Standards Review Report

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Reviewing Standards

for Small Wind

Measurement Working Group

ata measurement activities are an well as guidelines regarding testing and measur-

D essential part of small wind tur-

bine (SWT) applications as they
provide vital and necessary information
ing AC sources are available, most of them
mainly focus on measurements on the
utility grids (i.e IEC 62053, IEC 61039 ).
regarding the electrical - environmental The lack of a coherent set of documentation
parameters of the installed system, thus regarding off-grid applications in the context of
enabling reliable and consistent monitor- data collection and high quality measurements,
ing and control. In addition, the histor- raises a challenging task, especially taking
ical data gathered, are of utmost impor- into account the particularities involved
tance in research activities regarding the in small wind turbine applications, (i.e.
design, performance, quality assessment the range of frequency varies from the stan-
testing and development of the relevant dard frequency, 50Hz or 60Hz, and the current
technology infrastructure. THD is as high as 40%)
This report, which is the outcome of the
ongoing Wind Empowerment Network
Introduction Measurement Working Group research ac-
tivities, focuses on providing details on the
Measurement standards document the profes- principles and methods employed in the col-
sional principles and practices the inter- lection, storage and analysis of data measure-
ested stakeholder parties (policy makers, man- ments, thus providing guidelines based on
ufacturers, practitioners, end-users etc.) are existing standards and facilitating the
required to adhere to and the level of quality progress towards future standardization
and effort expected in all measurement activ- activities. In this context, it further facili-
ities. Standards have accompanying guidelines tates the establishment of an enabling environ-
that present recommended best practices to ment for a rapid uptake of renewable energy
fulfill the goals of the standards. While cur- technologies, by contributing to the devel-
rently a plethora of measurement standards, as opment of the necessary quality infras-

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 1 of ??

tructure framework for small wind tur- • IEC 61400-25-1:2006 Communications
bine applications with respect to the data for monitoring and control of wind power
measurement methods and resulting activities. plants - Overall description of principles
Data measurement methodologies and activi- and models
ties require the complete information flow,
(from the setup of the installation site and the • IEC 61400-25-6:2011 Communications
wind cup installation specifications, to the data for monitoring and control of wind power
harvesting interval and the current/voltage plants - Logical node classes and data
transducers specifications) to be accurate and classes for condition monitoring
adhere to the respective standards in order
to provide a complete, reliable and consis- • IEC 61869 series : Instrument trans-
tent set of data to be exploited in a com- formers
monly accepted and reproducible way.
In this report, significant effort has been made
to maintain the above mentioned structure
Power performance
that will ensure every part of the data in- measurements of electricity
formation flow will be accounted for and
evaluated. producing wind turbines -
This document is a mid-term report which IEC61400-12-1
incorporates the review results of the following
standards and will be constantly updated Scope: The purpose of IEC 61400-12.1
and enriched towards the final report: is to provide a uniform methodology that
will ensure consistency, accuracy and repro-
• IEC 61400-12-1:2005 Power perfor- ducibility in the measurement and analysis
mance measurements of electricity pro- of power performance of wind turbines
ducing wind turbines and provides guidance in the measurement,
analysis, and reporting of power perfor-
• IEC 60688:2013 Electrical measuring mance testing for wind turbines of all
transducers for converting AC and DC types and sizes when connected to either the
electrical quantities to analogue or digital electric power network or a battery bank.
signals The wind turbine power performance char-
acteristics are determined by:
• IEC 60044-1:1996 instrument trans-
formers - Part 1: Current transformers
• The measured power curve and
• IEC 60044-2:2002 Instrument trans-
formers - Part 2 : Inductive voltage trans- • The estimated annual energy production
formers transformers
A key element of power performance test-
Our aim is the final report to be a complete ing is the measurement of the wind speed and
guide to data measurement activities, therefore the use of cup anemometers has long been
currently the following standards are being regarded as suitable for this kind of measure-
reviewed and this list may grow: ments.
The measured power curve is determined by
• IEC 61400-12-2:2013 Power perfor- collecting simultaneous measurements of wind
mance of electricity-producing wind tur- speed and power output at the installation site
bines based on nacelle anemometry for a period that is long enough to estab-
lish a statistically significant database
• IEC 61400-21:2008 Measurement and over a range of wind speeds and un-
assessment of power quality characteristics der varying wind and atmospheric con-
of grid connected wind turbines ditions.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 2 of ??

A test site meeting IEC power perfor- a such a way so that flow distortions, es-
mance test requirements as well as in- pecially from mast and boom influences
struments and data acquisition systems are minimised. Other instruments on the
that are calibrated per the standard’s re- mast should be mounted close to hub
quirements, are necessary for the above to height but in a way that interference
be possible. Test sites are typically selected in with the anemometer is avoided. The
areas with high winds, on rural or undeveloped preferred method for mounting the
land and away from local settlements to avoid anemometer, is on top of the meteo-
turbulence created by trees, buildings, or other rological tower with no other instru-
structures. Usually large tracts of land are ments or equipment nearby.
needed so that test sites can be developed as
needed. • Temperature and pressure sensors should
Test equipment for SWTs includes a meteo- be located close to the hub height on the
rological mast with anemometers and wind meteorological mast, at a minimum of
vanes for measuring wind speed and direc- 1.5m below the primary anemometer. The
tion. Temperature and pressure data help temperature sensor should be mounted in
to provide understanding for atmospheric char- a radiation shield.
acteristics. A data acquisition shed, houses • The pressure sensor may be mounted in a
the data acquisition systems (DAS), turbine weatherproof box. However, care should
inverter (if appropriate), measurement equip- be taken to ensure that the box is prop-
ment and computers. erly vented so that pressure readings are
not influenced by the pressure distribution
Location of meteorological mast around the box.
Care should be taken in selecting the appropri- • The anemometer should be mounted
ate location for installing the meteorological on a round vertical tube, with the same
mast. It should be located neither too close outer diameter as used during calibration,
to the wind turbine, nor too far from it, since which carries the cable to the anemome-
the correlation between wind speed and elec- ter inside. The angle deviation from
tric power output will be reduced. In most vertical should be less than 2, and it is
cases, the best location for the meteorological recommended to use an inclinometer.
mast would be upwind of the turbine in the
direction of the most valid wind to be expected • The tube should be no larger in diam-
and should be positioned at a distance from eter than the body of the anemometer
the wind turbine of between 2 and 4 times the and should support the anemometer cups
rotor diameter D. A distance of 2.5times at least 0, 75m above the meteorological
the rotor diameter D is recommended. tower and any other flow disturbances.
In the case of a vertical axis
q wind turbine, D • The bracket connecting the anemome-
is equivalently defined as 2 Aπ , where A is the ter to the vertical tube should be com-
swept area of the rotor, and distance is defined pact, smooth, and symmetrical. If nec-
as L + 0.5D, where L is the distance between essary to hold the anemometer steady,
the centre of the turbine tower and the mast the small-diameter vertical tube may be
of an equivalent horizontal axis wind turbine. mounted on another tube of larger diame-
Appropriate arrangement of instru- ter in order to ensure that no parts of the
ments on the meteorological mast is im- meteorological mast extend beyond a 1:5
portant for accurate wind turbine test- cone whose vertex is at the height of the
ing. anemometer cups.
More specifically:
• Other instruments must be positioned
• The anemometer should be installed in at least 1.5m below the anemometer

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 3 of ??

