Segédanyag Önálló Témakifejtéshez 1 1

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In this picture I can see…. This photo shows…. I would like to talk about……. My topic is………… (a
témám.) In my opinion……. (szerintem)I think…………
for example, /for instance -például
1/3. Healthy / unhealthy food

The pictures show a lot of different fruit and vegetables that are healthy.
Fruit and vegetables are better for your health because they don’t contain tartalmaz a lot of carbohydrates
(karbohájdrét) szénhidrát and fat zsír. They have more protein fehérje and vitamins than junk food.
You shouldn’t eat a lot of unhealthy food, for example, hamburgers and fried potatoes, soft drinks with a lot
of sugar cukros üdítők, too much chocolate, sweets. Drink only a little coke and fizzy drinks. You should
drink tap water csapvíz or mineral water instead of fizzy drinks szénsavas üdítő.
I think more and more young people eat junk food in fast food restaurants. A lot of people are overweight
túlsúlyos, unfortunately kids are also overweight in Hungary. Obesity elhízás is a serious komoly problem.

The most important thing in life is health, I think. If you want to keep fit, you should…
 do sports
 think positively
 exercise daily (naponta tornázni)
 eat healthy (egészségesen étkezni)
 eat organic vegetables (bio zöldséget egyél)
 work hard (szorgalmasan dolgozni)
 stay strong (maradj erős)
 worry less (aggódj kevesebbet)
 dance more (táncolj többet)
 walk on fresh air (sétálj a friss levegőn)
 love often (szeress)
 be happy (légy boldog)
 sleep enough (aludj eleget)
 drink more water
 avoid bad habits (kerüld a káros szokásokat), smoking, taking drugs, drinking alcohol)
How to eat healthy?
You should:
1. limit sugar and salt (csökkenti a cukrot, sót)
2. add (hozzáad) calcium (kelsiöm) for strong bones erős csontok
3. avoid unhealthy fats (kerüld az egészségtelen zsírokat)
4. have in mind (tartsd észben) moderation (mértékletesség) is key
5. eat more healthy carbs (szénhidrát) and whole grain meal (teljes kiörlésű gabona)


Food in Hungary is tasty, but not very healthy, because we eat a lot of greasy food. We don’t eat enough
fresh vegetables. The best-known Hungarian dish is goulash. We make a lot of dishes with paprika in it, for
example goulash, stews, chicken paprika, or Hungarian fish soup. A lot of dishes have sour cream on top.
We use cottage cheese with many different dishes, for example: dumplings, strudels, pies or pasta topped
with cottage cheese and sour cream. We also use poppy seeds to make sweet dishes, for example: poppy
seeds pancake with hot berry souse. England isn’t famous for its cuisine (kvizin). They don’t use too many
spices. Sunday dinners include roast potatoes, roast meat for example: beef, lamb or chicken and some
vegetables. The most famous English food is the Yorkshire pudding. Many people think that breakfast is the
best English meal. It is a big, cooked meal with eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, toast, fried potatoes,
tomatoes and mushrooms. The English drink orange juice and tea or coffee for breakfast. The best thing in
England is the dessert. The typical English dessert is a big hot fruit pie with vanilla ice cream or custard.

2/3. Appearance and clothes

People are interested in their appearance. (kinézet, külső) Young people often like following the fashion. I
think lots of young people are interested in their appearance, but not everybody follows the fashion in
Hungary. Teenagers would like to be trendy.
In the second picture, the two girls are wearing school uniforms. They have blue jackets and checked skirts
kockás szoknya. with white blouses and black tights harisnya.
(In spring, the weather can be changeable, so you need to take an umbrella or a raincoat with you. In spring,
we usually wear a pair of jeans, a jacket, a scarf, a pullover, shoes or trainers. In summer, it’s hot in Hungary
so we usually wear slippers, sandals. We can wear a T-shirt, a top with shorts. Girls like wearing miniskirts
in summer. On the beach we wear a bikini or swimsuit.
In autumn, it’s getting colder, so we wear a jacket or a coat, trousers, jeans, socks, boots. It’s useful to wear
a scarf around your neck. Sometimes you need a cap, too.
In winter, it’s very cold, sometimes freezing so we wear warm clothes like an overcoat, a pullover, a scarf,
gloves, mittens egyujjas kesztyű, trousers, tights, socks, boots. Don’t forget to wear a hat or a cap).
Clothes, we usually wear every day, are called casual clothes (hétköznapi, laza viselet), I mean comfortable
outfits (öltözet). Many people wear formal elegáns outfits to work, but most people dress up only for special
occasions such as theatre, opera evenings, weddings or formal meetings hivatalos találkozó. Uniforms are
worn by some groups of people, for example policemen and women, pilots, flight attendant légi utaskísérő,
soldiers katonák, sailors tengerészek, shop assistants, nurses, doctors, clerks in banks, and so on.
In most cases legtöbbször I wear casual clothes. Now I am wearing elegant clothes, a white blouse with a
dark skirt and of course high-heeled shoes. (I am not wearing a necklace or a bracelet, but I like accessories
kiegészítők. I often go shopping; I have some favorite boutiques where I can buy nice jewelry. I would not
like to keep to a dress code in the future.)

