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Particle Kinetics
A. Equations of Motion
1. Newton’s Second Law
2. Equations of Motion – Cartesian Coordinates
3. Equations of Motion – Path Components
4. Equations of Motion – Cylindrical Coordinates
B. Work and Energy
1. Principle of Work and Energy
2. Power and Efficiency
3. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
4. Conservation of Energy
C. Impulse and Momentum
1. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
2. Conservation of Momentum
3. Impact
4. Angular Momentum
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 5
In the process of moving a particle, a force
does work on the particle.
A force F will do work on a particle only
when the particle undergoes a
displacement in the direction of the force.

Vector dot product gives the components of force and displacement

that are acting in the same direction.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 6

Work of a Variable Force

Work is the area under the force-displacement curve.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 8

Work of a Constant Force Moving
Along a Straight Line

This is the area

of the rectangle.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 9

Work of a Weight


d X + X

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 10

Exercise 1
Identify the forces acting on
the cart as it is pulled by a
constant towing force
a distance, S, up the incline,
q, as shown.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 11


Exercise 2
Draw the

N1 N2 Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 12

Exercise 3
Give the
for the
work done
by each

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 13

Exercise 3 T T is constant.

mg sinq
mg Weight

( – mg sinq) (S)

N There is no motion in the

direction of N.
N is perpendicular to the
direction of travel

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 14

Work Done by a Spring Force
Pull on the particle.
Spring elongates.

Force of the spring on the

particle pulls it back.

Hooke’s Law: F = kDx

FS = – ks

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 15

Positive and Negative Work Done by a
Spring Force on a Particle
Note the direction of the spring force acting on the
particle and compare it with the sense of direction of
displacement of the particle:
If both are in the same sense, positive work results.

If they are opposite to one another, the work is


Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 16

A 10-kg block rests on the smooth
incline. If the spring is originally
stretched 0.5 m, determine the k=
total work done by all the forces 30 N/m
acting on the block when a
horizontal force P = 400 N pushes
the block up the plane s = 2 m.
Given: m = 10 kg
P = 400 N
q = 30o Find: WTotal
k = 30 N/m
s0 = 0.5 m Approach: Use an energy approach.
Draw FBD. Then determine which forces acting
Knowns: g = 9.81 m/s2 on the block do work.
“smooth” → mk = 0 Use the appropriate work equation.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 17

m = 10 kg g = 9.81 m/s2
Solution P = 400 N mk = 0
q = 30o
k = 30 N/m
s0 = 0.5 m

Draw free-body diagram

Wg = (10 kg)(9.81 m/s2)
= 98.1 N

Forces doing work: Equations:

P → WP
Fs → WS
Weight → Wg
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04
NB ? 2016 - 18
g = 9.81 m/s2
Solution (cont.) mk = 0

m = 10 kg
P = 400 N
q = 30o
k = 30 N/m
s0 = 0.5 m

Find: WTotal + +
505 J 2016 - 19
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04
II. Particle Kinetics
A. Equations of Motion
1. Newton’s Second Law
2. Equations of Motion – Cartesian Coordinates
3. Equations of Motion – Path Components
4. Equations of Motion – Cylindrical Coordinates
B. Work and Energy
1. Principle of Work and Energy
2. Power and Efficiency
3. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
4. Conservation of Energy
C. Impulse and Momentum
1. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
2. Conservation of Momentum
3. Impact
4. Angular Momentum
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 20
Principle of Work and Energy

For a tangential acceleration

At t1, s = s1 and v =v1

At t2, s = s2 and v =v2

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 21

Principle of Work and Energy (cont.)

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 22

is kinetic energy, T.

Principle of Work and Energy

A particle's initial kinetic energy plus the work done by all the
forces acting on the particle as it moves from its initial to its final
position is equal to the particle's final kinetic energy.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 23

Principle of Work and Energy

is always positive, therefore, T1 and T2 are positive.

W1-2 can be either positive or negative.

Work is positive when the force component is in the same
sense of direction as the displacement of the particle.
Work is negative when the force component is in the
opposite sense of direction as the displacement of the
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 24
Principle of Work and Energy(cont.)

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 25

A 40-kg boy slides down the
smooth water slide. If he
starts from rest at A,
determine his speed when he
reaches B and the normal
reaction the slide exerts on
the boy at this position
Given: m = 40 kg
y = 0.075 x2 Approach: To find vB , use the principle of work
vA = 0 and energy.

Knowns: g = 9.81 m/s2 Draw FBD.