M inim um 1,5 m and m axim um 2,5 m
cups. These instruments and their sup-
porting brackets to a boom, may extend H ub he ight relative
to ground at m et m ast
beyond the 1 : 5 cone. M inim um
0,75 m M inim um
M inim um 15 tim es
1,5 m boom diam eter
N o flow d isturbances
R ecom m ended
allow ed a bove this line
H ub height relative 25 tim es
to ground at m et m ast boom diam eter
N o other instrum ents on
M inim um V ertical tube boom above this line
0,75 m

M inim um M ast top

N o flow disturbances allow ed 1,5 m M ast box w ith pressure sensor
abo ve this line

M ast top

M ast shall be w ithin 1:5 cone N o other instrum ents

(m ast centre to cone relative on boom s above this line
to vertical distance to anem om eter)

Figure 2: Example of alternative top-mounted

primary and control anemometers posi-
tioned side-by-side and wind vane and
other instruments on the boom.

Figure 1: Example of a top-mounted anemome- has a larger diameter. No significant obstacles

ter and requirements for mounting. (e.g. buildings, trees, parked wind turbines)
should exist in the measurement sector within
Alternative methods of anemometer mount- a reasonable distance from the wind turbine
ing should be considered to have increased and meteorological mast. If this is unavoid-
uncertainty in wind speed measurement due able, then an obstacle model is used to
to flow distortion. Relatively small distortion predict/assess the influence of obstacles
is obtained when two cup anemometers are upon the mast and the turbine position at hub
top mounted side-by-side with adequate sep- height.
aration from the tower and each other. The
anemometer cups must be mounted above the
boom by a minimum of 15 times the boom Correction factors, flow distortion,
diameter, but 25 times the boom diameter site calibration
is recommended. The anemometers should
be separated by at least 1.5m and no more The installation site should be assessed for
than 2.5m. The figure ?? shows an example of sources of wind flow distortion due to
a side-by-side configuration. The measure- topographical variations. The assessment
ment sector should be restricted so that should identify whether the power curve can be
the control cup anemometer does not affect measured without a required site calibration.
the primary cup anemometer. The uncertainty Without a site calibration, the terrain at
due to flow distortion of other instruments and the site may only show minor variations from
mast and boom must be determined. a plane, which passes both through the base
of the tower of the wind turbine, and the ter-
rain within the sectors. In addition, if the ter-
Measurement sector rain characteristics are within the limits of 3%
The wind turbine and the meteorolog- and 10% of the maximum slopes, then a flow
ical mast should not be influenced by model can be used to determine if a site cali-
neighbouring wind turbines. The mini- bration measurement can be avoided. Oth-
mum distance from the wind turbine and the erwise a site calibration measurement is
meteorological mast to neighboring and oper- required.
ating wind turbines should be two rotor di- A site calibration quantifies and po-
ameters D of the neighboring wind turbine or tentially reduces the effects of terrain
two rotor diameters of the wind turbine, if it and obstacles on the power performance

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 4 of ??

measurement. A key result of a site cali- should be monitored to indicate the conver-
bration test is a table of flow correction factors gence of data.
for all wind directions in the measurement sec-
tor. Another result is an estimate of the
Environmental parameters
uncertainty of these correction factors. The
test may provide information that justifies a By the time the installation site is set up, the
change to the allowable measurement sector. procedure of electrical quantities measurement
Concerning the site calibration, two mete- of the wind turbine can then take place. To
orological masts should be erected: assess the performance and the operational
characteristics of the wind turbine the follow-
• One mast is the reference position me- ing quantities need to be measured and evalu-
teorological mast, to be used also for ated according to international standards and
the power performance test. The sec- respective guidelines:
ond mast is the turbine position mast.
The setup requires two anemometers, a
wind vane and a data acquisition system.
The reference position anemometer and Wind speed measurements should be made
the wind vane should be mounted on the with a cup anemometer. An anemometer is
meteorological mast that is also used for an instrument to measure wind speed. As
power performance testing and measure- such, it is subjected to external condi-
ment. The turbine position anemometer tions that may influence the wind speed
should be mounted on a temporary mast measurement through the operational char-
as close as possible to the position where acteristics of the instrument. Some of the
the turbine’s hub will be, or was located. most common influence parameters of cup
This anemometer should be within 2.5% anemometers are turbulence, air temperature,
of hub height and the mast as close as pos- air density, and average flow inclination angle.
sible to the turbine tower centre-line but Anemometers being used for power per-
no more than 0.2H from the centre-line, formance measurements should be as-
where H is the turbine hub height. sessed for these influential parameters
and operational uncertainties. The uncer-
• A second wind vane may be mounted on
tainty in wind speed measurement derives from
the temporary mast at the turbine po-
three sources:
sition to provide additional informa-
tion on flow distortion at the site.
• The calibration of the instrument
Data should be collected continuously
• The operational characteristics of the
at the same sampling rate as for the
anemometer and
power performance parameters data collec-
tion. Data sets should be based on 10min • Flow distortion due to instrument mount-
periods derived from contiguous measured ing effects.
data. The mean, standard deviation,
minimum and maximum values for each
Wind direction
10min period should be derived and
stored. Wind direction should be measured with a
As a minimum, the site calibration data wind vane. A wind vane used for this purpose
set should consist of 24h of data for each should be mounted on the meteorological mast
non-excluded wind direction bin. Each on a boom. The combined calibration, opera-
bin should have at least 6h of data, for tion, and orientation uncertainty of the wind
wind speeds above 8m/s and at least 6h direction measurement should be less than 5o .
of data, for wind speeds below 8m/s. Be- At this point, it is worth mentioning that all
yond these minimum requirements, the test instruments used to measure wind speed and

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wind direction must have gone through the Measurement procedure
calibration process according to ISO standards
Measurement post-processing and data acqui-
and should be supported by a thorough assess-
sition must be performed in a way that the
ment of calibration uncertainty.
collected data meet a set of clearly defined
criteria to ensure that the data are of suffi-
Temperature and pressure
cient quantity and quality to accurately deter-
As already mentioned, temperature and mine the power performance characteristics of
pressure sensors should be present on the the wind turbine. The measurement proce-
meteorological mast. dure should follow a designated format
Air density ρ should be calculated on the so that every procedural step and test
basis of the mean wind tunnel air temperature condition can be reviewed:
T , relative humidity φ and barometric pressure
B, using equation: • During the measurement period, the wind
turbine should be in normal operation, as
B 1 1
ρ=( − ϕ · Pw ( − )) prescribed in the wind turbine operations
R0 R0 Rw manual, and the machine configuration
where, may not be changed. Any special main-
B, is the barometric pressure [Pa ] tenance actions should be noted.
T , is the absolute temperature [K] • Data should be collected continuously at
φ, is the relative humidity (0to1) a sampling rate of 1Hz or higher. Air
temperature, air pressure, wind turbine
R0 , is the gas constant of dry air
status and precipitation, if measured, may
[287, 05J/kgK]
be sampled at a slower rate, but at least
Rw , is the gas constant of water once per minute.
vapour [461, 5J/kgK]
• The data acquisition system should store
Pw , is the vapour pressure [Pa ]
either sampled data or statistics of data
sets, based on 10min periods, as follows:
Electric power
– mean value,
At this section, the equipment requirements for
– standard deviation,
measuring electrical quantities of the system
are presented. – maximum values and
The net electric power of the wind turbine – minimum values
should be measured using a power measure-
ment device (e.g. power transducer) and In order to ensure that only data obtained
should be based on measurements of current during normal operation of the turbine
and voltage on each phase. The class of are used in the analysis, rejection crite-
the current transformers should meet the re- ria must be adopted and be clearly re-
quirements of IEC 60044-1 and the class of the ported. Data rejection criteria may include,
voltage transformers, if present, should meet but are not limited to, wind speeds out of the
the requirements of IEC 60186. They should operating range of the wind turbine, fault con-
be class 0.5 or better. ditions preventing the normal operation of the
The accuracy of the power measurement de- turbine etc. For the selected data sets, wind
vice, if it is a power transducer, should meet the speeds should be corrected for flow distortion
requirements of IEC 60688 and should be class from site calibration and air pressure should
0.5 or better. If the power measurement device be corrected if measured at a height other than
is not a power transducer then the accuracy close to hub height.
should be equivalent to class 0.5 power The selected data sets should be sorted using
transducers. the method of bins procedure. The selected

