded it around
both fists and tugged her head back the better to taste her.I
lifted my lips and drew back slowly, watching her.Glassy grey
eyes watched me back.It has been was too long without being
inside her, but it was way too early for me to make that move.

She walked in my study wearing a backless black dress and

matching heels,my dick jerked immediately.
"I see,you're no longer having breakfast.You're going against
what I told you to do huh." She smiled and walked towards
me,facing my men.The queen was fucking back!
"We were just wrapping this up heroína.We know the
consequences of going against your order." Reaper smiled and
his whole face lit up.
"They are lying mom,they barely ate around here." Kira walked
in and came straight to my laps.As expected Ingrid was happy
about me adopting Kira.They had mother-daughter time more
than the time she shared with me and that got me a little bit
jealous.Don't look at me like that,I was used to having
undivided attention from Ingrid but now I was sharing with
Ingrid arched her eyebrow.
"Kiki you're a snitch." Reaper laughed and carried Kira off my
laps."And snitches get tickles." He started tickling as they made
their way out, along with my men.
"Let's go have breakfast my love." She snaked her arm around
my neck and closed my PC.
I got off the chair and held her waist before feeling her
temperature with the back of my palm. "Are you feeling okay
today?No headaches or any other pains?" She has been having
some headaches lately and I was worried but Pablo reassured
me, saying it was normal.The team from Mexico did a through
checkup on her and her results were good.She was now doing
just fine.
She smiled. "I'm fine Raphael really but I'm hungry.Let's go have
"Okay mí cariño."
We stepped into the dining hall and everyone looked at us with
smiles plastered all over their faces.
"Good morning everyone.Its a beautiful day and I hope you
slept well." Ingrid smiled taking a seat beside the heads of the
table.Everyone responded to her greeting and we chatted
happily as the chef dished for us bread,served with green salad
and grilled chicken with roasted tomatoes.The mood was just
different in the house.Our light was back.We have been
through so much darkness.
After our breakfast Ingrid and I went back to my study with our
men.Kira went to hers with her math teacher.
"So what have I missed?" Ingrid asked,going through the files
on my desk.Yea,she was back people!
On cue,the door opened and Paloma walked in.Ingrid frowned
looking at me but I gave her a reassuring look.Ever since Ingrid
remembered everything, Paloma didn't have the guts to come
and face her.Now she had mastered the courage.
"What's going on here?" Ingrid folded her arms,her gaze
directed to Paloma.
"Cariño,your mother and I worked together to get you back
from the Yakuza's.We decided to tolerate and help each other
out.I can't say we really resolved our differences but now we
can function in one building without thinking of killing each
other."I explained.
"I'm glad that you're okay now." Paloma took a sit after pouring
herself some whiskey.
Ingrid chuckled. "So you expect like a 'thank you,' from me?"
"Ingrid, I hate to say this but your mother's intentions were
pure this time.And she really helped us in rescuing you.She
played a pivotal role and for that I think she deserves your
appreciation." Reaper defended.
"Hell yea she does." Ingrid scoffed. "Its not gonna cut it.I'm
sorry mommy dearest but I'm not going to say thank you to you
because you owed it to me.What you did now,was something
you should have done all those years.You should have been
there for me but you weren't.And what hurts most is I can't
even trust you.I don't even know if your intentions are
pure.You don't do anything out of the goodness of your
heart.There is always a meaning behind every action of
yours.So I'm sorry if I'm gonna look like I'm ungrateful here.I
don't trust you." She said,her voice breaking.
"Andriette..." Paloma tried to speak but Ingrid raised her hand.
"No Paloma no,don't give me your bullshit speech about how
you regret never being there for me.It took me being
kidnapped,drugged,rapped for months and sold to some sick
bastards for you to realise that I mattered.Now you wanna act
like a caring mother.You're 24 years late,so don't stand there
and patronise me." She clicked her tongue and walked
out,banging the door in the process.
Paloma sighed. "I guess I deserve that."
"Of course old hag you do." Carlos chuckled.
Paloma poured the remaining whiskey on his face. "Shut the
fuck up you moron."
I shook my head and followed Ingrid.I found her standing on
the balcony,crying.My heart broke.I wrapped my arms around
her and kissed her tears away.
"For years I yearned for her love and she wasn't there for
me.Now I should appreciate her once-off act of bravery.I'm
gonna come out as ungrateful and I don't care.I needed her all
this damn time and she wasn't there.I don't trust her.I know
she is cooking up something sinister.She always does." She
"My love, if she wants to make amends then give her a
chance.You're allowed to be angry but don't take too
long.You're lucky that she even makes an effort,the woman
who gave birth to me doesn't even know how old I am.My love,
your anger is justified but give Paloma a chance okay.She saved
your life too."
She wiped the tears that continuously coursed down her
cheeks. "I hate her and I can't believe you're taking her side."
"Cariño it's not about taking sides.She is your mother and you
know deep down you love her.So give her a chance.I'm asking
for this because she played an important role in saving your
She sniffed and looked away. "This is her plan don't you see
that.She did this so that you could accommodate her.She can't
be trusted.She is always up to something."
"I know,and I don't trust her.But if she is up to something
then,we will cross that bridge when we get there."
"It will be too late."
I cupped her face. "We will always find a way.She doesn't stand
a chance against us.We are stronger together."
"Fine,I will try to tolerate her but don't push her down my
"That's my girl." I kissed her pouted lips.


Later during the day we told Ingrid everything she had to know
about her paternal side of the family.We explained from finding
Adrianna, Falcon being her cousin and also that she had to take
over as the Don of the Morena family.We also told her that she
killed Chen one of the leaders of the Yakuza's.We didn't know
what Rocco was planning since he knew about Ingrid's
existence so the quicker she had to know about all this,the
"So you're basically saying my grandfather left all his fortune in
my father's name.And since my father died,I have the right over
everything.Even a mafia honorary title?So I'm like a mafia
billionaire heiress?" That's what we just said.She was trying to
digest the information.It was definitely a lot to take in.
"Yes and the quicker you claim your title the better.Its not only
about the wealthy but you're more vulnerable right now since
the family doesn't know about you.Rocco might choose to
strike and kill you,but you will be untouchable once you
become the Don." Paloma explained.
"So you think I'm just gonna rock up in Italy and say hey I'm
Lorenzo's daughter and I'm here to claim what's mine.Then
they will believe me?"
"Don't worry I have all the documents that suggest that you're
the rightful heiress.I'm working with Lucan,the acting Don."
Paloma took out her lighter and cigar.
Ingrid sighed. "So let me get this straight,you're working with
the acting Don to help me get what belongs to me and claim
the title from him,stripping him off his power?"
Paloma shrugged. "Not everyone is hungry for the
spotlight.Besides its not like Lucan is walking away with
nothing.Men like him diversify their assets.Obviously his money
isn't in the family's account.As a member of the Morena family,
he obviously has some money put away somewhere.Look,I
have been sceptical at first because this is a huge
responsibility.But your father worked so damn hard for that
empire to be what it is today.And the thank you he got was to
be kicked out because of a misunderstanding.Your grandfather
must have realised his mistake, that is why he left everything in
his name and his children.You're the only child that Lorenzo
had which is why you have to take over.I'm not pressurizing you
and if you feel like you don't want to be part of any of this then
that's okay.But word is out that Rocco is fighting to claim the
title and from the look of it, the men might back him up.They
are not fans of Lucan."
Ingrid paced the length of my study. "This is a lot to take in."
"You can take your time and think about it Ingrid because this is
going to piss off a lot of people,especially Rocco." Perla sipped
on her whiskey.
Ingrid stopped pacing and looked at us,her gaze held fierceness
and confidence. "No,I have no time to figure it out.There is no
time to think about anything.Like you said,Rocco is probably
thinking of ways to kill me and I don't want to give him that
chance.I'm my father's daughter,I will run his empire with the
same integrity as he did,with the same attention to detail and
with the best services to the organization.I know I'm going to
make so many enemies because not everyone will be happy
with me taking over,but I have been through so much shit to
know that giving up is simply not an option.Paloma you make
arrangements,we will leave for Italy as soon as possible.I won't
let Rocco play chess with my father's empire.I'm coming for him
and let's see how he is gonna stop me."
Paloma nodded with a proud grin on her face. "Sure."
Perla smiled and squeezed Ingrid's shoulder. "Its good to have
you back.Its good to have our heroine back."
Falcon stood up and attempted to hug Ingrid but he got kneed
on his balls instead. "And that is for watching you cousin sister
being abused by a man and do nothing about it."
She looked at me,her eyes still holding the same savage spark
as they always did. "Take me to the torturing chambers." She
didn't wait for my response and walked out.
We walked inside the torturing chambers holding hands.Xavier
was tied to the chair and he was pale.He was too white like a
ghost.His head hung limply against the back of his chair.The
whole room was filled with the stench of blood but Ingrid didn't
seem to mind.When he heard Ingrid's heels clicking, he
snapped his head up.When he saw Ingrid, his eyes popped out,
as much as they could with how swollen they were.
"No darling I'm not a ghost." She smiled walking towards him.I
let her be.For the sake of her vengeance she needed to do
whatever she wanted to do to that bastard.
"H-how...c-ome.." He shook at her sight.Without warning,
Ingrid kicked his stomach,stabbing him with her killer heels in
the process.The stab wasn't deep enough to injure the major
arteries in Xavier's body but he sure felt some serious pain.His
scream was the confirmation.
"I told you I was going to kill you." Her voice boomed in the
room.My men watched the queen in action and surprise was
written all of their faces.They haven't seen anything yet.
She started pacing around Xavier. "You know I don't regret
meeting you Xavier.I don't regret getting entangled with you
and I will do it again if I have to.And do you know why?If it
wasn't for you I was never going to meet the love of my life.If it
wasn't for you,I was never going to know how strong I am.You
made me realise that a woman is like a teabag,you don't know
how strong she is until you put her in hot water.So thank you
Xavier for exposing my capabilities.Thank you for being the
path that led me to find true love.You thought you were
breaking me but you only made me stronger.One day I'm going
to look back and say you were a stumbling block that I
overcame.When you brought the storm into my life thinking
that I wouldn't withstand it,you forgot that I'm a tornado. Still I
stand.I'm alive.I'm still breathing.I'm loved.Too bad I can't say
the same about you."
"Shut the fuck up." She smacked him across the face.
"Now let's get this shit over and done with." She waved at
Beast and Falcon.Beast brought a cutter and Falcon cuffed
Xavier's legs to the chair.Ingrid slowly wore latex gloves.When
the realization of what she was about to do dawned on
Xavier,he started pleading and begging.His pleas fell on deaf
"No...please...please...I'm sorry.I'm sorry...please... Don't
His please meant nothing to her.She roughly grabbed his dick
and pressed the cutter on his flesh."You raped me with this
shit.You fucked me in the ass.You made me suck this piece of
shit.It is this dick that made you feel like a man right?It made
you feel powerful right?Today I'm stripping you off that
She didn't give him a chance to react and pressed the cutter.It
sliced through his dick,severing it from his body.His screams
filled the whole room as his body spasmed in agony.He
thrashed on the metal chair.
"I told you I was going to kill you." Ingrid grabbed a blade so
tightly, ready to stab Xavier with it but I stopped her.
"No my love.You're not a killer."I said taking the blade from her
"But I killed a lot of people before."
"You were trying to protect yourself.And that doesn't make you
a murderer.You're not a killer cariño,you're a heroine.I don't
want you to dirty your hands anymore as long as I'm alive,and
especially not with his tainted blood.Let me do this.Let me be
your killer."
She sighed and placed a kiss on my lips,with tears glistening in
her eyes. "Make him pay Raphael.Do your worst.Be my villain."
"I will do my worst." She nodded and Reaper took her back to
the villa.
I waved at my men.They tied Xavier's upper body with a
chain,and his lower body with another chain too.Both chains
were then locked on two different cars that were facing
opposite ways.
"Meet you in the afterlife brother." He could barely keep his
eyes open but I saw him begging me with his eyes.It was rather
too late.I nodded to the drivers.They started driving the two
cars going opposite ways while Xavier was on the center.He
weakly screamed as they continued driving, his bones started
to crack and his flesh meshed as he ripped into two.That is how
he died.Some say I was
cruel.Ruthless.Cold.Heartless.Vicious.Unsympathetic.I would
agree.But I liked the word barbaric better.
I turned and looked at my men who had horrified expressions
on their faces. "May this be a lesson learnt.Email him to
Diego."With that said I went back to the villa.I needed my

After dinner,we went straight to our bedroom.I have been

holding myself back,afraid of hurting her but I couldn't
anymore.I needed her to make me feel 'human' again.The
moment we stepped inside our room we were locked from the
head to toe.I looked down at her,at the way her long,black
curly hair lay spread over the pillow like a silken cloud.At the
curved,feminine body with its luscious breasts and rounded
hips.She was like a goddess.Desire ripped through me as she
moaned.My cock throbbed,it has been too damn long.
"Mom,dad!Who is going to tuck me in bed and turn off the
lights.Dad it's your turn today."Perfect timing Kira,perfect
Ingrid's opened her eyes wide in alarm. "Did you lock the
I groaned. "Yes I did."
Kira continued banging the door. "Dad come put me to bed."Oh
my God.
Ingrid chuckled. "You know she won't stop right.Go,the pecks of
being a dad."She pushed me off the bed.Frustratedly,I wore my
sweatpants and packed my boner.After putting on my shirt, I
strolled to her room and heard the sound of gunshots like she
was watching a movie or playing a video game.I opened the
door and found her sitting on her beanbag, a gaming controller
in her hand.
"Just one game daddy." She gave me puppy eyes.
I shook my head.I wasn't going to win against her so I took the
gaming controller and sat on the bed.After fifteen minutes her
character died and the words game over appeared on the
screen.Her eyes were already dropping.I picked her up and
tucked her in bed.After turning off the lights,I sprinted back to
my bedroom.I sighed in relief when I found Ingrid wide awake.
She giggled. "She is asleep now?"
"Finally." I said peeling away every fabric on my body."No
foreplay, its been too long."
I climbed on the bed and moved over her."I missed you so
much." With a groan and a whispering of her name, I parted
her legs and pushed my rocky tip against her molten heat.


escaping from my throat.He groaned and kissed me,nipping
into my tender lips.His lips moved to my neck as he continued
kissing a downward path.
"Are you okay?Am I hurting you in any way?"He slowed down
his pace,handling me like I was something fragile.Watching him
worry over something that I have been through, made my heart
I shook my head,tears building at the corner of my eyes.Tears
of joy."I missed you Raphael.Don't stop.You're not hurting
me.Stop beating yourself up when you did nothing wrong."
I had remembered everything.My heart soared when I recalled
everything that had happened.However, my pain didn't match
Raphael's.He felt guilty and responsible for what had happened
to me.I saw his angry and pained face when he was about to kill
Xavier.I saw the killer there.The villain.But I wasn't scared.I
knew the bad guy would protect me.He was my villain.He hated
himself for failing to protect me in the first place,but there was
nothing much he could have done that day.But now,I was safe
in his arms again.
Feeling his restraint, I rolled us over,moved my body over his
and pushed him flat on his back.His head rested on the
headboard, and with his jaws clenched.He opened his mouth to
say something,but snapped it shut,swallowing hard several
times."What are you doing?"
"I'm about to show you how much I missed you.My turn
tonight," I whispered.He nodded,his pornographic bedroom
eyes heavy and smoking hot.He was humouring me for the
moment, because he had never taken the passive role.I knew
he would turn the situation around if he wanted to,and have
me pinned beneath him before I could even blink.That made
him dangerous.And exciting.I kissed his mouth soundly.My
hand travelled down his stomach toward his hard cock.It laid
firm and hard against his hard-as-steel abs.My fingers wrapped
around his length and I directed it towards my burning core.A
strangled sound issued from his throat.I liked the sense of
power his reactions gave me.With his hands on my hips,I
bounced up and down on his dick.I grabbed my own tits,dug my
fingers into my hair as I moaned his name, and bit my lower lip
looking at him.My palm flattened against his chest and I rolled
my hips in the most seductive way,taking that cock over and
over,sweaty and out of breath.
"I love you so fucking much," he whispered harshly.I felt giddy
at his declaration of love.I continued to ride his dick up and
down,rolling my hips and take over his length.I moved my right
arm around his head so I could lean in and kiss him.I continued
to take him while we shared soft and sexy kisses.I had never
played the dominant in-the-bedroom game but now I was
loving every part of it, and he was loving it too.I felt proud.He
gripped my ass and grabbed each cheek,his fingers digging
deep into my flesh.Then he started to guide me up and down.I
moved myself at the pace he set,taking him to the tip before
bouncing back down to the base of his cock.
"Raphael..." I moaned feeling the spark of pleasure begin in the
tip of my toes before it moved to my cunt and made me burn.I
started to grind into his body uncontrollably, dragging my
sensitive clit against his tip as I felt my climax continue to build
up.At the moment of my release,he grabbed my hips and pulled
me down making sure every inch of his dick disappeared into
my cunt.He pushed me down until there was nowhere else for
him to go.He pushed a little too hard and it made me wince
because he pressed right up against my cervix but it was fucking
good nonetheless.I trembled deep inside as my slick wetness
moistened his cock.This was long over-due.Watching me cum
however, turned him on but didn't make him explode.He
reached over and speared his fingers directly into the mess of
my damp hair,his palms at my cheekbones.And then he
dragged my mouth to his.This was no press of lips like some
featherlight little baby kisses.It was a taking.He ravaged my
mouth.He was about to show me that the pussy belonged to
him and him alone.He took and tasted,and I met him.Every
stroke.Every angle of his jaw.Every thrust of his tongue.I lost
myself in the exquisite perfection of his taste.Rough.Male.And
the hint of whiskey.I just wanted to drown in him.His hands
tightened in my hair,he held my jaw where he wanted it and he
plundered my mouth with so much greed,and I couldn't do
anything but kiss him back.Again and again and again.
He tore his mouth from mine and looked at me.He gave me a
cold dominance look.His expression simply told me that he
owned me and he was going to take me however he
wanted."I'm going to fuck you cariño.I'm going to do it very
hard,and don't try to stop me.I gave you time to heal and you
proved that you have healed.I'm going to claim you,okay
I nodded and swallowed hard.And then he claimed my mouth
once more,rolling us over.The deeper he kissed me, the more I
met him,the wilder it got.He then wrenched his mouth from
mine and followed the line of my neck down toward my
shoulder, licking his way across my skin.
"Raphael.."I moaned.
"Quiet,I'm busy." He sounded fierce,so I bit my lower lip as
another moan escaped my mouth.He continued, moving back
up my neck,tasting me as he went and he found the curve of
my earlobe then,taking it between his teeth in a little scrape
that made me shiver.He gave me the look again,the cold
dominance expression,that made him look dangerous yet
gorgeous.He was like a Greek god that came to life from marble
just to please me.He didn't just look kingly, but behaved like a
villain king and owned the room like one.Then he pressed the
tip of his cock on my burning wet entrance,that beautiful
cock,the inspiration for every dildo in the world.One of his
powerful arms grabbed my leg and placed it over his
shoulder.He slowly inched inside, pushed deeper until there
was nowhere else for him to go.He held my gaze for a while,
with the cold dominance expression still plastered on his
face.He started rocking his cock inside of me,hard and fast.His
neck bent down and he kissed me as he rocked.Breathing into
my mouth and giving me his tongue.It was like
fireworks.Everywhere.Inside me.Around me.Sensation washed
over me,blowing out all my circuits and then lighting them
again,leaving me shaking and greedy and just as wild.I felt an
explosion begin at the bottom of my stomach.He always
brought my body and mind to the threshold within seconds so I
wasn't surprised.The explosion hit me,making my toes curl and
my hips buck against him uncontrollably.Tears coursed down at
the corner of my eyes because it felt so damn good.He tore his
mouth from mine and looked down as he held one of my
breasts in his hand.He pulled the taut nipple between his
fingers and I moaned bucking against him.He continued to
conquer my pussy in the animalistic pace.He continued rocking,
digging deeper and harder reminding me how big he was and
how tiny I was beneath him.He groaned,pounding deeper, his
balls taping against my ass.
"I love you.However, I haven't begin to torture this pussy
yet,but I will.And I promise you babe,you're going to be very
sore tomorrow.I'm ripping this pussy apart.Its been too damn
long."He assured me with that wondrous dark thing in his voice
that swept over me like some kind of honey.He slid out,then
thrust again,and we both groaned.The whole world fell away.I
dug my hands into his smooth, hard flesh and met him,stroke
after stroke,surrendering myself completely.Letting the dark
thrill take me over.Letting him take me over wherever he
wanted us to go.He pressed down hard and moved
faster.Deeper.I shook around him,crying out his name.Before I
could recover from another climax,he dug beneath us to hold
my ass in his hands and cradled it.Then he thrust into
me.Harder.Deeper.Far more demanding and so good,so
perfect,it threw me straight over the edge again.And this time
when I fell off into the sweet oblivion, he followed.
"This is where you belong.At last,right here.In his
arms."Something kept whispering, like a chant in my ear.After a
plethora of climaxes,it was light outs.

I woke up the next morning feeling the soreness between my

legs.Raphael made good on his word.He took me all night
long,and even when I fell asleep,he climbed on top of me and
fucked me anyway.I slowly tried to slip from his hold,but he
made a low growling noise when I moved.I glanced up at the
fire burning in the fireplace and the glow illuminated all his
features.His muscular chest rose and fell slowly with his deep
breaths.He was massive,intimidating and still terrifying even
when he was asleep.But man,was he hot?I wiggled so I could
move up his body and pressed my lips to his.
"I have to go and pee,big bear."I knew he would hear me.His
body relaxed and he loosened his hold.
I huffed,still flushed about my pussy being ripped apart the
previous night.I slipped from the bed to use the bathroom.I
winced as I peed,I had definitely cracked and I was very much
swollen.Raphael didn't have any mercy on me.I wiped myself
gently and limped back to the bed.His arm was outstretched
waiting for me to return to bed where he'd lock me in his arms
"I cracked and I'm swollen."
He chuckled. "I know,I told you I was going to rip that pussy
apart.I am a man of my word." He slowly opened his eyes that
were filled with the desire to sleep."Pablo will give you some
painkillers and ointments,as well as the morning afters and a
"You don't want Kira to have a little buddy to play with." I said
jokingly but his face turned hard in a flash.
"You're getting the shot and it's not up for discussion."
I sighed. "You misunderstood me.Its not like I want to get
pregnant right now.There is a lot of shit to deal with and having
a baby right now is not the right time."
"And no time is the right time.We won't have one.We talked
about this.Kira is enough." He clenched his jaws.
"What's your problem really?You need to start talking to me
about these things.What are you so afraid of?And honestly
none of this makes any sense.You're a dad to Kira already,what
difference will it make if we have another baby?It is not the
right time now, but in a few years to come it will be a good
thing to have a little one around."
He loosened his hold and got off the bed. "Ingrid we are not
having this baby discussion,or we will end up arguing.So rest or
I will fuck you back to sleep and tore you up to your
asshole.Take your pick."
"Fine I'm sleeping, I'm exhausted anyway.But this discussion is
not over.You need to learn to open up to me."
He kissed my forehead. "Te amo mí cariño." Then he walked to
the bathroom.I stared at his ass before falling back to sleep.


The next moment when I opened my eyes,I was dressed in an

oversized t-shirt and Kira was wrapped in my arms.I figured
Raphael was the one who dressed me before getting Kira into
our bedroom.He even changed the bed sheets.I definitely slept
like a log because I didn't wake up when he moved me.I fought
a giggle when Kira snored with her mouth slightly open.She was
such an adorable kid and I felt so proud to be her mother.The
thought of where she could have been if we didn't escape that
brothel brought tears into my eyes.However, relief washed
over me when I remembered that she was my child now and I
would protect her with my life.She was safe.I was very happy
when Raphael broke the news to me.I couldn't believe he
actually adopted her.It was surreal.He was a good father,I
wonder why he didn't realise that.
I looked to the right and saw a cart with a covered tray on top
of it.That was probably our breakfast.I smiled looking at the red
peony,this had Raphael written all over it.I went and took a
shower before Kira woke up.
After my shower I settled for the girlfriend-next-door
look.There was no way I was going to rock a backless dress and
sky-high heels.I was sore to walk in heels and I had hickeys all
over my body.I wore an oversized T-shirt and sandals.When I
limped back to the bedroom,Kira was already feasting on the
I chuckled. "Did you even brush your teeth?"
She giggled taking another bite. "I was famished,so I couldn't
wait.Good morning mom." She opened her arms.I hugged her
and kissed her forehead.
"Good morning darling.You slept well?"
She nodded. "Yes I slept well.I believe these are yours."She
gave me some painkillers.She drank her coffee and cut into her
omelette before motioning for me to sit besides her on the
bed.I smiled and sat down,and we feasted on the food
While we were at it, there was a knock.I told the person to
come in, and Pablo walked in holding a briefcase.
Kira frowned and looked at me. "Mom are you okay?"
"Yes I'm okay Kira."
"Then why is he here?And why did you take those painkillers?"
She asked with a worried expression on her face.
"I just have a headache. Good morning Pablo."
"Good morning heroína.Good morning to you too Kiki.Your
mom is okay.I'm just here to check on her." Pablo smiled
"Hmm okay.Let me leave you to your things.I'm sure my
teacher is here.I overslept today."She kissed my cheek before
running out.
Pablo smiled. "She is such an adorable kid."
"You can say that again and I'm blessed.Let's go to the living
room."I led the way to the second room which contained the
large living room and a balcony.We sat down on the couch that
was positioned in front of the large TV on the wall.
"So umm,Layla said hello."Pablo broke the silence.I picked
some affection in his tone when he said her name.I looked at
him but he looked everywhere else but me.
"How is she doing?I didn't find time to come see her."
He smiled. "She is doing fine actually.And its understandable
that you didn't find time to see her.A lot happened.She wanted
to come and see you but she didn't know what to do or how to
approach you.She blames herself for everything."
"I used to blame her too but just like me,she was a pawn in a
game.And her weakness and love for the finer things in life got
the best of her.I forgive her and once I deal with everything
going right now,I will come and see her."
He nodded. "And she is pregnant." It came out as a whisper.
I chuckled. "And the baby is yours."
He scratched his head. "Yea, and I'm so sorry that I couldn't
stop myself from falling for her even after what
happened.General is going to blow a fuse once he knows that I
fell for the traitor.Can you please talk to him on my behalf.I
really love Layla and we are expecting.We need your support
more than anything right now.And I know it might sound selfish
of me especially after everything she did,but I beg of you."
I wasn't surprised that they fell for each other.I mean Layla
practically lived with Pablo at his suite.Pablo seemed like a very
affectionate guy so I wasn't surprised by the fact that he
sympathized with Layla until he fell for her.And despite
everything she did,I was happy for her.She couldn't have found
a better man than Pablo to love her unconditionally, with all
the scars that Cinzía inflicted on her.
"Don't worry I will talk to him.And honestly I'm happy for
you.Talking about Raphael, where is he?" I asked.
"Ohhh I saw him going to one of the bedroom with two
technicians.I assume they are soundproofing the room.With a
kid around,the bedrooms have to be child proofed."
I smiled and looked down. "Yea I agree with you.So how does it
feel being a father?"
He smiled widely. "I can't wait for him to get here.I'm so happy
you know."
He opened the briefcase and took out the morning afters,as
well as the injection.
"Good for you.If it was Raphael he was going to burst an artery,
I tell you."
He nodded injecting fluid into the syringe. "I agree with you.He
has some abandonment issues,so I kinda understand where he
is coming from.When General was very young,Monica
abandoned him.Then a year or so she came back but her stay
didn't last.When she gave birth to Reaper she left again and
Reaper was just an infant by that time.General had to father
him as well as Xavier because Diego was too busy for his own
sons.And not only that,they were still kids when they were
shipped off to an island.Their mother wasn't there to protect
them.Then a few years later,she came back into their lives only
for Xavier.She lived with Xavier for some time in Russia.So I
think that he is afraid that if you guys have a baby,either you
will abandon the child or scenario two, you will choose the
baby over him.Its just his fear."
"But I don't get it.None of this makes any sense.Why would he
be afraid?Besides,we already have a child and he knows how
much I love him.Our child will be his extension and a symbol of
our love."
He sighed. "Its mother issues.Monica fucked up.Try to talk to
him and get him to see that you're not his mother.Monica...".
We were interrupted by a gunshot sound.I panicked
"You heard that?Go and check on Kira
she is probably in her room." I ran out of the room,forgetting
the pain between my legs.Adrenaline had already surged in.
When I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard some shouting
and crying. "You killed my baby.How could you do something so
evil?How could you be so evil?"
When I walked in the lounge, a woman almost Paloma's age
was crying and causing a scene.That was Monica.She was
definitely the one who fired the shot that hit the flower vase,
but now she didn't have the pistol in her hands.
"I should have aborted you when I had the chance.You dirt.You
piece of shit.You killed my son!!" She continued shouting but
Raphael was sipping on his scotch looking unfazed.
"We are your sons too.Why don't care for us like you cared for
him?" Reaper said with a pained expression on his face.
"You pieces of shit.You're not my sons.You wanna know what
you're, I will tell you.You're the result of rape.You're taboos.
You're dirt.Diego raped me and that's how you two came
along.I should have killed you both when I had the chance." She
said with disgust.I felt like strangling her.I looked at Raphael
and with the way his green eyes had darkened, I knew he was
"And Xavier wasn't a product of rape?!" Reaper shouted,his
voice breaking.
"Yes, you piece of shit.Xavier was the result of love between
Erik and I.Why do you think,he didn't think twice and joined the
Russians huh?He was one of them.Now that you killed Erik's
son,the Ivashks are going to come after you,including their
Her eyes landed on me and she angrily strolled towards
me."You whore,you're the reason why my son was killed..."
"Touch her and I will kill you this instant!!!" Raphael's voice
boomed in the room making her stop on her
tracks,shaking."And I won't even hesitate killing you.You're not
supposed to breathing the same air as her.I dare you to even
point your finger at her.The only reason why I'm tolerating your
tantrums is because you carried me for nine months."
"But she did not carry me." Aunt Perla appeared from nowhere
and gave Monica a jaw breaking punch.Mike Tyson has nothing
on that punch."Bitch,a child is a gift no matter what
circumstances they were conceived under." With that said, she
started dragging her out by the hair while Monica screamed her
lungs out,shouting at Reaper and Raphael.
Reaper walked out immediately and Raphael still wore a hard
and stoical expression.Knowing that he was a product of rape
hurt him but as always he was a master at masking his feelings.I
followed him as he strolled to his study.
I closed the door and walked over to him. "Raphael..."
He interjected. "I'm fine cariño.I'm okay,trust me."He grabbed
my waist and plastered his lips on mine.His tongue circled into
my mouth as he gently kissed me.He poured all his emotions
into that kiss.He was not okay,but I wasn't going to push it.He
traced his fingers between the smooth flesh of my inner thighs.
"I'm still sore."
He grinned. "I know." He murmured,inching his hand higher,
drawing tiny circles with his fingertips.
"Raphael someone might..." He cut me off with a slow,soothing
"The door is locked."He said against my lips.
"But..." With just one flick of his finger over my most sensitive
place,which was apparently swollen,I trembled.He continued
thrusting in slowly,his fingers were doing something amazing.
"Come for me." His voice transported me to undiscovered
realms.A moan sprinted up my throat as I shuttered.A slow sigh
escaped my lips as the spasms died away.
He took out his fingers and licked, with a mischievous grin.
"Always yummy."He sat on his chair,looking like he wasn't just
finger fucking me seconds ago."So your cousin tried to seduce
"Yea.I thought I should tell you since you will be meeting her.I
don't want things to be awkward and I don't wanna hide
anything from you."
I didn't need to see my face to know that I was red with anger.
"Ohhh she is dead meat."
He chuckled and shook his head. "You need to go rest now.In
the meantime I have to check the blueprint of the château.We
are leaving for Italy the day after tomorrow.The family is
expecting you this week.They already know about you.So I have
to check the château out, to know what we are dealing with."
"You mean to say, they live in a French styled castle?"
He smiled. "Exactly my love,that's a château.Perla mentioned
that they behave as royalties."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I'm so not ready for
people who think they are better than everyone else.Anyway
do your thing.I will just go and rest or something."
Before I walked out,there was a knock and Raphael pressed on
the remote control that was on the desk.The door opened and
Paloma was the first one to walk in.Perla came in next,followed
by the woman who looked almost like me.That was definitely
Her eyes landed on Raphael and her lips stretched into a sly
smile.I saw red.Before I could anticipate my own moves,I had
her slammed on the wall with my fingers wrapped tightly
around her neck.She didn't expect it so she was shocked just
like everyone else in the room.
"Now listen to me you bitch.If you ever think of pulling the
stunt you pulled on my man,I will kill you.When it comes to
him,I see red.Remember this face because I might be the one to
send you back to your maker.Do you understand me." I
tightened my grip on her neck until I felt her windpipe.Her face
was red and her nose was turning into a disgusting shade of
green.She nodded trying to gasp for air.
"I said,do you understand me?!"I shouted.
" Y-yes,"she gagged.I loosened my hold and she fell on the
ground trying to gasp for air.When she had gathered enough
air, she stood up shaking.
"My name is Ingrid Andriette Morena.I'm your cousin.It was
nice meeting you Adrianna Morena."I opened my right arm for
a hug.Still shaking, she hugged me.I squeezed my arm tighter
around her neck.
"I will still kill you if you look at him,or worse breath the same
air as him.I don't play when it comes to him.I will kill you and I
will wail at your funeral with the loudest voice." I whispered in
her ear and let her go.
I looked at aunt Perla who was staring at me with her eyes
popped out. "Its good having a cousin,but for the meantime
please take her to the quarters."I glanced at Raphael and
walked out.
I went to our bedroom and sat on the balcony under a white
thick umbrella, admiring acres of land Raphael owned.The
horses grazed in the pasture,and the sun cast the land in a
beautiful hue.The gentle breeze brought coolness to my
skin.The water in the pool sparkled under the brilliant
sunlight.While I was enjoying the scenery,I felt a presence
behind me.
"You're really quiet.I didn't hear you coming in." I said without
turning my head.
Paloma sat on the opposite chair and placed a board on the
table.She opened the board and started placing black stones on
the board,creating her territories.I strategically placed white
stones,blocking my opponent.Then we started playing.We
spent nearly an hour,playing and none said a word.She was an
excellent player and she taught me everything I knew.But I had
a strategic mind,so it was easy to kick her ass.Whether on the
game board or when it comes to strategy.I made a
move,blocking her movements.She stared at the board for the
longest time,trying to decide her next move.I already knew
what her next move was.She was left with only two moves,but
the result was the same.I'd win.I knew all her moves before she
made them.It was like being a warlord, anticipating your
opponent's moves and destroying them the second they made
a move.
"You won't see this one coming," she murmured but I heard it
and I knew that remark had nothing to do with the game we
were playing.The game on its on however,was her real life
situation.After her defeat she was left with two options, either
to run or to join us.
When she made her move,I demolished her. "You have no
chance against me and Raphael.I know you manipulated
everyone here into believing that you're siding with them but
you can't fool me.You always say,if you can't defeat them,join
them and when they least expect it, strike.I know you're using
that strategy,but let me warn you beforehand,you better stop
whatever you're planning.If you ever hurt Raphael in any way,I
will forget that you carried me for nine months."
"I protected you,I came with valuable intel so that we could
find you when..."
I interjected. "It was your duty as my mother.It was your
responsibility.You should have done that a long time ago and
be there for me but you didn't.Your once-off act of bravery
doesn't make me forget all that you did.So its meaningless
using that as leverage.And its not like you came alone and
played wonder woman,you worked with Raphael.And FYI,that
was the second time Raphael saved my life but he doesn't rub it
in my face every chance he got."
She was visibly angry. "How do you sleep at night, wrapped in
the arms of the man who killed your father?How do you live
with yourself huh?" She clenched her jaws.
"The same way you sleep at night knowing that you killed your
father and your uncle for something that didn't belong to
you.Your greediness made you kill your own father,so how do
you live with yourself?" She remained silent.
"Thought as much.I'm my mother's daughter after all.And the
reason why I sleep peacefully in that man's arms is because I
know that given an opportunity to do the right thing,he was
never going to fire the bullet that killed my father.He was just a
tortured kid forced to do bad things by circumstances beyond
his control.But its not like you understand."
She stood up angrily, but I remained calm and collected."He
killed my husband."
"Do you want my advice mother?"
"What?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
I stared at her for a few seconds.I didn't blink often,adding to
my aura of constant hostility."Run and run very fast.Put a stop
to everything you're planning and take whatever money you
have left and run.I guarantee you,I will destroy you when it
comes to Raphael.If you doubt me,then try to remember that
you killed your own father, and the apple doesn't fall far from
the tree." I stood up and leaned closer to her face."Like
mother,like daughter."
She sucked her teeth and strolled out angrily.I knew she was up
to no good.

