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1. IELTS HANDWRITING ................................................................................................... 3

2. VOCABULARY FOR IELTS WRITING TASK 1 .......................................................... 4

3. VOCABULARY FOR IELTS WRITING TASK 2 .......................................................... 6

4. ACADEMIC WORDS FOR TASK 2 ............................................................................... 8

5. IDIOMS AND PHRASES ............................................................................................... 15

6. USEFUL SENTENCE PATTERNS ................................................................................ 23

7. LIST OF CONNNECTORS FOR WRITING TASK 2 ................................................... 48

8. IELTS ESSAY STRUCTURES ...................................................................................... 51

9. IELTS SPEAKING .......................................................................................................... 57

10. IELTS READING AND LISTENING CONVERSION ............................................... 61

Nguồn: IELTS Macmillan 2017

The IELTS exam is handwritten and good handwriting counts (e.g.). In the Writing
criterion of Coherence and Cohesion, a candidate only gets a Five if any of his or her
handwriting is too hard to read. Illegibility affects the flow of meaning, or the coherence.

Examiners read from six to twelve Writing scripts at a time. In some countries, like China,
they have a lot more. This means they process between 3,000-12,000 words per exam.

As you can imagine, examiners enjoy scripts that are easy to read, both in terms of level
and appearance. There is almost always a correlation between the neatness of a script and a
candidate’s band score: the neater the writing, the higher the score. This does not mean that
candidates should avoid correction – crossing-out or erasing. A candidate may even add a
whole sentence or paragraph, indicating its position in the text with an arrow. Scripts
which show evidence of editing are always better than those where nothing has been

In general, IELTS handwriting is fine. However, some is hard to decipher, and annoying to
do so. Sometimes words are too small; other times they are too large, which could lead to
too few words written. A person who is trying to disguise the fact of giving a short answer
may write large, or on alternate lines. A candidate automatically loses marks for Task-
Fulfillment if the word limits are not reached.

If a candidate’s first language is Arabic, for example, the Roman letters of English may be
ill-formed. There are often problems with capitals, either unused, or used in apparently
random fashion. Vowels may be missing; letters may be in the wrong order. Naturally, the
candidate goes down in vocabulary with these problems. French or German writers may be
messy because their own education systems place less emphasis on handwriting. A few
candidates write crudely, like children, and this may affect how the examiner views their
content: is it juvenile as well?

Recently, a handful of candidates have been including texting abbreviations or symbols,

like ‘R U up 4 it?”, or : ), which are not suitable, particularly in academic writing.

Remember, IELSTS is an exam for tertiary study, immigration, or registration with

professional bodies. It is serious and life-changing. Examiners want to assess fairly what
candidates have to say, and not be distracted by poor handwriting, childishness, or
inappropriate language.

Currently, there is talk of all IELTS exams being done on computers, so there would be no
issue of handwriting. But, for now, handwriting counts.

Nguồn: OUP, CUP, Kaplan, Macmillan, Person Longman,
IELTS Express

Making an overview statement

We can see from the chart/table …
The chart/table shows (us that) …
Introducing an overall trend
From an overall perspective …
Looking at the figures, we can see that …
One of the first things to note is that …
It is (generally) true to say that …
One thing that clearly stands out is …
Introducing a point of interest
It is interesting to see that …
A striking point is that …
Interestingly/Surprisingly …
Introducing supporting details
For example …; For instance …
More specifically …; Moreover …
This fact is borne out (by the figures) when we look at …
Comparing data
There is three times as much X as Y
In comparison to X, Y is …
The former/latter …
The percentage/amount/quantity of X is (not) –er than Y
There are (slightly/significantly) more/fewer X than Y
There are twice as many X as Y
just above/over/under/below

a little/slightly less/more than …
Describing trends
(The figures) increased/rose/went up from … to …
(The figures) decreased/dropped/fell from … to …
… dramatically/sharply/significantly/steadily/gradually/slightly/slowly, …
… over the year/in the same period/between X and Y.
There is/was a steady/gradual/sudden …
There is/was a(n) (upward/downward) trend
There is/was little/no change
… rise/increase between/from … to …
… fall/decrease/drop/dip/decline between/from … to …
… fluctuated between …
… reached a peak/high/low point of …
… doubled/tripled within (the period)
… levelled off; … remained (fairly) constant/stable
Time referencing
From the beginning of this period
From then until March; Between March and June …
During this period …; … ending the year …
Once/When/As soon as
Making forecasts
The trend looks set to continue
.. is/are/seems likely to …; … is/are estimated to …
… is/are predicted to …

IELTS sources: PBS Edu, OUP, CUP

Presenting an impartial opinion

It is often argued/said that …
It is generally agreed that …
Some/Many people believe/say/think/feel/argue that …
Outlining contrasting views
Despite claims that …
While/Whereas it may be true that …, on the other hand …
On the other side of the argument, …
However/Nevertheless/Despite (the fact that) …
Refuting an argument
Although some believe that …, we should consider …
Critics may say … . However, …
It could be argued that …; It is difficult to accept this as …
While it might be argued that …, the truth of the matter is …
Though it is true that …, we should also bear in mind that …
Describing cause and effect
As a result, …;
This means that …
Providing supporting evidence
From my experience …
A good example of this …
For instance …
But this not the case for …
… highlights the point
Attributing cause
Awing to …/On account of …/Due to …

Linking arguments/reasons
Furthermore/Moreover/In addition …
For one thing …, for another …
Giving a personal opinion
In my opinion, …
I (generally) agree that …
I think that it’s reasonable to say that …
I tend to think that …
In short/conclusion/summary …
To conclude/summaries/sum up …
Overall, I think the most important thing is …


Amazing incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic,

astonishing, astounding, extraordinary
Anger enrage , infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden
Angry mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated,
aroused, inflamed
Answer reply, respond, retort, acknowledge
Ask question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to,
demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz
Awful dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant
Bad evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated,
spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior,
imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable,
disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible,
atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister,
putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base,
obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly,
Beautiful pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid,
magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite,
aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly,
resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparkling
Begin start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate
Big enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large,
sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample,
broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainous
Brave courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic,
valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome
Break fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize
Calm quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed,
collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof

Cool chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigid
Crooked bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag
Cry shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawl
Cut gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop,
lop, reduce
Dangerous perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafe
Dark shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black,
dismal, sad
Decide determine, settle, choose, resolve
Definite certain, sure, positive, determined, clear, distinct, obvious
Delicious savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, scrumptious, palatable,
delightful, enjoyable, toothsome, exquisite
Describe portray, characterize, picture, narrate, relate, recount, represent,
report, record
Destroy ruin, demolish, raze, waste, kill, slay, end, extinguish
Difference disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility
Do execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish,
achieve, attain
Dull boring, tiring,, tiresome, uninteresting, slow, dumb, stupid,
unimaginative, lifeless, dead, insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless,
expressionless, plain, monotonous, humdrum, dreary
Eager keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive to
End stop, finish, terminate, conclude, close, halt, cessation, discontinuance
Enjoy appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in,
relish, devour, savor, like
Explain elaborate, clarify, define, interpret, justify, account for
Fair just, impartial, unbiased, objective, unprejudiced, honest
Fall drop, descend, plunge, topple, tumble

False fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous,
deceptive, groundless, fallacious
Famous well-known, renowned, celebrated, famed, eminent, illustrious,
distinguished, noted, notorious
Fast quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, mercurial, swiftly, rapidly,
quickly, snappily, speedily, lickety-split, posthaste, hastily,
expeditiously, like a flash
Fat stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, paunchy, plump, full, rotund, tubby,
pudgy, chubby, chunky, burly, bulky, elephantine
Fear fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic,
Fly soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruise
Funny humorous, amusing, droll, comic, comical, laughable, silly
Get acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate,
win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up,
accept, come by, regain, salvage
Go recede, depart, fade, disappear, move, travel, proceed
Good excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited,
suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious,
obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved,
obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable,
advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, valid, genuine, ample,
salubrious, estimable, beneficial, splendid, great, noble, worthy, first-
rate, top-notch, grand, sterling, superb, respectable, edifying
Great noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, remarkable, grand, considerable,
powerful, much, mighty
Gross improper, rude, coarse, indecent, crude, vulgar, outrageous, extreme,
grievous, shameful, uncouth, obscene, low
Happy pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, elated, joyful, cheerful,
ecstatic, jubilant, gay, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful, overjoyed
Hate despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate
Have hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear,

beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoy
Help aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve,
succor, benefit, befriend, abet
Hide conceal, cover, mask, cloak, camouflage, screen, shroud, veil
Hurry rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustle
Hurt damage, harm, injure, wound, distress, afflict, pain
Idea thought, concept, conception, notion, understanding, opinion, plan,
view, belief
Important necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, significant,
primary, principal, considerable, famous, distinguished, notable, well-
Interesting fascinating, engaging, sharp, keen, bright, intelligent, animated,
spirited, attractive, inviting, intriguing, provocative, though-
provoking, challenging, inspiring, involving, moving, titillating,
tantalizing, exciting, entertaining, piquant, lively, racy, spicy,
engrossing, absorbing, consuming, gripping, arresting, enthralling,
spellbinding, curious, captivating, enchanting, bewitching, appealing
Keep hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, support
Kill slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolish
Lazy indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggish
Little tiny, small, diminutive, shrimp, runt, miniature, puny, exiguous,
dinky, cramped, limited, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, slight, petite, minute
Look gaze, see, glance, watch, survey, study, seek, search for, peek, peep,
glimpse, stare, contemplate, examine, gape, ogle, scrutinize, inspect,
leer, behold, observe, view, witness, perceive, spy, sight, discover,
notice, recognize, peer, eye, gawk, peruse, explore
Love like, admire, esteem, fancy, care for, cherish, adore, treasure, worship,
appreciate, savor
Make create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate,
manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose,
perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, get
Mark label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace, imprint, stamp, brand,
sign, note, heed, notice, designate

