Individual Essay - Nguyễn Việt Dũng - QH22 22044077

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Full name: Nguyễn Việt Dũng

Student ID: 22044077

Class: E3QH2022



Over the past few years, the Vietnamese Party and State have paid much
attention to building an advanced culture embracing strong national identity. 2021
marked an important milestone in Vietnam’s development with the 13th National
Party Congress identifying major orientations for the coming years focusing on the
role of culture.

The Resolution of the 5th Plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee says
“Vietnamese culture is the accumulation of thousands of years of creatively working
and bravely struggling for national construction and defense of Vietnamese ethnic
groups and the result of exchanging and inheriting the quintessence of world
civilization to perfect itself. Vietnamese culture has enhanced the Vietnamese soul and
strength and glorified Vietnamese history.

Throughout the process of building and developing Vietnamese culture,

Vietnam has focused on promoting traditional values, screening and eliminating
backward customs, and adopting the cultural essence of the world’s culture and
civilization in order to comprehensively develop Vietnamese people with sincerity,
honesty, and aesthetics, a beautiful lifestyle, and good personality. Absorbing the
national spirit of patriotism, self-reliance, and kindness, generations of Vietnamese
people have stayed united to overcome difficulties and challenges and build a better
life. In order to build an advanced culture embracing national identity, Vietnam has
harmonized economic and cultural issues while focusing on culture and human factors.
As a result, culture has become a firm foundation of society and the resources for
national development.

Promoting Vietnamese cultural values is one of the key tasks of the Vietnamese
Party, State, and public. It has become more important in the context of globalization,
international integration, and the strong influence of new media which have made the
world a global village. Failing to maintain national identity will make the country
diluted in a vast world and push it to the verge of getting lost because losing culture
means losing everything. Countries that focus on promoting their national cultural
identity create their own uniqueness and competitive edge in sustainable development.

The soft power of culture was for the first time mentioned in the 13th National
Party Congress’s document, which maps out a major direction to comprehensively
develop people and build an advanced Vietnamese culture embracing national identity
to make culture an internal strength and motivation for national construction and
defense. To make culture and people the country’s internal resources, the National
Culture Conference is an important step to map out major orientations and key tasks
for cultural development in the 2021-2025 period and vision toward 2045. Being as
important as politics, economics, and social issues, culture has been and will be one of
the key drivers for national development in the coming time. The conference will
discuss ways to effectively and practically preserve and properly exploit cultural
resources and make culture a new driver for sustainable development and international

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