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Answer the following activities:

By analyzing the special features of Word Applications used in the samples of
learning plans, answer the following discussion questions:
1. What are the advantages of developing learning plans using a word
processing software application?
2. Based on the example, what are the special features of the word application
software that are beneficial in organizing the information required in any
learning documents?
3. What additional features of word applications do you think are beneficial in
preparing the following in your mathematics or science class:
a. Pamphlets for learning questions;
b. Brochure for the different mathematical or scientific skills;
c. Charts and graphs for data interpretation and analysis;
d. Worksheets for mathematics or science drills; and
e. Mathematics or science learning tools?


Use your learning plan from module 2. And answer the following questions:
1. Identify the learning area in mathematics or science education that your plan
will cover. Is it Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics? For what year
level and for what grading period?
2. Identify the topics within your learning area to be covered. Give a brief
description of the main concepts that must be learned by your students in
this lesson.
3. Identify the Basic Education Competencies, with the content and
performance standards that are targeted by your learning plan.
4. Briefly describe the topics, key activities, student products, and possible
roles that students assume in project scenario.

Fill up the table below.
Productivity Tools Features Mathematical or
Scientific Skills
that can Be
Developed by its

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