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Mario: Do you work with him?

Víctor Soto: And then, the second time – once I went and did a cleaning for him
and now the painting I did for him. I did the job well, but he says that since it's
nighttime, you can't see it well, you have to see it during the day.

Mario: Ah, okay.

Víctor Soto: Because the work is already finished, now. I even finished painting it
on the same day. That's right. Well, suddenly now – there, there, ask me the

Mario: No, no, it's fine. Don't worry.

Víctor Soto: Because sudd... All of a sudden...

Mario: Yes, well, it's just chatting.

Víctor Soto: And, and, and what I don't want is for him to leave, because he has to
give me $200.

Mario: Of course. And, is he going to call you on the phone? Or what?

Víctor Soto: Yes, he's going to call me on the phone.

Mario: Okay. Alright. We haven't met yet.

Víctor Soto: Right.

Mario: My name is Mario.

Víctor Soto: Got it. My name is Víctor.

Mario: Víctor what? Víctor.

Víctor Soto: Yes. Víctor Soto. Víctor Soto.

Mario: Where are you from, Víctor?

Víctor Soto: From Peru.

Mario: From Peru, well, Peru, right? Yes, that's why they call you Peru?

Víctor Soto: Right. Yes, everyone here – because I'm the only Peruvian here.

Mario: Really?
Víctor Soto: Yes, after that, it's only Central Americans.

Mario: Oh, Mexicans too.

Víctor Soto: Yes. Right. Mexicans, Central Americans, and I don't see other

Mario: And when did you come from Peru to here, to the United States?

Víctor Soto: Look, I came here four years ago from there.

Mario: Where did you come to?

Víctor Soto: Four years ago. I came through all of South America. I came through
Bolivia, through Bolivia, Bra... I reached Brazil, all by bus, and from there, I took a
plane from Brazil to Mexico.

Mario: From Bolivia?

Víctor Soto: No. From Brazil.

Mario: From Brazil.

Víctor Soto: Until Bra... Bolivia, I came by bus, from there – I went through all of
Brazil by bus as well, and from Brazil, I came to Mexico by plane.

Mario: To Mexico City?

Víctor Soto: Yes. To Mexico City, to the airport. From there, some coyotes took me
and brought me to a house. I stayed there for about three days, and then I had to
go to the border, right? To the border, and it was always climbing from there.

Mario: Of course.

Víctor Soto: From there, when I reached the border, I stayed there for two days in a
hotel. From there, they made me cross the river. And, they made me cross the
river, and I crossed the river there. I stayed in that house for... about fifteen days,
eating – eating the things that the lady brought, because there were more than
forty of us when I arrived here.

Mario: Wow!

Víctor Soto: Uh huh. T... this was a room, half of this, so to speak. Half of this. Not
all of this. From here, to here.

Mario: And, were there forty in the same room?

Víctor Soto: Forty. And we slept there. When we slept, we were packed in, men
and women, sleeping close together there.

Mario: How long were you like that?

Víctor Soto: We were like that for about fifteen days. Eating like that, well, whatever
was there, right? The lady sometimes brought enough food for everyone. A lady
who arranged for us to be sent to San Antonio.

Mario: Uh huh, uh huh.

Víctor Soto: And, we were there for about fifteen days, eating noodles with – with
noodles and water, with a bit of – what's it called? Salt. Or, on other days, we had
little eggs, we added eggs, like that. Like that for fifteen days. And when there was
good food that they – they didn't save, well, they ate everything in one day. So, the
lady punished us. She made us eat noodles with – what's it called? With just water.
There. From there, I went to, I went to, what's it called? To San Antonio. From
there, my brother sent me some money. Because my brother is in, what's it called?
In, well, in Virginia.

Mario: In Virginia, in Arlington? Or where?

Víctor Soto: In Arlington. Right. Arlington. Uh, he's in, what's it called, beyond

Mario: Falls Church?

Víctor Soto: Yes, well, no, in...

Mario: Or Reston?

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