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New technologies are scientific and technical innovations that emerge and spread throughout society,
thus modifying modes of production, consumption and communication. They are often associated
with the notion of industrial revolution, which designates a period of radical and accelerated change
in the economic, social and cultural fields. The first industrial revolution took place in the 18th
century with the appearance of the steam engine, the second in the 19th century with electricity and
the internal combustion engine, the third in the 20th century with computing and
telecommunications, and the fourth has been underway since the beginning of the 21st century with
the development of the internet, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, renewable energy, etc. These
new technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to improve the human condition, but they also
pose major challenges in terms of ethics, security, regulation and social impact. In this presentation,
we aim to analyze the advantages and limits of new technologies for humanity, based on concrete
examples and reliable sources. We will thus see how new technologies can contribute to scientific,
social, economic and environmental progress, but also how they can generate risks and inequalities.
Finally, we will try to identify perspectives for the future, by considering possible scenarios and
possible solutions.
Advantages of New Technologies

Partie 1-1 Présentation

New technologies are scientific and technical innovations that are characterized by their speed,
complexity and interdependence. They cover a wide range of application areas, which can be
grouped into four main categories : artificial intelligence, biotechnology, renewable energy and
information and communication technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of
machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as perception, reasoning,
learning, decision-making or creativity. AI can take different forms, such as intelligent agents, expert
systems, neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, etc. Biotechnology
refers to the application of the principles and techniques of biology for industrial, medical or
agricultural purposes. It includes genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, immunology,
etc. Biotechnology makes it possible to manipulate living things, create genetically modified
organisms, produce drugs, diagnose and treat diseases, etc. Renewable energy refers to energy
produced from inexhaustible or regenerable natural sources, such as sun, wind, water, biomass,
geothermal energy, etc. Renewable energy makes it possible to reduce dependence on fossil fuels,
limit greenhouse gas emissions, diversify sources of supply, etc. Information and communication
technologies (ICT) refer to all the technologies that make it possible to produce, store, process,
transmit and receive information in digital form. They include computing, the Internet, social
networks, cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, virtual reality, etc. ICT makes it possible
to facilitate access, sharing and dissemination of knowledge, to strengthen communication and
collaboration, to create new services and new markets, etc.

Partie 1-2 impact dans différentes catégories

Connectivity and Communication

One of the most profound advantages of new technologies is the enhanced connectivity and
communication they provide. The advent of the internet, social media platforms, and instant
messaging apps has facilitated seamless communication on a global scale. People can now connect
with each other regardless of geographical boundaries, fostering collaboration, and cultural

Information Access and Knowledge Dissemination

New technologies have democratized access to information and knowledge. Online databases, e-
books, and educational websites offer a wealth of resources that were previously inaccessible to
many. This democratization of information has empowered individuals to pursue learning and skill
development, thereby narrowing the knowledge gap and promoting lifelong education.

Efficiency and Productivity

Technological advancements have significantly improved efficiency and productivity across various
industries. Automation, robotics, and machine learning algorithms have streamlined processes,
reduced human error, and optimized resource utilization. This has led to increased output, cost
savings, and enhanced competitiveness in the global market.
Healthcare and Medicine

The integration of technology into healthcare has revolutionized medical diagnosis, treatment, and
patient care. Medical imaging technologies such as MRI and CT scans enable early detection of
diseases, while telemedicine platforms facilitate remote consultations and monitoring. Furthermore,
wearable devices and health apps empower individuals to proactively manage their health and
fitness, leading to improved overall well-being.

Environmental Sustainability

New technologies play a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges and promoting
sustainability. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, coupled with advancements
in energy storage and distribution, offer viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Additionally, innovations in
waste management, recycling, and environmental monitoring contribute to conservation efforts and
the preservation of natural resources.

Partie 1-2 importance

New technologies present many benefits for humanity, in terms of scientific, social, economic and
environmental progress. They make it possible to push the limits of knowledge, to solve complex
problems, to create added value, to stimulate growth, to promote inclusion, to strengthen
democracy, to protect the planet, etc. Here are some illustrative examples : - Artificial intelligence
enables major advances in fields such as medicine, education, security, art, etc. For example, AI can
help detect and prevent disease, personalize and optimize learning, provide surveillance and defense,
generate and analyze creative works, and more. – Biotechnology makes it possible to develop
innovative solutions to improve health, food, the environment, etc. For example, biotechnology can
create vaccines, gene therapies, artificial organs, resistant crops, biofuels, bioplastics, etc. –
Renewable energy makes it possible to reduce the environmental impact of energy production and
consumption, by reducing pollution, CO2 emissions, consumption of non-renewable resources, etc.
For example, renewable energy can provide electricity to isolated areas, promote self-consumption,
support sustainable development, etc. – Information and communication technologies make it
possible to facilitate access, sharing and dissemination of knowledge, to strengthen communication
and collaboration, to create new services and new markets, etc.

To conclude, new technologies offer many advantages for humanity, such as reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, increasing food production, empowering internet users, and stimulating creativity.
However, they also have shortcomings, such as requiring high energy consumption, generating digital
divide, threatening privacy and security, and raising ethical issues. Therefore, it is essential to adopt a
responsible and inclusive approach to the development and governance of new technologies,
involving all stakeholders and ensuring that they serve the common good.

Bibliographie : citez les sources que vous avez utilisées pour votre exposé, en respectant les normes
de citation de votre établissement. Par exemple :

1 Buckup, S. and Kuster, S. (2023). These are the top 10 emerging technologies of 2023 : Here’s how
they can impact the world. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/06/emerging-technologies-innovation-2023/. 2 Yoon, S.
(2022). 17 ways technology could change the world by 2027. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from
3 University of Cambridge. (2021). Ensuring technology benefits humanity. Retrieved from
https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/institute-technology-humanity-launch. 4 MIT Technology Review.
(2024). 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2024. Retrieved from

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