A few days later we landed in Catania.Italy was a beautiful
place.She is a gorgeous country.Small towns were surrounded
by vineyards, flowers and market places full of fresh harvests
and cheese.Wine was more plentiful because the places were
filled with vineyards.The day was finally here to meet my
father's side of the family.I didn't know what to expect but I
was sure that my famous villain uncle Rocco was not going to
welcome me with open arms.Paloma mentioned that I had a
grandmother and she was very much alive.From her tone they
didn't get along.Obviously, Paloma was not the nicest person to
like.But I didn't know if she was going to accept
me.However,my uncle Lucan,Falcon's father had a good heart
according to Paloma.Then my other uncle Riccardo, was a
bastard who didn't give a fuck about anything, according to
Perla.Uncle Lucan was married,but his wife, Falcon's mother
died after being diagnosed with cancer.He never remarried.He
must have loved his wife.The other two uncles
Riccardo,Adrianna's father and Rocco were not married.Uncle
Lucan was the one holding the title of the Don and Riccardo
was the one managing the legal side of the family
business.Rocco didn't have any power over anything, which I
think is the reason why he was the most ambitious one and
power hungry, among my uncles.We pulled up to the famous
château.The sun was high,in the sky,and out in the middle of
the island of Catania,there were iconic views there.The smell of
olive trees,was in the air,along with the delicious scent of
grapes in the vineyards.One after the other,SUVs with our men
pulled into the front tall iron gates.After talking to one of the
guards there,the gates were opened for us.The giant stone,
castle-like mansion was almost a mile from the front gate up a
long hill.The sun rose a over the château, highlighting the green
hillsides,vineyard and rose gardens.It was beautiful but
definitely creepy at night.The grass was cut and the outside was
pristine.It definitely took a lot to maintain it,especially because
of the trimmed pines that lined the driveway.It looked like
something out of the movies.As expected men in black,armed
to the teeth,swarmed the place like ants.When we reached the
circular driveway,I was more nervous.Raphael squeezed my
arm in reassurance and I managed to relax.Its a pity we couldn't
bring Kira to Italy because we didn't know what to expect but
had she been here,she was going to be of great help in calming
my nerves.We walked to the front door and it opened within a
minute.A tall and strong man smiled the moment we stepped
in,with his arms wide open.He had aged well.With a few grey
strands on his hair.
"Finally,you're here.My brother's only daughter." He hugged
me,sniffing and I didn't know how to react to the sudden
affection from a stranger.
"Dad,you're dramatic." Falcon said stepping in,like he was
familiar with the place.Which of course he was.So that was
uncle. Lucan.I softly patted his back until he freed me.
"Ohhh my dear,you look just like him.Please come on in.The
last time I saw you,you were so young.You have grown now,oh
heavens." He led the way and I was blown away by the view in
the loungehall.A beautiful crystal chandelier dropped from the
ceiling and bookshelves covered the wall,in the most beautiful
artistic way I have ever seen.
"Dad." Adrianna ran to a man who emerged from one of the
rooms holding a glass of scotch.She threw herself in his arms
and shed a few tears.Dramatic.
"You're indeed Lorenzo's copy and paste." He said giving me his
hand for a handshake.With Adrianna wrapped around his
arms,it was impossible to get a hug so I awkwardly shook his
hand.A chatelaine ran to us and asked what she could bring for
us and Uncle Lucan ordered her to start preparing for lunch
immediately.After the introductions we all settled in the lounge
in comfortable silence.
"Its unbelievable that you're finally here.Mama is going to be so
happy."Uncle Lucan broke the ice.Paloma mentioned that he
was the closest to my father and had actually visited us a lot of
times but I didn't remember him.On cue,an old woman and an
elderly man descended the stairs.She was wearing a royal blue
tailored suit.Pearls covered her ears and neck,some was on her
fingers.White fur covered her shoulders.For an old woman,she
looked elegant.Holding her right arm was a man,definitely
Riccardo.He was good looking but he had an expression on his
face that I didn't like instantly.When his eyes landed on me,he
didn't smile like his brothers,his expression remained hard and
"Ohhh my dear Lord." The old woman,my grandmother
cried.Feeling emotional as well,I stood up and walked towards
"Lorenzo's only daughter.My dear lord.You look just like
him.His female version." She balanced herself on the walking
cane and opened her other arm for me.I threw myself in her
arms and for some reason,I ended up crying as well.


stopped crying.I wiped my tears.This was quite a bittersweet
moment for me too.
"I can't believe you're really here.Its like Lorenzo came to life
again through you.Now when I die,I can rest in peace." She
cupped my face and peppered it with kisses.
"Don't talk like that mama.Let's go sit down." Finally,Rocco
decided to say something.He didn't even smile my way,let
alone acknowledge my presence but then again I didn't
care.We all sat down.Grandma insisted that I sit besides her
much to Adrianna and Rocco's annoyance.When her eyes
landed on Paloma she frowned, they didn't get along.After the
introductions grandma couldn't stop crying.
"You can't just show up here and expect us to believe that
you're Lorenzo's daughter. People do a lot for money, and for
all we know you might be trying to scam us at the expense of
our feelings.What proof do you have to show that you're
indeed Lorenzo's daughter?People might look alike and with
technology and science taking the world by storm,I wouldn't be
surprised if you had a plastic surgery." I knew Rocco didn't like
me,but for him to say this bull about me threw me off.Raphael
squeezed my hand as a form of comfort,he could feel I was
"Don't insult my daughter like that!But why am I surprised, of
course you wouldn't be happy knowing that Lorenzo's only
daughter and the true heiress is back.Don't try to act smart
when you know the truth about Ingrid's identity and
birthright.After all, that's the reason why you sent your niece to
spy.Not a smart move if you ask me."Paloma clenched her
jaws,glaring at Rocco.
"We did a DNA test and it came out positive.She is indeed
Lorenzo's daughter.I have seen her when she was young,she is
his daughter.Rocco and Riccardo if you want to do a DNA test
then you are welcome to do so,but it will save us a lot of money
and hustle if you just accept that the true heiress of this family
is here and there is absolutely nothing you can do about
it,especially you Rocco." Uncle Lucan said with his gaze directed
to his brothers.Rocco returned the stare with his eyes burning
with savage fire.He wasn't happy about all of this.
"You did all this behind our back.That is disrespectful!We are a
family we don't backstab each other like that!" Rocco
shouted.It was basically about to become an argument.
"When and how did I back stab you?And don't forget that she is
family too.She has our blood!" Uncle Lucan shot back.
"If you can't respect me,at least respect my son and husband's
memories that linger in this house.My granddaughter is here
and my grandson too,instead of rejoicing you're fighting.I don't
need a DNA test to prove that this is my grandchild because I
already know she is.I already felt it,and not one of you is going
to tell me otherwise.Rocco,show some respect and love for our
guest,or help me God." Grandma intervened.Despite being old
and frail,they had so much respect for her.They all looked down
while she spoke.
"But mama..." Rocco protested with his gaze lowered.
She raised her hand. "I don't want to hear anything.Let's
celebrate,my granddaughter is home.Lorenzo found his way
back.Let's go have something to eat." She dismissed him and
slowly walked towards the dining hall,holding my arm for
We reached a huge dining table.The top was a long piece of
rustic mahogany, big enough to fit twenty grown men.Grandma
sat on the heads of the table.We all took our seats after she
did.The staff started serving us.The chef had gone above and
beyond.They made garlic bread with tomato basque.Roasted
chicken stuffed inside of pastry.Green salads, sweet buttered
corn and herb-basted potatoes.All of that went well with white
wine.Obviously, the dinner was tense,well at least not for
me.Rocco and Andrianna kept giving me the angry stares.I also
got a weird vibe from Riccardo.For some reason my instinct
told me that he was pretending to be nice so as to be in my
good graces,when in actual reality he was just a wolf in a
sheep's clothing.As for uncle Lucan,well he was very nice and if
he was pretending then he was really good at it.The only
person whose intentions were clear was Rocco.He wore his
heart on his sleeves.He hated me,period.
After dinner I accompanied grandma to her
bedroom.Apparently she needed to take her medication and
rest. "I wish my husband and I never chased our son away.He
was opinionated and to us that was being rebellious.When he
refused to conform to our expectations,we disowned
him.Lorenzo too washed his hands,not wanting anything to do
with the family or the power the Morena surname carries.He
decided to walk away and start his empire from scratch,despite
building the one we are enjoying now.The hotel,rental
properties and resorts was all your fathers hard work.Lorenzo
refused to let my husband back him up financially, and he
started his own empire with his hard earned money.I watched
your father build Morena Magnolia from ground up,making his
dream a reality with such calm suavity.I never told him how
proud I was of his work,and now that he is no more,I regret it
every single day of my life.I have been waiting for your arrival
for a very long time.When Lucan told me about your existence I
couldn't believe it.Lorenzo died when we weren't in good terms
and because of that he never told us about you.We had
disowned him after all.We were wrong.Now that you're
here,help me deal with the guilt my dear.At least i can right my
wrongs through you.Its time for you to wear your father's shoes
now.From the moment you were born,this empire has been
your birthright,an asset you're entitled to.We enjoyed the fruits
of your father's hardwork, but he never got to enjoy it himself.It
can happen now,he can enjoy all this through you because he
built this legacy for you.I know its going to cause chaos in this
family, but if this is the only way to make up for Lorenzo then
so be it." She coughed a few times and I helped her drink some
"Why did you disown my father?" I asked.
She sighed and held my hand. "You just arrived my dear.You
need to rest and adjust to the new environment.The chatelaine
already organized your room,as well as the other guests.Your
uncle Lucan will tell you everything you need to know.Your life
is going to change from this day forth.And I will be completely
honest with you,what you're about to become is not for the
weak.You need to realise that you will be a woman in a men's
world.For that you need to be strong, but I know you're
stronger and more.You have a face of an angel, the eyes of a
leader and the heart of a heroine."
"But you don't know me grandma."
"You're Lorenzo's daughter.You're my son's child,so I don't
need to be told anything because I already know everything.I
have lived long enough to be the best judge of character.I
sensed your aura too.Now I need to rest.When I wake up,you
need to tell me about the love you share with that young man
you brought with.Give grandma a kiss."
I smiled and kissed her cheek before walking out.I wasn't
surprised when I found Raphael standing on the hallway just
outside grandma's room.He was very overprotective, especially
after my abduction.While we descended the stairs we met
Rocco on the way.He still held that angry expression on his
face,but it wasn't enough to make me flinch.
"May I talk to you on the patio please?" He said,his gaze
directed to me.
"I'm coming with you." Raphael held my hand.
"If I wanted her dead, I could have killed her,long time ago.You
can relax.I just want us to talk.I'm not stupid enough to try and
cause a war with my mother in the house.I know what I'm up
against,General." He sized Raphael with attitude, but like
always my man handled the shit calmly.
"I'm going to stand a few feet away.I'm also not stupid enough
to trust you with my woman's life.As it is you have already
killed her in your mind more times than I can count." He wasn't
backing off so Rocco gave up and walked towards the patio.We
followed him and Raphael made good on his word.He stood a
distance from us.Not that it was going to make any difference
anyway because I was still going to tell him about our
Rocco stopped in front of me,several feet in between us,since
this was probably a hostile meeting.The outdoor lights provided
with enough illumination so I could see the sour look on his
face.He stared at me with the hatred that I carried the Morena
surname.We remained silent for five minutes straight.
"Everybody got a price so name yours."
I chuckled. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
He gawked at me. "Ingrid or whatever you call yourself,name
any amount you want.I will give it to you and you will get off
our backs."
I placed my right arm on my hip and glared back at him. "I'm
priceless Rocco.I know you don't like me, and I won't pretend
like I don't share the same sentiment because I do.The feeling is
mutual.But,let me get one thing straight,you're not going to
buy me off.I'm back for my legacy and I intend to hold on to
it.I'm going to run my father's empire with same integrity as he
did.Not you or anyone else will stop me."
The rage that took over his face was indescribable.Two
explosions happened in his eyes,and his eyebrows furrowed as
if he couldn't believe what I had just said.His grey eyes grew
darker and darker. "You understand very little about something
which is vital part of our reality.Do you think you can just pop
out of nowhere to claim something we have been working so
hard for?In your wildest imagination you think you're just going
to claim the title and own everything,and we will watch you on
the sidelines?Are you even aware of what you're up against
I chuckled. "For more than twenty years you have been
enjoying the fruits of my father's labour.You don't have the
slightest idea of what my father or me have been going
through.However,to me this is not about the wealth.I wouldn't
have been here if it wasn't for the fact that my father built this
empire,and after him I'm supposed to take over the title.If it
wasn't for that,I wasn't even going to bother with any of
this.Look Rocco, I don't know you,you don't know me,but let's
not underestimate each other."
He placed his hand on his chest and laughed. "Underestimate?
You're not worthy of being estimated of anything.You're just a
foolish young woman who has no idea what she is getting
herself involved in.You think you can be the Don?The boss of
the bosses.What are you smoking, weed?You gotta give me
some of that because its working. How dare you even think that
you can pull off something I failed to do?A silly twenty
something woman,thinking she can be the boss to the mafia
bosses.You need mental evaluation."
I strolled towards him slowly, my eyes trained of him. "Daring is
more my style.Resilience is my superpower.You or anyone else
can try your worst but let me tell you something uncle Rocco
Morena,I'm your worst nightmare.If you have never met your
match before then you're looking at one today.No scratch
that,I'm not your match,I'm your equal,or something else
better.You're looking at Lorenzo Morena's only daughter, and if
that is not enough to scare the testicles back inside your
stomach, try to remember that this woman you're looking at
right now is not one to be messed with.I will destroy you.The
title and the empire rightfully belongs to me, and the fact that
I'm female isn't going to stop me from claiming what my father
worked his butt off for.The empire is an asset I'm entitled to.I'm
going to show you that even though I'm a woman,my balls are
bigger than anyone else's.I'm going to get it back what's
rightfully mine,and let's see who is going to stop me." I strolled
away but stopped on my tracks when I was a few feet away and
looked back at Rocco. "I dare you to try, uncle.I dare you."


"In our organization there is a hierarchy, with the Don making

decisions that trickle down to other members of the families.
We lead three other families.The Whittaker,the Valachi and the
Gambino,all of them are Italians.We once fought with these
families in a bitter bloody wars.At other times we cooperated in
the interest of greater profits.Most of the time though,we
simply agreed to stay out of each other's way.We work with
each other now for a common goal but it doesn't mean we are
friends.Now,major decisions will be made by you as the
Don,and money made by the family ultimately flows to
you.Your authority will be needed to resolved disputes and
keep everyone in line.Also you control all the four criminal cells
in our organization.Like I have mentioned we work with a
hierarchy.The first group is the Elite group which involves you
as the Don and the other leading members from the other
three families.This is the highest ranking group with you as the
leader.Then there is the Security group and their job is to make
sure there is peace among the families and other Mafia
organizations.Second from last is the Support group,their job is
collecting money and supervising our criminal activities.Lastly is
the working unit,this is the lower group involved in
theft,prostitution,extortion and other petty crimes.To handle
all these groups,you need a commando for the other three
groups.You will appoint them yourself.Do you understand?"
Uncle Lucan rested his palms on the table and looked at me
sternly.It has been two months since we arrived in Italy.I was
the next Don so uncle Lucan was already teaching me the
management and criminal ideology of our organization.I was
not yet introduced to the rest of the families but they knew
that the next Don was in town.It wasn't going to be simple but
there was no going back now.If I wanted to be the Don then I
had to put my big girl shoes on.I was learning how our
organization operated,it was complicated but I was ready for
any challenges.Rocco wasn't pleased by any of this, let's not
forget Adrianna and her father who I could see through his
pretense.Falcon,grandma and uncle Lucan supported me
though, and I was content.I looked at Raphael who was seating
by my side.He was proud.For my sake he refused to go back to
New York until I was titled the Don.He gave Reaper the
temporary authority and the power to control everything while
he was away.He only intervened when there was a serious
matter which needed his word.Luckily for us during the last two
months everything was flowing for General and his
empire.Falcon was sitting opposite me.He wore proud grin on
his face too.I had come so far,I wasn't going to let them
down,especially my father who was late.
"I understand everything uncle."
Uncle Lucan nodded and switched on the monitor.We have
been doing this for a while now.Pictures of different elderly
men and a few who were young, came on the screen.
"Tomorrow you're going to meet the rest of the family.I need
you to understand that most men in our organization are
assholes, and assholes only respect other assholes.They are
going to try to push you around,to make you vulnerable that
you quit in tears.I'm okay with you leading because I know you
have it in you but the men are not going to like any of this.They
have never been led by a woman,and worse still one who is in
her mid twenties.First impressions matter.You're going to have
to prove to them tomorrow that you're worth taking over the
title.If it means killing someone in front of them,you're going to
have to do it without fear or hesitation.Only then they will start
respecting you.Still on that issue,we have our motto in the
organization mainly targeted for the leaders.For a beta to
become an alpha,he has kill one.It simply means for someone
to become a leader,you have to kill another leader.We started
off as a family of assassins.We killed high ranking people and
only then did we become leaders.For you to become a Don
you should kill one Mafia leader from any mafia
organization.I'm worried because its not an easy task."
Raphael smiled. "She already passed that one.She killed a
Yakuza.Chen the leader of the Chen-chen clan."
Uncle Lucan's eyes popped out. "Are you serious?!All along we
have been wondering who killed him because we failed so
many times,and you pulled it off."
"Yes,I will explain the story some other time."
He turned to the screen."Wow I'm very much
impressed.Anyway now the important thing to remember are
Mr Whittaker.He is the most hot headed in the organization
and his son George here is just like him.Mr Whittaker is
dangerous and extremely cunning.He is a war lord.He amassed
a vast network of weaponry and soldiers in the recent
years.Take extreme caution.Then we have Gotti Valachi
here.He is a first in command to the Valachi army.He is
probably mentally unstable and an extreme sexist.He is going
to be the first one to have a problem with you being the
Don.Gotti is now just a shell waiting for it's expiring date.Then
we have John Gambino.He doesn't care about leadership, all he
cares about is money.As long as his business flows
smoothly,nothing else matters.We won't have a problem with
him,nor his subordinates." He continued explaining,and I
listened attentively.I already had my weakest target among the
men.If things go south during the meeting,he was going to send
the message on my behalf. "Now you can go and rest.We have
a long day ahead."
"Before I go,can I ask something?Why did your parents disown
my father?" I asked.
He sighed before unbuttoning his suit jacket. "Like I mentioned
we used to be assassins.Our father,your grandpa had Alex
Valachi killed during our bloody war.When there was peace
among the families, the Valachi asked our father to have
Lorenzo marry Alex's only daughter Maria as a way of paying
for killing Alex.Your father refused.He always stood for what he
believed in,and arranged marriages weren't part of it.He simply
told our father that he wasn't going to pay for the mistakes he
made.As a result our father was angry and he disowned
him.Lorenzo left everything because he knew his business was
already a circus of crime.And no matter how much he tries,our
father was going to destroy it to the ground.Lorenzo wasn't
going to be able to stand and watch what he worked so hard
for being destroyed to the ground, so he chose to walk
away.That way he saved his business and saved his
dignity.When father realised his fault,it was already too late."
When I was listening to uncle Lucan talk about my father's
history with my grandpa,I understood that in our world the
children always get to pay for their parent's sins.It was a never
ending cycle.But most importantly I was glad knowing that I
didn't punish Raphael for Diego's mistakes.I was certain that
wherever my father was,he didn't hate me for choosing
Raphael.Talking about Diego,the other day Reaper called and
informed us that Diego dropped by at the estate wanting to
talk.Now that he found out that Xavier wasn't his son,he
wanted to talk?!He was 32 years late.According to Reaper,Aunt
Perla chased Diego away with a gunshot wound on his
ass.Serves him right.Well aunt Perla and Paloma had returned
to New York already.There was bad blood between Paloma and
grandma.It was too tense that Paloma decided to leave after I
had settled.
After our discussion in the study we had dinner.When dinner
was over I put grandma to bed after making sure she took her
medication.It was my usual routine.Afterwards I went back to
my suite with Raphael.We hadn't discussed how we were going
to make this work.It seemed neither of us wanted to touch that
subject.I was going to rule in Italy and he would rule in the
US.Exactly how were we going to make it work.But I wasn't
going to leave my family for power.I wasn't ambitious.There
was surely a way around it.After talking to our daughter on
Skype, we went to bed.I missed her so much.Its a pity she
couldn't come to Italy.I couldn't take any chances.She was safe
in her father's estate It rained during the night.Gray clouds
hovered over the city.Winds whipped the château and water
battered the windows.Inside our room,Raphael pressed me
down the bed as we made love in the center of massive king
bed.Silky sheets slipped along as we rocked into each other.The
room was silent,except for the mattress bouncing,our skin
clapping and our moans.Afterwards we slept peacefully.I was
satisfied with his deep thrusts and the pile of his cum that was
in my pussy.


The following morning after I showered my stylist came.Uncle

Lucan went above and beyond.I mean a stylist,really?But I must
say she did a good job.After my transformation I could not
recognize myself.I was in a white silk and wool suit,the suit
jacket with black large buttons.Diamonds dangled from my ears
and another pair was on my fingers.Black fur covered my
shoulders.The six-inch Louboutin black pumps made me inches
taller.My hair was tied in a high ponytail,and my face was
smoothed with some powder and eye-shadows.My lips were
painted in deep red.
"You look professional,but you're making me hard." Raphael
rested his head on my shoulder,looking at our reflection in the
mirror.He was wearing his usual,a black suit.
"Thank you."
"So are you nervous?"
I shook my head. "I'm not really nervous.I'm just okay."
"That's a good sign.Everything is going to work out.Are you
packing?" He placed his hand behind my back which was
covered by the fur.He felt a pistol and smiled."That's my
girl.Now give daddy a kiss."
I laughed. "I have lipstick on babe.And we both know it won't
end there.Now let's go downstairs I'm sure they are waiting for
us.I love you okay.Don't be sad my love."He sulked but obliged
anyway.His love for sex sometimes was disturbing, but I loved
it.Well it doesn't make any sense,but whatever.
Raphael and I strolled down the stairs and we found the rest of
the family waiting for us in the lounge hall.Adrianna, Rocco and
Riccardo frowned when they saw me but I didn't give a
damn.Grandama,uncle Lucan and Falcon smiled.
"You look beautiful my dear,and I wish you the very best in
claiming what's yours.My blessings are with you." Grandma
kissed my face.
"Thank you mama."She smiled before being taken back to her
room,to rest.
"Shall we?" Uncle Lucan smiled,offering me his hand.
"Yes we shall." I smiled hooking my arm on his hand.Raphael
held my left hand.Three limos and several SUVs were parked on
the circular driveway,I wasn't surprised.We all went inside and
we were chauffeured to our destination.After two hours we
were parked in front of a four storey building.We had finally
arrived at the Morena Magnolia hotel.We entered the lobby
and like always grabbed the attention of the guest and the
employees.Several chandeliers hung from the ceiling, white
vases with fresh flowers lined the tables and counters.I loved
the energy the second we stepped in,loved the excitement as
the guests checked at the front desks.The hotel was a visional
representation of the Morena family name.Something my
father build from the ground up,making his dream a reality.I
was proud of his work,and I was never going to let him
down.We stepped into the conference room where the
meeting was to be held.There was a long table,with men seated
on each side.They were at least twenty,most of them old.All
were dressed in suits to blend in with the rest of the clientele of
the hotel.They looked like royalty,instead of the criminals they
really were.Everyone took their seats.Uncle Lucan sat at the
heads of the table and I sat on his right side.The men continued
talking, they didn't even respect Uncle Lucan's presence.That
was about to change soon.
"Gentlemen, this is Ingrid Andriette Morena,Lorenzo Morena's
daughter." He said and some didn't care.Some gave a nod.And
some ignored the information completely.Their eyes were
actually on Raphael and his crozier."She is the next Don." He
said firmly,and that was when the men fell silent.
"Excuse me?What the hell are you talking about?" Mr
Whittaker was the first one to raise his voice.Rocco smirked
and Riccardo's face remained neutral.Luckily for me Adrianna
wasn't in the room.
"I said this is Ingrid Andriette Morena,our next Don.The one
you have been waiting to see.She is Lorenzo's
daughter.According to the will my father left pertaining the
honorary title, she is the one to claim it." As expected they
protested,shouting at my uncle in Italian.
I stood up and slammed my fist on the table. "That's enough!!!"
I said firmly.They all looked at me with rage written all over
their faces,annoyed by the fact that I had raised my voice at
them.Well,they haven't seen anything yet.I have met far much
intimidating cold criminals, Raphael being the top pick.But I
always hit back with the same force they struck me with.If a
man tried to disrespect me,I did the same to him.Allowing
myself to be intimidated simply wasn't an option.To live your
life in fear is not to live at all.I have been through so much bad
shit and learnt to always be strong,regardless of the opponent I
faced.Earning your enemy's fear was the only respect you could
ever receive.I looked at each one of them slowly but surely.
"Like my uncle said,I'm Lorenzo's daughter.The heiress to this
empire and your next Don.I intend to make the empire outlive
our families by many generations..."
"Is this some kind of a joke?A bitch standing in front of us and
ordering us around.What do you take us for huh?Do you think
this is a playing ground?" Gotti Valachi stood up and angrily
strolled towards me.For an old shell waiting for it's expiring
date,he really had the energy for days.I knew it would take time
to sway the men's opinion about a woman running the title and
to earn their respect but I wasn't willing to wait long for that to
happen.I had to earn it now.This was my father's empire,my
father's lifetime achievement.It wasn't supposed to belong to a
group of old men who didn't care about anything else besides
money.Gotti took out the pistol that was hidden under his suit
jacket,but he wasn't fast enough as I had already taken mine
out.I had already anticipated his moves,before he could
anticipate mine.Using all my strength, I knocked his Adam's
apple with the butt of my pistol.He gagged and his body fell
with a heavy thud on the floor,blood coming out of his mouth.
"Best case scenario he won't be able to speak again.Worst case
scenario,I smashed his esophagus and he died."
I looked at his frail body which didn't rise and fall as if he was
breathing.I smirked back at the men."Poor guy,I think its the
latter.I hit a little too hard.So much energy for a bitch."They
wanted to revolt but with red dots pointing on each of their
heads,they couldn't move.Rocco and Riccardo too were
targeted by snippers,you should have seen Rocco's face.By the
way,that was Raphael's idea.
I looked at them without budging an inch. "Now,let me
reintroduce myself.My name is Ingrid Andriette Morena.Feel
free to remember my name because I'm your next Don.I know
if I was male,you weren't going to have a problem with me
standing in front of you and telling you I'm your leader.Which I
find sexist and idiotic.Man or woman can take the title and run
the empire if they are passionate about it,and if they deserve
it.If anyone has a problem with that then return to the ancient
times because the present doesn't suit you well.Your outlook
on the organization are so archaic.Now you should know that
times have changed.What men can do,women can do better.I
am a liberated woman,who doesn't conform to the boundaries
or laws that the family,society, our organization or anyone else
deem acceptable.I'm defined by my refusal to be
underestimated.I defy restrictions.I'm so unwilling to be
defined or constraint by other people's laws,who want to
undertook my ability because I'm female.I'm going to run this
empire with the same integrity my grandfather, father or
anyone else before me did.I hope we will work together
peacefully.And trust me,you don't wanna cross me.Whatever I
receive I multiply.I enlarge everything given to me,so if you give
me any crap, I will give you ton of shit.Let's work together
peacefully, for the sake of this organization."
I slowly walked around the room."Did you know that some of
the successful military operations with new German politics in
the second world war were because they were united.They
called their united and close knit organizations,wolf packs.We
need that unity in our organization."
"But the Germans lost the war." George Whittaker raised a
I nodded and stood beside him. "You're right.But I think you will
find the most historians would argue that as a failure of
leadership.Trust me,you won't have that problem here."
I squeezed his shoulder and continued pacing around."You
can't just be a Don because the title is rightfully yours.We have
ways to do things and we have a motto we follow religiously. If
you don't live up to that motto, we cannot crown you our
Don,with all due respect of course."
"The motto or not,I think its a good thing to have a young and
energetic woman with a strategic mind to lead us.Its a nice
change to old men who only think about money or
pussy.Usually both.You're going to take us far ma'am and I
support you hundred percent." John Gambino said,looking
unmoved by the stares he got from his acquaintances.He was
uncle Lucan's age.And just like my uncle,he seemed to have
aged well.
"For a beta to become an alpha, he has to kill one.That is
already sorted.I eliminated Chen, a Yakuza.The leader of the
Chen-Chen clan.You can investigate if you want to.And Gotti
here is dead.Isn't he the leader of the Valachi family?He was in
the Elite group right?" They all kept quiet.I placed my palm on
the table
"So I lived up to your expectations.Now do you want to die or


When the meeting was over, I had swayed the men's opinion
about me.Earning their respect was a long road.Killing Gotti
wasn't enough, I still had to prove that I could run the business.
I was certain however that they understood that I was indeed
Lorenzo's daughter,and not a breed to be messed
with.Obviously I had made some enemies in the process but
that's what it takes to be the Don.Uncle Lucan told me that to
be the leader you had to be prepared for something like
that.And in our world it was very much expected to make
enemies.We always had enemies.The enmity never really
ended.After the meeting the leaders of the Elite group,
accompanied us to one of the organization's biggest drugs lab.I
had to pay attention to every detail of both the illegal and legal
side of the business, as of now I was starting with the
illegal.Several SUVs pulled in front of the lab.From the outside it
looked like an old abandoned warehouse,in such decay that it
needed to be toned down.It looked like something out of the
Gothic movies.It looked the part for a horror movie.The men
opened the steel doors, and we stepped to the main floor of
the operations, hidden in plain sight.Raphael was holding my
hand the whole time.He was so proud of me and he couldn't
stop smiling.When we walked in, huge huge tables were lined
up with white crystals on top of each table, looking like small
pieces of glass from broken pitcher.
"We are the biggest drug dealers and weapon manufactures in
this part of the world.This is our biggest factory in Italy.This is
where we cook our drugs,prepare them for shipments and
distribute them by carriers on the ground.Our main product is
crystal meth,cocaine and ketamine.We get things done by
rewarding those loyal to us and torture who aren't.But we stay
in our lane and mind our own business to maintain peace with
other mafias who are competitors.I will introduce all our cooks
to you ma'am.They know the definition of quality and how to
make the product addictive on the first hit." John Gambino
smiled.Like uncle Lucan had said,he really seemed not to care
about who takes the title.All he cared about was business and
getting things done.I nodded as he introduced all the scientists
who cooked the drugs for us.After the factory we headed back
to the hotel.
"For now we can't offer you a position as a manager or
anything of that nature.Experience is more important in an
occupation like this.You have experience to be the Don because
you have been exposed to that world,and you know exactly
how it runs.However to run the hotel,you will have to start
from the bottom.I suggest you start with the Director's
assistant position.Its a great start.You will shadow me,look at
the bookkeeping before taking on a managerial position." Uncle
Lucan said as he led us to where the offices were located.He
had an office,and a conference room which was bigger than
some apartments I know.
I nodded. "I can work with that."
"Sure for now,my lawyer has all the documents that changes
the ownership and give you the power of attorney.You just
have to sign on the dotted line but if you have any doubts then
you can run it through your lawyer first."
"I already have that sorted.My lawyer checked it out." Raphael
winked at me. "I'm always ahead."
"You have a lawyer?" I was surprised myself.
He shrugged. "Of course I do.It's a luxury that any wealthy man
should have." Uncle Lucan chuckled and shook his head at
Raphael's remark.The lawyer placed the documents in front of
me and I took time going through each clause and asking where
I didn't understand.After I was satisfied, I signed.
I winked at Rocco who was filled with rage."Now who needs
mental evaluation.Watch the space uncle." I whispered at him.
I didn't think it was easy to be the Don.A boss of the bosses.A
leader of a mafia organization.I was however certain of one
thing,I was going to make my father very proud.

DAYS BLENDED INTO EACH OTHER..Another month passed by in

a blur,since I declared myself the Don and took over the
hotel.From an outside point of view,it was a lot to handle but I
managed it pretty well.I was my father's daughter after all.My
father's legacy was intertwined with criminality so it was easy
to handle it altogether.I had said I would fulfill my duties with
integrity and paying attention to detail.If I didn't make good on
my word,the organization would never take me seriously.Word
would spread that I was a pussy,and I couldn't have that.As a
result I pushed myself and worked hard to prove that my
father's legacy was in good hands.At the hotel there was a
vacant spacious office with a conference room on the forth
floor,so I claimed it as mine.Uncle Lucan's office wasn't far from
mine.I shadowed his movements,understanding the duties of
the CEO.Technically there was an Executive vice president
(EVP).He oversaw all the division directors and employees.That
would keep me from having to be involved in day-to-day
workload, unless it rises to a level of importance where I'm
truly needed.It freed me up to deal with strategy and my
responsibility for the financial aspect. However, since I was
starting from the bottom I didn't have an EVP yet.I went
through the spreadsheets that uncle Lucan had printed for me.I
studied the balance sheet,seeing how much the hotel earned
on daily basis.It was impressive.Our profits were high especially
during the off season.I learnt how we intended to grow our
brand awareness, how to keep profits high and expenses
low.Learning trade was essential to growing it.After going
through the finances I organized all of the hotel's expenses
reports,keeping everything organized so that I had an exact
understanding of the cash flow.Afterwards I walked out of my
office.Five men were stationed on the door,and two other in
my office.When I walked out they all followed me everywhere,
except to the bathroom.Some of them shadowed me as
undercover staff of the hotel or as the guests.All of them were
Raphael's men.I was comfortable with the Mexicans than the
Italians.Raphael too didn't trust anyone from my organization
especially now that he had to fly back to New York to handle an
issue that had popped up.With Xavier dead, Erik was trying to
push for the men to dethrone Raphael.He had started
sabotaging the business.Erik was lowkey asking for his death.He
was going to die with how enraged Raphael was when he
left.He wasn't angry by the fact that Erik was trying to sabotage
the business but by the fact that he had to leave me in Italy to
attend to that issue,thanks to him.When he left the previous
week,aunt Perla and Cinzía came to Italy, to keep me company
and of course for my safety in that château.Stacy remained in
New York with my daughter.God I missed that beautiful
soul.Skype wasn't cutting it anymore.It has been three months
now since I came to Italy,I needed to see my daughter.
"I'm going to the lobby." I informed one of the men,wearing a
black suit with a scary expression on his face.Beneath their
black suits which made them blend with the hotel's clientele,
they were guns and whatnot. The men were armed to the
teeth.They even had the 'spaghettis' on their ears.
"To the lobby," he spoke through the earpiece before we
headed to the elevator.Once we arrived I went to the front
desk.I got to help guests decide where to make reservations.I
also booked a few spa treatments and went to the kitchen to
check on the dishes.I was involved in everything and uncle
Lucan was impressed with my determination.I went back to my
office after my checkup on the front desk.
My first secretary,Jessy came into my office.I had three
secretaries. "Ma'am, here is everything you need for the
meeting.They are ready for you ma'am." She set a manila folder
on my desk.
"Thank you Jessy."
"Of course,ma'am." She walked out.
I opened the folder and went through the numbers that would
be presented in the meeting.It was one of the quarterly
meetings I was chairing.We had four quarterly meetings a year,
and this was the first one.I refused to dread it or be nervous.If
anyone should feel threatened,it should be the board of
directors, which soon I was going to shuffle.I left my office with
my men,and one secretary,and took the elevator down the
third floor.When I stepped out of the elevator, I could see the
glass walls of the conference room.It could hold fifty people
comfortably,but for today, it would only hold at least fifteen of
us.My heels clicked attracting attention from the employees.I
had just happened to be in one of my best outfit.I wore a
skintight black dress that showed my perfect figure.I was
decked out in expensive jewelry, with perfectly styled hair.I
looked like a million bucks.I stepped into the conference
room.Conversations filled the air,the men talking about pussy
or money.Usually both.When I walked in,they all notice my
presence, and a sign of respect, they shut the fuck up.I walked
to the table and sat down.I smiled at uncle Lucan who was
grinning proudly.I looked at Riccardo and Rocco who had
frowns on their faces.I enjoyed parts of my job that had no
interactions with them or their tramp.They were always in the
hotel,but their offices were on a different floor,and we never
bumped into each other in the lobby.They were two sets of
elevators on opposite sides of the hotel.I used one and they
used the other.
"Yes." The men nodded.
"Let's start with the quarterly numbers." My secretary placed
files in front of each of them before taking a seat and recording
the minutes.They started with the presentations.I was
impressed with how high our profits were and how low the
expenses were.
"Okay,next issue on the agenda.I have found land in San
Marino.The property is ideal because its near a beach and it
also has stunning views.There is also a national park, so guests
can look out their windows and see the animals.If we start right
away, we could have construction completed in sixteen
"Do you think many people will go there?" Rocco obviously
wasn't okay with that idea.
"There are limited resorts there.For the past two months I have
been checking availability,there is almost no vacancy at any
time of the year.It will be perfect for a cozy resort,especially
during the festive season.Even in summer,it will do just well."
"It's expensive." Riccardo was against the idea too,so
"If you want to make money then be ready to spend
money.This is a great idea guaranteed to do well.Acquiring this
land was difficult because its nearer to a national park but we
have it now.We only have to adhere to the environmental
guidelines.Clean energy and proper disposal, but that shouldn't
be difficult."
"I support the idea.This is a great investment and something we
can promote to our existing clientele." John Gambino said
leaning leisurely on his chair.
"I support it too." Uncle Lucan chipped in.The majority ended
up supporting the idea.Rocco and Riccardo were outnumbered,
much to their chagrin.
"Okay now that everything is discussed let's move to the next
topic.Jessy you can leave.Your job is done." I dismissed her
because we were about to discuss the other business.
"Last time we discussed that we were planning to find a bank
with the sole intention of laundering our money from our drug
enterprise.We gave you that task as the Don,so please tell us
about the progress you have made in finding that bank." Mr
Whittaker smirked at me.He was trying to push me around so
that I quit.
"I found a bank in Milan.Its not competitive in the market..."
Rocco interjected immediately. "There are a lot of places that
offer better returns why going for a bank which is not
I rested my fingers on the table and drummed. "You shut the
fuck up and wait for me to finish talking.Never interrupt me
again,you won't like the consequences."Everyone had their
eyes popped out,shocked that I told my uncle where to get
off,that too using the F word.
"I'm not looking for competition.The reason why I chose this
bank is because it has special services those other competitive
banks can't provide."
"The government would have to be stupid not to notice the red
flags." A Valachi pointed out.
I nodded. "Our establishment hold money for a lot of high-
profile criminals and government officials.Trust me,they are
smart to know that they look the other way and pretend like
nothing is happening."They all looked at each other and
nodded.I had completed the task when they least expected it.
"Now,is there anyone who has a question, addition,subtraction,
suggestion?"I looked at them and they remained quiet.
"Thought as much."
"Before the meeting is over I just wanted to congratulate you
Don.Your cigars idea is really working.It increased our profits."
Uncle Lucan smiled proudly.I came up with an idea of a cigar
business, exporting them all over Italy and some parts of
Europe.They were high quality, sometimes costing ninety
dollars for a single one.They weren't normal cigars,but they
were stuffed with drugs,the finest drugs we manufactured.We
smuggled them and it was a clever disguise.When I first
brought up the idea some of the men were skeptical about
it,thinking it would ruin our drug business, but here we
are.They all nodded and whispered among themselves.
"Good job Don." John shook my hand.
"She is not crowned yet." Rocco said with rage written all over
his face.
"That doesn't matter.She ticked all the boxes.She is our Don." A
Whittaker said and that surprised me,everyone else was equally
surprised.He was the youngest men in the room,a few years
older than me.He was Mr Whittaker's last born son.
"Why are you looking at me like that?Give credit when its
due.Besides, she is getting crowned the day after tomorrow.To
the Don." He winked at me before walking out with his hands
rested in his pockets.He pissed his father off.
I looked at uncle Lucan. "What is his name again?"
"Pearson." He said as we walked out.
I chuckled. "Such an interesting character. The exact opposite
of his father."
"Yes,you can rely on him.He is the only good Whittaker."
I smiled. "I will keep an eye on him."
"Where are we headed to now?"
The SUVs parked outside the factory and I stepped out.One of
the man ran with an umbrella.I hated the brutal summers here
in Catania.The heat was treacherous.I walked into the
operations building with my head held high.I made
appearances at every factory,popping up randomly like
mushrooms so my men would never know when I might catch
them with their pants down.I examined the kilos of cocaine that
were ready to be shipped and looked at the inventory
sheet.Slightly over four hundred kilos of cocaine were ready to
be delivered to Milan.I signed off the paperwork so it could be
"Good job guys,just by looking at the cocaine its of high
quality." I thanked my cooks before walking out.
"You're really good at this."
"Thank you uncle."

