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Fine-motor skill deficits in childhood predict adulthood tic severity and global
psychosocial functioning in Tourette's syndrome

Article in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry · June 2006

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2006.01561.x


57 325

4 authors:

Michael H Bloch Denis Sukhodolsky

Yale University Yale University


James F Leckman Robert T Schultz

Yale University The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia


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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47:6 (2006), pp 551–559 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01561.x

Fine-motor skill deficits in childhood predict

adulthood tic severity and global psychosocial
functioning in Tourette’s syndrome
Michael H. Bloch,1 Denis G. Sukhodolsky,1 James F. Leckman,1,2 and Robert
T. Schultz1,3
Yale Child Study Center, USA; 2Department of Pediatrics and 3Department of Radiology, Yale School of Medicine,

Background: Most children with Tourette’s syndrome (TS) experience a significant decline in tic
symptoms during adolescence. Currently no clinical measures have been identified that can predict
whose tic symptoms will persist into adulthood. Patients with TS have deficits on neuropsychological
tests involving fine-motor coordination and visual-motor integration. We seek to determine if these
neuropsychological tests are useful in predicting future symptom severity. Methods: Thirty-two
children, aged 8–14, with TS underwent clinical evaluation and a focused neuropsychological testing
battery consisting of the Purdue Pegboard, Beery Visual-Motor Integration (VMI) Test and the Rey-
Osterreith Complex Figure Task (RCFT). A follow-up clinical assessment was performed on these
children an average of 7.5 years later. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was used to correlate
neuropsychological testing at Time 1 with tic severity, OCD severity and global psychosocial functioning
at Time 2. Results: Poor performance with the dominant hand on the Purdue Pegboard test predicted
worse adulthood tic severity and correlated with tic severity at the time of childhood assessment. Poor
performance on the VMI and Purdue Pegboard tests (both dominant and non-dominant hand) also
predicted worse adulthood global psychosocial functioning. None of the neuropsychological tests were
useful in predicting the future course of OCD symptoms in TS patients. Conclusion: Fine motor skill
deficits may be a predictor of future tic severity and global psychosocial function in children with TS. We
hypothesize that performance on the Purdue Pegboard test may serve as a useful endophenotype in the
study of TS and provide a rough measure of the degree of basal ganglia dysfunction present in TS
patients. Keywords: Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, motor skills, neuro-
psychology. Abbreviations: CY-BOCS: Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale; GAS:
Global Assessment Scale; OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder; RCFT: Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure
Task; TS: Tourette’s syndrome (TS); VMI: Beery Visual-Motor Integration Test; YGTSS: Yale Global Tic
Severity Scale.

Tourette’s syndrome (TS) is a childhood onset psychosocial functioning of children diagnosed with
neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by TS than the tics themselves (Erenberg et al., 1987).
the onset of both motor and vocal tics prior to the In this study we seek to address whether neuro-
age of 18. Previous longitudinal studies of Tourette’s psychological testing can be used to predict adult-
syndrome have demonstrated that the tics of TS hood symptom severity in patients with TS.
typically have an onset around the age of 5–6 and Previous studies have consistently demonstrated
reach their worst-ever severity between the ages of that both children and adults with TS have deficits
10–12 (Erenberg, Cruse, & Rothner, 1987; Leckman on visual-motor integration (VMI) tasks such as
et al., 1998; Pappert, Goetz, Louis, Blasucci, & Bender-Gesalt Test and the Beery Visual-Motor
Leurgans, 2003). Approximately one-half to two- Integration Test when compared to normative data or
thirds of children with TS will then experience a normal controls (Brookshire, Butler, Ewing-Cobbs,
substantial decrease or remission of tics during & Fletcher, 1994; Lucas, Kauffman, & Morris, 1982;
adolescence (Bloch et al., in press b; Leckman et al., Schultz et al., 1998; Shapiro, Shapiro, & Clarkin,
1998; Pappert et al., 2003). However, the continu- 1974; Shapiro, Shapiro, Bruun, & Sweet, 1978).
ation of tics into adulthood can have serious con- Additionally, fine-motor coordination deficits in TS
sequences that may include self-injurious tics and subjects have been demonstrated on both the
those that cause social unease, such as coprolalia grooved pegboard and Purdue Pegboard tests
(Erenberg et al., 1987). Furthermore, approximately (Bornstein, 1991a, 1991b; Bornstein & Yang, 1991;
one-third of these children diagnosed with TS will Hagin, Beecher, Pagano, & Kreeger, 1982; Schultz
develop clinically significant symptoms of obsessive- et al., 1998). These VMI and fine-motor skill deficits
compulsive disorder (OCD) by adulthood (Bloch in the original TS literature helped pinpoint the
et al., in press b). These OCD symptoms may, on caudate nucleus, basal ganglia and fronto-cortico-
average, have a greater effect on the adulthood striatal circuits as the neuroanatomical region of
 2005 The Authors
Journal compilation  2006 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
552 Michael H. Bloch et al.

