Online Enrollment System For PAC Salug Campus

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A Research Presented to the Faculty of the School of Computer Science


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree


August, 2022










Background of the Study

Theoretical Background

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms

Scope and Delimitation


Related Literature

Related Studies


System Analysis

System Design


System Implementation

System Documentation











M. SADDAL, and MERTTAN M. SADDAL, in partial fulfilment of the requirements of

Research Class is hereby accepted and recommended for oral examination.





The authors are deeply honored to give their profound appreciation to their

adviser, MR. SYRIL GLEIN TURNO FLORES, for his endless motivation and

encouragement throughout the research work, and to their loving parents for their

unconditional love and financial support, and above all to the Almighty God for his

unfading guidance and blessings.

Finally, the authors offer their prayer of thanks to the Lord Almighty who bestow

upon them the determination and strength towards the realization of this research work.



Computerization is a control system that manages processes in industrial

workplace. It reduced human produce. This can result in a system with well-

integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a

manual system. Eliminated are human errors and processing time is improved,

thus it can boost productivity and resulted into high quality of product

The present study is an attempt to design and implement a Computerized

Enrollment System at Philippine Advent College-Salug Campus. With the

advancement of technology, enrollment processes need to be ready for change

and bring the technology to colleges or universities for efficiency and security,

and PAC-Salug is a target beneficiary.




As technology continues to advance, computers become closer to everyday life.

Computers are already seen everywhere at work, at school, and at home. Daily

activities either involve the use of or depend on information from a computer. This

maybe because computers are used in almost every field and profession like education

and office works to perform large number of computer related work. Computerization

is a control system that manages processes in industrial workplace. It reduces human

errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity that results into high quality

of product. In information system, computerization is concerned about interrelating

different but interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-

integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than the manual

system. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform

much faster and more accurate than a manual system.

In the field of education, researchers and theorists have focused intensively in

recent years on examining the concepts and use of information in to assist

administrators, teachers, students and parents. Schools, like any other organization

used to manage all sorts of data and information to ensure attainment of its goals and

objectives. The emerging needs in most schools for accurate and relevant data and

reliable information strengthen the student information. According to Forman (2007),

in his article “New Research Perspectives on Mobility, Organizations, Systems and

Technologies,” continuing innovation in technologies can lead to organizational

changes that range from improvement of day-to-day operation and for easy access it

provides for the end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in the

offering of their services. Online registration system allow students to register through

the internet, eliminating or reducing problems with traditional registration systems,

such as long lines, paper forms and troublesome wait lists Online registration system is

very essential in a school.

Just like in the case of Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus where

manual enrollment remains the in place. The school used manual system in recording

and retrieving student’s information. The registrar’s office also used manual system as

a way of recording and retrieving student academic records. As a result, this may

cause errors and duplication of data resulting to troubles in the organization. Inspired

by the online registration services, the researchers came up with an online enrollment

system for the PAC-Salug Campus. The study considered the prevailing process of the

school with the aim to replace the same for a more efficient and effective enrollment

system. One of the factors considered in designing the proposed system is the lack of

manpower to accommodate all enrollees. The tedious task of filling out the application

form and the inaccuracies of information provided by the students are also considered.

These factors cause enrollment delays, which is disadvantageous to the enrollment

personnel and the enrollees. Since the study involves proper records handling, tracing

the constraints and evaluation of the manual system is essential. Thus, the researchers

gathered data necessary in the enrollment system, which is designed to benefit the

schools, teachers, and students and especially school administrators and faculties as

well because they can access and manage information directly and conveniently.

Background of the Study.

Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register

on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures

called Enrollment System (ES). ES are used primarily in recording and retrieving

student’s information. Tracking student’s information is also one feature of ES, in

which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments was also

added to update or browse student billings.

An Enrollment System is a system designed to perform the process involved

in registration, advising, and payments of students as well as scheduling of classes. It

is a good step for the school and useful especially for student information retrieval.

In the enrollment system, the school can trace specific information about or the

academic standing of any student. It automatically computes for student transaction

during enrollment, calculates other charges, miscellaneous expenses and even

penalties. A student’s account is entered into the system with corresponding due dates.