3/ 3Celebrations, special occassions (ünnepek) /Ember és társadalom/

My topic is celebrations. I can see people who are celebrating certain events in these pictures. We celebrate
special occasions: family holidays, public holidays hivatalos ünnep, national holidays and religious
vallási holiday. For example, in December, we celebrate Christmas, the birth (születés) of Jesus Christ.
Public holidays are Christmas, Easter, New Year’s Eve.
The most important family celebrations are birthdays, name days, weddings, Mother’s Day, wedding
anniversaries, New Year’s Eve and Santa Claus. On birthdays we get presents from our family and friends,
a cake with candles and we have parties. Weddings are always amazing. People can get married in a church
or in a registry office anyakönyvi hivatal. After the wedding ceremony there is a reception. On Mother’s
Day we celebrate mothers. We give them flowers and chocolate to show how we love them. On New Year’s
Eve we often go to parties. At Christmas we decorate a Christmas tree, we have lunch, we invite guests and
we visit our relatives. At Easter boys visit girls and sprinkle them with perfume.
The most important national holidays or public holidays are the 15 of March and 23 rd of October, the
fifteenth of March is the day of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-49. The 23 rd of
October is the day of the declaration (kikiáltás) of the Hungarian Republic and the revolution of 1956.We
celebrate national holidays at school, the 15th of March and the 23rd of October. We must wear uniforms
and have school ceremonies. /class performances.
My favourite holiday is Christmas because my family is together, we get and give presents. Christmas has a
nice atmosphere.
My topic is holidays.
I can see some people who are on holiday in these pictures.
Hungarian families like going on holiday to Lake Balaton. It is a popular destination. (uticél) Families go to
big towns, Eger, Pécs, Szeged. Some people like going abroad. Hungarian people like going to Croatia
Types of accommodation are hotels, apartment, youth hostel, campsite. Hotels are very comfortable with
good restaurants, but they are very expensive. Apartments are good for families because there is a kitchen
and there are some rooms and a bathroom. There is a balcony too. Youth hostel is the cheapest. It is good for
young people, or students who travel a lot. Camping site is good because you are close to nature, you sleep
in a tent. It is not comfortable, and it is cold. It is cheap. We can book a room by e-mail or telephone.
Package tours (szervezett út) are organized by the travel agencies. (utazási iroda) I prepare for a journey: I
change money, I search for information on the internet. In my bag I put towels, clothes, swimsuit,
comfortable shoes, slippers, some snacks. Necessary documents are passport, identity card, student card,
visa card. It is important to have a lot of money.
4/3Holiday destinations
People need holidays because they get bored with their job and tired of seeing the same people every day. A
holiday is a time for change, to go away from your everyday life. We need a kind of change and variety or
else we may get depressed.
The pictures show different types of holidays. In the first picture we can see some people on the beach
enjoying nice weather. It is a typical relaxing holiday. There are so many things to do on the beach, for
example, you can swim, sunbathe, or just relax on the beach, in the evenings you can go to a disco or
restaurant. For many people a holiday is time to relax. The second picture shows a person skiing. He is on a
skiing holiday. Skiing is becoming more and more popular in Hungary. People travel by car or bus for long
hours to get to a country where they can ski. It is a bit dangerous but very exciting hobby. The third picture
was taken in Rome. It is a very popular holiday destination. Many people like travelling to historical places
and going sightseeing. They like visiting museums, cathedrals, art galleries, old castles and palaces.

5/3. Medical treatment

I can see some patients at the doctor’s in this picture. The most common illnesses are stroke (agyvérzés), flu,
pneumonia (tüdőgyulladás), cancer rák, heart attack szívroham.
To prevent illnesses, we should keep fit and take vitamins, eat healthy food and do sports. Childhood
diseases are chicken pox, fever, flu, sore throat, cold, runny nose (orra folyik), cough (köhög). Children
sometimes have accidents, so they break a bone, eltörik a csontjuk or twist ankles. I was ill last month. I had
flu. I stayed in bed all day. I had a high temperature, runny nose, I had a cough. I had to take tablets, drink
hot tea and I took vitamins. I went to the doctor’s. He examined me. I had to take a deep breath, open my
mouth and he listened to my chest. he gave me a prescription (recept) for some medicine. I go to the dentist
twice a year because in the school it is compulsory. (kötelező) I wash my teeth three times a day and I eat
Vitamin C, or calcium for healthy teeth.

