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Professional Ethics and Legislations

Questions collected from lectures and previous exams

Mid-term revision

Contents of the file

Questions about the lecture 1&2 Page 2 : 7

Questions about the lecture 3 Page 8 : 17

Questions about the lecture 4 Page 18 : 20

Questions from previous exams Page 21 : 27

Questions about the lecture 1&2

1-In which stage of a project does the decision about proceeding or

canceling the project typically occur?
a. Feasibility and Strategy Stage
b. Design Stage
c. Tendering and Contracting Stage
d. Construction Stage

2-What is the primary aim of the Design Stage in a project?

a. Risk analysis
b. Making a decision about proceeding
c. Design and defining project details .
d. Contract drafting

3-When does risk analysis begin in a project, and when does it end?
a. It begins during the Tendering and Contracting Stage and ends in
the Construction Stage.
b. It begins during the Feasibility and Strategy Stage and ends in the
Design Stage.
c. It begins with the Design Stage and does not end with it.
d. It begins during the Testing, Preliminary Handover and Guarantee
Stage and ends in the Final Handover and Guarantee Stage

4-What is a tender in the context of a project?

a. A project design document
b. An invitation to bid for a project or accept a formal offer
c. A contract agreement
d. A project plan
5-In which stage of a project is the primary aim to choose the best
contract type for the project?
a. Feasibility and Strategy Stage
b. Design Stage
c. Tendering and Contracting Stage
d. Testing, Preliminary Handover and Guarantee Stage

6-Which of the following is not a stage in contract lifecycle

a. Planning b. Signing c. Revising d. Designing

7-In the sequence of contract documents, which document has the

highest priority for interpretation?
a. The Letter of Tender
b. The General Conditions
c. The Drawings
d. The Contract Agreement (if any)

8-Who are stakeholders in a project?

a. Project managers only
b. Project sponsors and customers only
c. Those with an interest in the project's outcome
d. Executives and project managers

9-What is the key difference between stakeholders and key project

a. Stakeholders are more important than key project stakeholders.
b. Key project stakeholders have the power to make or break the
c. Stakeholders are project managers, while key project stakeholders
are executives.
d. There is no significant difference between the two.
10-What are "Open Bids" primarily used for?
a. Governmental bids
b. Private sector bids
c. Extending the scope of works
d. Direct awards

11-What is the primary aim of the Construction Stage in a project?

a. Risk analysis
b. Design and defining project details
c. Execution and building
d. Drafting the contract

12-Which stage of contract lifecycle management involves discussing

the terms and conditions of the contract?
a. Planning b. Drafting c. Approving d. Negotiating

13-In contract documents, which document takes the highest priority

for interpretation after the Contract Agreement (if any)?
a. The Letter of Acceptance
b. The Letter of Tender
c. The General Conditions
d. The Drawings

14-Who are considered key project stakeholders in a construction

a. All individuals involved in the project
b. Those who have an interest in the project's outcome
c. Executives and project sponsors
d. Those with the power to make or break the project

15-What type of bid is mostly used for government projects?

a. Selective Bids b. Negotiated Bids c. Open Bids d. Serial Tender
16-What is the primary aim of the Testing, Preliminary Handover and
Guarantee Stage in a construction project?
a. Design and defining project details
b. Risk analysis
c. Conducting tests and inspections
d. Finalizing the contract

17-In contract management, what does "Renewal" typically involve?

a. Selecting the right contract type
b. Negotiating the terms and conditions
c. Extending or renewing existing contracts
d. Finalizing the project design

18-Which type of bid is used when a company is directly selected to

execute the project without an open bidding process?
a. Selective Bids b. Direct Award c. Open Bids d. Serial Tender

19-What is the primary aim of the Final Handover and Guarantee

Stage in a construction project?
a. Risk analysis
b. Design and defining project details
c. Finalizing the contract
d. Handing over the completed project to the client

