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HAPPY HAUNTS SOCKS by VALORIE WIBBENS HAPPY HAUNTS SOCKS by VALORIE WIBBENS. NOTES: This is more of a recipe than a full pattern. Previous knowl- edge of sock kniting and construction will be needed. These are knit toe-up but with the charted ghost pattem, you can easily knit them cuff down too! ‘As these are colorwork socks, our tensions vary with each of us and it would be impossible to tell you exact needle sizes that you will need but | will share what | have used as a starting point. {1m usually a loose knitter but tend to knit tighter with color- work, For colorwork socks i usually start with a Size 0 at the toe and knit for about 3 inches up my foot, then switch to Size 1 for roughly 1-2 inches as my instep stars to in- crease, and then switch again to a Size 1.5 for the rest of the sock. This has helped me so much with my fit and being able to easily stretch the sock over my heel. If you haven't played with switching up your needles as your foot gets widers and/or narrows, give it a try! | knit my socks with magic loop, but of course, these can. bbe knit any way you want. For my brain and ease of shar- ing I'll refer to 2 needles- Needle 1 will be the instep stitch- €5 (top of foot) and Needle 2 will be bottom of the foot. MATERIALS NEEDED: 50g of fingering weight yam in main color 50g of fingering weight yarn in main conntrast color -10-20g in contrast colors for toes, heels and cuts if desired -Size 0-3 circular or dpns needles - depending on your gauge, tension and fit Stitch markers ABBREVIATIONS: kc kit MIL: Make one left- With the left needle pick up the strand between 2 stitches, from front to back and knit through the back loop. MAR: Make one right- with the left needle pick up the strand between the 2 stitches, from back to front and knit through the front loop. SOCK SIZE: These are size Medium - US woman's 8-9. Due to the nature of colonwork, you can play with your needle size to play with your size. HAPPY HAUNTS SOCKS 1 TOE | ove a rounded toe so this is my go-to way: Using a TURKISH CAST ON, cast on 14 stitches and knit all the way around so you now have 7 stitches on each needle (you can you-tube cast on method if you haven't tried it- it's my favorite!) *For these socks, | began the toe with green yam then at Row 5, | began a stripe patter, altemating one row of purple and then one row green* Row 1: Row 2: Row 3: Row 4 Row 5: Row 6: kt MAR, knit til 1 stitch before end, MAL, kt 3 MAR, knit til 3 stitch before end, MAL, k3 ket MAR, knit til 1 slitch before end, MAL, kt 3 MIR, knit til 3 stitch before end, MAL, k3 knit both needles kt MAR, knit til 1 stitch before end, MIL, kt Row 7:3 MAR, knit fil3 stitch before end, MIL, k3 Row 8: knit both needles Repeat Rows 6-8 again Row 9: k1 M1R, knit till 1 stitch before end, M1L, k1 You should now have 32 stitches on each needle-now knit in the round till you have 25 rows- continuing with al- ternating yarn colors Row 25: Evenly increase 4 more stitches on each needle so you have a total of 36 stitches on each needle and 72 stitches total 2. FOOT Break yam and switch to Main color and Main Contrast color. You'l now be following the main ghost chart. Read- ing from the bottom right to left. Repeat each 36 stitch row for the front (Needle 1) and then again for the back (Nee dle 2). Continue repeating each row of the chart til de- sired length, | knit il 5.5 inches and then start my gusset increases for a Heel, Flap and Gusset heel. by VALORIE WIBBENS. 3. HEEL Use any heel you like! Short row, Afterthought, Hee! Flap and Gusset... used to only do the short row heel, but | find | enjoy the fit so much better now with the Heel Fiap and Gusset! I'l include a checkered patter if you'd lke to use it fora gusset! If desired, switch to another contrast color (| used green) forthe heel 4. LEG ‘As with the foot, follow the main ghost chart agiain. Read- ing from the bottom right to let. Repeat each 36 stitch row forthe front (Needle 1) and then again on the back (Needle 2). Continue repeating the rows of the chart till desired length 5. CUFF: Choose any ribbing combination you'd like. | think a *k‘tbl, p1* repeat to end would work well with the striping on the toes if you chose to to stripe them! 1.5 inches would be nice but I'm usually lazy with ribbing and do the bare minimum | can live with at that time, *I swith to smaller needles for my cuffs as I'm a horribly loose purler and it helpes me keep my ribbing more tidy." 6. WEAVE IN PARTY Time to weave in the ends- It's actually not bad and | kinda like it- don’t hurt me! ASSO @

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