Lack of enrollment system in a school can lead to chaos and troubles, the students will

be confuse on what they should so and how they will do to be able to enroll. It is

extremely useful in the school in the way of making the processes of enrolling much


Enrollment System is very essential in a school. In case of Philippine Advent

College - Salug Campus, a manual process remains in place. The administration

manually performs the recording and retrieving of student’s information and the

consequent payments using pens and columnar sheet. Therefore, the proponents wants

to improve the old system of the school by proposing a new system which is a

Computerized Enrollment System. Building an Enrollment System that would aid

Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus, so the school can enroll and compile all

the information they had without storing a bunch of papers in file cabinets. The new

system would also help the upcoming applicants of Philippine Advent College - Salug

Campus to have flawless enrollment in the school. Enrollment System is a good

example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides

accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the

student but the administration as a whole.

Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus Inc. is a non-profit and nonstick

educational institution established in 197 by Judge Mariano Macias, College President

and Chairman Emeritus. Committed to provide Christian and quality system of

education to students in the immediate area, the schools aims to old the young ones to

become productive citizens of our country.

Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus has top-down management, with

direct authority coming from the main campus in Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte.

All policies and decision, rules and regulations are made by the Board of Trustees, and

executed by the senior executives of the academe.

Current Enrollment Process

Registration - New Students

Enrollees for new students must apply for admission at the Registrar’s Office,

and must submit the required documents or forms for evaluation and approval.

Old Students

Enrollment schedule for returning (old) students is announced by posting

schedules in school bulletins. Old students must present approved assessment forms

from the Business Office, and signed-off clearances to the Registrar.

Completion of Requirements

Applicants for admission who passed the evaluation may proceed to the

registrar’s office for the submission of the requirements and enrollment. Documents to

be submitted are the following:

 Form 138 duly signed by the Principal (for transferees)

 Medical certificate (if there be any illness to be unknown)

 Certificate of good moral character (for transferees)

 ACR and Permit to Study from DepEd (for foreigners)

 Certified Copy of Birth Certificate

 One long brown envelope

Students with incomplete requirements are only temporarily enrolled and those

who do not passed the evaluation must proceed to the guidance office for interview

and remedial steps.

The old students of PAC-Salug Campus who pass all of his/her subjects can be

enrolled in the school while those who failed in any of the subjects should proceed to

the guidance office for the necessary action. Once the student has already cleared, he

or she can proceed to the next procedure like taking the written exam, paying the

necessary fees, and attending the orientation.

Payment of Fees

Payment for enrollment fees, tuition fees, books, uniforms, and other fees are

made at the Cashier’s Office who will issue the Official receipt (O.R).

Students/enrollees must keep the receipt that will serve as a proof that payments for

necessary fees have been made.

Registration form must be presented to the cashier in order to pay the necessary

payment. No student is considered officially enrolled at PAC-Salug Campus without

completion of all the requirements and payment of the required fees.

Orientation for New Students, Transferees

After all the succeeding process, students must attend the scheduled

orientation. Attendance is a must during the orientation. Students must present their

assessment form together with one long brown envelope.

Orientation will be the last step for the enrollment procedure of Philippine

Advent College - Salug Campus.


The current enrollment system is very tedious, costly and may require long

processing time. This leads to inaccuracy and inefficiency throughout the process such

as data processing, monitoring profiles and organizing programs.

Specific Problems

Presence of paper loads that cause data and work redundancy.

Since the students are manually filling-up the official documents of the school,

there will be a great possibility to obtain redundant data that can cause further

complexity in the enrollment process.The students need to fill-up the information slip,

advising slip, and three (3) copies of the registration forms for the copy and record of

the accounting office, registrar and for the student themselves.

Time Consuming Enrollment Process

It is the most common problem of the school. In the case of MLA, students

were consuming a lot of time in doing such things. Manually filling-up of the school’s

official documents takes so much work to accomplish. Another thing that causes the

enrollment to be not so fast is, for the instance when student records needs a

confirmation or be updated. The assigned personnel need to go back and forth to the

storage room or to the office just to get the record needed.

Inaccuracy of information, security and file loss

Aside from being time consuming, manual method of recording of information of

the student is prone to human error. Prone to file loss is still at hand due to natural

calamities like heavy rain that will cause flood and unexpected accidents like fires.