20-Who typically issues necessary clarifications or instructions when

an ambiguity or discrepancy is found in contract documents?
a. The Project Manager b. The Owner c. The Engineer
d. The Contracting Company

21-What is the primary aim of the Operation, Maintenance & Training

Stage in a project?
a. Finalizing the contract
b. Conducting tests and inspections
c. Ensuring long-term project functionality and performance
d. Negotiating contract terms
22-In contract management, what does the "Approving" stage
typically involve?
a. Reviewing and accepting the terms and conditions of the contract
b. Renewing existing contracts
c. Drafting the contract
d. Finalizing the project design

23-What is the purpose of having a sequence for interpreting contract

documents, with the Contract Agreement having the highest priority?
a. To prioritize the General Conditions over other documents
b. To provide clarity in case of ambiguities or discrepancies
c. To reduce the number of documents in the contract
d. To make the contract drafting process easier

24-What is the focus of stakeholders in a project?

a. The project's design and details
b. The project's budget and financial aspects
c. The project's outcome and its impact on them
d. The project's legal aspects and contracts

25-What type of bid is primarily used for a company to extend the

scope of works in an existing project?
a. Open Bids b. Selective Bids c. Negotiated Bids d. Serial

26-In the design stage of a project, what does the level of detailing in
the design help determine?
a. Project budget b. Project timeline
c. Suitable type of contract d. Number of project stakeholders

27-What is the primary aim of the Serial Tender stage?

a. Final project handover b. Repeated typical projects
c. Extending the project schedule d. Cost reduction
28-What stage of a construction project involves drafting and
reviewing the contract document?
a. Feasibility and Strategy Stage
b. Design Stage
c. Tendering and Contracting Stage
d. Construction Stage

29-In which stage of a construction project is the contract negotiated

and finalized?
a. Design Stage
b. Construction Stage
c. Tendering and Contracting Stage
d. Operation, Maintenance & Training Stage

‫ أال ادلك‬: ‫ قال لي رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬,‫عن أبي موسي األشعري‬
:‫ فقال‬,‫ بلي‬:‫ علي كنز من كنوز الجنة؟ فقلت‬:‫ أو قال‬,‫علي كلمة من كنوز الجنة‬
‫صحيح مسلم‬ .‫ال حول وال قوة ِإال باهلل‬

The answers
1) A 8) C 15) C 22) A

2) C 9) B 16) C 23) B

3) C 10) A 17) C 24) C

4) B 11) C 18) B 25) C

5) C 12) D 19) D 26) C

6) D 13) A 20) C 27) B

7) D 14) D 21) C 28) C

29) C
Questions about the lecture 3

1. ………… is a type of construction price contracts ?

a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) (a) and (b)

2. ………… is a type of construction Cost contracts?

a) Cost-plus contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) (a) and (c)

3. In …………… the contractor is obligated to carry out the agreed upon

works in return for a fixed total amount of money paid by the owner?
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

4. ……………… is an agreement made between the owner and the

contractor on the basis of the contractor doing the required work in
return for recovering any expenses he spends in addition to the profit
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

5. …………… depends on the unit price of each item, for which the cost
is estimated by the contractor
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

6. ……………. is same as cost plus contract but a prerequisite for the

contract is added, which is the participation of the contractor in
bearing part of any expenses exceeding the target cost of the project?
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract
7. In ……….… All designs must be completed before beginning in
a) Unit price contract c) Target cost contract
b) Cost-plus contract d) None

8. In ……….… It is not a requirement to complete all designs before

starting implementation?
a) Unit price contract c) Target cost contract
b) Cost-plus contract d) All of them

9. In ……….… All designs must be completed before beginning in

a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

10. In ……….… The owner is not allowed to make any change in the
terms of the project.
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

11. In ……….… The owner is allowed to make any change in the terms
of the project at any phase of implementation (during construction)?
a) Unit price contract c) Target cost contract
b) Cost-plus contract d) All of them

