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A) Read the text about EGYPT on page 32 and answer the questions.
1) Where’s Egypt?
2) What is the most common means of transport?
3) Why people see mirages?
4) What do Egyptians wear to protect the skin from the sun?
5) Who were the Pharaohs?
B) Read the text about CHINA on page 76 and answer the questions.
1) Where is China?
2) Is it the biggest country in the world?
3) What is its capital city?
4) How many islands are there in China?
5) Which is the largest city?
6) What’s the weather like in China?
7) Why did the Ming Emperors and their families move to a palace in the summer?
8) Why was it called Forbidden City?
9) When is New Year Parade celebrated?
10) How long is The Great Wall of China?
11) Why did Emperor Quin Shi Huangdi build it?
C) Read the text about THE USA on page 88 and answer the questions.
1) Where is The USA?
2) What is the population of The USA?
3) What is its capital city?
4) Who lives there?
5) Which is the biggest city in the country?
6) How is New York called?
7) Which is its national sport?
8) When did it start?
9) When did the Twin Towers collapse?
D) Read the text about AUSTRALIA on page 95 and answer the questions.
1) Where is Australia located?
2) How many people are there in Australia?
3) What is its capital city?
4) When did Australia become a British colony?
5) What happened in 1788?
6) What are the typical animals in Australia?
7) Which is the largest monolith? (monolith: obelisco)
8) How long is it?
E) Read the texts on page 17 (Happy Earth book) and answer the questions.
1) Where does Rob live?
2) What does he like doing?
3) Does Jenny play video games on the internet?
4) Who uses the internet to do the homework?
5) When does Dave write on the internet about his life?
6) Who lives in Oxford?
7) What does Sandee use to talk with her friends?
F) Read the text on page 51 (Happy Earth book) and answer the questions.
1) Why couldn’t Coyote find food?
2) What was inside the box?
3) What was in the village when they arrived?
4) Did Eagle like Coyote’s idea?
5) Did Eagle and Coyote go home slowly?
6) What happened when Coyote opened the box?

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