“smooth” → mk = 0 Then determine which forces acting on the boy do
work. Use the appropriate work equation.
Find: vB and NB
To find NB , using vB and path (n-t) coordinates,
we can apply Newton’s second law at B.
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 26
Solution g = 9.81 m/s2
mk = 0
m = 40 kg
y = 0.075 x2
Draw FBD at A. vA = 0

Because mk = 0, the only force

doing work is weight.
Because vA = 0, TA = 0.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 27

Solution (cont.)
g = 9.81 m/s2 m = 40 kg
mk = 0 y = 0.075 x2
vA = 0
Draw FBD at B.

  dy  2
 2

vB2 1    
an    dx  
 
dx 2

At x = 0, 

1  0  
 6.67 m

an 
12.1 ms 

 22.1 sm2
6.67 m

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 28

Work of Friction Caused by Sliding

Set the applied load, P, such that it just

overcomes the frictional force, F, and
achieves a constant velocity.
The principle of work-energy


2016 - 29
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04
Work of Friction Caused by Sliding (cont.)

P s

2016 - 30
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04
Exercise Work of Friction Caused by Sliding

P s

What is wrong with this equation?

Mathematically it is correct.
But phenomenologically, there is a problem.
Phenomenology =df. The science of phenomena as distinct
from that of what it is “thought” to be their nature.
An approach that concentrates on the study of the objects
of direct experience.
What happens in the “direct experience” of this situation that is
either not in this equation or in this equation but should not be.
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 31
Exercise Work of Friction Caused by Sliding

P s

1. Start by thinking about the units in which

the terms in the equation are expressed.
This is Work/Energy. Force x distance. Joules.

The principle of work-energy

2. What are the assumptions in the principle of work-energy?

All of the work is converted to energy. … specifically, kinetic energy.

All of the work is not converted to kinetic energy.

Some of the work during sliding is converted to thermal energy.
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 32
Work of Friction Caused by Sliding (cont.)

Not Correct
P s


This, s, is the distance through which the mass (center of mass)

moves during the displacement.
At the small scale, the surface of the
sliding object is bending the ridges of
the other surface elastically like
springs, or breaking off pieces of the The frictional force acts only
bottom surface (fracturing). on the “peaks” of the contact
surfaces through a distance s′.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 33

Heat of Friction
P s

s′ < s

The external work done by the resultant frictional force will

be mkNs' and not mkNs. The remaining amount of work, mkN(s - s'),
manifests itself as an increase in internal energy, which in fact causes
the block's temperature to rise.
Therefore, if we allow this phenomenological explanation, we can
use principle of work-energy to solve sliding friction problems.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 34

So what?
We can use the principle of work-energy to solve sliding friction

What’s the point of this?

The point is:
The principle of work and
energy only applies to problems
that do NOT include internal
energies (e.g., thermal energy/

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 35

ANSI/ASME B46.1-2002

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 36

Surface Roughness

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 37

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 38
The optical microscopic image of
finished surface at 5×

International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 39


Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 40
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 http://www.predev.com/smg/specification.htm 2016 - 41
Example 75 km/h

The 1800 kg Jeep Wrangler travels

down the 12° inclined asphalt road
at a speed of 75 km/h. If the driver
jams on the brakes, causing his
wheels to lock, determine how far s
the vehicle skids on the road before
it stops if the road is (a) dry
pavement, (b) wet pavement, and
(c) hard packed snow. Find: sa , sb and sc
Given: m = 1800 kg
v0 = 75 km/h Approach: Use the principle of work and energy.
vF = 0 km/h
q = 10o
Draw FBD.
Knowns: g = 9.81 m/s2 Find the forces that do work.
Need mk for each situation.
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 46
Solution m = 1800 kg
v0 = 75 km/h
g = 9.81 m/s2 75 km/h

vF = 0 km/h
q = 12o
Find: sa , sb and sc

Draw FBD. n
s 1800 kg

FJ Use n-t coordinates.
12o NJ Find NJ to find the work of sliding friction.
Find the component of Weight that does work.

Need mk for each situation.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 47


2016 - 48

for ISE - 04
Engr. Mech.

mk(a) = 0.9

mk(b) = 0.6

mk(c) = 0.2
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 49
Solution (cont.)
n 75 km/h
m = 1800 kg g = 9.81 m/s2
v0 = 75 km/h s 1800 kg
vF = 0 km/h
q = 12o t
Find: sa , sb and sc 12o NJ
mk(a) = 0.9 Dry
mk(b) = 0.6 Wet
mk(c) = 0.2
Work of sliding friction
mk mk v0 = 75 km/h = 20.8 m/s2
Work of weight

mk Kinetic energy is always positive

Work of weight is positive: it is in the direction of displacement (s).

