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Queen Elizabeth II –
her process of
becoming the queen

- raised
- her activities during
the time her father
was the king

-When she became

the queen herself
-Brief history about
Title: The Daughter of
the Kingdom…
On a quite yet peaceful night, in a big house on
Burton Street, arrived a little girl who was born to
change the history of Britain. Ever since childhood,
Elizabeth was extraordinary. This little girl was keen
to learn swimming and horse riding. Elizabeth was
determined, persistent and an adventurous girl.

As she grew up, her interests advanced. She found

serenity and solace in music and art. This also
enhanced her creativity which helped her develop a
more positive outlook about life. Unexpectedly,
Elizabeth’s uncle resigned from his post as the king
and her life changed because her father was
crowned the King of Britain on December 1936.

During her time as ‘Princess’ Elizabeth, she was

faced with multiple challenges including the
horrifying experience of ‘war’. This was a major
crisis but Princess Elizabeth showed great courage
and unmoved faith. She stood as an example for the
children not only in the United Kingdom but around
the British empire. She along with her little sister,
Princess Margret sent a radio message of hope to
the terrified and homesick children who were sent
away from their parents because of the war. In the
message she showed great honesty by telling the
truth about the war.

Evidence of her courage was not only that, that she

was sending out messages but her actual presence
on the battle field. During this time, she was found
standing by her brave army. Princess Elizabeth
supported the doctors by attending to the wounded
soldiers. This proves that she was a ‘great

Fast forwards to ten years… Princess Elizabeth took

her rightful position as ‘Queen’ Elizabeth. Her reign
extended to more than 70 years. Queen Elizabeth
was the longest living monarch. She brought many
significant changes to the British empire including
‘Equal Pay Act of 1970’ where she gave
opportunities to men and women to earn equally.
Another significant change she bought was starting
English colonies which later became the United

‘Queen Elizabeth’ has inspired young generation

with her persistent and humble nature. Her love for
the children of the British Empire spoke volumes
when she appeared on different television shows.
Descriptive Writing:


1.Use of figurative language
- Similes- Comparisons of unlike objects using like
or as
She is as angry as a tigress
- Metaphors: Comparisons of unlike object
WITHOUT like/as
She is an angry tigress
- Personification: Human qualities to objects
The flames were dancing around the bonfire
- Hyperboles: exaggerated statements to prove a
- Imagery: Sensory language (see, hear, taste,
feel and smell)
The delicious aroma of the freshly baked
cookies called me.

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