After my long and exhausting day all I wanted was a
bath,dinner and the bed.I was exhausted as hell.When we
arrived at the château I went to greet grandma quickly and
went to my suite.I undressed, hopped in the shower and then
got in bed.There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."A chatelaine walked in pushing a cart.Aunt Perla and

Cinzía were right behind her.So much for wanting to rest.
"Good evening ma'am.The chef made Indian cuisine for
dinner,butter chicken with jasmine rice and naan.
"Thank you Katherine.You can leave now."
"Of course ma'am." She smiled and walked out.
Cinzía threw herself on the bed. "I could live here for the rest of
my life.You're treated like royalty." She beamed.
Aunt Perla shook her head and placed the tray on my laps."So
how was your day?"
"It was hectic.Its not easy dealing with assholes on daily
basis.You have to be an asshole for them to respect you.I tell
men who are decades older than me to shut the fuck up.Can
you imagine that?"
"You're a Don now,you have to be as menacing as ever."
"I know right.I'm also wondering how I'm going to make this
work with Raphael.Obviously a long distance relationship is out
of the question.But we have our responsibilities now,in
different countries at it.Its stressing me out and I know Raphael
is stressing about it as well.But none of us wants to be the first
one to address the issue and ask how we will make this
work.We also have a daughter to think of.What do you think I
should do aunt?"
"You guys are absurdly rich.You have so much money you don't
know what to do with it.You just fly back and forth.Problem
solved."Cinzía shrugged
Aunt Perla smiled and squeezed my shoulder. "You don't realise
who you're and the power you have don't you?If we look at the
hierarchy of the mafia leaders,you rank on the second.Its funny
because you're even above your man.The first is the
Godfather.The Don is the second.The General and the Pakhan
tie on the third position.What I'm trying to say is,you can do
whatever you want.I'm not saying abuse your power,but when
it comes to these issues you can control anything from any
corner of the world.As the Don you should have to appoint four
commandos that will handle all the four units.You will only
come when the issue is of great importance that your presence
is highly needed.Besides,its just a nine hours flight from here to
New York.Its not a big deal.All you have to do is schedule your
travel arrangements.While you're at it make sure that you find
your own place to stay.You and Raphael are a young
couple,your privacy will be invaded here.I'm sure you know
what I'm talking about.Despite you having a suite at this
place,you still need your own nest.Also I think its not a good
idea to bring your daughter here,with those vultures
around.Talk to Raphael. Schedule your visits and find your own
place.Problem solved."
I sighed in relief. "I don't know what I could have done without
you.I didn't even think about it.I remember, handling the hotel
from another country is not much of a hustle too.I just need an
Executive vice president.About moving out I will talk to
grandma first.She will be heartbroken because she just found
me but it has to be done.Like you said,this castle is not the
safest environment for my daughter."
"You see.You're stressing yourself over nothing."
"But I must say,although on the hierarchy you're slightly above
Raphael, you two are what I call a power couple.You're a true
definition of that." Cinzia said taking a bite of my chicken.
I slapped her hand. "Stop eating my food."I took a bite of the
naan.The soft bread melted like butter in my mouth,damn it
was good.But I can't say the same about the chicken.When I
took a bite,it tasted bad.Like it was rotten.I felt all the food I
have eaten coming back.I pushed the tray aside and ran to the
ensuit.I gagged as my stomach emptied the unwanted contents
into the toilet bowl.Aunt Perla brushed my back until I was
done.I brushed my teeth and went back to the room.Cinzía was
busy feasting on the chicken.
"Cinz that meat is rotten.You will have a stomach bug if you
continue eating that."
She lazily looked at me. "I was there when they made it.Its not
rotten.Here,talk to your man.I called him." She passed me her
"Babe are you okay?Cinz said you're vomiting."He was on
speaker and worry was clear in his tone.
I sighed and gawked at Cinz. "I'm fine.Its just the chicken I
ate.Its rotten."
He sighed from the other end. "Talking about chicken.I have
been vomiting too whenever I see it.Do you think we have a
problem or something?"
"Don't let your imagination run wild.You two are both
okay,more than okay if I may say." Aunt Perla smiled.
"What do you mean Perla?She has been vomiting,and I have
been feeling funny for some time now."
"Trust me you're okay.Nothing is wrong with you two.You're
perfectly fine.Don't worry too much.We don't need that right
now,especially for Ingrid here."Aunt Perla reassured us.
"Fine.Carino I will text you okay.Let me put Kiki to bed.She is
giving me a hard time since you're not here." He chuckled.
I smiled. "Okay,kiss her for me.I love you."
"I love you too." He dropped the call.
"Let me excuse myself.I wanna check out Adrianna." Cinz got
off the bed.
"She is straight."
She chuckled. "I can bend her."
"The last time I checked you were into Reaper."
She shrugged. "He is not into me."
"Adrianna is an enemy." Aunt Perla said.
"Ohh that.So I'm just gonna get some sleep.You guys are
boring." She smiled and walked out of the room.
I looked at aunt Perla. "Did you check if the room is
bugged?"She asked.
I nodded. "Our men checked.Its not bugged and its
"Great,Raphael is suffering from couvade syndrome?"
"What on earth is that?"
She chuckled and brushed my hair. "Its sympathetic
"Huh?" I gave her a confused look.
"When last did you get your period?"
I tried to do the calculation in my head.When realization
dawned on me,my eyes popped out. "But I took...."
"You didn't take the shot,nor did you drink morning after
pills.Pablo said that day you were interrupted by Monica.You
didn't take your pills or the shot fterwards.Here is a pregnancy
test kit."
"You think I'm pregnant?"
Aunt Perla nodded her head. "You're pregnant.I just have to
prove it to you.I noticed Raphael's behavior too when he came
back.He has altered hormones level and he has been sleeping a
lot.He gets irritated easily and the scotch he loves disgust him
so much now.As an expectant father, he is experiencing the
same symptoms."
I started pacing up and down. "I can't be pregnant aunt.Don't
get me wrong
I love children but this is not the right time.I have a lot on my
plate right now.And oh, Raphael is going to burst an artery.Why
didn't Pablo give me the shot?"
"He probably forgot about it,but after seeing Raphael's
behavior it clicked."
"Oh my God." I sat down and buried my head in my hands.
"You were having sex without protection my darling,what did
you think will come out of that really,a plasma TV?Go take the
test honey.Its a Clearblue digital pregnant test with a weeks
indicator.It will tell you how far you are.I brought three of them
just in case." Aunt Perla gave me the test kits.I walked to the
ensuit and peed before dipping all the three sticks into my
"It says I should wait for ten minutes.Shouldn't it be like three
"It has to indicate the weeks that's why."Those were the
longest ten minutes of my entire life.
"Time is up.Check it out." Aunt Perla said excitedly.
I held the sticks with shaking hands and checked.They all had
the same verdict."Oh my God."
"What does it say?" She asked impatiently.
"Oh God."
"Give it to me."She grabbed it and checked,
"Ohh my God,you're pregnant.You're sixteen weeks
pregnant!!!Oh my word.You're going to have a baby!!"
Aunt Perla hugged me,while I remained frozen in place.My
word,I was carrying a whole human being in my stomach.
"You're four months pregnant.Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yes I am.I'm happy that I'm going to be a mother again.Only
this time I will actually experience how it feels like carrying
someone in my tummy.However, I'm scared of Raphael's
reaction.He just found out that he is a product of rape.He has
abandonment issues, and he made it clear that he doesn't want
children,Kira is enough.Then there is the other issue that I'm
the Don now.Do you think I will manage all those
responsibilities?Just thinking about it gives me anxiety.Do you
think I will manage?"
Aunt Perla smiled and brushed my arms. "You took a bullet for
someone.You escaped a brothel heavily guarded by armed men
while in a bad physical condition.You saved a child while you
were at it.You confidently told a bunch of cold criminals where
to get off and made them realise who the queen is.The most
important thing is you tamed a monster,making him a loving
and less bitter man.If you could do all those things then my
child you can do anything.You can be the Don.A mother.A
woman to your man.A cheerleader to a General.A high-ranking
mafia leader.A hotel owner.A woman in a men's world.We
don't call you heroine for nothing.You can do anything and
everything because you're Ingrid Andriette Morena."
I smiled. "But Raphael..."
"He will come around.You just have to make him realise that
you're not his mother."
I nodded. "So I'm actually pregnant."
"Better believe it honey.You have a life growing inside of
you.But no one else should know about this for now.You just
have to inform Raphael, and well Pablo already knows.That's
it,no one else should know.Not even Paloma,Stacy,Cinz or your
grandma.Do you understand me?"
I nodded. "Yes."
She smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm so happy.I can't
believe I'm going to be a grandmother.Now get some rest, and
stay the hell away from chicken."
I laughed and climbed on the bed.She kissed my forehead
before walking out.I smiled and rubbed my tummy.I got off the
bed and stood in front of a floor length mirror.Now that I was
taking note of it,I had a very small curve just below my belly
button.My boobs had become fuller too.I actually had gained
some weight.I took my phone which was on the nightstand and
texted him.I couldn't call him.My voice would sell me away.
"Mi amo." The three little dots popped up.
"Mi cariño." I grinned at his response."Are you okay now?I feel
okay now,I drank some meds."
"I'm fine too,my love."
"What are you wearing?"
"T-shirt and thong." I replied with a silly smile on my face.
"Oh,tell me more about this thong."
"Red and lacy." I used a few words but described so much.
"Are they wet?"
"Yes.I will have to change them."
"Then you miss me.I miss you so bad.Send me a pic.I need to
jerk off."
"You perv.Did you really had to be that blunt." I giggled on my
own like some teenager.
"Now woman! I have the lube with me.Give me lots of tits and
I snapped a picture showing one hand down my front of my
panties,my tits on full display,and only my red lips visible.I sent
it to him.
"Fuck,is it me or you're gaining weight?Looking even more
delicious.I miss those tits.I'm coming there tomorrow."
The three dots disappeared, a minute later a message came
through.He sent me a picture too.I stared at it,biting my lower
lip.He was still hard,not ready to relax yet.Come dripped down
his large dick,the thick vein noticeable on his shaft.There was
too much come and he produced all of it in such a short
amount of time,for me.It looked like an erupted volcano.It
turned me on enough that my fingertips drove back into my
panties, and I rubbed my clits as I stared at his dick.Gosh,I
missed my man.
The following morning I woke up feeling that I was being
watched.I turned to my right,and there he was.The man I have
been thinking about for the whole two weeks.The man I
couldn't live without."Raphael.You came?What time is it?"
"Its eleven.You slept like a baby, I couldn't wake
you.Besides,you're not going to work today.You need to
rest.Tomorrow is your big day.I missed you." He climbed on the
bed and kissed me.
I pushed him back. "Morning breath babe.Let me go shower
"I don't care, and I can't wait."His hand slid into my hair, and he
looked at me for a moment.He fisted my curls and got a grasp
before he leaned in and ravaged my mouth.His large hands
moved to my ass and he squeezed both cheeks as he made love
to my mouth,letting out a masculine moan.His large hands
squeezed me everywhere.My ass cheeks were practically
bruised under his fingertips.But when he grabbed my boobs I
"Whats wrong?"
"Go easy,they hurt a little."
"Fuck, okay.I'm loving them.They are becoming fuller."Because
I'm pregnant.Of course I didn't tell him.
He guided me backward to the bed and we rolled together.He
had my knees pinned against my ribcage,with his mouth buried
between my legs.I shook and my hips bucked.He gently kissed
my upper thighs,almost grazing my pussy, letting out a
masculine moan.He eased his way back into wrapping his
mouth around my clit while using his tongue to gently lick it.He
slide his two fingers inside rubbing against my walls.He
continued to eat me up and fingering me at the same time,until
I writhed and bucked as his tongue catapult me into a climax.He
then parted my legs with his knees and his face rested over
"I love you.I love you so fucking much." He breathed heavily as
his arms pinned behind my knees and he sank inside of me.His
cock stretching me.
I moaned. "Oh..I love you too...ohhh.."He grinned and started
to rock inside of me,our breaths in sync.Our noses touched as
we breathed together.He placed my ankle on his shoulder. He
bent me to a deeper angle,forcing the back of my knees against
his chest.My nails sank into his muscular torso,feeling the cock
slide in and out of me with no resistance.
"This is some good pussy right here....fuck.."He fucked me
hard,my heels hanging over his shoulders.At this angle he drove
me deep and hard into the mattress.My toes curled as I
exploded.He fucked me through the orgasm until I blacked out.
The next moment when I woke up,he was seating on the couch
eating like there was no tomorrow. Truly he was suffering from
whatever syndrome aunt Perla said he was suffering from.He
never stuffed his face with food like that.He didn't even
acknowledge my presence and continued eating his food.I
shook my head and went to take the shower.I walked out
wrapped in a towel and he was still eating.
"My gosh Raphael will you stop eating already."
"I'm hungry." He took another bite of his steak.
"Me too,I didn't have anything since I woke up." I sat besides
him and started eating too.He took everything and mixed it
together like it was dog food.
"Eew." I frowned and drank some water.
"Leave me alone.Its delicious like that."I gave up and went to
moisturize my body before wearing a simple summer dress.It
was around 1 and I'm sure grandma was worried so I went to
her room first.
"Finally you decided to wake up.I heard you have been working
so hard the previous week.I'm proud of you.I can't wait for
tomorrow." She smiled,brushing my hair.
"Thank you grandmother."
We continued chatting until it was time for her to
sleep.Afterwards I met with aunt Perla and Cinz before going
back to my suit.I found Raphael feasting on cheesecake.I give

The following day I woke up early.Well thanks to Cinzía because
she was making a big fuss.It was like she was the one who was
being titled the Don.I tried to wake Raphael up but it was a
mission impossible.He didn't want to wake up and he shouted
at me for trying to wake him.It was definitely the hormones
aunt Perla talked about.But I was the one who was
pregnant.Lucky me though,Raphael saved me from a lot of
morning sickness,weird cravings and sleepiness.I spent almost
the whole day in my room.They didn't want me downstairs,lest
I see the preparations and jinx the whole thing.Around 6pm my
stylist came and began my transformation.After she was done
applying my make up and styling my hair into wavy curls,her
two assistants walked in with my dress.It was big,bold,and
crimson red with a fairytale silhouette.I had no idea how I was
going to sit in the chair but one of the staff explained that I
would have a stool propped under my dress,while I sat.I was
placed in a see-through bodysuit underneath and then wrapped
in layers of floor length talles.Jewelled embellishments of roses
outlined the bottom.I walked down the stairs with my tulle
trailing behind.When I was at the staircase looking down at the
people who were in the loungehall,they all kept quiet looking
back at me.This was one of the big parties.A lot of people in the
underworld were invited but I hardly knew anyone there.In the
lounge hall everyone mingled,holding cocktails and flutes filled
with champagne,the beef appetizers being passed around by
waiters.An orchestra was playing soft music at the far corner of
the room.The musicians made beautiful sounds from the violins
that matched the atmosphere.I spotted Raphael first.He looked
incredible in a black tuxedo.Meeting his gaze felt like touching
an electric wire in the rain.he always had that effect on me.He
placed his flute on the tray and whispered something to Reaper
before walking towards the end of the staircase.My whole team
was here,even Paloma.And she was wearing a ball gown, that
should be illegal.Raphael stood with a smile plastered on his
face while I slowly walked down the stairs.When I reached the
end he hooked my arm on his elbow.
"You're looking beautiful. I feel like fucking you right now."
"Stooop." I smiled.
Uncle Lucan walked towards me with grandma.They both had
proud grins on their faces.
"Ohh my darling,I wish Lorenzo was still alive to see this
moment." I felt Raphael's body tense and I gave him a tight
"Can we steal her for a moment." Uncle Lucan smiled at
Raphael who made faces but gave my hand to my uncle
anyway.I met new people that I would never remember.My
uncle introduced me to a lot of people in the underworld,and
some government officials too.But I was even surprised to see
Zakone,the Bratva's Pakhan in the building.
"I thought you wouldn't come." I smiled after we exchanged a
handshake.He had Brigadier by his side.And this time Brigadier
didn't address me rudely.If anything he kept his gaze lowered
the whole damn time.
He chuckled. "I didn't have much of a choice, I had to come.I
always knew you were special.Look at you now."
"Ohh please don't try to flatter me."
"Is it working?" He smiled taking a sip on his champagne.
"Back off,Zakone." That could only be Raphael.He walked
towards us with Reaper and they both had cold expressions on
their faces.Raphael snaked his hand around my waist and
kissed my forehead.
Zakone chuckled and lifted his hands as a sign of surrender.
"Sorry General."
Raphael just clicked his tongue and took me away."What's
wrong with your brother?" I looked at Reaper.
He laughed. "I don't know what's wrong with him these days."
"Zakone wants you and I will kill him.I will kill anyone who try it
with you." I knew he meant it.Reaper cleared his throat and
asked to be excused.Oh..okay.After a lot of mingling and
introducing me to knew people,uncle Lucan went in front of
everyone with a mic.
"It is time." His voice echoed in the room and everyone went
dead quiet.One of the chatelaines walked with a velvet
cushioned stool and placed it on uncle Lucan's side.
"I think its time for you to go there." Raphael said leading me to
the front.When I got there the chatelaine came to me,lifted the
back of my dress, and helped me seat.
"I know most of you ,if not everyone knows who this person is
and her worth, but I will still do the introductions anyway
because I'm a proud father.This is Ingrid Andriette
Morena,Lorenzo's only daughter.She finally found her way back
home after twenty five years.And with her,she brought her
charisma,love,personal ability and considerable leadership
skills.Most of us in here doubted her and questioned the
leadership of our organization.This has never happened before
but there is a first time for everything.My daughter here proved
that she is a born leader.I know most of you still doubt her,and
we don't care." People chuckled.
"Today we crown a new Don,and one day she will have a legacy
of her own.Only a small set of people have the privilege to take
the honorary title.Only the most deserving ones,and my
daughter here is one of the special ones.Our loyalty to the Don
comes first,before anything else.Now our loyalty is extended to
you Ingrid Andriette Morena as our new Don."
The atmosphere suddenly shifted, the air feeling somewhat
deadly and cold.I looked at uncle Lucan,he only looked proud so
I relaxed.Grandma walked towards me with a chatelaine who
was holding a small velvet cushion.She took out the necklace
she was wearing,it had a ring on it.It was gold with a black huge
diamond on the center.Black diamonds were rare.
"This is yours now.This is your badge of elegance,with this ring
everyone will know who you're and what you're worth."
Grandma smiled at me and walked back to take a seat.
Uncle Lucan took a step backward and knelt down on one
knee.Everyone followed suit,bowing the heads.In
respect.Everyone in the room was on their knee.Raphael
included.Zakone too.Rocco as well.Everyone except
Uncle Lucan's voice was deep and strong as he started to recite
what seemed like a promise."We promise to protect you.To
respect you.As your warriors, our life is yours.Your life before
ours.In every sense you're our Don,our leader.Our loyalty is
yours and you have every right to take the life of those who do
not respect you.To the Don."
"To the Don." Everyone chorused with their heads bowed.
"Wear the ring." Uncle Lucan ordered.
I nodded and wore the ring on my middle finger.When I did,
they all stood up and bowed one more time.I was officially the
Don now.The music started to play softly.
"Don, may I have this dance." Raphael smiled giving me his
I smiled back and bowed holding my dress. "Yes you
may,General."He smiled widely taking my hand.


The following day l woke up to no one in bed and the sound of

the shower running from the bathroom.Yawning, I moved the
silk sheets off my off my nude body.My limps arched from the
celebratory sex we had in the private jet when we flew back to
New York, and when we arrived.I left Falcon in charge of the
factories.He was officially one of my commandos.Obviously I
made uncle Lucan my EVP,and he was happy to take the
position.I needed time with my family.It has been way too
long.I got off the bed with Raphael's scent swarming around
me,expensive cologne,sex and male musk.On cue,he walked
out of the glass walls buck naked and smiled mischievously
looking at me.
"Raphael I have something to tell you."
He stopped wiping his head and gave me his attention.
"Okay,sounds serious.What is it?"
I sighed. "I'm pregnant. I'm four months pregnant."
He just gave me a blank stare.Not good at all.


flooded my veins until I was sure they would cause me to burst
from the intensity.Anxiety fought with anger while anger fought
with nervousness.I didn't know how he was going to feel about
this,and his expression wasn't giving anything away either.Was
he happy that we had a mini us?Or obviously pissed because he
made it clear that he didn't want another child,Kira was
enough.Regardless of what was about to happen next,I was
going to hold on to my children,because they mattered too.This
relationship wasn't just about him.If this was going to last
beyond the brooding silence in this room,we needed to get
clear on that fact.
His expression turned feral.His brow furrowed and his features
tightened.Not good at all."What did you just say?"His tone was
harsh,and in that moment I knew the conversation wasn't going
to be a pleasant one.
I sat at the edge of the bed. "I said I'm pregnant.I'm four
months pregnant."
"Didn't Pablo give you a shot?"
"I'm sorry..."
He interjected."You did this on purpose? You were onto this
baby topic not so long ago,and now you're pregnant.You
wanted to get pregnant."
"I'm sorry Raphael but I didn't get pregnant on purpose.The day
I was supposed to take the shot we were interrupted by Monica.It slipped my mind.I know its not a good
time,but we will figure it out."
He jerked his head back as if I just slapped him,and stopped
mid-stride. "Figure it out?I'm not ready to figure anything
out."His frustration was clear in his tone.
He crossed the room to the walk-in closet.He came back
minutes later wearing a white dress shirt,blue jeans and black
military boots.He angrily strolled towards the door.
"We are not done talking, don't leave please.Raphael where are
you going?" He ignored my question and walked out,slamming
the door in the process.
My heart clenched and I felt tears threatening to come out, but
I blinked them away.I climbed off the bed and went to the
bathroom.I took my time in the shower, replaying what had just
happened,and trying to figure out this man I loved so
much.Spoiler,I failed.I just didn't get him at all.He was Kira's
father, so what difference was it going to make?I stopped
stressing about it, or I was going to drive myself crazy
trying.Shrugging on a fluffy robe from the bathroom, I strolled
towards the walk-in closet.My mood was already dampened so
I didn't feel like looking fly anymore.I settled for his T-shirt
which looked like a dress to me.Memories of how he pushed
me away that other time once again filtered my brain.This was
our biggest fight as a couple and I didn't like it one bit.I wasn't
going to like it at all if he was to shut me out.I walked out of the
closet and found the maid placing dishes from the cart on the
table in the living room.
"Good morning ma'am." She bowed.
"Morning, what you got there?"
"Steak,salad and fleshly squeezed orange juice."
"Let me guess,aunt Perla made that?" She nodded.
"Okay I was craving some eggs and bacon too,but that can
"No, I will get it done right away."
"Sure,thanks.I will eat that in the meantime."
"Of course." She smiled and walked out.
A while later aunt Perla and Kira walked in.Aunt Perla was
holding a plate that had some cheesecake.I could get used to
"Mommy." Kira screamed in excitement and ran towards me
with her arms wide open.I was too busy fucking Raphael
yesterday that I didn't have the time to see my baby.If that
makes me a bad mother please cut me some slack,I'm still new
to this.
"My baby." I tried lifting her but the girl had gained some
weight so I gave up and hugged her instead.
"I missed you so much and I was sad because I celebrated
Halloween without you.I wanted to trick and treat with you but
you weren't here.Please don't go back again,if you do then take
me along."
"I will my darling now please don't cry.And guess what,we will
do our own Halloween.How about that?"
She smiled wiping her tears. "That's sounds like a plan."
She sat on my laps and we ended up sharing the food.If she
knew I was eating for two she was not going to bully me like
that.Luckily for me just after we finished the stake,the maid
came back with my bacon and eggs,man was I happy.
"Aren't you full mommy?" Kira gave me a quizzical look.
"Not even close." I thought the sympathetic pregnancy
syndrome that Raphael had was going to save me from the
abnormal cravings but I guess I was wrong.
She arched her eyebrow and looked at the dishes. "Hmm,enjoy
then.Even dad is eating a lot.What's happening with you
people?" She got off my laps before strolling towards the door.
"You're leaving already?I thought you missed me."
She rolled her eyes.Too much sass there. "You know where my
room is mom."Then she walked out.
Aunt Perla laughed. "She is indeed her mother's daughter."
"I give up." I continued eating.
"Where is your ring?"
"Ohhh its on the stand let me go and get it."
Her face tightened. "Don't ever be reckless like that.You should
wear the ring all the time.Our great great grandfather found
the diamond off the coast of the Indian ocean.Its one of the
most valuable diamonds in the world.Wear it all the time or it
will get lost."
"Its heavy."
"I know,but if you can't wear it all the time don't leave it lying
around like that.Keep it in a safe or something."
"I hear you." I wore the ring.
"So what's up?"Okay,admittedly it was not the most brilliant
conversation starter,but it was open minded, and she was
inviting me to share what was bothering me.I sighed and wiped
my mouth with a napkin. "Its Raphael, as expected he didn't
take the news well."
"What did he say?"
"Not much, but it is his reaction that hurt me the most.He
walked out on me.The next thing I know he will build a wall
around him and refuse to talk.It wasn't supposed to be like
this.Babies are supposed to make people happy and bring
couples even more closer,but my pregnancy did the exact
opposite.I don't know why he doesn't trust me.I won't abandon
him or do anything of that sort because I love him so much.I
can't imagine my life without him.I don't know why he doesn't
just get that.I love that man aunt with everything, and
sometimes it scares me.He just doesn't get it.He is my
family.Him,Kira and this baby are everything to me.Why would I
leave them?I'm not Monica."Tears streamed down my cheeks.I
guess it was the hormones because I wasn't the one to cry
She squeezed my shoulder. "I don't think that's where the
problem is.Raphael knows you love him.He is very well aware
of that.He is not scared that you will abandon him just like his
mother did.What he is afraid of is the man in the mirror.He is
afraid of himself.As an expectant father,he is afraid that he will
not be good enough for his child.He fears that will be exactly
like his father,and history will repeat itself.From what I know he
didn't grow up with the best father figures around him.Diego
shipped them off to an island,and was always focused on ways
to make quick money.Fernando their uncle stabbed his son's
face and skinned him like some fucking animal.The scar Bruno
has,is from his father.As a result Raphael is scared he might
hurt his children.He is afraid that he carries the same 'mutation'
as the men in his family.I noticed how he is when he is around
Kira.He is extra cautious and he second guesses every decision
he makes where she is concerned.He was still trying to come to
terms with the fact that he is a father to Kira, and then boom
you're pregnant.Its a lot for him to handle at once,so maybe he
needs some time."
"I hear you aunt, but I didn't grow up with the best mother
figure in my life either.My own mother wanted to make a killing
machine out of me,she tortured me and she tempered with my
memory.Who in the world does that to their own child? But
even though, I'm happy about this baby.Do you see me walking
around angry that I fell pregnant."
"Because you're not Raphael.You should know that being in a
relationship is not about you or Raphael as individuals, its about
you two as a team.You complement his weaknesses with your
own strength, and vice versa.He is afraid and you're not, so
make him realise that he is nothing like his parents.Make him
realise that he is going to be one of the coolest to ever grace
this earth."
I sighed in frustration. "I wish I could do that now if he was
around.When something goes wrong,he runs.He leaves me.He
will shut me out."
She chuckled. "You do realise that you're his first love right?The
man has never been in a relationship before cut him some
slack.He doesn't know how this works.All he knows is to make
you happy, and he doesn't realize it when he hurts
you.Communicate with him.Talk to him, and please for the love
of God don't shoot the poor guy.I know the pregnancy
hormones can drive one crazy, but don't be that crazy bitch.Do
you understand me?"
"I understand you.Now the other thing worrying me is that I
can't hide this pregnancy forever.I will start showing soon."
She nodded. "Of course you will but for now,no one should
know.The first and second trimesters are the most crucial
ones.We can't take any chances.When you start showing wear
baggy clothes or something.Yes people will find out eventually
but the worst will be over.So for now,no one has to know."
"Okay I understand.I hope Raphael tells no one a thing."
"He won't because he knows what's at stake if he does."
We continued chatting until she went to Pablo's suite to check
everything I will need during the journey.Thanks to the
exhaustion of the pregnancy I dozed off on the couch,but the
next moment when I opened my eyes I was on the bed and
Reaper was covering me with a fluffy rag.
"Hey,I'm sorry I woke you.I tried so much to be quiet." He said
I sat up and rested my back on the headboard yawning. "I have
already slept long enough before you got here I guess.What are
you doing in here?"
He sat at the edge of the bed. "Oh,I realised you didn't come
out of the room so I brought you lunch.I used the doorway that
leads to your living room and I found you there snoring and
drooling on the poor couch." He chuckled.
I laughed. "Pssh please I don't drool or snore."
"Really?I'm looking at the drool right now."
"Where?" I touched my face and he laughed.
"I'm just kidding.Your lunch is over there." He pointed his finger
towards the living room.
"Once you're done eating please come downstairs.And wear
some skintight jeans,brown boots and a collared shirt."
I climbed off the bed. "What for?"
"Just don't ask.I have a gift for you.Its a surprise." He tucked my
hair behind my ear and walked out.Why was he being so
affectionate? He was even speaking so softly? I shrugged the
thoughts off.Reaper has always been the caring and the soft
one among all the men in the house so I was reading too much
into it.I went and took a second shower before transforming
into white skintight jeans,a nude collared shirt and brown
There was a knock on the door. "Are you decent in there?"
Reaper asked.
"Yea sure,come in." I walked to the living room and opened the
dishes.Sizzling salmon grilled with rosemary and herbs sat on
the plate along with a side salad and a thin slice of Italian
bread.My mouth watered instantly.I picked up a fork and knife
and started eating while Reaper sat on the opposite couch
looking at me.I tried to ignore his stares but there were so
"You're creeping me out."
He chuckled. "What?I'm just fascinated by the way your mouth
moves.You don't smear your lipstick or make a single smacking
sound with your mouth.That's a skill."
I laughed. "Dude,that's dirty."
"What is?You get your mind off the gutter.I didn't say anything
dirty.Anyway hurry up.And put this on." He placed a brown
cowboy hat on the table before walking out.I finished up and
wore the hat before walking out.I strolled downstairs and
found Raphael's inner circle in the lounge hall holding scotch
glasses.It was Carlos,Beast,Reaper,Pablo and the girls.A huge
cake was placed on a cart.It was written "Congratulations our
heroine,our Don."
"Awwww you guys,thank you so much." I felt my tears building
up.I was sad that Raphael wasn't part of this.I ended up
crying.Fuck these hormones.
Reaper chuckled and brushed my back. "Ohh come on.Its not a
pleasant sight seeing the Don crying.Want some scotch?"
"No no don't give her any alcohol.She has been having a bad
reactions lately." Aunt Perla quickly jumped in.
"A reaction? Is everything okay?"Carlos asked with concern.
"Yea I'm fine.It will pass don't worry.For now I will just stick to
orange juice.Let's cut the cake."I smiled wiping my tears off.
"Yeeey." Kira screamed excitedly.We shared the cake and
toasted on me being the Don.
"Now I'm going to show you your gift."
"What is it?"
"I said it's a surprise.And I will ruin the surprise if I tell you." He
placed his hand over my shoulder,his other hand held a basket
with peaches and apples.
"At the stables?"
"Yes,come on."
I looked at him. "Are you a rider?"
"In what context?" The corner of his mouth rose in a smile.
"Get your mind off the gutter I'm talking about horses."
He chuckled shaking his head. "Rarely
but since I'm Mexican its common for me to know a thing or
two about horses.Most people of our nationality own a horse
or a range."
I nodded as we continued walking.We walked across the
terrace then took the path that guided us to the stables along
the outside.The beautiful mares stood in the sectioned-off
pasture.The horses picked up when they saw us,their ears
pointing to the sky.They had a considerable land to roam,and
they were surely taken care of on daily basis.Not only did
Raphael had an assortment of vehicles,he had a wide collection
of beasts too.A brown stallion trotted towards us,his hooves
hitting the soil with gentle thuds.His tail shifted from left to
right and his mane flowing back in the wind.A quiet snort came
from his nose as he approached Reaper.He gave me the basket
and started patting the horse's back.
"Hey buddy."The horse smelled Reaper's hands as he searched
for food.
"I don't have any apples but I brought someone today who has
them." He pushed me towards the horse and stood behind
me.Well I was scared at first.
"Touch him,hedoesn't bite." He took my almost dead left hand
and made me rub the front of the horse's muzzle.
"Buddy this is Ingrid.She is the Don and the light of this
place.Ingrid meet Maddox." We gave his flank a playful
pat."There you go.Scratch him behind both ears and feed him
the apples.He already likes you."
"This is fun.Hello Maddox."He neighed like he understood me.I
started feeding him the apples and peaches while Reaper held
the basket.It was fun.
"Let's go now, Maddox can be greedy."
"What about the other horses?"
He laughed. "You can't meet them all right now.They are about
thirty.Let's go to the stalls."
We reached the stalls and I grasped. "Wow Roberto."
He smiled. "You haven't called me that since we first met.This is
my gift to congratulate you as the new Don.Let's go and meet
A pure white mare was tied up to the stall.Her mane was like
silk and her coat felt like velvet.I was even more blown away by
her eyes.She had my eyes!She had silver-grey eyes."Wow I'm
speechless.She looks like a unicorn.And I have never seen a
horse with this eye color."
"She is one of the rarest kind.I love her eyes the most.They are
the first thing that caught my attention."
"Thank you so much.My gosh,I don't know what else to say."
Reaper whistled to one of the groomers. "Bring me a brush
please."He shouted.
"Okay sir."
He stood behind me and we started feeding the horse. "I'm
glad you liked the gift.Name her."
"Umm, Snowwhite Unicorn."
"Hmm, Snowwhite Unicorn.Its a cool name.If you want to ride
her,you should groom her first and feed her every
morning.That way she will get to know you and be interested in
you just as much.I'm certain you're going to build a very
beautiful friendship with Snowwhite.You look alike."He
chuckled while running the brush along Snowwhite.He took
long strokes,digging up the loose hair and removing it from her
I hit his shoulder. "Shut the front door dude.Do you see snort
coming out of my nose or my teeth hanging out.I admit
Snowwhite is beautiful but dude what do you take me for?We
only have the same eye color."
He laughed shaking his head.We continued feeding the
horses,brushing their mane.I forced him to check on every
horse in the stables.With how my day started it cheered me
on.For a while I forgot about Raphael's reaction to the
pregnancy and all the drama in my life.I had a new best friend
now.And its safe to say the stables became my safe and
peaceful place.By the time we got back to the villa,it was
around 6pm.
"I'm hungry.I could eat a whole elephant." I said, and to
emphasize that point my stomach growled.I went to the
kitchen straight and went through the fridge.I couldn't wait for
the cooks to finish making dinner.I was famished.
"Ma'am let me make you a quick snack while we finish on
"Its okay,I will just make a sandwich." I took two slices of garlic
bread,cheese,butter,jelly and milk.
I sat on the kitchen island."Now this will do." A sandwich with
lost of cheese,butter and jelly was the it.
"What the hell are you eating?" Reaper said with a frown.
"Food.Leave me alone.My gosh why didn't I think of this
recipe,this is the it.I will choose this over lobster any day.This is
orgasmic." I continued eating as he watched in disgust.After I
was done eating I washed it down with milk.
"I will have dinner too." I burped.
"That's gross."Reaper shook his head.
"Whatever.Cassie please bring the dinner upstairs once you're
done."We walked out of the kitchen.
"And Reaper thanks for making my day.Thanks once again for
giving me Snowwhite.I appreciate it."I strolled upstairs.As soon
as I walked inside the bedroom,the door knob turned.It was
obviously Raphael.I breathed in and out.Aunt Perla said I
shouldn't give in to my hormones and act like a crazy bitch so I
wanted to have a mature conversation with my men.But,I can't
say the same about him.When he walked in,his face was
tightened,his green shade had darkened and I knew that look
very well.
"So you spent the whole day with my brother!Alone with my
brother Ingrid!" What happened to saying a hello.Isn't that
what normal humans do?
Trust me I really wanted to handle this like a mature adult but
my nose flared and in the process,I caught an unfamiliar
scent.Thanks to the pregnancy my senses were somehow
heightened so I was bound to catch the female scent that
lingered around him.And it wasn't mine! I didn't smell like
cheap roses but apricots.Once again I remembered when he
came back with Anita's lipstick marked on his neck like a tattoo.
I glared at him,refusing to break his stare.I lapsed into stubborn
silence for minutes.
"So that's it?You ignoring me now?"
I sat on the edge of the bed,unzipping my right boot before
tossing it across the room.Raphael crossed the threshold, and it
flew perilously close to his head.It wasn't my intention,at least
not a conscious one.The second boot followed.He said nothing
as it whizzed by his left side.
"The time for talking to me was in the morning but you decided
to walk out on me,and go to a club filled with naked whores
with pieced boobs.Then you come back to me shouting at me
for spending an innocent day at the stables while you're
smelling like a cheap female perfume that cost a few dollars." I
yelled,all my emotions mounting on me that I couldn't take it
"Did you sleep with them?" I asked my voice breaking.
"What do you think,I cheat on you?"
I unzipped my jeans and tossed them to the far corner of the
room and started to unbuttoned my collared shirt. "You
did!You chose other people over me.You left me Raphael.Then
you think I will choose this baby over you.And you know what,I
will.I will choose my children over anything because that's what
decent parents do.Its what my mother should have done.It's
what your parents should have done for you,especially your
mother.I'm sorry that they didn't, I'm so sorry but you're not a
child anymore Raphael.You're a grown ass man,and you need
to grow the fuck up.It hurts me too that my mother abandoned
me.It hates me that she used me for her own selfish reasons,
and she still does.It hurts that I'm blessed with riches and
everything but not mother's love.It hurts,but am I angry about
this baby?No I'm not,because this baby is the symbol of our
love.And I'm going to love my children so much,which is
something your parents and my mother failed to do."
He looked away as I paced around struggling to remove my
bra.When I did I tossed it on the floor. "Raphael you're not
happy about this baby and I get that.I'm not ecstatic as I should
be either provided your reaction and the timing.But you should
know that it takes two to tango.I didn't get myself
pregnant.Babies happen when people have sex.You and I tend
to do a lot of that.Its either we do this together, or I will do this
without you.Take your pick."
"What about us?"
"Us?When your man prefers the company of whores than
yours,it doesn't really say much about the relationship, does
it?"I placed my hand over my hip.
He sighed and looked down,his face growing soft. " I was too
angry and.."
I interjected. "And I'm angry with you Raphael.You left me
when I needed you the most.You walked out on me when we
were supposed to talk!!!"
I strolled to the walk-in closet and picked another one of his T-
shirt.He followed like a lost puppy.
"I'm sorry cariño.I love you and I was just..."
I interrupted again. "I wish you felt that way before you went to
a club with women swinging on poles with their tits hanging
out.You chose whores over me and our baby.You fucked up!!!"
I wore the t-shirt and stormed out of the closet.I angrily walked
towards the door and he tried to hold my hand but I yanked it
off. "Don't touch me!!!You're smelling like a pack of
whores.Take a fucking shower!!!"I walked out slamming the
door in process.
A sob erupted from my throat as I locked myself into the mirror
room.How dare he?I climbed on the bed and cried until there
was no tears left.We were doing just fine.The baby was
supposed to bring us even more closer and make us happier.My
body and eyes felt dry and sore and aching.My head felt light
and so did my stomach.I crawled beneath the coverlet and laid
there,shivering and drifting in and out of sleep.I don't know
how long had passed but my eyes snapped open in alarm, my
senses were alerted by some dark instinct.Something was
about to go wrong.Horribly wrong.Suddenly I felt a sharp spear
of pain low down in my abdomen,accompanied by an
involuntary jerk of my body.Tremblingly I slid down my fingers
between my thighs and their tips came warm and sticky.I didn't
need to switch on the lights to know that they were covered in
With shaking hands I quickly reached for the cordless phone
from the receiver.
"I'm bleeding Raphael.I'm losing my baby."I placed the phone
down and started sobbing as the pain got stronger.In a instant
he was on the door.He tried opening it but it was locked.
"Ingrid,my love.Please for God's sake will you open this door?"
His voice thundered as he smashed his fist against the wood.
"Fuck,stand back cariño I'm going to kick it down.Stand well
away from the door." He started kicking it.It took him five
attempts before the door bursted open.He was over to me in a
"What's happening?"
"I'm losing my baby." I cried.
"Our baby." He corrected before gathering me up in the
coverlet and carrying me downstairs.
"Alert Pablo right now!!!" He ordered the men on the
hallway.Everyone was already running around.
"Shhh,Ingrid.Shhh.Don't cry,cariño.Please don't cry."
Another sob erupted from my throat.I couldn't do anything to
prevent the tears which slid down my cold cheeks.I clung to
him as he ran towards Pablo's suite.
"Hold on to me." We had already arrived in the mini hospital
room.Pablo and aunt Perla were already in there.They were
fast.There was also another woman I didn't recognize.
"Who is she?" Raphael asked.
"She is Rose,an obstetrician.She knows of us and she is a good
friend of mine.You can trust her." Aunt Perla responded.Rose
quickly applied globs of clear jell on the paddles on the
"I'm losing my baby."
"No.Hold onto me." He reached out for my hand and gripped it.
"I'm losing my baby." I cried.And mixed in with all this pain was
the thought that my child had never had the chance to
exist,and now never would.
Raphael clenched his jaws and closed his eyes.
"Shhh,don't cry please.You're breaking my heart."
"How can I not cry when I'm losing my baby."
"Its our baby cariño.Our child.Ingrid I love you and I love
everything that comes with you.I know you don't believe me
but I love this baby.It may be too late but I do.I love you both.I
was just overwhelmed and scared earlier,I swear."
I cried even more. "No you don't love this baby,you
don't.Please stop saying you do.Stop lying."
"I'm not going to stop saying it until you believe me.I love you.I
love Kira.I love our baby,okay.I know I have been everything a
father shouldn't be.Stubborn.Thoughtles.And I left when I
wasn't supposed to.For that I'm so sorry."
"I'm so scared."
"Don't be my love,don't be.Let me try and distract you
okay.Please my love,my brave darling.I love you,Ingrid.And
what I want is for you to carry on being my woman,my
heroine,my Don and for us to make more babies together
okay.Only I know that I have probably blown it.Fuck!" In the
midst of our grief,our eyes met as we sought to make some
sense of our fractured world,as if wanting to bolster ourselves
with shared comfort, before we faced the pain which probably
awaited us.
Raphael closed his eyes.I had never seen him looking like
this,with his face ravaged with pain and his green eyes bleak
with regret.And in spite of everything that had happened, I
wanted to reach out and comfort him and cradle him in my
arms and take those dark feelings away from him.I loved this
"Forces from above, I have never asked for anything in my life
but please save my family.If not for my sake, at least for the
sake of the innocent one my woman is carrying.He doesn't
know anything.He didn't do anything.Don't punish him for my
sins.I promise if you save him then I will be the best father to
ever grace this earth,and I will be the best man,my heroine
deserves.Please save our child.If you don't, this woman will kill
me and you know it.She will skin me alive,and shove my
manhood where the sun doesn't shine.You know her very
well.Please save our child or I'm good as dead."