interest in TS research (Schultz, Carter, Scahill, & Our a priori hypotheses were that poor childhood
Leckman, 1999). VMI and Purdue Pegboard performance will be
Neuropsychological deficits have also been found associated with worse childhood tic severity and
in comorbid disorders commonly associated with TS. predict increased adulthood tic severity in children
Patients with ADHD have consistently demonstrated with TS. Furthermore, we predicted that childhood
deficits of executive function (Barkley, Grodzinsky, & deficits on RCFT will be associated with increased
DuPaul, 1992). TS patients with comorbid ADHD future OCD symptom severity in children
have deficits on copying and long-term recall of the with TS. In a set of exploration analyses, we
Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure (RCFT) and excutive examined how these measures correlate with tic
function tasks such as the Trail-making Test, the severity at the time of neuropsychological exam-
Hayling Test and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test when ination and predict adulthood global psychosocial
compared to TS patients without comorbid ADHD functioning.
(Channon, Pratt, & Robertson, 2003; Harris et al.,
1995; Schuerholz, Baumgardner, Singer, Reiss, &
Denckla, 1996; Yeates & Bornstein, 1994). In
neuropsychological studies, TS patients with co-
morbid ADHD are frequently treated as a separate Subjects
study population (compared to TS patients without
The 32 subjects included in this study were previ-
comorbid disease) (Schultz et al., 1998). Further-
ously evaluated at the Yale Child Study Center Tic
more, co-occurring ADHD is significantly associated Disorder Clinic, had previously participated in MRI
with deficits in psychosocial functioning in children imaging studies (Peterson et al., 2001, 2003) and
with TS and OCD (Sukhodolsky et al., 2003, 2005). neuropsychological studies (Schultz et al., 1998) in
For these reasons we excluded all TS subjects with childhood and their follow-up data were reported on
comorbid ADHD from this follow-up sample. in previous longitudinal studies (Bloch et al., in press
Neuropsychiatric testing of adults with OCD has b; Bloch, Leckman, & Peterson, in press a). Eligible
consistently demonstrated deficiencies in visual subjects had: 1) a previous diagnosis of TS, 2) an MRI
memory tasks such as immediate and delayed recall scan and detailed neuropsychological evaluation per-
of the RCFT (Boone, Ananth, & Philpott, 1991; Sav- formed prior to age 14 (Time 1), and 3) they were
older than age 16 at follow-up (Time 2). Exclusionary
age, Baer, & Keuthen, 1995; Schultz, Evans, & Wolff,
criteria in these earlier studies included a history of
1999). In OCD patients, poor performance on this
prior seizure, head trauma with loss of consciousness,
task has been linked to encoding and retrieval defi- ongoing or past substance abuse or an IQ below 80. A
cits (Savage et al., 1999) and also been associated comorbid diagnosis of ADHD at Time 1 was an addi-
with reduction in the size of the left anterior orbito- tional exclusion factor. The high comorbidity rate of
frontal cortex on structural MRI studies (Choi et al., ADHD among TS patients has been cited as a factor
2004). clouding our current understanding of the neuro-
OCD patients have also demonstrated consistent psychological profile of TS (Schultz, Carter, Scahill, &
deficits on oculomotor tests of response inhibition. Leckman 1999), hence these subjects were excluded
Both adults with OCD and psychotropic-naı̈ve, from analysis.
newly diagnosed, non-depressed children with OCD The 32 subjects who completed the Time 2 follow-up
component of our study elected to participate from an
have demonstrated deficits on oculomotor tests of
eligible sample of 41 evaluated at Time 1. Reasons for
response inhibition, but not for delayed response
non-participation included subject refusal to partici-
time or event anticipation, when compared to normal pate (N ¼ 8) or inability to locate subjects (N ¼ 1).
controls (Tien, Pearlson, Machlin, Bylsma, & Hoehn- Demographic measurements did not differ statistically
Saric, 1992; Rosenberg et al., 1997). Furthermore, significantly between participating and non-participat-
the proportion of errors on oculomotor tests of re- ing subjects as assessed during initial evaluation at
sponse inhibition correlated with OCD severity in the Time 1 (Table 1).
psychotropic-naı̈ve children with OCD (Rosenberg
et al., 1997). OCD patients have also demonstrated
Interview procedure at Time 1
deficits of response inhibition on Go-No/Go tasks
(Malloy, Rasmussen, Braden, & Haier, 1989; Ban- Assessment at Time 1, when subjects were under age 14,
non, Gonsalvez, Croft, & Boyce, 2002). TS patients included current and worst-ever measures using the Yale
with comorbid OCD have similarly demonstrated an Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS) and Children’s Yale-
increased number of commission errors on Go-No/ Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS) (Leck-
man et al., 1989; Scahill et al., 1997). The Schedule for
Go tasks compared to normal controls (Muller et al.,
Tourette and Other Behavioral Syndromes, which in-
2003). By contrast, these same deficits on Go-No/Go
cludes the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and
tasks have not been found in TS patients without Schizophrenia Epidemiologic Present and Lifetime Ver-
comorbid OCD (Serrien, Orth, Evans, Lees, & Brown, sion for diagnosis in children and more detailed sections
2005). However, to our knowledge, no studies have on TS and OCD, was used to screen for comorbid psy-
directly compared response inhibition in TS patients chiatric illnesses (Ambrosini, Metz, Prabucki, & Lee,
with and without comorbid OCD. 1989; Kaufman et al., 1997; Pauls & Hurst, 1996).
 2005 The Authors
Journal compilation  2006 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Fine motor skill deficits predict future symptom severity in Tourette’s syndrome 553