Mischievous prankish, playful, naughty, roguish, waggish, impish, sportive
Move plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle,
walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run,
sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze,
whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot,
scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry, hump, gallop, lope,
accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin,
slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble,
stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate,
waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lunge
Moody temperamental, changeable, short-tempered, glum, morose, sullen,
mopish, irritable, testy, peevish, fretful, spiteful, sulky, touchy
Neat clean, orderly, tidy, trim, dapper, natty, smart, elegant, well-
organized, super, desirable, spruce, shipshape, well-kept, shapely
New fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recent
Old feeble, frail, ancient, weak, aged, used, worn, dilapidated, ragged,
faded, broken-down, former, old-fashioned, outmoded, passé, veteran,
mature, venerable, primitive, traditional, archaic, conventional,
customary, stale, musty, obsolete, extinct
Part portion, share, piece, allotment, section, fraction, fragment
Place space, area, spot, plot, region, location, situation, position, residence,
dwelling, set, site, station, status, state
Plan plot, scheme, design, draw, map, diagram, procedure, arrangement,
intention, device, contrivance, method, way, blueprint
Popular well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite, celebrated, common, current
Predicament quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jam
Put - place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect,
achieve, do, build
Put place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect,
achieve, do, build
Quiet silent, still, soundless, mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, restful
Right correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, honest, upright, lawful,
moral, proper, suitable, apt, legal, fair

Run race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, dash, rush, escape, elope, flee
Say/Tell - inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal,
disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct,
insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm,
suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce,
deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper,
sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow,
thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize,
stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow,
content, assure, deny, dispute
Scared afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved,
insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed,
troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified, haunted,
timorous, shrinking, tremulous, stupefied, paralyzed, stunned,
Show display, exhibit, present, note, point to, indicate, explain, reveal,
prove, demonstrate, expose
Slow unhurried, gradual, leisurely, late, behind, tedious, slack
Stop cease, halt, stay, pause, discontinue, conclude, end, finish, quit
Story tale, myth, legend, fable, yarn, account, narrative, chronicle, epic,
sage, anecdote, record, memoir
Strange odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon, queer, weird,
outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregular
Take hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select,
prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract,
recall, assume, occupy, consume
Tell disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform,
advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, recount, repeat
Think judge, deem, assume, believe, consider, contemplate, reflect, mediate
Trouble distress, anguish, anxiety, worry, wretchedness, pain, danger, peril,
disaster, grief, misfortune, difficulty, concern, pains, inconvenience,
exertion, effort
True accurate, right, proper, precise, exact, valid, genuine, real, actual,
trusty, steady, loyal, dependable, sincere, staunch

Ugly hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant,
monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain,
homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesome
Unhappy miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor,
downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum,
gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sad
Use employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exercise
Wrong incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable


Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage

ABC Basics of anything He doesn’t even know the
Achilles heel Weak point of someone I got to know his Achilles heel
and so acted accordingly to
get my work done
Acid test Final and most difficult Passing an IELTS exam is an
test ACID TEST for non-native
speakers of English
All in all Entirely, completely He multi- talented and so is
considered ALL IN ALL in
his office.
A hard nut to crack To solve a difficult Clearing the exam of PCS is a
A drop in the Ocean Very trivial To know about any language
in few days is like knowing
about a drop in an ocean
A bed of Roses Easy situation Life is not always a bed of
At a stretch In continuity without any None can work for so long at a
break stretch
At stake At risk His job is at stake because of
his disloyalty towards the boss
Rely on Trust on You can rely on me in our
personal matters this won’t
Be in the good books To have a good Her leave is sanctioned
impression immediately since she is in the
good books of her authorities
Blue- Collar job Job with Manual Work People in gulf counties survive
on blue collar jobs for their

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
Born with a silver Taking birth in a rich Since he is born with a silver
spoon family spoon in his mouth, he can
understand the harsh realities
of life
Bread and butter Source of livelihood It is really a very difficult task
to earn a livelihood in this
tough competitive world
Break down Not in order/stops The bus by which I was going
functioning to Delhi Broken out on the
Bring to light Open/disclose/reveal I have to bring to light the
fraud you have done in this
Burning issue Important issue needs to Dowry is a burning issue in
be discussed the society these days.
Burst out Takes place suddenly The scarcity of food was
By hook and or by By all means You have to achieve your
crook target by hook or by crook
By leaps and bounds Rapidly The enrolment in my school is
increasing by leaps and
Carry on To continue Please carry on your work in
the way you are doing

Cat and dog life A life of arguments and After spending a couple of
fights years together, few start living
a cat and dog life
Child’s play Something very easy to do Getting good band score in
IELTS is not a child’s play.
Coining money Making large sum of He is coining money in his
money business of transport.
Come to an end Stop His struggle did not come to

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
an end despite of his repeated
Cope up To deal with something Music is such a stress buster to
help cope up with
Cup of tea Easy Getting 7 band in IELTS is not
everybody’s cup of tea
Cry for the moon Wish for something Solving the issue of global
impossible warming is to cry for the
Cut throat competition Tough competition There is a cut throat
competition these days in
every field.
Dig one’s own rave To ruin one own self You are suggested not to dig
yours own grave by cheating
your owner.
Draw back To go back from your own He drew back his name from
words the competition.
Eleventh hour Last moment He revealed his inability to do
the task at eleventh hour.
Every now and then So often He talks about his teacher
every now and then
Fair weather friends Friends only in good times A fair weather friend is
recognized at the time of
Fed up Bored I have got fed up with your
useless and repeated excuses
Flora and fauna Plant and animal life We should protect the flora
and fauna of this world.
From hand to mount With little income He is so honest that in spite of
working hard, he is still from
hand to mouth.
From pillar to post From one place to another His son ran from pillar to post

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
to get compensation after his
father’s death.
Get rid of To be free or relieved I have made many efforts to
get rid of this bad habit of
Gift of the gab Quality to persuade others Good sales people have gift of
the gab.
Give up Leave/stop I gave up my plan of going to
Go through To check in detail Please go this report and let
me know in case you find any
Do haywire To work in a crazy and Everything was going
disordered way smoothly until the computer
started to go haywire.
Go hand in hand Share connection and Crime goes hand in hand with
togetherness unemployment.
Grease the palm To bribe To grease the palm has
become customary these days
in many departments to get the
work done.
Have the upper hand Have control He tries to have the upper
hand in whatever he does.
Have too many tongs in To stay busy in many Those who have so many
the fire enterprises at the same tongs in the fire, hardly find
time any time for their own self.
Have and have – nots The rich and the poor The difference between the
haves and have-nots always
persists in the society.
Hustle and bustle Busy and noisy Hustle and bustle of the
environment market is worth seeing on
festive seasons.

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
In full swing In full progress Though I reached late for the
party but found it in full
In hot water In problematic situation His rude behaviour with his
friend has put him in hot
In vogue In latest trend Ankle length jeans are in
vogue these days.
Ins and outs All the details He knows all the ins and outs
of his business.
Jack of all trades Master of everything Nobody can be jack of all
Kill time Waste time Do something productive
instead of killing your time
Kith and kin Friends and relatives It’s important to be in good
terms with your kith and kin.
Knock down Demolish/destroy Old monuments should be
renovated instead of being
knocked down.
Let down Feel low I will do everything but never
let my parents down.
Look after Take care My elder brother has looked
after me like my father.
Make fun of To laugh at/to ridicule Everyone made fun of him
because of the dress he was
Make up one’s mind To decide something I have made up my mind of
going to Australia.
Mess up Spoil He was busy so messed up our
plan of out.

