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6 Monday, February 19, 2024

Editorial Delhi

A ruling that gives primary schoolteaching a new slate

n August 2023, the Supreme Court of India Padma M. degree, and 10% have no professional Delhi University have demonstrated successful
upheld the decision of the Rajasthan High Sarangapani qualifications. The proportion of DElEd qualified curriculum to strengthen knowledge,
Misplaced priorities Court in ruling that the Bachelor of
Education (B.Ed) degree cannot be
is with the Centre of
Excellence in Teacher
teachers in the government and aided sectors is
between 60%-68%, as government recruitment
understanding and practice for this level/stage,
long neglected in the university space. The
Free movement regime between India, considered appropriate for primary Education, Tata norms, by and large, have regulated recruitment. recently announced Integrated Teacher
schoolteaching — the relevant degree for this level Institute of Social However, in the primary school level of the Education Programme (ITEP) holds out the
Myanmar had more benefits than costs of school is the Diploma in Education (DEd) or Sciences, Mumbai private unaided sector, 22% have the DElEd or possibility of extending the successful model of

nation is defined not by the borders that Diploma in Elementary Education (DElEd) or equivalent; 43% of primary schoolteachers in bringing primary schoolteacher preparation into
demarcate it but by the people who live Bachelor of Elementary Education (BElEd). private schools have BEd degrees, and another the university/Higher Education space. It is,
in it. This is not just an abstract adage but Effectively, this nullified an earlier notification by Jyoti Bawane 17% do not have any professional qualification. In therefore, disappointing that the bulk of the new
a vision of nation-building and sustenance, espe- the National Council for Teacher Education is with the Indian the relatively elite English medium schools run by ITEP programmes approved in 2023 are for BEd
cially for a country that emerged out of colonial (NCTE) that the BEd degree can be accepted. This Institute of Education, government societies, which include the (about 3,4,00 seats), with only about 10% for the
rule. The idea of neighbourly relations and bor- may seem like a minor point with regards to a Pune Kendriya Vidyalayas, the Army, Sainik, and preparatory and foundational stage.
ders was tied not just to the interest of national profession that is widely believed to not be very Railway schools, the proportion of DElEd or
security for the post-colonial nation-state but al- aspirational. But this is a decision that has wide equivalent holders at the primary school level is Survey’s findings
so to the interests of the people in border areas implications for recruitment and policy — and Kamlesh Goyal only 24%, with about 56% being BEd degree Additionally, there is value in crafting innovative
and their imagined histories. When Home Minis- rightly so. is with the Centre of holders. programmes which can provide pathways for
ter Amit Shah announced that the “Free Move- Excellence in Teacher Following the Supreme Court ruling, these BEd holders to receive professional development
ment Regime” (FMR) in place in Indian States Primary teaching has different requirements Education, Tata anomalies that have crept into the system will and gain credible certification for primary
bordering Myanmar from 2018 would be Teaching young students in primary grades is Institute of Social have to be set right. First, greater attention will schoolteaching, without having to re-enrol for the
scrapped and that the India-Myanmar border be quite different in its requirements when Sciences, Mumbai need to be paid to increasing the supply of good entire degree/diploma programme. The SoTTTER
fenced, he was decidedly negating this idea. The compared to being a subject teacher for middle quality DEd/DElEd/BElEd programmes in the 2023 survey finds that 4% of students enrolled in
ostensible reason for this demand and the need and high school. Understanding Foundational country. Analysis of Teachers Eligibility Test DElEd already have a B.Ed. Most developed
for fencing is because the porous border has Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), and being able to Mythili (TET) data from one State shows that quality in countries offer multiple pathways into the
served as a conduit for narcotics, besides helping design and involve all students in a manner that Ramchand this sector is only from the government-funded teaching profession, recognising that the decision
insurgent groups in the north-east to establish ensures that they grasp these basic and is with the Centre of institutions (District Institutes of Education and to become a teacher can also occur at different
bases within areas in Myanmar where the junta’s foundational competencies is a very non-trivial Excellence in Teacher Training, or DIETs, and aided colleges), while the stages and the value of having teachers with
writ is relatively non-existent or weak. But these task. Almost all of us have forgotten how we Education, Tata self-financed sector is doing very poorly: 59% of different life experiences in the system. The
reasons are not convincing in themselves. Most learned to read or manipulate the number Institute of Social students from DIETs qualified with a mean score two-year B.Ed is appealing for mature and older
Sciences, Mumbai