Anyone can access the files due to security.


To develop a comprehensive Computerize Enrollment System for Philippine

Advent College - Salug Campus for use during the over-all enrollment process

including the necessary file-handling, generation of forms, and other related


Specific Objectives

 To improve the enrollment procedures for efficiency, avoid lengthy annual

process; speed up monitoring of student records, and easy retrieval of

student records.

 To manage and maintain the students record for future retrieval, at the same

time enhance the security and confidentiality of student records.


Education is very important to every person that is why a good enrollment

system is needed. This does not only promote ease during enrollment, but will also

promote a good image for the school. Parents will feel comfortable knowing that the

school has efficient and time-effective enrollment procedure in place.

This proposed system will bring about the following benefits to various sectors:

The Institution - The main beneficiary of the study is Philippine Advent

College - Salug Campus which if installed will make their enrollment function easy,

efficient, and reliable.

Registrar and Business Office - With regards to the registrar’s office the

proposed system will help the school in maintaining student’s information

electronically saving costly manual data gathering and safe-keeping. The staff will just

need to check the database for records retrieval.

Proponents - The proponents would also be a beneficiary of the study since

the proponents would value the importance of enhancing their skills and work

performance while grasping knowledge throughout the study.

Students and Parents - The proposed system will enable the students to

minimize the time and effort spent on enrollment. Also, the parents will save

financially by cutting down costs related to enrollment activities.

Future Researchers - The system will benefit the future researcher/s as it will

serve as a guide or reference for related research activities.


Automation: Act of implementing the control of equipment with advance technology

usually involving electronic hardware; Automation is a condition of being automatically

operated or controlled.

Database: Database is a collection of information categorized by specific fields. It is

also an integrated collection of logically related records or files consolidated into a common

pool that provides data for one or more users.

Human Intervention: participation or engaging of man to any activities, work or even


MS Office Access: is a relational database management system from Microsoft that

combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with graphically user interface and

software development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications,

included the professional and higher editions or sold separately.

Primary Education: Primary Education is the first stage of compulsory education. It

is preceded by pre-school or nursery education and is followed by secondary education. This

stage of education is usually known as elementary education and is generally followed by

middle school.

Registrar: department in the school engaging in students record and data.

Retrieving: restoring; recovering data in relation to database.

Sectioning: done in scheduling student in their particular class.

Transactions: assessment of fees regarding payment of students.

Visual Basic 6.0: It is a language rapid application development environment that

gives fast and easy intuitive tools to quickly develop Windows application.



The proposed computerized enrollment system will only cover the major

enrollment processes of the Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus, This will

include the Students Information, Billing of fees, Account, report generation (student

information form, assessment slip, student master list, and other forms and reports

essential to the enrollment function. It also includes the processing of student’s

personal records and the mode of payment that the student would choose.The student

would also be given a selection for the mode of payment that he/she would like to

avail (Paying Students or CHED scholars). The system will have a database that

contains the student’s personal data and other information needed for enrollment.

Log in name and password is provided as security of the system so that only

the authorized personnel can access the system.The system will provide reports such

as list of students, payment and others. Automation of the computation of tuition fee,

discount and balances is also included.


The computerized system may not be connected to the current web page of the

school during its initial launching. The proposed system would only be used for

enrollment purposes on-site at PAC-Salug Campus only. The system will not cover all

the data for the alumni of the school, but may be included in future database upgrades.

Data management would only commence in the implementing year only.

Conceptual Approach of the Study

The proponents adopt the Iterative Implementation/ Continuos Integration

Approach otherwise known as Design Implementation Increments made by Stephen

McHenry, for designing their proposal. With this approach, the overall functionality of

the system is broken down into feature sets. These feature sets, often based upon cases

from the analysis stage, contain a group of individual features that are related,

typically by functional area. In most cases, the entire set of feature required to support

a functional area and will be too large to be considered a single feature set, and must

be further divided to reduce the size.

Also, the systems development life cycle (SDLC) is utilized as the conceptual

model to demonstrate the stages involved in an information system development

project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed


Waterfall Model: This model involves finishing the first phase completely before

commencing the next one. When each phase is completed successfully, it is reviewed

to see if the project is on track and whether it is feasible to continue.


