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Here are some common element charges:

Hydrogen: 1+

Helium: 0

Lithium: 1+4

Beryllium: 2+

Boron: 3-, 3+

Carbon: 4+

Nitrogen: 3-

Oxygen: 2-

Fluorine: 1-

Neon: 011

Sodium: 1+12

Magnesium: 2+

Aluminum: 3+

Silicon: 4+, 4-15

Phosphorus: 5+, 3+, 3-16

Sulfur: 2-, 2+, 4+, 6+

Chlorine: 1-18

Potassium: 1+20

Calcium: 2+

Element. Charge1. hydrogen 1+ 2. helium 0 3. lithium 1+4. beryllium. 2+5. boron. 3-, 3+6. carbon. 4+7.
nitrogen. 3-8. oxygen. 2-9. fluorine. 1-10. neon. 011. sodium. 1+12. magnesium. 2+13. aluminum. 3+14.
silicon. 4+, 4-15. phosphorus. 5+, 3+, 3-16. sulfur. 2-, 2+, 4+, 6+17. chlorine. 1-18. argon. 019. potassium.
1+20. calcium. 2+

The charge of an atom is the number of protons minus the number of electrons. For example, an atom
of iron (Fe) has 26 protons and 23 electrons, so its charge is 26-23= +3.

The charges of groups of elements on the periodic table are:

Alkali metals: +1

Alkaline earth: +2

Boron family: +3
Carbon family: +/-4

Nitrogen family: -3

Oxygen family: -2

Halogens: -1

Metals tend to lose electrons to become stable, while nonmetallic elements tend to gain electrons.

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