Table 1 Demographic comparison between participating and Spitzer, Fleiss, & Cohen, 1976). Screening for any co-
non-participating Tourette syndrome patientsa morbid psychiatric conditions was conducted with the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Dis-
Participants Non-participants
orders (SCID-1). Additional assessment included a
N 32 9 thorough medication history, specific inquiry about
Age 11.4 ± 1.5 11.0 ± 1.1 ADHD symptoms and age of worst-ever tic and OC
Gender (M/F) 24/8 8/1 symptoms. Eight clinical evaluations relied solely on
Handedness (R/L) 38/8 9/0 information provided by a parent who lived in the same
IQ 111.1 ± 14.9 111.0 ± 12.2 home as the research subject. Compensation was
OCD 9 (28%) 2 (22%) provided for participation.
Anti-tic medication 16 (50%) 2 (22%)
Neuroleptic use 6 (19%) 0
SSRI use 3 (9%) 0
Data analysis
YGTSS 19.5 ± 8.9 20.8 ± 7.1
YGTSS worst-ever 28.5 ± 6.1 23.9 ± 5.8 All statistical procedures were performed using SPSS
CY-BOCS 2.0 ± 3.6 3.4 ± 6.3 version 12.0. Histograms were generated to examine the
Purdue Pegboard ).66 ± 1.35 ).66 ± 1.35
distribution of YGTSS, CY-BOCS and GAS scores at
dominant hand
Time 2. Given the large proportion of subjects with no
Purdue Pegboard ).58 ± .98 ).59 ± .96
non-dominant hand current tic or obsessive-compulsive symptoms at Time
Purdue Pegboard ).82 ± 1.31 ).98 ± 1.23 2, the data for YGTSS and Y-BOCS did not have a
bimanual normal distribution. GAS ratings at follow-up, due to
VMI ).27 ± 1.35 ).16 ± .79 the high number of subjects with scores greater than
RCFT – copying ).48 ± .79 ).60 ± .73 90, also did not have a normal distribution. These rat-
RCFT – long-term recall ).98 ± .83 )1.73 ± .50 ing scales were transferred into ordinal groupings prior
to hypothesis analysis in order to maintain important
There were no significant differences (p < .05) between any of
distinctions in symptom severity while also maintaining
the variables examined between participating and non-partici-
ordinal groups of roughly equal subject numbers. The
pating subjects using chi-square test or student t-tests.
YGTSS ¼ Yale Global Tic Severity Scale; CY-BOCS ¼ Chil- ordinal groupings for YGTSS score (range: 0–50) at fol-
dren’s Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; VMI ¼ Beery low-up used in these analyses were 0 (N ¼ 10), 1–9
Visual-Motor Integration Test; RCFT ¼ Rey-Osterreith Com- (N ¼ 9), 10–19 (N ¼ 6), and >20 (N ¼ 7). These ordinal
plex Figure Task. Neuropsychological testing results are pre- grouping for YGTSS scores roughly correspond to
sented as z-scores according to normative data based on age absence of tics (YGTSS ¼ 0), minimal tic symptoms
and gender for each neuropsychological test. Tourette’s syn- (YGTSS: 1–9), mild tic symptoms (YGTSS: 11–19) and
drome patients performed below age-expected normal values moderate-to-marked tic symptoms (YGTSS > 20). For
for all neuropsychological tests reported. CY-BOCS score (range: 0–40) at follow-up groupings for
ordinal logistic regression were 0 (N ¼ 18), 1–9 (N ¼ 5),
Focused neuropsychological testing was performed in and >10 (N ¼ 7). These ordinal groupings for CY-BOCS
a uniform battery over the course of two sessions last- scores roughly correspond to absence of OCD symp-
ing on average two hours each. IQ testing was per- toms (CY-BOCS ¼ 0), subclinical OCD symptoms (CY-
formed with the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test BOCS: 1–9) and OCD symptoms of clinical significance
(Naugle, Chelune, & Tucker, 1993). Visual Motor In- (CY-BOCS > 10). The ordinal groupings for GAS ratings
tegration was assessed with the Beery-Buktenica were £70 (N ¼ 6), 71–80 (N ¼ 4), 81–90 (N ¼ 10),
Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI) (Beery & Buktenica, 91–100 (N ¼ 12).
1989). Visual Memory was tested with the RCFT using In SPSS 12.0 ordinal regression with a logit link was
the Taylor Scoring System (Rey, 1941; Osterreith, used in analysis. Ordinal groupings for YGTSS, CY-
1944). The copying and long-term delayed recall para- BOCS and GAS ratings were used as the dependent
digms of the RCFT were specifically examined. Fine variable in analysis. Neuropsychological testing results
motor skill was tested using a timed peg-placing test, that were converted into z-scores based on previously
the Purdue Pegboard (Tiffen, 1968), using the proce- reported age and gender norms were used as the pre-
dures described previously (Schultz et al., 1998). No dictor variable in analysis (Beery & Buktenica, 1989;
participants in this current sample had tics involving Lezak, 1995; Spreen & Strauss, 1991; Tiffen, 1968). For
their hands that interfered directly with performance on each model both the Pearson goodness-of-fit test and
this measure. Dominant, non-dominant and bimanual the test of parallel lines were checked for p > .05 to
handed test conditions were administered to all sub- ensure the validity of our model (Kleinbaum & Klein,
jects. A single RCFT test and a single VMI test were 2002). Additionally, for each of the continuous covari-
excluded from analysis due to poor subject effort on ates the assumption of linearity was checked graphic-
exam. ally by plotting the cumulative logits of the ordinal
ratings against each covariate. Each plot demonstrated
that the ordinal responses were linearly related to the
Interview procedure at Time 2
covariates, thus validating the use of ordinal linear
After providing written informed consent, subjects and regression for this analysis (Bender & Grouven, 1997).
their parents were interviewed by trained investigators For the correlations of neuropsychological testing
at Time 2. Assessments included current and worst- results with current tic symptom severity at Time 1 a
ever YGTSS and CY-BOCS ratings. Overall psychosocial simple linear regression analysis was used since the
functioning was rated using the Global Assessment distribution of this outcome variable is normal. OCD
Scale (GAS) after the follow-up interview (Endicott, symptom severity at Time 1 was not analyzed in this
 2005 The Authors
Journal compilation  2006 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
554 Michael H. Bloch et al.

