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f Module ) Theory and Process of

A Communication

Syllabus : Meaning and Importance of Communication, Business and Banking

Communication. Principles of Business Communication, Process of Effective
Communication (Model), Factors Affecting Communication.

1.1. (a) Define Communication.

(b) Explain the principles of communication?
(c) What are the functions of communication?
Ans. (a) Meaning of Communication : Communication is the process of
exchanging information between two or more parties. In this process, one party transmits
message by using a medium and the other party receives the message. In the communication
process, information flows from sender to receiver.
In order to make communication effective, the sender should know the reaction of the
receiver. When the receiver sends back his response to the sender in connnection with the
message received, it is called two-way communication. Through two-way communication,
parties can exchange their views, attitudes, feelings, news, messages, infromation, data etc.
Many authors defined communication in various ways. Some of their definition and
quoted below:
1. According to Emery and Others, "Communication is the art of transmitting
information, ideas, and attitudes from one person to another."
2. Theo Haiman defined, "Communication means the process of passing information
and understanding from one person to another."
3. According to Elliot Jaquer, "Communication is the sum total of directly and
indirectly, consciously and unconsciously transmitted feelings, attitudes and wishes."
In light of the above discussion and definitions, we can conclude that communication is
a process of exchanging information, facts, ideas, thoughts, opinions, wishes, attitudes etc.
between sender and receiver. The process ends with the receiver's feedback to the sender.
(b) Principles of Communication .; Every discipline has some principles. These
principles are as like as constitutions. Principles show the guideline and print the road map.
The basic principle's of communication are discussed below :
4 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)

1. Principle of Clarity ("•I'BVAHI : The subject matter of communication should

be clear. It should not be ambiguous. When the subject matter is clearly presented
communication becomes effective.
2. Principle of completeness ('T'J'fofa ^u%) : The subject matter of communication
should be complete and explanatory, otherwise it will be worthless.
4. Principle of consideration (ft w i l * ^Tr%) : Proper time must be determined while
communicating anything. If communication is not made in lime, it will not be effective. That
is why time of communication should be considered.
5. Principle of simplicity (fW^Mt ^ u % ) : Communication must be simple and easy.
The main purpose of communication is to help readers to reach their targets. So the use of
complex words must be avoided.
3 f
6. Principle of co-operation ( T^Wu ^5TS ^u%) : The success of communication
depends on mutual co-operation of the sender and the receiver. So the communication and
the receiver should come forward to co-operating with each other.
7. Principle of attention (>ic*ik*rft*fa ^u%) : The receiver and sender must give full
concentration to each other. Otherwise there is a possibility of distortion of message.
8. Principle of using language (WW TFWWS ^ftfo) : The language of
-communication should be simple. The communicator should use simple sentence and
common words. Ornamentation should be avoided in the message.
9. Principle of selecting suitable medium (Tffo ¥1*0^ ft4lbMfl ^h%) : The
success of communication depends on proper selection of media. There are various meclias
for communication. But all medias are not equally effective. Suitable media should be
selected each time while sending any message.
10. Principle of integrity (TSSfwfl ^tfa) : The purpose of communication must be
•consistent, logical and rational. There must be on integrity with the objectives.
11. Principle of dynamism (*u%*fh«l* ^fis) : The ideal communication gives will
defined/complete and total result. Unity is ensured through communication.
12. Principle of relevancy («IMh><j»©ln ^ H % ) : The business environment is always
changeable. So the communication system should be speedy, dynamic and adjustable.
13. Principle of relevancy (*ll»ifa<p«l<i ^ f e ) : The subject matter of communication
should be relevant, irrelevant talks and information create adverse action to the readers of the
message. So irrelevant matters should be eliminated from the message.
14. Principle of conclusion fjBfKRlwn ^tfe) : The message must be definite, clear
definition and explanation must be present in the communication.
15. Principle of feedback (*MMtfom ^fw) : Another principle of communication is
the feedback. It is the reaction or response of the receiver to the sender. Feedback is
essential to complete any communication process.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 5

Conclusion ($*t*T«£fa) : If the above mentioned principles are followed properly,

communication will be effective and it will help to bring success of the organization.
(c) Functions of Communication : There is a strong relationship between successful
communication and employee satisfaction. Thus effective communication is a precondition
for job satisfaction as well as for the better productivity of an organization.
Prof. Keith Davis rightly said that, "Communication is necessary to perpetuate
(Preserve) the health of the organization."
When communication is effective it lends to encourage better performance and job
The important functions of business communication are as follows :
1. In decision making : Managerial decisions affect the very existence of the
organization. Thus managers need timely and useful information to make proper decision.
Without a sound communication system useful information can not be provided timely.
2. In making plan : Effective plans are indispensable for the achievement of the
organizational goal and an effective communication network is essential for making effective
3. Implementation of plan : A very good plan may go invasion if the pjan is not
properly implemented. Top management make the plan but employees and subordinates
implement it. Thus a proper communication system can ensure proper implementation of a
4. In policy formulation : Management collect essential information from various
sources through communication channels and formulates policies.
5. In controlling : Superior established command and control on their subordinates
through downward communication.
6. In motivation : Superiors use various tools of communication to motivate their
subordinates and then subordinates are encouraged to work in proper way.
7. In direction : Superior often direct their subordinates through communication
channels, and chain of command is established on the whole organization.
8. In cooperation : Co-operative environment is created by proper communication
9. In co-ordination : Communication co-ordinates between management and
10. In sharing ideas : Interested parlies can share their ideas in proper in proper way
through, sound communication system.
11. In solving problem : Communication plays vital role to solve various problems
and complexities of business.
12. In minimizing cost and time : Communication channels provide latest
information and aid to management to minimize cost and save time.
6 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)
13. In product development: Management collect latest information about customers'
choice, demand, ability etc. and develop their product to attract prospective customers.
14. In creating awareness : Proper communication helps to create awareness among
employees about their duties and responsibilities.
15. I n public relation : Communication helps to establish proper relation with
customers, creditors, shareholders, govt, tax authorities etc.
16. In ensuring teamwork : Communication makes whole organization as a team.
Teamwork ensure organizational development.