frightened.I was afraid of not being able to be the best father
that I should be.To deal with my fear I had to confront my
demons first.I had to go back to where all this started,so I my
men to chauffeured me to my destination.After a five hours
drive I walked out of the hammer and strolled into the
maximum prison.I sat at the table in the private room.A few
minutes later the guards ushered Fernando through the
door.He looked like a clown who forgot his wig and makeup in
that ridiculous orange jumpsuit.The guards completed the
entire protocol by cuffing him to the metal bar on the table and
attached the chain between his feet on the hooks on the
floor.Afterwards they walked out and shut the door giving us
complete privacy, a privilege other prisoners didn't have.
"You're an asshole you know that?" His appearance was frail
than the last time I saw him.He was aging quickly because of
the hard living conditions in isolation cells.
"Tell me something that I don't know." I lazily leaned in my
chair, my eyes trained on him.
He didn't tug his chains like the last time, instead he lowered
his gaze.He was well aware that his freedom depended on his
behavior and my word. "I heard Xavier and your right hand man
were here.What happened?"
"That's none of your business, and I'm not here to talk about
that either."
"Okay, so why are you here? I know you're not planning to get
me out of this hellhole anytime soon." He said with a hint of
sadness in his voice but I wasn't going to fall for that.He
deserved this more than anything.
"You guessed that one right.I'm not getting you out anytime
soon.Maybe I should ask Bruno what he wants.If he says a
death sentence or life imprisonment sentence then that will
"Why are you doing this?You know very well that Bruno will
never agree to getting me out."
I nodded. "Which brings me to the reason why I'm here.I need
answers Fernando.I need to know why you couldn't be a good
father to Bruno.I need to know why you hurt him.Thanks to
your hatred for him, he us going to live with an ugly scar on his
face for the rest of his life.Why couldn't you be a good father?"
He sighed and looked down. "He reminded me of his mother.I
hated him because he wasn't like me.He didn't inherit not even
one of my qualities.He only inherited all of his mother's
qualities,and as crazy as it sounds it made me angry.I wanted
him to be exactly like me so that I could feel better about
myself.His good qualities held a mirror to my evilness.One day
Raphael when you have your own child, love him like there is
no tomorrow. I missed my chance and now all I can do is
regret.I wish I had been the best father but now its too
late.Bruno hates me.My own flesh and blood wants to see me
six feet under.That is the worst torture I have ever gone
through.Its killing me everyday.If I could turn back the hands of
time then I could have done things differently.The whole world
is against me,and even my brother stopped visiting me years
ago.If I had loved Bruno like I should have,he was the only one
to have my back.But even my own flesh and blood is happy that
I'm in here.It hurts.He is happy without me,and he made it
when I didn't back him up.I didn't protect him as his father.That
only made me a spineless pig.One day you're going to be a
father Raphael, be a better one.Don't be like me or Diego.Make
me proud.Make your grandfather proud.Being a father is the
best thing that can ever happen to men like us.It's the best
gift,so cherish it while you have the chance."
"What if I hurt the child unintentionally?What if I fail at being a
good father that I should be?What if I fail to protect my own
He shook his head. "You will never fail.You will figure it out.It
comes naturally.All you have to do is to cherish and love the
gift.A child is a gift.You will not hurt your own child if you love
him or her.There is no need for you to be afraid.If I may ask,did
you impregnate someone?"
I shook my head. "No that's not the case.Its only that Monica
revealed that Xavier was Erik's child.Now I'm wondering what
Diego must be feeling right now,knowing he hated Reaper and
me with passion.And he loved Xavier with every fibre in his
body when he was not his son.I also wanted to know how you
felt hurting your own son." I lied because I knew it was
dangerous for anyone to know that Ingrid was pregnant.She
was vulnerable at this point.
"What do you mean 'was'?"
"Xavier is dead.I killed him." I stood up. "And by the way,maybe
its never too late.Bruno wants to hear three words from you,
'I'm sorry son'.That's all that he wants to hear.Maybe then he
can feel sorry for you too.I will try to convince him to come
His eyes glittered with tears. "Thank you.Please I just wanna
see him.I don't think I have much time left."
I nodded and walked out.While in my car I took out my phone
and dialed the number of someone I never wanted to call in my
"Raphael, you called?" The surprise in his tone was clear.
"Diego I'm coming to your place."
"No no,let's meet at a neutral third-party location."
I chuckled. "If I wanted you dead,you would be dead.Let's meet
at Honey.I'm going to take three hours to get there.Don't be
late." I dropped the call.
Once the chauffeur pulled in front of the brothel,I walked out
and approached the entrance.The bass of the music thudded
from the inside reaching the street and the people waiting
around to get in.It didn't matter that it was midday,everyone
wanted to experience the elite brothel anytime.Women stood
outside in heels and sparkling dresses,waiting to get in.Once I
approached the men recognized me.They parted the crowd and
surrounded me like a King.The women stared at me like I was
Adonis who came to life from marble.Too bad,I was taken.The
doors opened and I was escorted inside.Anyone in my way
immediately stepped aside,giving me space more than
necessary.As I walked into the lobby I felt every pair of eyes on
me.Women admired me with lust and men despised me with
jealousy.Sex throbbed through the entire brothel.Art hung on
walls,portraying nude women or those in lingerie.Like the
brothel's honey theme,everything oozed sweetness for the
clients.Red and golden wallpaper covered the
walls.Multicolored chandelier dropped from the ceiling like
rainbows.Naked women strolled with dangerous men,some
were on the poles dancing.I had beautiful pair of tits waiting for
me at home so I didn't pay attention.My entire existence
revolved around one sexy woman.It was impossible for anyone
else to impress me anymore.If it was me a year ago I would
have been looking for someone to fuck, but now I had a woman
I loved and didn't get tired of fucking,that made me immune to
everyone else.I walked to the third landing and went to the
private room.With black walls and black framed mirrors.There
was a bar in there too.I sat on the curved leather couch that
faced a black coffee table.
"Some scotch sir?" The bartender asked.
I shook my head. "No I'm good."
He bowed and walked back to the counter.The door opened
and Bruno walked in,escorted by two women, and Anita.
"I saw you coming in and thought of keeping you company."
Bruno sat down between his blondes.
I looked at Anita in confusion.What the hell was she doing
here?Before I could anticipate her moves,she sat on my laps
and pressed her body against mine.What the fuck?
"What the fuck!!!" I pushed her off and she fell right on her
butt.She didn't expect that so she was frightened by my
reaction.I didn't need to see my face to know that my
expression was that of anger and disgust.I had promoted her to
a managerial position now she thought she was special.She was
getting too comfortable.
"Let me get this straight, and this will be the first and last
warning.Don't ever pull that stunt or let alone look at me with
lust.I fucked you in the past but that doesn't make you special
because its your job.Try it with me again and I won't stop my
woman from pulling the trigger.Don't ever talk to me if its not
about business.In fact,don't talk to me again,talk to Reaper if its
about business.I don't wanna see you at my estate either.Don't
forget who I am,you're getting too comfortable.Are we clear on
that fact?!" My voice thundered with fury.
"Y-yes." She nodded tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Now get the fuck out,all of you.Bruno and I need some
privacy!!" They all disappeared as quick as they had appeared.
Bruno chuckled,sipping on his scotch on the rocks. "Calm your
nuts big guy.The girl just sat on your laps.."
I interrupted. "And rubbed her body on mine.Why sit on my
laps in the first place?I'm taken.She is getting too
comfortable.She needs to know her place.If she thinks she
means something to me then we have a problem."
"With how you yelled at her,she already knows her place.You
should have seen your face.Now what seems to be the
problem?Did you fight with the Don?"
"I don't know if I should call that a fight."
"What did you say to her?"
"I didn't say much.She just dropped a bomb on me and I walked
out on her."
He slammed the glass on the table. "You messed up."
"I was avoiding an argument.I didn't wanna say anything that I
would regret later on." I defended.
"No,walking out on a woman in a middle of a conversation is
actually very disrespectful.You might have done it to avoid an
argument but she won't see it that way.They say actions speaks
louder than words right,so you walking out will be like a
thousand hurtful words to her."
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "So what was I
supposed to do?Had I stayed we were going to argue.I walked
out and it's rude?Sometimes I wish women would come with a
thirty seconds trailer,so that we know what we are getting
ourselves into.I honestly don't understand that gender."
He chuckled. "Its simple, you just sit your ass down and make
things right.You don't walk out because it will be like you're
running away from a problem.If you feel like an argument is
about to start then you shut the fuck up.Let her yell if she
wants to.Let her vent out her frustrations while you just keep
quiet.Bite your lip till you bleed if you have to,but don't say a
word.The minute you try reasoning with her she will go ballistic
and you will end up fighting unnecessarily.Let her vent, and
after that you fuck her back into submission.Fuck her until her
limps ache,then you say 'babe,now listen to what I have to
say'.She will not argue with you or raise her voice.If she tries it
with you,fuck her again and spank that ass.That is the only
language women understand.If you try to compete on
exchanging words or yelling then you're fighting a losing
battle.Its like they have a loudspeaker in their throats inserted
for that purpose only,you won't win.Now, when you go back to
your woman let her yell at you and apologize even for her
mistakes.Already you're the bad guy here because you walked
out.Worse still you didn't tell her where you were going.Trust
me,she is going to accuse you of things and throw a fit,just
remain calm.After she is done acting crazy then you explain
yourself.If she doesn't wanna listen resort to fucking, it always
"Are you in a relationship Bruno?" I gave him a quizzical look.
He laughed. "No I'm not.I take a lot of whores here and give
them a girlfriend experience at my estate.I just want to see how
it feels being in a relationship and in the process I learn a lot
about their specie.Women are not complicated,they are just
confused.But take my advice,it always works.Don't try to shout
at your woman,that one will shoot you without thinking twice."
"Very true."
"So why are you here? You're not drinking, you don't want
whores near you."
"Oh,I'm here to meet Diego."
He looked surprised. "Really?I thought you didn't want to talk
to the old man."
"I don't, but I have to.Which reminds me,go and see Fernando."
He frowned. "Why should I?And why the hell is he still alive?"
"Just go and see him and here what he has to say.After that you
can decide what you wanna do with him."
"I'm still not going." He had the Rodriguez blood flowing in him
so he was bound to be stubborn.
"I wasn't asking you.I'm ordering you as your General." I said
He sighed. "Stop cornering me."
"You won't have to deal with him anymore because he looks
like he is extremely sick.You will regret it if you don't go.Do it
for your sake, and not his.I have Ingrid,Reaper and my
daughter.I have a family. I'm surrounded by people who love
me and it makes me less bitter,that's why I give zero fucks
about Monica and Diego.I'm meeting him today for my sake.But
it's not the same for you Bruno.You refused to come to stay at
my estate.You're lonely as hell and you're filled with
resentment for Fernando.I'm not saying you should forgive him
but you will regret it if he dies without you resolving your
differences,or at the very least without hearing the words you
always wanted to hear from him.Go and see the old man."
He rubbed his temples. "Fine,I will."
"And I'm going to do a follow-up to make sure you do."
"Cool.Anyway since you're meeting Diego let me bounce." He
stood up.On cue, the door opened and Diego walked in.I hated
him even more.But,I had called for this meeting because I didn't
want my behavior towards my children to be a reflection of my
relationship with my bull of a father.I had another child on the
way so I had to be the best father that I could ever be.I was
really trying my best with Kira,but now I was going to be a
father of two,that was a big deal.For my mental preparedness I
chose to meet this bastard because I had questions.Diego sat
on the opposite couch.He wore a black jacket over his collared
shirt,his dark hair matching his mood.I had my gun stuffed into
the back of my jeans.It was loaded and ready to fire.A normal
child who shares a normal relationship with their father doesn't
need protection around their dad,but I saw mine as a threat.He
was probably packing under that jacket too.Why else would he
be wearing it?
Since I was the one who had called for this meeting, he
remained silent waiting for me to speak.
"Why couldn't you be the best father to Roberto and me?What
did we ever do to you?Why did you love Xavier the most?"
He glanced at me once, and lowered his gaze in shame. "I hated
Roberto firstly because he is soft.To me,he was a
pussy.Secondly, he was the last reminder of my failed marriage
with Monica.I despised you because you're so much like
me,only that you're my better version.I watched you growing
and for a child you had the determination and courage to do
absolutely anything.That is a skill I never possessed.I knew right
there and then that you would be a challenge once you're
grown.I mistreated you because I tried to bring you down.In
you I no longer saw a son,I saw a competitor. I saw a match and
that made me angry.I loved Xavier more because he was
obedient and easy to control.It was a different case with
you,little Raphael questioned everything.You refused to be a
child." He sighed and looked down.
"You wanna know the real reason why I took you along to
ambush Paloma?I'm ashamed to say this but it wasn't because I
wanted to tame you.I wanted you to be caught in the crossfire.I
wanted you to be killed in the shootout but you came out
victorious.You came out of that as a heroic villain,a necessary
evil.You know what our organization says,for a beta to become
an alpha he has to kill one.A thirteen year old beta gunned
down an alpha. You became a leader right there but you were
too young.I your father,had to warm the throne for you.And
when you took over you were even better than me.You were
just so good in everything."
"You were supposed to be proud of me and not hate me for
it!Who in their right mind gets jealous of their own children?!
What is wrong with you and your brother?Fernando hated
Bruno because he wasn't like him.You hate me because I'm like
you but only better."
"I don't you hate you n..."
"You wanted me dead Diego!You hate me for being better than
you will ever be.You wanted me dead and, you killed me.I
might not have been shot that day,but you made me kill the
father of the woman who means the world to me.You made me
a villain that day and I will never forgive you for that.If I didn't
save Ingrid that day,you were going to make me kill her
too.Now,why did you rape Monica?"
He shook his head. "I didn't.If she told you that then it was only
to hurt you.I loved her,and even after she came back from Erik I
still loved her.But this time she broke me."
"You deserve that and more.Diego you're not mine to
punish.Soon enough you're going to be at the receiving end of
Ingrid's wrath.You had me kill the Don's father.I pulled the
trigger on your order,so its all on you.Your sins will not go
unpunished.Ingrid is going to come for you and I'm not going to
stop her.Sleep with one eye open." He winced at my words.
I stood up. "Raphael I'm so..."
"I don't wanna hear it." I looked at him. "I pity you for hating
your own sons because in the process you made us hate you
too.Its sad really.The only reason you're trying to apologize now
is only because Xavier is dead and he wasn't your son.You
abandoned your own flesh and blood and its killing you.If Xavier
hadn't died,if you hadn't find out that he is not your son,
Roberto and I would forever be the recipients of your
hatred.That future would have happened because of you.I was
the victim in all of this.I had to be the person who had to be at
the receiving end of your resentment because you were jealous
of me,your own son.I had to suffer because of you.You made
me your enemy.And that's something I can never forgive you
for.Now I know I can never be you.I will always be better than
you in every aspect.I feel stupid that I once doubted myself
thinking that I carry the 'mutation' that you carry but now I
know I don't.Diego you're a psychopath.You're borderline
crazy, and I can never be you.I hope everything you did was
worth it.You're going to die a lonely man "
When I walked out I realised I was worried for nothing.I had
confronted my demons and everything was clearer now.There
was nothing to be afraid of.Fernando and Diego were two crazy
bastards.There was no way I had the same craziness as them.I
would never hate or hurt my children.On my way back to my
estate I downloaded and studied some online photos of the
developing foetus and tried to picture exactly at what stage my
own little boy or girl would be at.I even read a few articles
about how to handle pregnant women and their crazy
hormones.I had that part figured out since I was suffering from
the couvade syndrome as the internet said.I was experiencing
what Ingrid was experiencing so I had a better understanding
on how to handle the issue of altered hormones level.After the
long exhausting three hours drive from the brothel,all I wanted
to do was to make things right with my woman, who was
expecting our second born.
"Where is Ingrid?" I asked as soon as I stepped inside the
"Good evening sir.I last saw her going to the stables with your
brother." The maid said.To the stables with Reaper?
"They just came back.Ma'am headed upstairs."Another maid
said.Say what now?
"When did they go to the stables?" I asked.
"In the morning.If you may excuse me." She bowed and left.
A jealousy monster rooted in my chest immediately.A scene
where I found Ingrid in Reaper's arms replayed in my head.Why
would she spend the entire day with him,at the stables,with
horses as audiences?
I stormed to our room.I should have handled shit calmly.I know
I behaved like an asshole when I shouted."So you spent the
entire day with my brother!Alone with my brother Ingrid?" I
regretted saying it but I couldn't take back the words.The next
thing I know boots were flying my way,and everything went
downhill from there.I chose to take Bruno's advice and shut the
fuck up or respond when needed but it seemed to infuriate her
more.The fact that Anita's scent clung to my clothes when she
pressed her body on me didn't work in my favour either.If I was
to mention anything about Anita then I was definitely going to
get shot.When she left I laid on the bed fully dressed,staring
blankly at the ceiling, wondering, with a curiously heaver
heart,just why I was in one great big bed,while Ingrid was a few
rooms away in another.Because she was a stubborn and wilful
woman, who needed her space,that was why,I thought grimly.
The cordless landline on the nightstand rang.
"I'm bleeding Raphael.I'm losing my baby."
I leapt out of bed.Her sobs clutched at my heart with an
emotion which was pretty much unknown to me.Fear.In an
instant I crossed the room and tried to open the door of the
mirror room when,to my fury I discovered it was locked.I didn't
have time to think of anything but to kick down the door
instead.It took me five attempts before the door bursted open.I
flinched at the sight which greeted me.Ingrid,all curled up in a
foetal position, her eyes wide with terror as she looked up at
me,her face deathly pale.With a aching heart,I looked down to
see the crimson flowering on her fingertips and pain shafted
me.In an instant I was at Pablo's suite.Through it all I had a
sense of awful foreboding at what this was all going to mean.It
hurt even more when she kept one referring to our baby as
'my'.In all honesty I might not have wanted children but it was
fear that was clouding my perception about fatherhood.Now
that I faced my demons I realised that I actually loved this
child.I only acted the way I did when she dropped the bomb on
me because I was shocked, frightened and a little bit angry, this
wasn't the perfect timing.My reaction to the news sent across
the wrong message, now she thought I didn't want the child.If
we were to lose this child then she was going to hate me.
"I'm so scared." She cried out.A terrible pain tore at me as if
someone had ripped my heart out with jagged fingernails.If we
lose the baby then there wouldn't be a chance to redeem
myself and our relationship.She would hate me.I prayed for
another verdict.
"I could have been a better father." I whispered holding onto
her hand.
"I could have been a better mother."
"And you will be both better parents if you stop all this soul-
searching and have a look at this little heartbeat instead." The
obstetrician interjected.
I stilled. "What?"
"Wh-what did you say? Ingrid stumbled.
The obstetrician who was introduced as Rosé smiled.Aunt Perla
sighed in relief.
"Look." She said softly turning to the screen of the machine.
"You see that throbbing little bit there.Pablo increase the
volume."Fingers of fire clutched my heart as the heartbeat
sound filled every corner of the room.
"There you go.That's your baby's heart."
"You mean.."
"Your baby is alive,Mr and Mrs Rodriguez.Very much alive and
"B-but I bled." Ingrid protested shakily. Her eyes moved at the
screen,devouring every bit of the screen for some kind of
information about the life which miraculously was still growing
inside her.
"Its not uncommon for pregnant women to bleed, and not
miscarry.Its nature's way of telling mommy to relax.Do you
think you will be able to do that in the future Mrs Rodriguez,to
"Of course I will.I will be the most relaxing mommy ever." Ingrid
laughed as tears streamed down her face.
"Our baby is alive Raphael."
"Yes our baby is alive." I kissed her forehead,scarcely able to
believe how our world turned from desolate dark to gleaming
bright in the space of a heartbeat.I looked up.
"Oh,thank you.She was indeed going to kill me."
Ingrid looked up into my face.And a wide smile threatened to
split her face in two. "And you don't put the D word and God in
one sentence."
I chuckled. "Noted.I was only saying anything that came to
"You almost prayed in tongues General." Perla laughed.
I laughed looking at Rose. "I will make sure she rests.I will do
everything in my power to make sure they are safe."
"Okay my job here is done.Pablo will give you the supplements
and the diet plan ma'am needs.His wife is pregnant too so he
has the prescription." She said packing her stuff.
"Wife?" I looked at Pablo who flinched uncomfortably.
Ingrid held my hand. "Pablo and Layla are expecting a child.I
know it will come off as if Pablo betrayed us but he
didn't.Before he pursued anything with Layla he talked to me
first.I gave him the go ahead,so please spare the poor guy.He is
going to be a father too."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you were going to go crazy and possibly ask for Layla
to be killed.You said yourself that someone who admits to their
mistakes is redeemable.Layla admitted that she was wrong and
she apologized.You're accepting Pablo and Layla,end of
I gawked at Pablo.He was lucky to have Ingrid on his side.
"You're one lucky bastard."
"Okay,you two can walk out.I have to clean Ingrid."Perla said.
"And Raphael please take a shower,that scent you have on is
making me nauseous." Ingrid glared at me.Fuck,I thought I was
spared.I shook my head and walked out.
"She is okay.It was nothing big" When I came back from Pablo's
suite everyone was waiting for answers,especially Kira.
"Are you sure she is okay?" She asked.
"She is fine my girl.Did you eat?" I carried her.
"No,not when mom is not okay.I have to see her first.We will
eat together."
"Okay she will be here in a minute okay." I placed her down.
"What's wrong with her?" Reaper asked with concern written
all over his face.
"Roberto, can we talk after I put my woman to bed?"
He arched an eyebrow. "You never called me Roberto unless its
something serious."
"It is serious.I will find you in my study at 9."
I strolled upstairs and went to take a quick shower as
After my shower I went back to take Ingrid.Once we were in
our room the maid and Kira came with dishes with food on a
cart.Mother and daughter ate together while I watched in
adoration.My cute little family.Who would have ever thought
that I would be a father and a husband?A husband.It was high
time I wife her and make her mine till death do us apart.After
they were done eating I went to do my usual daddy
duties,tucking Kira and switching off the lights.Before going
back to my bedroom I instructed one of the maids to give me
some coconut oil.During my research about pregnancy I read
that pregnant women love having their feet massaged.I walked
into our bedroom and found her staring into the ceiling,
probably stressing.I sat at the edge of the bed and took her feet
before I started massaging them.
"Mhmmm my gosh,that feels good." She moaned,making my
dick twitch.
"Stop doing that.Anyway I'm sorry cariño about the way I
reacted in the morning.I thought it was for the best that I walk
out before we started arguing, and it was a wrong move.I
wasn't supposed to walk out on you.Ingrid you have to believe
me,I love this child.I was scared yes,and I always emphasised on
not wanting a child because I was afraid.I confronted my fears
and realised there is really nothing to be afraid of.Im not like
Diego.I will love our children the way they deserve to be loved.I
promise I will be a better father.I'm sorry for shouting at you
earlier about the Reaper issue.I shouldn't have but my jealous
got the best of me.Another thing,it wasn't my plan to go the
brothel.I didn't walk out thinking of unwinding while watching
naked women.I first went to prison because I wanted to talk to
Fernando.Afterwards I wanted to talk to Diego at his estate but
he wanted to meet at another location so I suggested Honey.I
couldn't bring him here or go to a café.You can't trust man like
Diego so the brothel was the suitable place since its a circus of
crime.When I walked in there I just went straight to the private
room,but then Bruno came with two girls and Anita.She threw
herself at me when I didn't even expect it but I pushed her
away immediately and warned her.That is how I got the scent.It
will never happen again because I told her that she will work
with Reaper from now onwards.Now,let's get clear on one
important fact.I will never cheat on you because I love you.I
won't take it very well if you ever doubt my love for you.I'm a
man of my word,and if I promise you something then I keep my
promises.If you ever doubt me again I'm going to fuck you till
you know my dick belongs only to you.I will fuck you till you
hate sex,then I will fuck you again and you will start loving it all
over again.What I did to you the other day is nothing,I will fuck
you till you think that I'm possessed.I will bent you in angles
that your body will ache.Don't ever doubt my love for you
again.I hope I made myself clear on that fact.Do you
understand me?"
She swallowed deeply and nodded. "I understand."
"Good,now get some sleep.You need as much rest as you can
get.For now you need to lay off of work.I will handle it on your
behalf.I will go through your emails and everything.Consider
me your PA.We will go through everything together but I will
handle much of the workload and its okay.Muñequita needs to
come to this world safe and sound.You need to relax and take it
easy like the doctor said."
"Muñequita?Stop calling my baby a doll.What if its a 'he'.I'm
carrying a boy."
I laughed. "No you're carrying girl.She will look just like you.She
will have your eyes,that is why I call her muñequita."
"Its a boy,and he will have emeralds just like yours." She
"Okay we can argue all night but it's time for you to rest.Do you
feel any pain?Or are you uncomfortable in any way?"
She shook her head. "I'm fine,especially after I drank my
"Good.I will go through the diet plan to make sure everything is
in order.Do you have specific cravings as of now."
"Hmmm cheesecake." She smiled.
I chuckled. "I can relate.I'm going to have dinner and have a
chat with Reaper afterwards.If you feel uncomfortable or any
pain,just call."
"Okay.I love you."
"I love you too."
"And I'm sorry for thinking that you would cheat on me."
I kissed her forehead. "Its okay,I understand.It's kind of
assumptions any women would make under the
circumstances.I shouldn't have walked out.You have every right
to be ecstatic about this baby because I'm happy too.I can't
wait for muñequita to be here."
"I'm carrying a boy." She yawned.
"Yea its time for you to rest."I tucked her in bed and by the
time I walked out,her eyes were closed.
I went to the kitchen and picked everything that I could think of
eating.Cheesecake included.I ate like I have never seen food
before.This sympathetic pregnancy syndrome was going to
show me flames.It was already enough that I had disturbed
sleeping patterns and had morning sickness here and
there.Now I was eating like crazy.I had to hit the gym very
often.After eating I strolled to my study and found Reaper
waiting for me.I sat down at my leather chair and he stood up
to pour scotch for us.
"No,sit down." I said authoritatively but yet calm.
We remained silent for some minutes while my eyes were
trained on him.When he couldn't keep up with the deep stares
he looked down."Roberto Rodriguez, Ingrid is my woman.We
need to get on that fact."
"Where is all this coming from.."
I interjected. "Shut the fuck up,or whatever you say at this
point will only hurt you.Don't try to insult my intelligence right
now.I need you to listen to me very carefully because I won't
repeat myself ever again,at least not in words.I find it very odd
that you want to be with Ingrid whenever I'm not around.And
you want it to be just the two of you.I know about your little
crush on my woman.I know you have feelings for Ingrid.I didn't
say anything before not because I'm stupid but I'm observant.I
was watching you all this while.I know how you look at her and
act around her,but let me get one thing straight.Ingrid is mine
and no one else's.She will never be yours so stop with your
nonsense.Don't misinterpret her affection towards you because
she sees you as a friend,a brother.Roberto you're my baby
brother.I will always have your back and I will stand up for
you,but I can also end you.I have been tolerating you but it
doesn't mean I have the high level of tolerance.If you keep
pushing me,you will be at the receiving end of my wrath.Ingrid
is off limits.She is mine and I don't share.Don't make me your
enemy Roberto,it will get ugly.Don't make me hate you."
I stood up and squeezed his shoulder before walking out.For his
sake, I hope he took me seriously.I was calm and I didn't shoot
him or break the glass on his head but I meant every word.For
Ingrid I kill.

