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Evidence: character chronicle

Apprentice: Holman Danilo Flórez Patiño

Comprehensive transportation management technology
File number: 2758130
Chronicle of the Wright Brothers

The Wright brothers, Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright were two aviators, engineers,
inventors and aviation pioneers, generally named together, and recognized
worldwide as those who invented, built and flew the world's first successful airplane,
a short flight, enough to test the plane's travel and control system. Its first flight is
said to have taken place on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, aboard the FlyerI.

The Wright brothers are credited with the first prolonged and verified powered flight,
carried out on December 17, 1903; From then on the evolution of aircraft was
extremely slow. But this was no reason for the inventions of Wilbur and Orville Wright
to stop.

From the first flight of the Wright Flyer, they made three more flights, the best being
the last one with 260 meters covered in 59 seconds. It had a four-cylinder water-
cooled engine that moved a pair of drive propellers through a chain transmission.

Wilbur Wright (Millville, Indiana; April 16, 1867-Dayton, Ohio; May 30, 1912) was an
American businessman, aviator, engineer and inventor.

Orville Wright (Dayton, Ohio, August 19, 1871-ib., January 30, 1948) was an
American businessman, aviator, engineer and inventor. The pioneer of aviation.

The Wrights were very jealous of his invention and did not want to give much
evidence of their device, in fact the photos were always taken from a certain
distance, to prevent revealing the details. This flight was made secretly and without
witnesses, to avoid plagiarism of his new invention, with the only proof being the
word of Orville and his brother.

In 1908, the Wrights took the plane to France where they gave a successful display
to a large audience that was accustomed to seeing short glides and collisions on the
ground. In this way they took the supremacy of the air from Alberto Santos Dumont.
Also in 1911 they made a flight that lasted 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Wilbur died in 1912 and Orville in 1948.

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