12. In ……….… The owner can participate in the management and

follow up of the project.
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

13. In Lump sum contract Risks of project Afford by the …………. ?

a) Owner b) Contractor c) Owner and Contractor d) None

14. In Unit price contract Risks of project Afford by the owner only.
a) True b) False
15.In Cost-plus contract Risks of project Afford by the owner ?
a) True b) False

16. In …………. Risks of project Afford by the Contractor and Owner ?

a) Cost-plus contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price d) (b) and (c)

17.In Target cost contract Risks of project Afford by the Contractor and
Owner ?
a) True b) False

18. In Unit price contract Risks of project Afford by the …………. ?

a) Owner b) Contractor c) Owner and Contractor d) None

19. ………… Provides an incentive for the contractor to save any

a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) (a) and (c)

20. ………… Provides an incentive for the contractor to save any money
and finish the project before the specific date?
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) (a) and (c)

21. The absence of any incentive for the contractor to raise the
efficiency of work is in …….…… ?
a) Cost-plus contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) (a) and (b)

22. Cost-plus contract provides an incentive for the contractor to save

any money?
a) True b) False

23. Lump sum contract provides an incentive for the contractor to save
any money? a) True b) False
24. Target cost contract doesn't provide an incentive for the contractor
to save any money?
a) True b) False

25. Unit price contract doesn't provide an incentive for the contractor
to save any money?
a) True b) False

26. In Lump sum contract the final cost of the project is …………. ?
a) Specific cost b) Not specific cost c) Target cost d) None

27. In Target cost contract the final cost of the project is ………….?
a) Specific cost b) Not specific cost c) Target cost d) None

28.In …………. the final cost of the project is Not specific cost?
a) Cost-plus contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) (a) and (b)

29. Which type of contract has max risk and max flexibility for owner?
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

30.Which type of contract has min risk and min incentive for
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

31.Which type of contract has min risk for contractor and max risk for
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract
32.Which type of contract has max risk and max incentive for
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

33.Which type of contract has max risk for contractor and min risk
for owner?
a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

34.The fastest contract you can make if you've no time is ……………?

a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract

35. The most complicated contract is ……………. ?

a) Lump sum contract c) Target cost contract
b) Unit price contract d) Cost-plus contract
36-What are the types of price contracts?
A) Lump sum contract B) Cost-plus contract
C) Target cost contract D) Both A and B

37-Which type of contract involves a fixed price for the entire project?
A) Lump sum contract B) Cost-plus contract
C) Target cost contract D) Unit price contract

38-In a cost contract, which approach involves paying the contractor for
the actual costs incurred plus a predetermined fee?
A) Lump sum contract B) Cost-plus contract
C) Target cost contract D) Unit price contract

39-Which contract type is based on paying a set amount per unit of

work done?
A) Lump sum contract B) Cost-plus contract
C) Target cost contract D) Unit price contract

40-What is the main characteristic of a lump sum contract?

A) Flexibility in project scope
B) Payment based on actual costs incurred
C) Fixed total amount of money paid by the owner
D) Continuous adjustments to project design

41-What is required before starting construction in a lump sum

A) Completion of all legal paperwork
B) Approval from the contractor
C) Completion of all designs
D) Finalization of project budget
42-What is the level of flexibility for the owner in a lump sum
A) Limited flexibility B) Complete flexibility
C) Flexibility based on project progress D) No flexibility at all

43-What is one of the risks of the project typically borne by the

contractor in a lump sum contract?
A) Legal liabilities B) Material costs C) Design errors D) Project

44-How does a lump sum contract provide incentive for the

A) By offering bonuses for early completion
B) By reimbursing all project expenses
C) By allowing the contractor to set project milestones
D) The absence of any incentive for the contractor

45-What is the nature of the final cost of the project in a lump sum
A) Variable cost B) General estimate C) Specific cost D) Indefinite

46-What is the main characteristic of a unit price contract?