1.2. (a) What is 'Business Communication'?

(b) Discuss the importance of communication business.
Ans. (a) Business Communication : Business can not exist without communication.
Communication in the business and for the business can be termed as business
communication. Management make decisions by collecting data from lower level
employees. In other words, employees provides information to the management for decision
Whatever it is the fact is organizations can not move or run without communication.
Prof, Lesikar and Pettit said thai-"Business Communication is the ingredient that
makes organization possible. It is the vehicle through which the basic management
functions are carried out."
In the words of Ricks and Gow-"Business communication is a link that allows
organization to function as a system."
In the eyes of Brennar-"Business communication is the expression channeling,
receiving and interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry."
In the light of above discussion it can be staled that business communication is a
continuous process through which business related information, ideas, and opinions are
transferred from one party to another.
(b) Importance of Communication in Business : Communication is the life blood
of business. For the development of business both internal and external communication is a
must. The important of communication in business may be stated as follows :
1. Attainment of objectives ( $ W f I ^srsfa) : Every business house has a set of
objectives. To achieve these objectives communication is indispensable.
2. Making plan* (ffswnsRt £f fTR) : Communication helps in making plan. In making
any plan some information are required. Communication supplies those information and
helps in making a effective plan.
3. Policy formulation S M I R ) : Total success of the business depends on proper
policy. Communication helps in formulating policy by collecting the advice and suggestions
of the experts.
Theory and Process of Communication Duui Version • 7

4. Facilitates co-ordination (I^TO Tt*fl?T *TC[tWt) : Co-ordination among various

work groups or departments of the organization is possible through communication.
5. Exchange of ideas (*ff?°fT frHTfl) : Communication is essential in exchange of
ideas, news and views among the various parties of the organization. When employees face
problem the superior give them solution through communication.
6. Effective direction ( ^ ^ f s T f f f * H f ) : The entire work of direction is involved with
communication. Without using communicational devices superiors cannot issue orders or
instructions to their subordinates.
, s
~ 7. Promotion of managerial efficiency ( tI rS[t*r#!T *T"¥W<f ^ T R ) : Managerial
efficiency is very important for reaching organizational goal. Communication assists to
reach this goal. On the other hand, communication helps in promoting managerial
8. Making decision (f*i<*f« sf^t) : Every organization has to face the challenges of the
changing environment. Every moment they make decisions. Communication helps them in
making decision in relevant areas.
9. Uphold morale (>IMH*I ^ w f fcc«l*ii) : Communication helps to uphold the morale
of the employees in various ways. It also helps removing undesirable low morale elements.
10. Publicity of goods and servises (1*11 « CT^TS «n>Hr) : Marketing promotional
activities are the driving force to increase sales and profit margin. Communication helps the
businessmen to perform this task.
11. Promotion of job staisfaction O^TC* Tglfc? &fmi) : Job satisfaction is the pre-
condition for achieving organizational goal. Communication helps in (his regard.
12. Promotes spirit of understanding (CTRTfT^ '<(fti) : Effective
communication brings understanding and mutual trust among the people of the
13. Sound management 03$ T r ^ ^ R f ) : Communication is helpful for sound and
effective management. Success of management depends on good and effective
communication network in the organization.
14. Healthy industrial relation 03$ f % 1**^) : Healthy industrial relation means
the sound relation between employee and employer. Communication acts as a matchmaker
in this regard.
15. International relation ( ^ t W l f ^ T**!^) : Every country is dependent on others
for many reasons. Here, communication plays a very vital role. It plays important role in
developing international relations.
Conclusion (^fTSSH) : At the end of our discussion we can say that communication
is deeply related to the various activities of the business world. Actually without
communication there is no means for the business organization to achieve desired goals.
8 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)
1.3. (a) What are the features of business communication?
(b) Discuss the objectives of business communication.
Ans. (a) Features of Business Communication : Communication is a dynamic
process. Information can be exchanged through communication. The basic characteristics or
features of communication are as follows:
1. Information/Messages : Information or message is the basic element of all types of
communication. Communication takes place to transfer particular informational message.
2. Transfer of messages : The main function of communication is to transfer particular
message or information.
3. Two or more persons : Basically communication is a way process. One person can
not make successful communication. At least two persons are required to complete the
communication process.
4. Media : Without a media communication can not take place. Information can be
transferred through written, verbal or non-verbal media.
5. Feedback : Communication experts think that no feedback-no communication.'
Infact the communication cycle ends with feedback. For effective communication there must
be a feedback from the receiver.
6. Specific objective : Communication always made to satisfy a predetermined
objectives. That is in any type of communication there must be a specific purpose.
7. Understanding : Communication must include both the transfer and understanding
of messages. Only transfer can not complete the communication process. To be effective the
transferred message must be understood by the receiver.
8. Barriers : Where there is communication there must be some kind of barriers. In
real world we can not think of communication without barriers. Infect we are to make
communication by overcoming the barriers.
9. Dynamic Process : Communication is not a static process, rather it is a dynamic
process which has different steps.
(b) Objectives of Business Communication : Management of every business
organization want to achieve organizational goal. The main purpose ol communication is to
aid management to aid management to achieve organizational goal. The other important
purposes are stated below :
1. To make plan : Plan means to take decision what will be done in future. Sound
communication system provide essential information and data to plan effectively.
2. To implement plan : Plan can be implemented on the basis of effective direction,
motivation and control of the management through sound communication system.
3. To formulate policy : Essential information collected from various sources to
formulate proper policy. Management depends on communication channels for this
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 9
4. To help controlling : Employees are bound to perforin their duties and
responsibilities in time and proper way under effective control of management. Effective
communication system helps management to establish control on employees.
5. To motivate employees : The communication system helps every business
organization to apply effective methods of motivation, such as. declare bonus for extra
production, commission for extra sales, free medical facilities etc.
6. To direct: Management often provide necessary direction, to subordinates through
communication channels and thus subordinates can perform their duties smoothly.
7. To train employees : Essential professional training's are given under sound
communication system to develop the efficiency of employees.
8. To cooperate : Efficient communication system ensures mutual cooperation among
management, employees, stockholders etc.
9. To create awareness : Sound communication system creates awareness among
employees about iheir duties and responsibilities.
10. To improve relationship : Effective communication system creates good
relationship between management-employees and among the employees.
11. To exchange information': Internal and external parties exchange information
among each other through the communication system.
12. To increase productivity : Sound communication system helps the management
to increase productivity.
13. To increase sales : Management can increase sales through various media and
channel of communication.
14. To solve problem : Proper communication helps to solve various problems, such
as recmitment, promotion, transfer, esc.
15. To manage conflict: Another objective of communication is to manage internal
conflicts. Conflicts can be solved by effective communication between the concerned

