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Crisis Intervention Management and Strategy in the Philippines – Manuscript

*What is Crisis
- An unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending.
- A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger
- The turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either
recovery or death.

*Crisis Management
-Crisis Management is an organization's process- and strategy-based approach for
identifying and responding to a threat, an unanticipated event, or any negative
disruption with the potential to harm people, property, or business processes.
It refers to the practice of preparing for negative incidents, minimizing their damage and
disruption, and getting an organization back on track as quickly as possible.

*National Security Council

-The National Security Council (NSC) is the principal advisory body on the proper
coordination and integration of plans and policies affecting national security. Below are
the the 2 departments under NSC.

*Council Proper
-The Council Proper is a collegial body chaired by the President. It includes concerned
officials of the Cabinet and Congress, as members, as well as other government
officials and private citizens who may be invited by the President.
The Council was created during the Quirino Administration through Executive Order
(EO) No. 330, dated 01 July 1950. It was reorganized by virtue of EO No. 115, series of

*NSC Secretariat
-The NSC Secretariat is a permanent body that provides technical support to the
Council Proper. It is headed by the Director General / National Security Adviser.

*Crisis Intervention Model

1. Define the Problem
2. Ensure the individual’s safety
3. Provide support
4. Explore Alternatives
5. Make plans and obtain commitment

*National Crisis Management Framework

1. Predict
2. Prevent
3. Prepare
4. Perform
5. Post Action & Assessment
*Sample Crisis in the Philippines
1. Food
2. Fuel
3. Finances
4. Health

*Legal Basis of Crisis Management

-Republic Act No. 10121 a.k.a The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Act of 2021 (DRRM Act)
Presented by: Malu Fellizar-Caga,y CDP, DRRM Orientation
Source: Atty. Eunice Sano, Legal Person DRRnet

*NDRRMC R.A 10121 – it provides a comprehensive, all-hazar, multi-sectoral, inter-

agency, and community-based approach to disaster risk management through the
formulation of the National Disaster Risk Management Framework

*Purpose of Crisis Intervention – Crisis Intervention is a short-term management

technique designed to reduce potential permanent damage to an individual affected by
a crisis. A crisis is defined as an overwhelming event, which can include divorce,
violence, the passing of a loved one, or the discovery of a serious illness.

*Importance of Effective Crisis Management Plan

-A crisis management plan makes it easy to detect and prevent a crisis before it
happens or before it gets out of hand. That has an impact on both revenue and

*Thank you!

Presented by: Pat. Susano, Bien Miguel B.

Presented to: Sir. Jhess Rectin

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