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 6 of ??

data sets should at least cover a wind speed density may be determined from measured
range extending from 1m/s below cut-in, to air temperature and air pressure according
1.5times the wind speed at 85% of the rated to the equation:
power of the wind turbine. Alternatively, the
wind speed range should extend from 1m/s B10min
below cut-in, to a wind speed at which ”An- ρ10 min =
Ro T10min
nual Energy Production measured” is greater
ρ10min , is the derived 10min av-
than, or equal to 95% of ”AEP-extrapolated”.
eraged air density
t should be clearly stated which of the two def-
initions has been used to determine the range T10min , is the measured absolute
of the measured power curve. The wind speed air temperature averaged over
range should be divided into 0.5m/s contigu- 10min
ous bins centered on multiples of 0.5m/s. B10min , is the measured air pres-
The database should be considered complete sure averaged over 10 min and
when it has met the following criteria: R0 is the gas constant of dry air
• Each bin includes a minimum of 30min 287, 05J/(kgK).
of sampled data, For a stall-regulated wind turbine with
constant pitch and constant rotational
• The database includes a minimum of
speed, data normalization should be ap-
180h of sampled data.
plied to the measured power output ac-
In case that a single incomplete bin is miss- cording to the equation:
ing, then that bin value can be estimated by
linear interpolation from the two adjacent com- ρ0
Pn = P10min
plete bins. ρ10min
When the process of measurements, in accor- Pn , is the normalized power
dance with all the above criteria is completed, output P10min , is the measured
then the wind turbine power performance power averaged over 10min ρ0 ,
characteristics, such as the power curve and is the reference air density.
the estimated annual energy production (AEP),
can be derived. For a wind turbine with active power con-
trol, the normalization shall be applied to
Data normalization the wind speed according to the equation:

The selected data sets should be normalized r

ρ10 min
to two reference air densities: Vn = V10min 3
• One should be the sea level air den- Vn , is the normalized wind
sity, referring to ISO standard atmo- speed V10min , is the mea-
sphere (1.225kg/m3 ). The other should sured wind speed averaged over
be the average of the measured air den- 10min
sity data at the installation site during
periods of valid data collection, rounded
to the nearest 0.05kg/m3 . No air density Determination of the measured
normalization to actual average air den- power curve
sity is needed when the actual average air
density is within 1.225 ± 0.05 kg/m3 . The measured power curve is determined by
applying the ”method of bins” for the normal-
• Alternatively, the other normalization ized data sets, using 0.5 m/s bins and by
may be carried out to a nominal air den- calculation of the mean values of the normal-
sity pre-defined for the site. The air ized wind speed and normalized power

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 7 of ??

output for each wind speed bin according to Pi is the normalized and averaged power
the equations: output in bin i
Ni F (V ), is the Rayleigh cumulative proba-
1 X bility distribution function for wind speed:
Vi = Vn,i,j
Ni j=1
Ni  2 !
1 X π V
Pi = Pn,i,j F (V ) = 1 − exp −
Ni j=1 4 Vave

Vi , is the normalized and averaged Vave , is the annual average wind speed at
wind speed in bin-i hub height
Vn,i,j , is the normalized wind speed • The AEP should be calculated in
of data set j in bin-i two ways, one designated ”AEP-
Pi , is the normalized and averaged measured”, the other ”AEP- extrap-
power output in bin-i olated”. If the measured power curve
does not include data up to cut-out wind
Pn,i,j , is the normalized power output
speed, the power curve should be extrap-
of data set j in bin-i
olated from the maximum complete mea-
Ni , is the number of 10 min data sets sured wind speed up to cut-out wind
in bin-i. speed.
• AEP-measured should be obtained
Annual energy production (AEP) from the measured power curve by as-
• Generic AEP is estimated by applying the suming zero power for all wind speeds
measured power curve to different refer- above and below the range of the mea-
ence wind speed frequency distributions. sured power curve.
A Rayleigh distribution, which is identi-
• AEP-extrapolated should be obtained
cal to a Weibull distribution with a shape
from the measured power curve by assum-
factor of 2, should be used as the refer-
ing zero power for all wind speeds below
ence wind speed frequency distribution.
the lowest wind speed in the measured
AEP estimations should be made for hub
power curve and constant power for wind
height annual average wind speeds
between the highest wind speed in the
of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 m/s
measured power curve and the cut-out
according to the equation:
wind speed. The constant power used
for the extrapolated AEP should be the
N power value from the bin at the highest
AEP = Nh [F (Vi ) − F (Vi−1 )] . . . wind speed in the measured power curve.
  For all AEP calculations, the availabil-
Pi−1 + Pi
... ity of the wind turbine should be set to
2 100%. For given annual average wind speeds,
estimations of AEP-measured should be la-
belled as ”incomplete” when calculations show
AEP, is the annual energy production that the AEP-measured is less than 95% of the
Nh is the number of hours in one year8760 AEP-extrapolated.
Estimations of measurement uncertainty in
N , is the number of bins terms of standard uncertainty of the AEP,
Vi , is the normalized and averaged wind should be reported for the AEP-measured for
speed in bin i all given annual average wind speeds.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 8 of ??

The uncertainties in AEP, described above, especially for the purposes of process con-
only deal with uncertainties originating from trol and telemetry systems. This chapter
the power performance test and do not take is not an integrated report of the standard,
into account uncertainties due to other but aims to unify the test methods used in
important factors relating to actual en- evaluating transducer performance and
ergy production for a given installation. to specify accuracy limits and output val-
ues for transducers.
Reporting format This standard applies to measuring trans-
ducers used for converting alternating electri-
An important part to complete the procedure is cal quantities such as: Current, Voltage, Active
the presentation of data and processed results. power, Reactive power, Power factor, Phase
The test report should contain the following angle, Frequency, to an output signal.
information: Within the measuring range, the output
signal is a function of the measurand. An aux-
• A description of the test equipment, iliary supply may be needed. This standard
• A description of the measurement proce- applies:
• If the nominal frequency of the input(s)
• Presentation of measured data, lies between 5Hz and 1500Hz

• Presentation of measured power curve for • If a measuring transducer is part of

air density at sea level, a system for the measurement of a
non-electrical quantity
• Presentation of measured power curve for
site specific air density, • To transducers for use in a variety of ap-
plications, such as telemetry and process
• Presentation of measured power curves control and in one of a number of defined
collected under special operational and environments.
atmospheric conditions,

• Presentation of estimated annual energy Class index, permissible limits of

production for air density at sea level, intrinsic error, auxiliary supply
• Presentation of estimated annual energy and reference conditions
production for site specific air density, The class index for a transducer is defined as
shown in the table ??:
• Presentation of measured power coeffi-
Table 1: Relationship between the limits of in-
• Uncertainty of measurement, trinsic error, expressed as a percentage
of the fiducial value, and the class index
• Deviations from the procedure.
0.1 0.2 0.5 1
Electrical measuring limits
transducers - IEC of error ±0.1% ±0.2% ±0.5% ±1%
When the transducer is under reference
Scope: This International Standard is in- conditions, the error at any point between
tended to specify the terminology and def- the upper and lower nominal values of the
initions relating to transducers whose main output signal should not exceed the limits of
application is in electrical power engineering, the intrinsic error given in table expressed as a

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 9 of ??