Work of sliding friction is negative: it is in the opposite direction
of displacement (s). Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 50
Solution (cont.)
n 75 km/h
m = 1800 kg g = 9.81 m/s2
v0 = 75 km/h s 1800 kg
vF = 0 km/h
q = 12o t

mk(a) = 0.9 12o NJ

mk Dry
mk(b) = 0.6 Wet
Find: sa , sb and sc mk(c) = 0.2 Snow


mk mk

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 51

Solution (cont.)
n 75 km/h
mk(a) = 0.9
Dry s 1800 kg
Find: sa , sb and sc mk(b) = 0.6 Wet
mk(c) = 0.2 Snow t
12o NJ

Dry mk(a) = 0.9 32.9 m

Wet mk(b) = 0.6 58.3 m

Snow mk(c) = 0.2 m ?

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 52
II. Particle Kinetics
A. Equations of Motion
1. Newton’s Second Law
2. Equations of Motion – Cartesian Coordinates
3. Equations of Motion – Path Components
4. Equations of Motion – Cylindrical Coordinates
B. Work and Energy
1. Principle of Work and Energy
2. Power and Efficiency
3. Potential and Kinetic Energy
4. Conservation of Energy
C. Impulse and Momentum
1. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
2. Conservation of Momentum
3. Impact
4. Angular Momentum
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 58
Power – how much work is done per unit time.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 59

Notation – or, “On the limited number of
letters available to use”
P s “P” is load “W” is work
“P” is power “W” is weight
“W” is Watt
“P” is pressure
“p” is pico- “s” is distance
“s” is second

Work = Energy Energies:

“T” is kinetic energy
Energy is also signified as “U”
“U” is work
“U” is work “V” is potential energy

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 60

Power and Efficiency
Power – how much work is done per unit time.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 61

1. mã lực
2. ngựa

2016 - 62
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 http://johnsonreining.com/
The development of the steam engine provided a reason to compare the output of horses with
that of the engines that could replace them. In 1702, Thomas Savery wrote in The Miner's
So that an engine which will raise as much water as two horses, working together at one time in such a work, can
do, and for which there must be constantly kept ten or twelve horses for doing the same. Then I say, such an
engine may be made large enough to do the work required in employing eight, ten, fifteen, or twenty horses to be
constantly maintained and kept for doing such a work….
The idea was later used by James Watt to help market his improved steam engine. He had previously agreed to take
royalties of one third of the savings in coal from the older Newcomen steam engines. This royalty scheme did not work
with customers who did not have existing steam engines but used horses instead.
Watt determined that a horse could turn a mill wheel 144 times in an hour (or 2.4 times a minute). The wheel was 12 feet
(3.6576 meters) in radius; therefore, the horse travelled 2.4·2π·12 feet in one minute. Watt judged that the horse could
pull with a force of 180 pounds. So:

Watt defined and calculated the horsepower as 32,572 ft·lbf/min, which was rounded to an even 33,000 ft·lbf/min.
Watt determined that a pony could lift an average 220 lbf (0.98 kN) 100 ft (30 m) per minute over a four-hour working
shift. Watt then judged a horse was 50% more powerful than a pony and thus arrived at the 33,000 ft·lbf/min figure.
Engineering in History recounts that John Smeaton initially estimated that a horse could produce 22,916 foot-pounds per
minute. John Desaguliers had previously suggested 44,000 foot-pounds per minute and Tredgold 27,500 foot-pounds per
minute. "Watt found by experiment in 1782 that a 'brewery horse' could produce 32,400 foot-pounds per minute." James
Watt and Matthew Boulton standardized that figure at 33,000 the next year.
Most observers familiar with horses and their capabilities estimate that Watt was either a bit optimistic or intended to
underpromise and overdeliver; few horses can maintain that effort for long. Regardless, comparison with a horse proved
to be an enduring marketing tool.
2016 - 63
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower
Efficiency – ratio of output to input.
Mechanical Efficiency – ratio of output power to input power.

Energy Efficiency – ratio of output energy to input energy.

Efficiency of a closed system is always less than 1.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 64

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 65
The motor M of the hoist shown
lifts the 50-kg crate C so that the
acceleration of point P is 1.2 m/s2.
Determine the power that must be
supplied to the motor at the instant
P has a velocity of 1 m/s. Neglect
the mass of the pulley and cable
and take = 0.85.
Given: m = 50 kg
aP = 1.2 m/s2
vP = 1 m/s Approach: To find power, find the tension, T, in
= 0.85 the cable and then determine kinematically what
Find: Pinput the velocity of the cable needs to be.

