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Me and my Diet

When I say my diet, I am not talking about a slimming diet. No, no, no. I do not
believe in slimming diets – they do not work. Trust me, I know! My last slimming diet –
about two years ago - was diet Number 99, at
least! I do not diet anymore! No! When you diet,
your weight goes down, but then it goes back up
again! Just like a yo-yo. You lose weight and
then - you gain weight. Don’t do it! However, I
do eat a healthy, sensible diet, most of the
time. For my breakfast, I have cereals, or fruit
and yogurt. I have a light lunch of chicken with
lots of salad or a jacket potato with cheese. In the evening, I eat pasta or rice with
lots of vegetables. It is not boring because I add lots of spices, garlic and chillies. If
I want a snack, I have fruit or sometimes, a small chocolate bar or two plain biscuits.
I do love a slice of cake and sometimes, if I meet my friends in a cafe, I allow myself
this treat. For a special occasion, like a birthday meal, I choose exactly what I want.
It is OK to have what you fancy every now and then! If I really want a packet of
crisps, I have it, particularly at the weekend. I usually drink tea with skimmed milk,
water and occasionally, I enjoy a glass of wine. I don’t like coffee. I am not super-
slim, but I am OK and I feel much better these days. So, for me, it’s ‘bye ‘bye
slimming diets, you make me sick and I hate you!

Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?

1. She is talking about her slimming diet. T/F
2. She believes that slimming diets work well. T/F
3. She eats breakfast. T/F
4. She never eats lunch. T/F
5. She makes food more exciting by adding spices. T/F
6. She never has chocolate or biscuits. T/F
7. She is a tea drinker. T/F
8. She is starting a slimming diet tomorrow. T/F

Answer the following questions in full sentences:

1. Does she believe in slimming diets? _______________________________________
2. When was her last slimming diet? ________________________________________
3. What does she have for breakfast? ______________________________________
4. What does she have in the evening? ______________________________________
5. When does she eat cake? ______________________________________________
6. What does she have on special occasions? _________________________________
7. What is her usual drink? _______________________________________________
8. How does she feel about slimming diets? __________________________________

OVER TO YOU: What do you eat on a normal day? Describe your diet .

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