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ICARUS 3 8 , 1 4 8 - 1 5 3 (1979)

Is Bacteriophage ~X174 DNA a Message from an

Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
*Department of Physics, School of Medicine, Kyorin University Hachioji, Tokyo 192, Japan and
tMitsubishi-Kasei Institute of Life Sciences, Machida, Tokyo 19~, Japan
Received May 22, 1978; revised August 30, 1978

We speculate that a simple biological system carrying a message and capable of self-replica-
tion in suitable environments may be one possible channel for interstellar communication.
A preliminary experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that phage ~bX174 DNA
carries a message from an advanced civilization.

Electromagnetic waves are generally A BIOLOGICAL MEDIUM

accepted as the best m e d i u m for interstellar
I t might be possible t h a t a civilization
communication (Cocconi and Morrison,
more a d v a n c e d t h a n ours prepares an
1959; Bracewell, 1960; Drake, 1961;
artificial or artificially modified phage (or
Cameron, 1963; Shklovskii and Sagan,
bacterial) D N A which is capable of pro-
1966; Oliver and Billingham, 1971; Pon-
liferating actively under suitable conditions
n a m p e r u m a and Cameron, 1974; Black
and at the same time carries an intelligent
et al., 1977), and little a t t e n t i o n has been
message encoded in its base sequence. Bio-
paid to other information transfer systems.
chemistry on our planet is still not ad-
So far, 13 projects have been devoted to
vanced enough to synthesize such sophisti-
the search for radio signals which might be
cated biomolecules, but, judging from the
t r a n s m i t t e d to us b y other civilizations
recent progress in biological sciences, it is
(Black et al., 1977). N u m e r o u s discussions
most likely t h a t our civilization will gain
h a v e also been devoted to the a p p r o p r i a t e
enough information to carry out such a
receiving systems and frequencies to be
project within a few decades. I t has already
used. H o w e v e r no scientific a t t e m p t seems
been suggested t h a t there is no technical
to h a v e been m a d e to search for messages
difficulty in sending a phage or micro-
from extraterrestrial intelligence ( E T I ) b y
organism to other stars (Crick and Orgel,
media other t h a n electromagnetic radia-
1973). T h e message-carrying particles en-
tions. capsulated for safety can easily be launched
T h e purpose of this p a p e r is to stress
to other stars directionally or isotropically
t h a t biological media should not be
b y a civilization such as ours.
neglected as possible information exchange
Biological media h a v e certain a d v a n t a g e s
systems between interstellar civilizations,
over electromagnetic waves. The phage or
and to encourage the examination of
certain living systems. A preliminary effort microorganism carrying the message can
has been made to investigate whether or self-replicate after arriving on an ap-
not phage ~bX174 D N A carries a message propriate planet. Unlike long distance tele-
from an a d v a n c e d society. communications, subiect always to signal-

Copyright O 1979 b y Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in a n y form reserved.

to-noise radio problems, biological messages on how m a n y stars share with us a c o m m o n

can be a u t o m a t i c a l l y copied and cover the biochemistry, it m a y be pointed out t h a t
entire planet. Errors occurring in the amino acids found in the Murchison
replication would be excluded, since mu- meteorite were reported to be similar to
t a n t s are expected to be weeded out in so those synthesized in simulated primordial
far as the genetic structure of the phage E a r t h experiments ( K v e n v o l d e n et al.,
(or microbe) is perfectly a d a p t e d to its 1971). If every step in the course of
environment. Essential parts of D N A from chemical evolution was an inevitable event,
such organisms m a y be preserved as long then these steps would be repeated on a
as the ecological niche for the organism is planet with an e n v i r o n m e n t closely resembl-
maintained. ing t h a t of the primitive Earth, giving rise
C o m p a r e d to radiation, biological mes- to life with an identical biochemistry as
sages can be easily received, since they ours. Indeed nucleic acids seem to be the
proliferate over the planet and remain for molecule of choice, intrinsically suited for
a long period after delivery. We were not genetic material due to their tendency to
capable of detecting extraterrestrial radio form base-paired structures. I t is difficult
messages before the late 1950s when to imagine polymers other t h a n nucleic
scientific interest in interstellar c o m m u n i c a - acids which are able to play a similar key
tion was initiated. E v e n at this m o m e n t , we role in a replicating system.
m a y miss m a n y messages from space, be- Therefore it seems to us quite likely,
cause, for example, their frequencies m a y t h a t wherever life is present in the universe,
differ from our expectations. its genetic system is based on nucleic acids
Biological media are free from such or on the related compounds. I t is now
difficult problems as duration time, fre- generally accepted t h a t there are v e r y great
quency and bandwidth, direction and n u m b e r s of stars in the G a l a x y which are
directivity of antennas, and distance. similar to our Sun, and t h a t extrasolar
Moreover, increasing demands on the p l a n e t a r y systems are likewise a b u n d a n t .
radiofrequency s p e c t r u m from communica- For these chemical and astronomical rea-
tions for a society's own purposes would sons, it is not unreasonable to imagine t h a t
eventually impede the detection of signals our kind of biochemistry is c o m m o n in the
f r o m other civilizations. At present on our Galaxy.
planet, astronomers who are interested in
the search for E T I are concerned a b o u t rf ~X174 DNA AS A CANDIDATE
interferences from satellites, balloons, and INTERSTELLAR MESSAGE
aircraft, as well as ground t r a n s m i t t e r s (see
Science 200, 1467-1468, June 30, 1978). Intelligent beings far more a d v a n c e d
Among the weaknesses in biological t h a n we m a y prepare or select a message-
information transfer for interstellar com- carrying D N A , an a t t r a c t i v e molecule for
munication, the most serious one is t h a t the biochemists on Earth, because the sender
message can be sent only to a planet on expects t h a t such a message will be decoded
which the biochemistry is c o m m o n to the early. Perhaps the selected D N A is one
sender. For example, phages or bacteria of the m i n i m u m size DNAs, and is one of
from our planet can be sent to a planet on the most familiar D N A s for the receiver.
which life consists of L-amino acids, Phage ~bX174 is a virus infectious to an
D-sugars, and c o m m o n nucleotide bases. enteric b a c t e r i u m inhabiting the colon of
Proteins on t h a t planet m u s t be synthesized the only intelligent beings on the E a r t h ;
b y using the same genetic code as ours. its genetic material is one of the smallest.
Although it is v e r y difficult to speculate I t is also the first D N A for which the