6/3. Family /személyes vonatkozások, család/

These pictures show different families. In an average átlagos Hungarian family, there are two parents with
two or three children. In a single parent family, the mother or father lives with a child or the children
because the adults divorced(elváltak). Unfortunately, sajnos, there are more single parent egyszülős families.
Nuclear family is one that consists of the husband-wife and their unmarried children.
We can speak about extended families (nagy, kiterjedt család. It usually consists of (áll vmiből) two or
three generations, nemzedék, with many children. People may have lots of aunts and uncles and
Most children know their grandparents, sometimes great-grandparents because people live longer.
Very few children have brothers or sisters, and perhaps, it will be common (átlagos) to be an only child
egyke. A lot of children may grow up isolated (ájszolétid) elkülönülve from other children and young adults,
and it may make them more selfish önző and introvert befelé forduló. Nowadays, napjainkban more and
more couples divorce elválik and re-marry újraházasodik. So, children may have a stepmother or stepfather
and half-brothers or half-sisters.
We can speak about patchwork families; it means a new family made up from the remnants “maradék”of
divorced families.
I live with my mother, father………. (egyénileg kitöltendő). OR: My parents got divorced, so I live with my
We try to spend much time together. We have dinner together every day, we go on family holidays or we go
to the cinema together.
I have a few/a lot of relatives. I rarely ritkán meet my extended family. We meet at Easter, Christmas or on
birthdays. They also live in Kmét/They live far from Kecskemet. (választható)
I often visit my grandparents; I love them very much and my grandmother cooks very well. In a big family,
there is always someone who can help you to solve your problems megoldani a problémát and you can talk
to someone. However, in a big family, children sometimes feel that their parents don’t have enough time to
share with each child.

7/3. Ways of Transport (közlekedési eszközök)

There are some ways of transport: travelling by car, bus, train, coach, bicycle, plane. If you travel abroad,
you can also go by plane. Travelling by plane is very fast but it’s expensive. I travel in summer with my
family. We usually travel by car, because my parents can drive. I sometimes travel by train. If I travel by
train, I need to go to the railway station and buy a student ticket to the train. You can also buy a ticket
online. The student ticket is cheaper. The advantages(előny) of travelling by train are the following: it’s not
expensive, comfortable and fast. Disadvantages (hátrány) of train: trains are sometimes late, and you need to
wait. Ttrains are sometimes dirty and in winter they are cold. The advantages(előny) of travelling by bus or
coach (távolsági autóbusz): it’s comfortable, also fast and the buses are usually clean. Disadvantages
(hátrány) of buses: sometimes you don’t find a free seat and you have to stand during the journey (utazás).
The buses are sometimes crowded (zsúfolt).
The advantages of travelling by car: it’s very comfortable and fast, but it’s expensive because the petrol is
very expensive. If you want to drive a car, you need a driving license. The fastest way of travelling is plane,
I think. The cheapest way is train, and the safest ways are plane or train because road accidents often

7/3. Travelling by bus, train and air

There is a lot of way of travelling. Our choice may depend on how much time or money we can spend on
travelling. Travelling by plane is the fastest but most expensive. Flights are sometimes delayed or even
cancelled because of bad weather. A lot of people are of afraid of flying because of hijacking (repülőgép-
eltérítés). On the other hand, when a plane crashes, a lot of people are killed at the same time. Going by train
is more comfortable than the bus or coach because you can stand up and go to the dining car, for example.
Unfortunately, the trains are often late. They are very crowded at weekends, and sometimes very dirty. A lot
of people don’t really like travelling by bus because they are also very overcrowded, and they hate sitting in
one place for hours. The seats are not comfortable. The prices of bus and train tickets are almost the same. If
you have a lot of luggage you should go by train or bus b/c you can have more luggage than on a plane.
When a plane crashes, a lot of people are killed at the same time. A plane crash is big news a car crash not,
but in fact much more people are killed in road accidents. If you have too much luggage you have to pay a
lot. Passengers are served food and drinks which is included in the ticket price. Going by train is more
comfortable than the bus because you can stand up and go to the dining car. Unfortunately, the trains are
often late. They are very crowded at weekends, and sometimes very dirty. A lot of people don’t really like
travelling by bus because they are also very overcrowded, and they hate sitting in one place for hours. The
seats are not so comfortable. The prices of bus and train tickets are almost the same. If you have a lot of
luggage you should go by train or bus b/c you can have more luggage than on a plane.

8/3. Technological devices (technikai eszközök)

These photos show different technological devices. Now we couldn’t live without them and without
electricity.: phone, eBook reader and satnav or GPS, computers.
They are very important and useful because they make people’s life easier, faster and more comfortable.
For example, phones are important for communication, nowadays we have smartphones. A mobile phone
has a lot of functions: sending a text message or talking, taking photos. We use it as a calculator, calendar,
alarm clock, radio, GPs and so on. Now I use a smartphone, it has special applications on it: weather, music,
Facebook, Viber, twitter, computer games.
Computers are also very useful hasznos. Computer are used for data storage adattárolás, word processing,
texting, printing and looking for almost any information with the help of internet.
In the past people used to read newspaper and magazines, printed books, now people use eBook readers.
They can store tárol a lot of books in it. It’s easy to read and you can carry it anywhere, it’s not heavy.
Now people use GPS in the car, it’s a small computer with a map on it. You write your destination and it
gives you the right direction on a map and with a human voice. It’s easy to use, easy to carry and very
popular for car drivers.