A) Fixed total amount paid by the owner
B) Dependency on the unit price of each item
C) Requirement to complete all designs before implementation
D) Absence of any changes allowed by the owner

47-What level of flexibility does the owner have in a unit price

contract regarding project terms?
A) Limited flexibility B) No flexibility at all
C) Flexibility only before construction starts D) Complete flexibility

48-Who bears the risks of the project in a unit price contract?

A) Only the contractor B) Only the owner
C) Both the contractor and owner D) Neither the contractor nor the owner
49- How does a unit price contract provide incentive for the
A) By offering bonuses for early completion
B) By allowing the contractor to raise the efficiency of work
C) The absence of any incentive for the contractor
D) By allowing the contractor to raise the efficiency of work

50- What is the nature of the final cost of the project in a unit price
A) Specific cost B) Variable cost C) Indefinite cost D) Fixed cost

51-What is the main characteristic of a cost-plus contract?

A) Fixed total amount paid by the owner
B) Recovery of expenses incurred by the contractor
C) Profit rate for the contractor
D) B&C

52-How much flexibility does the owner have in a cost-plus contract

regarding project terms?
A) Limited flexibility B) No flexibility at all
C) Flexibility only before construction starts D) Complete flexibility

53-Who bears the risks of the project in a cost-plus contract?

A) Only the contractor B) Only the owner
C) Both the contractor and owner D) Neither the contractor nor
the owner

54-What incentive does a cost-plus contract provide for the contractor?

A) Offering bonuses for early completion
B) Reimbursing all project expenses
C) The absence of any incentive for the contractor
D) Allowing the contractor to recover expenses and earn a profit

55-What is the nature of the final cost of the project in a cost-plus

contract? A) Specific cost B) Variable cost C) Indefinite cost D) Fixed
56-What is the main difference between a target cost contract and a
cost-plus contract?
A) The level of flexibility for the owner
B) The participation of the contractor in bearing part of expenses
exceeding the target cost
C) The nature of the final cost of the project
D) The presence of incentives for the contractor

57-What is the prerequisite added to a target cost contract compared

to a cost-plus contract?
A) Completion of all designs before starting implementation
B) Participation of the contractor in bearing part of expenses
exceeding the target cost
C) Incentive for the contractor to save money
D) Flexibility for the owner to make changes in project terms

58-Who bears the risks of the project in a target cost contract?

A) Only the contractor B) Only the owner
C) Both the contractor and owner D) Neither the contractor nor the

59-How does a target cost contract provide incentive for the

A) By offering bonuses for early completion
B) By reimbursing all project expenses
C) By providing a fixed total amount for the project
D) By incentivizing the contractor to save money and finish before a
specific date

60-What is the nature of the final cost of the project in a target cost
A) Specific cost B) Variable cost C) Indefinite cost D) Target cost
‫قال هللا ‪-‬جل وعال‪:-‬‬
‫صلُّوا‬ ‫علَى النَّ ِبي ِ يَا أَيُّ َها الَّذ َ‬
‫ِين آ َمنُوا َ‬ ‫ون َ‬‫صلُّ َ‬ ‫َّللا َو َمالئِ َكتَهُ يُ َ‬
‫ِإ َّن َّ َ‬
‫س ِلي ًما‬ ‫علَ ْي ِه َو َ‬
‫س ِل ُموا تَ ْ‬ ‫َ‬

‫‪The answers‬‬
‫)‪1‬‬ ‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪11) D‬‬ ‫‪20) C‬‬
‫‪29) D‬‬
‫)‪2‬‬ ‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪12) D‬‬ ‫‪21) D‬‬
‫‪30) D‬‬
‫)‪3‬‬ ‫‪A‬‬ ‫‪13) B‬‬ ‫‪22) B‬‬
‫‪31) D‬‬
‫)‪4‬‬ ‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪14) B‬‬ ‫‪23) A‬‬
‫‪32) A‬‬
‫)‪5‬‬ ‫‪B‬‬ ‫‪15) A‬‬ ‫‪24) B‬‬
‫‪33) A‬‬
‫)‪6‬‬ ‫‪C‬‬ ‫‪16) D‬‬ ‫‪25) A‬‬
‫‪34) D‬‬
‫)‪7‬‬ ‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪17) A‬‬ ‫‪26) A‬‬
‫‪35 ) A‬‬
‫)‪8‬‬ ‫‪D‬‬ ‫‪18) C‬‬ ‫‪27) C‬‬

