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List of to pi _c s to
re vi ew
ing things
tion of w at er , its importance for liv
1. The st ru ct ur e and oh yd ra tes as energy storag
lipid s an d ca rb
tes. Comparison of
2. Lipids, carbohydra
e and function
3. Proteins: St ru ct ur
fecting enzyme ac
4. Enzymes, factors af
5. Nucleic acids ability to apply
al yt ic al an d cr itical thinking skills,
at as se ss in g an ided below.
Sc ie nt e exams aim tic al ly . Sa m pl e qu es ti on is prov
dge prac
th eo re tic al knowle
1a. [1 m ar k] e risk of
te rm effe cts of a change in diet on th as
or t- of the participants
y w as co nd uc te d to look at the sh the ha bi tu al di et
A st ud s data on
ults. The table show ks .
di se as e in yo un g ad o wee
l as th e st ud y di et followed for tw
ke ± standard deviatio
Mean daily inta
Study di et
Habitual diet
9992±4 79
10 14 3±949
Energy / kJ "IOO±G I
60± 1
Fa t/ g 37±2
total fat 40± "1 -- --- ---
Saturated fat I % ±2- ---- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
---- 32± '1
_% tot al fat --- -- - -- --- -- -- -- ---- 46±1 --- --- --- --- ·-- -- ---
Unsaturated fat ! i % to tal fat - -- --·- ·-·- ···- - -·- -- - --- --- --- --- 8± "1
at ed fat
Monounsatur --- --- --- --- ---fat--- '17± '1
lyu ns at ur at ed fat I % to tal 232±16
Po 248±23
Carbohydrate I g 11 9= '12 - - · --
Protein / g
t of th e two diets.
tal en er gy co nt en
Comment on th e to

1b. [2 marks}
Distinguish betwe en the two diets.

le. [2 marks]
e the study began and once a
Total blood plasma cholesterol levels were measured befor
in the bar chart, including the
week after starting the study diet. Mean results are shown
standard deviation.


Cholesterol I rng dl - 1

Before After After
diet -1 week 2 weeks

mean cholesterol level after

Calculate, showing your working, the perccntcigc chang e in
one week on the study diet.
······· ··· · ······· ··%
ld. [2 marks]
e tolerance
Control of blood glucose concentration was investigated using an oral glucos
time zero) and
test. For this test, the person was given a concentrated glucose drink (at ,,'
insulin level.
then blood samples were taken every 15 minutes to determine the plasma
diet. Mean
This test was done before the study diet and after two weeks on the study
results are shown in the graph, including the standard deviati on.

8 o Before d1el
- - After two weeks

Plasma insulin i µU ml-' 40

0 +----,c- ---,--- - , ----,c- --,--., -----,- - - - ,
0 '15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Time after ingesting glucose drink / min

Compare the data for plasm a insulin leve ls before and after the study diet.

le. {1 mark]
State which cells secrete insulin.

1f. {1 mark/
s of the test.
Outline the reason for plas ma insulin lev els changing in the lirsl 30 minute
1g. {3 ma rks ]
Th e hyp oth esi s ma de bef ore th
e stu dy wa s th at sa tur ate d fats in
cor ona ry art ery blo cka ge and dia the die t affected the risk of
bet es. Using all the dat a in que stio
thi s hyp oth esi s is sup por ted by n 1, eva lua te wh eth er
the stu dy .

. ' .. . . . .. . . .

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