9./3 Holydays, school events /Ember és társadalom/

We will never forget the school celebrations. Besides academic (tanév) year opening and closing
ceremonies, there are some special occasions every year: the freshers’ ball (gólybál), which is good for fun;
or the school-leavers’ ball (Szalagavató) with its spectacular dances and unforgettable felejthetetlen
atmosphere and of course the graduation ceremony/school leavers’ farewell ceremony (ballagás), which is
happy and sad at the same time. Other celebrations held at school include the Szent-Györgyi Week,
Students’ Day, Christmas, the commemoration megemlékezés of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of
Independence on 15th of March or the proclamation of the republic on 23 rd of October. Celebrations are
prepared by student with the help of our teachers.
Our secondary vocational school was named after Szent-Györgyi Albert, who was given a Nobel-prize for
the invention of vitamin C.
We celebrate the revolution of 1848-48 (eighteen forty-eight, forty-nine), the revolution of 1956 (nineteen
There is a school year opening ceremony on the first of September and a school year closing ceremony in
We also have a party for the school leaving students, who are in the twelfth year in December. They present
beautiful dances in the school hall and they can invite guests, too.
There is a school leaving ceremony (ballagás) in April. The school is decorated with flower and there is a
ceremony in the school’s garden for the final year students.
We also celebrate Christmas with music, singing and with a large Christmas tree in the hall.
The school building is very big. There is a student hostel, too. There is a library, a science lab, a gym,
teachers’ room and the head teacher’s office. There are a lot of classrooms and some computer rooms on the
second floor.
I usually have seven lessons with short breaks and one long break. I start school at a quarter to eight and
finish school at two o’clock.
In the future, when I finish this school, I want to go to university and study......
In the future, when I finish this school, I want to stay here and do a post-secondary course, I want to learn
more medical subjects. (itt maradok a suliban, eüt tanulni)
As healthcare is a special focus of our trainings, we find it of crucial importance to educate and teach our
pupils about healthy lifestyle and environment. We also run further trainings for adults in healthcare and
social care. Our institution plays an outstanding role in the field of healthcare and social care in the South
Plain region of Hungary.
A high number of the pupils in our secondary school trainings are from deprived backgrounds, single-parent
families and many pupils are at a disadvantage because of their special needs. Several pupils have to
commute to school every day, since they live far away but cannot afford to stay in a hostel.

10/3. Free time activities, hobbies (szabadidős tevékenységek)

My topic is free time activities. A hobby is an activity that you like doing just for fun, it is not compulsory
kötelező. Hobbies are very important in people’s life because they relax, have a good time and avoid
(elkerül) stress when they do their hobbies after a hard day.
I can mention indoor and outdoor hobbies. These pictures show different free time activities, hobbies.
Outside, in the fresh air, typical hobbies are cycling, horse riding, gardening, riding a motorbike, walking or
jogging in the park, walking with the dog, having a picnic, playing football, fishing. Different kinds of
entertainments are also free time activities: going out with friends to the cinema, concert, disco.
I would mention említ some indoor hobbies, such as playing an instrument, reading, listening to music,
dancing and indoor sports. People enjoy watching television in their free time: films, series, chat shows,
cartoons, reality shows. Young people like playing computer games.
Men like football, gardening, hunting, repairing things (szerelni) and fishing in their free time.
Some people enjoy collecting things (gyűjt): stamps, coins and banknotes, napkins (szalvéta), antique
furniture, old objects (régi tárgyak), beer cans, different toys such as Barbies.
Creative hobbies are very popular among women. (nők körében) Women often prepare hand-made gifts
from paper or wood, they paint or knit köt, do needlework hímez.
A lot of people keep pets: dogs or cats because they like spending their free time with nice animals.
Some modern past time activities are extreme sports like bungee jumping, riding a motorbike, diving
búvárkodás, parcour, base jumping, rollerblading. Playing computer games, downloading films and music
from the internet, spending time with your smartphone are also very common gyakori. There are lots of
hobbies we can choose from, but we need quite a lot of time and energy to do them regularly. Some free
time activities, for example reading or going to the theatre are not so popular nowadays. I would not like to
try white-water rafting or other similar challenging outdoor hobbies. What I like is going out with my
friends or listening to music. Do people’s hobbies change when they grow older? Yes. Children usually like
collecting things, for example different stickers or toy figures.
You should….
 stay home
 eat out
 go to the movies
 go out to dinner
 go to the gym
 go on the internet
 relax
 watch movies
 have dinner together
 sleep late
 read
 talk to friends
 go shopping
 watch videos
 play sports