percentage of the fiducial value 1 When the The nominal value of the output signal
transducer is under reference conditions, the can be obtained for any adjusted value of the
error at any point between the upper and lower measurand within a given range.
nominal values of the output signal should not Adjustment range for transducers which
exceed the limits of the intrinsic error given in can be adjusted by the user:
table expressed as a percentage of the fiducial
value. • for the input voltage: 80...120% of the
Some transducers that are part of the mea- nominal value
suring equipment may need an auxiliary sup-
• for the input current: 60...130% of the
ply. This is specified in two separate cate-
nominal value.
gories, d.c. and a.c. supplies.
As far as the DC supply is concerned: This means that the nominal value of the
• The preferred nominal value of d.c. auxil- output signal can be obtained for any adjusted
iary supplies should be 24V , 48V or 110V . value of the measurand within the ranges given
• The battery supply may be earthed or The lower and upper nominal values
floating. Suitable means should be pro- of the analogue output signals should be
vided in the transducer to ensure isola- chosen from those given below:
tion between the power supply and the
input/output circuits of the transducer. • Output current

• The transducer should withstand any rip- – The signal (4 - 20mA) is preferred.
ple up to a maximum of 10% peak – (0 - 20mA)
to peak, superimposed on the d.c. power
– (0 - 1mA)
– (0 - 10mA)
• The noise fed back to the battery
– (±1 - 0mA)
from the transducer should be limited to
100mV peak to peak when measured with – (±10 - 0mA)
a specified source resistance at all fre-
• Compliance voltage, for variable out-
quencies up to 100M Hz.
put load transducers having a current out-
As far as the AC supply is concerned: put, the value of the voltage appearing
across the output terminals up to which
• The nominal values of voltage, current, the transducer complies with the require-
frequency and auxiliary supply should be ments of this standard.
specified by the manufacturer. For auxil-
iary supply, voltage may be provided by • Output voltage
a separate supply or may be derived from – (0 - 1V )
the measured voltage.
– (0 - 10V )
Requirements – (±1 - 0V )
The nominal values of voltage, current, fre- – (±10 - 0V )
quency and auxiliary supply should be specified
The maximum ripple content in the out-
by the manufacturer.
put signal should not exceed twice the class
Fiducial value: is a value to which reference is made index.
in order to specify the accuracy of a transducer. The Before determining the response time, the
fiducial value is the span, except for transducers
having a reversible and symmetrical output signal
transducer should be under reference condi-
when the fiducial value may be half the span if tions and the auxiliary circuit should be en-
specified by the manufacturer. ergized for at least the pre-conditioning

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 10 of ??

time, unless it is energized from one of the
Table 2: Temperature categories
input quantities and is not separately acces-
sible. The response time should be stated by Minimum Maximum
the manufacturer and should be determined temperature temperature
for an input step such that it would produce -5/40 5 40
a change in output signal from 0% to 90% of -25/40 25 40
the fiducial value. If a test for decreasing -40/40 40 40
input is required, the input step should pro-
duce a change in output signal from 100% to
10% of the fiducial value. – The ambient air is not significantly
The output signal should be limited to a polluted by dust, smoke, corrosive
maximum of twice the upper nominal value. gases, vapours or salt.
When the measurand is not between its lower
– The conditions of humidity are as
and upper nominal values, the transducer
should not, under any conditions, for ex-
ample over-current or under-voltage, produce ∗ The average value of the relative
an output having a value between its humidity, measured during a pe-
lower and upper nominal values. riod of 24h, does not exceed 95%
Transducers should be capable of with-
standing, without damage, exposure to ∗ The average value of the water
temperatures within the range 40C to vapour pressure for a period of
+70C. 24h, does not exceed 2.2kP a.
When the transducer is sealed to prevent ∗ The average value of the rela-
unauthorized adjustment, access to the in- tive humidity, for a period of one
ternal circuit and to the components within the month, does not exceed 90%.
case should not be possible without destroying
the seal. ∗ The average value of the water
vapour pressure, for a period
of one month, does not exceed
Instrument transformers - 1.8kP a.
IEC 60044:2003 • Other service conditions for outdoor trans-
Scope: These parts of IEC 60044 apply to formers.
new inductive voltage transformers and current
transformers for use with electrical measuring – Average value of the ambient air
instruments and electrical protective devices temperature, measured over a period
at frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. of 24h, does not exceed 35C.
– Solar radiation up to a level of
Normal service conditions 1000W/m2 (on a clear day at noon)
should be considered.
• Inductive voltage transformers and cur-
rent transformers that are classified in – The ambient air may be polluted by
three categories as given in table ?? dust, smoke, corrosive gases, vapours
or salt.
• The altitude does not exceed 1000 m.
– The wind pressure does not
• Other service conditions for indoor trans- exceed 700P a (corresponding to
formers: 34m/s wind speed).
– The influence of solar radiation may – Account should be taken of the pres-
be neglected. ence of condensation or precipitation.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 11 of ??

Special service conditions • isolated neutral system (a system where
the neutral point is not intentionally con-
• For installation in a place where the ambi-
nected to
ent temperature can be significantly
outside the normal service condition • earth, except for high impedance connec-
range, the preferred ranges of minimum tions for protection or measurement pur-
and maximum temperature to be specified poses)
should be:
• resonant earthed system (a system in
– −50C and 40C for very cold climates
which one or more neutral points are con-
– −5C and 50C for very hot climates. nected to earth through reactances which
• For installation at an altitude higher approximately compensate the capacitive
than 1000m, the arcing distance under component of a single-phase-to-earth fault
the standardized reference atmospheric current)
conditions should be determined by mul- • earthed neutral system:
tiplying the withstand voltages required
at the service location by a factor k This – solidly earthed neutral system (a sys-
factor can be calculated with the following tem whose neutral point(s) is(are)
equation: earthed directly)
m(H−1000) – impedance earthed neutral system (a
k=e 8150
system whose neutral point(s) is(are)
where, H is the altitude in metres (m = 1 earthed through impedances to limit
for power-frequency and lightning impulse earth fault currents).
voltage, m = 0, 75 for switching impulse
voltage). Ratings for current transformers
• The standard values of rated primary
currents are: 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40,
50, 60, 75 A, and their decimal multiples
or fractions. The preferred values are
those underlined.

• The standard values of rated secondary

currents are: 1A, 2A and 5A, but the
preferred value is 5A.

• The standard values of rated output

up to 30 VA are: 2.5V A, 5V A, 10V A,
15V A and 30V A. Values above 30V A
may be selected to suit the application.

The standard value of rated continuous

thermal current is the rated primary cur-
rent. When a rated continuous thermal current
greater than rated primary current is specified,
the preferred values should be 120% to 150%
Figure 3: Altitude correction factor
and 200% of rated primary current. A rated
short-time thermal current should be assigned
to the transformer.
System earthing
If an inductive voltage transformer or cur-
The considered system earthing are: rent transformer is specified for service at an

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 12 of ??

altitude in excess of 1000 m and tested at an al- and server. In this conjunction, the wind power
titude below 1000 m, the limits of temperature plant information model serves as an interpre-
rise given should be reduced by the following tation frame for accessible wind power plant
amounts for each 100 m that the altitude at data. The wind power plant information model
the operating site exceeds 1000 m: is used by the server to offer the client a uni-
form, component-oriented view of the wind
• Oil-immersed transformers 0.4% power plant data. The information exchange
model reflects the whole active functionality
• Dry-type transformers 0.5% of the server. The lEC 61400-25 series enables
connectivity between a heterogeneous combi-
Communications for nation of client and servers from different man-
ufacturers and suppliers.
monitoring and control of
wind power plants -
Scope: The focus of the IEC 61400-25 se-
ries is on the communications between wind
power plant components such as wind turbines
and actors such as SCADA Systems. Internal
communication within wind power plant com-
ponents is beyond the scope of the IEC 61400-
25 series. The IEC 61400-25 series addresses Figure 4: Conceptual communication model of
vendors (manufacturers, suppliers), operators, the IEC 61400-25 series
owners, planners, and designers of wind power
plants as well as system integrators and utility As depicted in figure ??, the lEC 61400-
companies operating in the wind energy mar- 25 series defines a server with the following
ket. The IEC 61400-25 series is intended to aspects:
be accepted and to be used worldwide as the
international standard for communications in • information provided by a wind power
the domain of wind power plants. The wind plant component, for example, ’wind tur-
power plant specific information describes the bine rotor speed’ or ’total power produc-
crucial and common process and configuration tion of a certain time interval’ is modelled
information. and made available for access. The in-
The lEC 61400-25 series is designed for a formation modelled in the lEC 61400-25
communication environment supported by a series is defined in lEC 61400- 25-2.
client-server model. Three areas are defined,
that are modelled separately to ensure the scal- • services to exchange values of the modelled
ability of implementations: information defined in lEC 61400-25-3.

