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1. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets. Indicate the type of conditional.

a) You _________________________ (not drive) in Spain if you __________________________ (not be) 18.

b) He doesn’t seem very convinced. What ____________________ (we do) if he _________________ (refuse)?

c) If I ___________________________ (be) you, I ______________________________ (not wear) that suit.

d) If he _____________________________ (not jump) the red light , the police __________________________

(not stop) him last night.

e) I don’t know what he will do, but If I ______________ (be) the interviewer, I _________________________

(not ask) you personal questions.

f) If Fleming _____________________ (not discover) penicillin, there ________________________ (be) far

more fatalities every year.

g) What a pity! If I _____________ (have) the money, I ________________ (buy) the tickets for the concert.

h) That could never happen! What _________________________ (I / do) if she ________________________

(refuse) to marry me?

i) I would think about it. If you (get) ________________ a job, you _____________________ (afford) to travel.

j) If the island _____________________ (be) still a tourist attraction, last week’s earthquake _______________

(cause) far more deaths.

k) You should have done it. You _____________________________ (feel) better if you ___________________

(got) rid of your spots.

l) People ______________________ (talk) to you if you ___________________________ (not be) so rude.

m) If I (rule) _________________________ the world, last year’s crisis ______________________________

(not happen).
2. Rewrite each sentence using “if”. Indicate the type of conditional.

a) I will go to the trip unless I fail the exam.


b) I wasn’t very clever. I didn’t do very well at school.


c) I don’t speak French. I can’t work at the embassy.


d) Lucy doesn’t have money. She can’t go to the trip.


e) I never got married. I never had any children.


f) I would ask her out unless she had a boyfriend.


g) She wouldn’t have passed unless she had studied hard for the exam.


h) Oppenheimer discovered how to build the atomic bomb. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were


i) Athletes today take their training seriously. They have broken many records in recent years.


j) The printing press was invented and that’s why we know much of our History.


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