11/3. Different jobs

Jobs are traditionally divided into fel van osztva two large categories: blue collar fizikai and white collar
szellemi munka. They both have to work 40-42 hours a week and they are paid once a month. . Both can
be easy or difficult in different ways.
If you are a blue-collar worker, you may have to work outside in every season that sometimes can be
very hard. In general, blue collar workers’ jobs are physically more tiring, it can be dangerous as well,
but white-collar workers usually suffer from more stress.
A white-collar worker usually works inside, for example, in an office, in schools, banks or hospitals.
White- collar workers usually need higher education, for example doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers
have to study at universities, and they have degrees. (diploma)
Blue collar workers are, for example, factory workers, cleaners, mechanics (szerelő), builders
(kőműves), plumbers carpenters, (asztalos), cooks, chefs, waiters, hairdressers, nurses.
White collar workers are, for example: teachers, scientists, office workers, clerks, secretaries, assistants,
doctors, actors, engineers, dentists, chemists.
These days a lot of young people would like to become lawyers, economists, ICT experts
(informatikusok), computer programmers, economists (közgazdász), dentists, hairdressers, chefs,
waiters, fitness trainers, shop assistants, drivers, office workers. Unfortunately, many young people go
abroad to work, for example doctors, nurses, because they are well paid in other countries.

12./3. Shopping /Ember és társadalom/

Different types of shops

These pictures show different types of shops. People buy things in supermarkets or in smaller shops.
Advantages of supermarkets, like Tesco or Auchan, are the following (következők): they are very big, you
can buy almost everything there, for example food, household goods, (háztartási cuccok), clothes, electrical
devices, gardening tools and so on. Next to the supermarkets, there are a lot of parking places, which is free
(ingyenes). Modern shopping malls are very popular in Hungary. For example, Malom Center, Arena Pláza
or West End City center. There are a lot of boutiques there. You can buy fashionable clothes, shoes, bags,
jewellery there. In a shopping mall, you can eat because there are some restaurants, you can park your car
because there is a huge (hjudzs: hatalmas) parking place. You can find book shop, cinemas, hairdresser, too.
I like shopping malls very much; I often go there with my friends to shop window nézelődni and buy things.
Supermarkets always offer sales and discount (leárazás).
Disadvantages of big supermarkets may be that there is sometimes a huge crowd (tömeg) and you have to
stand in a long queue. (ejtsd kjú, jelentése sorban állni). Sometimes it is difficult to find a skilled
szakképzett shop assistant who can help you with shopping.
Advantages of small shops are the following: in smaller shops, shop assistants are often friendlier than in
big supermarkets. Smaller shops are also very popular and have a good atmosphere (hangulat). It’s useful to
have a grocery (vegyesbolt) close (közel) to your house because if you cook and you need something, you
can walk there quickly and easily.
It is good to have a small shop in your neighborhood because you don’t have to use your car. You can buy
bread, cakes at the baker’s, meat, sausages at the butcher’s, fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s,
medicine at the chemist’s, paper, pens, exercise books at the stationer’s, and magazines and newspapers at
the newsagent’s.
A lot of people like going to the street markets too. (piac) Farmers sell fresh fruit and vegetables, beautiful
flowers there. You can also buy organic food (bio cuccok) at the markets. Markets have special atmosphere,
you can chat with the sellers, but the goods (áruk) are very expensive there.


The air in the country is cleaner but, in the city, it is more polluted.
City life is exciting because there are plenty of things you can do. That’s why living in the country can be
Cities are bigger than villages and more crowed because more people live there.
People in the city may be feel lonelier magányosabb because they don’t have time for each other.
In the country there is less crime bűnözés, so people feel safer. In the city, life is more dangerous.
The cost of living is more expensive in the city.
There is a strong sense of community erős közösségi érzés in the country and neighbours are usually more
There is less pollution in the country and so people have healthier life.
It’s quieter csendesebb and more peaceful békés in the country, it is nosier in the city because of the traffic
In the city there is more confusion and so living there can be more stressful. Life in the country is much
more relaxing than in the city.
People seem to be busier elfoglaltabbnak tűnnek in the city because they are always working and running
Life in the city is faster – in the country life moves a bit slower.


My topic is the differences between city and country life.