• mapping to a communication profile, pro-

• wind power plant information models, viding a protocol stack to carry the ex-
• information exchange model, and changed values from the modelled infor-
mation (lEC 61400-25-4).
• mapping of these two models to a standard
communication profile. Terms and definitions
The wind power plant information model Actor: role a system plays in the context of
and the information exchange model, viewed monitoring and control, while it is not directly
together, constitute an interface between client involved in wind power plant operation, such

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 13 of ??

as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition the installed components. This information is
System (SCADA). deemed to be an important knowledge basis
for the control of wind power plants. Thus,
Communication function: used by an ac- wind power plants and external actors shall
tor to configure, perform and monitor the in- meet an essential prerequisite to be able to
formation exchange with wind power plants, exchange information within the framework of
for example operational and management func- monitoring and control: They shall be able to
tion. communicate with the outside world.
Typically, any wind power plant compo-
Protocol stack: particular software imple- nent, which needs to exchange information
mentation of a computer networking protocol with other components and actors, is therefore
suite. The terms are often used interchange- equipped with a so-called intelligent electronic
ably. Strictly speaking, the suite is the def- device (IED), which can send data to exter-
inition of the protocols and the stack is the nal receivers and receive data from external
software implementation of them senders. A wind turbine usually possesses a
wind turbine controller, which is primarily re-
sponsible for the internal monitoring and con-
Overall description trol of the wind power plant component, but
Wind power plant components are tech- also allows external monitoring and control.
nical systems employed in the operation of
wind power plants. They consist of various Communication content
sub-components, which will not be differenti-
Information is the content of the communica-
ated in the following. All wind power plant
tion that takes place within the framework of
components fall within the application area of
monitoring and control. The basic elements
the IEC 61400- 25 series.
are raw data from the wind power plant com-
The information modelled in the IEC 61400-
ponent, which shall be processed into specified.
25 series covers the following corresponding
There are five types of information that can
be differentiated and are important for the
• wind turbine: rotor, transmission, gen- monitoring and control of wind power plants:
erator, converter, nacelle, yaw system,
tower, alarm system. • process information

• meteorological system: meteorological • statistical information

conditions of the wind power plant.
• historical information
• wind power plant management sys-
tem: wind power plant control • control information

• electrical system: wind power plant • descriptive information

grid connection
Process, statistical and historical infor-
mation provide the contents required for the
Generic requirements on communication
monitoring and control of wind power plants;
Wind power plants are monitored and con- this information shall be communicated by the
trolled by various external actors, such as local wind power plants. Process information
or remote SCADA systems, local real time provides information on the behaviour of cer-
build-in control systems, energy dispatch cen- tain complete systems and their components,
tres etc. The objective of the monitoring of on their current states. Statistical informa-
wind power plants is to provide the actors tion is often useful to evaluate the operation
with information on the complete system and of a wind power plant. By using historical

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 14 of ??

Information, it might be possible to track a server to a client, initiated by a
the operational trends in logs and reports. server application process.
Control information is intended to trans-
mit the contents required for the control of
wind power plants, such as access profiles, set • management functions: are required
points, parameters and commands; this infor- for the higher-lever management of the
mation shall first be communicated to wind information exchange. They are used by
power plants by certain actors. Wind power actors to secure integrity of the monitoring
plants shall store control information and pro- and control process. The management
vide this for further communication to sub- functions included are as follows:
Descriptive information is the type and – user/access management: Set-
the accuracy of the information, as well as the ting up, modifying, deleting users
time and the data description. (administratively), assigning access
rights (administratively), monitoring
Communication functions
– time synchronization: Synchroni-
The actors communication for monitoring and sation of devices within a communi-
controlling the wind power plants require spe- cation system.
cial functions to configure, perform and moni-
tor the information exchange with wind power – diagnostics (self-monitoring): This
plants. These functions can be divided into function is used to set up and provide
the following two main categories: for self-monitoring of the communi-
cation system.
• Operational functions: are used by – system setup: Defining how the in-
the actors to obtain information on wind formation exchange will take place;
power plants and to send control instruc- setting, changing and receiving (re-
tions to wind power plants. The opera- trieval) of system setup data.
tional functions include:
– monitoring: operational function Communication model
used for local or remote observation
The lEC 61400-25 series defines a communi-
of a system or o process for any
cation model for the monitoring and control
changes which may occur overtime.
of wind power plants, taking into account all
The term can also be used for ob-
requirements made with reference to the com-
servation of the behaviour of a data
munication, on an abstract level. The com-
value or a group of data values.
munication model comprises three separately
– control: Changing and modifying, defined areas:
intervening, switching, controlling,
parameterisation, optimising of wind • information model
power plants.
• information exchange model
– data retrieval: collecting of wind
power plant data • mapping of the information model and the
– logging: Logging is a function in- information exchange model to standard
tended for sequential recording of communication profiles.
data and events in chronological or- The wind power plant information model
der. The result of the logging is a (see figure ??) provides the contents required
log. for the information exchange that takes place
– reporting: The reporting is a func- within the framework of the monitoring and
tion intended to transfer data from control between client and server.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 15 of ??

the modelling methods are the core of the lEC
61400-25 series. The lEC 61400-25 series uses
the approach to model the information found
in real components as depicted in the concep-
tual overview in figure ??. All information
made available to be exchanged with other
components is defined in the lEC 61400-25 se-
ries. The model provides for the wind power
plant automation system an image of the real
world (power system process, generator, etc.).
The lEC 61400-25 series defines the informa-
tion and information exchange in a way that is
independent of a concrete implementation
(i.e., it uses abstract models). The lEC 61400-
25 series also uses the concept of virtualisation.
Figure 5: Data processing by the server (concep- Virtualisation provides a view of those aspects
tual) of a real device that are of interest for the
information exchange with other devices.
The approach is to decompose the func-
The IEC 61400-25 series utilises the con- tions into the smallest entities, which are used
cept of object modelling to represent the to exchange information. The granularity is
systems and components of a wind power given by a reasonable distributed allocation
plants to communicate with. This means that of these entities to dedicated devices (lED).
all of the components in the real world These entities are called logical nodes (e.g., a
are identified as objects that have data virtual representation of a rotor class, with the
such as analogue values, binary status, com- standardised class name WROT). The logi-
mands and set points and these objects and cal nodes are modelled and defined from the
data are mapped into generic, logical represen- conceptual application point of view. Logical
tations of the real world components as a wind nodes are collected in a logical device repre-
power plant information model. senting for example a complete wind turbine.
Breaking a real world component Based on their functionality, a logical node
down into objects to produce a model contains a list of data (e.g., rotor speed) with
of that object involves identifying all of the dedicated information. The data have a struc-
data and functionality of each component ob- ture and a well-defined semantic (meaning in
ject. Each data has a name and a simple the context of wind power plant systems). The
or complex type (a class) and represents information represented by the data are ex-
data in the device to be read or updated. changed by the services according to the infor-
Instead of dealing with lists of numbered mation exchange services defined.
quantities, an object-modelling approach The logical nodes and the data contained are
lets us organise and define standard names crucial for the information model and the in-
for standard things, independent of the formation exchange services for wind turbines
manufacturer of the equipment. If the equip- to reach interoperability.
ment has a shaft for which the rotational speed The information exchange between server
is available for reading, it has the same and client requires a uniform communication
name regardless of the vendor of that protocol on both sides. A specific mapping
equipment and can be read by any client to a communication profile defines how the
program that knows the information model. objects in the wind power plant information
The information exchange mechanisms model and the functions and services defined
rely on standardised wind power informa- in the information exchange model are imple-
tion models. These information models and mented using a specific protocol stack, i.e. a

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 16 of ??

complete communication protocol. IEC 61400-
25-4 specifies in detail the communication pro-
tocols applied in the IEC 61400-25 series.