1.4. (a) What is effective communication?

_(b)^Wjhat ^hc requirements of effective communication?
Ans. (a) Effective Communication : Communication takes place between two parties
or groups of parties. One party sends the message and the other party receives it. i f the
receiver receives the message in a way the sender sends, it is called effective communication.
Some definitions of renowned authors on effective communication are quoted.
1. Ricky W. Griffin said, "Effective communication is the process of sending a
message in such a way that the message received is as close in meaning as possible to ihe
message intended."
10 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)
2. According to Terry and Franklin, "Effective communication involves the most
accurate sending and receiving of information, full comprehension of the message by both
parties and appropriate action taken upon completion of the information exchange."
Thus, we can conclude that communication becomes effective when the facts, ideas,
views, or information of the sender is transmitted into the receiver's mind in an unchanged
way. Effective communication provides a bridge of meaning between people so that they can
share what they feel and know. By using this bridge, both paities can safely cross the river
of misunderstanding that sometimes separates people.
(b) Requirements/Condflions of Effective Communication : An effective
communication helps the business entity to achieve its goal. But to ensure such some
conditions are to be fulfilled which are :
1. Thought: Efficient communication is created through appropriate thought. Now a
days, scientific and constructive thoughts are considered to be essential elements of ideal
2. Planning : Planning means what is to be done in future. So, communication must
plan about topic, presentation system, time, place and others. Such planning will help to
perform the various steps of communication process.
3. A definite purpose : Each communication must bear a definite purpose.
Communication must be aware of this purpose or otherwise communication will be
4. Timeliness : 'A stich in time, saves nine' is a common proverb in English. So,
communication must happen in time. Information which is not timely is useless.
5. Conciseness : Communication should consider the relevant facts to create a
meaningful picture in the mind of related parlies. Descriptive speech or topics may raise
disinterest and in attentiveness of the receiver.
6. Completeness : Communication should not be partial. It must he in details covering
all related aspects, Otherwise, there will be communication gap.
7. Correctness : Mistake in words, setences or punctuation may create confusion in the
mind of sender as well as receiver. So, related parties to communication should be
conscious regarding correctness.
8. Clarity : Communication must be straight forward with the message he wants to
send to the receiver. Lack of clarity may cause misconception.
9. Persuasiveness : Persuasiveness in business is considered to be prime quality. So,
communication must persuade the receiver to fulfill the desired objective.
10. Feedback System : Good communication requires from the receiver of the
communication. This response is known as feedback which completes the process of
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 1 1

11. Mutual Interest: Communication should occur in such a way that both sender and
receiver find their own interest. Such mutual interest should be given importance to make
communication effective.
12. Simplicity : The message should be given in simple words so that the receiver can
understand properly about the intention of the sender. Use of complex or vague words will
make fruitless communication.
13. Selection of media : According to nature and importance of communication,
communication should select the right channel to communicate his message or information.
14. Relationship between the sender and the receiver : During communication, the
relationship between the sender and the reciver should be considered. If communication is
made considering such relationship then communication would be a fruitful one.
15. Consideration of the ability of reader : Communication must consider the
knowledge, ability & thought of the receiver or reader of the communication. If any
communication is performed without such consideration then it will bring a different result.
16. Creation of appropriate environment : Effective communication requires
creation of appropriate environment, otherwise communication would be worthless, e.g. In
assembly or meeting there should be no noise.