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
Nip in the bud To put an end to The scheme launched by the
something before it authorities was excellent but
develops few selfish people nip that in
the bud.
Off and on From time to time I read this column in the
newspaper off and on.
Off the rails Disorganized
On last legs Near the death bed He signed his will when he
was on his last legs.
On the top of the world Very happy I was on the top of the world
when came to know about my
distinction in matriculation.
Once in a blue moon Very rarely Children these days visit the
libraries once in a blue moon.
Out of date Obsolete I discard my dresses
immediately which are out of
Pass away Expire His grandfather demised at the
age of 80.
Pile up Accumulate He has piled up all his books
on his study table.
Play tricks Ditch Those who play tricks in their
lives can never be successful.
Play with fire Take risk He always accepts challenges
and so plays with the fore.
Pros and cons Merits and demerits One should check the pros and
cons before undertaking any
Red letter day Memorable day This award winning day is the
red letter day in my life.
Run after To follow Kids run after their parents

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
these days to grab different
Sailing in the same boat In the same conditions Being best friends, our worries
are also incidentally same, we
both are sailing in the same
Selling like hot cakes Selling too quickly Novel of ChetanBhagat sell
like hot cakes.
Show one’s true colour To show one’s real She showed her true colours in
character her work tenure of one month
Sixth sense Intuition We will sure succeed as my
sixth sense is indicating me.
Sooner or later With time You have to accomplish this
task sooner or later.
Spick and span Neat and clean I always love to live in spick
and span place,
Stab in the back To cheat or ditch His close relative stabbed in
his back and snatched
everything from him.
Strain every nerve Try everything He strained his every nerve to
run his business well.
Take a stand To support His brother always take his
stand in all situations
Take for granted Fail to properly appreciate I wish you didn’t take me for
some person because of granted.
over- familiarity.
Take pains To take care with My teacher took pain s to
immense efforts improve my English and I
responded well.
Thick and thin In all sweet or bitter Husband and wife take oath to

Idioms and phrases Meanings Usage
conditions stand by each other in every
thick and thin.
Tug of war Struggle between two Tug of war is seen between
teams for supremacy two political parties during
Turning point Something that bring a big Death of his wife brought a
change turning point in his life.
Ups and downs Both good and bad I have gone through many ups
experience and downs in my life.
White collar job Office hob/sitting job Student in foreign countries
find it hard to get white collar


6.1. Sentence Patterns Introducing Topics and Thesis Statements

1. Admittedly, both sides are reasonable, but they are one-sided.
2. Admittedly, there are merits to both arguments.
3. Advocates of____________ proclaim that__________
4. All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to decide which one
is more reasonable.
5. Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to
our attention, one of which is that ____________
6. Along with the rapid development of society, remarkable changes have taken
place in
7. And a new problem has arisen:____________
8. ____________ and____________ are two totally different ideas that have
caused a heated debate over a long period of time.
9. As a result, some people even suggest that____________
10. As one of the most important inventions of the 20th century, ____________has
a wide application in all aspects of our lives.
11. As society advances, people’s demands have become increasingly diversified.
12. As society develops, people are attaching much importance to ____________
13. As the proverb goes, “Every coin has its two sides.”. ____________is no
14. As the proverb goes, “So many people, so many minds”. It is quite
understandable that people from different backgrounds put different
interpretations on the same issue.
15. As to how to _______________, people put forward various suggestions.
16. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different
17. As to whether it is worthwhile ____________, there is a long-running and
controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds
may have divergent attitudes towards it.
18. As we know,____________bring many benefits and conveniences to people.
19. At present, some people thing ____________, while others
claim____________. Both sides have their merits.

20. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both
21. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the
arguments on both sides.
22. Both patterns of ____________ present advantages and disadvantages.
23. Both sides of the argument have very strong feelings and sound reasons.
24. Both sides of the questions are well supported by sound reasons.
25. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate
26. But other people set forth a totally different argument about this case.
27. But others hold the view that ____________
28. But others, on the other hand, contend that ____________
29. But people who advocate____________, on the other hand, argue that
30. But people who are____________, on the other hand, maintain that
31. But there are also people who are strongly opposed to ____________
32. Despite the advantages ____________ has, some people claim we shall not lose
sight of its adverse effects on __________________
33. Everything has a good side a bad side, and ____________ is no exception.
34. Everything in the world has its own two sides. Without exception,
____________ has both advantages and disadvantages.
35. For years, ____________has been seen as ____________ But things are quite
different now.
36. ____________ has caused significant changes in family life and education.
Some of these changes have been beneficial while others have been adverse.
37. ____________ has done wonders for the economy.
38. However, as to whether it is a blessing or curse, there arises a heated debate
among people with different backgrounds.
39. However, like anything else, ____________ has more than one face.
40. However, recently this phenomenon has triggered a heated discussion as to
whether ____________
41. However, some others argue that __________________

42. However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view
concerning this case.
43. However, there are also some others who contend that ____________
44. However, there is a good side and a bad side to everything
__________________is no exception.
45. However, views on this issue vary from person to person.
46. However, with the advance of human civilization, there is an increasing number
of people who have raised doubts about whether ____________
47. I strongly suggest that effective steps be taken as soon as possible to protect the
community from the adverse impacts of ____________
48. In a modern society, people have the freedom to choose
__________or__________ Although they normally coexist peacefully, they
deserve some close examination.
49. In my mind. The following factors need to be taken into consideration.
50. In order to minimize the negative effects described above, people set forth
different solutions, and here I would explore only two key measures.
51. In recent years, an increasing number of people have begun to challenge against
the existing practice of__________. They argue that __________.
52. In recent years, there are a growing number of people who __________
53. In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a
54. In these days, the issue of whether __________ has aroused people’s
55. Inevitably, on the other side, there are others who strongly advocate the practice
of __________
56. __________ is rapidly gaining its popularity all over the country.
57. It becomes so widespread that people cannot help asking: __________?
58. It has caused a heated public debate among us.
59. It has long been regarded as a beneficial practice to __________. However, in
recent years, some people have been raising doubts about this practice.
60. It is not easy to render the reasons for this complicated phenomenon which
involves several factors.
61. It is often difficult for people to decide whether to choose __________ or

62. It is often the case that __________
63. It is quite natural that people seldom reach a total agreement on such a long-
running controversy.
64. It is so crucial that we cannot afford to make a single mistake. However, it is
not always easy to make a prudent satisfying choice. Sometimes we find
ourselves involved in dilemmas
65. It would inevitably evoke a strong repercussion among people from different
walks of life.
66. Just as the saying goes: “no garden is without weeds.” __________ has both
advantages and disadvantages.
67. __________ just like anything else in the world, has its bright side and dark
68. Many people have the idea that __________. However, many others disagree
that __________ Both sides of the question of whether __________ are
supported by good reasons.
69. Many people would claim that __________.
70. Nevertheless, people seldom reach an absolute consensus on such a
controversial issue.
71. Nothing in the world is perfect, so is the ____________
72. Now we are entering a brand-new era full of opportunities and innovations, and
great changes have taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional
73. Now we are entering a new era full of new knowledge and innovative ideas.
74. Nowadays, more and more people agree that __________.
75. Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that___________, but others have a
negative attitude.
76. Nowhere, in the world has issue of ___________ been more popular than -
77. Nowhere in the world has issue of ___________ been so much debated as in
our society.
78. Of course, ___________ also has advantages to some extent.
79. Of course, ___________ also have some negative effects.
80. On such a controversial issue of ___________has advantages to some extent.

81. On the contrary, the advocates also advance cogent arguments in defense of the
82. On the other hand, ___________ also have some negative effects
83. On the other hand, some other people strongly despise the above attitude.
84. On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly disagree that
85. One of the difficult questions that today many people are facing is whether to
choose ___________ or ___________. More and more, ___________ is seen as
the main method in ___________ (doing something). Yet there are some people
who cast serious doubts on ___________.
86. Other people’s opinion is just the opposite. They strongly believe that
87. People have different ideas about it.
88. People may prefer one to another, although some have no opinion about it.
89. People who support ___________ give some or all of the following reasons.
90. People, who advocate that ___________, have their sound reasons.
91. People’s views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. Some people
are of the opinion that___________.
92. ___________ plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes one of
the biggest concerns of today’s world. There arises a question: it is blessing or a
93. Recently, the issue of whether or not___________ has been in the limelight and
has aroused wide concern in the public.
94. Recently, the phenomenon has aroused wide concern. Some people are in alarm
that ___________.
96. Recently, there arises a heated debate over whether it is wise to___________.
People’s views, however, are divergent on the matter in question.
97. Recently, there is a heated debate as to whether___________.
98. Recently, there is a heated debate on the issue of___________.
99. Recently, this phenomenon has aroused wide concern, and a heated public
debate has arisen.
100. Recently, this phenomenon has been brought to public attention with people
standing on two different sides.
101. Regarding these reasons, I think there are some ways to___________.

