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GRADES 1 TO School Grade Level

12 Dela Paz National High School VII

LOG MARCH 11-MARCH 15, 2024
Teaching Dates and
12:20-1:20 7 RESILIENCE
2:20-3:20 7 LOYALTY
4:40-5:40 7 WISDOM

DAY 1 Monday DAY 2 Tuesday DAY 3 Wednesday DAY 4 Thursday DAY 5 Friday
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be
I. OBJECTIVES done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.

A. Content Standards The learner is able to demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance
The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
Illustrates a circle and the Illustrates a circle and the Illustrates a circle and Illustrates a circle and the Illustrates a circle and the
C. Learning Competencies/ terms related to it: radius, terms related to it: center, the terms related to it: terms related to it: central terms related to it: central
Objectives and diameter arc, and chord, central angle, and angle, and inscribed angle, and inscribed angle.
inscribed angle. angle.
D. Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC)
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Geometry (CIRCLE) Geometry (CIRCLE Geometry (CIRCLE) Geometry (CIRCLE) Geometry (CIRCLE)
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
RESOURCES manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
Teacher’s guide, learner’s teacher’s guide, learner’s Teacher’s guide, learner’s Teacher’s guide, learner’s Teacher’s guide, learner’s module
A. References material, , reference books, material, module module
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Math G7 TG Pages 282-285 Math G7 TG Pages 282-285 Math G7 TG Pages 282-285 Math G7 TG Pages 282-285 Math G7 TG Pages 282-285
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice
IV. PROCEDURES their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the
time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous a. Daily Routine a. Daily Routine Drill: Drill: Drill:
lesson or presenting the b. Prayer b. Prayer Use the figure Use the figure Use the figure
new lesson c. Checking of c. Checking of 1. Name the three radii 1. Name the three 1. Name the three radii
attendance attendance 2. What is line TM? radii 2. What is line TM?
d. Checking of the d. Checking of the 3. Name a diameter. 2. What is line TM? 3. Name a diameter.
surroundings surroundings 4. What do you call line 3. Name a diameter. 4. What do you call line
e. Setting the e. Setting the RA? 4. What do you call line RA?
house rules house rules 5. What do you call RA? 5. What do you call
1. MATCH UP (Using REVIEW segment SB? 5. What do you call segment SB?
Wordwall online app) 1. What is a circle? 6. Is segment ST also a segment SB? 6. Is segment ST also a
Drag and drop each 2. What is radius? chord? Why? 6. Is segment ST also a chord? Why?
keyword next to its 3. What is a diameter? chord? Why?

Motivation (Artwork mo!

Show mo!) Answer key: Answer key:
1.segments RO, SO and TO Answer key: 1.segments RO, SO and TO
The teacher will show 2. tangent 1.segments RO, SO and TO 2. tangent
different art work with 3. segment ST 2. tangent 3. segment ST
geometric shapes in 4. secant 3. segment ST 4. secant
previous years like triangle, 5. chord 4. secant 5. chord
quadrilateral and so on. 6. yes, it is a chord because 5. chord 6. yes, it is a chord because the
the endpoints are on the 6. yes, it is a chord because endpoints are on the circle.
Artwork mo! Show mo! circle. the endpoints are on the

Guide Question:

1. What shape can you

see in artwork number
1? How many sides
does it have?
2. What shape can you
see in artwork number
2? How many sides
does it have?
3. What shape can you
see in artwork number
3? How many sides
does it have?

The teacher lets the students The teacher lets the students The teacher lets the students
The teacher will give an The teacher lets the students realize that recognizing the realize that recognizing the realize that recognizing the parts
instruction to the learners to do realize that recognizing parts of a circle and its parts of a circle and its of a circle and its properties are
and the first 3 to finish it geometrical shapes and its properties are important skills properties are important skills important skills needed to
properties are important skills needed to understand the needed to understand the understand the concepts of a
correctly will receive a prize.
needed to understand the concepts of a circle. concepts of a circle. circle.
concepts of a circle.