‫)‪9‬‬ ‫‪A‬‬ ‫‪19) D‬‬ ‫‪28) D‬‬

‫‪10) A‬‬

‫‪36) A‬‬ ‫‪43) C‬‬ ‫‪50) B‬‬ ‫‪57) B‬‬

‫‪37) A‬‬ ‫‪44) D‬‬ ‫‪51) D‬‬ ‫‪58) C‬‬

‫‪38) B‬‬ ‫‪45) C‬‬ ‫‪52) D‬‬ ‫‪59) D‬‬

‫‪39) D‬‬ ‫‪46) B‬‬ ‫‪53) B‬‬ ‫‪60) D‬‬

‫‪40) C‬‬ ‫‪47) D‬‬ ‫‪54) C‬‬

‫‪41) C‬‬ ‫‪48) C‬‬ ‫‪55) B‬‬

‫‪42) D‬‬ ‫‪49) C‬‬ ‫‪56) B‬‬

Questions about the lecture 4

1-What is the most popular project delivery method ?

a) DBB b) BOT c) CMAR d) None

2-Which of the following statements best describes the Design-Build

(DB) delivery method?
a) It involves separate contracts with different firms for design and
construction phases.
b) It combines the design and construction phases under one contract
with one company.
c) It outsources both design and construction tasks to multiple firms.
d) It only focuses on the construction phase of the project.

3-In Design-Build (DB) projects, who usually takes point on the project
and maintains contractual connection with the owner?
a) Subcontractors b) Architects c) Contractors d) B&C

4-Which advantage is associated with Design-Build (DB) projects,

according to the text?
a) Lengthy design process
b) Increased conflicts between teams
c) Faster completion due to streamlined process
d) Limited contractor involvement in design decisions

5-Why is it challenging for new subcontractors to participate in DB

a) They lack experience in construction.
b) They have difficulty understanding project requirements.
c) Subcontractors are often selected ahead of time.
d) The bidding process is too complex for them
6-In the CMAR method, what role does the construction manager play
during both the design and construction phases?
a) Subcontractor b) Owner's representative
c) General contractor d) Project designer

7- How does the CMAR method differ from the Design-Bid-Build (DBB)
a) It combines the design and building processes.
b) It separates the design and building processes.
c) It involves subcontractors directly.

8-What risk does the CMAR accept in meeting the project deadline and
owner’s cost requirements?
a) Design errors b) Project quality
c) Guaranteed maximum price d) Construction delays

9-What happens if construction costs exceed the expected amount in

the CMAR method?
a) The owner absorbs the additional costs.
b) The subcontractors absorb the additional costs.
c) The construction manager absorbs the additional costs.
d) The project is terminated.

10-In Construction Management Multi-Prime (MP) projects, who acts

as the general contractor?
a) Design team members
b) Major trade contractors
c) The construction manager d) The owner

11-What type of owner is CMMP method best suited for?

a) Inexperienced owners
b) Owners with little control over projects
c) Owners with a lot of experience managing construction projects
d) Owners who prefer Design-Bid-Build (DBB) method
12-What advantage does CMMP method offer subcontractors?
A) More paperwork
b) Lengthier payment processes
c) Direct contractual relationship with the owner
d) Reduced control over project details

13-How does the direct contractual relationship benefit

subcontractors in CMMP projects?
a) It increases paperwork.
b) It delays payments.
c) It leads to speedier payments.
d) It reduces their involvement in the project.

