20 Ordinary Time Aug20

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Psalm 67

Responsorial Psalm - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Year A

Music: Romer Ortega

E A B E

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O God, let all the na - tions prai - se you!

B B

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Cm Gm Fm Cm Gm Fm

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A. May God have pity on us and bless us;

B. may he let his face shine upon us.
C. So may your way be known upon earth;
D. among all nations, your salvation.

A. May the nations be glad

B. and exult because you rule
C. the peoples in equity;
D. the nations on the earth you guide.

A. May the peoples praise you, O God;

B. may all the peoples praise you!
C. May God bless us,
D. and may all the ends of the earth fear him!

© Copyright MMXXIII Romer Ortega. All rights reserved.

Our Lady of the Airways Chamber Singers

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