I WAS HAPPY THAT RAPHAEL actually loved our child.I was

happy that we cleared the misunderstanding.When I woke up
the next morning, Raphael was already in the shower.Our room
was tied up and the air smelled fresh with polish and lavender.I
had a great night last night.I was up earlier than usual and I
didn't want to get out of bed but because of the sound of the
running water that disturbed me and the unwanted contents
that had risen up my throat,I just had to wake up.
"Oh God,I feel sick." I got off the bed quickly.The next thing I
know was that Raphael had picked me up and was carrying me
to the bathroom,where he pushed me down in front of the
lavatory,and only just in time,I released as my stomach heaved
and I started to retch.It seemed like a lifetime before my
stomach had disgorged its unwanted contents.
"I'm sorry baby,muñequita is giving us a hard time.I had my
episode earlier too." He reached for a mouthwash and gave it
to me.
"What a morning.I'm already exhausted."
He brushed my back and kissed my forehead. "I will ask Rosé to
give us something."
"Its morning sickness babe.There is nothing much that she can
do.Its like peeing,you can't avoid it.Its nature's way." He sighed
and carried me back to bed.
"This is going to be a long pregnancy.I can't wait for you to have
a big stomach and all."
I rolled my eyes,getting into bed. "I'm not ready to look like a
He kissed my forehead again,walking towards the walk-in
closet. "You will look really beautiful.In fact, you're already
"Don't try to flatter me.Anyway,do you want to go
He stopped midway and looked at me.Gosh,this man was
handsome and it had to be illegal.
"I have to go check on your issues in Italy and mine
too.Remember I'm helping you out.Rosé said you can't stress
and you need to rest."
"I understand that but I rested well enough and I will continue
doing so.I can help for now because its not like I'm heavily
pregnant or anything. I can't let you do all the work by
yourself.You can't do all the duties while I can manage to do
the paperwork."
He sighed and sat down. "We talked about this cariño.Let's not
argue please.I can manage everything,and if it rises to a level of
importance that you have to be involved then I will let you
know.Let's not go back and forth with this,its already
decided.You're carrying our heir,and you need to enjoy this
pregnancy as much as you can."
"But I just can't do nothing all day long."
He stood up. "You can get a massage or spend the day
eating.Whatever that pregnant women do.The point is,you're
not going anywhere near the office.For now you're my
pregnant woman and not the Don."
There was nothing I could do to get him to back off. "But.."
"No buts." Just like that the discussion was over.Thanks to the
pregnancy, Raphael was already in an overprotective mode and
there was nothing I could do.Thanks muñequita.He went to the
walk-in closet and after a few minutes he came back wearing
his usual black suit which looked like his second skin.He looked
good but I refused to acknowledge that fact because I didn't get
what I wanted.
"You can sulk all you want my love,but you're not going to lift a
finger as long as you're carrying our baby.Its already enough
that we almost lost our child, that is not happening ever again."
I bit back my smile.Knowing that he loved our child so much
was such a relief.I felt stupid that I was quick to accuse him of
whoring when he was actually looking for answers in order to
love our child like he should.
"I'm flying to Italy right now,I have to check on the project
you're working on,and also the warehouses."
"I understand that you want me to rest but the question is,will
the men agree to you taking over my duties?Some of them
doubt my abilities no matter how many times I had proved
myself.Now they will think that I'm using you to do things that I
can't handle."
He fixed his suit jacket and sat down. "What they think doesn't
matter.You and I both know that you're good at what you
do.The title couldn't have been given to someone else,you
deserve it.Me working for you and handling some of your
affairs is actually a good thing.Do you know that you and I
combined, the General and Don together,we are powerful than
the Godfather?And for that reason, it will actually work to the
advantage of both our empires,and they will be stupid not to
know that."
"Are we really powerful than the Godfather?I heard that he is
the big deal and he has a hold on everyone on the rank lower
than his."
He took a deep breath. "Godfather has something he is using as
leverage against every mafia leader from the fourth rank,at
least that's what he is making everyone believe.As long as he
has that hold ,he can control everyone but since you're the
second on the hierarchy and I'm the third,we will be more
powerful than him together despite the leverage.Which is why
not everyone will be happy with our union."
"What is it that he is using as leverage?"
He took another deep breath. "I'm sorry,I can't tell you,not
because I don't trust you but because I'm protecting you.You're
way more safer if you don't know."
"You're scaring me."
He brushed my cheek and smiled. "And there is absolutely no
reason for you to be afraid.You just be pregnant and
happy,while daddy protects your empire, okay my love."
My eyes studied his face and I knew there and then that he was
up to something. "Raphael what are you up to?What do you
mean you're protecting my empire?"
He shrugged. "I mean you shouldn't worry about anything as
long as I'm alive.You're the first woman to take such a high rank
in a mafia organization, and men shouldn't think you're a walk
over.I will make sure of that."
"Raphael what's going on?!Do you have something on
Godfather?Now that I think of it,you said that the Godfather is
making everyone believe that he still has a hold on
everyone.What is going on?!Tell me the truth."
He was calm despite what I said probably being true.But that
was a sign of a strong man.Not panicking in any situation.He
turned quiet,pragmatic.
"We are both leaders my love but we lead differently.I lead
from the front,I get my hands dirty and I fight battles.You lead
from the back,your soldiers clear the path for you so that you
won't have to worry about anything.I'm part of your army,I
clear the path for you too.Not everyone is happy with you
leading and you know that.Godfather is one of the people.My
duty is to make sure that your path is clear,so I eliminate all the
stumbling blocks that you might possibly come across.That is
my answer to your question and one day,you will understand
what I mean."
I knew Raphael was strong and confident, but I was surprised
he wasn't the least bit concerned that the Godfather could take
him on if he decides to mess with him.
"I don't have a lot of options my love.Godfather is going to
come after you and its my duty to put him on the ground.He is
the type of man that continues to pursue until he gets what he
wants.He was calm when the Don position was vacant, now a
woman took over.He will not take that lying down.Let me
handle everything okay cariño."
"Raphael, this is Godfather we are talking about.I may not know
much about the guy,but he is powerful than you and me."
"But he is not powerful than us together.Ingrid you don't
understand the underworld fully.One man lives and one
dies.And I will make sure that I protect my family before he
even makes a move.I have to think ahead."
"Who else knows about you wanting to take on Godfather?"
"You only and it should stay that way.Now I'm going to
Italy,tomorrow afternoon I will be back.Stay well away from the
office.I will give you a summary of the project when I get back."
"Stay safe."
He nodded. "I definitely will,and you need to trust me.Don't
worry about a thing."He then perked my lips before walking
I sighed.It was the first time I'd ever been truly worried about
Raphael's safety.His confidence and will to protect his family
was so potent,so unmistakable that he was willing to even take
Godfather on when need arises.The reality was terrifying to me.
I got off the bed and went to take a quick shower.After I was
done I went to the office,and like I expected there were two
men on guard,wearing menacing expressions.I didn't even try
negotiating with them because I knew it was a complete waste
of time.I made way to my daughter's room instead.
"Kiki." I shook her but she covered her head with a coverlet.
"Kiara wake up,we have to prepare for Halloween."
When I mentioned Halloween she immediately uncovered her
head,but frowned when she looked at me trying to suppress a
"Urgh,you just lied.Its not 31 October.We are left with a week
or so.Will you let me sleep mom,please."
"It's time for you to wake up.You have to keep me company,
I'm lonely."
"That's dad's job.Please let me sleep.I need an hour or so."I
gave up trying to convince her to keep me company because
she literally threw me out of her room.
Doing nothing was definitely going to drive me insane.I made
my way to Reaper's suite.
"Hey,what are you doing here?" He looked surprised when he
saw me standing on the hallway,outside his room.
"I'm kinda bored.I need some company.Apparently I can't go
near the office.The doctor said I should rest.Can I come in,or we
can go and sit by the patio."
He slid his hands in his pockets and leaned on the door with a
sigh. "Look,you know umm,growing up Raphael was more like a
father to me than he was my brother.Its a well known fact that
Diego never cared.It was Raphael who made sure I ate,bathed
and he protected me.I also feel the crazy need to protect
him,even though I know he is the one who always protects
me.He always has my best interest at heart.If I continue seeing
you like this,then I will be a hypocrite because when someone
is as important as Raphael is to me,I will do what's best for
him,even if that means having to lie to myself,so you and I we
can't talk like this anymore."
I looked at him with confusion written all over my face. "What
are you talking about Roberto?"
He sighed. "Raphael always protects me and its time to return
the favour."
"By owning up to the fact that I have always had feelings for
you.So I can't be around you anymore.I'm sorry."
"My brother loves you,and I'm not about to hurt him.We will
only talk when everyone is around.We can't spend time alone
like this,I don't trust myself when I'm around you.And in the
future don't mind me."
"Don't mind you?You just dropped an atomic bomb on
me.Raphael is your brother Roberto.What the hell is wrong
with you?"
"I made a mistake." He defended.
"A mistake?!Do you know what that is?A mistake is wearing
two different colored socks.Having feelings for your brother's
woman is another thing.You're right I shouldn't be around you,I
will strangle you.And to think I actually liked you as my best
friend.Its actually gross that you feel for me that way because
to me I actually see an older brother.You're just like Falcon to
me.What the hell?! " I turned to walk away but continued.
"Did you do everything you did,spending time with me and
buying Snowwhite,because you wanted to or because you had
feelings for me?"
"You're unbelievable.And just so you know,I ain't giving
Snowwhite back."
He laughed. "I know,and once again I'm sorry.I didn't mean to
feel that way,it just happened.And it hurts that you think my
feelings for you are disgusting.They are raw and pure but I will
never act on them.I'm sorry I feel that way."
"Then shove those crazy feelings where the sun doesn't
shine.Fuck off."
He chuckled shaking his head. "And you blame me for having
feelings for you.But don't worry sister in law,I know you love
my brother only."
I shook my head before walking away.Reaper confessing his
feelings for me set me off completely.I mean,what the hell?I
went back to my bedroom,suddenly I just wanted to lazy
around.I took a book from the bookshelves and buried my nose
in it.


During dinner the next day,Raphael was back.It was quiet at the
table,the awkwardness setting in for all of us.Raphael would
coldly glance at Reaper here and there.I'm sure everyone
noticed the tension between those two.I wasn't even going to
get myself involved, despite knowing Reaper's feelings for
me.The fact that I didn't acknowledge them it meant that they
were nonexistent to me.The two of them were going to deal
with their issues on their own.It was already enough that Xavier
was killed because of messing with me.For the first time even
Cinzia was awfully quiet,which was a surprise.I'm sure the
tension was too heavy for her too.
I didn't want it to be that tensed,so I smashed the silence.
"Pablo,when is Layla giving birth?"
Pablo went with it. "She is due in two weeks"
"I will have to see her before that.A lot is happening and I keep
on postponing.If she doesn't mind please bring her here the day
after tomorrow."
"She wanted you dead!" Stacy jumped in.
"And she paid for that.We can't keep on hanging on to the
past.At some point we have to move on.Pablo,bring her in the
He nodded. "She will be happy to hear that."
"She can't be trusted." Stacy protested.I lifted my gaze and
looked her straight in the eye,she kept quiet immediately.
It was quiet again.Despite my attempts to make everything feel
normal,it grew tense again.
I proceeded to talk to the entire table.The conversation was
stiff at first,as if no one understood what was the appropriate
thing to say in the situation, but it soon picked up its
speed.After dinner,Raphael and I tucked our daughter in bed
and went to our room afterwards.
"The dinner was tense."
"And I believe Reaper talked to you and you know why the
dinner was tense."
There was a brief silence while we looked at each other.
"You're the only one I love.Reaper owned up to his fault and he
apologized.You can't hate your brother,he is the only family
you have left."
His eyebrows rose"He betrayed me.He is supposed to be my
brother,not a man who sees himself as my competition.I will
never forgive him for that."
"The same way Xavier couldn't forgive you right?The situation
might have been different,but you betrayed Xavier too,I also
played my part.I'm not justifying Reaper's feelings but I'm just
giving you the reason to forgive him.You were wrong too just
like he is but no one crucified you.Reaper acknowledged his
wrong doing and for that don't think of killing him.He is your
only family left."
"You're my family."
"You know what I'm talking about."
"We live in the same house.Do you think its going to sit well
with him seeing us together everyday?Seeing you everyday? Do
you think I will be okay with the way he looks at you?"
"Then he will move out or something.The point is,don't kill
"I will if I have to."
I sighed in defeat but I knew he didn't mean that.
"And I'm not going to let that boy ruin my night." He walked to
the living room and came back with a box.
"Put this on.We are going out."
"Is it safe?And why are we going out?"
"We have to meet a client.I wanted you to rest but he insisted."
"At this hour."
He shrugged. "That's the only time he said he was free."
"Urgh okay."
He checked his watch and dialed on his phone.
"General,everything is in place.We will have you both in two
hours.Our men are heading to the location."
"Thanks Carlos." He hung up.
"Where are we going?"
He gave me an odd smile. "You're asking too many
questions.We are going to Mexico,now go and change.Take
your time.I will be waiting outside."
He winked before walking out.Something was definitely
up.Sighing, I walked off to the big box on the bed,yanked the and pulled out the tissue paper. "Wow"
I lifted a gorgeous gown out of the box.It was all lace and red.It
had a diamond corset and red bottom heels to go with it.Out of
all the clothes he had brought me
this was the most sexy and elegant.I took a quick shower and
wore the gown.When I walked, a long trail of soft fabric slipped
along the floor.And last but not least,the diamond corset
hugged my center and made an extravagant statement. Good
thing it was comfortable for my very small bump.While I was
admiring myself on the mirror,there was a knock.To my
surprise and my suspicion it was a makeup artist.Raphael would
never go as far as inviting a makeup artist so that other men
would drool.He would never use me as an eye candy.If
everything was up to him he wouldn't mind me going to any
meeting in my pyjamas and with crazy hair.This definitely
meant that he was lying about the meeting.My heart drummed
furiously against my chest in excitement.I liked where all this
was all going.The makeup artist swept my hair into a sleek updo
and painted my face,making every feature come alive.My ears
were decorated in small diamond drops.I looked like a million
bucks,dripped in diamonds and expensive fabrics.And at his
request,I didn't wear anything underneath.When I was done
two men escorted me to the helipad.There was Raphael, gleam
flickering in the depths of his green eyes.His black hair was
gleaming and tousled, as if he had run his fingers through it
when he had been fresh out of the shower.He wore a fine
crispy white shirt which was unbuttoned at the neck, showing
his rock hard chest.Dark suit pants hugged his muscular legs
and he had a suit jacket to complete the look.Despite the
simplicity of his clothes, he looked rich and powerful and
intimidatingly masculine.
His lips curved into a smile. "Here you are.Damn,you look
gorgeous.Now come closer and let me look at you properly."I
stepped towards him in those killer heels,with a sway of my
silken hair and the trail of the gown following behind.His gaze
drifted over me.
"You look utterly irresistible.Now I wish we had just skipped the
meeting and I will take you straight to bed.You look amazing."
He said softly as he snaked his hand around my waist.
"Do I?"
"You know you do."
I playfully punched his chest as he led us to the helicopter.A
few minutes later we took off.I wanted to sleep but because of
curiosity I couldn't.After two hours or so we touched
down.SUVs pulled up at the helipad and heavily armed men
stood on guard.After my abduction,Raphael tightened the
security that sometimes it drove me crazy.
"This is definitely not the Mexico I know."
He nodded with a smile. "We are in Mexico but in Veracruz to
be exact."He opened the car door for me and we took off
again.Now my curiosity was on some other level. A few minutes
later all the cars one by one pulled into a driveway in front of a
beautiful villa.Its features glowed thanks to the fairy lights that
surrounded it.
"This is a beautiful vineyard."
"You ain't seen nothing yet."
"So we are going to hold the meeting here?"
He chuckled. "Babe,we both know you are aware that I lied
about the meeting.Let's go."
The place oozed magical ambience that romanced me,just as
Raphael had done each day we spent together.The charm of
the vineyard rested in the small details,manicured trees,the
smell of grapes and wine.When we walked inside the villa I
glanced around the entrance hall,which was big as a room itself
with its high ceilings and pale blue walls hung with a series of
charcoal drawings of a beautiful Mexican woman with dark
curls.She looked like...
"Is that me?" I asked softly.
He looked down and nodded with a smile. "I have been working
on this place for some time now.I spray painted it because I
can't seem to get you out of my head."
"You can spray paint?"
He chuckled. "Yes I can.Its a natural talent that most Mexicans
are born with.Is it beautiful?"
"More than just beautiful.Its gorgeous.I love it."
He perked my lips. "And I'm glad you do."
I looked around admiring the place.Stained cathedral glasses
from the window light of the front door splashed reds and
blues on the white floor.
He continued heading upstairs while I followed,admiring the
work of art around the place.When we finally reached the
rooftop,I stopped breathing.A gleaming rosewood table stood a
glass bowl of white roses and pink peonies which perfumed the
air with their romantic scent.The airy dimension and sense of
space was awesome.My heart began to thud as my eyes landed
on someone playing a white piano in a slow sensual tune,and
two waitresses standing at the far corner with flowers in their
hair.The twinkling city view was more than just awesome.Stars
gleamed through the clear ceiling, a bottle of champagne sat
waiting in an ice-bucket and pots of peonies continued to richly
scent the air.Strategic fairy lights and scented candles had been
placed around the place,illuminating rose petals on the floor.It
was the prettiest and most unexpected thing I had ever seen.It
was like somewhere you might see in one of those romantic
movies with alpha male billionaires in it.Wealth sometimes did
beautiful things.It opened up the world like an oyster,and
closed off other parts too.It quarantined and enclosed you in a
rarefied existence.Sometimes people would look at you with
envy.Which girl wouldn't dream of having this beautiful and
luxurious romantic setup?
I breathed. "Oh my.All this..Raphael."
He walked over and stood besides me.
"I know you have enough money to get whatever you want,but
I just wanted to make this night special for you.I figured I have
never done anything romantic for you, well at least not
somewhere else other than in bed.This is me trying."
"Trying?You have gone above and beyond.Babe this is
beautiful.I always dreamt of having something along these
lines,but you made it even more better.Thank you so
much.When did you even have time to do all this?"
He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "I didn't
actually go to Italy yesterday.I just held a video conference.I
was here the whole time."
"I should have known.You're sneaky."
He walked to the table with a smile,he pulled the bottle of
champagne from the bucket and removed the thick foil with his
"Its nonalcoholic."
"Great." I took the flute of pale fizz from his and sipped it.
He flicked me a glance.I blushed because his looks always made
me felt like I touched a naked wire.Shakily I placed the glass
down on the table.He pulled out a chair for me and made sure I
sat down comfortably, cushions and all.Then he summoned the
waitresses to bring us our appetizers.
"Just something simple." He looked at me and acontinued.
"Which will leave us some plenty room for desert."
A few minutes later the waitresses came with green salad and
extra chicken for me.I shot Raphael a look and he chuckled.
"No cabs.No fat.We are eating healthy.Just protein with
vegetables." That was not up for discussion so I shut the fuck up
and didn't dare to complain.
Even though I wanted to complain about the grass I have been
served,our plates were still full because we had only gotten our
dinner.I didn't give a damn about the food anyway,the whole
setup was just satisfying.After our failure to stomach our
appetizers he suggested that we dance,and snapped his fingers
to the piano man.He changed his rhythm from something slow
and romantic, to a little bit fast and joyful beat.
"Maybe a dance might give you an appetite." He stood
up,helping me up as well.He moved in closer and started to
move,swaying sideways to begin with.This wasn't a ballroom
romantic dance performed by Cinderella and whoever she
married.I couldn't help but laugh at his awkward movement,
but he laughed with me anyways,smiling at me his green eyes
glistening. He was happy,very happy.I started to move as
well,snapping my hips to the rhythm that the keys produced
and moving my feet in a simple pattern indicating that he
should follow my lead.He attempted to copy me but
unfortunately he had two left feet.My man was a bad
dancer.Well,bad is an understatement, he was terrible.I
laughed until tears coursed down my cheeks.I have never
laughed that much in my life,that I assure you.When I wiped my
tears off and opened my eyes, he was on one knee.
"I have never met anyone who makes me feel the way you do.I
have never met anyone I love the way I love you.I can't imagine
life without you,Ingrid Morena.I don't think love comes with a
guarantee cariño.I can only swear to you that I intend to love
you till I take my last breathe.You make my world light
up,Ingrid.You have become the shining center of it.I had vowed
not to ever love anyone because it was a sign of weakness for
men like me,but then you came into my life and changed
everything that I believed in.When I first laid my eyes on you,I
knew I was in big trouble.As days passed with you around, I
knew I would be a fool to pretend that I had not known before
just how strong and dangerous my feelings for you actually
were.Why couldn't fate have arranged for us to meet a little
earlier?That way you couldn't have gone through what you
went through.Anyway the past doesn't matter anymore.I'm
actually grateful of it because it shaped our future.I never
thought that I would be blessed with a wonderful woman like
you.My anchor,my heroine.I'm a lucky man.I want to spend
years sleeping in the same bed with you and waking there,too.I
want to build a life from the little pieces we stitched together.I
want us to make our own memories.I want us to be a true
definition of a legendary power couple,whose love story is
worthy to be written in the books.I want to love you so well,so
deeply.And I have all the time in the world to prove just how
much you mean to me.Will you be my wife.Well in my head,you
are already my wife, we just need officially brand it,so will you
marry me Ingrid?" He took out a red velvet small box.At this
point words got stuck in my throat.He opened the box and my
eyes landed on the ring that rested inside.It had a slender gold
band infused with rare small diamonds and a huge flawless one
on the center.At that moment,I knew how Sleeping Beauty
must have felt when she opened her eyes and saw her beloved
prince again.I had found my prince as well.No scratch that, this
one was my king,my villain.
"Babe,this is the part where you say yes.My knee hurts."
I smiled,tears slowing streaming down my cheeks. "I can't move
my left hand remember.I can only move my fingers."
He smiled widely. "Is that a yes then."
He smiled and slid the ring onto the ring finger of my left
hand."I love you so much."
He crushed his lips on mine before carrying me to the master
bedroom.The midnight moon shone through the windows as
our naked bodies brushed with a soft gold wash of colour. He
was kissing me,pressing me back against the pillows,pinioning
my arms in a tender lover's embrace as he kissed me,slowly and
softly at first, and then with increased passion,as he buried
himself deep inside of me.

The past two days we spent in Veracruz were a bliss, but
unfortunately our fairytale had to be cut shot.We had duties to
fulfill and thrones waiting for us,so we just had to go
back.Raphael didn't say anything in so many words but I knew
something was up,and it wasn't anything good.They say actions
speak louder than words,I could read my man like a
book.Sometimes I wished our lives were normal.We lived a
good example of an unpredictable life.One minute everything is
going very well and the next,everything goes wrong.That was
the price we had to pay for the rest of our lives.
"What is going on?" Raphael had received a phone call in the
morning.I didn't hear the conversation but I could tell he was
super worked up.On our way back to New York the security
detail was even more tightened.
"Nothing you should worry about." The green shade of his eyes
had darkened and that was my answer.
I shook my head and closed my eyes because I knew exactly
what that meant. "Don't hide anything from me."
"Sleep mi cariño.You need to rest." He said softly before
looking out the window.Like his voice was a lullaby, I drifted off
to sleep immediately.I was exhausted from the deep thrusts
and hair pulling that had happened the previous two days.

The next moment when I woke up,I was already in our

bedroom,in fluffy pyjamas and Kira had her legs on my
face.Raphael must have brought her in bed so that I wouldn't
be alone in bed.I covered her properly and walked to the door
but to my surprise it was guarded.Two other guards were
pacing on the balcony.
"General said you should rest,and everything you need will
come to you."
"That's bullshit." I slammed the door and went to the secret
doorway which led straight to his office.I barged in,and found
the men in a serious conversation.
"I know my odds of winning are slim,despite my knowledge of
martial arts and my own experience in any other form of
fighting,but I have a family now and I have to win."When I
walked in they all stopped talking and directed their gaze at me.
"Now,what the hell is going on?!What are you talking about
"You should be in bed resting."
"How am I supposed to rest with men at our bedroom door and
our balcony?" I yelled.
"There are safety precautions."
"Which means something is going on.Now what the hell is
going on?" I looked at all of them but they looked down.
"Okay,you seem to forget who the hell I am."
My eyes landed on a a pistol and Carlos threw his hands up in
the air immediately.
"Okay I will talk.General got a challenge."Raphael gave Carlos a
reprimanding look.
"What are you talking about?"
"A guy named Maddox called in for a challenge.He wants a
death match with General so that he will take the throne.We
are not worried about the fight, General has been through this
shit so many times.However, this time the person he is fighting
is different.He is a professional death fighter.Killing is his job
and passion.And for the first time I would want to admit that he
is a potential threat."
I sighed and looked at Raphael.In as much as he tried to
maintain a hard and stoic expression I could read between the
tension lines that were on his forehead.
"What do we know about this guy?"
"He is from the Corsican French mafia.The one led by the
"So what does a French boy want from us?Why the hell would
he want a Mexican empire?"
Raphael sighed. "He is a stand in."
"What the hell is a stand in?"
"It means he doesn't want the throne.He is doing this for
money.If he wins then he gets paid and the person he fought
for will take over the throne.This has Godfather written all over
I shook my head. "No,it can't be.I mean you said in passing the
other time that you and the Corsicans signed a pact to stay out
of each other's ways.Why would he want your throne now?And
you do know that he can't claim two titles right?Carlos can you
find out where Paloma is."
He nodded. "On it."
We all fell quiet as he worked on his PC.A few minutes later, he
was done."She is in Paris."
I laughed and shook my head. "This can't be a
coincidence.Paloma in France and now a French mafia on our
asses.Should have known.Paloma views defeat as an ongoing
challenge.I sure didn't see this one coming.Gentlemen can I talk
to Raphael alone."They all nodded and walked out.
"Its my mother.Maddox is fighting on behalf of Paloma and she
is using Godfather as her cover up.Come to think of it,why
would Godfather bother you now?He knows nothing about you
wanting to take him on in case he attacks."
"I actually thought Paloma and I buried the hatchet.She
mademe believe we did.
"That was her plan.Its a pity she forgets I'm her daughter and I
can easily figure her moves.You need to reject it and change
the tradition.I know you're strong but Carlos mentioned that
this guy is deadly,you're not invincible my love.Refuse this
challenge and change the law.Maddox has the upper hand
because he is an experienced fighter."I glanced at the picture
on the projector and sighed.
"I don't mean to doubt you,but Maddox here has the
advantage.He has the size, he looks like a killer."
"I'm aware but I can't twist the law to escape my situation.My
powers too have a limit and if I am to change the law then it
can only happen after I win the fight." He leaned back into the
leather chair and rubbed the back of my head.
"On the hierarchy I'm higher than you right,so I can change
your law right?"
"You can,but that will only invite trouble for us.Firstly I will be
seen as someone who hides behind a petticoat and I will lose
respect.The men will not stop looking for ways to dethrone and
they will back Paloma up.You will be in danger too because
every other mafia leaders lower than you will think you're fond
of involving yourself in matters that doesn't concern your
organization.They will see you as a potential threat.You're still
new in this world so you can't take that huge
step.Honestly,you're literally on probation.You can't abuse your
powers to save me.I can't have that.I have to do this.Maddox
will be fighting for money,and I will be fighting to stay alive for
my family.I asked you to trust me.I will win,I promise."
I wiped the tears that were already streaming down my cheeks.
"Why can't we just be happy for like one week without
anything popping up?I just want one uninterrupted week with
my man,in happiness and bliss.Is that too much to ask for?We
are supposed to be celebrating our engagement not worry over
you being in a death ring.How much time did he give you?"
"Twenty four hours."
I inhaled a breath,it was painful to my lungs. "What the hell,its
not enough to prepare for a death fight.You won't have time to
prepare for the battle in twenty four hours."
He shrugged like it didn't bother him at all. "That was his
plan,or Paloma's.Whatever, I don't care.What I know is one of
us is going to die in that ring,and it definitely won't be me.I
have a feeling the road ahead will be treacherous, but the road
will reach a dead end and it will be over.One day my love,we
are going to find our peace that you will look back and laugh at
this stumbling blocks."
He gulped down his whiskey and walked out.


appearance,especially because he was covered in sleeves of
tattoos and his face was inked as well,making him look like a
detention desk.The guy was just the Incredible Hulk.Raphael
was big but this one was gigantic.The scars all over him served
as a reminder of why I had to fear for Raphael's life.This man
right here was straight out a killer.It was his passion,there was
no doubt about that.Raphael however was calm despite the
predicament we were in.It was clear his chances of winning
were quiet slim,Maddox would just crush him, but nonetheless
he didn't show any sign of fear or panic.That was one sign of a
strong man.Not panicking when everything went shit.Things
were going down because of my mother.It was clear that my
happiness didn't matter to her.I was starting to respect her.I
was willing to start over and give her a clean slate thinking she
was genuine but the minute I dropped my guard, she started
planning to get Raphael killed.I didn't do well with people lying
to me and she had lied to me.She pretended to have buried the
hatchet,when she wasn't over anything.And not only that,she
used me again for her selfish reasons.
"You're so dead to me."I shook my head before walking out.
On my way back to my bedroom I bumped into Cinzía.
"Hey,watch it bitch!"She wouldn't have said that if she weren't
high,but it was still a shitty thing to say to me no matter what
drug she was high on.
"Excuse me." I narrowed my eyes.
"That's what they call women who after people's men.Women
like you."
I held my hip. "Who am I after?"
She crossed her arms over her chest tightly. "Roberto.I saw you
two at the ranch.I overhead him confessing about his feelings
for you.Tell me something, do you do cartwheels in bed that all
the Rodriguez brothers want to have a piece of you?Reaper
included! You know very well that I love him.You slept with him
didn't you?Otherwise why would he say he doesn't wanna hurt
I laughed with my hand over my chest. "Are you crazy?You
know what? I don't have time for this.I have to be with my
man.He has a death fight in less than twenty four hours now."I
turned to walk away but she held my hand.The guards were
quick to react and held her away from me because her
intentions was to attack me.I was also surprised.
"Reaper is my man.Why can't you just let me have him?And I'm
not high or drunk.I ain't high.This is me expressing my
feelings.I'm a broken person and Reaper is the one to heal
me.You have Raphael.Why can't you just let me have him?It has
always been about you ever since you came into the
picture.Why you?"
"You need to slow down on the drugs,they are giving you wild
She went ballistic. "I know what I saw.You were too cozy
together at the horse ranch.How can you deny something that I
saw?I'm not crazy and I definitely wasn't high when he
confessed his feelings for you."
"Yes he did confess his feelings for me but I don't acknowledge
them.Instead of us arguing back and forth here we were
supposed to be celebrating my engagement..."
"Its always about you.."
"Don't shout at me,I'm not your child.It was kinda cute when
you went all crazy on Reaper's bitches but now shit will go
down if you try to attack me because Reaper confessed his
feelings for me.I didn't ask for it and,I don't even feel the
same.And maybe if you could open your eyes a little bit then
you could experience some love.Roberto doesn't love you,but
Carlos does.But of course you're always too high to see that." I
looked at the men and continued.
"Take her to the quarters and make sure she doesn't step here
until she is in her right senses."
"I'm not done talking.." She shouted as they dragged her away.
"I heard some noise." Aunt Perla came from another hallway
looking all worked up.
I sighed. "It was just Cinzia.I don't know what she was high on."
"She is taking coke way too much these days."
"I need you to make sure she stays away from drugs.Make her
suite a rehab center if you have to."
She nodded and looked at me sternly. "What seems to be the
problem?It definitely can't be Cinzia."
"Its your sister again.She found a stand in to challenge
Raphael.The fight is tomorrow."
She stopped on her tracks. "What?! I thought she was over
this.How sure are you that its her behind all of this?"
"Who else will it be?It can't be Godfather.For so long we have
stayed out of each others ways.Heck,I didn't even know about
the guy.I literally knew about him after I became the
Don.Raphael never talked about him because he wasn't
important.Now I see why she insisted that I become the
Don.She was aware that Godfather wouldn't be okay with the
Don and General's unity,so it would leave him no choice but to
do all he can to bring us down,so she pounced to the
opportunity.Paloma is not over anything.This was her plan all
along.You know she always say if you can't defeat them,join
them and when they least expect it attack them.That's exactly
what she did.My abduction was an opportunity which she
seized.She used that opportunity to worm her way back into
our lives and earn our trust so that when this happens we
weren't going to suspect her.I actually thought she changed but
she proved me wrong.I was willing to give us a second chance
but she messed it up.She wasn't destined to be a mother.She
doesn't consider the fact that I love Raphael.Now I have to
watch the father of my children fight for his life and there is
nothing that I can do.What's the use of being a powerful Mafia
leader if I can't protect my equal?"
Aunt Perla sighed and rubbed my back as we walked towards
my bedroom. "I don't think Paloma will understand that the
throne isn't hers.She is obsessed with the crozier and I think its
a mental battle,obsession.She killed people for that walking
cane.This cannot be normal.A sane person given a second
chance cannot mess it up like this,but she did because she is
insane.Don't stress out..."
"I will stress out because tomorrow Raphael's life will be on the
line.Have you seen the Maddox guy?"
She helped me sit on the bed the moment we walked in and
placed cushions behind me,then closed the door. "I know
him.He has a reputation.One of the best death fighters of all
time.Even Beast doesn't compete with that.They call him Fist
because of his choice of weapon.He uses his bare hands to kill.I
know this isn't making anything better but I ain't gonna lie to
you.I will just lay it out there, Raphael's chances of a win are
very slim.Your man is strong and all but Maddox is an
animal.However I also think your man will use that small
chance of a win and turn his odds around.Raphael is smart.I
refuse to believe that he found out about this challenge, this
last minute.For someone whose throne is always challenged is
he forever on the lookout of these things.Raphael is a genius.He
might act clueless but I have lived with that boy for ten years
and I watched him grow.I wouldn't be surprised if he is ten
steps ahead of both Godfather and Paloma but wouldn't let
anyone know.His chances of winning a physical fight are slim
but he always has a backup plan.He uses his brain and that's
how he is going to win,just watch him."
I dropped my gaze in sadness. "I get that he is smart but this
will be a physical fight not a fight to find out who the genius is.I
can't watch my man die.I still need him.His children needs
him.He still has to hold our baby.I might have a plan."
"What plan?Paying Maddox more than what Paloma is offering
I shook my head. "No.Even if we can offer more,Maddox will
still fight because he is following the Godfather's order.He can't
say no to his leader.My plan is to save Raphael from this mess
and still attain his dignity in the process.I think maybe we can
drug Maddox so that he will be weak during the fight."
Loud footsteps sounded outside the door before Raphael
appeared."You can't do that.They will perform an autopsy in
case he dies and they will find that drug and know that I
cheated.Your way of trying to save me will only expose me and
you to more danger.You can't do anything.I also want this to be
fair."He stopped and stared at me,his eyes taking me in with a
look I had never seen on his face before. There was
love,sadness,hope,distress,so many other things.Then he
walked over and held my hand.
"I know how this is looking like but you need to trust me.I have
my divine move.There is no way I'm going to let anyone take
me away from my family."
"I think you will win this fight Raphael."We both looked at aunt
"You have motivation, and Maddox doesn't.Besides,I have
watched most of this guy's fights.It takes him long to process
whats happening when he gets a punch.He is big and slow.You
can catch him off guard.Be unpredictable and fast.That is how
you will win.You're smart,you will figure it out.You need to
win.You have to.I will leave you two to talk.Ingie,don't
stress.His chances are slim but there is still something." She
stood up and walked out.
I looked at Raphael trying to fight off my tears and be strong.
"My brain just want to disassociate from reality because its
such a burden to think that tomorrow you will be in a death
"You will laugh about it three days later.Of course I'm going to
come out of the ring with black eyes and everything but once
the bruises heal,we are getting married.Not Godfather,Paloma
or anyone is going to stop that."
"Can't you do something or at least convince Godfather in some
way to pull out."
He shook his head. "Can we go to the museum?Our bedroom
might be bugged for all we know." He mouthed and I nodded.
We went to the mirror room and a few minutes later we
walked into the vault."I can't deal with Godfather at least not
now.Paloma has something on him.And I think she knows he no
longer has the leverage which gives him the position of the
"You need to tell me what that is okay.I know you're trying to
protect me but anything might happen tomorrow.In as much as
I hate to admit this,you might get yourself killed tomorrow.I
need to know what this leverage is all about."
He sighed. "Fine,for now I can only tell you what it is.Its not
guaranteed that I will lose the fight.If I tell you where it is then
your safety will be at risk.Godfather is using a drive called the
Secret account book as leverage against all the mafia leaders
from the fourth rank downwards.The Secret account book is
the backdoor to the entire internet.It contains finances emails
and accounts.Every mafia's financial secrets.Its always about
money,that's how we operate.The drive even contains
information about the wealthy which was diversified, even the
money in the banks in Sweden.So do you realise the power it
holds?Which is why the one who has it will be cut above
everyone.He will do whatever he likes because everyone knows
that if you cross him,he can wipe you clean.Paloma must be
aware that Godfather lost the drive and she is using that
information to threaten him."
I looked him straight in the eye. "Raphael do you have the
Secret account book?Did you steal it?"
He looked me straight in the eye. "No one knows who stole the
"You didn't answer my question."
"I told you I will clear the path for you.I will do all the dirt."
"I need an answer yes or no.Did you steal it?And if you
did,maybe that's the reason why Godfather is after you now."
"He doesn't know who stole the drive."
"So that means you did."
He looked at me and it only took me a few seconds to know
what the truth was.Instinctively,my eyes watered.
"Its not important.I told you I will never let the men think
you're a walk over.As long as you got your villain,you got
everything. We will not talk about this again,unless it rises to
the level of importance that we should.Where it is,or how I
have it,is not important.I make things happen.Just know that
I'm always ahead of everything and everyone, even your
mother who thinks she is very smart.I'm always ten steps
ahead.You taught me to always let your enemy think is winning
and that's exactly what I'm doing.After I win this fight she is not
going to stop,so I just need you to trust me.Whatever I plan or
do after this,I have thoroughly analysed it.She is going to keep
on trying to kill me after this and I'm gonna have to put an end
to it.The drive is part of the plan.I just need you to trust me.I
know you're doubting my capabilities right now but believe me
I will win this.I have my divine move.I need to go and do some
last minute training.Don't stress our baby out,I got this.And
don't worry about Kiki and her hundred questions.I talked to
her in case something happens which I doubt it will.Now rest."
"I'm going to the fight."
"You can't.You're pregnant."
"No I'm not gonna stay here,worried out of my mind not
knowing what's happening with you.And you never know,I
might be the motivation you need."
I raised my hand. "This conversation is over."
He chuckled and shook his head. "Fine,if it doesn't trigger
anything.We can't take risks."
"I killed someone while I was pregnant.And I was probably a
few weeks by that time so its no big deal.Now go and train."
"As you wish." He kissed my forehead and we walked out of the
secret room.
I sighed in sadness and worry while laying on the bed.I wasn't
ignorant of the odds.Maddox was a professional, a veteran and
worst of all,undefeated.The odds weren't in Raphael's favour
but since he asked me to trust him,I chose to trust him.A few
hours later while I was lost in my thoughts the door
opened,Cinzia and Stacy walked in.I didn't need to see my face
on the mirror to know that I frowned.
"I know this may not be the right time but I came to apologize
for my behavior earlier.It was uncalled for." Cinzia played with
her fingers while Stacy sat on the bed.
"I'm waiting to hear the part where you justify yourself."
In silence,she stared,at a loss of words. "Look Ingrid,you know
I'm a broken person and I..."
I cut in immediately. "Shut the fuck up.That's a bullshit excuse
and you know that.We are all broken people here.We all have
been through something.You were raped by your uncle and
exposed to drugs,then human trafficking and you were saved
by Raphael right.That's the bullshit you went through.Stacy
here was abducted,her family was killed and she was made a
sex slave by Xavier for years.I was abused sexually,physically
and verbally.Before that my mother tempered with my
brain.Then I was abducted.I was kept in a cage
raped, drugged and I was trafficked.Even then I still had to fight
for my escape.For a while I lost my memory.I didn't even
remember who I was.I'm always on war with my own
mother.Even after all that shit I bounce back stronger than
before.I'm broken but my brokenness has become cracks which
eventually turned into art.I admire the woman I'm becoming
and I'm learning, but you're still that teenager who was raped
by her uncle.Stacy here doesn't use the fact that she was a sex
slave for her shitty behavior,if she ever behaves that way to
begin with. I have been exposed to drugs but I don't drugs
despite dealing with them in my day to day life, but you
Cinzia,you're a different story.You're a coward.You need to
bounce back but you're too comfortable in your
brokenness.You were high earlier when you told me shit but it
is during that time when you're high or drunk that you get to be
brutally honest.Today you were honest with me about how you
really feel about me.Let me get one thing straight,I didn't ask
for Reaper to have feelings for me.I don't even feel that way
about him and I told him his feelings were disgusting because
he is like a brother to me.It was even gross when you accused
me of sleeping with him.And you hate the attention and
respect I get from everyone right?Now let me tell you
something, I deserve it and I'm not gonna feel bad about it
because I earned it.Raphael and I deserve all the respect and
attention we can get because we work our butts off to make
sure you and everyone else here is safe, so yea we deserve that
much and more.Right now I need you to stay the hell away
from me until you get yourself together.I have had it with
backstabbing people and if you nurture that jealousy and
hatred for me in you its going to become problematic.Until you
wanna be my real friend,I don't want to see you in this villa.Stay
the hell away from me and my daughter.Get it together first,
stay away from drugs and get over your obsession with a man
who doesn't love you,and only then can we talk.I have a death
fight to worry about,now both of you leave me alone."
"I understand why you're angry. I know how this looks.I'm so
"Save it Cinz.Right now you don't mean shit.You know, I will
stand up for you in anything because that's what real friends
do.You know the world is not very accepting with who
you're,but I will stand up for you.I'm sure you will not do the
same especially when you're jealous of me.Instead of uplifting
me,you will bring me down if you continue with that mentality
you have right now.You're not supposed to be jealous of your
friend.And to think that I wanted to make you one of my
Commandos.Now please leave me alone."
Stacy looked Cinz. "We need to go,she is angry.You will never
get through her." She then looked at me.
"We will talk once Raphael wins the fight darling.I know you're
going through shit right now and this is not the right time to
talk about this."
She dragged Cinzia out.