Wind power plant information

For modelling purposes, information could be
logical nodes, data or data attributes. Data
consists of data attributes that can be, for
example the value (of a measurand, state, set-
point etc.), accompanying name, time, quality,
accuracy, unit etc.
A wind power plant comprises different types
of information. Besides source data, wind tur-
Figure 6: Structure of wind power plant informa-
bine controllers usually derive a huge amount tion model
of additional information (10 min averages,
alarms, logs, counters, timers, etc.). This valu-
able information is locally stored and available records. The most basic detail of data can be
for future use or analysis. In the table ??, the found in the type-definition of a common data
relations between different information cate- class.
gories are shown and their definition will be
used in the lEC 61400-25 series.
Wind power plant information
Because all the information categories as
listed in Table comprise their own formats and exchange model
properties, the IEC 61400-25 series has to de- The primary objective of the wind power
fine a general wind power plant informa- plant information exchange model defined
tion model. The structure of this top-down in the IEC 61400-25-3 is to exchange informa-
view model is hierarchical and based on the tion provided by the instantiated information
modelling approach as defined in IEC 61850-7-1 model of the various classes, such as Logical
Clause 6 (Modelling approach of the IEC 61850 Nodes, Data, Data Attributes or control blocks.
series) where the basis are described in IEC The IEM defines a server that provides:
61850-7-2:2003, Clause 5. Hierarchical means
that different levels of common informa- • an instance of the wind power plant infor-
tion are distinguished and grouped to- mation model, and
gether into classes. Lower level classes will
automatically inherit properties as specified • required functions including the associ-
by upper level classes. The structure of the ated services (Get, Set, Control, Query,
wind power plant information model is con- Report, etc.) which enable a client to ac-
cisely given in figure ??. Each level will be cess the instantiated information model.
discussed separately in more detail.
The highest level is called Logical Device The IEC 61400-25 series defines the server
(LD), which is decomposed into Logical Nodes role only. A client issues service requests to
(LN). A logical node consists of a collection of the server, by sending request messages, and
related data, called data classes (DC). Each receives response messages or reports from the
data class inherit a collection of proper- server.
ties, as defined by a so-called Common Data A server provides access to its wind power
Class (CDC) to which it is assigned. A com- plant information model instance for multiple
mon data class consists of a collection of data clients, as illustrated in figure ?? . Each client

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 17 of ??

Table 3: Wind power plant information categories

Category Description
Process information
State Discrete information concerning the current condition or behaviour of a
information component or system
status Condition of a component or system (stl/st2/ ..stn)
alarm Statement of safety intervention by for example the turbine control
event State transition (status, alarm, command)
Analogue information Continuous information concerning the current condition or behaviour of
a component or system
measured data (Sampled) value of a process quantity
processed data Measured value, which has been processed (10m-average/. ..)
Three phase data Measured value of a three phase electric power quantity
Control information
Control information Discrete information concerning the current condition or behaviour of a
component or system
command Controllable status for system behaviour (enable/disable,
activate/deactivate etc)
set point Reference value for a process quantity
parameter Controllable value for system behaviour (adjustment)
Derived information
Statistical information The result of applying a statistical algorithm to a set of data.
timing data Total time duration of a specific state
counting data Total number of occurrences of a specific event
characteristic data Properties of information or data observed (min, max, average, std. dev,
Historical information Information about the time passed
log Chronological list of events for a specific period of time
transient log Event triggered chronological list of high resolution source information
for a short period of time.
report Periodical notification comprising the information that represent the
state and data requested in the report control block.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 18 of ??

can, independently of other clients, communi-
cate with the server.

Figure 8: IEM Service models

Figure 7: Client and server role

the real world device are referred to as

The wind power plant information model
the Abstract Communication Service Interface
in the server supports the access services as
(ACSI). The basic methodology of these ser-
depicted in figure ??.
vices is described in detail in IEC 61850-7-1
The focus of the server is to provide data
and 61850-7-2.
that make up the wind power plant information
model. The data attributes contain the values
used for the information exchange. The IEM Service modelling convention
provides services for: The services are generally defined by:

• control of external operational devices or • a set of rules for the definition of mes-
internal device functions sages so that receivers can unambiguously
understand messages sent from a peer,
• monitoring of both process and processed
data, and • the service request parameters as well as
results and errors that may be returned
• management of devices as well as retriev- to the service caller, and
ing the wind power plant information
model. • an agreed-on action to be executed by the
service (which may or may not have an
The wind power plant information model impact on process).
data instances contained in the server can be
accessed by the services Get, Set, Control for All services are based on three message
immediate action (return information, set val- primitives: request, positive response
ues to data, control device or function). and negative response. The request prim-
Reporting and logging provide the means to itive is used by the client to issue a service
autonomously and spontaneously send infor- call to the server and the response primitives
mation from the server to the client issued by allow the server to return information to the
a server-internal event (reporting) or to store client. A positive response primitive indicates
this information in the server for later retrieval that the service agreed-on action was or will
(logging). be executed whereas a negative response indi-
The set of basic services that the communi- cates the action failed to execute or will not
cations interface uses to accomplish the be executed. A message primitive may have a
information exchange between the out- number of parameters, called results and errors
side world and various components of in case of response primitives.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 19 of ??

coding. Depending on the technology of the
communication network, these mappings may
have different complexities, and some ACSI
services may not be supported in all mappings
but where a service is provided in a mapping,
that service shall be equivalent in its meaning
to the same service in the benchmark map-
ping. An application layer may use one or
more stacks (layer 1 to 6).
Architecture of the mappings: Multiple map-
pings may be supported by the IEC 61400-25
series. The conceptual architecture of the map-
pings is shown in figure ??.

Figure 9: EM Service models

Mapping to communication
The specific communication service map-
ping (SCSM) defines how the services and
the models (server, logical devices, logical
nodes, data, data sets, report controls, log con-
trols, setting groups, etc.) are mapped to spe-
cific communication stacks, i.e. to a complete Figure 11: Communication profiles
profile. The mappings and the used applica-
tion layer define the syntax (concrete encoding) The information models and the information
for the data exchanged over the network. exchange models need to be mapped to appro-
priate protocols. Mapping requirements are
defined in IEC 61400-25-4. The protocols TCP
and IP shall be the basic lower layer protocols
provided by all mappings. Specific data link
and physical layers are beyond the scope of the
IEC 61400-25 series.

