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Population Activity

Name: Date:

- Paste this worksheet neatly in your book.
- Answer all the questions in your book.
- Swap your book with the person next to you to mark your answers.

1. In your own words, discuss the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic. (2)

2. Provide a definition for each of the following terms:

- birth rate (1)
- population growth (2)
- infant mortality rates (1)

3. Describe how the infant mortality rate is measured. (1)

4. List THREE factors that affect birth and death rates. (3)

5. Until what age is a child considered an infant? (1)

a) 36 months
b) 24 months
c) 18 months

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Population Geography Homework Activity - Grade 7

6. Which two diseases affect infant mortality rates? (1)

a) malaria & ebola
b) ebola & diarrhoea
c) malaria & cholera
d) diarrhoea & cholera

7. Identify THREE factors that affect a person’s life expectancy. (3)

8. Match the descriptions in Column A to the corresponding diseases in Column B. (5)

1. Causes fevers, headaches, blisters, and A. Malaria

2. There is no cure for this virus, but patients B. Diarrhoea

take antiretroviral drugs to prolong their life.

3. This disease affects your lungs and C. Smallpox

breathing; it spreads easily through coughing
and sneezing, but it is curable. It is preventable
by a vaccine.

4. This disease is caused by a parasite that D. Covid-19

lives in blood, and is spread by specific types of

5. A symptom of gastroenteritis caused by a E. HIV/AIDS

viral or bacterial infection.

F. Tuberculosis

G. Cholera


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1. In your own words, discuss the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic.
Epidemic: when a disease is within a country or over a large region and causes the death rate to
Pandemic: when a disease spreads to many countries or continents and has a higher death toll
than an epidemic.

2. Provide a definition for each of the following terms:

- birth rate: the number of live births per 1,000 people in a population per year.
- population growth: increase in the number of people in a population; the birth rate is higher
than the death rate, or more people move into an area.
- infant mortality rates: the number of babies that die before reaching the age of one year.

3. Describe how the infant mortality rate is measured.

It is measured by calculating the number of baby deaths per 1,000 people in a population.

4. List THREE factors that affect birth and death rates.

Disease, the economic situation, climate, attitudes & beliefs, conflict & wars. (ANY 3)

5. Until what age is a child considered an infant?

d. 12 months

6. Which two diseases affect infant mortality rates.

D. diarrhoea & cholera

7. Identify THREE factors that affect a person’s life expectancy.

Education, healthcare, nutrition, housing, pollution levels, types of work people do, and common
diseases. (ANY THREE)

8. Match the descriptions in Column A to the corresponding diseases in Column B.

1 C; 2 E; 3 F; 4 A; 5 B


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