1.Get any piece of a paper

2.Draw a point somewhere in

the middle of a sheet of paper.

3.Mark 15 more points with a

B. Establishing a purpose ruler that are having a distance
for the lesson of 5 cm away from the first

4.Compare your work with that

of your seatmates.

Guide Question:

1.What have you observed

from your drawing?

2.Based on the activity, what

do you think our lesson for

C. Presenting examples/ The teacher lets the The teacher lets the The teacher lets the The teacher lets the
instances for the new lesson A circle is the set of all students comprehend students comprehend students comprehend and
students observe the
points in the plane that physical world and relate and say “ If you look at and say “ If you look at say “ If you look at circular
are equidistant from a the circular shapes to the circular shapes in nature circular shapes in nature shapes in nature and in
concepts of a circle. and in physical objects, and in physical objects, physical objects, like fruits,
given point, called the
center. The teacher would ask the like fruits, bicycle like fruits, bicycle wheels, bicycle wheels, or tree
following questions: wheels, or tree rings, or tree rings, you will rings, you will observe that
1. What figure is you will observe that observe that there are there are parts of the
suggested by the rims there are parts of the parts of the objects. objects.
of car tires, cups, objects. These properties of a These properties of a circle
glasses and bottles? These properties of a circle are the points of the are the points of the
2. What is suggested by circle are the points of discussion. discussion.
the discussion.
the cross section of an
orange or lemon?
Possible answers:
1. The figure is a circle.
2. It suggests a segment.
The teacher shows to the
class a model of a circle
and a dodecagon. Give
time for the students to
compare the two figures
and let them give any
similarity or difference.
The teacher would ask the
1. What are the figures?
2. How do this figure got
its name?
3. Are there similarities
or differences of the
two figures?
TERMS RELATED TO The teacher asks the The teacher lets the The teacher lets the
CIRCLE students to do the activity students study the students study the figures
on the board. figures that he/she will that he/she will present on
1. Draw circles of present on the board. the board.
different sizes on the
2. Draw line The teacher lets the
segments that will touch students study the figures
the circle and pass its that he/she will present
center. on the board.
What do you see in the 3. Draw line
middle of the circle? Center segments that will touch
the circle only.
The fixed point is called the
center or central point of a. How many parts i. How many parts are
the circle. A circle can be are determined determined by
named using the point of by segment AB in segment AB in
the center. figure b.? these figure b.? these are
are called called semicircles
semicircles j. Look at figure g,
b. Look at figure g, what is the length of
what is the length e. How many parts the curve with
of the curve with are determined by heavy lines? the
heavy lines? the segment AB in length of the curve
The diameter of a circle length of the figure b.? these with lighter lines?
is any straight-line segment curve with lighter are called How are these
that passes through the lines? How are semicircles curve lines named?
center of the circle and these curve lines f. Look at figure g, These are the major
whose endpoints lie on the named? These what is the length arc and the minor
edge or circumference of are the major arc of the curve with arc.
the circle. The diameter and the minor heavy lines? the k. Look at figure h,
arc. length of the curve diameter AB of
divides the circle into two
c. Look at figure h, with lighter lines? circle P, separates
D. Discussing new equal parts. It is
diameter AB of How are these the circles into two
concepts and practicing represented as ‘d’.
circle P, curve lines regions. These are
new skills #1 named? These are
diameter = 2 x radius or d separates the arc ACB and arc
=2xr circles into two the major arc and AB. Since a circle
regions. These the minor arc. has a degree
are arc ACB and g. Look at figure h, measure of 360,
arc AB. Since a diameter AB of what is the measure
circle has a circle P, separates of the semicircle?
the circles into two
The teacher discusses
GROUP ACTIVITY and illustrates
Directions: The class will be
thoroughly the definition
divided into four, and each
of a circle and its parts.
group will be given different
tasks and directions to follow. The teacher discusses
The teacher discusses The teacher discusses
The task must be and illustrates
and illustrates thoroughly and illustrates thoroughly
accomplished within 5 thoroughly the definition
the definition of some the definition of some parts
minutes. of some parts of the
parts of the circle. of the circle.

