Workout Plan

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| Workout Plan

Name: Ananth
Calorie Burnt Budget: 300 Cal

Workout for Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Warmup: 6min, 25Cal

A Ankle rotation - In Reps 15 reps, 2 sets • 45sec rest b/w sets

Raise your foot about 20 inches off the floor. Then with your toe upward, rotate the foot to the left and then back
to the right. Hold for 10 seconds then return to starting position. Repeat 10 times for each leg.

Rest for 30sec

S Standing Toe Raise 12 reps, 2 sets • 45sec rest b/w sets

Keep heel on ground and lift toes slowly for 10 -15 repetitions

Rest for 30sec

Workout: 7min, 19Cal

Leg Extension on Chair 12 reps, 3 sets • 45sec rest b/w sets

Lift the leg and hold for few seconds before relaxing , complete the repetitions

Rest for 30sec

High knees - In Reps 10 reps, 3 sets • 45sec rest b/w sets

You should start this exercise slowly and 10-20 repetitions .

Rest for 30sec

Cooldown: 1min, 8Cal

C Calves Static Stretch - In

2 sets 20.0sec

Breathe in and out relaxing into the stretch; Hold for 20-30 seconds .

Rest for 0sec

Workout for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Warmup: 2min, 13Cal

A Arm circles (Level 1) 12 reps, 2 sets • 45sec rest b/w sets

Perform in a controlled motion and complete the repetitions

Rest for 30sec

Workout: 12min, 36Cal

Lats Stretch - In Seconds 2 sets 20.0sec • 45sec rest b/w sets

Breathe in and out relaxing into the stretch; Hold for 20-30 seconds .

Rest for 30sec

Pec Stretch - In Seconds 2 sets 20.0sec • 45sec rest b/w sets

Breathe in and out relaxing into the stretch; Hold for 20-30 seconds .

Rest for 30sec

Shoulder Static Stretch - In

2 sets 20.0sec • 45sec rest b/w sets

Breathe in and out relaxing into the stretch; Hold for 20-30 seconds .

Rest for 30sec

Biceps Static Stretch - In

B 2 sets 20.0sec • 45sec rest b/w sets

Breathe in and out relaxing into the stretch; Hold for 20-30 seconds .

Rest for 30sec

T Triceps Static Stretch 2 sets 20.0sec • 45sec rest b/w sets

Breathe in and out relaxing into the stretch; Hold for 20-30 seconds .

Rest for 30sec

Cooldown: 2min, 15Cal

N Neck SMR (Rehab) 12 reps, 2 sets

Perform in a controlled motion and complete the sets

Rest for 0sec

I Isometric Neck Extension

2 sets 20.0sec

Hold for 8 -10 seconds and repeat to complete the sets

Rest for 0sec

Isometric Neck Flexion

I 2 sets 20.0sec

Hold for 8 -10 seconds and repeat to complete the sets

Rest for 0sec

Commonly asked questions

Why does my plan seem so basic?

The reason you may have a basic workout plan at the moment is to improve mobility, stability, and flexibility known
as a “loading phase”, where the intensity is between low and moderate. Your workout intensity can be increased if
your body responds well to the current intensity level. Work with your coach to see if you should be doing beyond
the plan to help you achieve your goals.

What do I do if I am unable to follow the plan every day due to a busy schedule?

Busy schedules tend to ruin good plans. A few ways that you can stay fit despite your busy schedule are - Try
exercising in the morning before you get busy. If a gym is far away from where you stay, you can try workouts at
home or go for brisk walks. Try planning short bursts of exercises throughout the day to manage your time better.
Ensure you move around every hour for a couple of minutes before you get to your busy routine.

Why do I not see results despite following the plan?

Several factors such as genetics, sleep, and hormone levels influence the time it takes to achieve a fitness goal. It is
also important that your fitness goals are realistic to your lifestyle. You can get in touch with your Fitness Coach and
Diet Coach to figure out what might be a realistic goal for you. Most importantly, remember to be patient with
yourself! Good things take time.

Why does my plan feel so monotonous?

There are ways to make your workouts more interesting. Exercising with a friend can help you enjoy workouts more.
Try revisiting physical activities that you loved as a kid, like cycling or roller skating. Also, mix it up! You don’t have
to stick to one physical activity every day; sometimes, even an hour of gardening can be a good workout. Lastly,
while working out, put on some music you like!

How often will my workout plan be changed?

Your workout plan will generally be changed once every four weeks so that your body has enough time to adjust to
the new routine. The frequency at which your plan changes will also depend on how your body responds to the
workout plan. Your coach will judge this based on your conversations with them.

How do I follow the plan if I’ve injured myself?

For your safety, you are suggested to recover from your injury first. You can restart your workout plan with lesser
intensity once you recover. Reach out to your Fitness Coach to plan your recovery.

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