1.5. (a) Discuss the importance of communication in the field of management.

(b) "Communication helps to increase efficiency of management"—How?
Discuss. • *
Ans. (a) Importance of Communication in the Field of Management :
Communication and management are interrelated. Various management scholars haven the
same consent that without communication management is impossible and therefore
communication is considered as the lifeblood of management. In this regard Koontz said
'communication is a fundamental, complete and extensive process for management. And it is
a common process to all."
Management means planning, organizing, directing, motivating and controlling. To do
such functions, managers must maintain active and effective communication.
1. Planning : It means what is to be done in future. It helps the managers to run the
organization skillfully and economically. Therefore managers must collect various
information, exchange words, consult with others and take decision. A l l these
activities require communication.
2. Organising : Land, labour, capital and machinery are required for any organisation
to operate itself in the market. A l l these resources are not available always. Collecting
resources from the right sources in time is organising. A manager must maintain a good
communication in this regard.
12 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)

3. Directing : To utiltise the resources properly it requires proper direction from the
managers. To direct resources in the right channel and to get optimum benefit, manager
must be con >cious about effective communication.
4. Motivating : it stimulates a person to give his full effort. It helps to'inspire
employees to develop there performance. Motivation should be situation and therefore
managers must have proper idea and knowledge through communication
5. Co-ordinating ; Modern management provides emphasis on division of work
managers must Co-ordination the respective activities of various departments or division.and -
therefore an inter divisional communication should be established.
f'i. Controlling : Whether activities are properly functioning or not is required to be
checked regularly and therefore communication is a per-requisite here to collect
information. It is the communication which help managers to obtain information from
various srevers and take corrective measure to attain organisational goal.

(b) Communication Helps to Increase Efficiency of Management :

Communication can be blocked by inefficiency. But communication helps to increase the
efficiency management. We know that 80% of the time of managers spent on
Detailed Discussion : Management is a technique of getting done by other people. So
to perform the managerial functions the authority concerned or the managers have to share
information, ideas, opinion ect. with the low-level employees. But the question of efficient
managegement depends on mostly how communication can help in this regard.
Communication can be defined as a process of exchange of information between two or
more persons. Through this process, human behavior is modified, change is effected,
information is made productive. Thus the management can lead the organization to a better
position day by day.
Effective communication is the foundation for sound management. If the system of
communication of an organization is well-established, the management can successfully
perform their managerial functions.
Communication as an essential function of management. Through communication the
subordinates come to know the relevant instruction and orders of the boss and their own
duties and responsibilities. It is through communication by which employees submit their
grievances., work reports, suggestion etc. In fact an effective communication ensures that
there are no develops, bottlenecks, confusion, misunderstandings and distortion of facts, li
establishes unity among all the concerned persons and departments of the organization.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version •••13

All functions of management aic hugely dependent un communication. In absence of

these there cannot be any synchronization of activities, unity in thinking and working and
co-operation among the employees. Communication is a basic tool for motivation. The
morale of (he employees largely depends upon the effectiveness communication.
Supervisory and leading functions are impossible without communication. The management
can resolve many conflicts arising out of a misunderstanding of motives and points of view
of the employees by using communication. Communication is also a means of bringing
about maximum production at the lowest cost by maintaining good human relations in the
Conclusion : In fine, we can come to the conclusion that communication helps to
increase efficiency in discharging managerial functions of the organization..

1.6. (a) What is meant by communication process?

or. What is the Communication cycle?
or, Define of communication process,
(b) Discuss the element,? of communication process.
or. Briefly discuss elements/system of communication process.
or, Explain the steps involved in communication process.
or. Discuss the communication cycle.
Ans. Communication Process : Communication process consists of some interrelated
steps through which messages are sent from sender to receiver. The process of
communication behind when the sender wants to transmit a fact, idea, opinion, or other
information to the receiver and ends with receiver's feedback to the sender. The main
components of communication process are sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback.
In the following on communication process are quoted :
1. Robert Kreitner defined, "Communication process is a chain make up of
indentifiable links. The chain includes sender, encoding, message, decoding and message."
2. In the opinion of S.K. Kapur, "The communication process is the method by which
the sender transfers information and understanding to the receiver."
3. According to Boyee, Thill, and Schatzman, "The communication process consists
of six phases linking sender and receiver." ,
4. C.B Mamoria has pointed out the parts of communication process by saying,"
that communication process model is made up of seven steps or parts: a. the communication
source, b. encoding, c. the message, and the medium or channel, d. reception by the receiver
e. decoding f. action and g. feedback."
Thus, it is clear that communication process is the set of some sequential steps involved
in transferring message as well as feedback, The process requires a sender who transmits
message through a channel to the receiver. Then the receiver decodes the message and sends
back some type of signal or feedback.
14 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)

(b) Elements of Communication Process : Communication is the process of

exchanging information and understanding from one person to anther person. It provides a
bridge of meaning by which people can share their feelings. The communication process
has eight sequential steps which is shown in the following figure.