current study given the small number of subjects with the other hand, at Time 2, 11 of the 32 subjects had
significant OCD symptoms at Time 1. The threshold for reported experiencing clinically significant OCD
statistical significance was set at p < .05 to maximize symptoms that had developed since interview at
hypothesis generation. All statistical analyses were two- Time 1. Average CY-BOCS score at Time 2 for the 11
tailed. subjects with a history of clinically OCD symptoms
All results were assessed carefully for the possible
was 11.4 ± 10.7 compared to at Time 1 when it was
influence of medication use. Medication classes that
were considered included use of any medication for tics,
4.9 ± 4.9 (median ¼ 2).
as well as alpha-2 agonists and neuroleptic use at Time
1. Any subject taking medications of interest was
eliminated from the analysis and the b coefficient for the Tic severity
significant result recalculated. Only b coefficients out- Dominant (b ¼ ).44, F ¼ 7.1, t ¼ )2.7, p ¼ .012, R2
side the 95% confidence interval of the full study sam-
¼ .19) and non-dominant (b ¼ ).51, F ¼ 10.5, t ¼
ple are reported as significant.
)3.2, p ¼ .003, R2 ¼ .26) hand, as well as bimanual
(b ¼ ).36, F ¼ 4.4, t ¼ )2.1, p ¼ .045, R2 ¼ .13)
Purdue Pegboard scores were positively correlated
with current tic severity at Time 1, the time of neuro-
At Time 1, when subjects were an average age of psychological assessment. Consistent with our a pri-
11.4 ± 1.5 (mean ± SD), all subjects had previously ori hypotheses, deficits on dominant handed Purdue
received a diagnosis of TS. All of our subjects had Pegboard (Parameter Estimate (PE) ¼ ).53 (95%CI:
previously experienced clinically significant tic ()1.1,).02)), OR ¼ .59, p ¼ .04, Nagelerke R2 ¼ .13)
symptoms (YGTSS ‡ 15). Twenty-four of the 32 predicted worse tic severity at follow-up Time 2.
subjects were experiencing clinically significant tic Neither non-dominant handed (PE ¼ ).63 (95%CI:
symptoms (YGTSS ‡ 15) at Time 1. Only 2 of the 32 ()1.3,.07)), OR ¼ .53, p ¼ .07) nor bimanual (PE ¼
subjects reported experiencing clinically significant ).34 (95%CI: ().84,.16)), OR ¼ .71, p ¼ .19) Purdue
OCD symptoms at Time 1 (CY-BOCS ‡ 10) although Pegboard performance at Time 1 predicted tic severity
9 had received a previous OCD diagnosis. Sixteen of at Time 2. Contrary to our hypothesis, VMI perform-
the 32 subjects at Time 1 were taking medications to ance did not correlate either with tic severity at Time 1
combat their tic symptoms. Eleven subjects were (b ¼ ).07, F ¼ .13, t ¼ ).36, p ¼ .72) or predict tic
medicated with alpha-2 agonists (clonidine or severity at Time 2 (PE ¼ ).03 (95%CI: ().61,.54)),
