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Unit 1 Dan’s Robotics Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Unit 9 In a Magic Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Science Literature

Unit 2 Getting Dressed! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Unit 10 Adding Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Social Studies Language Arts

Unit 3 A Special Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Unit 11 A Potluck Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Social Studies Social Studies

Unit 4 At Alien School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Unit 12 Oops, Ann! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Science Physical Education

Unit 5 A Perfect Gift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Unit 13 Mike, the Great Vet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Social Studies Social Studies

Unit 6 Camping with Dad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Unit 14 Flies on the Ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Social Studies Math

Unit 7 Thanks, Carlo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Unit 15 Hungry Bronty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Social Studies Science

Unit 8 A Spider Diary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Unit 16 A Pumpkin Seed Peacock . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Science Art
01 Dan’s Robotics Club C Look, read, and check the correct sentences.
Word Check v Amy has a pet dog.

A Match and fill in the word shapes. Amy has a toy robot.

w r o n g wrong 2.
A dog barks at a bird.
b a k e robot v A dog wags his tail.

w a g 3.

v Molly takes a spelling test.
4. Molly takes her birthday gift.
p e t wag

r o b o t bake
Sentence Check
6. Unscramble and write the sentences.
t e s t test
1. Nora a chef robot. makes

B Unscramble and write the words.

Nora makes a chef robot.
1. The robot can walk.
obtro 2. a pie. can bake t

2. Mom bake s cookies. It can bake a pie.

3. can take t a math test.
3. That answer is wrong .
gonwr It can take a math test.
04 Unit 01 05
02 Getting Dressed! C Match the pictures with the sentences.
Word Check
Lucy picks a book.
A Erase TWO letters and write.

closet pick dress put on skunk suit

1. 2. 3. Dan can put on his shirt.

puut one ddresse suiity 3.

My dad buys me a new dress.
put on dress suit
4. 5. 6.

skhunkj wpicrk closseet Sentence Check

Unscramble and write the sentences.
skunk pick closet
1. her closet. opens The rabbit
B Read and complete the words.
The rabbit opens her closet.
1. Paul hides in the c l o s e t.
2. She a pink dress. picks

2. The boy wears a s u i t . She picks a pink dress.

3. puts on the hat. The skunk

3. The s k un k smells bad. The skunk puts on the hat.

06 Unit 02 07
03 A Special Lunch C Look, choose, and complete the sentences.

pan oven dough

Word Check
A Match and complete the words.
The chef makes the dough for pizza.
d o u gh pan

2. 2.
p a n pizza pan
My dad washes the .
sp r e a d dough
4. The oven is so hot.
o v e n oven

c h ee s e spread
Sentence Check
p i z z a cheese Unscramble and write the sentences.

1. roll out the dough.

B Circle and write the correct words.

I roll out the dough.
1. We eat for dinner.
spaghetti pizza
2. on the dough. Andy spreads sauce

2. Kyle buys some cheese . Andy spreads sauce on the dough.

cheese bread

3. puts it in the oven. Andy

3. Andy spreads butter.
spreads swims Andy puts it in the oven.
08 Unit 03 09
04 At Alien School C Look, read, and check the correct sentences.
Word Check v Mars is a red planet.
A Match and fill in the word shapes. Earth is a red planet.

b u s s t o p Mars 2.
v She is our English teacher.
a l i e n driver She is my best friend.

teacher 3.
t e a c h e r I can fly in a balloon.

4. v I can fly in my dream.

d r i v e r dream

M a r s bus stop
Sentence Check
6. Unscramble and write the sentences.
d r e a m alien
1. the rocket bus. gets on Tony

B Unscramble and write the words.

Tony gets on the rocket bus.
1. Mr. Robin is a bus driver .
erdrvi 2. sees He a six-eyed teacher.

2. I see an alien in my dream. He sees a six-eyed teacher.

3. The teacher a green laser. shoots
3. Sarah stands at the bus stop .
sub post The teacher shoots a green laser.
10 Unit 04 11
05 A Perfect Gift C Match the pictures with the sentences.
Word Check
The computer has a square shape.
A Erase TWO letters and write.

mall perfect tie shape necklace scarf

1. 2. 3. My mom wears a necklace.

pterfecto nercklacge shvapeh 3.