Having an effective and efficient enrollment system is a plus to a school

whereas the faculty and staff would benefit along with the students. In the case of

Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus, the school uses a manual system for the

enrollment so a computerized enrollment system would be a great plus. We see PAC-

Salug Capus as a perfect school for this proposed system considering the smaller

population of the school for pilot implementation and start-up. With the help of the

computerized enrollment system it will improve the enrollment process of the school.


Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus as a private school needs to

improve their enrollment by having a computerized enrollment system rather than

using the old fashioned way or the manual system. Since they are only using pen and

paper for the enrollment, it is very difficult for them to keep the pile of papers for the

record of their students. The enrollees might also encounter difficulties with their

records. So, Computers is very much important for this proposed system in order for

the school to have a better enrollment system.


This enrollment system that we proposed is perfect for the school. We ensure

that the design of the said system is suitable, customized and easy to use. By putting in

a user friendly interface, the application should be adoptable. It will be also useful to

the staff of the Registrar’s and Business Office as every detail in the design of the

system is appropriate to their functions and use. The researcher will use the Microsoft

Visual Studio in making the interface of the program.


Before implementation, the application will undergo thorough unit and user

testing to ensure its reliability. The system will be constructed for easy maintenance,

portability, and back-up of data.


The proposed system will have daily, regular weekly, monthly, and quarterly

back-up and support. Archives of date are conducted on site and in remote locations to

ensure that system restore can be done timely and securely, if necessary.





Local Literature

In the latest decades of the Millennium winning organization are those which

are willing to integrate business strategy and computer information technology in

plying their respective trades. The use of computer information technology results for

them to be able to develop products fast and make decisions fast, ability to have fluid

organization structures, able to cope with the demanding work force and external

environment by the rapid development of innovative approaches and lastly using

information system confirms the company’s mission vision. Schools use information

systems in the way of implementing an enrolment system. This results for them to

attract enrollees and earn an income. Enrollees are attracted because the use of the said

system makes the transactions fasterand easier. (Aquino, 2005)

“Lack of enrolment system in schools can lead to chaos and troubles”. Students

will be confused on what they should do tobe able to enroll that is why such systems is

extremely useful in the way that itgives an ease on working on enrolment processes.

(Ace Adrian, 2011)

Many countries nowadays, especially the developing nations are challenged by

the rapid technological changes. This has radically changed theliving and working

styles of the entire society. This transformation has beendriven partly by rapid

technological innovation. While in the 20th century saw therise of the industrial

revolution with steam-powered machines intensifying and expanding human

productive power, the 2lth century was characterized by the birth of machine-powered

flight and the emergence of broadcasting and computer technologies the extend the

reach of human creativity even more and made possible new ways by which humans

could live and work together (Tinio,2002).

Computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing, actuating and

controlling .This maybe observed from the past that they monitor production activities,

solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involve

conditions. (Dioso, 2011)

Technology innovation had influenced man's work from data processing,

business transaction, research, planning, monitoring and even in medicaloperation on

human anatomy are now entrusted to computer technology. Web-based applications

are popular due to ubiquity of its applications. The ability to update and maintain web

applications without distributing and installing software onpotentially thousands of

client computers are key reasons for its popularity. A significant advantage of building

web applications to support a standard browser feature is the ability to perform as

specified, regardless of the operating system installed on a given client

(Bacala&Fleanno, 2009).

Foreign Literature

Information systems are a tool to support information management.

Information systems are increasingly being used in organizations with the objective of

providing competitive advantage. The information systems used by organizations can

be grouped into different types such as transaction processing system, management

information system, decision support system, executive information system, expert

systems and office information system. (Flowley, 2005),

The iterative implementation approach is a theory that eliminates problems of

using a waterfall study. This is invented to avoid a linear and sequential development

of study. The overall functionality of the system is broken down into feature sets.

These features sets often based upon use cases from the analysis stage, containing

group of individual features that are related, typically by a functional area (Stephen

McHenry, 2010).

