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UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology



Student Name: Finn Filler

Student Number: 10684775

** PROBLEM: Something unexpected that caused difficulties during the project.


Explain how your research helped There wasn’t much influence from research that helped me develop ideas
you to develop ideas for the for the video, as I already had the videos most planned out in my head.
visual elements for your video?

Describe at least 2 video I used the feature to mark parts on a video, this was useful for marking
techniques you used during the beats in the music, making it easy to sync visuals with audio. I made sure
production of your promotion? to utilise layers to stack multiple images and videos on top of one
Describe a video problem you Near the end of my 22/23 video edit, premiere pro began to crash a lot,
faced during the creation of this and I was getting worried my file was going to corrupt. Luckily, it didn’t
promotional video? corrupt, and I was able to finish my video.

In terms of visual quality, many said they enjoyed the visuals of the 22/23
Did your audience feedback edit. A lot of people however, said that the flickering of the 21/22 edit was
discuss any issues or positives hard on the eyes.
with video quality?

Provide an example, if you can

not please explain why.

Based on all of the above answers Making videos quicker and more efficiently
name one skill you need to
develop with this area?
(Video editing)
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology


Explain how your research helped My research didn’t really assist in developing ideas, as I usually think of
you to develop ideas for your what to make way before research has even began
website / social media mock ups?

On the “Item shop” tab on the website, I used the slideshow feature to
Describe at least 2 techniques you make a nice transition effect for the shop assets, eg; the front and back
used during the production of view of the shirts and hoodies.
website / social media mock ups? For the background of many pages, I used the parallax scroll effect, it
makes the image stay still, even when scrolling, it creates a nice depth
effect for the background.
Found out I was spending too long making high quality assets for the
Describe a problem you faced website, so I had to cut out a lot of what I originally had planned and/or
during the creation of the website make lower quality assets for it.
/ social media mock ups?

The only feedback I’ve received is how a lot of a small amount of people
Did your audience feedback believe it looks nice, I haven’t been able to get feedback from a wider
discuss any issues or positives audience of people.
with quality of your final

Provide an example, if you can

not please explain why.

Based on all of the above answers Spending less time on making fancy visuals, and focusing on getting the
name one skill you need to work done.
develop with this area?
(Web design)

Any other reflections about the Overall an enjoyable project, with many opportunities for my creative
project as whole? mind to roam free :)
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

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