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CHAPTER 5: AUDIT PLANNING For continuing engagements, the auditor should re-

evaluate information gathered previously, including

AUDIT PLANNING information in the prior years’ working papers and
- Developing a general audit strategy and a update this information if needed.
detailed approach for the expected conduct
of the audit. Additional consideration on new engagements
Main objective:  A first-time audit engagement requires
 To determine the scope of the audit more work than a repeat engagement.
procedures to be performed.  PSA 510 (Initial Audit Engagements)
requires the auditor to obtain sufficient
The extent of planning varies to: appropriate audit evidence that:
 size of the entity; o opening balances do not contain
 complexity of the audit; misstatements that materially
 auditor’s experience with the entity; and affect the current year’s financial
 knowledge of the business. statements
o prior period’s closing balances
Importance: have been correctly brought
 ensure that appropriate attention is devoted forward to the current period, or
to important areas of the audit when appropriate, have been
 helps identify potential problems restated
 allows the work to be completed o accounting policies are
expeditiously appropriate and have been
 assists in the proper assignment and consistently applied
coordination of work When the prior year FS were audited by another
 helps ensure that the audit is conducted auditor, the auditor may be able to obtain sufficient
effectively and efficiently appropriate evidence regarding opening balance by
reviewing the predecessor auditor’s working
PSA 315 (Risk of Material Misstatements) requires papers.
auditor to obtain sufficient understanding of the entity
and its environment including its internal control. Understanding the internal control
 To obtain sufficient understanding about the
Understanding the client entity’s internal control systems for the
 To identify and understand the events, auditor to anticipate the type of potential
transactions, and practices that may have a misstatements that can occur in the FS and
significant effect on the financial thus helping the auditor plan the
statements. appropriate audit procedures.
Sources of information:
- review of prior years’ working papers Developing an overall audit strategy
- tour of the client’s facilities  The best audit strategy is the approach that
- reading relevant books, periodicals and results in the most efficient audit – effective
other publications audit performed at the least possible
- discussion with people within and outside of cost.
the entity  An audit plan should be made regarding:
- reading corporate documents and financial o how much evidence to accumulate
o what are the procedures to be
Use of information obtained:
Knowledge of the client’s business is a frame of o when should the procedures be
reference within which the auditor exercises
professional judgment.
Adequate considerations of
- assessing risks and identifying potential
materiality and audit risk should
enable the auditor to answer these
- planning and performing the audit
effectively and efficiently
- evaluating audit evidence as well as the
reasonableness of client’s representations
- information is material if its omission or
and estimates
misstatement could influence the
- providing better service to the client
economic decision of users taken on the  Performance materiality – the reduced
basis of the financial statements. level of materiality which the auditors use
 In designing an audit plan, PSA 320 both at the FS and account balance level.
(Materiality) requires the auditor to make a
preliminary estimate of materiality for Bases that can be used to determine the materiality
use during the examination to assist them level
in determining the amount of evidence  Annualized interim FS
needed to support their opinion.  Prior year FS
 There is an inverse relationship between  Budgeted FS of the current year
materiality and audit evidence – more Adjustments should be made to the preliminary
evidence is needed as the level of estimate of materiality as the year-end FS account
materiality for the account decreases. balances become available.
 The concept of materiality recognizes that
some matters are important for fair AUDIT RISK
presentation of FS while other matters are
The auditor’s responsibility is to design the audit to
provide reasonable assurance that the FS taken as a
 May be viewed as:
whole are free from material misstatements.
o the largest amount of
misstatement that the auditor
When designing substantive tests, the auditor
could tolerate in the FS
should consider three main issues:
o the smallest aggregate amount
1. What level of assurance does the auditor
that could misstate any one of the wish to attain that the FS do not contain
FS material misstatements?
 Materiality is a matter of professional o level of assurance increases, the
judgment and necessarily involves
scope of the auditor’s substantive
quantitative factors (amount of the item in
tests increases
relation to the FS) and qualitative factors
2. How susceptible is the account to material
(the nature of misstatement).
Uses of materiality
o susceptibility of the account to
 In the planning stage, to determine the
material misstatement increases,
scope of audit procedures.
the scope of the auditor’s