Science and technology is the root of emerging innovations in this world. For

many years now, a person in this field of expertise does not stop to reshape the

landscape of today's business world. Enrollment system has made huge impact into the

school arena. It is a system that is built on innovative program strategies. It is a system

that will help both the enrollment personnel-in-charge and the students to easily

process the enrollment at a lesser time. Distinct from traditional enrollment, LAN

enrollment system process large assortment of student records and provides efficient

and consistent information services. (Dunn and Scott, 2005)

“The Internet is neither an extraordinary communication tool nor

revolutionary. It simply represents the current stage in the development of human

capabilities through written language, which itself derived from the spoken form.”

That statement only shows that advancement in modem technology is at their highest

peak. Nowadays, Web-based applications are widely used due to their ubiquity. Web-

based enrollment system is currently emerging on markets for they are offering

transaction convenience and service efficiency through the use of Internet. This system

becomes a powerful tool in dealing with information management regarding

enrollment transactions. (Holmes, 2006)

Continuing innovation in technologies can lead to organizational changes that

range from improvement of day to day operation and for easy access it provides for the

end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in offering of their

services. (Forman, 2007)

Local Studies

An enrollment system helps and provides efficient and reliable services to the

students, enrolment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improved the

process of enrolment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject schedules. (Lopez,


Many problems and difficulties were identified in the existing system of

Dagupan City National High School (DCNHS). These major concerns are affecting

the efficient enrolment system of students. Security of the students records were found

to be at high risk. The current system may fail to protect some important documents. It

has also untimely and inefficient report generation. A computerized system for

DCNHS shall result to a significant increase in the number of enrollees. (Cayabyab,


In educational institutions like Harvent School in Dagupan City, composed of

elementary and high school level, the school puts premium to its registration. The

enrollment process is the initial stage in gathering bonafide and accurate student

information necessary to establish student permanent records. A registration and

billing system is needed by the institution to address the stated situation. The study has

been made to help Harvent School gather fast anddeliver accurate information

(Calabozo& Fernandez, 2006).

Based on the researcher, a web-based enrolment system for Ven'tas Parochial

School (VPS) in Manila was developed to help its students enroll in a more efficient

way without the hassles of waiting long hours in filling out forms, which sometimes

become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with the Web-based

Enrolment System for VPS that this new style of enrolment may be achieved. This

new type of system offers its students newoptions for enrolling at VPS. By logging on

to VPS website, one can register and enroll subjects for a school year. With these, all

the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take more than a few

minutes to accomplish. The system stores its records in the school database for future


Confirmation of the transaction made by the students need to be verified,

thepayment of tuition fees must be made in the school's registrar. The students may

also browse the web site of VPS and he can check his current account. He can also

refer to the list of the school current tuition fee rates (Pascual&Riceo, 2008).

Far Eastern University Enrollment System

With its 25,000 students, Far Eastern University (FEU) ranks among the

biggest universities in the country in terms of population. And with a large population

comes multiple problems in enrollment, student records and related data. Wanting a

lasting solution to the problem, FEU asked consultants for recommendations. The

result was a decision to automate FEU's enrollment system.

FEU decided to automate the enrollment system in two phases: (1), the

development of a system for enrollment and student records for Phase I, and (2) the

integration of the student's financial records for. They worked closely with

SQL*Wizard to pilot E*Wizard, an integrated system for student enrollment that

contains modules with extensive inquiry and reporting capabilities. They also tapped

FEU's Computer Services Department to iron out kinks. They reviewed organizational

structures, assigned people to support groups and asked faculty advisers and staff to

train. She also met with the representatives of individual institutes and with the

support of the academic managers and SQL*Wizard's technical group, plotted the

move to launch an integrated system during the second semester. The preparation

involved cleaning the database, standardizing labels for subject and preparing the

subject requirements.

Samar State University Automated Enrollment System

Technology innovations had influenced man's work, from data processing,

business transactions, research, planning, monitoring and even in medical operation of

man s body is now entrusted to computer technology. Samar State University (SSU) as

one of the University in Samar Island aims to be the center of excellence in education

had recently made changes to some of its existing systems. The enrollment system of

the university is now computerized, and other systems are on its way. This only show

that they are coping with the latest technology.