guanfacine) and 6 were medicated with neuroleptics OR ¼ .97, p ¼ .91).
(5 – typical, 1 – atypical) at Time 1. Three subjects
were additionally taking selective serotonin reuptake
OCD severity
inhibitors (SSRI) for a history of OCD symptoms at
Time 1. Contrary to our a priori hypothesis, childhood per-
Despite having above average IQ scores, consistent formance on the Rey Complex Figure Task did not
with our prior report on a sample that included these predict OCD symptom severity at Time 2. Perform-
cases (Schultz et al., 1998), subjects performed one- ance on copying (PE ¼ ).08 (95%CI: ()1.0,.85)),
half to a whole standard deviation below the nor- OR ¼ .92, p ¼ .87) and long-term recall (PE ¼ .22
mative average data of normal control subjects on (95%CI: ().66,1.1)), OR ¼ 1.2, p ¼ .62) on the RCFT
the visual-motor and fine motor tasks at Time 1. We at Time 1 did not predict OCD severity at Time 2.
observed a similar phenomenon in the data from Purdue Pegboard (Dominant: (PE ¼ ).16 (95%CI:
those subjects who chose not to participate at follow- ().68,.36)), OR ¼ .85, p ¼ .56), Non-dominant:
up. Among participating subjects higher full-scale IQ (PE ¼ ).54 (95%CI: ()1.3,.27)), OR ¼ .58, p ¼ .19),
was associated with better performance on most of Bimanual: (PE ¼ ).06 (95%CI: ().59,.48)), OR ¼ .94,
the tasks in our focused neuropsychological testing p ¼ .63) and VMI (PE ¼ .15 (95%CI: ().47,.78)),
battery (Purdue Pegboard dominant-hand (Pearson OR ¼ 1.2, p ¼ .63)) performance similarly did not
correlation coefficient (r) ¼ .38, p ¼ .03), Purdue predict future OCD severity.
Pegboard bimanual (r ¼ .42, p ¼ .02), VMI (r ¼ .56,
p ¼ .001) and RCFT long-term recall (r ¼ .40, p ¼
Global psychosocial functioning
.03)). Demographic and neuropsychological testing
data at Time 1 for participating and non-participat- Poor performance on the dominant (PE ¼ .64 (95%CI:
ing subjects is shown in Table 1. (.10,1.2)), OR ¼ 1.9, p ¼ .019, R2 ¼ .18) and non-
When subjects underwent follow-up clinical dominant (PE ¼ .88 (95%CI: (.12,1.6)), OR ¼ 2.4,
assessment an average of 7.4 years later, when p ¼ .024, R2 ¼ .18) Purdue Pegboard tasks predicted
subjects had an average age of 18.8 ± 1.7, 10 of the worse global psychosocial functioning at Time 2.
32 subjects reported being completely free of tic Neither Bimanual Purdue Pegboard (PE ¼ .41
symptoms at follow-up (YGTSS ¼ 0). Average YGTSS (95%CI: ().10,.92)), OR ¼ 1.5, p ¼ .12), VMI (PE ¼
at Time 2 was 8.9 ± 8.6 (median ¼ 8), approximately .46 (95%CI: (.17,1.1)), OR ¼ 1.6, p ¼ .15), nor per-
half that of YGTSS score at Time 1 (19.5 ± 8.9). On formance on copying (PE ¼ ).04 (95%CI: ().86,.78)),