Bob can tie his shoes.
perfect necklace shape
4. 5. 6.

xscarpf muallt utier Sentence Check

Unscramble and write the sentences.
scarf mall tie
1. sees Dad a scarf.
B Read and complete the words.
Dad sees a scarf.
1. Suzie is at the ma l l.
2. “Mom doesn’t like that shape.” Suzie says,

2. The sc a r f is red. Suzie says, "Mom doesn't like that shape."

3. with a ribbon. ties it Dad

3. This picture looks p er f e c t . Dad ties it with a ribbon.

12 Unit 05 13
06 Camping with Dad C Look, choose, and complete the sentences.

camping bucket branch

Word Check
A Match and complete the words.
The bucket is filled with water.
c a t c h branch

2. 2.
c a m pi n g tent
The boy picks up a branches .
r ac c o on catch
4. Our family goes camping in summer.
b r a nc h camping

b u c k et raccoon
Sentence Check
t e n t bucket Unscramble and write the sentences.

1. sets up Dad a tent.

B Circle and write the correct words.
Dad sets up a tent.
1. They sleep in a tent .
tent cave
2. in the bucket. the fish Brian puts

2. A raccoon eats a fish. Brain puts the fish in the bucket.

cat raccoon
3. Now, to cook! it is time
3. Ann catches a bug.
catches cooks Now, it is time to cook!
14 Unit 06 15
07 Thanks, Carlo! C Look, read, and check the correct sentences.
Word Check Amy plays ball with her dad.

A Match and fill in the word shapes. v Amy helps her dad clean.

w i p e clean 2.
Jim sits on the floor.

c l e a n wipe v Jim sits at the table.

table 3.
t r a s h c a n v The trash can is full.
4. The fridge is full.
h e l p sweep

s w e e p trash can
Sentence Check
6. Unscramble and write the sentences.
t a b l e help
1. Carlo sweeps At 12 o’clock, the floor.

B Unscramble and write the words.

At 12 o'clock, Carlo sweeps the floor.
1. The shoes are clean .
lcaen 2. the trash can. Carlo empties At 3 o’clock,

2. Ari sweep s the floor. At 3 o'clock, Carlo empties the trash can.
3. clean. are The dishes
3. The man wipe s the table.
pwie The dishes are clean.
16 Unit 07 17
08 A Spider Diary C Match the pictures with the sentences.
Word Check
My cat plays with the thread.
A Erase TWO letters and write.

web silk build fly thread bat

1. 2. 3. Danny likes to build model cars.

beuildd baaht woedb 3.

This is my mom’s silk scarf.
build bat web
4. 5. 6.

thsreadt csirlk pflyy Sentence Check

Unscramble and write the sentences.
thread silk fly
1. make threads. silk
B Read and complete the words.
I make silk threads.
1. We see a spider w e b in the room.
2. in dark corners. build my web

2. A f l y is an insect. I build my web in dark corners.

3. my web between branches. build

3. B a t s sleep all day. I build my web between branches.

18 Unit 08 19
09 In a Magic Forest C Look, choose, and complete the sentences.

magic mushrooms fire

Word Check
A Match and complete the words.
There are mushrooms in the basket.
m u s hr o o m fire

2. 2.
f i r e mushroom
The man makes a fire .
c o i n dragon
4. Pam has a magic lamp.
ma g i c forest

f o re s t coin
Sentence Check
d r a go n magic Unscramble and write the sentences.

1. meets Nick a fairy.

B Circle and write the correct words.
Nick meets a fairy.
1. I have a coin in my hand.
coin stick
2. Nick unicorn hair. takes some

2. Jessie draws a dragon . Nick takes some unicorn hair.

unicorn dragon
3. sleeps on the gold coins. The dragon
3. A forest has many trees.
forest desert The dragon sleeps on the gold coins.
20 Unit 09 21
10 Adding Words C Look, read, and check the correct sentences.
Word Check v Dad adds olives to his pizza.
A Match and fill in the word shapes. Dad spreads sauce on the pizza.

d r a g o n f l y pancake 2.
Tom can make muffins.
p a n c a k e add v Tom can make pancakes.

dragonfly 3.
a d d I study science.

4. v I study new words.

w o r d word

l i p s t i c k jellyfish
Sentence Check
6. Unscramble and write the sentences.
j e l l y f i s h lipstick
1. adds jelly to fish. Dylan

B Unscramble and write the words.

Dylan adds jelly to fish.
1. jellyfish live in the sea.
fhsillyJe 2. does he What word get?

2. I see a dragonfly on the leaf. What word does he get?

3. Luke to cake. adds pan
3. My mom wears red lipstick .
stipclik Luke adds pan to cake.
22 Unit 10 23
11 A Potluck Party C Match the pictures with the sentences.
Word Check
Tom brings his hamster to school.
A Erase TWO letters and write.

party bring blueberry lick peanut delicious

1. 2. 3. The blueberry cake is very sweet.

llickd dheliicious briknng 3.