Given the figures, try to Given the figures, try to

Given the figures, try to
name the following: name the following:
Ask the students to name the following:
describe the lines in
E. Discussing new
relation to the circle.
concepts and practicing
The teacher should
new skills #2
emphasize that a circle
separates a plane into
three parts: the interior,
the exterior and the
circle itself. Illustrate

F. Developing mastery PEER ACTIVITY: Look, Given a circle where The teacher will present The teacher will present “THE CIRCLE”
(Leads to Formative Trace and Cut point 0 is the center, another figure and lets another figure and lets
Assessment 3) Directions: In the heart of a bustling city,
1. Name all the radii the students try to the students try to
• Find a partner, each 2. Name all the chords answer: answer: amidst towering skyscrapers and
partner must have a bond bustling streets, there existed a
paper, pencil/pen and small park known simply as "The
scissors. Circle." It was a peculiar park, not
• Look for any round because of its size or beauty, but
object around you
because at its center stood a large
• Using a bond paper,
circular fountain adorned with
trace the round object
• Cut out the traced intricate carvings. This fountain
wasn't just any ordinary
figure monument; it was believed to
• Fold the cut-out possess a mystical power—an
figure into two equal parts aura of compassion that touched
• Trace the line the hearts of all who passed
formed, mark A at one end through.
and B at the other end.
• This time fold again In this city lived a diverse array of
the cut-out figured into four. people, each with their own
• Mark the center with
struggles and joys. Among them
was a young girl named Maya.
Trace the other line formed
from the center to any end Key Answers: Maya was bright-eyed and full of
of 1. Segments AO, BO, CO, curiosity, but she carried a
the cut out figure. Mark this DO, EO, FO burden in her heart. She had
with C. 2. Chords AD, BE, CF, recently lost her beloved
• Trace the line grandmother, and the pain of her
formed from the center to absence weighed heavily upon
any end of the cut-out her.
figure, mark it with C.
One day, as Maya wandered
Guide Questions: through The Circle, tears
• What is the name of streaming down her cheeks, she
the circle? found herself drawn to the
• What is the name of fountain. She watched as the
the diameter?
water danced and sparkled in the
• What is the name of
sunlight, feeling a sense of peace
the radius?
wash over her. It was as if the
fountain whispered words of
comfort, soothing her grief-
stricken soul.

As Maya sat by the fountain, lost

in her thoughts, she noticed an
elderly man nearby. He was
hunched over, struggling to carry
his groceries. Without hesitation,
Maya rose from her spot and
approached him.

"Can I help you with those?" she

asked, her voice gentle and warm.

The elderly man looked up,

surprise flashing in his eyes
before a grateful smile spread
across his face. "Oh, bless you,
child. That would be wonderful."

Together, Maya and the elderly

man carried the groceries to his
doorstep, sharing stories and
laughter along the way. In that
moment, Maya realized the true
power of compassion—the ability
to connect with others, to ease
their burdens, and to bring light
into their lives.

From that day forward, Maya

became a regular visitor to The
Circle, not just seeking solace for
herself, but also spreading
kindness and compassion to all
who crossed her path. Whether it
was lending a listening ear to a
troubled friend or offering a
helping hand to a stranger in
need, Maya understood that
compassion was the truest form
of magic—a force that could heal
the deepest wounds and unite
hearts in love and understanding.