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Journal compilation  2006 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Fine motor skill deficits predict future symptom severity in Tourette’s syndrome 555

OR ¼ .96, p ¼ .93) or long-term recall (PE ¼ ).03 Deficits on Purdue Pegboard testing have been
(95%CI: ().81,.76)), OR ¼ .97, p ¼ .95) of the RCFT associated with reduced putamen volumes in Par-
predicted global functioning at Time 2. kinson’s disease patients (Alegret et al., 2001) and
basal ganglia hyperperfusion in 99mTc-hexamethyl
Medication effects propyleneamine oxime SPECT studies of patients
with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy (Catafau
No significant medication effects were observed for et al., 2000). These findings are particularly of inter-
use of dopamine receptor antagonists, alpha-2 agon- est given the considerable evidence of basal ganglia
ists, or for use of any anti-tic medication at Time 1. abnormalities in TS patients. Reduced caudate vol-
ume has been previously demonstrated to be a mor-
phological trait of Tourette’s syndrome on structural
MRI (Peterson et al., 2003). Additionally, reduced
This study, to our knowledge, represents the first caudate volume on childhood MRI has been demon-
attempt to explore the prognostic value of neuro- strated to predict future tic severity (Bloch et al., in
psychological testing of fine motor skills in predicting press a). We favor this hypothesis since it is able to
future disease severity in any neuropsychiatric ill- explain not only the Purdue Pegboard test’s ability to
ness. We found that both the dominant and non- predict future tic severity and global psychosocial
dominant handed deficits on a timed task involving function but also its correlation with tic severity at the
the placement of 1 inch metal pegs into a vertically time of neuropsychological assessment.
aligned set of holes (the Purdue Pegboard test) cor- Deficits on Purdue Pegboard performance in
related with increased tic severity at the time of patients with TS may also serve as a useful endo-
childhood neuropsychiatric testing. Additionally, phenotype in the study of the disorder. Endopheno-
deficits on the dominant handed Purdue Pegboard types are unseen, measurable components of
test predicted increased tic severity at follow-up in psychiatric illness along the pathway between dis-
late adolescence, an average of 7.5 years after initial ease and genotype (Gottesman & Gould, 2003).
neuropsychological testing. Both dominant and non- Purdue Pegboard performance deficits have been
dominant Purdue Pegboard deficits additionally associated with the diagnosis of TS (Bornstein,
predicted worse global psychosocial functioning at 1991a, 1991b; Bornstein & Yang, 1991; Hagin et al.,
follow-up. Other neuropsychological measures tap- 1982; Schultz et al., 1998), and now, in this study,
ping visual motor skill were not significant predictors associated with increased tic severity at follow-up in
of these outcomes, suggesting some specificity in the early adulthood 7.5 years later. It is important to
processes tapped by the Purdue Pegboard to these note that Purdue Pegboard Performance is also
relationships, and negating any obvious relationship highly correlated with tic severity at the time of
to explanations centered on participant motivation childhood neuropsychological testing and is thus not
to perform well. significantly predictive of adulthood tic severity if
These results from Purdue Pegboard testing are childhood tic severity is controlled for in analysis.
consistent with previous studies that have demon- However, Purdue Pegboard performance was a more
strated deficits in fine-motor coordination tests such robust predictor of future adulthood tic severity than
as the Purdue Pegboard in patients with TS (Born- childhood tic severity in our study (Bloch et al., in
stein, 1991a, 1991b; Bornstein & Yang, 1991; Hagin press a). Tic severity in TS typically waxes and wanes
et al., 1982; Schultz et al., 1998). Purdue Pegboard dramatically over the short term and is dependent on
performance deficiencies have been linked to poor environmental factors such as emotional excitement,
social functioning in schizophrenia (Lehoux et al., stress, fatigue, sleepiness and temperature (Peterson
2002). There are at least two possible explanations & Leckman, 1998). By contrast, Purdue Pegboard
for the ability of the Purdue Pegboard test to predict performance remains relatively stable with time, as
future tic and global psychosocial functioning in evidenced by a test–retest reliability of .8 when re-
children with TS. First, poor Purdue Pegboard per- tested at a one-month interval in children of this age
formance is a reflection of poor fine-motor skills in group (Smith & Hong, 2000). Therefore Purdue Peg-
childhood. Fine-motor skill deficits make it difficult board performance may thus represent a more stable
for these children to succeed in activities such as characteristic of the baseline neuropathology than
team sports, video games and musical instruments current childhood tic severity itself. However, future
that are instrumental to building self-esteem and study into the test–retest reliability of the Purdue
social relationships in these pivotal developmental Pegboard with time specifically in children with tics
years. This experience of success is of increased and into the hereditability of Purdue Pegboard per-
importance in children with TS because of the social formance is critical to determining the utility of this
stigma that all too often accompanies their tics. test as an endophenotype in the study of TS.
Second, poor Purdue Pegboard performance is a sign The Beery–Buktenica VMI Test, however, was
of deficits in complex, visually guided or coordinated neither correlated with tic severity at the time of
movement that are likely mediated by circuits childhood neuropsychological assessment nor able
involving the basal ganglia (Schultz et al., 1998). to predict future tic symptom severity or global psy-
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Journal compilation  2006 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
556 Michael H. Bloch et al.