The chef puts some peanuts.
lick delicious bring
4. 5. 6.

peeanuot peartyi bluepbaerry Sentence Check

Unscramble and write the sentences.
peanut party blueberry
1. Lisa pizza. brings
B Read and complete the words.
Lisa brings pizza.
1. This food is so d el i c i o us.
2. chocolate cake. brings Joy

2. My dog l i c k s my face. Joy brings chocolate cake.

3. the syrup Jenny licks on it.

3. Jim goes to the p a r t y tonight. Jenny licks the syrup on it.

24 Unit 11 25
12 Oops, Ann! C Look, choose, and complete the sentences.

field hockey coach holds

Word Check
A Match and complete the words.
Tom holds a banana with his hand.
n e t field hockey

2. 2.
h o l d hold
The girls play field hockey .
f i el d h o c k e y net
4. The coach calls the player.
d ri b b l e coach

c o a ch stick
Sentence Check
s t i c k dribble Unscramble and write the sentences.

1. “Hold the stick.” Her coach says,

B Circle and write the correct words.

Her coach says, "Hold the stick."
1. Mark can the ball well.
pass dribble
2. says, “Dribble the ball.” Her coach

2. Jacob hits the ball with a stick . Her coach says, "Dribble the ball."
stick glove
3. Oops! over the net. Ann shoots
3. I kick the ball into the net .
grass net Oops! Ann shoots over the net.
26 Unit 12 27
13 Mike, the Great Vet C Look, read, and check the correct sentences.
Word Check v Olivia is sick today.
A Match and fill in the word shapes. Olivia is happy today.

b a n d a g e birdcage 2.
Two birds are on a branch.
v e t zoo v Two birds are in a birdcage.

z o o vet 3.
This snake is colorful.

4. v This parrot is colorful.

p a r r o t bandage

b i r d c a g e sick
Sentence Check
6. Unscramble and write the sentences.
s i c k parrot
1. the tiger hill. drives to Mike

B Unscramble and write the words.

Mike drives to the tiger hill.
1. I see many animals in the zoo .
ozo 2. a parrot’s He sees broken leg.

2. Mom puts a bandage around my knee. He sees a parrot's broken leg.

3. He puts around the leg. a bandage
3. Dr. Ross is a vet .
etv He puts a bandage around the leg.
28 Unit 13 29
14 Flies on the Ceiling C Match the pictures with the sentences.
Word Check
Kate throws the dice.
A Erase TWO letters and write.

ceiling pillow bedroom head throw slipper

1. 2. 3. Many stars are on the ceiling.

ceeiliyng thsrouw sclipperr 3.

I wear rabbit slippers.
ceiling throw slipper
4. 5. 6.

hneaod beddrloom fpilloaw Sentence Check

Unscramble and write the sentences.
head bedroom pillow
1. on the ceiling. Five flies are
B Read and complete the words.
Five flies are on the ceiling.
1. Nick is in the b e d r o om.
2. throws his slipper. Ben

2. The p il l o w is very soft. Ben throws his slipper.

3. Two flies the window. fly out

3. A bee is on my h e a d. Two flies fly out the window.

30 Unit 14 31
15 Hungry Bronty C Look, choose, and complete the sentences.

leaf cry baby

Word Check
A Match and complete the words.
Two babies cry loudly.
l e a f hungry

2. 2.
st o n e stone
Lisa puts a red leaf inside the book.
h un g r y leaf
4. The baby smiles at the mother.
c r y baby

b a b y eat
Sentence Check
e a t cry Unscramble and write the sentences.

1. Bronty some green leaves. eats

B Circle and write the correct words.

Bronty eats some green leaves.
1. Max is .
hungry happy
2. some stones. swallows Bronty

2. I eat some fruit for dessert. Bronty swallows some stones.

drink eat
3. hungry again!” “Mom, am Bronty cries.
3. I fall over a stone .
ball stone "Mom, I am hungry again!" Bronty cries.
32 Unit 15 33
16 A Pumpkin Seed Peacock C Look, read, and check the correct sentences.
Word Check v My dad plants some seeds.

A Match and fill in the word shapes. My dad plants some trees.

m a r k e r pumpkin 2.
v Jenny sticks paper with glue.
g l u e glue Jenny sticks paper with a tape.

marker 3.
p u m p k i n I paint a square on the paper.

4. v I draw a square on the ground.

p e a c o c k draw

d r a w seed
Sentence Check
6. 
Unscramble and write the sentences.
s e e d peacock
1. First, Emma with markers. colors the seeds

B Unscramble and write the words.

First, Emma colors the seeds with markers.
1. The peacock has beautiful feathers.
eacokcp 2. on the seeds. puts glue Last, Emma

2. A big pumpkin is on the table. Last, Emma puts glue on the seeds.
3. the seeds. Liam pastes
3. I write my name with a marker .
maerrk Liam pastes the seeds.
34 Unit 16 35

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