The Automated Enrollment System of Samar State University aims for an

accurate, user friendly, efficient system that can help both the student and personnel

for fast data processing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese volunteer

headed the creation and conceptualization of the system. The information technology

faculty from the College of Engineering and Arts and Sciences assisted him. The

system that is web based uses PHP programming language with data stored in MySQL

is run through the intranet of SSU.

Foreign Studies

At Harvard University, college students register for the term using an

electronic registration tool. The electronic tool is easy to use and should take only a

few minutes to complete. During the registration process, students need to verify their

name and their physical return to campus. Additionally, they are provided with

informational documents such as Harvard College's Alcohol and Drug Policy,

Substance Abuse Laws, and Voter Registration Forms. Students are also required to

review and update their directory information. Students are given the option to register

for MessageMe, Harvard University's emergency notification system.

Students will be able to access the Registration tool by selecting the "Campus

Resources" tab of the portal. Within this screen, students may see a

block called 'Online Registration Tool'. There should be a Status line with a link to

'Register Online'. Once this link is selected, they will need to authenticate themselves

using their HUID and PIN and will be presented with a welcome message for the

online registration tool. The student receives final confirmation upon completing the

registration process and an email confirmation. Lastly, the Status line on the Online Registration Tool will indicate 'You are currently registered'

when this process is complete.California State University, extensive system of public

institutions of higher education in California, U.S., one of the largest such systems in

the country.

At Cardinal Charter Academy in North Carolina, the Cardinal Charter

Academy, a tuition-free public charter school educating students in grades K-8, uses a

very efficient computerized system to facilitate student enrollment. Students can enroll

online and may even pre-enroll for their succeeding semester ahead of time.

Subsequent grades will be added each year. Cardinal Charter Academy is governed by

the Triangle Charter Education Association of North Carolina and a member of the

Charter Schools USA (CSUSA) family of schools. ( )

The Southern California Community College in Long Beach, California has

gone live with a Cognos-Based faculty and student scheduling management system

that was designed by Irvine, CA-based professional services firm e2e Analytics. Prior

to installing the new system. LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple

satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments. The school’s scheduling

management system budgeting and planning up to three months to compile,

consolidate, and implement. Updating and checking of faculty and students

Information was inspired by the advancement of modern technology. The researchers

gathered data necessary in the scheduling system for the success of the study providing

benefit of the employees and students so they can have access and have access and

have the ability to manage information directly and conveniently. (Koft, 2007)




This capstone project’s major goal is to create a computer-based enrollment

system that is quick, accurate, dependable, and simple to use. With this goal in mind,

the following modules and corresponding screen layouts will be developed and

installed: Login/logout services, administrator’s module, registrar’s module,

enrollment/ cashier module, database maintenance, and help assistant will be among

the system’s features.

The proposed system’s Log-in/Log-out Services feature will require allowed

users to input their user ID and password in order to access their user account in the

administrator’s module, registrar’s module, and enrollment/cashier module.

The school administrator can control sections, year levels, school years (set

active school years – used in current enrollment), subjects, faculty, and staff in the

Administrator’s Module.

The Registrar’s Module allows the personnel of the registrar’s office to manage

student credentials, view a list of enrolled students, view student records, and enter


The Enrollment/Cashier Module gives the cashier access to enrollment data,

enrolled student complete details, payment records, fee management, and the student


Screen Layout/ Specifications

USER LOG-IN – a very important form to access the whole system. The user must

enter a correct log-in Username and Password.

MAIN MENU FORM – this will show all the information needed in accessing the

USER REGISTRATION FORM – this will enable the user to edit and add new
administrator who will administer and can use the system (for confidential aspect of
the system).

MASTER LIST FORM –a compilation of student’s personal information, which
serves as student database for searching, editing, and retrieving student records.

STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM – this were the administrator input the
enrollee’s information.

SEARCH FORM – this allows the user to display, edit and search student
information based on unique student number.

BILLING FORM – this form enable the user for financial transaction of the student
in enrollment. It also computes the total balance due of the student.


Operating system- Windows 8 is used as the operating system as it is stable

and supports more features and is more user friendly. Database MYSQL-MYSQL is

used as database as it easy to maintain and retrieve records by simple queries which

are in English language which are easy to understand and easy to write.