chosocial functioning on follow-up assessment in of illness onset and be less responsive to selective-
early adulthood. VMI deficits in multiple previous serotonin receptor inhibitor monotherapy than
studies have been demonstrated to be a neuro- adult-onset OCD patients (King, Leckman, Scahill, &
psychological testing correlate of a TS diagnosis Cohen, 1999). Given that these subpopulations of
(Brookshire et al., 1994; Lucas et al., 1982; Schultz OCD patients often appear clinically distinct and
et al., 1998; Shapiro et al., 1974, 1978). Our data respond to medications differently, it would not be
supports this finding (the mean VMI z-score for our unexpected if their neuropsychological profiles dif-
sample was –.27), while still failing to demonstrate fered. Studies examining profiles on neuropsycho-
any ability of the VMI to predict future symptom logical testing of OCD patients with and without
severity in children with TS. comorbid tics could help address this question.
Another important finding in this study was the Although the RCFT in children with TS does not
inability of Rey–Osterreith Complex Figure copying appear to be predictive of future OCD symptom se-
or recall deficits to predict the development and verity, our previous analysis has suggested that full-
severity of OCD symptoms in these children with TS. scale IQ in childhood is. We have previously reported
The later development of OC symptoms is a particu- that childhood IQ as measured by the Kaufmann
larly common outcome in children with tic disorders, Brief Intelligence Test was predictive of OCD symp-
reportedly affecting a third to a half of these indi- tom severity an average of 7.6 years later (Bloch
viduals (Bloch et al., in press a). Deficits on long- et al., in press a). In other prospective, longitudinal
term and immediate recall of the RCFT as explained studies increased IQ has been associated with the
by impaired organizational strategies for figure diagnosis of OCD and predictive of an increase in
memory has been consistently reported in the adult OCD symptom severity between adolescence and
OCD literature (Boone et al., 1991; Choi et al., 2004; adulthood (Peterson, Pine, Cohen, & Brook, 2001).
Savage et al., 1995, 1999). Our current study has several limitations. It re-
There are at least three possible explanations for ports on a clinically referred population of children
our negative findings with regard to the RCFT. First, with TS whose overall illness severity and rates of
deficits on visual memory tasks such as the RCFT comorbid illnesses are likely to be greater than in
represent a late neuropsychological manifestation of children who have TS in the general population.
prolonged OCD symptoms rather than an indicator Furthermore, nearly one-quarter of eligible subjects
of neurological predisposition to the illness. Neuro- did not participate in the follow-up evaluation. Al-
psychological testing of children with OCD has pre- though participating and non-participating subjects
viously suggested that children do not share the did not differ significantly in any demographic or
deficits on neuropsychological testing found in adult clinical characteristics at the time of initial evalu-
subjects, although RCFT was not included in their ation, we cannot exclude the possibility that self-
test battery (Beers et al., 1999). Alternatively, it is selection bias affected our findings at follow-up.
possible that the deficits on RCFT observed in adult Third, one-half of the study sample was taking
subjects are caused by secondary factors such as psychotropic medications at the time of neuro-
depression or prolonged SSRI use that are associ- psychological testing. Although efforts were made to
ated with, but independent of, prolonged OCD discern any effects medication use could have exer-
symptomatology (Schultz et al., 1999). In this case, ted on our results, this possibility cannot be entirely
the neural processes underlying RCFT deficits discounted. However, previous studies have dem-
would be independent of those related to OCD onstrated no influence of medication use on the
pathogenesis. Studies that correlate degree of RCFT neuropsychological testing results of patients with
deficits with duration and severity of OCD symptoms Tourette’s syndrome (Bornstein & Yang, 1991; Sch-
and control for medication use and comorbid disease ultz et al., 1998). Fourth, we excluded TS patients
would definitively address this hypothesis. Addi- with comorbid ADHD from our study. Therefore our
tionally, obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients findings should not be generalized to apply to those
with comorbid tic disorders may represent a distinct children with TS who suffer from comorbid ADHD,
subtype of OCD without the hallmarks of the larger although it should be mentioned that inclusion of TS
disease entity on neuropsychological testing. Tic- patients with comorbid ADHD in our study sample
related OCD has been previously reported to involve did not affect the findings in this study in any
a disproportionately high percentage of compulsions appreciable way (data unreported).
involving symmetry and exactness and touching and Despite these limitations our study is, to our
tapping rituals and obsessions involving fear of harm knowledge, the first to address the potential pro-
or sexual or violent imagery (Leckman et al., 1997). gnostic role of focused neuropsychological testing in
These characteristics of obsessions and compulsions predicting future tic, OCD and global psychosocial
in patients with tic-related OCD contrasts with functioning in children with TS. We found that Pur-
adult-onset OCD patients, who more commonly due Pegboard deficits predicted increased adulthood
experience contamination obsessions and cleaning tic severity in children with TS although not with the
compulsions (Leckman et al., 1997). Patients with predictive power of structural MRI measures (Bloch
tic-related OCD are also noted to have an earlier age et al., in press a). Purdue Pegboard deficits were
 2005 The Authors
Journal compilation  2006 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Fine motor skill deficits predict future symptom severity in Tourette’s syndrome 557