And so, in the heart of the city,

The Circle stood as a beacon of
hope and compassion, reminding
all who passed through its gates
that in a world filled with chaos
and uncertainty, the simplest acts
of kindness could illuminate the
darkness and pave the way to a
brighter tomorrow.
G. Finding practical Questions: The teacher would ask the 1. Where does the story take
applications of concepts place? The story takes place in
students to give at least
and skills in daily living 1. Give things around a bustling city with a small
five concrete examples of park known as "The Circle."
us that best
objects in circular form 2. Who is the protagonist of the
represents a circle. story? The protagonist is a
which are useful to man.
2. What do you think young girl named Maya.
are the importance 3. What is Maya struggling with at
Possible answers: the beginning of the story? Maya
of circle in real Buttons, plates, rings, is grieving the loss of her
life? grandmother and carrying a
coins, bottle caps, host,
burden in her heart.
4. What draws Maya to the
fountain in The Circle? Maya is
drawn to the fountain by its
aura of peace and compassion.
5. How does Maya's encounter
with the elderly man change her
perspective? Maya's act of
kindness towards the elderly
man opens her eyes to the
power of compassion and
inspires her to spread kindness
to others.
6. What is the central theme of
the story? The central theme is
compassion and its ability to
heal, connect, and bring light
into the world.
7. How does the story illustrate
the theme of compassion? The
story illustrates compassion
through Maya's actions of
kindness towards the elderly
man and her subsequent
commitment to spreading
compassion to others.

H. Making 1. What is a circle? The teacher summarizes The teacher summarizes The teacher summarizes the The teacher summarizes the
generalizations and 2. What are the parts of the definition and the definition and definition and definition and characteristics
abstractions about the the circle that we characteristics of the parts characteristics of the parts characteristics of the parts of the parts of a circle.
lesson discussed? of a circle. He/She will ask of a circle. He/She will ask of a circle. He/She will ask He/She will ask questions
3. What is a radius? questions like: questions like: questions like: like:
4. What is a diameter? 1. What is a circle? 1. How will you define a 4. How will you define a 7. How will you define a
5. What is the formula 2. How is a circle named? central angle? An arc? central angle? An arc? A central angle? An arc? A
used to find the radius,
3. How does the chord of A semicircle? semicircle? semicircle?
given its diameter? r
a circle differ from its 2. How do you name a 5. How do you name a 8. How do you name a
= d/2
6. How to find the radius and diameter? central angle? An arc? central angle? An arc? A central angle? An arc? A
diameter, given its 4. What relation exists A semicircle? semicircle? semicircle?
radius? d = 2 x r between the radius 3. Differentiate a minor 6. Differentiate a minor 9. Differentiate a minor from
and the diameter of a from a major arc? from a major arc? a major arc?
circle? Answers shall be drawn Answers shall be drawn Answers shall be drawn from
5. What is the difference from the students. from the students. the students.
of a secant and a Possible response: Possible response: Possible response:
tangent of a circle?  A central angle is an  A central angle is an  A central angle is an
6. Can a diameter be angle whose vertex is angle whose vertex is angle whose vertex is
considered a chord? the center of the the center of the circle. the center of the circle.
Why? circle. It is named by It is named by three It is named by three
three capital letters capital letters where capital letters where the
Answers shall be drawn where the center is the center is the center is the vertex.
from the students. the vertex. vertex.  An arc is a part of the
Possible response:  An arc is a part of the  An arc is a part of the circumference of a
1. A circle is a set of points circumference of a circumference of a circle. It is named by two
in a given plane, each circle. It is named by circle. It is named by points on a circle.
point of which is at a fixed two points on a circle. two points on a circle.  A semicircle is half of a

distance from a  Aa circle semicircle is half of  A semicircle is half of a

with measure circle with measure
circle with measure
equal to 180°.
point called the equal to 180°. equal to 180°.  A minor arc is an arc
center.  A minor arc is an arc  A minor arc is an arc which is less than a
2. A circle is named by its which is less than a which is less than a semicircle or less than
center. semicircle or less semicircle or less than 180°.
3. A chord is a segment than 180°. 180°.  A major arc is an arc
whose endpoints are  A major arc is an arc  A major arc is an arc which is more than a
points on a circle, a radius which is more than a which is more than a semicircle or more than
is a segment whose semicircle or more semicircle or more 180°. It is named using
endpoints are the center than 180°. It is named than 180°. It is named three capital letters
of the circle and a point on using three capital using three capital
that circle, a diameter is a letters letters
chord containing the
center of the circle.
4. The radius is one-half
the length of the
5. A secant is a line that
intersects a circle at two
distinct points, and a
tangent is a line on the
plane intersecting the
circle at exactly one point
called the point of
6. The diameter is
considered as the chord
because the endpoint of
the segment are points on
the circle