102. Some people advocate that___________.
103. Some people are of the opinion that___________.
104. Some people believe___________ because (of) ___________. These people
point out the fact that ___________. They also argue that___________.
However, other people stand on a very different ground. They believe
that___________. They firmly point out that___________.
105. Some people believe that___________. Other people take the view
106. Some people contend that___________ has proved to bring many advantages.
107. Some people deem it is a dangerous signal and call for public awareness of the
negative effects it has brought about. Some even put forward a proposal
108. Some even put forward the idea that___________.
109. Some people examine this issue from another angle.
110. Some people hold the opinion that___________ is superior to___________ in
many ways.
Others, however, think quite differently on the question of___________.
111. Some people say that___________; other people suggest that___________.
112. Some people think___________. Other, however, believe ___________.
Which one prefers depends on one’s own experience, lifestyle and emotional
113. Some people welcome it with applause. They claim it is a good idea.
114. Some say ___________, but others take a negative attitude.
115. Thanks to Vietnam’s policy of reform and opening-up, there has been earth-
shaking economic and social progress in the past two decades, and people’s
living standard has improved, but at the same time it gives rise to a host of
serious social problem like ___________.
116. That is a very important thing for people nowadays.
117. The case is not rare. It has now drawn increasing attention to the plight
118. The causes may be inner and outer influences.
119. The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from
different back-grounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.
120. The dilemma is whether it is better to___________.

121. The discussion about whether or not___________ is a very controversial one.
122. The discussion as to whether the___________ is a blessing or a curse arouses
most people’s interests.
123. The following suggestions should be taken into consideration when we are
seeking solutions to___________
124. The human race has entered a completely new stage its history. With rapid
economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our
125. The incident is not isolated. It has now drawn much attention to the issue
126. The issue whether it is good or not to___________ has aroused a heated
discussion all over the country.
127. The opponents argue that___________
128. The phenomenon has aroused wide concern among people.
129. The story is not rare. It has now drawn public attention to the problem
130. The title statement is the focus these days, and any speech about it would
surely strike the headlines of most newspaper.
131. There are a number of reasons for___________.
132. There are different views concerning this topic.
133. There are the people on both sides of the argument who have very strong
134. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.
135. There are several reasons for this problem.
136. There are several reasons which suggest that___________.
137. There are several reasons why _____________.
138. There are some people who voice serious doubts about_____________.
139. There arises a heated debate as to whether we should___________.
140. There arises a very controversial issue of whether we should___________.
141. There is a general discussion today on the issue of ___________. Those who
criticize ___________ argue that ___________. They believe that
142. There is a good side and a bad side to everything. It goes without saying

143. There is a heated debate over__________________.
144. There is a long-running controversy as to whether___________, of which
people have quite different opinions.
145. There is a public debate today about the problem of___________. Those who
object to___________ argue that. They believe that_________________.
146. There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of ___________. Those
who criticize ___________ argue that ___________. They believe that-
________, but people who favour __________, on the other hand, argue that
147. There is much discussion nowadays as to the problem of ___________. Those
who object to ___________. Argue that ___________. They believe that
_______, but people who advocate ___________, on the other hand, argue
that __________.
148. There is no denying that everything has more than one face, and…………is no
149. There is no denying that there is some truth in the above point of view.
150. There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. The opinions stated by
both sides make sense, and consequently, it is hard to choose the better one of
151. There will often be a heated discussion as to ___________. A sizeable
percentage of people like to___________.
152. There often fall into two big groups, one for it and the other against it.
153. This controversy describes the dilemma faced by many people.
154. This has aroused a heated debate among citizens. Some people welcome the
programme with applause, others strongly oppose it.
155. This is a controversial issue, which often arouses heated discussions among
156. This is a very controversial issue and people hold quite different opinions of it.
157. This issue is so controversial that people can hardly reach an absolute
158. This issue should be well taken into consideration.
159. This phenomenon also poses a prominent social problem: ____________.
160. This problem is a much debated one in that it affects everybody in their daily

161. This question is a very controversial one.
162. Those people who approve of the practice of__________ hold
163. Those people who are strongly against the practice assert that___________.
164. Those people who are strongly approve of___________ have cogent reasons
for it.
165. Those who argue for___________ say that ___________.
166. Those who criticize it argue that___________.
167. Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praises of it.
168. Those who oppose it argue that____________.
169. To agree or disagree with it is a matter of balancing between its pros and cons.
170. To choose___________ or___________ is something of a dilemma to the
171. To my mind, this is one of the side effects brought about by this modern
172. Towards the same issue, many others advocate that______________
173. Undeniably, there are points on both sides of the argument.
174. ___________ undoubtedly plays an increasingly significant role in modern
175. Until recently, ___________was viewed as ___________. But nowadays
people are talking a fresh look at it.
176. Upon addressing the question of which it better _________or _________,
people have different opinions about it ___________has its advantages, but at
the same time, it has many disadvantages on both sides.
177. We always face the circumstances: ___________ or ___________. There are
some advantages and disadvantages on both sides.
178. We cannot deny that we have benefited a lot from____________.
179. When asked___________, some people think __________is more desirable
while some prefer.
180. When asked about___________, the vast majority of people say
that___________, but other people view__________ as ___________.
181. When faced with __________, quite a few people claim that___________, but
other people think of___________ as___________.

182. When it comes to ___________, most people tend to believe ___________.
But others consider___________.
183. When it comes to ___________, most people think that ___________, but
other people conceive___________.
184. When it comes to ___________, the majority of people believe that
___________, but other people regard ___________as ___________.
185. Whether___________ is a very controversial question. There are people on
both sides of the argument who have very strong feelings.
186. While the rhythm of people’s life is speeding up, a lot of changes have taken
place in people’s daily habits. ___________ is mushrooming everywhere.
187. With the development of society, ___________ is becoming increasingly
188. With the development of society, people’s ideas about ___________ have
changed dramatically.
189. With the rapid development of science and technology, ___________.
190. With the remarkable development of human civilisation, people enjoy better
living standards, and the welfare of citizens has improved greatly.
191. With the steady economic growth in the country, people’s living standard has
greatly improved, the rhythm of people’s life is speeding up and a lot of
changes have taken place in their daily life.
192. Yet when it comes to___________, people from different backgrounds hold
different attitudes.

6.2. Sentences Patterns Showing Your Viewpoint.

1. A close inspection of these arguments would reveal how flimsy they are.
2. A close scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are.
3. According to my personality, I would prefer ___________ rather than
4. After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in favour of the latter view
that ___________.
5. After pondering this question on many occasions, I finally reached the opinion
that ___________is something worthy to do and I cannot skip it.
6. After pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the
conclusion that___________ .is something I truly want to do and worthwhile.

7. Again, I would state my objection to this issue again after analyzing the
following three reasons.
8. Although___________ possesses potential advantages over___________, it
cannot be compared with ___________.
9. Although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they
are not borne out by careful consideration.
10. Although I appreciate that_____________, I cannot agree with the argument.
11. Although it is an admirable idea, ___________ is not always a realistic option.
12. Although many people believe that_____________, I doubt whether the
argument bears much analysis.
13. Anyway, I agree with the idea of___________.
14. As far as I am concerned, I agree that__________________.
15. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.
16. As far as I am concerned, I have a preference for___________ over
17. As far as I am concerned, it is advisable that ___________.
18. As far as I am concerned, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.
19. As far as I am concerned, this proposal seems a bit absurd and ridiculous.
20. As for me, ___________is preferable in many ways.
21. At the first glance, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it does not bear
closer analysis when we find_____________.
22. At the first glance, the idea seems to be a sound and attractive one, but carefully
weighing in mind, I can hardly consent to this proposal because it is so
inconceivable and impractical.
23. At the first glance, this opinion seems to be sensible and sound, but after proper
consideration, I find that it is not often the case.
24. At the first glance, this practice may seem to be an attractive idea, but it does
not bear closer analysis.
25. At the risk of addressing the issue too directly, the advantage of___________
always outweighs that of___________
26. At the risk of sounding too direct, I prefer to_____________
27. But after careful consideration of the above reasons, I, personally, stand on the
side of the advocates.