It had been a long time since I had been at the underground

hall where the most brutal men fought to claim the lives of
their opponents for money.The last time I came for a death
fight was with Xavier and I couldn't even stay for a minute
longer.I begged him to get his men to take me back home.I was
a weakling back then but its true when it's said some hardships
are meant to strengthen you.If I didn't go through the shit
Xavier exposed me to,then maybe I wouldn't have been labeled
as one of the baddest female mafia leaders in the game today.I
consider myself an inspiration.I opened doors for some little girl
who is out there dreaming of becoming a mafia boss one day,or
better yet a leader who abides by the law.Raphael kept me
close to his side as he led me through the crowd.Just to make
sure no one attacks me I was surrounded by a number of our
men,not counting our inner circle.They circled around
me,armed to the teeth so that nothing or no one could slip
through the cracks and attack me.Raphael obviously
anticipated that anyone would try to attack me and also
because I was pregnant, he wasn't gonna let that happen.He
took me to the stands in the front row and put me in a chair
before squatting in front of me.Reaper, Carlos,Beast and the
other men sat around me,giving no one a chance to get to
me.The stands were packed with men of the underworld who
came to watch this fight.It was the most anticipated fight even
though it was posted under short notice. Raphael held my
hands and touched my stomach in such a way that it wouldn't
give away that I was pregnant.
"I will win,I promise.I have everything to win for,right here in
front of me.I have no reason to lose.Don't panic when I receive
punches because hell yea you're going to watch my ass getting
whipped in there at some point,but you need to trust me
My heart was racing with adrenaline, and my stomach was sick
with unease.I just wanted this to be over. "I will be strong."
"That's my heroine.In there I'm not fighting for the throne,I'm
fighting for you, muñequita and Kira.I'm fighting to survive for
my family."He whispered in my ear before kissing me on the
forehead.A part of me wished I could have stayed at home and
avoid this terrifying experience, but I also couldn't abandon
Raphael.I wanted to be with him through thick and thin.His
power was being tested today,and I had to witness everything
and be his cheerleader.My eyes looked across the hall entrance
when the whispers began.And then I saw Maddox for the first
time in real life.He was a monster bear. Almost twice Raphael's
size.He was big and burly.Raphael removed his T-shirt and jeans
and was left in a pair of black sports shorts.Oil was smeared
across his upper body before he walked to the platform.It was a
cage and inside there was mudy water which reached his
ankles.His body was tanned and shiny as he walked confidently
into the ring,flexing his muscles.My breathing quickened.I just
couldn't watch this man die.He had to win.Raphael's gaze was
directed to me and he stared for several minutes.His eyes were
filled with layers of emotions.Maddox changed into shorts too
and was oiled up.He moved his weight to the ring and walked
inside.He was pumped up to kill.He also possessed more
muscle density than Raphael and that was scarier.The MC
locked the cage before taking the microphone.
"Why is he locking the cage?"
"They will only unlock it when one of them dies,that is the
rule.These type of fights can take hours." Carlos replied,and
that only got me more worried.
"Are you ready?" The MC asked and both men nodded.The
buzzer blared and the match began as my heart pounded
furiously. Maddox ran towards Raphael so that he could finish
him off in record breaking time but because he was big,he
looked like he was running in slow motion,hence became
predictable.Raphael decided to fight as if he is dancing by
moving around and making Maddox sweat just as the fight
began.He ran again towards Raphael and my man dodged it
making Maddox hit the side of the ring with the loud
thud.Raphael didn't waste time and followed right
behind,slamming his face further into the corner.He was taking
aunt Perla's advice seriously.Maddox was big and predictable,
but that weight of his worked in his favour.It intimidated his
opponents that by the time they get into the ring they would
have already lost in their heads.Maddox slowly matched
towards Raphael with his fists tightened,he was very much
annoyed by the way Raphael was dancing in the ring.He swung
his fist but Raphael ducked and slammed his fist into his
stomach three times instead,before he danced away.Maddox
shouted something angrily in French.Raphael kept moving and
not staying put with his fists near his face like a boxer.The fight
went that way for a while but Raphael received some hard
blows too.He got a black eye and Maddox had a lip cut.They
continued exchanging heavy blows that got the entire hall to
silence and everyone was on the edge of their seat.
"Maddox's fights never lasts for more than 15 minutes.Its
already 25 minutes." Carlos checked his watch and started
biting his nails.Maddox said something again to Raphael in
French then looked at me.That got Raphael to lose his
pragmatism.Whatever Maddox said was a good trick because it
pissed Raphael off.
"Raphael is angry.Maddox is doing the psychological
warfare.Raphael shouldn't be emotional right now it will lead to
dire mistakes.Maddox is a professional he knows everything it
takes to win."
According to Reaper's prophecy Raphael made that mistake.He
couldn't resist the urge to respond to whatever Maddox said so
he sprinted angrily towards him.Maddox threw out his fist
automatically,landing a hard blow on Raphael which knocked
him on the muddy ground.
"Raphael!!!" I screamed, standing up.Ohh God no he couldn't
be knocked out,not at this moment.The crowd was so loud
cheering because some were about to win their bet and some
were happy because they would have a change of leadership if
Raphael dies.Maddox didn't let the opportunity slide as he got
on top of Raphael and started delivering hard blows.I got off my
chair and ran towards the cage with the men on my tail.
"Raphael, get up.Stand up Raphael please.Get up!!!!
Raphael!!!"I shouted shaking the cage with the men trying to
stop me.
"Let go of me.He needs to get up.Raphael get up!!!!Raphael!!!"
When Maddox looked at me he grinned evilly and continued
delivering blow after blow,after blow.He then squeezed his
throat,so he couldn't breathe as he started to turn his head to
snap his neck.
"Raphael you promised please!!!Wake up!!!Get up Raphael!!!
Muñequita needs you.Kiki needs you please!!!!Get the fuck up
Raphael please!!!"
Maddox laughed evilly,happy to end my man's life.He was
about to snap his neck when Raphael just launched an
unexpected blow to his face.He pushed him off before standing
up like he wasn't just knocked out a few minutes ago.Maddox
staggered and tried to stop the fall,but he was too heavy.He
landed hard against the muddy ground.
Raphael looked at me for a split second. "Divine move babe.Let
them think they are winning.You taught me that,remember."
I smiled in relief and tears coursed down my cheeks. "Kill him
babe.Show him that its not the size of a dog in a fight, but the
size of the fight in a dog.Show him!!!" I cheered him on as he
matched towards Maddox who was still down.He started
landing a series of hits,striking him in the temple,the
face,pounding him in the stomach.He then twisted him around
and started kicking him on the back of his head.
"Look away cariño.Its almost over." He got on top of him and
locked his neck in his arms."Look away,I don't want this in your
I obliged,a few minutes later I heard something snap.The bones
were definitely broken.The match was over and I knew the
The crowd was silent because they couldn't believe what had
just happened.Maddox was the only one who always
won,that's the only way his matches ended,but now the living
Legend of the Fist was now history.Raphael turned to the MC
with a hard and menacing expression behind the bruises.His
hands were on his hips,regaining control of his breathing.
"Show some respect to the General."
"General." Everyone chorused before the cage was opened.I
didn't care about the muddy ring or the fact that he was
bruised,probably with broken ribs too,I ran inside and jumped
on him.He slowly slid his arm into my hair,and he pulled my
face to his to give me a soft kiss.My arms wrapped around his
neck.I breathed against his lips and felt my eyes water because
I was relieved that he survived this too.I looked deep into his
eyes and saw the expression that I was sure matched mine,so
full of love that I felt safe.
"I love you.And please you should always trust me,I fulfill my
"I was so scared." I cried.
"I know.After I heal we are getting married.Once again we
defeated Paloma."
"She is not gonna stop."
"One day she will,or I will make her.Now let's go home."
"Please,let's get out of here."

RAPHAEL SAT BESIDES ME and stared at my features with his

one good eye,as if he wanted to look at me every day for the
rest of his life.I gently touched his swollen face,his left eye was
black and bruised.He had few other injuries, but to my surprise
it was nothing serious.With the way Maddox punched the hell
out of him,I expected some broken bones but there was
none.Gotta admit that my man is one hell of a strong man.
"I have been through worse mí cariño.And this was totally
worth it.Every time I fought in that ring,it was because I wanted
to keep the throne,but for the first time in my life I walked in
there with a different motivation.I only wanted to stay alive for
you,Kiki and our unborn child.You still need me and I ain't going
anywhere."His fingers lightly caressed my hair.
"Are you okay? Will you be okay?That's what I'm more
concerned about."
He squeezed my hand. "What do you mean?I'm here with you
alive.I have never been happier.I'm just scared of whatever you
had to go through while you were seating there watching my
ass being punched like that."
"I'm scared that Paloma is never going to stop until she gets
what she wants.She is going to try and hurt you again.I think we
should just neutralise her."
He closed his eyes and breathed. "Neutralise,a fancy word for
kill.Look,my love I know you hate her for what she is doing but
killing her is not the solution.Killing your own mother.Babe
that's a darkness that swallows you whole."
"Or maybe I'm already swallowed.She was never my mother to
begin with.She is not concerned about my happiness, all she
wants is power.And to get that she will do anything.Clearly she
is not going to stop until one of us is dead,and I have to make
sure that at the end you and me will not be the ones to go six
feet under."
"And killing her is not the solution,no matter how many excuses
you might give me.Killing your own parent is never justified, no
matter how many times they wronged you.She is still your
mother.Having her killed will make you no different from her.It
doesn't always have to end up with a life being taken.Trust me
we will find a solution to this.One day we are going to find the
peace we are working so hard for now.Paloma will eventually
accept defeat.Right now what you have to be worried about is
the wedding.I want you to have your dream wedding so start
writing your list and I will get people to do everything you
"Really,I hope..." We were interrupted by a phone call from
Uncle Lucan.I looked at Raphael and he was feeling exactly
what I was feeling.This wasn't a good call.
"Let me answer that."
"No,I will answer it." I accepted the call.
"Hello uncle Lucan."
"Its Adrianna please don't hang up."
I rolled my eyes and looked Raphael. "How can I help you?"
"We lost grandma this afternoon.Uncle Lucan did not handle
the news well so he has been hospitalized.His blood pressure is
high.I couldn't inform you earlier because of the fight but that's
the situation here."
"That is impossible." I shook my head in disbelief.
"We already had the expects to perform an autopsy.It was a
natural death,old age.I know this will be difficult.I was in denial
myself but she is gone.We need to start with the funeral
arrangements.That cannot happen without the Don
around.You're the leader of this family so we need you.We
have to give grandmother the dignified rest that she deserves."
"I will be there.Please make sure uncle Lucan is safe.In fact,tell
Falcon to call me immediately."
"I will do so."
Raphael looked at me,picking that something is wrong.
"What's going on?"
"Grandma is dead.She passed away in the afternoon.Uncle
Lucan is hospitalized.I can't believe she left without saying
goodbye.She didn't get to see me walking down the aisle or
hold her great grandchild. Its so unfair."I wailed.
"I'm so sorry my love.I don't know what to say to make you feel
"Its unfair that I have just known her and she was taken away
from me."
He caressed my back as I cried in his arms. "I know it feels
unfair but eventually death is the final road that we will all have
to walk on whether we like it or not.She is in a better place
now,and I know she is watching over you.All we can do is to
give her a dignified funeral and honor her memories.I know you
didn't know her for so long but you're lucky to have known her
in the first place.You should cherish those moments you had
with her."


My body was relaxed as my eyes fluttered open.I could hear the
birds singing from far away.A sense of serenity went through
me as I woke up.I was warm.Raphael's arm was wrapped
protectively, almost possessively around my waist.My back was
to his front as we spooned.I slowly tried to slip from his
hold,but he made a low growling noise when I moved.I wiggled
so I could move up his body and pressed my lips to his.
"Be calm babe.This is going to be a long pregnancy if you can't
let me go when I have to pee.Your child is sitting right at my
bladder." His body relaxed and he loosened his hold.I was lucky
that he didn't have to accompany me to the bathroom even.
When everyone else found out that I was pregnant, he became
overprotective that it worried me sometimes.He didn't want to
do anything without me being by his side.He wanted me two
feet away,and would go crazy if I leave his side.It annoyed the
hell out of me.I tried to complain about it but,Raphael being
Raphael, he would have his mouth between my legs every time
I complain, reminding me why I needed him by my side all the
time,and all would be forgotten until the next day.The past
three months were full of bliss but I would be a liar if I say
grandma's death didn't hit me hard.I was still not over it,but I
was working on it.I gave her the best farewell that I could with
the help of the rest of the family members,and Raphael of
course.Wherever she was I'm sure she was proud.Uncle Lucan
was the one who had the hardest time getting over her
death.His blood pressure was high all the time that I had to
release him from his duties and gave the EVP position to
Falcon.I took Uncle Lucan with me to New York.He was my only
father left now.Of course Riccardo and Rocco weren't okay with
the idea but I had the final say.Now that grandma was gone,I
had the complete control over the family,especially where the
financial matters were concerned so they had to bow
down.Apart from grandma's passing,everything else was
okay.The business was blooming.The resort at San Monica was
almost complete and I couldn't be more proud.On the illegal
part of the business,I made my organization a powerhouse.We
became the biggest drug and weapons manufacturers in Italy
and other parts of Europe.Raphael on the other hand was
running Mexico and almost all the parts of the United States.All
our ambitions were coming true.We haven't heard from
Paloma or Godfather in those three months, that was both
good and bad news.Ever since the defeat of Maddox they didn't
react or try to pull another stunt but it was only a matter of
time,I was sure of it.We didn't get married as we had planned
because of grandma's death but we were walking on it and my
wedding was in two days.Above everything, the best news was
that our baby was growing.I was glowing and loving this
pregnancy minus the moments where I had to pee a
lot.Raphael was still eating like crazy, well that was not going
away anytime soon, but luckily enough the morning sickness
had finally stopped.
After answering the call of nature I decided to shower but
before I could, my man was already in the bathroom checking if
I was still okay.
"You were taking too long to come out.I thought you slipped or
I would be a liar if I say it wasn't the sweetest thing in the world
to see his care for me written all over his face.Yea,he could be
over the top at times but I wouldn't have him any other way.I
came from a life of no one wanting me,so having someone who
loved me this much was still a shock to me.He cared about
every breath I took as if it were his own.
"I'm fine babe.I just wanna take a shower.I will join you in a
I knew if it wasn't because he was exhausted he could have
joined me in the shower, but he spent the previous day running
around preparing for the wedding.If I didn't know better I
would say he was the wedding planner of his own wedding.He
wanted everything to be the best so he was hands on.All I
wanted was to marry him.I didn't care about anything else.I
could marry him in one of my maternity dresses and that will be
"Okay,I will just seat here and watch you bath." He kissed my
forehead before seating on the toilet seat.Not that I'm
complaining about the perks that comes with showering with
my man but at times you just need some privacy.After hearing
a long list of accidents that could happen to pregnant women in
the bathroom,Raphael wasn't taking any chances and it
annoyed the hell out of me.
"I'm pregnant not incompetent.I can handle things alone.You
don't have to worry about me slipping or something."
"Just go about your business,I'm not disturbing you."He folded
his arms ready for an argument about my safety.Instead,I
smiled and placed my hand on my ever-growing stomach.There
was no point in arguing about this.He wasn't the only person
acting crazy about this baby.Everyone couldn't wait for
munequíta's arrival.All the men wanted to be the
godfathers,Beast included.The ladies wanted to be the rich
aunts,so they bought munequíta a lot of stuff,most of which
wasn't needed.They all argued about the nursery but Raphael
and I stood our ground,and declared that we were the parents
and we would decide what we wanted our child's nursery to be
like,only then did they back off.The nursery was beautiful.Since
we didn't know the gender we chose blue as our colour.The
nursery was a baby-blue explosion and we loved it.It was chaos
around the house,everyone anticipating the baby's arrival.
After my shower I walked into my closet and glanced
around.Everything was moved around.It had Kira and her dad
written all over it.I'm pretty sure Kira was distracting me while
Raphael was doing the dirty work of whatever they were
scheming.All my shoes were moved to the very top rack.There
was no way I could reach them.I looked around for something
to stand on but there was nothing.All the stools have been
removed from the house.So,this was the Operation Ingrid
Proofing the house they were talking about.I huffed trying to
find a way to get my shoes but there was nothing I could do.I
rested my hand on my very pregnant belly and glared at
Raphael who was following me like a lost puppy.He smiled
innocently and I had to force myself not to smile.
"Can you get me my shoes please."
"Of course,that's why I'm here." He reached for some flat ugly
ass uggies.
"Heels please."
"Nope.You might trip in those sky high killer heels.Plus its
I wanted to scold him and remind him that I'm pregnant and
not sick but I just gave up because it was pointless.After putting
on my tracksuit,I went back to the bedroom and sat on the
bed.Raphael helped me to put on my shoes because I couldn't
even touch my toes anymore.When I was five months,my belly
started growing like crazy, so now I was seven months
gone,and I looked like a whale.A sexy and beautiful whale.
"You did that on purpose didn't you?"
"Yes,Kiki and I Ingrid-proofed the house.That way you won't
have to do anything on your own.For safety reasons,you will
need me all the time."
"I can do things on my own.Gosh,can't I just give birth already."
I tried to play mad.
"You mad?" He smirked before kissing me long and hard.His
hand moved to rest on my baby bump before he slid it down
into my track pants.
"Of course I am.You're treating me like a baby and it's
annoying.Ingrid-proofed the house.Are you kidding me?Isn't it
supposed to be baby-proofed.You see,that's my point.You're
treating me like a baby!"
He ignored my outbursts and kissed down my neck before
falling into his knees in front of me,pulling my pants down my
legs,before helping me out of them.He took advantage of my
hormones,prick.He held me steady before brushing his mouth
against my lady parts and I was already drenched.When he took
a one long lick,dragging his tongue across my clit,I forgot why I
was mad.I told you,he knew very well how to distract me.


"The pink peonies are supposed to be romantic and the white

roses represent your beauty,so they are the best for the
"Stacy stop wasting your time.I know its coming from a good
place but I don't care about the decorations.All I want is to
marry my man even if I do it wearing pyjamas and in our
bedroom.As long as I get him to be my husband then that's
okay.The rest is just an unnecessary luxury."
She laughed and sat besides me under the thick overhang. "Its
because you have so much money that you don't know what to
do with it.A person who earns peanuts dreams of a huge
wedding because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity."
Cinzia joined in the conversation. "I agree with you.I feel pity
for Raphael though,he is going up and down making sure he
gives his woman a dream wedding, but the woman give zero
fucks about a huge wedding."
"Because having a huge wedding is pointless really.The most
important of a wedding is the vows and rings.The rest is just a
"We hear you missy, so leave everything to us.You just have to
show up at the alter.We will do what we want because Raphael
gave us the go ahead because money is not a problem." Cinzi
smiled excitedly.After our talk she finally took my advice and
started working on herself again.Yes it was difficult to trust her
again after her outburst but I kinda understood where she was
coming from.We reconciled and our relationship has been
good.I was also helping her with her drug addiction and we
were making progress.However, I didn't know how her
relationship with Reaper was like.She never said anything.But
my guess was she was now starting to realise how this one
sided love/obsession was hurting her the most because now
she was spending more time with Carlos.
"So who is going to be your partner?" I just had to be sure that
she was really moving on.
She shrugged. "Carlos obviously.Stacy with Beast.Layla with
Pablo.Falcon with whoever he wants to partner with.Yea,I know
you thought I would want to be Reaper but he can partner with
Adrianna.I really don't care." In as much as I hated my cousin, I
couldn't exclude her.She was family and there was no running
away from that fact. Grandma would have wanted that as well.
"If it was entirely up to me,that bitch was not going to set her
foot here."
"I still don't understand why they are coming.Its clear these
people don't like you at all." Stacy frowned while taking a sip on
her cocktail.
I sighed. "We don't choose our family honey.No matter how
much I loath them they are still my family and that's a fact I
can't change.I can't exclude them on this day,especially
because uncle Lucan is here.I don't want to further create a rift
in the family, especially on my big day.Anyway let me go and
check on Layla and my namesake."
Cinzia frowned. "I still hate that bitch."
I laughed. "You will get over it."
Layla and I were now on good terms.She even named her baby
girl Julia Andriette Vellutini.I couldn't be more happier.After
talking to the girls I went to check on my namesake,gosh she
was such a bubbly cute girl.Afterwards I checked on uncle
Lucan before going back to my suite.I didn't have anything to
do since I wasn't allowed anywhere near the office,so I just
went to take a nap waiting for Kira to spend the rest of the day
with me after her lessons.Raphael was running around like a
headless chicken,busy preparing for the wedding.He was going
overboard really because all I wanted was to wear the ring and
recite the vows.And of course,the honeymoon was the most
important part I was eagerly waiting for.


"Okay,close your eyes.We are going to turn you towards the

mirror."Layla and Cinzia said,holding my shoulders.With shaky
legs,I turned to face the mirror.
"You guys didn't turn me into a doll right." I giggled then finally
opened my eyes.
"Oh,my word." I gasped.
"You look gorgeous." From the mirror I saw Stacy,Adrianna and
aunt Perla nodding.
The first thing I noticed was my hair which was done in a simple
but sleek wavy updo.White roses were pinned along a curly
braid which looked like a crown of some sort.My make up was
light and a little sparkly which made me look younger.As always
I was draped in expensive jewellery.Diamond drops decorated
my ears.I'm sure they were expensive enough to buy
someone's two bedroom apartment. And then my gown.It was
sleeveless.The gown was tight over my chest,but it became
flowy to accommodate my ever growing bump.At the back
there was a V cut.The gown was covered with a lace design
which had crystals scattered all over.I turned to my side and the
gown trail was beautiful.It was long,just the way I wanted
it.Aunt Perla got the veil and pinned it behind my tiara.It
trained behind my back and was even longer than my trail.
"I got you something." Aunt Perla said.My eyebrows furrowed
in confusion as I stared at her,waiting.
"Your something new." She opened a box and took out a single
diamond pendant, the chain made with smaller diamonds.
I bit my lower lip trying to fight my tears but ended up crying
anyway."Thank you so much aunt Perla.I wish you were my
"Shh,don't cry.I am your mother.It doesn't matter that I didn't
give birth to you.I am your mother.Now don't cry,you will spoil
your makeup.You look beautiful.Raphael is going to be
"You also look beautiful." Aunt Perla and the rest of the girls
were wearing beautiful baby pink mermaid tail dresses.
"Look at you cousin.Looking all sorts of gorgeous.Pregnant but
beautiful." Falcon said,coming forward.Uncle Lucan followed
right behind him.They both looked amazing in their grey suits.
"Are you ready?" Uncle Lucan asked.
"I'm nervous,all I want is to be with my man already.Is he
They both laughed. "He is already waiting at the altar.That one
is impatient shame."
"Mommy." Kira ran into my room holding my bouquet.She
looked like an angel in a white dress edged with pink
lace.Matching ribbons adorned her auburn hair.
She gave me the bouquet and rubbed my tummy. "Its time
mommy.Baby brother mommy and daddy are getting married.I
will watch on your behalf."
"What if its a girl?"Falcon asked.
"Its a boy.I.can feel it.Mommy now go get your man." Everyone
"Right after you Kira." I swallowed nervously as Falcon and his
dad gave out their elbows.I wanted them both to walk me
down the aisle.I took a deep breath and took their arms.We
walked out of the room and down the stairs
which was decorated with white and pink roses.We walked
down the stairs effortlessly and then continued out of the
house ,to the back garden where the ceremony was being
held.Its believed that all beautiful weddings take place on
sunny days,but this one was even more beautiful.Summer
hadn't let up for weeks and the stuff had been watering the
lawn,going against the drought regulations during
winter.Flowers littered beautifully all over the place.There was
a marquee which protected the guest from the cold,not that it
was even cold.A string quartet sang 'Here comes the
bride',sending delicate notes for the beautiful day.My heart
started beating faster at the sight in front of me.Nothing else
mattered.I didn't see anything else anymore,no one except the
man standing at the end of the aisle.Like the first I laid my eyes
on him,my breath was stolen from me.His green eyes stared at
me intensely,following my every step.He was in a black tuxedo
which looked like his second skin.His hair was sleek,just like the
first day I saw him.I quickened my pace just a little and Falcon
"The word patience doesn't exist in your dictionary."Before we
reached the end of the flowery aisle,Raphael had already met
us halfway.
"I give up on these two." Uncle Lucan chuckled.
I handed my bouquet to Stacy before Raphael reached forward
for my hand.
"It is my honor to get a chance to be your dad.I'm sure Lorenzo
and mama are happy wherever they are.Raphael, keep my girl
happy.I swear if you make her cry I will come after you.Protect
her because if you fail to do so,you're as good as dead.This is
not a joke." He kissed my forehead and passed me to Raphael.
"As long as I'm breathing,she will be safe and I will do my best
to keep her happy." His grip tightened and pulled me closer.He
kissed my bump and our baby kicked.
"There you go." He stood up and smiled at me.
"You look so beautiful."
"You too."
Bruno was our wedding officiator, he started to speak.
"Friends and family,thank you for being here on this important
day.We are gathered here today to celebrate the love that
Ingrid Andriette Morena and Raphael Rodriguez share,by
joining them in marriage..." He continued and droned on about
fidelity and love.As he continued with his speech I turned him
out because nothing else mattered than having Raphael by my
side.I remembered how we first met,and every single trial we
overcome.The first look.The first touch.Everything.I had found
my king.Bruno's voice broke through my thoughts as the time
of the vows came.Raphael was the one to go first.
"I was such a prick when we first met.Maybe sometimes I still
am.But you changed me and you continue bringing out the best
in me.You taught me how to love when I didn't know what love
was.You made me feel when I didn't want to.I know I'm not
perfect,I'm far from that,but I vow to be the perfect one for
you.I promise to continue loving you and supporting you
through everything and anything.You're my heroine and it will
forever stay that way.I love you Mrs Rodriguez."
My heart tripped and my stomach cramped with too many
butterflies.I was crying even.I stared at Raphael and finally
found the courage to speak. "When we first met,I didn't even
think that we would be here one day.It seemed
impossible.Almost everyone warned me about you.You were
the dangerous bad guy that no one wanted to associate
themselves with.But after unraveling every layer I realised
beneath the outer villain exterior there was a damaged man
who just needed some love.You also taught me how to
love.You protected me.You taught me how to live.When
everything seemed impossible you made it possible for me.You
fought for us when I didn't have the power to.I don't think I will
ever thank you enough for loving and staying by my side during
the bad and good times.I love you Raphael and I will forever be
at your side.I want to love you till I take my last breath.From
the very beginning, I believe we were written in the stars.I will
fight for us and I will love you and respect you from this day
forth.That is my vow to you."
"Can we have the rings, please?" Bruno said.
Layla walked over carrying baby Andriette with the rings.Our
rings were exchanged and I couldn't help but smile.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife.You may now kiss the
Raphael leaned in and kissed me long and hard.When we broke
apart he looked deeply into my eyes and said. "I love you Mrs
My heart lurched in response. "I love you too Mr
Rodriguez."Everyone stood up and clapped.There were shouts
and roars of happiness.
My husband bent down and swept me off my feet as he
stepped off the platform.As he carried me off I wished it was
just the two of us, but we had more than two hundred people
watching us.He reached the middle of the garden,where all the
tables and chairs were,and let me down.He gripped my hips
possessively as the guests came our way,congratulating
us.Zakone and Brigadier were there too much to Raphael's
annoyance.We had our dance even though my man was having
a hard time.We mingled with our guest and shared some
laughter and food.The day was just perfect.Afterwards I just
wanted to get out of there.
"Can we leave now."
"Of course.The jet is ready." He leaned in and whispered.
"You're getting deliciously fucked tonight." I shivered.

I sat against the plush coach in the private jet and looked at
Raphael curiously.I didn't even know where we were going for
our honeymoon.My guess was that we were going to his
fortified fortress because I have never been there
before.Raphael sat back,the air around him filled with his
domince.He knew what his stare was doing to me.
He then lifted the phone beside him and spoke.
"I don't want anyone to disturb us in the cabin.You will only
come when I call you specifically." He looked at me and
"I will definitely enjoy my flight thank you."
He hung up and stared at me. "Does it make you wet,knowing
what I'm about to do to you."
I was unable to say anything.I swallowed and made a soft noise
at the back of my throat.It was somewhere between a moan
and whisper.
"Come here my wife."
My head snapped down,and I licked my lips,trying to calm my
breathing.I was already drenched.I walked up to him and stood
in front of him.I looked down at his lap to see his hard cock
pressing against his zipper,looking ready to spill out.
"Okay let's see what we can do here." He said before helping
me out of my gown.


