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Lance Leimond C.

Gervacio 2-psychology 5

Human experience development Theory

My theory of human personality, us humans molds our personality through our wins and losses in life
“we win because we change, we learn because we lose”.

What is human experience development theory this theory is based on how human mold their
personality during life events, us humans are known for our survival instinct during our early stage we
already know how to response on things, like this we respond on our loss and that changes us from who
we are before.

Humans in early stages of life are born weak, there are no person born strong, like me I grew up being a
weak person I always get sick and not strong enough. But throughout the years I mold my self to be
strong and have a strong immune system.

Like my theory us human mold our self through life experiences, if we feel weak or if we loss on
something in life, we urge to take it personal and change our self so it can never happen again.

This molds our personality people change on how life gives us challenges and experiences.

This theory proposes that individuals' life experiences, both positive and negative, influence the
development of their personality. It suggests that individuals have "experience development," or a
series of experiences that they encounter throughout their lives that shape their personality traits and

life experiences are divided into three categories: role transitions, traumatic events, and daily hassles.
Role transitions refer to major life events such as graduating from college, getting married, or starting a
new job. Traumatic events refer to experiences that are sudden, unexpected, and emotionally
overwhelming, such as the death of a loved one or a serious illness. Daily hassles refer to smaller, more
frequent stressors, such as traffic or a difficult work assignment.

these experiences can shape personality in several ways. Role transitions, for example, may lead to
changes in behavior and attitudes as individuals adapt to new roles and responsibilities. Traumatic
events can lead to the development of new coping mechanisms and personality traits, such as increased
resilience or a heightened sense of neuroticism. Daily hassles can impact mood and behavior, leading to
changes in personality over time.

Overall, Human Experience Development Theory suggests that life experiences play a crucial role in
shaping personality development. By understanding the impact of different experiences on personality,
individuals can gain insight into their own behavior and work towards positive changes.

4 type of development approach.

-Developing resilience: this show that what ever life gives to you never ever let it hold you back and
show life what you capable of.
-Finding Meaning and Purpose: Sometimes, life experiences can also lead humans to find meaning and
purpose in their lives. For example, after experiencing a personal tragedy, a person might turn to
different person because of this experience he can change his/her personality.

-Behavioral changes: Humans can change their behaviors in response to life experiences. For example, a
person who has experienced a health scare may adopt healthier habits, such as eating a balanced diet
and exercising regularly, to prevent future health problems. Or, a person who has experienced financial
hardship may become more budget-conscious and learn to manage their finances more effectively.

-Learning: Finally, humans can change during life experiences by learning from their experiences. When
faced with challenges, people can reflect on what they have learned and how they can use that
knowledge to better their selves and navigate future difficulties. By learning from their experiences,
people can become a new person.

This approach can change a human, using the developmental approach humans develop a new way to
understand how to deal with life using this kind of experience development, on how this experience
change them.

humans are capable on learning from the past experiences, maybe their experience on society or even
their family changes who they are now, just like the quotes “people change” we change not because
growing up or being matured we change because of all those life lesson or experience that teach us how
to be the person who we are today.

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