28. But I can hardly share this point of view______________
29. But I cannot share this point of view for several reasons.
30. But I think it is unadvisable to ___________
31. But I would have to say that, If I were faced with the decisions, I would
probably follow the contemporary trend and choose.
32. But if I am concerned, I can only disagree with the above view and the reasons
are given below.
33. But if one has considered the following perspectives, he or she will only agree
with the argument as I do.
34. But its bright side should not keep us from its dark side.
35. But whatever the advantages of ___________, I like___________.
36. But when we consider these two sides more carefully, we can see that the harm
outweighs the merits.
37. Carefully weighing in mind, we easily find how fallacious they are.
38. Certainly, I am aware of the fact that both methods have potential pitfalls;
nevertheless, from my point of view, I vote for ___________.
39. Considering the social atmosphere today, it is not a time to choose__________.
It is high time to choose______________.
40. Contrary to the generally accepted ideas, I would like to prove
41. Deep down, I disagree with the above statement and support the superiority
42. Despite its good intentions, I think ___________ does not make sense.
43. Despite its merits, it also brings about some problems to solve.
44. Despite the advantages __________ has, it has its disadvantages.
45. Despite the advantages advocated by some people, I am totally against this
46. Despite the fact that __________ enjoys considerable advantage of
__________, it cannot be compared with __________ in several main aspects.
47. Despite the fact that __________ has a unique advantage over __________, it
cannot compete with __________ in many cases.
48. Despite the fact that most people like __________, I would like to choose to

49. Despite the fact that most people prefer __________, I would like to choose
__________ because of the following reasons.
50. Despite the fact that the majority hold the opinion that __________, I doubt
whether the argument can bear much analysis.
51. For my part, I stand up for the latter opinion that __________.
52. From my point of view, I completely agree with the latter.
53. From my point of view, I vote for the latter one.
54. From my point of view, it is more advisable to choose __________ than to
55. From my point of view, it is more practical to choose __________ rather than
56. From the reasons presented above, I think the pros outweigh the cons.
57. Generally, I prefer to __________.
58. However, along with the positive effects, they have resulted in new social
59. However, although many people prefer __________, I feel that it is better to
60. However, despite the popularity of __________, its impacts on people are often
61. However, I do not think that this view can prevail.
62. However, if I have to choose one of these two, I am in favour of the latter
opinion that __________.
63. However, in my opinion, I prefer the idea that __________.
64. However, just as a coin has two sides, __________ has its demerits.
65. However logical and valid the arguments may be, they only skim the surface of
the issue.
66. I believe that the argument is valid.
67. I can hardly share the proposal that __________.
68. I completely disagree with this statement that choosing __________ has more
advantages than choosing __________.
69. I do strongly support the idea that __________.
70. I feel that such an attitude is negative, and that it can only bring further

71. I find the statement of __________ is too narrow.
72. I fully agree with the statement that __________.
73. I fully support the statement above.
74. I side with the former view that __________.
75. I totally agree with this statement, and I will explain why it is the case.
76. If asked to make a decision, I would prefer __________.
77. If I were to agree with one of the two methods, my choice would be
78. If it were up to me to make a choice between __________ and __________, I
would rather choose __________ over ___________.
79. In my opinion, __________ is as important as, if not more than, __________.
80. In my opinion, I argue that __________.
81. In my opinion, it more advisable to __________ than to __________.
82. In my opinion, the advantages of __________ are more than those
83. In my view, I prefer __________ to __________.
84. In my view, I would like to vote for __________.
85. In my view, I would prefer __________ rather than __________.
86. In spite of all the claims of __________, I doubt the value of __________.
87. In spite of the advantages of the system, we cannot pay n heed to the fact that it
brings us more advantages.
88. In the discussion, many people suggest that __________, but I argue that
89. Many people advocate that __________. They claim that __________. My
opinion is the same as theirs for the following reasons.
90. My view is that __________.
91. No belief is so undesirable as the one that __________.
92. No doubt, I prefer __________, since there are too many benefits that
outnumber the disadvantages. __________, on the other hand, has advantages
no more than its disadvantages.
93. No idea is more untrue now than the one that __________.
94. No issue is more important now than the one that __________.

95. No opinion is so foolish now as the one that __________.
96. No view is more dangerous now than the one that __________.
97. Nonetheless, I reckon that __________ is more advantages.
98. Now, it is commonly believed that __________; such people think
__________, but I wonder whether __________.
99. Now, it is generally accepted that __________; its advocators believe
__________, but I wonder __________.
100. Now, it is increasingly acknowledged that __________; its advocators think
__________, but I doubt whether __________.
101. Now, it is widely held that __________; its advocators thinks__________,
but I wonder whether__________.
102. Obviously, __________ is good in many aspects. However, on the other side
of the coin, __________.
103. On the surface of it, this may seem to be a sound solution, but thinking again,
we would point out some drawbacks.
104. On the surface of it, this suggestion seems to be attractive, but thinking again,
we would find it may lead to a set of problems.
105. Personally, I am in favour of the former point of view.
106. Personally, I am standing on the side of __________.
107. Personally, I hold that __________.
108. Personally, I prefer __________. I think __________ has more advantages.
109. Personally, I side with the latter opinion.
110. Personally, I stand on the side of the latter.
111. Personally, I would prefer __________ because I think __________ has more
112. Some people argue as if it is a general truth that __________. But to be frank,
I cannot agree with them for the following reasons.
113. Some people think __________. My opinion is identical with theirs.
114. Sound and attractive as their arguments may seem, they cannot bear closer
115. Superficially, all the above sound reasonable and constructive. However, I
strongly disagree with it.

116. Superficially, it seems to be a solution, but when carefully weighing in mind,
we find that __________.
117. Superficially, the above sounds reasonable and interesting. But when carefully
weighing in mind, we find that it goes against the fact.
118. Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend to favour the latter
119. The advantages claimed for __________ over __________ are now being
debated. Nonetheless, I confess that __________ is more advantageous.
120. The advantages of __________ always outweigh its disadvantages.
121. The advantages of __________ carry more weight than those of __________.
122. The other side of the coin is that __________.
123. There is no evidence to suggest that __________.
124. There is some truth in these arguments, but they overlook a deeper and more
basic factor that __________.
125. Thinking logically, I can only say that the statement is valid.
126. Though __________ has some advantages and it is popular to some extent,
will continue to play a more important role and will not fade out in people’s
127. Though the opinion stated above seems to have some merits, it overlooks
some deeper and more basic factors.
128. To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below.
129. To be frank, the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks.
130. To choose __________ or __________ is a dilemma to be public, because
they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of __________,
and neglect the genuinely good aspects of __________.
131. To suggest that __________ is the most obvious kind of nonsense.
132. Until recently, __________ was viewed as the prime argument. But people are
taking a fresh look at it.
133. When considering opinions of both sides, I am inclined to take sides with the
134. When faced with __________, we find comfort in the idea that __________.

135. When faced with the decision of __________ or __________, quite a few
would claim that __________, but others, in contrast, deem__________ as the
premier choice and that is also my point.
136. When it comes to __________, the majority would support __________.
Other, however, like me, regard __________ as the propensity.
137. When it comes to __________, we find comfort in the idea that __________.
138. While __________ has many merits to our lives, its drawbacks should not be
139. While it is indispensable to mankind, it also brings us serious problems.
140. While the majority may stick to the idea of __________, I would prefer
141. With views of both sides considered, I think that __________.
142. Yet I am one of many people who feel that __________.

6.3. Thesis Statements in Explanation Essays

1. A number of reasons which account for my point are stated below.
2. Among countless factors which influence me decision, there are two or three
conspicuous aspects.
3. And I would like to present two explanations to prove it.
4. But the problems I have with the above statement are as follows.
5. I believe that I have some solid advantages.
6. I can see that many of the advantages of __________ seem obvious.
7. I support this with the following reasons.
8. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
9. My following reasons should be taken into consideration.
10, The reasons are chiefly as follows.
11. The reasons are presented below.
12. There are many instances in our daily life that can verify this.
13. There are many instances supporting my view.
14. There are no less than three advantages in __________ as rendered below.
15. There are numerous reasons why I advocate the argument of __________, and I
would explore a few of the most important ones here.

16. There are three advantages of __________ as follows.
17. There are three premier causes as follows.
18. This quite different view is based on the following points.
19. This view is based on careful consideration of the following points.
20. To assume that __________ is destined to miss the following points.

6.4. Topic Sentences in the Body

1. A further reason why I prefer __________ is that __________.
2. A more essential factor why I advocate the argument is that __________.
3. A more personal reason why I like __________ is that __________.
4. A particularly notable case of this matter is __________.
5. __________ is also worth mentioning here.
6. Also, it is arbitrary to judge __________ according only to the excuse I
mentioned in the above paragraph.
7. Another benefit of __________, which __________ almost cannot achieve, is
that __________.
8. Another factor involves __________.
9. Another factor that should be taken into consideration is __________.
10. Another innate characteristic of __________ is __________.
11. Another reason why I advocate the attitude of __________ is that __________.
12. Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe
13. Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that I believe that
14. Another reason why I prefer the argument is that __________.
15. Another reason why I would usually prefer to __________ is that __________.
16. As an individual, I feel that __________.
17. At the risk of sounding too simplistic, it seems to me that the main propositions
can be summarized in one sentence: __________.
18. Beyond obvious reasons, there lies a more in-depth cause.
19. But there is more subtle point we must consider.