insurgent groups have weakened substantially system. Hence, teaching these competencies has of 86/150 in comparison with only 31% of students who are looking to change careers.
and successive Indian governments have been to be learnt by prospective primary students from the self-financed sector qualified The SoTTTER survey shows about 22% of B.Ed
able to neutralise their threats through force or schoolteachers, through specialised teacher with a mean score of 77/150. students (and 26% women students) are married.
peace efforts, ongoing or completed. Besides, the education for this stage, i.e., the DEd, or DElEd or In all DIETs, at least 50% of their students Offering the two-year B.Ed with specialisation for
drug trade is enabled not only by the border’s po- BElEd. It cannot be reconstructed through succeeded in qualifying. Only 7% of the the preparatory/primary level could also be an
rosity but also by the relative lack of strong law autobiographical memory; love for children and self-financed sector were able to ensure that at option to consider, rather than requiring these
enforcement with the cooperation of residents. good communication skills are not enough, and least 50% of their students qualified. This students to join under graduate programmes.
That the demand to scrap the FMR has been by no means does the BEd degree, with its focus suggests that better students seem to prefer The Union Budget 2023 announcement
most vociferously endorsed by one section of the on teaching subjects to students in middle school government-funded institutions and that these included commitment to continue the Scheme of
currently conflict-prone Manipur but has also upwards, prepare teachers for this. The Right to institutions are probably functioning more Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission
been fervently opposed by Nagaland and Mizo- Education Act 2009, therefore, not only lay effectively, more regularly and with less on Teachers & Teaching (launched in 2014) to
ram should provide a hint about the sentiments emphasis on the need for professional corruption. strengthen teacher education in the country. The
of the people in these States. Myanmar is in the qualification but also the appropriate However, there are concerns for the sector as a scheme was finally unveiled on September 5, but,
throes of a civil war with civilians from its west- qualification to teach. Yet, 15 years later, we find whole: only 14% of qualifying candidates had a disappointingly, had a focus only on faculty
ern regions and States such as Sagain and Chin that graduates with BEd qualification continue to mean score of 60% or above. The low mean development in higher education, neglecting
State seeking refuge and humanitarian relief in be employed for this stage of school. scores in mathematics, at 46%, are cause for schoolteacher preparation and innovation in the
neighbouring Mizoram and Manipur. The Mizos The overall extent of professionally qualified concern. There will have to be more attention in university space.
of Mizoram and the Kuki-Zo community in Mani- teachers in the system looks good. The State of ensuring higher quality and pedagogical content A recent Ministry of Education initiative to
pur feel a kinship with the Chin community and Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education knowledge of candidates. The Teacher Eligibility strengthen DIETs is welcome. With a full Budget
have been organising relief for the refugees. The Report 2023 (SoTTTER-23) shows that 90% of Test (TET) may also need to have section-wise expected in a few months’ time, one hopes that
opposition to the FMR has come from Meitei ma- teachers have some form of professional It sets the stage qualifying cut-off marks included in addition to the government will respond in a comprehensive
joritarian forces in the Imphal valley who have qualification. Of the 10% who do not have for ensuring an overall qualification cut-off mark, to ensure way to these issues, and provide allocation to
raised the bogey of Chin refugees entering Mani- professional qualifications, 61% are in the private suitably that primary schoolteacher competence in strengthen primary/preparatory stage teacher
pur as a case of illegal migration. The institution sector; 61% of this group are in rural areas. qualified mathematics. education through greater government support
of the FMR, as a formalised regime of the move- However, it is a different picture when it pertains and incentives for innovation in this sector.
ment of citizens across the sparsely populated to the issue of appropriate qualification. Overall,
teachers as the Need for government support
border to within 16 kilometres of it, for trade and only 46% of teachers teaching primary grades B.Ed degree There is an urgent need to strengthen The writers are the lead authors of The Right Teacher for Every
commerce, was a nod to India’s Act East policy. have the DElEd (and equivalent) qualification; does not serve government support and innovation in this Child. State of Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education Report
This was also an expression of the will of people 30% of teachers in this stage have the BEd all school stages sector. Programmes such as BElEd offered by the for India, 2023
of the region who share ethnic relations but are
divided by colonially drawn boundaries. The re-

Recalibrating merit in the age of Artificial Intelligence

versal of this regime and the humongous exercise
of fencing a border situated in rugged mountains
and forests is a case of misplaced priorities and
needs reconsideration.