 In the completion phase of the audit, to substantive tests also increases
evaluate the effect of misstatements on the 3. How effective is the client’s internal control
FS. in preventing or detecting misstatements?
Determine the Overall Materiality
(Financial Statement Level)
o effectiveness of the client’s
internal control, the scope of
auditor’s substantive tests
Determine the Tolerable Stage
Misstatement decreases
(Account Balance Level)
These three issues are the preliminary basis for the
development of the audit risk model:
Perform audit procedures Audit risk = Inherent risk x Control risk x Detection
Compare the aggregate amount of
misstatements with the overall
materiality Completion  Audit risk – the risk that the auditor might
Stage give an inappropriate audit opinion on the
Performance materiality
 When auditing FS, it is common for auditors
level of audit risk decreases, the amount of
to exercise prudence by setting materiality
audit evidence needed to support the
at an amount lower than the overall
auditor’s opinion increases
 By using a lower level of materiality in the  Inherent risk – the susceptibility of an
performance of the audit, the extent of the account balance or class of transactions to
audit procedures is increased thereby a material misstatement assuming that
reducing the risk that the amount of there were no related internal controls.
uncorrected and undetected misstatements o Factors that may influence the
will exceed the overall materiality. auditor’s assessment of the risk
misstatement at the FS level
 management integrity  The auditor takes the inverse relationship
 management between materiality and audit risk into
characteristics account when determining the nature,
 operating characteristics timing and extent of audit procedures.
 industry characteristics
o Factors affecting inherent risk at Materiality Audit Risk Planned Audit
the account balance level may
include the: extensive
 susceptibility of the HIGH LOW
account to theft
 complexity of calculations
Risk Assessment Procedures
related to account
- to obtain an understanding of the entity and
 complexity underlying
its environment including its internal control
transactions and other
and to assess the risks of material
misstatements in the FS. Includes:
 degree of judgment
o inquiries of management and
involved in determining
account balances others within the entity
o analytical procedures
assessed level of inherent risk increases,
o observation and inspection
the auditor should design more effective
substantive procedures
 Control risk – the risk that a material
- involve analysis of significant ratios and
misstatement that could occur in an
trends, including the resulting investigation
account balance or class of transactions will
of fluctuations and relationships that are
not be prevented or detected, and corrected
inconsistent with other relevant information
in a timely manner by accounting and
or deviate from predicted amounts.
internal control system.
- help the auditor in identifying unusual
assessed level of control risk increases, transactions and events that may indicate
the auditor should design more effective possible misstatement of the FS.
substantive procedures  PSA requires the auditor to use analytical
 Detection risk – the risk that an auditor procedures in the planning and overall
may not detect a material misstatement that review stages of the audit.
exists in an assertion.  In the planning stage, analytical procedures
acceptable level of detection risk helps the auditor in assessing the risk of
decreases, the assurance provided by material misstatements in the FS.
substantive tests should increase with the Use of analytical procedures in an audit
application of more effective substantive Stage of the Audit Objective
procedures Planning the audit To understand the client’s
To identify areas that may
Set the Acceptable Level
represent specific risks.
of Audit Risk Substantive tests To obtain evidence to
Audit Planning confirm/refute individual
account balances.
Assess the Level of
Inherent Risk Overall review To identify unusual
fluctuations that were not
identified in the planning
Assess the Level of Consideration of and testing phases of the
Control Risk Internal Control
To confirm conclusions
Determine the Acceptable Performing reached with respect to the
Level of Detection Risk Substantive fairness of the FS.
Relationship between materiality and risk
 There is an inverse relationship between Analytical procedures in planning an audit
materiality and the level of audit risk, that is,  enhancing the auditor’s understanding of
the higher the materiality level, the lower the client’s business
the audit risk and vice versa.  identifying areas that may represent
specific risks
Analytical procedures performed in the planning
phase of the audit are useful for confirming or
challenging the auditor’s understanding of the
client’s business.
Documenting the audit plan
- the final step in the audit planning process
by preparing:
1. audit plan – overview of the expected
scope and conduct of the audit.
2. audit program – sets out in detail the
audit procedures to be performed in
each segment of the audit.
3. time budget – an estimate of the time
that will be spent in executing the audit
procedures listed in the audit program.

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