20. Certainly no other reason in my decision is more crucial than the one as
21. Finally, the incomparable advantage of __________ is that __________.
22. First, we can observe easily that __________.
23. From a __________ (e.g. personal or psychological) perspective, I also prefer to
__________ because __________.
24. __________ also has the benefit/advantage that __________.
25. __________ has also exerted a bad effect on __________.
26. I agree with the above statement because I believe that __________.
27. I agree with the statement without reservation since __________.
28. I can see that one of the advantages of __________ seem obvious.
29. I disagree with the view because I consider __________.
30. I have found a solid advantage.
31. If we turn our attention to __________, we will see that __________.

32. In terms of reality, the reason mentioned below seems advisable and deserves
more consideration.
33. __________ is preferable to __________ because __________.
34. __________ is superior in another way, that is __________.
35. It could even be said that __________.
36. It is an obvious fact that __________.
37. It is very clear that __________.
38. It might also be noted that _________.
39. Last but not least, _________.
40. Likewise, common sense tells us that_________.
41. Moving on to wider themes, _________.
42. No one could neglect/deny the fact that_________.
43. One of the most attractive points is that_________.
44. One of the most important things about _________ is that _________.
45. One of the most notorious disadvantages of_________ is that_________.
46. One of the primary causes is that_________.

47. One of the reasons that are given for _________is that_________.
48. One of the strengths of _________ is that_________.
49. One very strong argument for _________is that_________.
50. Perhaps another reason why _________ is superior to _________ lies in the fact
51. Perhaps the most telling argument is_________.
52. Perhaps this is because of the simple fact that _________
53. Similarly, these reasons are also plausible when we consider that _________
54. The above point is certainly true if _________ is considered.
55. The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in an advantageous
position because_________.
56. The first and most important reason is that_________.
57. The first reason can be clearly seen.
58. The last factor to be taken seriously is _________.
59. The main problems with this argument is that it is ignorant of the basic fact
60. The main reason for my propensity is that_________________.
61. The main reason why I prefer_________is that_________________.
62. The most important benefit of_________________is that______________.
63. The problem I had with the above statement is that _________________.
64. The reason why I disagree with_________________ is
65. The reasons are quite clear. Above all_________________.
66. The reasons for_________________ are varied; nevertheless, they lie in the fact
67. The second reason for my propensity for _________________ is that
68. The second reason that must be taken into consideration is that_____________.
69. The third and very important reason is that_________________.
70. The third reason to consider is that_________________.
71. The undeniable deficiency in this remark is that it is negligent of the bare fact

72. There is another factor that deserves some words here.
73. There is another obvious advantage for_________________, that
74. Those who object to this idea forget a universal truth:_________________.
75. To make it clear, I think that another reason why I prefer the argument of
_________________is that_________________.
76. We may look into very possible reason; however, the foremost reason for
77. We should not lose sight of the fact that_________________.
78. What is also worth noticing is that_________________.

6.5. Sentence Patterns for Giving Examples

1. An example can give the details of this argument_________________.
2. An example of this fact is that_________________.
3. An example to show this can be found in the story about_________________.
4. An instance that accompanies this reason is that_________________.
5. As I remember,_________________.
6. For example,_________________
7. For instance,_________________.
8. History presented many examples of_________________.
9. I can give you another illustration about it_________________.
10. I can quote a common example_________________.
11. I have a bad experience with it:_________________.
12. In fact, a good example of this is that_________________.
13. In order to see this point clearly, let us see an example_________________
is an outstanding example.
15. It can be demonstrated using a concrete example.
16. It is a forceful example to demonstrate the importance of______________.
17. It is best illustrated by the following example.
18. Let me provide an example.
19. Let us see an example.

20. Perhaps the most important example of ______________is that _________.
21. Take_________________ as an example, it is very obvious case.
22. The modern example of this is _________________.
23. There is one impressive example I want to mention here.
24. To give some concrete examples,_________________.
25. To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive.
26. We could take _________________as an example.

6.6. Sentence Patterns in the Conclusion

1. Admittedly, reasonable as both sides may seem, they are one-sided. In my
2. Admittedly, there are merits to both arguments. As far as I am concerned, I
would like to take a more balanced position, that is to say,
3. After understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to conclude: to
choose _________________ is a wise action.
4. All in all/ In summary/ In sum/ In conclusion/ In short/ In a word, _______.
5. All in all, I should say that_________________.
6. All in all, the advantages of _________________ outweigh its advantages.
7. All reliable evidence points to one saying, that is _________________.
8. All these above opinions make sense. Therefore, it is really hard for me to draw
a definite conclusion. Here I would like to take a more balanced position
9. All these above suggests that we can come to a simple conclusion
10. All the evidence justifies an unshakeable view that_________________.
11. All these evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that____________.
12. All the opinions above make sense, and consequently it is hard to come to
absolute conclusion. In my opinion, ______________.
13. All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to decide which one
is more reasonable.

14. As far as I am concerned, I think there is truth in the argument of these two
parties. I would like to take a balanced view.
15. Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that____________.
16. But all in all, I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. With the
advance of society, if we make full use the merits and eliminate the drawbacks,
all people will enjoy a better life.
17. But if all these factors are contemplated carefully, the advantages of
_________________ carry more weight than those of _______________.
18. Consequently, I strongly commit to the notion that _____________.
19. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that
20. From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude
21. From what has been discussed above, I think the correct attitude is
22. From what has been discussed above, we can see_________________does
more harm than good to us. Therefore, I strongly approve of the notion
23. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion
24. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion
that _________________.
25. From what has been discussed above, we can clearly see that___________.
26. From what has been discussed above, we may see that there is some truth in
both arguments. Personally, I side with the latter opinion.
27. From what has been stated above, I suppose that_________________.
28. Given the factors I have just outlined; I can only say that______________.
29. I firmly commit to the notion that_________________.
30. If considered seriously_________________.
31. In a word, I can hardly share the proposal that……………………...........
32. In conclusion, although _________________ has its negative effects, it can, to
great extent, bring us more advantages.
33. In general/ On the whole/ Generally,_________________.

34. It is not difficult to arrive at the conclusion that_________________.
35. It is obvious for us to conclude that_________________.
36. It is safe to draw the conclusion that_________________.
37. It is sagacious to support the statement that_________________.
38. Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to/ draw the
conclusion that _________________.
39. Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that only
choosing_________________is sensible.
40. Once we have considered all of these, we many come to the conclusion that
41. Recognizing the fact that ___________ should drive us to conclude
42. So from what has been discussed, once can only reach this conclusion;
43. So if we take a careful consideration, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion
44. So, on the whole, as I see it, ___________.
45. So, on the whole, based on the above discussion, I agree with the opinion
46. So, on the whole, in comparison with ___________, ___________ is surely a
clever choice.
47. Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably come to
conclusion that ___________.
49. Taking the arguments of both sides in to account, I think___________
50. There is no question in my mind that ___________.
51. There is probably some truth in both arguments, and the opinions stated by both
sides make sense. Consequently, it is hard to choose the better one of
52. There is probably some truth in both arguments. For my part I completely agree
with the latter.
53. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to come to the conclusion that ___________.
54. To put all into a nutshell, I ___________.
55. To sum up, I feel that, overall, there strong positive effects of ___________.

56. To sum up, we cannot deny that both sides are well-grounded. In my opinion,
57. We may discover that___________.
58. What we must so is to encourage the strengths and diminish the weaknesses to
the least extent.
59. When the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the most
striking conclusion extent.
60. With the views of both sides considered I think that ___________.

