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Chapter 1: Advanced Web Designing

SOP 1 : Creation of website using HTML 5

Create a website using html5 and CSS using any 4 css properties . Write
a code for 2 separate pages having different file name such first page as
index.html, 2nd page as page2.html . Use any theme such as
college profile or company profile etc. Every page must contain proper
Meta information and design webpage as follows-
1) The index page must contain a heading which is highest among other
text on pages and must be at center of the page. There must be a
paragraph which introduces general information about the theme
chosen. It must have at least 3 physical style tags and one image
with alternate text. This page must be connected to other page with
proper navigational links.
2) The 2nd page must contain the feedback or enrollment form related with
theme chosen with feature of html5. The form must contain text element
and email address of the company or person .Include the submit button.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>index page </title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="author" content="physical tags">
h1{text-align:center; color:blue}
p{font-size:15px; color:green}
<h1>SMCS college,Dapoli</h1>
<p>Our college is one of the best college in Ratnagiri district. I love my college a
lot because it possesses all the qualities of an ideal college. we have excellent
course curriculum and faculty members</p><br>
<p>My college Principal is very particular in appointing the lectures. It is my firm
belief that education is the best way to enlighten young minds and it can only be
imparted in a good . environment having prosperous thinking . My college has all
what it takes. </p>
<b><u>3 Faculties of college</u></b><br>
<b><u>Extra Facilities provided by college</u></b><br>
<li>Science Lab</li><br>
<a href="page2.html">Click here for second page</a>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>page 2 </title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="author" content="physical tags">
h1{text-align:center; color:blue;border-style:dashed}
<h1>Feedback form</h1>
Enter your name:<input type="text" required><br>
Email id:<input type="email" ><br>
<input type="submit" value="submit"><br>
<a href="index.html">click here to return on index page</a>

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