These pictures show different places where people can live.
Advantages (előnyei) of big cities can be that big cities have lots of shopping and entertaining facilities
(szórakoztató létesítmények).
We can always find something to do in our free time: – we may go to concerts, to the theatre or watch films
in the cinema. There are lots of festivals and other interesting events (esemény).
In every town there is a hospital, ambulance station, (mentőállomás) fire station tűzoltóság, police
station, too.
There are a lot of schools, kindergartens and universities. In general, there is only one school in villages.
In cities, there are many workplaces munkahelyek, for example, factories gyárak, offices irodák, different
services szolgáltatások, companies vállalatok, so it’s easier to find a job than in the village.
However, azonban, big cities often have a lot of traffic problems közlekedési gondok. The roads are busy
utak zsúfoltak, there are traffic jams (forgalmi dugó) and cities are polluted. It is difficult to park your car in
the rush hours (csúcsforgalomban) and parking is expensive, on the other hand másrészt, you can use a lot of
public transport vehicles tömegközlakadési jármű, but the tickets are not cheap.
Disadvantages of living in the cities are the following következő: there is a big crowd (tömeg), pollution
(szennyezés) from cars and factories, it’s noisy and the suburbs (külváros) are not clean. If you want to be
close to nature you should travel out of the town.
The air in the cities isn’t as fresh as in the countryside, it is more polluted.
The buildings in the city/ countryside vidék are/aren’t as attractive as in the city/ country. The roads in the
city aren’t as quiet as in the countryside, cities are noisy zajos in general általában.
Generally (általában), there is more crime (bűnözés) in cities and lifestyle in the cities is more stressful.
The scenery (szinöri) in the cities isn’t as beautiful as in the countryside.
People seem to be busier elfoglaltabbnak tűnnek in the city because they always work and have to travel to
and from their workplaces.
The cost of living (megélhetés költsége) is also more expensive in cities.
People in the city may feel lonelier magányosabb because they don’t have time for each other.
Life in the city is faster – in the country, life moves a bit slower.
Let’s see country life:
The advantages (a falu előnyie) of villages are the following (következő): in villages, life is a bit slower
lassúbb, we do not have to hurry, we have time to talk to the neighbours and almost szinte everybody knows
everybody mindenki ismer mindenkit. People are friendlier, they generally have time to talk to each other,
and they often help each other. There is a strong sense of community (erős közösségi érzés).
Small places have no traffic problems and there is not so much crime.
You are close to nature (közel vagyunk a természethez), it’s less kevésbé crowded than cities. In a village,
life is more peaceful békés, the air is clean, there are flowers and trees everywhere. Streets are clean, it’s not
noisy zajos, there is less air pollution.
Villages have nice atmosphere. jó a hangulata.
14./3. Seasons Évszakok /Környezetünk/

These pictures show the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The climate éghajlat in Hungary
is continental (mérsékelt éghajlat) so there are big differences between the seasons.
In spring, the weather gets warmer. It sometimes rains. After a long winter, the temperature is getting
higher and higher. (A hőmérséklet emelkedik). This is a beautiful season because nature wakes up (ébred a
természet) and the plants grow green, the trees are full of blossoms (virágoznak a fák). The sun shines a lot.
People start gardening in spring.
In summer, it is hot and dry, we often have high temperatures magas hőmérséklet, lots of sunshine. The
temperature is often above 30 degrees. However, there are some rainy days, with summer storms
(viharokkal). The weather in autumn is changeable, and it is usually quite rainy (változékony) In September
it’s warm and sunny, but in October it’s often windy, cloudy, and grey. It rains a lot. In November, it can be
very cold. Winters in Hungary can be long and cold. The weather is icy and freezing. It sometimes snows,
so we can build a snowman.
My favourite season is summer because we don’t go to school, and I can relax. When the weather is hot, I
often go swimming or just sunbathe in our garden. I like going to the beach with my friends, we have fun,
and we eat a lot of ice cream, and we drink cold cola/ice tea.
I like hot weather and sunshine. In summer I also have a lot of time to walk in the town centre and meet my
friends. Today it is very warm, the wind is not blowing, I don’t think we’ll have any rain today.

15/3. Eating out-restaurants

Eating out means that you don’t eat at home, but you go to a restaurant with your family or friends. If you
want to eat out, you can go to traditional restaurants, pizza restaurants, sandwich bars, self-service
restaurants or fast-food restaurants. You can also go to Italian, Mexican, Chinese, or traditional Hungarian
In general, restaurants have a nice atmosphere and are comfortable. In a traditional restaurant, you should
book a table in advance előre, and you go there with some friends or family members. The waiter serves
(felszolgál) your meal. There are utensils (evőeszközök), forks, spoons, knife on the tables. There is also salt
and pepper. There are some napkins szalvéta, too. First, you read the menu and you order the food. You
order a starter –in Hungary we usually eat soup-, a main course and a dessert. You also order a drink and
some coffee after the meal. It’s very comfortable because the waiter serves you. However, restaurants are
very expensive. In general, (általában) we only go to a restaurant if we celebrate something, for example
Fast food restaurants are cheaper. You order your food at the counter (pult), there are no waiters, you take
your meal to the table. There are plastic forks, spoons, knives. You drink from paper cup. (papír pohár)
There is usually loud music in it. Typical fast-food restaurant is McDonalds, where you can have
hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chips, ice cream with soft drinks. Fast food is not healthy at all.
My favourite restaurant is… (Tanya Csárda) ……… I like it very much because the food is delicious, and
the waiters are very polite there. It has a relaxing atmosphere.