For Listing

This is often used to either put your paragraph in order inside the paragraph to list
your supporting points.
- firstly
- secondly
- thirdly
- fourthly
- lastly/last but not least/ finally
For adding Information
You will need to support your main points in your IELTS essay. These linkers
inform the reader that extra information is about to be presented.
- in addition
- additionally
- furthermore
- moreover
- also
- not only… but also
- as well as
- and
For Results and Consequences
These linking devices can be used for solution essays or any essay when you need
to explain the consequences of something.
- as a result
- consequently
- therefore
- thus
- hence
- so
- for this reason

For giving examples
It is often useful to give example to support your ideas in IELTS writing task 2
make sure you this range of linking words to do so
- for example
- one clear example is
- for instance
- such as
- namely
- to illustrate
- in other words
For Highlighting and Stressing
It is important to be clear about what you mean in your essay. These linking words
help you stress particular points
- particularly
- in particular
- specifically
- especially
- of course
- clearly
For Concessions and Contracts
You often need to give opposite ideas, particularly for discussion essays so the
linking words below will help you show the reader when you want to introduce an
opposite point. Also you might want to give exceptions to a rule for a concession.
- admittedly
- however
- nevertheless
- even though
- although
- but
- despite
- in spite of
- still

- on the other hand
- by contrast
- in comparison
- alternatively
- another option could be
For Reasons and Cause
These connecting words will help you explain reasons and causes for something
which is very common writing task 2, especially for cause/ solution essays.
- because
- owing to
- due to
- since
- as
Giving your opinion
- In my opinion
- I think
- I believe
- I admit
- In my view
- In concur/agree
- I disagree/I cannot accept
For conclusion
- In conclusion
- To conclude
- To sum up



To know how to structure IELTS Writing Task 2 essay in an essential skill. With
that in mind,
Below is given the most common IELTS writing Task 2 structures.
Nearly all of task 2 essays follow this basic structure:

The sentences to be written in each paragraph simply depend on the type question
you get. The
five most common IELTS Writing Task 2 questions are:
1. Opinion (Agree or Disagree)
2. Advantages and Disadvantages/Pros and Cons/ Merits and Demerits
3. Problem, Effects and Solution
4. Discussion (Discuss both views/Both view with Your Opinion)
5. Two-part Questions

Typical Question Words
What is your opinion?
Do you agree or disagree?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sentence 1 - Paraphrase Question
Sentence 2 - Thesis Statement (It is agreed …/It is disagree…./This essay
Sentence 3 - Example

Main Body paragraph 2

Sentence 1 – Topic Sentence
Sentence 2 – Explain Topic Sentence
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 1 – Summary and opinion

Typical Question Words
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question
Sentence 2- Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- State One Advantage
Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 4- Result

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- State One Advantage
Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 4- Result

Sentence 1- Summary
Sentence 2- Opinion

Discuss both point of view and give your opinion

Sentence 1 – Paraphrase Question and/or state both viewpoints.
Sentence 2 – Thesis Statement
Sentence 3 – Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1 – State first viewpoint
Sentence 2 – Discuss first viewpoint
Sentence 3 – Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint
Sentence 4 – Example to support your view

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1 – State second view
Sentence 2 – Discuss second viewpoint
Sentence 3 – Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint
Sentence 4 – Example to support your view

Sentence 1- Summary
Sentence 2 – State which one is better or more important

Typical Question Words
Problem, effect and solution
Cause and solution

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question
Sentence 2- Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- State Problem
Sentence 2- Explain problem
Sentence 3- Result
Sentence 4- Example

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- State Problem
Sentence 2- Explain problem
Sentence 3- Result
Sentence 4- Example

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- State Problem
Sentence 2- Explain problem
Sentence 3- Result
Sentence 4- Example

Sentence 1- Summary
Sentence 2- Recommendation or Prediction

Typical Question Words
There will normally be a statement and you are to answer two separate questions.

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question
Sentence 2- Outline Sentence (mention both questions)

Main Body paragraph 1

Sentence 1- Answer first question directly
Sentence 2- Explain why
Sentence 3- Explain further
Sentence 4- Example

Main Body paragraph 2

Sentence 1- Answer second question directly
Sentence 2- Explain why
Sentence 3- Explain further
Sentence 4- Example

Sentence 1- Summary


Part 1: Introduction and interview

Introducing your response
Actually/Well/I guess/Let me see …
Talking about your preferences
What I like/dislike about …
Generally, I prefer X to Y.
I’m not really fond of/I don’t really like …
I love/I can’t stand …
Talking about frequency
I often …, but sometimes/now and again I …
I rarely/occasionally/hardly ever …
Talking about the past
I used to live in …
I had a part-time job (last year).
I was a teacher, but now …
Describing people and places
I have a pretty/fairly small/average/large family.
It’s a pretty/fairly/very small/large/lively/quiet place.
Talking about future plans
I hope to go to …
I want to …
I’d love to …
I dream of …
Part 2& 3: Individual long turn and Two-way discussion
Introducing the topic
OK then, I would like to talk about …
Right, I’m going to tell you about …
Introducing an opinion
To my mind …

I suppose …
I reckon …
I guess …
I doubt …
In my opinion/view …
I really/strongly believe that …
I feel quite strongly about that …
Personally, I think …
I’m really in favour of …
Introducing an explanation
The reason why I don’t like … is that …
One of the reasons is that …
Giving an impersonal opinion
Some people think/feel/believe that …
giving advice
(I think) people should …
It’s important that …
It’s a good idea (for people) to …
As a rule …
Overall/Generally, …
On the whole/In general, …
If (+ past tense), then I think that … would …
I’d imagine (that) …
It’s (very/highly) likely/unlikely that … will …
It probably/definitely won’t …
It’s difficult to say, but maybe …
I’m not sure, but perhaps …

I’m pretty certain/sure that …
I predict/expect (that) …
As far as I can see, (it seems like that) … will …
Comparing and contrasting
For me, X is more/less important …
I don’t think X is as … as Y.
….whereas, on the other hand …
I agree up to a point …
I tend to agree …
I don’t really agree/think that …
I completely agree/disagree …
I’m not really sure that/about …
Qualifying an opinion
Actually, I’m not really sure about this, because I’ve never …
Well, I guess it depends, because there are many …
I think it’s hard to say, because …
I don’t have a strong opinion on this, but probably …
Introducing an opposing viewpoint
But I think it’s also important to consider …
Well, yes, but on the other hand …
Except that/Although …
Linking ideas
Plus/Also/In addition,…
… as well/too
Another reason why I think … is (that) …
Outlining your response
There are two main problems … . Firstly … Secondly …
I think there are several points to consider …
‘Buying time’

Well, let’s see …
Mm, let me think about that for a moment.
That’s a good question …
Clarifying your idea
What I’m trying to say is (that) …
Perhaps I should make myself clearer by saying …
What I mean to say is (that) …
Let me put it another way …


Academic Reading IELTS Raw

1 = 1 correct answer
2 = 2 , 3 correct answers
3 = 4 , 5, 6 , 7 correct answers
3.5 = 8, 9, 10 correct answers
4 = 11, 12, 13 correct answers
4.5 = 14, 15, 16 correct answers
5 = 17, 18, 19 correct answers
5.5 = 20, 21, 22, 23 correct answers
6 = 24, 25, 26, 27 correct answers
6.5 = 28, 29, 30 correct answers
7 = 31, 32, 33 correct answers
7.5 = 34, 35 correct answers
8 = 36, 37 correct answers
8.5 = 38, 38 correct answers
9 = 40 correct answers

Academic Listening IELTS Raw

1 = 1correct answer
2 = 2 , 3correct answers
3 = 4 , 5 ,6 correct answers
3.5 = 7, 8, 9 correct answers
4 = 10 ,11, 12 correct answers
4.5 = 13,14, 15 16 correct answers
5 = 17, 18, 19 ,20 correct answers
5.5 = 21, 22, 23 ,24 correct answers
6 = 25, 26, 27,28 correct answers
6.5 = 29, 30, 31 correct answers
7 = 32, 33 correct answers
7.5 = 34, 35 correct answers
8 = 36, 37 correct answers
8.5 = 38, 38 correct answers
9 = 40 correct answers

WRITING TASK 1: Band Descriptors (public version)
Band Task achievement Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy
9 • fully satisfies all the requirements of the task • uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention • uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and • uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and
• clearly presents a fully developed response • skilfully manages paragraphing sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’
occur only as ‘slips’
8 • covers all requirements of the task sufficiently • sequences information and ideas logically • uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to • uses a wide range of structures
• presents, highlights and illustrates key features/ bullet • manages all aspects of cohesion well convey precise meanings • the majority of sentences are error-free
points clearly and appropriately • uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately • skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be • makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies
occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation
• produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
7 • covers the requirements of the task • logically organises information and ideas; there is clear • uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some • uses a variety of complex structures
• (A) presents a clear overview of main trends, differences or progression throughout flexibility and precision • produces frequent error-free sentences
stages • uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although • uses less common lexical items with some awareness of • has good control of grammar and punctuation but may
• (GT) presents a clear purpose, with the tone consistent and there may be some under-/over-use style and collocation make a few errors
appropriate • may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling
• clearly presents and highlights key features/bullet points and/or word formation
but could be more fully extended
6 • addresses the requirements of the task • arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a • •uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task • uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
• (A) presents an overview with information appropriately clear overall progression • attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some • makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they
selected • uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within inaccuracy rarely reduce communication
• (GT) presents a purpose that is generally clear; there may and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical • makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but
be inconsistencies in tone • may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately they do not impede communication
• presents and adequately highlights key features/ bullet
points but details may be irrelevant, inappropriate or
5 • generally addresses the task; the format may be • presents information with some organisation but there may • uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally • uses only a limited range of structures
inappropriate in places be a lack of overall progression adequate for the task • attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less
• (A) recounts detail mechanically with no clear overview; • makes inadequate, inaccurate or over-use of cohesive • may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word accurate than simple sentences
there may be no data to support the description devices formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader • may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation
• (GT) may present a purpose for the letter that is unclear at • may be repetitive because of lack of referencing and may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty for the
times; the tone may be variable and sometimes substitution reader
• presents, but inadequately covers, key features/ bullet
points; there may be a tendency to focus on details
4 • attempts to address the task but does not cover all key • presents information and ideas but these are not arranged • uses only basic vocabulary which may be used repetitively • uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare
features/bullet points; the format may be inappropriate coherently and there is no clear progression in the or which may be inappropriate for the task use of subordinate clauses
• (GT) fails to clearly explain the purpose of the letter; the response • has limited control of word formation and/or spelling; • some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and
tone may be inappropriate • uses some basic cohesive devices but these may be • errors may cause strain for the reader punctuation is often faulty
• may confuse key features/bullet points with detail; parts inaccurate or repetitive
may be unclear, irrelevant, repetitive or inaccurate
3 • fails to address the task, which may have been completely • does not organise ideas logically • uses only a very limited range of words and expressions • attempts sentence forms but errors in grammar and
misunderstood • may use a very limited range of cohesive devices, and with very limited control of word formation and/or spelling punctuation predominate and distort the meaning
• presents limited ideas which may be largely those used may not indicate a logical relationship between • errors may severely distort the message
irrelevant/repetitive ideas
2 • answer is barely related to the task • has very little control of organisational features • uses an extremely limited range of vocabulary; essentially • cannot use sentence forms except in memorised phrases
no control of word formation and/or spelling
1 • answer is completely unrelated to the task • fails to communicate any message • can only use a few isolated words • cannot use sentence forms at all
0 • does not attend
• does not attempt the task in any way
• writes a totally memorised response