Like I had guessed,we were having our honeymoon at his

fortress in the Gulf of Mexico at the San Juan island.When we
arrived hours later,I didn't have time to admire the place
because it was already dark and I was super exhausted.I felt like
my lady parts were about to fall,but I knew Raphael was only
getting started.It was going to be a very long night.When the
plane landed we were shepherded to the fortress by Raphael's
men.As always,the security detail was crazy.When the car
finally stopped,Raphael carried me inside the Gothic mansion
which was built by limestones.It was indeed a fortified
fortress.The staff offered to make something for us to eat but
we didn't want the main meal,we just wanted the desert.When
we made it to our bedroom which was beautifully decorated,
we were all over each other.Raphael growled before kissing
me.Hard and demanding.He took my lips,devouring them like it
was his first time.I kissed him back with the same hunger.His
hands automatically gave me a gentle squeeze as he inhaled a
breath,smelling my perfume.I knew exactly what that touch
meant,what that kiss meant.I threw my head back as he trailed
kisses down my jaw and then my neck and sucking at the
skin,leaving his mark.
"I'm going to make sweet sweet love to you.I will serve the hard
and rough fucking after you give birth because now I might hurt
the baby." He breathed against my mouth before helping me
out of the dress.He didn't tear it like he usually does,he gently
removed it like he was unwrapping a Christmas gift.He kissed
down my body and stopped at my baby bump and gave it a kiss
as well.He lifted me easily and carried me over to the bed.He
pulled his mouth from mine,held me steady and brushed his
tongue over my pussy.I moaned as he takes one long
lick,dragging his tongue all over.He started feasting on my
sweetness like a starved animal.He licked,sucked, getting every
drop that he could.
"This is pure heaven." He groaned before pressing his lips on
mine again.His lips were soft but rugged at the same
time,definitively masculine despite their elegance.Delicious
shivers of pleasure darted all over my body.The hot pressure of
Raphael's mouth against my own was doing things to me that I
never ever wanted to end.In his hold,I gave a small wiggle of
impatience and he chuckled.His hands slid from my arms to my
breast and he caressed them softly. I moaned sharply out loud
as my body reacted to his touch.He stopped kissing me and
removed all his clothes.When his cock was out,I wrapped my
fingers around him and stroked him as I continued to kiss him,
our tongues moving together hungrily.
"Raphael...I want you.." I tugged impatiently on his
hair,shuddering as expulsions of pleasure racked my body.He
held my hips and flipped to me to my side.There was no way I
could go on fours with my huge pregnant belly.My back would
ache.Then he positioned himself on my entrance.With perfect
ease,he gently slipped inside me,I felt the universe turn full
circle around me.I was drenched,and I coated his entire
length.We fitted together so well.
"This pussy goddamn.." His breathing hitched when a
restrained moan escaped his lips.He gripped the back of my
neck and started moving into me slowly,giving me long,deep
and even master strokes.I could feel my body responding to
every movement of his own, welcoming each powerful
thrust.My eyes started to burn with my own emotional
tears.This right here,was home.This was my destiny and
Raphael was my mate,being with him like this now as my
husband, was the most powerful pivotal moment of my whole
life.He pounded into me hard and slowly, giving me every inch
of his length. "I'm going to do this to you.Every.Fucking.Day."
I gripped his wrists as he pushed me into a powerful climax.
"Please do."
His fingers dug into my skin,and as his grip tightened, I could
feel his cock thickening even more.He gave me more of his
length, my fluid making audible noises each time he pushed
inside me.
"I love you." He groaned.
"I love you too."I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my


"Cariño wake up.Babe wake up..." Raphael shook me from my

beauty sleep and I opened my eyes ready to give him a piece of
my mind,but when I looked at him I immediately knew that
something was wrong.
"What's going on?" My forehead furrowed.
"Why are you wearing a bullet proof vest?What's going on
The past two weeks at the fortress were splendid.We made
love all the time and only left our bedroom when we needed to
eat.I didn't even want to have a tour, all I wanted his him deep
inside of me.The feeling was mutual.There were no
disturbances whatsoever,but now looking at Raphael I could
tell something was wrong.Terribly wrong
"We don't have much time." He helped me into a tracksuit and
a protective bulletproof vest.
He made sit on the bed and knelt besides me.Before I could say
anything,there was some gunshot sounds from outside.I
panicked and looked at him.
"I need you to relax and listen to me very carefully." There was
another bursts of gunfire, followed by yells.
"This can't be happening, not right now." I was even more
vulnerable at this point because I was pregnant.
I gripped his hand tightly as he reached for his pockets and took
out an amulet. "You have to be strong now.Right now I need
my heroine to take over.We are under attack.Don't panic.Stay
calm for the baby.This amulet is actually the USB.The Secret
account book I talked to you about the other day.In this drive
there are detailed records of every Mafia illegal businesses'
slush funds that was created through related companies, and
how it was used to fund laundering in the Mafia circle,led by
Godfather.Everything is in here.Everyone's financial secret.I'm
sure you know what that means.If it gets out that you have this
drive,non of the crime lords or any government official would
dare to fight you.Therefore the one with the information can
become the leader to everyone.Godfather will try his best to
find it but I made sure that he will never be able to have it
again.When you get back home go straight to the museum.I
changed the security.Only yours or my fingerprint can open the
vault.Keep the drive in there.You will see the safe inside when
you get there.Ingrid my wife,do not trust anyone.I repeat don't
trust anyone who is not me.I know everything that is going to
happen from right now is going to scare you but just
remember,everything is going to be alright.I will make
everything alright." He helped me wear the amulet.He then
took his crozier.I knew what this meant.
"I'm scared." I cried.
"I know.Let's go."He said quietly,still looking at me. "We don't
have much time."
I gripped his hand tightly letting him lead me towards the
door.When he opened it I was surprised to see
Beast,Carlos,Reaper and some of our men, all armed to the
teeth.They all bowed but none said a word.Raphael lead us to
one of the many doorways.On the floor in front of us there was
a large square opening.
"I can't go further than this cariño.You're going to climb down
with the guys and follow the path that will lead you outside to
the helipad.Take this crozier with you.Keep it till I come
back.And remember what I said."
I shook my head vigorously and started wailing. "I'm not going
there without you.I'm not going alone."
He cupped my face. "Listen babe,it's me they want.If I go down
there with you they are going to follow me.You and the baby
will be in danger.Besides I have to fight for this to be over.I
can't run away.This is my duty as the General as well.And its
also my duty as a husband and father.If I walk out with you they
are just going to shoot.You will be in danger.You need to trust
me okay babe.Remember what I said.Everything is going to be
I stared at him in horrified shock. "I'm not going there without
you,no." I cried.
He sighed. "Babe please we don't have much time please."
He looked at the guys. "Beast protect her with your life.All of
you protect her with your lives.Roberto Rodriguez, no matter
what happens she is off limits.I repeat, listen to me very
carefully, Ingrid Raphael Rodriguez is off limits."
He cupped my face. "I love you so much mi cariño.Please be
strong for me.Everything is going to be alright." He sighed . "In
case something happens.If you give birth to a baby boy,name
him Alaric.It means,all-powerful ruler.Alaric Treasure
Rodriguez.If its a girl name her,Adelita.It means,noble and
warrior woman.Adelita Crystal Rodriguez." He knelt and kissed
my bump while I cried.
"Please don't talk like this please.."
He kissed me long and hard. "I just need you to trust me.I will
return to you.Whatever it takes.I will come back to you."
I nodded, feeling torn.I didn't want to leave him behind but
staying would only put my baby in danger. "If you find
Paloma,kill her.I love you." I said quietly, looking up at him and
saw a quick flash of white teeth.
"I love you to now go babe.I will be with you soon."
He looked at the men one more time. "Keep her safe.Keep my
children safe.Protect them with your life.Roberto remember
what I said.If you ever mess with her I will kill you."
"General." The men bowed.
My heart ached as I did as asked.I climbed down the ladder
with the men protecting me.When I reached the bottom
room,the men shielded me as we ran outside.Finally we
reached the emergence exit but Carlos stopped us before we
walked out.
He spoke through the 'spaghetti'. "Is it clear... Okay."He nodded
to Beast and they opened the door.A helicopter was waiting at
a distance.We walked out.There was another burst of gunfire
and I stared back,sick with fear for Raphael.
I cried. "Raphael is in there." I wanted to run back but Beast
stopped me.
Carlos squeezed my hand. "He knows what he is doing.He will
come back.We need to go."
We started running towards the helicopter.And in that
moment, the sky lit up as the fortress exploded with a loud
bang,a blast of scorching-hot air sent us flying into the lawn
several feet away.Beast blanketed me,so I didn't fell on the

THE NEXT MOMENT WHEN I woke up my head felt like it was

stuffed by wool and my body felt like one giant bruise.A blood
pressure cuff was tightened around my arm and it felt
uncomfortable.The reason why I woke up in the first
place.Monitors on wheels surrounded the bed.There was a din
in my ear,probably caused by the loud bang from the blast.The
blast! My memory replayed the explosion, and Raphael was in
there.How was I here?I immediately got off the bed and
removed the blood pressure cuff.On cue Pablo,aunt Perla and
the rest of the men came into the room.
"You need to take it easy.Your blood pressure is high." Pablo
"How is my baby?"
"The baby is okay,but we need to monitor you."
"Where is Raphael?" I looked at all of them and they looked
"Why aren't you answering my question?!" I was a little
"Look Ingrid,you need to calm down." Reaper said,slowly
walking towards me.
I wore my slippers and fixed my gown. "Give me a few minutes I
have to do something.Then you're going to take me back to the
fortress right now.Its not up for an argument."I took Raphael's
crozier that was besides the bed and went to the mirror room
and locked the door.The system has been upgraded.Instead of
a keypad there was a scanner, so I flattened my palm on it and
a few seconds the steel door opened.The last time I came in,I
was with him.It felt scary now that I was alone.I continued
walking through the stonewall hallway and finally reached the
vault.I found the projector switched on and a monitor reflected
Raphael's picture on the wall.In fact it was a video
paused.Surprised, I played it.
"Mi cariño please sit down." I sighed and took a seat in front of
the monitor.The video continued."If you're watching this it
means I'm not there with you.I know it will be very difficult and
scary for you but just hang in for a little while and everything
will be alright.We have a lot of enemies,your mother being the
top pick.Like you said she sees defeat as an ongoing
challenge,so she is never gonna stop.I'm going to do everything
in my power to make sure you find the peace you always
wanted.I want you to live happily without constantly having to
look over your shoulder,waiting for what's to come.I'm not
there but that doesn't mean I can't get things done.I have
upgraded the system at the villa.Everyone will use satellite
phones.And all the electronics will be synced to your
thumbprint.That way nothing happens under your nose without
you knowing about it.Keep the drive and the crozier in the
safe,next to your right side.In my absence you will take over my
position.I know its a lot of work and the men are going to try
and bring you down,but then I know the woman I'm in love
with.She doesn't give up even when everything goes shit.I need
that woman right now more than ever.Always remember, on
the hierarchy you're powerful than me so use that to your
advantage."He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"I want to take down a ring of mafia bosses because Godfather
and Paloma has joined hands with some leaders in the
hierarchy.If I don't make it out alive, I hate to say this but don't
put your life on hold and move on,but definitely not with my
brother.Well that's all I have to say and that's all you have to
know.I love you mi cariño."
I wiped my tears off and switched off the projector.
"You saw this one coming didn't you?" I walked out of the
museum as we called it.
I found the men waiting outside of the room."Is the chopper
ready?" I asked rubbing my bump.Reaper looked at me wanting
to object but chose to keep quiet instead.
"Yes,its ready." Falcon nodded,and we walked out to the
When we arrived at the fortress the fire consuming the building
was almost over.I wrapped my arms around myself,my legs
trembling from the combination of terror and adrenaline.I
knew Raphael told me not to worry but I just had to be sure
that somehow,he made it out alive.
"I don't think you coming here was a good idea."
I glared at Reaper. "Don't try to stop me or God help me." I
stumbled up the island and started searching through the
smoldering ruins of the fortress,with the men on my
tail.Honestly,I didn't know what exactly I was looking
for.Raphael's dead body?Occasionally,I stumbled upon what
looks like a limb and a couple of times,I came across bodies that
were nearly very whole,with a head or legs missing.I didn't
register these things to my brain because I felt detached from
reality,like I was not really there.The horror was dulled by
shock.We continued searching for him for hours but we
couldn't find him.I had to face the truth.There were no
survivors.How could someone survive that blast? However a
part of me kept on replaying what Raphael said to me. He said
everything would be alright.But I was starting to doubt that.I
didn't cry because I just felt numb.
"Will send the forensic investigators to see if there is anything
that has his DNA." Aunt Perla said,giving my arm a tight
"Don't bother,he is still alive." I said trying to be hopeful.
She sighed and looked at the ruined fortress.Hopelessness was
clearly written on her face.Everyone else's face.They had the
same conclusion.
"He is still alive." I didn't know who I was trying to convince
anymore,them or me?
We flew back to New York.When we arrived I went and locked
myself in the bedroom.I just didn't want to talk to anyone,only
for them to squash the little hope I had.
I spent three days locked in our bedroom.I only got off the bed
when I needed to eat and shower.Everything felt dull and
distant.The last time I stayed this long without seeing Raphael
was when I was kidnapped.On top of that I was exhausted by
people constantly asking me all the time if I was alright.I was
tired of everyone bothering me.I only needed one person and
he wasn't there.While I was cooped up in our bedroom I
received a phone call from an international number.Thinking it
was Raphael, I answered immediately.
"Hey baby it's your mother Paloma." After months she decided
to call me?!The last time we talked was when I was crowned
the Don.She disappeared afterwards.
"What do you want?" I asked coldly.
She sighed from the other end. "Dear,I heard about Raphael's
passing.I didn't like the guy but I know you loved him.I can't
even begin to express how sorry I am that you're going through
this difficult time.I have been there I know how it feels."
Knowing that her words weren't sincere brought the pain that I
can't even express in words.I succumbed to the pain and
cried.What was wrong with this woman who gave birth to
me?Honestly, this couldn't be normal.My happiness didn't
matter to her.I finally gathered enough strength and
spoke."How did you know that?We didn't even announce
it.Who told you that Raphael is dead,unless you are involved in
his death?"
"Listen to me you selfish psychopath with demon qualities.If I
were you,I would run.If I find you I'm going to make sure you
will be six feet under.I don't care that you gave birth to me.You
were just an incubator,you were never my mother.All you have
ever did was to hurt me ever since I was just a little child.It
stops now.If I find you,I will kill you and I don't care what that
does to me.If I'm going to be swallowed by darkness for killing
my own mother then that's okay,I will succumb to it.In fact,I'm
already swallowed in it." I dropped the call and threw the
phone at the wall,snapping it into two.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"Leave me alone."
"The forensics results came Ingrid."Aunt Perla spoke.
My heart pounded and I opened the door.The whole team was
waiting on the door.I walked out and headed to the study while
they followed me.I sat on Raphael's chair and brought my
hands on my bump.I continued rubbing it while trying to calm
"What do they say?"
They exchanged looks,and I knew what that meant. "They
found Raphael's DNA in some ashes." Carlos had the courage to
I blinked,his words somehow penetrating the layer of ice that
has kept me insulated from everyone and everything since the
blast. "Did they find anything solid like bones or a body part
that belongs to him?"
"I asked you a question.Did they find Raphael's charred limb or
anything along those lines?"I croaked,my throat feeling
strangely swollen.
"No but,Ingrid he didn't survive this.I know this is a lot to take
in but Raphael is dead.There was no way he could have
survived that explosion." Falcon said without any emotions.
Reaper glared at him. "How sensitive of you.Ingrid look.."
I raised my hand and stood up. "Don't bullshit me.If they didn't
find anything solid then Raphael is alive.I don't care what
anyone else believes.He promised that he would return and he
will.He never breaks his promises."I walked out,banging the
That night,as I took a shower,I finally gave in to my grief and
The following day, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and
get on my working zone,despite the pregnancy.When I walked
downstairs to the living room I was agitated to see
Diego,Rocco,Riccardo and some men in the lounge.Most of
them were business acquaintances and crime bosses.Even
Zakone was there.The lounge was packed.All of them, wearing
black.Reaper and the men were equally pissed with their
presence but they didn't have the power to do anything.Now
that Raphael was not here,they thought they could do what
they wanted.Not on my watch.
"What the hell are you all doing here?" They all looked at me.
"Ingrid go back to your room.You need to rest." Reaper said,his
cheeks quivering with frustration.
I ignored him and glared at Diego. "The word is out about
Raphael.We heard.I'm really sorry.I came here to offer my
condolences.I know we weren't in good books but he was still
my son.I came here so that I could help with the funeral." He
touched an urn that was placed on the table.I didn't see it until
"My son needs a dignified.."
"You didn't even come for his wedding but you made an effort
to come for his funeral.What a lovely father you're.Now let me
get this straight." I quickly reached for the pistol that was on
Carlos's waistband.I moved so fast that when he reacted I
already had the P30 in my possession.I cocked it and aimed at
"Now you listen to me you piece of crap.If I ever see you here
again,you're dead.You have the nerve coming here after
everything that you have done.All this mess started with
you.We are in this situation because of you and now you wanna
come here looking all sad and shit.Who do you think you're
going to fool?All of you are happy he is not here and now you
wanna pretend like you care.Get the fuck out of my house."
They all kept quiet like they didn't hear what I had just said.I
aimed at the flower vessel that was just beside Diego.They all
reached for their guns but they were too slow as my men had
reached for theirs first. "You must think I'm joking.You know my
reputation with guns,right?I don't miss.Don't make me ask you
again.I will kill you because I have every reason to."
"You're making a mistake."I spotted the tremble of Diego's
arms and I knew my message was delivered.He realised I wasn't
"I will learn from it.Get the fuck out."
He cleared his throat,his Adam's apple moving as he swallowed.
"Get out now!" With a tail between his legs he stood up and his
minions followed him as he slowly walked out.
"We came here in peace Ingrid.We came to offer our
condolences." Zakone said calmly.
"I know its coming from a good place Zakone but we don't need
your condolences.You can all leave."
They remained seated.I realised that moment that they only
respected me because of Raphael.That was about to change.
One of the men scoffed."So much for trying to be the bigger
person.My condolences anyway."I recognized him but couldn't
put a name on it.What I knew however was that he ran a wine
business legally.Illegally he sold intelligence to the highest
bidder about government officials and some of the mafia
leaders.He was somewhere in the middle on the hierarchy.
"Okay since you're all as stubborn as mules here,I will have this
done the hard way.I know of everyone's finances in here.The
laundering,slush funds,black money and the wealth you
diversified in international banks in case of emergencies.If you
want to call me a bluff then that's okay.You shouldn't be
surprised when you see a zero bank balance.Having too much
money is a problem and that can only not be true when you're
me.Don't make me ask again.The countdown begins now.You
can stay or leave.At the end of the day the choice is yours
"You have the Secret account book?!Isn't it supposed to be
with the Godfather?" Zakone asked equally shocked just like
the rest of them.
I chuckled. "Yes,its with me.While we still on that,don't think
that because Raphael is not here then the General position is
vacant.I will handle it and that is an order as your Don,the one
who has a hold on your pockets."
They all kept quiet,and slowly one after the other,they walked
"Please take this urn away."
"But they are Raphael's ashes."
I nodded. "Yes to you they are but I know that is not my
husband in there."
Aunt Perla sighed and gave me a tight hug. "You're still in denial
my dear and we totally understand.Come on,let's get you to


I entered the conference room in my black suit with matching

black sky-high heels.My diamond rings caught the light as I took
my seat on the head of the table.I surveyed all of them,holding
back my rage because someone in that room was a fucking rat
that stepped out of line.When it came to business,personal
opinion was irrelevent.I had no time to play games.But
someone made the mistake of betraying me.Foolish for
thinking he could get away with it.I looked at the doorway and
nodded.Cinzia and Beast pushed a cart into the room.Then they
stood on guard,just like the men outside the room
their guns concealed under their jackets.
Uncle Lucan chuckled. "Shit is about to go down."
I opened the container that was on the cart and took out a
white plastic bag,filled with cocaine.I tossed it on the
table,making the men flinch uncomfortably.They couldn't meet
my gaze,afraid of my wrath.I could do anything I wanted and
they knew it.
"How many kilos of cocaine are we looking at?" They all
remained quiet.No one was courageous enough to answer.
I stood up and started to walk slowly around the room. "We are
looking at eight kilograms of cocaine.And six thousand euros
per kilogram.Its basic mathematics.We are the best and top
drugs manufacturers in the continent and we have the best
labs,with best cooks.On top of that they are loyal.So if someone
tries to double cross me,I will know about it.Gentlemen, I have
got eyes and ears everywhere.If someone tries to skim cash off
the top,I always know.If my shit is sold,I know about it.I always
The men looked at each other,realising that we had a fucking
traitor in the room.
I stood in front of the table with my left hand,rested in my
pockets. "Someone in here has insulted me.Someone is stealing
from me.They are selling one kilogram of cocaine for eight
thousand.A price that I didn't set.In return,I'm getting the same
amount of money I always get.The same cut as always.And you
know what I do to people who insult me."
I looked at Pearson Whittaker.The second I spoke,he
flinched.He adjusted his body in the chair, and no matter how
much he tried to hide it,he shook.
"Ingrid look..."
"Its Mrs Rodriguez or Don or maybe General.You have a plenty
of options to choose from.I'm not Ingrid to you.We are not that
Pearson cringed. "Mrs Rodriguez I'm so sorry.I made a
"I had high hopes for you Pearson.I thought you were the good
Whittaker but I guess you have the same mutation just like the
rest of them.Its sad." I strolled towards him,my hands resting in
my pockets.
"I'm sorry Don please."
I laughed,he was making it worse. "Don't apologize for
anything.People like us don't apologize for our wrongdoings.We
own up to it.Own up to it,like a man.I will respect you for it."
"Please don't do this Don.I will give you double the amount I
owe you.Please don't punish me for my mistakes.It won't
happen again alright.Just let me go.I made a mistake."
"The offer is tempting but I think I will pass.You know very well
that I don't spare those who insult me and you just did.You
father made the same mistake a year ago.Now he is rotting
with my ancestors.I thought you learnt something from
that.Money doesn't mean anything to me Pearson.I have a lot
of it that I don't know what to do with it.Reputation is
everything.I have a name to maintain.I have two titles to
maintain.If I let you off the hook my business partners from
both the Rodriguez and Morena empires will think its okay to
cross me and they won't hesitate to do it.Obviously, I cannot let
that happen."
"I made a mistake Don,alright.I will pay you back.I will triple the
amount."His rate of breathing increased, his chest rising and
falling in fear.

"Learn to listen more.I just told you I don't care about the
money.This wasn't a mistake.You aren't a fool.You're a very
smart and calculative man.You understood what you were
doing while you were doing it.Your only mistake was the crazy
belief that I wouldn't find out.You thought you could get away
with it.I don't want your money.However I'm going to let you
"Thank you.."
"I'm not done talking.I'm going to let you go join your father
and your ancestors." Color was immediately drained out of his
I nodded to Beast."Please Don I'm begging you.Please don't do
this.Don,come on."
Cinzia opened the window that was eight stories above the
sidewalk.Beast dragged him towards it.
"Don't worry Pearson,by the time you reach the ground,all will
be over."
His mouth opened then his bottom lip trembled.Nothing he
said could change my mind and he knew that.
"Please don't do this.For old time's sake please.I was nice to
"And trust me I'm being very nice to you as well.If I wanted to
be evil I could have killed your family right in front of you and
let you live with the guilty but I didn't.I'm giving you an easy
way out,jump.Don't make me do it for you."
"You're going to rot in hell Ingrid."
"I don't believe in hell."
"But it believes in you." He clenched his jaws trying to control
his sobs.
I checked my wrist watch and sighed. "Ok then.You're wasting
my time."I walked over to the ledge where Beast was holding
him.I lifted my leg and kicked him.He screamed as he tried to
hold on to something but failed, and down he went.
I turned back to the men and shrugged. "People who betray my
trust never live long.Now that is out of the way,let's talk
business.First I want to hear about the Rodriguez wines then
we will present the quarterly numbers for the Morena
Magnolia.Lets get started." I checked my wrist watch again.
"I have children to go back to.Being a woman ain't easy.It's true
when they say girls run the world because we do.Now make it
quick.I have to be in New York before my children go to bed."


By the time we landed on the helipad at the villain New York,I

was exhausted.I was tired of people hovering over me.I was
tired of having people killed or killing them for crossing me.I
was tired of holding up to two huge empires all by myself.I was
tired of waiting for him.Now I was starting to believe that
maybe he died in that fire.But I refused to show that I was
tired,I just had to remain strong.Over the past two years I
attempted to pick up the pieces of my life but without him in
it,it was just impossible.There were nights when I couldn't sleep
and days when getting out of bed was torture.The emptiness
inside of me was too much,the grief was suffocating and it took
my all to function at a normal level each day.When I managed
to sleep I had nightmares.My mind replayed the explosion over
and over again.When I woke up drenched in sweat,I would miss
him so bad that I felt lost.Memories of him and what we used
to do,the things he did to me,the things he trained me to want
weighed down on me.His absence for two years was just
something so difficult for me to handle.Aunt Perla insisted that
I see a therapist but I refused,there was no point.Yes my mind
was darker and more chaotic now but I didn't need therapy.I
only needed him.He was my only anchor.
I walked through the doors and headed to the grand living
room.Reaper had the baby on his chest while Kira was writing
down her homework.Reaper's eyes were heavy and he didn't
seem like he was watching the TV though it was still on.
"You guys are still awake.Lucky me."
"This one won't go to sleep without you around,you know
"I missed my babies.Hey Kira."I kissed her forehead.
"Hey mom." She fixed her glasses and continued doing her
maths homework.She loved numbers like crazy.
I grabbed Alaric and held him against my chest.He giggled
looking at me.I remembered the first day I held him in my
arms.That was the best day ever.The pain was unbearable but it
was all worth it.My son was really a treasure.It was hard
however to hold his gaze when his father's green eyes stared
right back at me.The only thing that showed that he was my
child was the ears,nothing else did.He was Raphael's copy and
"How is my Treasure doing?Mommy missed you.You had fun
with uncle Roberto?" I rubbed my nose against his,making him
giggle even more.
"Of course he did.I'm the coolest uncle." He played with Alaric's
"Mommy.Kiki,Roby,we had fun."He was two years old,walking
around the house and saying a few words here and there.While
I worked all day and at night sometimes, Roberto or aunt Perla
watched over him.I hated working because I missed out on a lot
of fun.However, when I had the opportunity to spend time with
my children,we would finger paint,had story time telling and we
exercised.Alaric reached his hand out and grabbed my nose.I let
him do whatever he wanted,if his father was here he could
have been a pushover just the same.
Reaper patted my back. "I will give you some space.When you
need me just call."
"Sure and thanks for babysitting them."
"Anything for my brother...and you."
"Okay guys its time for bed.You're already up later than you
should be."
"Okay." Kira closed her books and led the way.Ever since
Raphael's absence she became awfully quiet that it worried me
so much.I told her Raphael was on a mission but I knew she
didn't believe me.She was old enough to understand things.
I carried Alaric to my bedroom.I slept with both my kids.I took
off my makeup,showered and got dressed while Kira watched
Alaric.I changed his diaper and dressed him in his pyjamas, and
placed him in the center of the bed where he couldn't roll
away.Kira got in bed too and switched off the bedside lamp.
"Goodnight Kira."
"Goodnight mom." Her eyes closed and she immediately
drifted,off right after Alaric.I stayed awake in darkness for an
hour failing to sleep even though I was exhausted.
"Please show me a sign if you're still alive out there.I'm.starting
to lose hope.Maybe reality is starting to set in.Maybe you didn't
survive that explosion."I sighed and wiped my tears off.
I ended up taking the sleeping pills because I couldn't sleep.I
got under the covers and snuggled next to my children,my hand
was resting on Alaric's stomach so that I could feel him at all
times.After a few minutes,I drifted off as well.


"Mommy,wake up,mom."Someone shook me vigorously.

Slowly, I opened my eyes.It wasn't even morning yet and Kira
was awake looking pale with tears on her face.
I checked Alaric,he was fast asleep. "What's wrong Kiki?"
"Someone was here mom.I swear I felt someone in here.They
brushed my hair mom.Someone was here.It wasn't a dream.I
saw a figure.I'm scared."
I brushed her hair and wiped her tears. "Its okay babe.Go back
to bed and I will handle it."
"What if they come back?"
I got off the bed quickly. "I'm here.Don't worry."
"I wish dad was here."She got in bed and covered her head
I watched her sadly and reached for my pistol in my drawer.I
alerted the men and checked the room but there was no one.
"She was probably dreaming or something.There was no one
here.We checked the whole yard,there was no sign of
intrusion." Carlos said,walking around my bedroom and
examining every corner.
"She said she felt it and I believe her.The security needs to be
tightened." Since Raphael's absence I was living on the edge.
"We will make sure of that." Carlos said before they walked out
but Reaper remained behind.
"You can leave too."
He sighed. "I still don't understand why you don't want me to
move to this suite.I won't even be close to you.I will live in the
guestroom four rooms away from this bedroom.I just wanna be
near just in case something happens."
"There is no need for you to do that.There are men always on
guard.You can't live in this suite.Raphael actually wanted you to
move out of the villa.It will be very disrespectful for you to
move in.I actually prefer Beast and Stacy to move this side than
"Is it because I confessed my feelings for you two years ago?I
don't want to do this for me but the kids.And I promised that I
would never say anything along those lines ever again."
"But here you're.And you don't necessarily have to say it in
words Roberto.Your actions are louder than words and they are
starting to make me feel uncomfortable.I know you care but
you care too much.You're always watching me.You're always
looking at me like I'm a shiny object."I sighed and gave him a
pat on the shoulders.
"Look Roberto.It has always been Raphael and it will forever be
Raphael.I belong to Raphael and no one else."
"Even when he is no more."
"We don't know that Roberto.I didn't see his body.I love you
Roberto and I care about you only as a friend and Raphael's
younger brother.It can't go further than that."
He smiled and looked down. "And I get that.I already accepted
that but I still need to be there for the kids."
"Reaper the answer is still no.You're not moving into this
suite.No matter what your reasons are.It's still no.Now you can
leave."I opened the door for him.
"I'm not trying to replace Raphael or anything.I noticed every
time I try to do something else for you or the kids apart from
babysitting, you push me away.I'm not trying to take their
father's position because I know I will never be able to.I'm just
looking out for you guys."
"And I appreciate that but there are certain lines you shouldn't
He smiled naughtily and wiggled his eyebrows. "Why?You're
afraid you won't be able to handle all this hotness?"
I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Eew,get out.We were having a
serious conversation here."
He laughed shaking his head. "But let's be real.You find me hot,
don't you?"
"I find you gross.Dude get out,eew."
"No you find me hot.I see the hungry look in your eyes."
I started pushing him out. "Out,out,out.Jeez you're gross."
"I'm seeing you" He shouted before I slammed the door.
Since I couldn't sleep anymore I switched on my PC.I opened
my Deadpool list and canceled Pearson Whittaker.Everyone
involved with Paloma was going down.As if stealing from me
was not enough,he was dealing with the Corsicans.Godfather's
French mafia.I was eliminating all of Paloma's
acquaintances,bringing me closer to my target.However,this
mission of bringing Godfather and Paloma down had somehow
spawned a game with another person.Someone hidden within
the shadows.I didn't know who controlled the puppet strings
but that person was killing Godfather's men and leaders of
most mafia organizations who were threats.


"Ingrid you haven't had some action in two years.We all see
that hungry look in your eyes.You ever thought it might be a
little dusty down there." Stacy said with a laugh.
I laughed and rolled my eyes. "My lady parts are fine and I'm
definitely dust-free."
"Why don't you just bang Reaper?We get that you don't love
him but you need some action too.You're being too grumpy
these days.I'm sure spiders are crawling down there."Cinzia
laughed throwing her head back.
"Eww gross,Reaper is Raphael's brother."
Stacy chuckled. "Look I know I'm gonna sound insensitive but
Raphael is dead,just get some action with Reaper.Honestly
there is no one better who can replace Raphael than his own
brother.And he is good with the kids even." She said with a
naughty smile.I knew she didn't mean it so I didn't take
anything to heart.
"So if Reaper wasn't Raphael's brother you were going to bang
him right?I mean the guy is attractive.There is something about
the Rodriguez men.Even Alaric has it.I'm sure he is going to
break hearts when he grows up.My point is,Rodriguez men are
hot.Reaper definitely is.You gotta be blind not to notice that."
Layla joined in.
"Eeew,gross.I don't see him that way." I frowned.
"Hmm we see you girl.We see you.Its a bush down there.You're
a secondary virgin.Two years without a hard steel rod.Gosh,I
can't." They laughed their lungs out.
I pouted and rolled my eyes. "I don't find this funny at all."
They continued laughing.

It was cold at the island but absolutely beautiful. The grass was
always green,and the ocean brought fresh air across the land
on a daily basis and it was full of wildlife.But I still missed the
humid weather of New York City in the summertime.The
rhythmic sound of the sea waves crashing down against a cliff
right outside my window was the only thing that kept me
sane.Without my better half,I usually lost my screws.I sat down
and looked at the screen.The view of my family was what I
always looked forward to.The day had been crap.Hunting and
killing my enemies was not an interesting hobby anymore.I just
wanted to be with my family.It has been too damn long.Ingrid
walked onto the screen,pushing away the darkness that
surrounded me.She was holding sleeping Alaric who was in his
cute blue romper.Sighing, she lowered the lights,but didn't shut
it off.She placed him on the bed and climbed to his side before
cuddling him.A few minutes later Kira walked in and climbed to
the bed as well.She got under the covers and snuggled next to
Alaric,her hand resting on his stomach.They all drifted off.Their
chests rose and fell at the exact same rate,and I thought it was
the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Carlos walked into my office. "Binge watching your favourite
I closed the laptop and looked at him. "I miss my family."
He sat on the desk,spinning a pen in his fingertips as he pressed
his lips together. "But you risked everything two days ago.We
are very close to getting what we want.You almost jeopardized
what we worked so hard for.We are close to winning.Its just a
few weeks and you will be back to your family.What got into
you?You can't ruin things last minute."
I sat into the chair and sighed. "I miss my wife and I miss my
family okay.I couldn't take it anymore.I just wanted to feel
them.To see them.I almost got caught but I didn't so it's not a
"Its just a few weekd General.You will be back with a bang."
"It feels like another year."
"Just hang in there.Anyway I'm not staying for that much
long.And Beast couldn't come so it looks like you have to work
with Bruno and his men on this one.If we continue lying like this
she will find out and we can't have that because this is the
crucial moment.Castillo and I are done upgrading the Transient
Electromagnetic Disturbance.All it needs
is a host now."He fixed his suit jacket.
"Thanks Carlos.I will give you a raise.What would I do without
He chuckled. "You would die.Who is next on the Deadpool list
by the way?"
"Its Godfather."
Carlos whistled. "Madam Boss ain't playing."
"And she is smart." Ingrid had created a Deadpool.A hitlist of
the leaders in the mafia circle and all our enemies were on it.To
get the names,you had to decode it by using a keyname.Only
the smart ones could break the code.Meaning that only the
professional assassins got to do the job for her by going after
the people on the list.She used the money she took from the
other criminals through the secret account book,to finance the
assassinations.That was a smart move.France was a terrifying
country and Godfather had a hold of it.Going against him
directly was going to be like going against most of the highest
government officials.She wasn't ready for that kind of a war
and she was aware of that.So,she decided to be smart about it
and found a way to have people do the dirty job for her.After
all,the best way to defeat your enemy is to find someone to do
it for you.So she encouraged French enemies to do the dirty
work for her.In doing so she kept her identity a secret.People
didn't know that the benefactor behind the Deadpool list was
the Don.I got most of the people on the Deadpool killed but
some were killed by professional assassins who needed money.
"Of course she is.Anyway I gotta go.I should be in New York in
seven hours so I will see you next time.I don't know if Perla will
manage to come.Ingrid is very observant.She will notice that
something is amiss." He walked to the door and paused.
"By the way your brother has been behaving."
"But he wants to replace me." I said through gritted teeth.
He shook his head. "He just wanna be there for the kids.Cut him
some slack."
"Whatever.And tell your women not to encourage my wife to
sleep with Reaper.I will fuck them up.They don't know me.Get
them under control.Pass the message to Beast and Pablo."
"I'm sure they meant no harm.But I will pass the message.You
really have nothing to worry about though.Heroina will never
do that to you."
"She is starting to lose hope."
"Its almost over General." He smiled before walking out.


I entered the basement in my black suit and took a seat across
the table from the person that I despised
immensely.Handcuffed and sporting a blue eye,Paloma Villela
was on her knees.Her face was bruised and swollen that it was
barely recognizable.Some of her men were just as injured as
she was.Most of them were dead.She bowed her head
slightly,her muscles failing to keep her head upright,like a baby
too weak to carry her own weight.
I crossed my legs and unbuttoned the front of my suit. "We
meet again Queen El-Lobo."
The second I spoke,she looked up but couldn't meet my
gaze,afraid of my wrath.No matter how much she tried to hide
it,she shook.I spotted the tremble of her arms.
"You're supposed to be dead,bastard." When all is lost our
pride and ego is what we will have left.
I chuckled because she was making it worse.Beast gave her a
mean punch the she groaned."But I'm not."I unbuttoned my T-
shirt and showed her the phoenix tattoo. "You know the legend
of the phoenix?It reincarnates from its ashes.You have the
tattoo too but I'm sure you don't even know what it means."
"How did you survive an explosion like that huh?Everything was
planned out pretty well.You were supposed to be dead." She
yelled.She wasn't even remorseful.I respected her for
that.People like us didn't apologize for our wrongdoings.We
owned up to it.I didn't even need her apology.I only needed her
I adjusted the sleeves of my shirt,conscious about my
appearance in front of my enemy.An invisible crown sat upon
my head and I balanced it well.The corner of my mouth rose
into a smile.
"You always underestimated me Paloma.You never learn.Did
you really think I trusted you when you helped me out when
my wife was kidnapped?I never trusted you and not even once.I
only made you believe that I was falling for your game.And it
worked right for everyone.My wife was rescued and she got the
title she deserved.You also thought that I let my guard down
and you made mistakes.It worked right for me." I knelt with one
knee so we were eye level.
"I was always ten steps ahead Paloma.But you wouldn't know
that.You refused to get your head out of your ass.Always stuck
on your old arrogant ways,not moving forward and refusing to
accept that change is a good thing."
I stood up and paced around. "You're curious about how I
survived that explosion,right?Well let me break it down to
you,for free."
I looked at Beast and nodded.
"Let them in."
He walked and a few minutes later they walked in one by
one.Alfonsi,Castillo,Patricia,Perla,Falcon,and Bruno.They all
bowed at me and looked at Paloma who had a wounded
expression on her face.
"Patricia?How could you do this to me?!"
Patricia stared at her coldly. "You expect me to care just
because I'm your sister.You don't even care about your own
daughter's feelings.You are crazy Paloma.Your days of
manipulating and threatening me are over.You were going to
kill me once I was of no use to you.If you didn't hesitate to kill
your father and uncle,we are not even counting so many other
innocent people,then who am I?I don't care about you
anymore.Whine to someone who gives a damn.The crozier
you're crazy about doesn't even belong to you.I'm with the
General now." She held her head high.
Paloma knew she didn't have a logical counterargument to
that.She pressed her lips tightly together as she stared at Perla
and Castillo,trying to think of something to say.But she didn't
have anything to say.
Perla looked at her,bored. "Don't even look at me.We both
know our sisterhood ended the moment I found out that you
killed my father for something that wasn't even yours to begin
with.You're too selfish that its disturbing."
I never took my eyes off her. "So this is what happened.When
this war between you and I started,almost all of these people
were on your side.This one who came to me as Castillo Benito is
actually Castillo Villela,your uncle.I found out about that a long
time ago.Perla and Falcon were your insiders.Well Alfonsi was
never on your side from the beginning.Anyway now they are on
my side.Now they serve out their lives in voluntary
servitude.They know that I don't spare those who cross me but
I made an exception.As a result, they devoted their lives to
serving me,loyally.When you planned on bombing the fortress
you got Castillo to design the explosive right.You told Patricia all
your plans.And they told me everything.We played along and
fell right into your trap as per our plan.They say you can't be a
hero without taking chances.And I say,you can't be a villain
without taking chances.I took my chances.So,when the
countdown began I got my wife out of the fortress which by the
way, her safety didn't matter to you.She is your fucking
daughter,but of course you don't care.When she was out,we
were only left with three minutes to make it to the fortress'
fortified vault and we made it.Me and my men made it to the
vault before the building exploded.And when it exploded we
were safe.The only men who died that day were your men,not
mine.Not even one causality Paloma.Now how does that
sound?"I knelt to her level as she breathed heavily.A smile rose
at the corner of my lips.
"Staging my death was my divine move Paloma.It was
believable because you saw your daughter mourning
me.Everyone witnessed the explosion so you believed I was
dead.For two years I lived here,in Alfonsi's fortress.I lived in the
shadows.I couldn't go back to my family because I knew you
wouldn't think twice and try to kill me again,not caring about
your daughter's or grand children's lives.So I stayed
here,planning and plotting with my team.Once,you let your
guard down I attacked.You didn't know who was behind this
right.Knowledge is power,so it worked to my greater advantage
that you had no idea that I was still alive.You see Paloma,you
thought you were smart but you're not.You will never outsmart
me.Once I'm done with you and Godfather your lover,you will
be nothing more than a file in government archives.You see
Paloma,you lost."
She glanced at her surroundings for a few seconds before she
looked at me.
"So what now?You gonna kill me.You think that will end all your
"Actually your daughter said that the next time I see you,I
should kill you.And I honestly think the world would be a better
place without you.Your daughter gave me her approval to end
your life.Now you aren't up against a competitor for the
throne.You're up against a villain that will tear you to pieces
without mercy." She had the audacity to look hurt,as if that was
a blow she never expected to receive,like Ingrid would protect
her even though she almost killed us all.Pain was etched into
her expression, and she looked weaker once she heard the
I stood upright. "But I'm letting you live.If I do that,you
disappear.Do you accept those terms?"
She chuckled. "Your emotions makes you weak.That is not a
good attribute for a General.Just kill me."
I shook my head. "My emotions make me stronger Paloma.Love
makes me stronger.I'm letting you live.Only because you're
Ingrid's mother.I can't be the reason why she loses both her
mother and father.I will spare your life because you gave birth
to her.At one point she loved you and looked up to you as her
mother.Your death will still hurt her,still haunt her.It would be
hard for her whether she likes it or not.I'm sparing your life.Plus
death is too merciful for people like us.You have no one and
nothing.Let's see how you gonna survive.I will not taint my
hands with your blood unless you push me again.Which of
course you won't because I won't let you."
She chuckled and shook her head.I glared at her and continued.
"But that doesn't mean you're walking away free after
everything you have done.Your sins will not go unpunished.You
do realise your head is shaved,right and you have
stitches?Well,I have inserted a Transient Electromagnetic Pulse
through your skull and at the underside of your brain."
I pulled a small black device from my pocket before I knelt
down so we were eye level. "You try to pull a stunt against me
and my people,I will press this button.The electromagnetic
pulse we have inserted in your head,will cause a weakness in
blood vessels in the brain that balloons and fills with blood.You
wll have a brain aneurysm.The blood vessels surrounding your
brain will leak or rapture causing you a life threatening
bleeding.In other words,you will die a very painful death.You
can't remove the EMP we have inserted because it is underside
your brain,at the base of your skull.If it gets removed,you will
still bleed to death.If I lose this device here,or if you plan for
someone to steal it.I will override it and kill you.Either way
Paloma,your life is in my hands.So, wherever you go remember
that I still own your life.You can't escape from me.Think about
that the next time you plan my death."She looked like color was
drained out of her face.
I looked at the men. "Unlock the handcuffs."
Beast unlocked her handcuffs, letting her arms go free.She
massaged her wrists,which were red sliced in some places.She
stared at me with rage,but now it was mixed with grief and
I stared down at her and issued my first command and she had
to obey. "Bow down to the General."
She slowly went down on one knee,shaking. "Long live
The second she called me General,pleasure crept down my
spine all the way to the rest of my body.
"I won Paloma." I waited for her to do something, to make an
attempt out on my life.She was behind me and I didn't look
back.My back was vulnerable and exposed by I didn't care.
"Today I'm giving you my back Paloma and there is nothing you
can do about it.I guess that aunt of yours was wrong."
I walked up to the door.Before I walked out,Perla moved so fast
and took a pistol and shot Paloma on both her knees.
"That's the last time you will ever be able to use your legs
bitch.You knelt for the General.Now let's see how you're going
to walk to the throne.Bitch.And that was for my father."
She threw the gun down and walked out.Her head held high.
Paloma groaned and wailed on the floor."Go remove the
bullets.I doubt she will ever walk after this.Also kill all her
minions.Carlos where is our next stop?"
He smiled. "France General.Godfather is already captured.And
your chopper is ready."
"Good." I walked out.