14- What does DBFO stand for in the context of PPPs?

a) Design-Build-Operate (DBO)
b) Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO)
c) Design-Build-Finance (DBF)
d) Design-Bid-Finance-Operate (DBFO)

15- What are "shadow tolls" in the context of DBFO projects?

a) Payments made to the government by the contractor
b) Payments made by the contractor to the government
c) Payments made by the host government to the contractor
d) Payments made by users directly to the contractor

The answers
1) A 5) C 9) C 13) C

2) B 6) B 10) D 14) B

3) D 7) B 11) C 15) C

4) C 8) C 12) C
Questions from previous exams (1)

1-The aim of design stage is to make a decision about proceeding or

cancelling the project ?
a) True b) False

2-Contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties ?

a) True b) False

3-Open bids mostly used for extending scope of works ?

a) True b) False

4-A main difference between DBFO and a BOT arrangement is that no

actual tolls are collected from road users ?
a) True b) False

5-In Lump Sum contract, all designs must be completed before

beginning in construction ?
a) True b) False

6-DB collaboration between a government agency and a private-sector

company that can be used to finance, build and operate projects. Such
as public transportation networks, parks and convention centers ?
a) True b) False

7-In Design-bid-build, the actual construction process doesn't begin

until the design is finalized, adding more time to the overall schedule
of the project ?
a) True b) False

8-DBB is the most popular project delivery method, and it is thought

to result in the lowest construction price ?
a) True b) False
9-A target cost contract offers more flexibility when trying to complete
a project and contractors get more incentives to minimize cost ?
a) True b) False

10-The Lump Sum contract doesn’t suitable where the project is

complicated in nature ?
a) True b) False

11-A cost plus contract tends to result in better quality projects

because contractors do not have to skimp on materials and labor ?
a) True b) False

12-Risk analysis is a process that begins with the design stage but does
not end with it ?
a) True b) False

13-Engineers may perform services outside of their areas of

competence as long as they inform their employers or clients ?
a) True b) False

14-The aim of the construction stage is to define every detail of the

a) True b) False

The answers
1) B 5) A 9) A 13) B

2) A 6) B 10) A 14) B

3) B 7) A 11) A

4) A 8) A 12) A
Questions from previous exams (2)

1-The aims of tendering and contracting stage are to :

a) Choose the best contract type for the project
b) Prepare the contract documents
c) Draft the contract
d) All of them

2-The aims of ………. Stage is to complete the required detailed design

such as, development , implementation and operation ?
a) Feasibility & Strategy Stage b) Design Stage
c) Tendering d) Construction Stage

3-In ……….. cycle, parameters are set to meet contract obligations and
special terms of a contract?
a) planning b)drafting c)approval d) none of them

4- …………. Mostly used for extending scope of works ?

a) Open bids b) selective bids c) negotiated bids d) direct award

5-The aims of ………. Stage is to make a decision about proceeding or

cancelling the project ?
a) Feasibility & Strategy Stage b) Design Stage
c) Tendering d) Construction Stage

6-The owner make the invitation for the bid public in the official
newspapers and any company can participate in the bid ?
a) Open bids b) selective bids c) negotiated bids d) direct award

7-The owner selects a few companies and invite them to the bid and
any other company can not participate in the bid ?
a) Open bids b) selective bids c) negotiated bids d) direct award

‫ سبحان هللا العظيم‬, ‫سبحان هللا وبحمده‬

8-……….bids mostly used for repeated typical project .
a) Open bids b) selective bids c) negotiated bids d) serial tender

9-……… is a critical step in contract lifecycle management. It helps

ensure that all aspects of the project are executed as agreed upon
a) Approving b) Drafting c) Planning d) Singing

10-……… the act of writing down the terms and conditions of an

a) Approving b) Drafting c) Planning d) Singing

11-…………. Are people who will be affected by your project at any

point in its life cycle
a) Project stakeholders b) key project stakeholders c) managers

12- …………. Are people and groups whose objectives must be satisfied,
as they have the power to make or break the project
a) Project stakeholders b) key project stakeholders c) managers