Development tools and Programming language- HTML is used to write the

whole code and develop webpages with cascading style sheet, java script for styling

work and hypertext pre-processor (PHP) for sever side scripting.


The front end is designed using of HTML, PHP, CSS, Java script. HTML or

Hyper Text Mark-up Language is the main mark-up language for creating web pages

and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. HTML is written in

the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like

<html>), within the web page content.

The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose

them into visible or audible web pages. It provides a means to create structured

documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs,

lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts written in languages such as

JavaScript which affect the behaviour of HTML web pages.

CSS- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for

describing the look and formatting of a document written in a mark-up language.

While most often used to style web pages and interfaces written in HTML and

XHTML, the language can be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain

XML, SVG and XUL. CSS is a cornerstone specification of the web and almost all

web pages use CSS style sheets to describe their presentation.CSS is designed

primarily to enable the separation of document content from document presentation,

including elements such as the layout, colours, and fonts.

This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility

and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages

to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content

(such as by allowing for table less web design).CSS can also allow the same mark-up

page to be presented in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-

screen, in print, by voice (when read out by a speech-based browser or screen reader)

and on Braille-based, tactile devices. It can also be used to allow the web page to

display differently depending on the screen size or device on which it is being


JAVA SCRIPT- JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic computer programming

language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations

allow client- side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate

asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed. It is also being used

in server-side programming, game development and the creation of desktop and

mobile applications. JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic

typing and has first- class functions. Its syntax was influenced by C. JavaScript

copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are

otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics.The key design principles

within JavaScript are taken from the self and Scheme programming languages. It is a

multi- paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional

programming styles. PHP- PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web

development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is now

installed on more than 244 million websites and 2.1 million web servers.

Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, the reference implementation

of PHP is now produced by The PHP Group. While PHP originally stood for

Personal Home Page, it now stands for PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor, a recursive

backronym.PHP code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module,

which generates the resulting web page: PHP commands can be embedded directly

into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process data. It

has also evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in

standalone graphical applications. PHP is free software released under the PHP

License. PHP can be deployed on most web servers and also as a standalone shell on

almost every operating system and platform, free of charge.

The back end is designed using MYSQL- MySQL, the world's second most

widely used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is

named after co-founder Michael Widenius daughter, My. The SQL phrase stands for

Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has made its source

code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under

a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single

for- profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle

Corporation .MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and

is a central component of the widely used LAMP open source web application

software stack (and other 'AMP' stacks). LAMP is an acronym for "Linux, Apache,

MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python." Free-software-open source projects that require a full-

featured database management system often use MySQL. For commercial use,

several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality. Applications

which use MySQL databases include: TYPO3, MODx, Joomla, WordPress, phpBB,

MyBB, Drupal and other software. MySQL is also used in many high-profile, large-

scale websites, including Wikipedia, Google (though not for searches), Facebook,

Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube.


Intel core i5 2nd generation is used as a processor because it is fast than other

processors and it is very reliable and we can as well run our pc for long time with the

Intel core i5. By using this processor we can keep on developing our project without

any worries.

Ram 4 GB is used as it will provide fast reading and writing capabilities and

will in turn support in processing.



Hardware Price Total

LE 145 2.8GHz

PC with 4GB 3 Php 13,750 Php 41,250

DDR3, 500GB

( PC and CPU)

3 540 1,620
A4tech KRS-

8520D A-Shape

USB with Mouse



POWERGARDE 3 1,330 3,990

650va w/AVR

Total Php 46,860


Operating System Quantity Price Total

Windows XP

Professional SP3 1 Php 7,500 Php 7,500

(32 bit)

Total Php 7,500

Quantity Price Total

Microsoft Office
1 Php 3,630 Php 3,630

Microsoft Visual
1 4,000 4,000

Total Php 7,630


Item Quantity Price y

Ballpen Php Php

10 Php 720
s 6.00 60


1 1,000 1,000 12,000



Bond 3 200 600 7,200


Staple 5
35 175 2,100
wire boxes


Folders 5 7 35 420

Total Php 22,440


Particulars Quantity Price Total

Office Desk 1 Php 4,500 Php 4,500

4 350 1,400

4 2,500 10,000

Total Php 15,900


Particular Quantity Price Total

Stapler 4 Php 150 Php 600

Paper Clips 10 10

Total Php 730


Miscellaneous Price

Internet Php 1,500

Total Php 1,500


Particular Cost

Hardware Cost Php 46,860

Software Cost 15,130

Stationeries and Supplies 22,440

Furniture and Fixtures 15,900

Office Equipment 730

Miscellaneous 1,500

Total Php 102,560


Implementation of the System

This describes how the system works and how best computers together with other

resources may be applied to perform data storage, management and retrieval for decision making.

