GLT1009 Sample Essay SEM 2 1718

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In not more than 300 words, take a stance and write an essay putting forward your

argument in response to the claim that the surrogacy industry in developing countries
should be banned.

The medical field has seen many trends in the 21st century. One such trend is
surrogacy, where a couple who cannot have children, hire a woman who can to carry
their offspring. Often, the couple travels to developing countries, where the costs for
surrogacy are reasonable. Though questions have been raised about this practice,
the surrogacy industry in developing countries should be recognized for the positive
impact it has had on people globally, and, therefore, it should not be banned.
Many argue that surrogacy in developing countries is exploitative. Not only
does it take advantage of poverty-stricken women, it also pays them far less than
surrogates in a developed country. While the claim of disproportionate payment may
be true, studies have shown that the money earned via surrogacy can break the
cycle of poverty. Poor and often illiterate women in developing countries can earn an
amount equivalent to ten years' wages for a single pregnancy. Such earnings can
make an unimaginable difference to them. Indeed, the worth of the money earned,
may enable them to buy a house, or start a business, or send their children to school;
it could change the course of these women’s or their family’s lives. Hence, though the
amount paid to surrogates might be argued as being small, this does not mean that
an injustice is being done to these women
In conclusion, surrogacy in developing countries should not be banned.
Though we should certainly be suspicious of anything that seems as though it may
be taking advantage of women, surrogacy is advantageous for both parties. It is
worth remembering that adult women have a right to do what they want with their
bodies, and until their actions do harm to another person, their decision to become
surrogates should be supported.

(297 words)

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