Communications for
monitoring and control of
wind power plants -
Figure 10: ACSI mapping to communication Information models
stacks/profiles (61400-25-2)
According to figure ??, the SCSM maps the Scope: IEC 61400-25-2 specifies the infor-
abstract communication services, objects and mation model of devices and functions related
parameters to the specific application layers. to wind power plant applications. In particular,
These application layers provide the concrete it specifies the compatible logical node names,

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 20 of ??

and data names for communication between All logical node classes defined in this part
wind power plant components.This includes of the 61400-25 series inherit their structure
the relationship between logical devices, log- from the abstract logical node class (GenLogi-
ical nodes and data. The names defined in calNode) defined in 10.1 of IEC 61850-7:2010.
the IEC 61400-25 series are used to build the
hierarchical object references applied for com-
Table 4: System specific logical nodes
municating with components in wind power
LN Description M/O
Overview of logical node classes LLN0 Logical Node Zero M
The basic information of a wind turbine has LPHD Physical Device M
been standardized. Each component mem- Information
ber of the system devices (wind turbine, con-
trol centre, meteorological system etc.) has
been modelled in a data structure called log- The system specific logical node classes listed
ical node. A logical node is a data holder in table ?? are all mandatory. The logical
that can hold different types of information node zero (LLN0) represents common informa-
related to that component. The different data tion of the logical device, and the logical node
types include status, measurements, control physical device (LPHD) represents common
information and settings. information of the physical devices hosting the
logical device.

Table 5: Wind power plant general logical nodes

LN Description M/O
WTUR Wind turbine general O
WPPD Wind power plant general O
WALM Alarm information O
WMET Meteorological information O
WAPC Active power control O
Figure 12: Relationship of logical nodes information
WRPC Reactive power control O
The following two groups of common logical information
node classes are defined: WSLG State log information O
WALG Analogue log information O
• system specific logical nodes, WREP Report information O
WAVL Availability information O
• wind power plant specific logical nodes. LTIM Time management O

System specific logical nodes shall include

all common information for physical hosting Wind power plant information shall be clas-
devices and wind power independent informa- sified in wind power plant specific logical nodes.
tion. Wind power specific logical nodes shall In principle, classification of wind power plant
inherit at least all mandatory information of information in different logical nodes is an arbi-
system logical nodes. trary process and the modelling method offers

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 21 of ??

flexibility. From the viewpoint of standardisa-
Table 7: Logical nodes for modelling a non-
tion it is preferable that all wind power plant
turbine device
information will be build unambiguously and
in asimilar way. A wind power plant consists
LN Description M/O
of several components, including one or more
wind turbines, which may be modelled as indi-
vidual devices. Table ?? shows the wind power WPPD Wind power plant general O
plant general information breakdown into log- information
ical nodes which are common to a complete WALM Alarm information O
wind power plant. WMET Meteorological information O
WAPC Active power control O
Table 6: Logical nodes for modelling a wind tur-
WRPC Reactive power control O
WSLG State log information O
LN Description M/O
WALG Analogue log information O
WREP Report information O
WTUR General information M WAVL Availability information O
WROT Rotor information M LTIM Time management O
WTRM Transmission information O
WGEN Generator information M
WCNV Converter information O
WTRF Transformer information O information; all alarms shall be collected in a
WNAC Nacelle information M separate logical node.
WYAW Yawing information M
WTOW Tower information O Besides common information for all turbines,
WALM Alarm information M most information will, in practise, be deter-
WMET Meteorological information O mined by the turbine concept, the manufac-
WSLG State log information O turer, the site and the state of the art of tur-
WALG Analogue log information O bine technology. For this reason, as a modeling
WREP Report information O guideline, the data class attribute names rep-
WAVL Availability information O resenting the specific information in the wind
LTIM Time management O power plant specific logical nodes are focussed
on the most prevailing modern wind turbine
concept, namely 3-bladed, variable speed, ac-
tive pitch and gearbox transmission. In case
Table ?? shows the breakdown of o wind tur-
of additional information originated by other
bine into logical nodes to be used. Each model
wind turbine systems or components, new data
of a wind turbine shall include the mandatory
classes or specialised data classes to existing
logical nodes listed in table ??. Despite the fact
LNs could be defined. Additional user-specific
that some logical nodes are optional for use,
LNs could also be defined.
it is recommended in the IEC 61400-25 series
to deviate as little as possible from the logical Standardised names for logical node classes
nodes as proposed in table ?? that follows. are written in capital letters. Data names of
Table ?? shows the wind power plant de- the first level in the hierarchy start with a
vice specific information for non wind turbine capital letter, and attribute names and data
devices break down into logical nodes. names of the second and lower levels in the
As shown in the tables, information is mainly hierarchy with a small letter.
modelled by a set of LN classes, which are
classified by physical turbine decomposition.
A useful practical exception involves alarm

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 22 of ??

Use of logical node classes • Wind power plant specific common data
The logical node classes defined in this part of
the standard and those referenced from other – Setpoint Value (SPV),
standards, have to be instantiated in real sys- – Status Value(STV),
tems. Figure ?? depicts an example of a real
– Alarm (ALM),
wind turbine that uses several instances of log-
ical nodes. – Command (CMD),
– Event counting (CTE),
– State timing (TMS),
– Alarm set status (AST).

• Common data classes inherited from IEC

– Single point status (SPS),
– Integer status (INS),
– Integer status setting (ING),
– Object reference setting (ORG),

Figure 13: Use of instances of logical nodes – Enumerated status (ENS),

– Binary counter reading (BCR),
– Measured value (MV),
Extensions of the information – Phase to ground (neutral) related
model measured values of a 3 phase system
The information model described in this docu-
ment can be extended with additional logical – Phase to phase related measured val-
nodes and data for a particular implementa- ues of a three phase system (WYE),
tion. If a different topology is applied – Controllable single point (SPC),
or more sensors are used for monitor-
ing purposes, the user is free to assign – Controllable integer status (ENC),
relevant information to additional data – Controllable enumerated status (ENC),
names. Any data can be added to any – Controllable analogue process value
logical node. (APC),
– Enumerated status setting (ENG),
Basic concepts of common data
– Logical node name plate (LPL).
Shared properties of a group of data classes (of • Common data classes inherited from IEC
data defined in LNs) are defined in a common 61850-7-3 and specialised:
data class (CDC). A data class inherits all – Device name plate (DPL) → W DP L.
information as specified in its accompanying
common data class attributes. Based on the
Structure of common data classes
wind power plant information requirements, a
set of specific common data classes for wind The abbreviated names of wind power plant
power plants have been specified. specific common data classes are in capitals,
The following groups of common data classes short (3 characters is recommended) and shall
are defined. be unique.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 23 of ??

Inside a common data class, the information Operational functions
of a certain data class is modelled unambigu-
The information exchange models for opera-
ously by a table notation as shown in table
tional functions are as follows:
For the sake of convenience, all common data • association and authorisation model,
class attributes are divided into categories. A
common data class has attributes of the types • control model,
that are explained briefly in table ??.
• monitoring, reporting and logging model.

Communications for
monitoring and control of
wind power plants -
Information exchange
models (61400-25-3)
Scope This part of IEC 61400-25 provides
the information exchange models that can be
applied by a client and a server to access the
content and structure of the wind power plant
information model defined in IEC 61400-25-
2. Also, gives an overview of the information Figure 14: Association and authorisation model
exchange models for operational functions and (conceptual)
management functions.
The requirements to be fulfilled by an as-
sociation between a client and a server are as
Information exchange models follows:
• authentication: determining the iden-
The information exchange models provide ser-
tity of the user/client,
vices for communication functions that are
grouped as follows: • authorisation and access control: en-
sure that the entity has the proper access
• Operational functions, rights
• Management functions. • integrity: messages and the computer
An instance of the wind power plant infor- infrastructure are protected against unau-
mation model of a wind power plant shall be thorised modification or destruction,
accessed by instances of the information ex- • confidentiality: objects of the wind
change models listed in table ??. The first two power plant information model are pro-
columns enumerate the functional groups and tected and only disclosed to appropriate
their information exchange models, which are users/clients,
summarily described in the third column. The
fourth and fifth columns identify which data • non-repudiation: preventing a user/
kinds and transfer principles are applicable for client involved in a data exchange from
each information exchange model. The last col- denying that is participated in the ex-
umn indicates the ASCI service models used change, prevention of denial of device: pre-
for the corresponding information exchange venting a client/server from blocking ac-
models. cess to authorised users

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 24 of ??