Knowns: g = 9.81 m/s2 Then use the efficiency to find the input power.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 66

Solution m = 50 kg
aP = 1.2 m/s2
Find: Pinput vP = 1 m/s
= 0.85
g = 9.81 m/s2
Draw FBD.

Equation of motion
W = mg

Take two time derivatives of this equation.

Need a relation between and

Note that the length, l, of the cable is
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 67
Solution (cont.) m = 50 kg g = 9.81 m/s2
aP = 1.2 m/s2
Find: Pinput vP = 1 m/s
= 0.85

= 260 W

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 68


What horsepower motor is needed?

= 0.41 hp

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 69

II. Particle Kinetics
A. Equations of Motion
1. Newton’s Second Law
2. Equations of Motion – Cartesian Coordinates
3. Equations of Motion – Path Components
4. Equations of Motion – Cylindrical Coordinates
B. Work and Energy
1. Principle of Work and Energy
2. Power and Efficiency
3. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
4. Conservation of Energy
C. Impulse and Momentum
1. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
2. Conservation of Momentum
3. Impact
4. Angular Momentum
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 70
Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
If the work of a force is independent of the path, then we
can classify this force as a conservative force.
Examples of conservative forces are the weight of a
particle and the force developed by a spring. The work
done by weight depends only on the vertical displacement
of the weight. The work of a spring depends only on the
spring's elongation or compression.
In contrast to a conservative force, consider the force of
friction exerted on a sliding object by a fixed surface. The
work done by the frictional force depends on the path-the
longer the path, the greater the work. Consequently,
frictional forces are nonconservative. The work is
dissipated from the body in the form of heat.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 71

Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work.
For example, if a particle is originally at rest, then the principle of
work and energy states that . In other words, the kinetic
energy is equal to the work that must be done on the particle to bring
it from a state of rest to a speed v. Thus, the kinetic energy is a
measure of the particle's capacity to do work, which is associated
with the motion of the particle.
When energy comes from the position of the particle, measured from
a fixed datum or reference plane, it is called potential energy. Thus,
potential energy is a measure of the amount of work a conservative
force will do when it moves from a given position to the datum. In
mechanics, the potential energy created by gravity (weight) or an
elastic spring is important.
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 72
Gravitational Potential Energy

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 73

Elastic (Spring) Potential Energy

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 74

Potential Function

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 75

(del) Vector Operator

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 76

II. Particle Kinetics
A. Equations of Motion
1. Newton’s Second Law
2. Equations of Motion – Cartesian Coordinates
3. Equations of Motion – Path Components
4. Equations of Motion – Cylindrical Coordinates
B. Work and Energy
1. Principle of Work and Energy
2. Power and Efficiency
3. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
4. Conservation of Energy
C. Impulse and Momentum
1. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
2. Conservation of Momentum
3. Impact
4. Angular Momentum
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 77
Conservation of Energy
When a particle is acted upon by a system of both conservative and
nonconservative forces, the portion of the work done by the
conservative forces can be written in terms of the difference in
their potential energies using.

As a result, the principle of work and energy can be written as

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 78

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 79
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 80
The gantry, a 73-m-high, 122-m-long, 81-m-wide A-frame steel structure located at
Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA, was built in 1963 and was used to model
lunar gravity. Originally named the Lunar Landing Research Facility (LLRF)

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 http://www.nasa.gov/centers/langley/news/factsheets/fs-2007-08-138-larc.html 2016 - 81

The gantry structure in the previous
slides is used to test the response of
an airplane during a crash. As shown
the plane, having a mass of 8 Mg, is
hoisted back until q = 60° from
vertical, and then the pull-back cable
is released when the plane is at rest.
Determine the speed of the plane just
before it crashes into the ground. Use
q = 15° when this occurs.
Also, what is the maximum tension
developed in the supporting cable
during the motion?
Neglect the size of the airplane and the
effect of lift caused by the wings during the
Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 82
Given: m = 8 x 103 kg
l = 20 m
q1 = 60o q2 = 15o
q2 = 15o q1 = 60o
v1 = 0
g = 9.81 m/s2

Find: v2 and Tc
Approach: Use conservation
of mechanical energy to find
Use equation of motion to
find the tension, Tc.

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 83

8 x 103 kg g = 9.81 m/s2
l = 20 m
q1 = 60o
q2 = 15o
v1 = 0
Find: v2 and Tc

Because gravitational
potential energy is involved,
a reference datum must be

0.5 0.966

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 84

Solution (cont.) 8 x 103 kg g = 9.81 m/s2
l = 20 m
Draw FBD. q1 = 60o
Use n-t q2 = 15o
v1 = 0
an v2 = 13.5 m/s
Find: Tc

Engr. Mech. for ISE - 04 2016 - 85

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