entire nucleotide sequence has been deter-

mined (Sanger et al., 1977).
There are a n u m b e r of possible objections
to phage ~bX174 as a message carrier: For
instance, p h a g e - h o s t interactions are highly
specific. Viral growth requires a specific
host cell to which the virus is adapted. F r o m
our biochemical v a n t a g e point, it is ex-
tremely difficult to u n d e r s t a n d how a
sender might be capable of predicting the
specific interaction between ~bX174 and
Escherichia coli. However, a superior society
m a y have fully elucidated all relevant
mechanisms and possess a comprehensive
theory of p a r a s i t e - h o s t interactions. I t m a y
not be impossible for such a sophisticated
society to predict the biochemical proper-
ties of a b a c t e r i u m inhabiting the intestines
of other intelligent beings and to design a
phage infectious to this bacteria.
There are hundreds of small phages
infectious to E. coli; ~bX174 is one of them
and the question is which virus, if any,
carries an extraterrestrial message. Some
of these small phages might have diver-
sified from a common ancestor. For in- FIG. 1. Genetic structure of ~174 DNA, modified
stance, phage S13 and G phages are after a figure appearing in Sanger et al., (1977).
closely related to ~X174 (Godson, 1974).
The message m a y be widely copied in those of phages and would only be se-
D N A s of these viruses derived from a quenced long after the sequence deter-
common ancestor, if the message was ruination of small DNAs. I n our society,
encoded in the ancestor's DNA. The serious interest in E T I arose soon after
ancestor might interact less specifically some f u n d a m e n t a l understanding of the
with some intestinal bacteria, and the structure of matter, the Universe, and
specificity to host strain and efficient living systems. Perhaps these scientific
growth could be established through an developments and the search for E T I are
evolutionary divergence after arriving on closely interrelated in a n y intelligent
this planet. I n this case, it m a y be easier society. One of the smallest phages could
t h a n we ordinarily think for the sender to be a more likely messenger candidate t h a n
predict the biochemistry of E. coli, which a microorganism, because the sender ex-
is necessary to prepare the messenger. pects t h a t the D N A of a small phage can
As a biological message carrier, bacteria be sequenced at a time when the interest
(especially autotrophs), algae, fungi, and in detecting other intelligences is rapidly
their spores are free from the a b o v e - m e n - growing in the receiver's academic world.
tioned difficulty of the p h a g e - h o s t specif- F r o m these considerations, 0X174 m a y
icity, because they are self-replicating be thought, along with other small viruses,
without direct aid of other living species. to be one of the most likely candidates.
However, their D N A s are m u c h larger t h a n Using D N A of this phage, we a t t e m p t e d to

GAA TGG AAC AAC TCA CTA A#~A ACC AAG CTG TCG preserved b y strong evolutionary pressure
On the other hand, the so-called spacer
sequence, between two adjacent genes,
might be changeable without a n y serious
evolutionary conse~tuence, so t h a t , if a
message is encoded in this region, the error
AGA TTG AGG CTG GGA AAA GTT ACT GTA GCC GAC rate will increase m a r k e d l y with time.

