Science Reviewer Q3 Grade 9 - Volcanic Eruptions and Geothermal

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Science reviewer -lava (not thick) can distribute a fertile farmland that

causes the place to grow more crops on that specific

Phreatic or hydrothermal- stream- driven eruption -it also add an attraction to the tourist to the areas.
cause by the hot rocks and lava gets in contact. It is
shortly lived, and characterized by ash column but may - it produces electricity= heat create steam when in
be on set of a larger eruption. contact with water and this tur can be used to drive
Phreatomagmatic- violent eruption due to the water and
magma gets in contact. As a result, it create a larger GEOTHERMAL ENERGY
column of very fine ash, high speed and sideway -natural heat on earth captured in fluids trapped in rock
emission of pyroclastic called based surges are observed. formation.
Strombolian- weak to violent eruption and identify as -thousand feet below to surface.
fountain lava.
Generated in two ways:
Volcanian- tallest eruption column that riched 20km
high with pyroclastic flow and ash fall tephra Geothermal powerplants- the heat is used to produced
steam to generate electricity
Plainian- explosive kind of eruption of gas and
pyroclastic. Example of this is Mount Pinatubo in Geothermal heat pumps- used the heat to heat water or
Zambales. provide for buildings.

Volcano eruption
-complex geological system.
There are direct and indirect hazard:
*direct- lava flows, fallout, lahars
*indirect-earthquakes, tsunami, atmospheric effect
-it erupt when it build up pressure of gases inside the
-capable of generating dangerous effect in the form of
lava flows, fallout, and lahars.
-associated with hazard such as seismic shock, tsunami,
and landslides.
-it bring magma on earth’s surface and that is the source
of geothermal energy that harnessed into electrical

How it affect the society?

-catastrophic- tragic event/ extreme unfortune
-extreamly hot lava can damage farmland and towns.
The ash can caused breathing problem and travel
disruption as it lowers visibility.

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