(A) Academic │(GT) General Training IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Page 1 of 1
WRITING TASK 2: Band Descriptors (public version)
Band Task response Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy
9 • fully addresses all parts of the task • uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention • uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and • uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and
• presents a fully developed position in answer to the • skilfully manages paragraphing sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’
question with relevant, fully extended and well supported occur only as ‘slips’
8 • sufficiently addresses all parts of the task • sequences information and ideas logically • uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to • uses a wide range of structures
• presents a well-developed response to the question with • manages all aspects of cohesion well convey precise meanings • the majority of sentences are error-free
relevant, extended and supported ideas • uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately • skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be • makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies
occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation
• produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
7 • addresses all parts of the task • logically organises information and ideas; there is clear • uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some • uses a variety of complex structures
• presents a clear position throughout the response progression throughout flexibility and precision • produces frequent error-free sentences
• presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may • uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although • uses less common lexical items with some awareness of • has good control of grammar and punctuation but may
be a tendency to over-generalise and/or supporting ideas there may be some under-/over-use style and collocation make a few errors
may lack focus • presents a clear central topic within each paragraph • may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling
and/or word formation
6 • addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be • arranges information and ideas coherently and there is a • uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task • uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
more fully covered than others clear overall progression • attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some • makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they
• presents a relevant position although the conclusions may • uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within inaccuracy rarely reduce communication
become unclear or repetitive and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical • makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but
• presents relevant main ideas but some may be • may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately they do not impede communication
inadequately developed/unclear • uses paragraphing, but not always logically
5 • addresses the task only partially; the format may be • presents information with some organisation but there may • uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally • uses only a limited range of structures
inappropriate in places be a lack of overall progression adequate for the task • attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less
• expresses a position but the development is not always • makes inadequate, inaccurate or over-use of cohesive • may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word accurate than simple sentences
clear and there may be no conclusions drawn devices formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader • may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation
• presents some main ideas but these are limited and not • may be repetitive because of lack of referencing and may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty for the
sufficiently developed; there may be irrelevant detail substitution reader
• may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be
4 • responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is • presents information and ideas but these are not arranged • uses only basic vocabulary which may be used repetitively • uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare
tangential; the format may be inappropriate coherently and there is no clear progression in the or which may be inappropriate for the task use of subordinate clauses
• presents a position but this is unclear response • has limited control of word formation and/or spelling; errors • some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and
• presents some main ideas but these are difficult to identify • uses some basic cohesive devices but these may be may cause strain for the reader punctuation is often faulty
and may be repetitive, irrelevant or not well supported inaccurate or repetitive
• may not write in paragraphs or their use may be confusing
3 • does not adequately address any part of the task • does not organise ideas logically • uses only a very limited range of words and expressions • attempts sentence forms but errors in grammar and
• does not express a clear position • may use a very limited range of cohesive devices, and with very limited control of word formation and/or spelling punctuation predominate and distort the meaning
• presents few ideas, which are largely undeveloped or those used may not indicate a logical relationship between • errors may severely distort the message
irrelevant ideas
2 • barely responds to the task • has very little control of organisational features • uses an extremely limited range of vocabulary; essentially • cannot use sentence forms except in memorised phrases
• does not express a position no control of word formation and/or spelling
• may attempt to present one or two ideas but there is no
1 • answer is completely unrelated to the task • fails to communicate any message • can only use a few isolated words • cannot use sentence forms at all
0 • does not attend
• does not attempt the task in any way
• writes a totally memorised response

IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Page 1 of 1
SPEAKING: Band Descriptors (public version)
Band Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy Pronunciation
9 • speaks fluently with only rare repetition or self-correction; • uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all • uses a full range of structures naturally and appropriately • uses a full range of pronunciation features with precision
• any hesitation is content-related rather than to find words topics • produces consistently accurate structures apart from ‘slips’ and subtlety
or grammar • uses idiomatic language naturally and accurately characteristic of native speaker speech • sustains flexible use of features throughout
• speaks coherently with fully appropriate cohesive features • is effortless to understand
• develops topics fully and appropriately
8 • speaks fluently with only occasional repetition or self- • uses a wide vocabulary resource readily and flexibly to • uses a wide range of structures flexibly • uses a wide range of pronunciation features
correction; hesitation is usually content-related and only convey precise meaning • produces a majority of error-free sentences with only very • sustains flexible use of features, with only occasional
rarely to search for language • uses less common and idiomatic vocabulary skilfully, with occasional inappropriacies or basic/non-systematic errors lapses
• develops topics coherently and appropriately occasional inaccuracies • is easy to understand throughout; L1 accent has minimal
• uses paraphrase effectively as required effect on intelligibility
7 • speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of • uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of • uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility • shows all the positive features of Band 6 and some, but not
coherence topics • frequently produces error-free sentences, though some all, of the positive features of Band 8
• may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or • uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and grammatical mistakes persist
some repetition and/or self-correction shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some
• uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with inappropriate choices
some flexibility • uses paraphrase effectively
6 • is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at • has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length • uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with • uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control
times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies limited flexibility • shows some effective use of features but this is not
hesitation • generally paraphrases successfully • may make frequent mistakes with complex structures sustained
• uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not though these rarely cause comprehension problems • can generally be understood throughout, though
always appropriately mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces
clarity at times
5 • usually maintains flow of speech but uses repetition, self • manages to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics but • produces basic sentence forms with reasonable accuracy • shows all the positive features of Band 4 and some, but not
correction and/or slow speech to keep going uses vocabulary with limited flexibility • uses a limited range of more complex structures, but these all, of the positive features of Band 6
• may over-use certain connectives and discourse markers • attempts to use paraphrase but with mixed success usually contain errors and may cause some comprehension
• produces simple speech fluently, but more complex problems
communication causes fluency problems

4 • cannot respond without noticeable pauses and may speak • is able to talk about familiar topics but can only convey • produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple • uses a limited range of pronunciation features
slowly, with frequent repetition and self-correction basic meaning on unfamiliar topics and makes frequent sentences but subordinate structures are rare • attempts to control features but lapses are frequent
• links basic sentences but with repetitious use of simple errors in word choice • errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding • mispronunciations are frequent and cause some difficulty
connectives and some breakdowns in coherence • rarely attempts paraphrase for the listener

3 • speaks with long pauses • uses simple vocabulary to convey personal information • attempts basic sentence forms but with limited success, or • shows some of the features of Band 2 and some, but not
• has limited ability to link simple sentences • has insufficient vocabulary for less familiar topics relies on apparently memorised utterances all, of the positive features of Band 4
• gives only simple responses and is frequently unable to • makes numerous errors except in memorised expressions
convey basic message
2 • pauses lengthily before most words • only produces isolated words or memorised utterances • cannot produce basic sentence forms • Speech is often unintelligble
• little communication possible

1 • no communication possible
• no rateable language
0 • does not attend

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Candidate Name: ........................................................... Candidate Number: ..................................................

Centre Number: ................................................................. Date: ........................................................................

Module: ACADEMIC GENERAL TRAINING (Tick as appropriate)



EXAMINER 2 NUMBER: ..........................................

CANDIDATE NUMBER: ............................................. EXAMINER 1 NUMBER: ..........................................








TASK 2 ––







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