I looked at Godfather whose eyes were swollen,he could barely
keep them open.There was a long cut on his forehead.It was so
deep that I could see his bones.Because of a good life,he had
aged well.However, looking at him now it made me
reconsider.He was frail and weak.I sat opposite him and held
his chin because he couldn't even carry his own head.His eyes
kept on rolling into the back of his head.
"I'm sorry man.This isn't personal.You should have just stayed
out of my way and none of this would have happened.However
you involved yourself in wars that had nothing to do with
you.Your absence in this world will not be missed."
I stood upright and looked at Beast. "End him.I want his head in
a transparent plastic bag.Don't torture him.Its a waste of
energy plus I don't have time.I need to go back to my family."
"Please don't...p-please..You s-stole the secret a-account
book.We are...even."
"We are not even until you're dead.You're a threat.Your
mistake was your involvement.We were peaceful with each
other way before this.Pacts were signed between our
organizations and we never mentioned each other's names.You
broke the rules first.You violated the terms of the pact and sent
your assassin to kill me in a death fight.Its all on you.You
wanted to kill me and rule with Paloma.Imagine what that
could have done to my wife and children.What it could have
done to my people.I won't spare you because the men will
think its okay to cross me, and obviously I can't let that
happen.You're going to set an example.You don't mess with me
and what's mine and think you can get away with it." I glared at
him and he couldn't meet my gaze.I wore power like a custom
tailored suit,filling out every clothing as if it were made for me.
"I want to finish you today.I don't have much time.I miss my
I missed her so much Every minute away from her felt like a
stabbing pain in my chest.


My back was stiff as we rode to the Corsicans estate.When the

car finally stopped,I stepped out and took a deep breath.This
was finally over.In our world enemity never really
ended,enemies always popped out but now they would think
twice before messing with me.This was my first and last
warning.When the Corsicans were alarmed about our arrival
the men came running out,AK 47s in their hands,snippers were
in position.I chuckled and shook my head.They really think they
could challenge me?I could see their fear in their eyes and soon
enough they would be kneeling in front of me.I stood in front of
them,not even worried about the bullets that were sitting in
the barrels of their rifles.
"I brought you a gift.If you value your lives.I suggest you put
your guns away.Trust me,I'm very chaotic and dark when I'm
annoyed.You don't wanna annoy me."
They cocked their guns at me and I laughed in return.I nodded
to Beast.He took out the plastic bag.He handed it to me and I
raised it up for everyone to see.Their eyes widened at the sight
of Godfather's head.There were gasps.Several men took a step
"There is no point if you shoot at me.The war is over.I
won.Godfather is dead."I kept my unwavering eyes on them
and they slowly put their guns away.
I paced around leveling them with a hard glare. "For a long time
the Corsicans and the Mexicans were at peace because we
stayed out of each other's way but your former boss violated
that when he crossed me.Let me not bore you with the details
about Maddox because you already know that.Anyway,this is
what happens when someone crosses me.They don't live
long.The most important lesson is, never betray me,you won't
like the consequences.Now I'm taking over as your General.It
doesn't matter if you agree with me or not.At the end of the
day its your choice to make anyway.So,what's it gonna be?Do
you want to live or die?" My voice boomed loud and
clear.Everyone understood the meaning.
"Bow down to your General." Carlos growled.That was the
worst.Serving your enemy.Kneeling in front of him.But they had
no choice now.I owned them.One by one, they knelt down in
front of me,surrendering.
"I have laws and rules and just because I'm based in the US,it
doesn't mean I won't know what happens here in France.I have
eyes and ears everywhere.If you test me, you won't like the
consequences.But if we work together well.We are going to
make this place a powerhouse,something your former leader
failed to accomplish.He only had a hold on people's respect
through their pockets.I only want your loyalty and respect.Do
that, and you will be in my good graces.I also demand respect
not just for me but for the Don.You all know her.You are
beneath her because she is my queen.We are done here.The
second in command will report to this man,Bruno everything
that I need to know." I looked at Bruno.
"You know what to do.You're taking over this empire.I'm
trusting you with this.Don't let me down.Only report to me
when it rises to the level of importance that I have to be
"Thank you General.I won't let you down."
"Good.I'm done here."
"The chopper is ready General." Carlos announced.I'm coming
for you mí cariño.


"They're so-o good." Kira groaned ,licking cream off her lips. "I
didn't know microwaved muffins could turn out so
delicious.Thanks mom.You're really good at this.And you made
them in this itty-bitty microwave.And I'm glad that we are
spending some time together today.I hate it when you go to
work." She hugged me.
"I'm glad too.When you're old enough,I will show you how to
make simple muffins.Look at your brother.He is eating with his
whole face." We both looked at Alaric who was giggling covered
with cream all over his face.
"Mommy,yummy." He licked the cream.
I laughed and played with his cheeks. "Yes my boy its yummy." I
said with my baby voice that always made him giggle.
"Go clean him up Kiki."
She laughed and took him off his sitter. "Let me go clean him
up.I will come back and take some muffins for the others."
"Okay my girl."I loved it when we spent time together like
these.Even though she was more reserved now,spending time
with her was something I looked forward to.I started cleaning
up after dismissing the help when they offered to help.
"You can leave that.I will clean the mess." Aunt Perla walked
in,with a wide smile plastered all over her face.
"Okay,you look happy.How was your trip to Milan?"
"Ohh I enjoyed.Its sunny and I loved it.On that note I brought
some massaging oils and stuff.I hired some professionals.You
my dear,are going to get a full body massage.Waxing and
all.They are already here with the package."
I sighed. "Aunt Perla, I know its coming from a good place but
I'm not in the mood for all of that.I just wanna spend the rest of
the day with the kids."
She smiled and brushed my hair. "And you will my dear.I will
look after the kids but you're really getting that full body
massage.You have been working everyday and you never get
time for yourself.It's good to take a break here and there."
"I have a lot to do and when I get a break,I have to take up my
mommy roles.This isn't easy.I'm tired okay." I almost broke
"Which is why you need this.Come on,you're getting the
massage." She pushed me to one of the open rooms.I tried to
protest but she was having none of it.The masseurs were
already here with full packages and all.I got a full body massage
and honestly, I needed it.Then I was waxed from head to
toe,eyebrows arched,hair shampooed,conditioned.Nails filed
and painted.Everywhere I felt silky,velvety,soft and sensual.I
actually needed this more than I thought.After the whole
procedure,I showered and changed.It was time for dinner.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked because the
men were just smiling and grinning,while staring at me.
"I was also wondering.If Raphael was here he was going to
murder you for smiling at her like that." Raphael said with a sad
To the mention of his name,I lost appetite.
I wiped my mouth with a napkin and stood up. "I'm gonna get
the kids to bed.Goodnight."
"Hey,Ingrid.Did I say something wrong?"
I shook my head. "No,I'm just not hungry anymore."
Aunt Perla studied me for a moment. "I will sleep with my
grandbabies tonight.Its not up for discussion."
I sulked. "I'm not used to sleeping alone."
"Its just for tonight please my baby."
I sighed. "Okay."
I turned and walked out.


It started off as another erotic dream.

Sometimes nightmares of the day of the explosion were
substituted by erotic dreams,all of which involved my husband.I
missed him.Tonight was one of the nights.I felt him,that ripped
body of his all around me hard,hot and ready.Strong and
callused hands slide up my body,rubbing against my most
sensitive parts.His muscular legs forced my thighs apart and I
moaned rubbing against him.He shifted lower,his perfectly
masculine body sliding over mine.On the brink and
helplessness,I looked down my body and met his eyes and I
knew what he was going to do.
"Missed me,my wife."He gave me a cold dominance look and
bent his head.
My wife?Raphael never called me that before.
Gasping,I woke up burning from the searing force of my
dreams, my eyes popping open.And in the dim light,I saw
him.Raphael.Naked and holding me down on the bed.I froze,my
heart drumming against my ribcage.I was definitely still
dreaming or my mind was playing cruel tricks on me.For a
moment the shock drove all air out of my lungs causing my
vision to dim and blur.I blinked countless times and inhaled
sharply,still shocked and immobile.And then he was right
there,his face before mine.I trembled deep inside.None said a
word.He reached over and speared his fingers into the mess of
my hair and his palms on my cheekbones.And then he dragged
my mouth to his.There was no longer doubt in my mind.I wasn't
dreaming.It was really Raphael.He ravaged my mouth.Every
thrust of his tongue,I lost myself and my head spun.He
plundered my mouth with skill as greed and I couldn't bring
myself to do anything but to kiss him back.He is alive.He has
been alive the whole damn time!A voice screamed at the back
of my head.I bit his lip so hard that I tasted his blood.
"Let go of me.You're alive?!You were never dead!You didn't die
in that explosion.You have been alive for the whole fucking two
years!" I let out a chocked sob,breaking down.Tears of
rage,pain,frustration burnt my eyes.
"Mi cariño.."
I saw red. "Fuck you!Don't call me that.You were never fucking
dead.For two years Raphael.Two fucking..."
He claimed my mouth once again,swallowing my angry words.I
attempted to bite him again but he deepened the kiss,making
him feel more animal than man.At the same time,he began to
push the head of his cock inside me.His thick cock stretched
me,penetrating me with it's heated hardness.I was tense from
anger and my body was protesting, all my muscles tightening to
keep him out.When he was all inside he wrenched his mouth
from mine and looked at me with a soft expression.I chocked
on my sob,tears spilling out of the corners of my eyes.
He lowered his head and kissed me gently.It was the
longest,sweetest,most loving,cherishing kiss I have ever known.
"I'm sorry cariño.I'm sorry my wife.Please stop crying.You're
hurting me.It wasn't supposed to happen like that but I didn't
have a choice.You're mine to protect and I never meant to
leave you for two years my love..."
"But you did!You left me when I needed you the most.You
made me think you were dead.I was losing hope."
"I'm sorry." His eyes burnt into mine so intensely that I felt like
he was consuming me with his gaze.His voice was thick with
lust and I could feel his cock throbbing deep inside.
"I will explain everything but right now I need this.I want to fuck
you and remind this pussy who it belongs.I need to remind you
that every single inch of you is mine." He gave me a few master
strokes and hit my G-spot,sending me straight to a climax.After
two years of abstinence, I welcomed the slight burn pain and
"Fuck,I missed this tight and wet little cunt." He lowered his
head and gave me a hard kiss on the mouth.I closed my eyes
and treasured the feel of his demanding lips.He pulled air out of
my lungs,excited my nerves in a way I had never felt before.My
fingers slowly pressed into his skin as I felt my emotions get
swept up.Tears coursed down my cheeks again.He was here.He
was alive.He was back.He followed the line of my neck down
toward my soft shoulder as he made love to me fast,deep and
hard.Not showing mercy at all.I let out a broken,needy scream
and he leaned over and swallowed my screams.I stopped
kissing him and look down into his gaze.I knew that look very
"Awww..slow down,it hurts.Its been too long." I bit my lower lip
as he slammed in and out aggressively.
He gave me a cold dominance look. "Are you telling me what to
do with my pussy?"
I shook my head. "Uh-uh."
"Good.This is my pussy and I do what I want with it." His other
hand slid up my leg and lifted my thigh over to his
shoulder.Grunting, he rammed his cock forward and I bit my
lower lip,taking it like a big girl.He pounded into me with wild
abandon.I grabbed on his shoulders hanging onto his hard body
as the pleasure started to kick in.I drowned in it.The room spun
around me as I teetered on the edge of orgasm,craving release.
"I'm coming...." I moaned as my sex clamped around his
cock.He didn't stop.He sank deeper and deeper,getting every
part of him completely inside of me until he had no where else
to go.He was like a wild animal.The orgasm captured me and
paralyzed me.I squirted,drenching his cock with my wetness.He
still didn't stop.It was like I encouraged him.We rocked
together.He pounded into me with more force in each
thrust,his balls slapping against my ass with every stroke.Slick
bodies riding the waves of erotic pleasure.He gave five
masterstrokes and his body trembled over me.Knowing he was
close to his release,brought me to another strong orgasm.And
we groaned together as we both reached the peak.He slowly
pulled out of me and watched his come seep from my drenched
pussy, admiring his work.
"On your hands and knees." He demanded.Still breathless,I
stared at him in surprise.He had teared me and he knew that.
"You think I'm finished?You will take what I give when I give it
to you like a big girl.I'm conquering what's mine."
I knew by the time he will be done with me,he would have
made his point.


The following morning my thoughts shut down as the orgasm

solidified and shuttered inside me.I think I moaned his name
but I have no idea because a second later I blacked out.He has
been at it almost the whole night.Even when I fell asleep, he
climbed on top of me and fucked me anyway.He really wanted
to make up for two years in one night,and he did.He conquered
what belonged to him,that when I woke up I couldn't feel my
legs and my lady parts felt like they were about to fall.I had
bruises all over my body, as proof of his touch.
"Finally,you're awake.I waited for you to wake up so we can go
to the kids together.I'm nervous." It was indeed not a dream.
I felt tears starting to build up.
"No cariño please don't cry.Its all over now."
"No,you ripped me apart."
He let out a soft laugh and climbed on the bed.
"Okay,let's see." He opened my legs and my 'lips.'
"Uh,I really did a great job here.You still have your
creams,right?"I nodded.
"Great.Let's get you to the shower." He carried me to the
After the shower,I wore a yellow summer dress as he watched
me with a heavy-lidded gaze.He reminded me of a jaguar
stalking its prey.With shaky legs,I limped around and wore flat
shoes.I stared back at him,taking a closer look.He seemed
thinner than I recalled him being,almost as if he lost some
weight.I frowned as the waterworks began.He walked over to
me and squeezed me into a tight hug.I continued crying in his
arms as he brushed my back.The whole thing felt surreal.If it
weren't for the soreness between my legs,I would have been
convinced that I was hallucinating.But he was back,dominating
every corner of the room with his powerful and dangerous
"I'm sorry baby.I'm so sorry that I had to put you through all the
torture by yourself.I had to protect you the best way I knew
how.Everyone had their eyes on you,waiting to see how you
were going to react to my death.Staging a death is not a new
thing in our world so I had to make it look as real as possible.I'm
sorry I had to put you through that torture but it's over.I love
you.Please don't cry.I know this has been a lot for you.You had
to handle two big empires,being a mother,being your own
individual.It wasn't easy I know.But you're my heroine for a
reason.Thank you my wife,for being so strong.Thank you for
trusting me."
"It was so hard.It was so painful."
He kissed the top of my head. "I know my love.I know.But
you're stronger than we all thought.Thank you and I'm sorry."
I felt everything at once.I felt like screaming that he was alive.I
felt like punching him because he put me through all that
torture.And through it all,at the back of my mind I knew neither
of those was an appropriate response for the situation.
"Who else knew you were alive?"
"Aunt Perla,Bruno,Falco,Carlos,Beast,Alfonsi and Patricia.It was
a dangerous strategy that I didn't want to involve you
in,especially because you were pregnant."
"How did you survive that explosion?I looked everywhere for
"It was timed.I already knew about the bomb because Patricia
told me about it.When I got you out I was left with at least five
minutes.The vault at the fortress wasn't far so me and the men
managed to get to it before the bomb went off.Thank God it
was a medium scale bomb or they were going to be
casualties.And you couldn't find me because you were too
shocked to remember that all our places have fortified
vaults.The 'museum' remember.You looked everywhere on the
surface but not the underground."
I sighed,as he wiped the tears off my face. "So,did you find
"Don't worry about her.She will never bother us again.I didn't
kill her,but her life is in my hands and she knows it."
I knew he had done that for me,and I couldn't describe the way
it made me feel.I knew he loved me to be able to do something
like that, even though I had given him my full blessings to kill
her.He didn't want me to be swallowed in that darkness.He
didn't want her death to haunt me.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"You aren't on any contraceptives right?" I nodded.
"Good because we are keeping this baby." He rubbed my
I smiled. "Okay.Now let's go see the kids."
We went to the kids' room after calling aunt Perla and making
sure that she brought them over.We also asked her to get
everyone off the hallway for the sake of privacy.When we
walked into the room,Kira and Alaric were building blocks on
the floor,giggling.
"Hey Kiki." Kira's eyes shot up and she removed her glasses and
wore them again.
"Daddy?" She ran to him and jumped on him,wrapping her
arms around her neck.
"Daaady,you're back." She cried.
"I'm back my baby.I'm never leaving you again.I'm sorry
okay.I'm sorry the mission took too long." He rubbed her back
for a few minutes.His attention drifted to Alaric who was
looking at them,sucking his thumb.After shushing the crying
Kira,he placed her down and slowly walked towards
Alaric.Normally,upon seeing strangers Alaric would have cried
for me to pick him up, but instead he grabbed Raphael's nose
and giggled.
He picked him up and looked at me.I saw the expression that I
never thought I would see on Raphael's face.His eyes were
glistening with tears.
"Shit,he looks like me.He looks exactly like me.What the...He
has my eyes." He kissed his forehead and face, while tears of
joy ran down his cheeks.Kira hugged his waist,crying.I felt my
own eyes water.After the emotional reunion we all went
downstairs.When the men on guard saw Raphael some froze in
shock and some ran out.It was a funny sight.When we walked
into the grand living room,Reapers eyes popped out.
"Okay I'm quitting marijuana.Dude,I didn't even touch your wife
or anything.I know you said she is off limits,there is no need to
haunt me.Fuck this shit.I'm going crazy." He stood up and was
about to walk out when Raphael gave him a pat.
"You're not hallucinating.I'm alive.Let's meet in the gym room
after I meet everyone else.You and I need to have a man to
man and we need to get clear on some facts."So much for a
Reaper smiled. "Yep,you're back.But I swear I didn't do
anything to your wife."
"But you want to.And we need to talk about that."
He turned and started greeting everyone after they were over
their shock.The girls weren't shocked, I guess their men
informed them beforehand.
"Now lets talk about you wanting my wife to fuck my brother.I
will talk to your men.They know how best to punish you." The
girls exchanged glances and giggled.
"So,tell us.How did you survive the explosion?"
"Someone else will tell you.But its all over now.You all have a
reason to celebrate.Gofather is neutralized.Our enemies are
defeated.We won.You rejoice while I spend time with my two
queens here and my junior version." He held Kira's had and
kissed my forehead.
"Come on my queens and prince.We have a lot of catching up
to do."


I opened the door of our bedroom and leaned on it,seeing the

stylist with my wife in front of a full length mirror.She was in a
stunning gold gown.It was all lace with a large oval back cut
that exposed her Phoenix tattoo.After a long time I finally
convinced her to have one too.The stylist fluffed out the
bottom of the gown.The material was sparkly with rhinestones
and jewels.It hugged her waist,shaping her curves and leading
to a plunging neckline that accentuated her perfect breasts.Her
hair had large curls and was pinned up over one side to reveal
her neck along with the string of diamonds that decorated her
neck.Her make up was smoky,making her silver grey iris to
stand out.I was still not convinced that she wasn't an
angel.Such perfection couldn't be real otherwise.Everything
about her was perfect, screaming royalty like she had been
born into it.I could stare at her all day long.She was too
absorbed with her appearance that she didn't feel my presence.
"General's jaws are going to drop on the floor when he sees
you Don." The stylist said with a smile,admiring her work.
"They are already on the floor."
Ingrid turned to the sound of my voice.She smiled,her hand
resting on the swell of her baby bump.This woman was made to
be a mother,a leader, a wife,a boss,everything.No one ever had
the sweet gentleness, sassy,fierceness,love,braveness that she
carried inside of her.I swear whenever I was near her,all this
wrapped around me in a calming hold.
Her eyes locked on mine and they glowed like they always did
whenever I was around."When did you come?"
"I was a standing here for a few minutes.You didn't even take
note of my presence." I said with a chuckle.
"I just couldn't believe that the woman staring back at me was
actually me."
"You're beautiful and you know it."
"I will give you two some space.General,Don." The stylist
bowed before she walked.
When we were alone together,I closed the gap between us and
admired her.My hand moved to her arm and I felt her velvety
skin.I would kill any man that tried to touch her.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too." Only an inch lay between us.I licked my lips
and she giggled.My whole body came alive.An electricity thrill
raced through me.She was too close.
"Not right now Raphael we have a function to attend."
"Please just two minutes cariño."
She shook her head laughing. "No,people are already waiting
for us.We need to go now.Remember we have to go back to
New York tonight.We can do all the stuff in the jet,okay."
My hands moved to her baby bump,and I held her next to
me,wanting to take off that gown and move deep inside
her.But that would have to wait until later.
"Fine, Don." She smiled as I teased her.
She leaned up a little and brushed her mouth against mine. "I
don't want to ruin my lipstick."
I growled in frustration.I didn't like giving up my time alone
with her.A lot of things had changed now,but in many good
ways.We didn't get much time together like before she gave
birth to Alaric.Now we were blessed with two more boys,and a
baby girl on the way.We didn't have much time to ourselves
like before,because all our four kids and the fifth one on the
way needed her attention,but that was okay.
"The idea of waiting all day feels like torture,but the wait will
just make it even better." I pulled her into me,planting a kiss on
her hairline.We were seriously going to make up for it.We
usually made love before we went to sleep and again in the
morning.It was rare during the day with the kids around,but
every month we went on a vacation for a week,making love all
the time.It wasn't so bad.
"That's what I'm talking about."


Ingrid had her arm tucked in the crook of mine as I guided her
through the crowd. The dinner was taking place within the
enclosure of the château in Italy.We walked to the entryway
which led to the courtyard where the anniversary for Ingrid's
seven years of reign was being held.I had been here countless
times,it was basically our second home now,but I still found the
Gothic mansion to be fascinating.Bowls of flowers hung from
every arch.The enormous courtyard was dotted with several
dramatic sculptures which gave a theatrical vibe.Strategic lights
had been placed around the huge yard,illuminating bare trees
and elegant shrubs so that the whole scene resembled a
summer stage-set.We stepped into the crowded grounds
where the attendees wore beautiful gowns and pressed
suits.Waiters and waitresses passed flutes on trays.A symphony
played in the front, accompanied by a white grand piano.Ingrid
and I made our rounds and spoke to acquaintances and
friends.We made small talk for a few moments with Patricia
before we continued onward.We discussed a few matters with
Bruno about the Corsicans and our empire in France and we
continued forward.
Brigadier took the stage and asked for everyone's
attention."Ladies and gentlemen,can I have your attention
He raised his flute with champagne to Ingrid and she did the
"When I first met our Don,I disrespected her.I called her names
and underestimated her.That day was the day I learnt that in
our world there is what we call, gender equality.And I had to
learn the hard way.When I say the hard way,I mean the hard
way.Even today I'm embarrassed by the incident but I'm proud
to speak about it because I learnt something really important
about our Don.Ingrid is a liberated woman who doesn't
conform to the boundaries or laws that our organizations or
society,deems acceptable.She sets her own rules.She runs the
wold with her own laws.A strong woman in what is considered
a men's world.For the past seven years she has proved that she
is the leader we will always look up to.A leader who isn't afraid
to speak her mind and stand for what she believes in.She rules
in killer heels and red lipstick,something we all thought
wouldn't happen in our world.From the very beginning,she has
proved how powerful and brave she is.From taking bullets for
people she loves,eliminating some of the great leaders in our
cirlce,ruling two empires at one point and to making almost
everyone's organization in here a powerhouse.But most
importantly, she is a wife to our great leader,General.She is also
a mother and a friend.It takes one with balls made of steel to
do all that.Hence I respect you for that Don.I also respect you
General.I respect you two as a couple.We are lucky to have
you.In seven years we haven't had war and that is a first.Its all
because of you."He raised his flute."So,here is to more
happiness.More years of ruling.More money.To the Don and
the General."
"To the Don and the General." Everyone raised their glasses.
Ingrid smiled looking at me.We have made it.
Dinner was served and the theme dish was seafood.It was
Ingrid's favourite thing to eat during this pregnancy.She craved
calamari so much that when she saw the seafood platter,her
smile widened.She ate everything on her plate.
As the night progressed we moved inside the château for
dessert and wine.People spoke quietly together,the mingling
"I miss the kids and I miss you.Can we blow off this party
already.Plus I'm exhausted." She was six months pregnant.
I took a look around and I realized we had talked to all the
important people who mattered. "We can leave.I will tell Bruno
to inform the guests that we had to go to New York
immediately.Its not like we owe them an explanation anyway,
but we wouldn't want to be rude."
She smiled. "Ohh thank God."
"Let's ask Falcon if the jet is ready."


After we said our goodbyes to Patricia and Bruno,we boarded

our jet and we were on our way home.Going back and forth
between Italy and the US was tiring but we were used to
it.Once we were in the jet I pressed my finger to a button and
our cabin was closed.We had enough privacy.Falcon and our
men already knew where we were going so we didn't need to
say a word to them.Ingrid crawled to my laps.Her gown
stretched across the seat and the floor,ruffling at every move
she made.I moved my hands up her gown and touched her
smooth thighs.Her hands dug into my hair and she kissed me.I
felt that inferno spark to life at the simplest touch.My chest
rumbled with the fire in my heart and my whole body suddenly
felt scalding hot.My hand slipped over her round belly,resting
there possessively.She wiggled in my laps,making me groan.I
lifted her and placed her on the bed,spreading her legs to make
room for me.My eyes traveled to her bare legs.Still even after
seven years,she blushed
making my cock ache.I had control in all things in my life but
her.Before she could undress all the way up,I was already on
her,feasting in her sweetness like a starved animal.
I thought the day I fell in love with her was the happiest day of
my life,the turning point from when I changed from a bitter and
cold ruthless man into a happy one.But having this woman by
my side through it all was what really made all the
difference.When I first met her I had everything but I was
lonely.I didn't get my parent's love but their absence in my life
didn't feel painful anymore.Their absence were filled by the
love Ingrid and our children gave me.But what would tomorrow
bring?I have made a lot of enemies in order to be where I
was.Paloma had been one of my biggest enemy in all of this but
I had defeated her.She was now living a life of solitude
somewhere in Morocco.Her chapter was closed.But others
could come out of the shadows and try to hurt me through my
heroine or our kids.Would we survive?I wouldn't know what
the future had installed for us,but I wasn't called the General
for nothing.I would set the world aflame for my family.They
have given my life meaning, made me feel and made me a less
bitter man.And now I know I will be the happiest villain that has
ever graced this world.


"Surprise papa!Surprise papa!" Adelio squealed and clapped his

little hands together.I followed behind holding the cherry
pie,fresh from the oven,its smell filling the air.We walked into
the bedroom and Raphael opened his eyes and sat up in
bed.His eyes were heavy from the great night of sleep he had
but he still looked handsome like his hair wasn't messy at
all.Adelio climbed on the bed and jumped on Raphael's
shoulder.He was four years old,and a handful.He continued
climbing all over Raphael like a spider monkey,but like a
pushover father my husband was,he let him do what he
wanted.Lorenzo who was named after my father was two years
old so climbing on the bed wasn't easy for him.I picked him up
and placed him besides his father.They all looked like him.It
wasn't fair.
"Happy birthday dad.I gotta go and finish my project." Alaric
helped himself to a piece of the cherry pie and walked
out.Raphael and I exchanged a look.Alaric was nine years old
now and he was so much like his father.He had the same
face.Same attitude.Same everything.Sometimes I got worried
that he wouldn't be modest and sweet when he grows up,but
that remained to be seen.And like his father,he also liked
painting and he did it on rare occasions.Like in this case,he was
working on the baby's nursery.My daughter was either going to
be really girly or hate pink.Thanks to her brother,her room was
a pink explosion.I didn't care though.
"Dad, happy birthday.I'm going to finish your cake." Kira leaned
in and kissed her dad on the cheek.
"See you later Kylie." She rubbed my bump before walking
out.Just like me,she was excited about the baby girl.We were
tired of these men.Once Kylie was here then it would be better.
I watched as Kira walked out.She was growing to be the woman
I groomed her to be.She was nineteen now.She still loved
numbers a lot,and had taken a liking in baking too.She was a
strong young woman who certainly knew how to punch
someone,and could take a punch too like nobody's business.
"Happy birthday daddy." I smiled.
"Thank you babe.Thank you my two monkeys.Now let's have
the cherry pie mommy made." He got off the bed,still holding
both our sons and kissed my lips.I breathed in the warm,musky
scent of him,thinking that life was so good it couldn't possibly
get any better.It just kept getting better every day.
"Take a quick bath.We will be waiting for you downstairs
okay.Don't take too long.And make sure they don't get wet." I
said softly.
"Okay mommy." He replied,biting his lower lip.Still naughty I
"Well I have to confess I never saw this one coming." I said
looking at Aunt Perla and Uncle Lucan walking through the
doorway,hand in hand,aunt Perla's huge wedding diamond ring
"Me neither.I can't believe they were fucking right under our
noses.As if that is not enough,they married in secret.I'm still not
over than.If sneaky was a human."Stacy laughed,her hand
resting on her huge baby bump.
"Where is Liam Jr by the way?" I asked.Beast and Stacy had a
four year old son Liam.One month older than Adelio.
Her eyes glowed and she smiled. "Over there."
I shifted my gaze and looked over at Beast who walked in
carrying his son,looking like they were in a very serious
conversation.Yes,I was surprised too when Beast said his first
words in years.It was the day when his son was born.The first
thing he said was "Thank you Stacy." It was such an emotional
and happiest day for the two.Now,he wasn't much of a talker
but it was better than the mutism.
"Aunt Patricia just called and informed me that
Rocco,Riccardo,Alfonsi, Castillo and will arrive tonight.They
wanna make it to Raphael's birthday." Cinzia said.Carlos had
one arm circled around her waist,possessively.
"The love birds." I hugged them both.
"Don.Let me go to the guys." Carlos kissed her cheek and
walked over to Falcon who was in the grand living room talking
to one of the help.Trying to shoot his shot.My cousin refused to
settle down.
Cinzia frowned looking at the door. "I still don't like those two
"Layla has missing toes and fingers because of you.Get over it
I looked at the doorway.Pablo was with Layla,holding their
three year old daughter Pretty.Julia my namesake ran towards
me and hugged me. "Where is Alaric?" She asked.
"In the nursery."
"Okay." She rushed upstairs.She liked Alaric since they were of
the same age.She was a few months older than
him.Unfortunately my son took after his father, so he was cold
towards her.
"What's up with those two?" Stacy cocked her head towards
Adrianna and Reaper,who looked cosy.
Cinz chuckled and shook her head. "Ingrid you ruined the poor
guy.Now he is going after someone who looks like you."
"She will be hurt shame." Stacy shook her head.
"Maybe that's the one for him." I shrugged.
Layla laughed. "Come on girl we see the way he looks at
you.There is still something there."I looked at Reaper and he
looked back with a smile.But he couldn't hold the gaze for so
long and looked away.
"At least he is moving on.It doesn't matter with who." I waved
at Adrianna who was chatting with the guys and she waved
back.Our relationship wasn't a close knit one but we were all
making an effort.It was getting better even with Rocco and
I heard heavy footsteps moving towards me.His scent was
already in the air, making my whole body come to live.He was
wearing dark jeans and a simple white T-shirt.He was carrying
his two boys.
"Sometimes I feel like he is two different people.The way he is
with you Ingrid and the kids is different with the way he is with
us and the men."Cinz said.
I nodded. "He is Raphael and he is the General.They are two
different people." "Just like you." Stacy noted,and I smiled.
A few minutes later I felt a pair of lips begin to nuzzle at my
neck and my heart sped up as I turned around and snacked my
arm around my husband's neck.Our marriage had thus far been
pretty much perfect.We loved each other and there was no
holding back.Honest communication flowed between us as well
as mutual respect.And the passion which had always been
there showed no sign of diminishing.The only slight setback was
our responsibilities as Don and General,but it wasn't that
bad.When we were home,it was Ingrid and Raphael.Outside the
yard of our villa we wore our invisible crowns and balanced
them well.
I lifted my lips from his. "Let me go and get your cake."
I walked to the kitchen and as I walked closer I heard some
arguing.Kira and Alaric were at it again.You couldn't actually
believe that there was a 10 years difference between
them.Alaric sometimes behaved like he was older than Kira.
"I'm going to tell dad that you have been talking to Zayn.You
know he doesn't like him because he is Zakone's son, right?I'm
going to tell him because it seems like you don't listen to me.I
told you not to talk to that boy." Alaric threatened her.
"Who died and made you my father?And the person you're
calling a boy is way older than you.Alaric you're nine.Stay in
your lane or I will backslap you.Keep on trying me Treasure.You
will know me." Kira said,her voice hostile.
"Ohh we will see about that.I'm a black belt.I will kick your
ass.And I'm going to tell dad that you're dating.Let's see what
will happen.You're think you're smart,right.Let's see how dad
will react to you dating." I laughed listening to their
argument.Kids,seriously.A few minutes later Alaric walked out
and Kira followed him.It wasn't going to end well,but I chose
not to interfere.They were always like that.
I went to the kitchen and pushed the cart that had Raphael's
cake.After we sang happy birthday,the kids smashed their fists
into the cake and smeared it across their father's face.Of course
Raphael didn't do anything.He let them do whatever the hell
they wanted.He just took it,letting his children ruin his clothes
and hair.He really became the pushover father that I predicted
he would be.I also grabbed some cake and joined in on the
fun.By the time all this was over,we were covered with frosting
and cake was stuck in our hair.
Aunt Perla laughed and picked Lorenzo. "I'm going to clean the
kids." She was the world's best grandma so the children were
excited about each time they get to spend with her.She was the
best mother too.I didn't miss the absence of my own mother
because I had her and Patricia.So,that hole didn't feel so deep.
"Let's go shower." Raphael breathed on my neck with his hands
wrapped around my bump.
"Sure." I smiled at him,feeling color rising to my cheeks.
The moment we stepped into our bedroom clothes were off
our bodies and we were locked from head to toe.
"At least I'm getting the real birthday treat." He squeezed my
ass with his firm hand.He lifted me easily and carried me over
to our bed to lay me down.His hand brushed over my bump
before he lowered it,thrusting his fingers where it was burning
the most.
"I love you." He spread my legs wider.I never got tired of
hearing those words from him.It always felt like the first time.
"I love you too." I breathed against his mouth.His eyes glowed
with desire.They were filled with possessiveness as he kept on
moving down my body.Slowly we began moving together,as if
we were dancing.There was no music playing but we really
didn't need any.We were guided by love,the slow steady beats
of our hearts and our moans.
Everyone knows how things are supposed to be.A heroine gets
a hero.The same way a villain gets a villainess.But in my case,
things happened a little differently.I was a heroine and I got a
villain.I was thankful that everything happened the way they
did.I truly felt privileged.I was blessed,and I was definitely
keeping my villain.

………………………………………………The End…………………………………..

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