Table 8: General table structure of a common data class (CDC)

Data attribute name Type FC TrgOp Explanation and Value / Range M/O
cdc attr. name common data class
cdc attr. name attr type fc description and range
Measured attributes
cdc attr. name attr type fc description and range
Statistical information
cdc attr. name attr type fc description and range
Historical information
cdc attr. name attr type fc description and range
cdc attr. name attr typeA fc description and range
cdc attr. name attr typeB fc description and range
cdc attr. name attr typeC fc description and range
cdc attr. name attr typeD fc description and range
Status/measured attributes and control mirror
cdc attr. name attr type fc description and range
Configuration, description and extension
cdc attr. name attr type fc description and range

Control model: Defines the information ex- Monitoring, reporting and logging model:
change model for operating commands. The The models comprise three independent infor-
control model can only be applied to control mation retrieval methods:
objects and it is used to change the status of
a device or to change the value of a set point • Values can be retrieved on demand by a
or a parameter. the conceptual mechanism of client. This is commonly known as get
the control model is shown in figure ??. or Read; the response will be transmitted
• Values can be reported to the client, fol-
lowing a publisher/subscriber reporting
model. The server is configured (locally
or by means of a service) to transmit val-
ues spontaneously or periodically. The
client receives messages whenever trigger
conditions are met at the server. The pub-
lisher/subscriber model may buffer events
in case the communication link is down
transmit all buffered events in sequence
once the link is operating again, in case
of a buffered report. In case of an un-
buffered report, the delivery of events, in
the case of a communication link failure
Figure 15: Control model is not guaranteed.
• Values can be logged at the device. The

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 25 of ??

timestamps or for all entries after a certain
Table 9: Common data class attributes
Data class Description The reporting and logging models include:
• a Data Set class (DS), for referencing
Data Mnemonic abbreviation of groups of data to be logged or reported,
attribute the common data class
name attribute record • a Control Block class, for controlling the
dynamic behaviour of the information log-
Type Basic (for example INT, ging or reporting, and
BOOLEAN) or composed • a Log class, for definition of log storage.
data type definition
The conceptual information exchange mod-
Functional Label to build groups for els for monitoring, reporting and logging are
constraint efficient information shown in figure ??.
exchange. The list of
functional constraints shall
be as defined in IEC
ST Status information
MX Measurands
SP Setting
SV Substitution
CF Configuration
DC Description
OR Operate received
BL Blocking
EX Extended definition

Trigger Conditional notification that

option a state or value change has
occurred Figure 16: Monitoring, reporting and logging
dchg: data change, model
qchg: quality change,
dupd: data update
Explanation/ Description and range of an Management functions
Range attribute record
The management functions are used to set-up
or evolve a system. The system configuration
Mandate M: Mandatory, O: Optional,
and maintenance include the setting and chang-
ing of configuration data and the retrieval of
configuration from the system. The manage-
ment function models described are as follows:
logging model allows buffering and deliv- • user management/access security model,
ery of events in correct sequence. Logging
values from multiple sources of data my be • setup model,
logged and each source can be configured • time synchronisation model,
independently of other sources. The client
can query the log for entries between two • diagnostic model.

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 26 of ??

The ASCI for wind power plant The access control model provides the capa-
information models bility to restrict the access of a specific client to
class instances, class instance attributes, and
The information exchanges models create an ASCI services acting upon class instances of a
overview of the models required to be compli- specific server.
ant with the IEC 61400-25 series. The basic
information exchange models are depicted in
Figure, illustrating the various components of
Services of
the ASCI services. This figure ?? is used to ReportControlBlockClass
provide a narrative description of how a typical A report control block provides the mechanism
device interacts with the outside world using for spontaneously reporting data values on spe-
these services. The normative definition of the cific criteria. The behaviour of a report control
details of the ASCI models and services are block is determined by the values of its at-
defined in IEC 61850-7-2. tributes. the report control block references
an instance of a data set. The attributes of an
instance of a report control block can be set
or retrieved.
In addition to reporting, the BRCB
provides the functionality to prevent loss of
events even if the communication is tem-
porarily interrupted. With the URBC (UN-
events will be lost in case of communication
The buffered and unbuffered reporting starts
with the configuration of the report control
blocks. The basic buffered reporting mech-
anism is shown in figure ??. The reporting
starts with setting the enable buffer attribute
Figure 17: Conceptual information exchange to TRUE; setting to FALSE stops the report-
model for a wind power plant ing.

Services of association and

The application association model consists of
provisions on how the communication between
the various types of devices is achieved. The
model comprises:

• class definitions of associations, and

• access control concepts.

Figure 18: Buffered report control
The application association model defines
the services provided for managing associations The specific characteristic of the buffered re-
between client and server (two-party applica- port control block is that it continues buffering
tion association). the event data as they occur according to the

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 27 of ??

enabled trigger options in case of, for example, transducers related to electrical power engi-
a communication loss. The reporting process neering, in the context of the abovementioned
continues as soon as the communication is avail- applications. Standards concerning voltage
able again. The buffered report control block and currents transformers used with electri-
guarantees the sequence-of-events (SoE) up to cal measuring instruments are also reviewed
some practical limits (for example, buffer size and presented. Furthermore the information
and maximum interruption time). models as well as the information exchange
models regarding monitoring and control ap-
plications of wind power plants are examined.
Services of The methodology followed at this report en-
LogControlBlockClass and sures that the every part of the information
LogClass flow described and evaluated, adhere to the
respective standards and relevant methodolo-
Figure ?? shows an example of a log and three gies. Having a holistic view of the standards
log control blocks. The first step is to configure and guidelines available, future standardisa-
and enable log control blocks. After enabling tion activities are facilitated and a concise yet
the association with that server may be closed. consistent framework is formulated, carrying
The log entries are stored into the log as they forward the ongoing and future data loggers
arrive for inclusion into the log. The logs are development efforts, both within the Wind Em-
stored in time sequence order. This allows powerment, but also for any interested organi-
retrieval of a sequence-of-events (SoE) list. sation or individual aiming at providing robust,
reliable and IEC compliant data monitoring
and logging services or/and applications.

Figure 19: Log control block

The different log control blocks allow storage

of information from different data sets into a
log instance. Each log control block is inde-
pendent of the other control blocks.

This report attempts to provide a consistent
documentation regarding the internationally
defined methodology and guidelines as far as
the power performance measurement of small
wind turbine applications are concerned, along
with the respective ones for the evaluation of
the accuracy limits and output values for the

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 28 of ??

Table 10: Information exchange models

Functional information Short Information Transfer ASCI service

group exchange description categories principles models
Operational Authorisation Authorisation Short text Data transfer ASSOCIATION
and restriction messages on demand
of access to Command
operational and transfer
Control Control of Setpoints Command CONTROL
operational Commands transfer Set
devices Parameterspoint transfer
Monitoring Monitoring of Measured Periodic data LOGICAL-
current data and data transfer Data DEVICE
change of data Processed transfer on LOGICAL-
of operational data Status demand Event NODE DATA
devices Alarms Events driven data DATA-SET
Timer transfer BUFFERED-
Counter REPORT-
Setpoints CONTROL
Parameters UNBUFFERED-
Time Series REPORT-
Reporting Trigger Histories
and loggingcontrolled Reports
continuous Statistics Curves
scanning and Trends Events
recording of Short text
values and messages
Management Diagnostics Self-monitoring Monitoring,
of devices and reporting
and logging
User and access Setting up users, System specific
management access rights and
Setup Device System specific
Time synchro- Synchronisation SCSM specific
nisation of device clocks

Measurement WG • Reviewing standards for small wind turbines page 29 of ??

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