he concept of meritocracy, wherein Sandel’s emphasis on its moral and social Medicine showed that an AI tool can predict
Ties across the sea individuals are rewarded and advance
based on their abilities, achievements and
repercussions, Wooldridge lays stress on the
practical evolution of meritocracy and its
pancreatic cancer in a patient three years before
radiologists can make the diagnosis. Capabilities
Tolerance and pluralism are values that hard work, rather than their social status or potential for reform. In his book, The Aristocracy such as this can lead to the displacement of jobs
background, has been extensively debated. of Talent, he explores how meritocracy, initially a that involve routine, predictable tasks. This also
India shares with the UAE Proponents and critics of meritocracy offer force for progress and social mobility, has means that AI would impact high-wage jobs.
Aditya Sinha

t first glance, Prime Minister Narendra compelling arguments about its impacts on inadvertently fostered new inequalities by Regardless of these, AI would push the
Modi’s UAE visit last week, might have society, highlighting its virtues and shortcomings. is Officer on Special becoming somewhat hereditary, with privileges workforce towards either high-skill, high-wage
seemed like any other bilateral visit he The evolution of meritocracy has witnessed Duty, Research, being passed down generations. Despite jobs involving complex problem-solving and
has undertaken. But this visit, Mr. Modi’s seventh significant transformations, influenced by the Economic Advisory recognising the potential for meritocracy to creativity or low-skill, low-wage jobs requiring
to the UAE since 2014 indicates the government’s critiques and analyses of thinkers such as Michael Council to the create a new elite, Wooldridge believes in its physical presence and personal interaction,
desire to signal more about the salience and pro- Young, Michael Sandel, and Adrian Wooldridge. Prime Minister intuitive fairness and proposes reforms that which AI cannot replicate yet. This polarisation
minence of the Emirates, than it has with any of include making selective schools as “escalators will exacerbate socioeconomic disparities, as
the other country in the Gulf region. The timing Varied views into the elite” while improving access for individuals without access to high-level education
may have been related to an invitation to address Young, a British sociologist, foresaw a dystopian underprivileged students and advocating better and training are pushed towards lower-wage
the ‘World Governments Summit’ in Dubai and to meritocratic world in his satirical book, The Rise technical education. roles.
inaugurate Abu Dhabi’s first Hindu temple, but of the Meritocracy (1958) . He envisioned a future, Fifth, the opaque nature of many AI
the 10 bilateral agreements signed need a closer specifically 2034, as a society where social class AI as a disruptive factor algorithms, coupled with the concentration of
look. The speed with which India and the UAE and mobility were determined solely by However, introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) power in a few tech giants, poses significant
concluded the Comprehensive Economic Part- intelligence and effort, as measured through into this equation completely complicates the challenges to accountability. In a meritocratic
nership Agreement (CEPA) in 2022 has been standardised testing and educational idea of reforming meritocracy. AI, with its rapidly society, individuals must understand the criteria
matched by last week’s Bilateral Investment Trea- achievement. It was a critique of the evolving capabilities, will be reshaping merit and by which their efforts and talents are evaluated.
ty (BIT). This makes the UAE not only the first then-emerging trend towards a merit-based the idea of meritocracy in six ways. However, the ‘black box’ nature of many AI
country the Modi government has signed these system, which he feared would lead to a new First, by its very nature, AI questions the basis systems can obscure these criteria, making it
agreements with but also the only country that form of social stratification. of human merit by introducing a non-human difficult for individuals to know how to advance
India has both a trade and an investment agree- Sandel’s critique focuses on the divisive entity capable of performing tasks, making or challenge decisions made by AI, thus eroding
ment with. The UAE is now India’s third largest consequences, arguing that meritocracy fosters a decisions, and even ‘creating’ at levels that can the meritocratic ideal.
trading partner, India’s second largest export sense of entitlement among the successful and surpass human abilities. If machines perform the Sixth, at the organisational level, the core of
destination, and fourth largest source of FDI. The resentment among those left behind, thereby majority of tasks previously deemed as requiring AI’s power lies in data and algorithms that
inauguration of the Bharat Mart for Indian eroding social cohesion. Critical theorists, human intelligence and creativity, the traditional process this data. Tech giants with access to
MSMEs is also expected to strengthen trade ties. including those from the Frankfurt School, also metrics of merit become less relevant. OpenAI’s unprecedented volumes of data have a distinct