The communication process

[Source : J. W. Newstrom & K. Davis: 2002]
Step-1 : Develop idea : In any kind of communication at first the sender develop an
idea which he/ she wants to transmit.
Step-2 : Encode : In this step sender convert the idea into a message by using suitable
words, charts, or any other symbol. Here the sender uses his/her own 'filter of concept' to
develop the message.
Step-3 : Transmit: After encoding the message sender takes initiative to transfer the
message to receiver. Sender also select proper media for the transmission of message.
Step-4 : Receive : Here receiver receives the message which is transferred by the
sender. If the receiver do not receive the message then the communication failed.
Step-5 : Decode : To understand the received message the receiver need to decode the
meaning of the message. Decoding is the process if 'explanation of the message' which
produce the meaning of the message. This step is very important for the success of
communication because understanding of the message. This step is very important for the
success of communication because understanding of the message completely depend on it.
Step-6 : Accept: After decoding, it depends on the receiver whe ther he/she will accept
or reject the message. Acceptance mainly depends on the credibility of the sender and
attitude of the receiver.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 15

Step-7 : Use : This step also controlled by the receiver. The receiver can use the
message immediately or in future considering his/her interest.
Step-8 : Feedback : It is the last but perhaps the most important step for successful
communication. In this step the receiver responds to the sender. The loop of communication
infact completes with the response of the receiver, which is known as feedback.
Whether the message is accepted or not can be realized by the feedback of the receiver.
These are the steps of the communication process. It should be mentioned that there are
some barriers in the communication process which can disturb whole process.

1.7. (a) What is Feedback?

or, What do you mean by Feedback?
(b) What are different types of Feedback?
(c) Discuss the principles of effective feedback.
Ans. (a) Define Feedback : The term "Feedback" means the return of the result or
-response of a particular communication from the receiver. In communication, it is frequently
used to convey the repercussion of the receiver what the perceives from the message
received earlier.
Definition of Feedback : Feedback is the return message or response from the
receiver to the sender.
Some popular definitions of feedback are mentioned below:
1. According to Bovce and Others, "Feedback is a response from the receiver that
informs the sender how the message is being interpreted and how the communication is
being received in general."
2. S.S chatterjee says, "Feedback is a system of checking by which the sender of
communication can assure himself whether his ideas have been received by the other party
as they were originally intended."
3. According to Weihrich and Koontz, "Feedback is an information input in a
system transmitting message of system operation to indicate whether the system is
operating as planned; information concerning any type of planned operation relayed to the
responsible person for evaluation."
Conclusion : Analyzing the above dissuasion and quotations we can say that feedback
is the response or reaction or behavior from the receiver which he shows basing upon the
message received by him earlier."
(b) Types of Feedback : Feedback may be classified under six head These are
personal leedback, clarification feedback, questioning feedback, expansion feedback,
positive feedback and negative feedback.
16 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)

1. Personal feedback : When the receiver of a message conveys his response to the
message like a soliloquy, it is caiied personal feedback. Suppose, on the receipt of a
message the receiver conveys his reaction in the following words : "Mad I the capability to
go into the depth of the problem and unearth the sequence like you."
2. Explanatory feedback : I f the receiver fails to understand a part or whole of the
message he can demand explanation from the sender. Demanding explanation from the
sender about the message received is called explanatory feedback. For example, " I shall be
ail the more glad to know from you the fourth point of your message in details."
3. Questioning feedback : Asking one or more questions in response to the message
received is also a particular type of feedback. When the receiver raises a question in
response to the message, this is called a questioning feedback. For example "Have you
thought in details about the ultimate outcome of the proposal."
4. Expansion feedback : The idea, motion or attitude expressed in the message
received may be expanded by the reply or response of the receiver. Such a reply is known
as expansion feedback. For example : "If you include in your order 'RMG SL Shirt 80/20-
200 communicate doz." we think your problem will be solved for the time being."
5. Positive feedback : A feedback carrying a positive response from the receiver is
called a positive feedback. It may not be always a hundred percent 'yes' reply. Any feedback
that contains such element as encouragement, inspiration, relevance, expansion of thought or
the like is considered as a favourable or positive feedback.
6. Negative feedback : A negative response from receiver of message is called negative
or adverse feedback. It need not always carry a direct negative reply. Any feedback
containing personal attack, aggressive tone, irrelevance, unnecessary lengthy speech ect. is
considered as a negative one.

(c) Principles of Effective Feedback : Feedback is the response of receiver,

concerning the message he received. It is an essential element of two-way communication.
Feedback can be favorable or unfavorable. Whatever may be the feedback, it should follow
some guidelines or principles. The followings are the prime principles/guidelines of making
feedback effective:
1. Specific: The receiver should convey his response specifically. Specific response
helps the sender to understand receiver's attitude towards the message.
2. Descriptive: To make the feedback clear and worthwhile to the sender, it should be
descriptive in nature. In feedback the receiver should maintain logical sequence ot massage
he received and incorporate his opinion in details.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 1 7

3. Clarity: Clarity is an important principle of both effective communication and

effective feedback. Principle of clarity requires that feedback should be free from ambiguity
and exaggeration. Clarity comes from attentive listening and careful interpretation of
4. Promptness: Feedback should be delivered without unnecessary delay. Delay in
feedback destroys its utility. Promptness depends on the nature of communication. In face-
to-face communication, feedback is instant while written communication may allow a time
lag in feedback.
5. Completeness: Feedback is effective when it is complete. Completeness of feedback
means it should answer all the queries of the sender.
6. Solicited: Feedback must be spontaneous. This principle is attained when the
receiver willingly responds to the sender's message.
7. Informality: Efficacy of feedback also depends on the use of informal channel
along with formal channel. I f there is any informal channel for providing feedback,
employees come forward to show their reaction spontaneously.
8. Relevance: Principle of relevance requires that feedback should be relevant and
consistent to the message. Relevant feedback can only help the sender to understand
receiver's reaction. Irrelevant feedback may irritate the sender and hamper the objective of
These are the well-established rules or principles of feedback. By following these
principles, one can ensure the effectiveness of feedback.