GGC GTA TCC AAC CTG CAG AGT TTT ATC GCT TCC A preliminary trial was made based on
the suggestion proposed b y D r a k e (1974;
FIG. 2. One hundred and twenty one triplet see also Shklovskii and Sagan, 1966) t h a t
codons from the A protein reading frames, which one of the probable types of interstellar
are utilized in overlap to code the B protein. The B message would be a two-dimensional pic-
protein, composed of 120 amino acid residues, is ture. We find t h a t the n u m b e r of amino
coded by this sequence except for the first two and
acid residues of the A protein of which
the last nucleotide bases (Sanger et al., 1977). The
four DNA nucleotides are represented by their triplet codons are, totally or at least
conventional symbols, A, G, C, and T. partially, used to encode the B protein, is
121, t h a t is, the square of the prime n u m b e r
decode a possible interstellar message 11. This fact enables us to arrange the
carried b y a biomolecule. We consider this sequence into an 11 X 11 square array.
exercise a p r o t o t y p e for future such efforts. T h e 363 nucleotide sequence of this region
A r e m a r k a b l e feature in the genetic of ¢X174 D N A is listed in Fig. 2.
structure of ~X174 D N A is the presence T h e r e are several ways to draw a two-
of overlapping genes (Fig. 1) (Sanger et al., dimensional picture from the sequence in
1977). T h e coding sequence for the B Fig. 2. T a k i n g into an account the de-
protein is totally contained in t h a t for the generacy of the genetic code, it will be
A protein. T h e reading frame for the B relatively easy for the sender to encode a
protein is shifted from t h a t for the A message in the third nucleotides of the A
protein. Similarly the gene for E is con- protein reading frame or the second nucleo-
tained in the coding sequence of the D tides, which are the third in the B protein
protein. At present, it is quite difficult to coding frame. H o w e v e r to minimize the
explain the origin and evolution of over- error rate, it is b e t t e r to encode the message
lapping genes in t e r m s of molecular evolu- in the first nucleotides of the A f r a m e
tion. However, as one possible explanation, ( = t h e second nucleotides of the B), since
it might be reasonable to speculate on an change in these nucleotides m a y cause
artificial origin, t h a t is, t h a t this D N A was catastrophic m u t a t i o n s in b o t h the A and
synthesized b y a v e r y a d v a n c e d technology. B protein reading frames.
Concerning the site where the message First, three 11 X 11 a r r a y s consisting of
is most likely to be encoded, the sequence the first, second, and third nucleotides,
for overlapping genes seems the most respectively, of the sequence shown in Fig.
probable candidate. M u t a t i o n s occurring 2, were painted using four different colors
in this area tend powerfully to be eliminated to recognize the distribution p a t t e r n of
b y selection, since a single change in the the four nucleotide bases. No meaningful
sequence m a y affect the chemical structures image emerged from these "color-blind
of the two proteins simultaneously. Mes- test charts." Next, we a t t e m p t e d to convert
sages encoded in this sequence m a y be the nucleotide sequence into a binary

C f

FIG. 3. Possible two-dimensional pictures constructed from the sequence listed in Fig. 2. The
first (a, d), second (b, e), and third (c, f) nucleotides were arranged in 11 X 11 arrays, respectively.
These letters were put in order from top left to bottom right as in writing an English sentence.
In pictures a-c, dark squares were given to purine bases; in d-f, guanine and cytosine were as-
signed dark squares.

s y s t e m . One s y s t e m we h a v e d e s i g n a t e s t h e On t h e s e a r r a y s , w e m i g h t h a v e f o u n d
p u r i n e s , a d e n i n e a n d g u a n i n e , as 1 a n d t h e a s i m p l e m a r k s u c h as cross, X , s q u a r e , o r
p y r i m i d i n e s as 0. A l t e r n a t i v e l y , g u a n i n e t r i a n g l e . T h e figure m a y h a v e p a r t l y b e e n
a n d c y t o s i n e , a c o m p l e m e n t a r y p a i r , were d e s t r o y e d or d i s t u r b e d d u e t o b a s e r e p l a c e -
d e s i g n a t e d as 1, a n d 0 w a s a s s i g n e d t o t h e ments (mutations) over the long period
o t h e r b a s e pair. I m a g e s t h u s o b t a i n e d a r e a f t e r t h e m e s s a g e - c a r r i e r is h y p o t h e s i z e d t o
i l l u s t r a t e d in Fig. 3. h a v e a r r i v e d on t h i s p l a n e t . S u c h s i m p l e

figure (s) would tell us t h a t somewhere and bacterial plasmid D N A sequences, when
sometime there existed an advanced completed.
civilization other t h a n our own. No more
elaborate information concerning the
sender's society could be incorporated in The authors are grateful to Dr. Kamaluddin,
Mitsubishi-Kasei Institute of Life Sciences, for
so short a message as an 11 X 11 array.
his valuable discussions in preparing the manuscript.
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