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Read the The teacher lets the The teacher lets the The teacher lets the The teacher lets the
following questions and students answer students answer students answer students answer
write the letter of the individually the formative individually the individually the formative individually the formative
assessment. formative assessment. assessment. assessment.
correct answer on your
Draw your own circle and In the figure, identify In the figure, identify each In the figure, identify each
paper. each of the following: of the following: of the following:
illustrate the following:
1. What do you call a
closed plane figure that is
made of points with the
same distance from the

A. Circle
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Triangle

2. Given the figure at the

right, which of the following
DOES NOT illustrate a
radius of circle O?


3. Given the figure at the

right, which of the following
illustrate a diameter of circle


4. If the radius of a circle is 7

cm, what is the diameter?

A. 10 B. 12
C. 14 D. 16

5. If the diameter of a circle

is 12 cm, what is the

A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6

Write the name of a circle,

radius and diameter.

J. Additional activities for

application or


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.


additional activities for

remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
___ Problem Solving ___ Problem Solving ___ Problem Solving ___ Problem Solving ___ Problem Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Deductive Learning ___ Deductive Learning ___ Deductive Learning ___ Deductive Learning ___ Deductive Learning
___ Research ___ Research ___ Research ___ Research ___ Research
E. Which of my teaching ___ Group work ___ Group work ___ Group work ___ Group work ___ Group work
___ Experimental Learning ___ Experimental Learning ___ Experimental Learning ___ Experimental Learning ___ Experimental Learning
strategies worked well? ___ Video Clips ___ Video Clips ___ Video Clips ___ Video Clips ___ Video Clips
Why did these work? ___ Puzzle ___ Puzzle ___ Puzzle ___ Puzzle ___ Puzzle
___Interactive Learning ___Interactive Learning ___Interactive Learning ___Interactive Learning ___Interactive Learning
___ Inductive Learning ___ Inductive Learning ___ Inductive Learning ___ Inductive Learning ___ Inductive Learning
___ Brainstorming ___ Brainstorming ___ Brainstorming ___ Brainstorming ___ Brainstorming
___ Others: ______________________ ___ Others: _____________________ ___ Others: _____________________ ___ Others: ______________________ ___ Others: ______________________
F. What difficulties did I ___ Low Performing School ___ Low Performing School ___ Low Performing School ___ Low Performing School ___ Low Performing School
___ Classroom Condition ___ Classroom Condition ___ Classroom Condition ___ Classroom Condition ___ Classroom Condition
encounter which my
___ Classroom Management ___ Classroom Management ___ Classroom Management ___ Classroom Management ___ Classroom Management
principal or supervisor can ___ Student Participation ___ Student Participation ___ Student Participation ___ Student Participation ___ Student Participation
help me solve? ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
G. What innovation or ___ Model / Mock – up ___ Model / Mock – up ___ Model / Mock – up ___ Model / Mock – up ___ Model / Mock – up
___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures
localized materials did I
___ SIM ___ SIM ___ SIM ___ SIM ___ SIM
use/discover which I wish ___ Prepared PPT ___ Prepared PPT ___ Prepared PPT ___ Prepared PPT ___ Prepared PPT
to share with other ___ Others: _______________________ ___ Others: _______________________ ___ Others: _______________________ ___ Others: _______________________ ___ Others: _______________________

Prepared by:
Checked by: Noted by:


Mathematics 7 Teacher Chairperson, Mathematics Principal II

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