1.8. (a) What do you mean by positive and negative feedback?

(b) Discuss the importance of feedback in communication.
or, Is feedback essential for completeness/effective of communication
or, "Feedback is essential for effective cornmunication-"ExpIain it.
or, "No feedback no communication"-Justify your answer.
(c) What are the causes of poor feedback? y

Ans. (a) Positive Feedback : A positive feedback is one that carries a positive or
assertive response from the receiver. It may not always be a hundred percent 'yes' reply.
Any feedback that contains such element as encouragement, inspiration, expansion of
thought or the like is regarded as a position feedback.
Negative Freedback : A negative or adverse response from the receiver news is called
negative or adverse feedback. It may not always be a direct negative reply. Any feedback
containing personal attack, aggressive tone, irrelevance etc. is regarded as negative feedback.
18 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)

(b) Importance of Feedback in Communication : Prompt and immediate feedback

makes the communication complete and successful. When feedback in delayed, memory
distortion irrelevance defensiveness are likely to increase. Therefore immediate feedback
will make it effective. Feedback is essential for effective communication from the following
1. Completeness : Feedback completes the communication process as sender can
know the impression of receiver regarding message or information sent. Without any
feedback, a communication remains incomplete and can be ineffective.
2. Evaluation of effect: Whether the sending has made any effect towards-receiver
can be better understood through feedback. Proper evaluation calls for proper
implementation of any job or activity.
3. Rectification of plan : Feedback makes, sure regarding effectiveness of plan. If any
change is required, can be possible through feedback, because it makes rectification of
errors or mistakes existing in any plan.
4. Useful in decision making : Feedback helps the sender to be aware regarding
receiver. As a result sender can take further decision such as what to do, when to do and
how to do.
5. Exchange of ideas: Feedback ensures two way communication which iieips in
effective exchange of ideas. Such exchange makes a bridge of communication.
6. Improving labor-management relations : A business can not fulfil! its objective
until there exists sound iabor-management relationship. To improve such relation there must
be feedback from the listener or receiver.
7. Creation of democratic environment : When there is democracy, people can
express their opinion independently. This helps a lot for rectification of errors & mistakes
and calls for constructive decision making. And when there exists feedback in the
communication process, such independence is activated.
8. Evaluation of media: Whether the media of communication is effective enough to
carry the message or information can be known through feedback. Error or fault in media
can be highlighted interms of feedback.
. 9. Knowledge about success and failure : Feedback makes assessment of ievel of
completion of any job, work or activity, Success and failure which are the two respective
sides of the same coin can also be judged interms of feedback.
10. Collection of information : Information is communicated through feedback. So
feedback acts as a source of information which leads to initiate, rectify, interpret and
implement any plan or activity.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 19

(e) Causes of Poor Feedback : Feedback is an essential component of communication

process. Without feedback, none can ensure the effectiveness of communication. However,
in some cases, proper feedback is hindered by some causes/factors. These causes/factors
are as follows:
1. Reliance only on formal communication channel : Employees in the
organization primarily communicate through formal channels following the organizational
hierarchy. Communication through formal channel is essential to maintain order and
discipline. However, excessive reliance on formal channels discourages feedback.
2. Sanctioned communication : When communication is formalized through rules,
regulations and bindings, it is called sanctioned communication. Such rules and regulations
restrict feedback. Because, employees cannot communicate violating these rules. So
sanctioned communication created by rigid rules and restrictions acts as a major cause of
'poor feedback.
3. Negative organizational climate : If internal operational environment, inter-
personal relationship, and social climate of organization are unfavorable to free and fair
flow of communication, then the whole communication process will be affected. In such a
situation, normal flow of feedback will also be blocked.

1.9. (a) What is two-way communication?

or, What do you mean by two-way communication?
(b) Briefly discuss the importance of tow-way communication.
or, Discuss the reasons for placing much importnace on two-way
or, Discuss the necessity of two-way communication in the
(c) What are the limitations of two-way communication?
Ans. (a) Two-way Communication : When a communication channel pushes the
flow of information in two directions, back and forward, it is called two-way
communication. In two-way communication, sender transmits a message to the receiver and
the said receiver sends back his response to the original sender inters of feedback. So
communication having feedback provision can be defined as two-way communication, Face
to face conversation, phone conversation are the c; ample of two-way communication.
Two-way communication can be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal means
communication happening within the same level where'as' vertical means communication
occurring between different levels which are shown below.
20 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)