13-A promise enforceable by law which may be to do something or to

refrain from doing something.
a) Tender b) bid c)contract agreement d) contract

The answers
1) D 5) A 9) A 13) D

2) B 6) A 10) B

3) A 7) B 11) A

4) C 8) D 12) B
Questions from previous exams (3)

1-……….. Is an invitation to bid for a project or accept a formal offer.

a) Contract b) renewal c) negotiating d) tender

2-As uncertainty ……….., the risk ………..

a) Increase – decrease b) decrease – decrease c) decrease – increase

3- At which stage does risk management exist.

a) Feasibility & strategy stage b) Design stage
C) Tendering stage d) construction stage

4- …………… bids mostly used for governmental bids.

a) Open b) serial tender c) selective d) negotiated

5- The aim of the …………… , is to define every detail of the project.

a) Feasibility & strategy stage b) Design stage
C) Tendering stage d) construction stage

6- The aim of the ………., is to make a decision about proceeding or

cancelling the project
a) Feasibility & strategy stage b) Design stage
C) Tendering stage d) construction stage

7- The contract life cycle consists of ………… basic stages

a) Five b) six c) seven d) eight

8- ……………. is concerned with identifying and implementing the

structure of the contract.
a) Design stage b) Planning stage
c) Drafting stage d) Approval stage

9- In ……………….cycle, parameters are set to meet contract obligations

and special terms of a contract.
a) Planning b) Drafting c) Approval d) None of them
10- At drafting cycle, conditions agreement regarding the expectations
of all involved parties?
a) True b) False

11- If one of the parties fails to keep the promise, the other is entitled
to legal redress?
a) True b) False

12- The contract document consists of ……………basic articles.

a) Five b) six c) seven d) eight

13-……….. contract offers more flexibility when trying to complete a

project and contractors get more incentives to minimize cost.
a) Lump Sum b) Unit Price c) Target Cost d) Cost Plus

14- If you have a strict budget, cost plus contracts are a poor choice?
a) True b) False

15- Lump sum contracts render little financial risk for owners as the
contractor is responsible for any cost overruns?
a) True b) False

16- ………….is the most popular project delivery method, and it is

thought to result in the lowest construction price.
a) Design-bid-build (DBB) b) Design-Build (DB)
c) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) d) none of them

17- …………collaboration between a government agency and a private-

sector company that can be used to finance, build, and operate
projects, such as public transportation networks, parks, and
convention centers
a) Design-bid-build (DBB) b) Design-Build (DB)
c) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) d) none of them
‫قال هللا ‪-‬جل وعال‪:-‬‬
‫صلُّوا‬ ‫علَى النَّ ِبي ِ يَا أَيُّ َها الَّذ َ‬
‫ِين آ َمنُوا َ‬ ‫ون َ‬‫صلُّ َ‬ ‫َّللا َو َمالئِ َكتَهُ يُ َ‬
‫ِإ َّن َّ َ‬
‫س ِلي ًما‬ ‫علَ ْي ِه َو َ‬
‫س ِل ُموا تَ ْ‬ ‫َ‬

‫‪The answers‬‬
‫‪1) D‬‬ ‫‪7) C‬‬ ‫‪13) C‬‬

‫‪2) B‬‬ ‫‪8) B‬‬ ‫‪14) A‬‬

‫‪3) B‬‬ ‫‪9) A‬‬ ‫‪15) A‬‬

‫‪4) A‬‬ ‫‪10) B‬‬ ‫‪16) A‬‬

‫‪5) B‬‬ ‫‪11) A‬‬ ‫‪17) C‬‬

‫‪6) A‬‬ ‫‪12) D‬‬

‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه قال ‪ :‬قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪ :‬ألن أقول ‪:‬‬
‫سبحان هللا‪ ,‬والحمد هلل‪ ,‬وال ِإله ِإال هللا‪ ,‬وهللا اكبر ‪ .‬أحب ِإلي مما طلعت عليه الشمس‬
‫صحيح مسلم‬

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