16/3 Pets-kedvencek

These pictures show different pets, the most usual ones, legáltalánosabbak, cats and a dog. Lots of children
like having or would like to have a pet at home. I think parents should let them have pets because keeping
pets teach you how to be responsible felelősségtudó They can not only play with them, but they learn how to
take care of them regularly. some people have unusual, dangerous pets, e.g., snakes, rats, spiders.Some dogs
can be fierce and dangerous as well. All in all, I would say having a pet is a great fun and looking after it
makes you a different person.
You must feed (etetni) your pet with proper food regularly. Feeding them takes some time and energy Dogs
also like eating that the family eat like pasta, meat, bread. Of course, cats also need attention (figyelmet
igényel) You also have the clean a lot if you have an animal, you have to take care of them You need to take
your dog for a walk every day. In Hungarian families, dogs are usually in the garden or yard (udvar) and the
cats are in the house, so you should buy cat litter macskaalom. If your dog or cat is ill, you must take it to
the vet’s (állatorvos), and it might get an injection or some medicine.
Cats can also be dangerous because they can cause allergy or spread illnesses betegséget terjeszt. So, it is the
owners’ tulajdonosok responsibility to give them the proper megfelelő vaccination vekszinésön védőoltás.
On the other hand, it is not easy to find and ask a neighbour to feed your pet when we go away on a holiday.

17/3. Sports

My topic is sport. These pictures show different sports. Sports can be divided into two categories: indoor
and outdoor sports. Indoor sports are, for example, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, handball,
gymnastics, and outdoor sports are, for example, football, rollerblading, or cycling. We can talk about water
sports such as swimming, water polo, sailing. Sports can be seasonal évszakhoz kötött, such as winter sports
like skiing, skating, ice hockey, snowboarding, too. Sports can be individual (egyéni) like gymnastics torna,
tennis, athletics, or team sports for example ballgames such as handball or volleyball can also be mentioned.
I think football and handball are quite popular in Hungary and there are some fans who support the water
polo team, too. I like football/car racing/watching tennis or table tennis and fencing. I do not really do
sports, but like moving and go running twice or three times a week. I sometimes do aerobics with my friends
or do yoga with my mother. / VAGY: I do sports regularly. I have three football trainings every week. I
think doing sports is very important and healthy and it should play a great role in people’s lives. Doing any
exercise is good for your physical condition, it can make you stronger and healthier. Popular sports in
Hungary are football, handball, running, cycling, swimming, water polo. People like watching motor sports
– Formula 1 on TV.
Professional Hungarian sportsmen are very good at water polo, swimming, handball, kayak and canoeing,
fencing (vívás) They have won many Olympic medals in these sports. Personally, I like playing basketball
with my friends in the park. I like watching ice skating, tennis and swimming on TV.

To be fit and healthy it’s very important to play or to do a sport. We shouldn’t be lazy; sports are very good
We have five PE lessons a week. We run, do exercises, play basketball a lot. People do indoor sports in the
gym or in sport centers. Indoor sports are aerobics, fitness, body building, handball, volleyball, table tennis,
darts, chess, karate, wrestling, boxing, weightlifting. Outdoor sport means that you go out and play sports in
fresh air. Outdoor sports are cycling, running, football, tennis, badminton, athletics, golf, motor racing.
Team sports are popular in secondary schools: volleyball, football, basketball, handball. It’s exciting to play
sports in a team. It’s very motivating. Watersports are swimming, water polo, diving, snorkeling.
(búvárkodás) Kayak and canoeing. Some people like doing sports alone, on their own. Individual (egyéni)
sports are running, swimming, triathlon, roller skating, horse riding, marathon running, athletics.
Seasonal sports are connected to a season. (évszakhoz kötött) Summer sports are beach volleyball,
swimming, wakeboard, badminton on the beach, diving, snorkeling. Winter sports are ice hockey, ice
skating, skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping.
Personally, I like playing basketball with my friends in the park. I like watching ice-skating tennis and
swimming on TV.