Horizontal type two-way Production Sales

Communication Manager •4—- Manager

Vertical type two-way Production

Communication Manager
A. A


(b) Importance of Tow-way Communication : Two-way communication is the'

complete communication process. In this communication, information flows from sends to
receiver and response of the receiver goes back to the sender. In achieving the organizational
goals and personal problems, we need to rely on two-way communication. The following
points highlight the importance of two-way communication:
1. Ensuring smooth flow of information : In two-way communication, the receiver
can directly express his response with regard to the message he received. As a result,
smooth flow of information occurs in both directions.
2. Providing acknowledgment : In two-way communication, sender sends
information to the receiver gives his response or answer to the sender. In this way, two-way
communication acknowledges the reception of message by the receiver.
3. Implementation of directions : In the organization, superiors convey various
orders, instructions, policies, procedures etc. to the subordinates. I f subordinates fail to
understand any instruction, order, or policy, two-way communication allows them to ask for
further clarification. Thus, two-way communication helps implementation of superiors'
4. Encouraging suggestion form employee : In order to enrich organizational plans
and policies, management should encourage suggestions from subordinates. Such
encouragement is possible when there exists two-way communication channels.
5. Increasing job satisfactions: Two-way communication provides employees with a
means to convey their complaints, attitudes, feelings, interests, and opinions to their
superiors. Afterwards, superiors can take necessary steps for well-being of the employees.
As a result, job satisfaction of the employees increases.
6. Creating democratic environment : In two-way communication, both
communicator and receiver can freely express their feelings, ideas, and views. This mutual
exchange of information creates a democratic environment in the organization.
7. Overcoming ambiguity : Two-way communication is also very useful to overcome
any confusion or ambiguity regarding the message as it allows the receiver to convey his
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 21

8. Creating congenial relationship : Congenial relationship between workers and

management is essential to achieve organizational goals. In order to create such relationship,
management must listen to the opinions and views of employees. Two-way communication
makes it possible.
9. Creating informal relationship : Another positive aspect of two-way
communication is that it enhances informal relationship between sender and receiver. Since
two-way communication allows both the participants to exchange whatever they think, they
can develop a sense of mutual understanding. The result is a better relationship between
10. Increasing effectiveness of communication : Effective communication depends
on proper understanding of message by both sender and receiver. Through two-way
communication, both parties can evaluate each other's opinion and thus can increase
effectiveness of theirn communication.
11. Increasing efficiency : Two-way communication also positive contributes to the
efficiency of the receiver. In this communication, the receiver can seek clarification and
analysis of sender's message that ultimately his knowledge, understanding, and efficiency.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that two-way communication plays vital
role in improving organizational performance. This is the only complete communication
process. For this.reason, so much importance is placed on two-way communication.
(c) Limitations of two-way communication : Two-way communication system is
not an unmixed blessing. It suffers from several short-comings. The drawbacks of the two-
way communication system are discussed below :
1. Expensive and time-consuming : Two-way communication, system is very
expensive and time-consuming. Much time is lost in the forward and backward
transmission a message. As a result, actual performance is delayed and cost burden
2. Insubordination : Two-way communication may lend to insubordination among
employees. They may want to have their 'say' in all matters of policy planning. This
hampers internal discipline of the organization and destroys work-environment.
3. Complexity : Certain complexion such as ambiguity, duality, rumour or filtering
may creep into the message at the time of its forward and backward transmission. Each time
the message is to flow through several stages leaving enough chances for rumour, filtering,
misemterpretation and misunderstanging.
4. Smoothness disturbed : In two-way communication system lower level employees
often stand in the way of implementing important changes, lest their vested interest is
hampered. As a result, the smooth flow of work is disturbed.
5. Misinterpretation : In two-way communication system there is enough chances of
misinterpretation of the facts and information sent. Each time a message crosses a stage
makes way for distorting and misinterpretation.
22 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)
1.10. (a) What do you mean by barriers to communication?
or, Define*Barriers of communication.
(b) What factors act as barriers to communication or creates obstacles to
effective communication?
or. Discuss the barriers of communication process.
or, What are the barriers to effective communication?
or, Briefly explain the different barriers of communication.
(c) How the barriers to communication can be overcome?
or, How communication can be removed?
Ans : (s) Barriers to Communication : Sender.transmits a message with the
exception that the receiver will receive, understand, act on it. However, messages do not
always reach to its intended receiver in a way the sender thinks. Some causes 01 factors
impede the flow of message, its interpretation, and understanding. Such factors or causes
are known as communication barriers. Some definitions on communication barrier are
quoted below:
1. Dr. Suruj Kumar Debnath, defined, "Barriers to communication mean obstacles to
the process of communication."
2. In the opinion of Louise E. Boone and Others, "Communication barriers are the
problems that arise at every stage of the communications process and have the potential to
create misunderstanding and confusion."
3. According to C.B. Mamoria, "Communication, when it is impeded and does not
reach the receiver, is often somewhat ineffective, and the impediments are known as
By considering the above discussion and definitions, it can be concluded that
communication barriers are the factors that inhibit the effective flow of information in the
process of communication. Communication barriers impede the flow of information'or
create problems in understanding and acceptance of information. ;