additionally significantly able to predict worse global Neuropsychological study of frontal lobe function in
psychosocial functioning at follow-up in adulthood psychotropic-naive children with obsessive-compuls-
and, when combined with previously significant ive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156,
clinical predictors (childhood tic severity), explained 777–779.
29% variance at follow-up. Our results suggest that Beery, K.E., & Buktenica, N.A. (1989). Developmental
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nation with other indices to help predict outcome in Curriculum Press.
children with TS. Unlike our structural MRI findings, Bender, R., & Grouven, U. (1997). Ordinal logistic
this test is available and economically realistic to all regression in medical research. Journal of the Royal
clinicians who treat patients with TS. Although we College of Physicians of London, 31, 546–551.
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logical battery for predicting the future development a). Caudate volumes in childhood predict tic and
or severity of OC symptoms in TS patients, our pre- obsessive-compulsive symptoms in adulthood.
vious findings suggest that IQ may be a useful pre- Neurology.
dictor of this outcome measure, with a higher Bloch, M.H., Peterson, B.S., Scahill, L., Otka, J.,
childhood IQ suggesting a predisposition for the later Katsovich, L., Zhang, H., & Leckman, J. F. (in press
b). Clinical predictors of future severity of tic and
development of OCD symptoms.
obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children with
Tourette syndrome. Archives of Pediatric and Adoles-
cent Medicine.
Acknowledgements Boone, K.B., Ananth, J., & Philpott, L. (1991). Neuro-
This study was supported in part by the Smart psychological characteristics of non-depressed adults
with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuropsychiatry,
Family Foundation, Jay and Jean Kaiser, Mr. Eric
Neuropsycholy and Behavioral Neurology, 4, 96–109.
Brooks, the Chasanoff Family and grants MH49351 Bornstein, R.A. (1991a). Neuropsychological correlates
(Dr. Leckman), MH30929, and RR00125 from the of obsessive characteristics in Tourette’s syndrome.
National Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences,
We thank Drs. Lawrence Scahill, Heping Zhang, 3, 157–162.
Robert King, Paul Lombroso, Lawrence Staib and Bornstein, R.A. (1991b). Neuropsychological perform-
Ms. Lilya Katsovich and Jessica Otka at Yale Uni- ance in adults with Tourette’s syndrome. Psychiatric
versity School of Medicine, and Dr. Bradley Peterson Research, 37, 229–236.
at the Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons for Bornstein, R.A., & Yang V. (1991). Neurological perfor-
their assistance and encouragement. mance in medicated and unmedicated patients with
Tourette’s syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry,
148, 468–471.
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