The requirement of this research work demands a web programming language.

Hardware Support
The hardware that is required in the successful completion of this project includes: a

system running on Pentium 2; a random access memory (RAM) of 512 MB;

Enhanced Keyboard; V.G.A or a colored monitor; and a 2.0 GB hard disk.

Software Support

The software support for the design of the proposed system involves: A windows 8

operating system; Macromedia Dreamweaver; WAMP server; My SQL database; and

an internet access as well as an anti-virus software which prevents the system from

being infected by virus.

Documentation of the System

Program Documentation

In order for the proposed system to be used on any computer system it takes the

following ways: 1. Boot the system; 2. Install the WAMP server; 3. Turn server on

(Active); 4. Copy the folder to www inside WAMP folder of the drive C: 5. after

WAMP server is installed on the system; 6. Open any browser on the system

(Microsoft internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Flock,

Safari etc.); and 7. Type http://localhost/fuoyelms/index.php on the address bar and

press the return key or enter key.

Procedure Design

The proposed system comprises of Administrator and the general user environment. The

steps to use the proposed system are as follows:

1. On the address bar of any browser type http://localhost/fuoyelms/index.php

2. You are prompted to supply the username and password this verifies that you

are a registered user and has the privileged to use the library system otherwise

you cannot access the library

3. If the username and password supplied are correct as that of a user you are

prompted with the home page with the list of available document which you can

borrow or return based on choice.

4. The username and password are in two formats as an administrator as well as a


5. As an administrator you are to type http://localhost/fuoyelms/admin/index.php

on the address bar.

6. As an administrator you are prompted with the administrator page where the

back end of the library exercise is carried out.

Operating the system

The system developed requires the user to be trained by the programmer, this will enable the

user to be familiar with the modules contained in the program and the function of each

modules in the system are expected to be explained in details by the programmer. Before

running the program, the application discussed above has to be installed on the personal

computer (PC) and launched buy the user.

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations


Before proposing a system, the proponents look for a school that still use a

manual system for their enrollment process. Upon seeking, Philippine Advent College

- Salug Campus, a private school is currently using the traditional or old system for

enrollment. Proposing a computerized enrollment system for the College will be useful

and helpful to improve their enrollment process. Through internet research and

reference books,necessary requirements neededwere completed. After gathering all the

information for the said school, the proponents find out that there are a lot of

paperworks and requires more time in order to be officially enrolled in Philippine

Advent College - Salug Campus. Also,there is a high expenses for the need supplies,

furniture and fixtures of the school.


 Philippine Advent College - Salug Campus has experienced a steady increase

in enrollment population during the last few years. This trend will continue in

the next few years to come especially with the CHED subsidy program being

offered to students. With this backdrop, it is only prudent for the College to

adopt a computerized system for enrollment the soonest possible time in order

to build an efficient foundation for a much larger student population in the

future. Besides, with the onset of computer technology, it is just practical to put

in place what the technology offers in terms of automation and accessibility.

 With three campuses already spread out in the province, the successful

installation of a Computerized Enrollment System at PAC-Salug Campus may

easily become a model for installation at the two remaining campuses.


 It is strongly recommended to replace the aging manual enrollment process at

present into an efficient, effective, and fast online, automated, computerized

enrollment system for PAC-Salug. This is also in-line with the minimum

requirement of CHED for all institutions of higher learning to adopt a fully

automated system for enrollment, not only to raise the standard of the academe,

but to improve the services being offered to its constituents.

 Proponents recommend some training about programming in personnel and

administrative staff of PAC-SALUG since they are the main beneficiary of the

design proposal.


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