(b) Barriers to effective communication : D'fferent barriers to communication are

described bellow :
4. Organizational Barriers : It arises for the following reasons ':
1. Complex organizational structure: The more complex structure that an
organization has, the more problem it faces in communication.
2. Excessive layering of administration: In modern business, the administrative level,
has more layers which creates communication gap between employee and management.
3. Lack of policies: How management will function is reflected through its policies.
Lack of policy causes disinterest among the employees.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 23
4.,Conservatives of supervisors: Sometimes supervisors are very conservative and
ignore to communicate with the employees. This causes barrier to communication.
5; Improper delegation of authority & responsibility: Due to improper delegation
of authority & responsibility in an organization workers & employees are not aware of
their respective task which acts as a barrier to communication.
is. Individual Barriers:
1. Personality: Sometimes higher officials do not maintain any discussion with the
subordinates due io their high personality. This hampers in communication.
2. Wrong Explanation: Both receiver and sender can explain the received message or
information in a wrong way which causes problem to communication.
3. Individual conflict: I f individual conflict exists between sender and receiver then
communication can happen whimsically. This acts as a barrier to communication.
4. Fear: Limitation of knowledge., inability to explain properly, threat for failure and
others cause problems to communication.
5. Pre-idea: Sometimes we bear pre-idea regarding any person in our mind. And when
we communicate, we try to apply what is kept in our mind. Difference between perception
and reality may hamper communication.
6. Insincerity and lack of confidence: Sender may not give importance to the
thinking & decision of receiver. In such a case receiver may lose confidence which wili lead
to worthless communication.
C. Language/Semantic Barriers:
1. Vague word: Use of vague word in communication causes problem because such
word creates different meaning and therefore the message loses its appeal.
2. Use of local dialect: The tone of different region is different and therefore using
local dialect in communication will.obviously create adverse impression. This hampers the-
3. Use of different languages: Communication may be done in different languages
and receiver may not be expert in different languages. This causes barrier to
4. Use of technical words: Receiver may fail to understand the meaning of technical
v/ords and therefore use of such words in communication hampers the whole
D. Barriers due to status:
It occurs due to following reasons:
1. Status/Position: Each and every person in different layers of organization wants to
maintain individual status. He or she does not exchange any information which may hamper
his or her status or prestige. Hence communication is interrupted.
24 • Dual Version Business Communication (In English)
2. Mental state: Sometimes receiver suspects the sender of message and does not rely
on the message sent. Such mental state acts as a barrier to communication.
E . Barriers due to resistance to change:
1. Following the 'old one': There are traditional people in every organization who
always prefer the customs and avoid any change because change involves flexibility, So,
people who follow the 'old one' act as a barrier to communication.
2. Lack of attention: Sometimes executive officers or subordinates pay no attention to
the message or information received. This is a barrier to communication.
3. Own interpretation or assumption: It happens that receiver of the message makes
his own explanation or assumption regarding the message received/This leads to problem
for communication.
F. Other barriers:
1. Geographical Barrier: Geograpkical distance creates communication gap.
For example: Communication between Nijhumdeep and Dhaka or between Bandarban
and Dhaka.
2. Lack of harmony: If mutual undrestanding that exists between sender and receiver
of communication is absent then communication is barred.
3. Faulty expression: I f communication fails to communicate the message in a correct
way than receiver faces problem. So, faulty expression creates miscommunication or
4. Cultural difference: Different nations have different cultures. Lack of knowledge
regarding the culture of receiver may cause communication problem.
5. Absence of feedback: Communication is effective when there is a feedback from
receiver. Feedback makes the sender aware regarding the communication and helps him to
modify the quality of communication.
(c) Guidelines for overcoming communication barriers : There are some barriers
that complicate the communication process. The following activities can help to over come
the barriers to communication.
1. Feedback : To make communication effective, there must be feedback from receiver.
Without feedback, the communication process remains incomplete.
2. Selecting proper media : The media for communication should be selected
according to organizational environment, importance and the size of message, position of
receiver and other relevant aspects.
3. Work According to Words : I f work is according to word then communication
becomes effective and fruitful.
4. Idea about the Receiver : Sender should have better ideas regarding the thought,
feelings and opinion of receiver of the message. Such ideas will help the sender to make a
fruitful communication.
Theory and Process of Communication Dual Version • 25

5. Communication A u d i t : Communication audit acts as a fruitful method to improve

communication. It examines the network, activities, process and principles of
communication and therefore recommend for improvement.
6. Effective Listening : To make an effective communication, both sender and receiver
should be attentive listener from their respective position.
7. Reducing unnecessary Information : Unnecessary information causes confusion
and kills time. Relevant information should be considered to make proper communication.
8. Use of simple and meaningful words : Communication must avoid ambiguous
words and use simple words which are meaningful in the mind of receiver.
9. Orientation : Newly appointed employees should be given idea regarding objectives,
functions, principles and structure of an organization so that they become conscious about
their role during communication.
10. Efficient Management : Poor management cause poor communication. So
management should be efficient enough to make its communication system upto date.
11. Communication Training : I f organization arranges training measures for the
people concerned with the network of communication, the people will be skilled in
communication affairs, In this way communication will be smoothful and easier.
12. Re-organization : Effective communication depends much on the organizational
structure. It is seen that horizontal communication is very much productive. So, re-
organization of organization al structure may be required to activate horizontal
13. Informal Relations : Informal relations can play a vital role to make
communication effective before making any formal communication.
14. Communication Review : It is a good point to be taken into account that the
message sender needs to take necessary steps to review the progress of communication after
completing this task.
15. Employee conference : Open discussion between higher officials and subordinates
may create a better environment for communication.
16. Artful Presentation: Artful presentation makes the whole task of communication
a successgul one.
In fine, we can say that the barriers of communication can be overcome i f the sender
shows how communication concerns or affects the receiver. Dissemination of information
through several channels and establishment of feedback system assist to overcome the
communication barrier.

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