A second raft of agreements dealt with technolog- argue on similar lines by critiquing meritocracy Sora is evidence that creativity is not an exclusive advantage in training more sophisticated and
ical ties including building digital infrastructure; for masking deeper power dynamics and human trait any more. accurate AI models. This data hegemony means
R&D for energy security and trade focusing on inequalities. They say that meritocracy can Second, the advent of AI challenges the that these entities can set the standards for what
green hydrogen and energy storage, and digital perpetuate social hierarchies by legitimising the traditional notion of individual merit by constitutes ‘merit’ in the digital age, potentially
cross-payments. Third, the Agreement for an In- status of the elite under the guise of fairness and prioritising access to technology. Individuals with sidelining smaller players who may have
tergovernmental Framework on the India-Middle neutrality. access to AI tools gain a significant advantage, not innovative ideas but need access to similar
East Economic Corridor paves the way for multi- Post-structuralists challenge the notion of necessarily due to their personal abilities, but datasets.
lateral cooperation between the two countries, merit, questioning who defines merit and how it There needs to because of the enhanced capabilities of these Thus, recalibrating meritocracy in the face of
that also coordinate over the I2U2 initiative with is measured. They argue that concepts of merit be a tools. AI advancements demands a sophisticated
the U.S. and Israel, and, from 2024, will cooper- are socially constructed and reflect the biases and sophisticated Third, AI systems trained on historical data understanding of the interplay between
ate within the BRICS framework, as the UAE is interests of those in power. Post-structuralism understanding can perpetuate and even exacerbate biases technology and societal structures. It calls for a
now a member. Finally, the discussions on the Is- highlights the fluidity and contingency of merit, present in that data, leading to discriminatory deliberate rethinking of how merit is defined and
of the interplay
rael-Gaza operations and the Red Sea attacks, in- suggesting that meritocratic systems are outcomes in areas such as hiring, law rewarded when AI tools can both augment
dicate that in a region roiled by conflict, India inherently subjective and can reinforce existing between enforcement, and lending. These biases can human capabilities and deepen existing
considers the UAE to be a stable interlocutor. inequalities. technology and disadvantage groups which are already inequalities.
India-UAE ties are also built on a bedrock of In contrast to Young’s dystopian vision of societal marginalised.
history and cultural engagement that includes meritocracy leading to a rigid class system and structures Fourth, a recent paper published in Nature The views expressed are personal
centuries-old maritime trade and a diaspora con-
tributing about 18% of India’s global remittances.
While India’s technological prowess and the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
UAE’s positioning as a trade and industry hub
bring complementarities, the changes in their A party in crisis it is clear that personal should have been the main Deadly conflict deforestation, and even on its advisory panel.
polity and societies bring possible friction points. Expectedly, the internal interests count more for the inducement. The much Rising human-elephant climate change. There have R. Srivatsan,
As the UAE, a theocratic monarchy, seeks to de- frictions in the Congress Congress’s stalwarts in touted INDIA bloc has conflicts, especially in to be sustainable Chennai
mocratise its governance and have a more plural- party have metamorphosed cosying up to the BJP. considerably shrunk in size Kerala, can be traced to a development activities,
istic system, such as the decision on the temple in into widening cracks, with The oft-repeated assertions and image. With many free multitude of factors that ensuring that wildlife Mission accomplished
Abu Dhabi, it has expressed concern over the rise the possibility of a steady by the Prime Minister that floaters waiting in the include agricultural corridors are safe from In ISRO’s launch of its
of majoritarian and sectarian forces in India. To stream of exits with each the NDA will be reaching the wings, the distraught expansion, industrial intrusion. There has to be weather satellite, the words
that end, Mr. Modi’s words in Abu Dhabi, where passing day (“Amid buzz, 400-plus mark in the Congress party needs to intrusion, mining, afforestation and also the of its chairman S. Somanath
he rejoiced in the mutual values of tolerance and M.P. Cong. leaders recall parliamentary elections, brace itself to face a huge infrastructural activities, vital step of setting up a at The Hindu’s Litfest came
pluralism, and “shared heritage of humanity” Nath’s ties with Gandhi kin”, apart from a slew of crisis. ‘colonisation’ of vital special task force that has alive: “It is all team work.”
may be the most significant bonds between the February 18). More than political inducements V. Johan Dhanakumar, elephant corridors by local people, eco-activists V. Subramaniam,
two countries separated by the Arabian Sea. ideological considerations, offered by the ruling party Chennai resorts/hotels, plantations, and the Forest Department Chennai

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