18/3. Different types of the housework

It’s very important to keep your home tidy and clean all the time. In most families, women do the most
household jobs (házimunka)
Women usually clean the windows several times a year. They clean the kitchen every day: they cook, do
washing up, sweep the floor (söpör), mop felmos the floor. Women usually clean the bathroom every week,
they clean the toilet every day. They clean the bath, the washbasin (mosdókagyló) and they mop the floor.
They do the vacuuming at home. They wash the clothes at the weekend and also iron the clothes.
Men usually don’t do much household jobs in Hungarian families. They repair things around the house,
clean the garage, mow the lawn (füvet nyír) and they also work in the garden. Men don’t mind shopping.
(nem bánják, ha vásárolni kell), cleaning the car.
Children can also help with the housework, they can tidy their bedroom, do the vacuuming or help with the
There are a lot of useful household appliances (háztartási eszközök) in Hungarian families. We use washing
machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner. The fridge and the freezer mélyhűtő are also very useful because they
keep food fresh, so we don’t need to go shopping so often. We also use a microwave oven to heat felmelegít
meals. My mum uses an iron steam gőzölős vasaló to iron the clothes.
At home, in my family I must tidy my room, because it’s sometimes a mess. I have to wash the dishes after
lunch, I lay the table (megterít) I do the vacuuming. I don’t mind ironing my clothes. I like cooking and
making muffins. I hate mopping the floor.
 Tidying and cleaning the house (takarítás, rendrakás)
 sweeping and mopping the floor (seprés, felmosás)
 doing the laundry mosni
 start cooking
 paint a room
 gardening /rake the garden: kertészkedés, gereblyézés
 car washing
 rake your yard gereblyézi az udvart
 chopping firewood felvágja a tűzifát
 wash the dishes
 water the plants virágot locsol
 vacuum the floor: porszívózik
 clean the kitchen
 take out the trash/take the rubbish out kiviszi a szemetet
 make the bed: megágyaz
 iron the clothes: vasal
 set the tables: megterít
 do the shopping
 hang out the clothes: tereget
 sew: varr
 take the dog for a walk / feed the dog: sétáltatja a kutyát, eteti ….
 wash the car
 shovel the snow: lapátol havat
 clean the window

19/3.Environmental problems /Környezetünk/

In these pictures I can see some environmental problems. The greatest environmental problems nowadays
are pollution of water, soil (talaj) and air. Rainforests are destroyed, rare animals die, people drop litter
Global warming is also a problem.
Reduce, reuse and recycle are three essential components of environmentally responsible behaviour. Reduce
means to use less resources. Reuse means to use something again or more than once.
Recycle means to turn materials and products into resources.
What can we do for the environment?
We should
 save water
 turn of the tap while washing up dishes and pots
 take shorter showers -five minutes or less is best
 wash only full loads
 turn off the water while soaping hands and brushing teeth
 mulch around plants to hold water in the soil
 get buy an Energy Star Labelled washing machine
 Recycle paper, cans, plastic
 use canvas bags or basket- say “no” to plastic bags
 plant a tree
 remember to turn off the lights
 use less power or electricity
 turn off unused equipment
 try to sort and recycle household waste
 reduce rubbish
 reuse drink bottles
 walk or ride a bike when your destination is close to home
 install solar panels on your roof

Daily Routine

On weekdays I usually get up at six o’clock because school starts at half past seven. I go to school by bus.
The lessons normally start at eight o’clock. On an average day there are six lessons with fifteen minutes
break in between. The lessons last for forty-five minutes. I like my school because the teachers are all very
kind and well-qualified. Our school is a big storey building with a large schoolyard and a park around it. On
the ground floor you can find the hall, some classrooms and the school canteen. Most classrooms are on the
first and second floors. Our school has also got some special laboratories such as language, music, physics,
chemistry and arts. We have a small school gymnasium and different playing fields around the building.
After school I go home, have a chat with my friends and sit down to study for the next day’s lessons. In a
typical school system in many countries, there are two kinds of schools: state school, which are run by the
government, and private school. Private school are often stricter than state school, and in many of them the
pupils have to wear uniforms. Both state and private school are often mixed or are for boys only or girls
only. There are also some schools, usually private, where the pupils sleep at school, which are called
boarding school. The boss of a school is called the head. In some religious schools there are also nuns and
priest who work as teachers. At university you can do courses in many different subjects. Some students
prefer to do an arts course and others prefer a science course. In Britain, it usually takes three or four years
to get a university degree. When they finish their course, some people stay at university and do research.
The most important teachers at a university are called professors.
The school building is a modern three-storey building. On the ground floor, there is an assembly hall where
we can get together during breaks and celebrations. But if the weather is fine, we can also go to the school
yard to play sports or just chat.
The school is well- equipped with modern technology: there are computer labs, science lab and multimedia
classrooms with interactive smart boards and projectors. You can find the school canteen, buffet,
headmaster’s room, teacher staff room and a lot of offices on the ground floor.
Our classroom is located on the first/second floor. There are …... students in my class.
We also have a gym and some outdoor sports fields and tracks in the school yard.
Our school has a student hostel where students, who live far away from the school, can stay during the week.
Several pupils have to commute ingázik to school every day, since they live far away but cannot afford to
stay in a hostel.
In the future, when I finish school, I want to go to university and study......
In the future, when I finish this school, I want to stay here and do a post-secondary course, I want to learn
more medical subjects. (itt maradok a suliban, eüt tanulni).
I like this school very much because the lessons are interesting, and the teachers are friendly and helpful. I
have a lot of friends here.

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