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VS Dee ae 7 a ; Content Page No. Page No, 1. Unique Animals ....-. +--+ 5 | 23. Medicinal Plants....... 2. World Heritage Sites In - 24. Names: Old And New... nia clei i -obtdelaalaele 25. National Symbols..... 3. Endangered Animals ....... 7) 26. Theme Parks......00 0 3 4. Greatest Inventions ........ 8] 27. Choice Sharp........... 5. Words Last Forever ........ °| 28. Indian Monuments ........ 3 8. Meaning Of Flowers ..--.-- 19] 99. ainazing Body Facts....... 35 7 Acronyms... 60.6600... "| 30. Famous Works............ 8. The Adventure Stories ..... 12 31. Safety AtHome.........., 9. Folk Dances.............. 13| 59. Sculpture Material 10. Ology .......... 0. cece 14 | 33. Amazing Animals ......... ; 11. Extreme Tour ............ 15 | 34. scientific Instruments 12, Medical Science........... 16 | 35. Proverbs Galore. 18. Inspiring Legends......... 7) 36. CoRelation 14. Count Sharp ............, 18 | 37. Rivers Of The World....... 43 15. Know Your Continents.....19 | 59 They Inspire Us........... 44 16. Strange Scientists ...... 20-21 | 39. Mountains............... 45 1 Yogasanas 2... 22 | 40. Artist Par Excellence .. 18. Amazing Fishes......,.... 23 18. Phong og | 11 Nature At Its Best... 47 20. Spate Vie “™" | 42. Adventure Sports 21. Sebroues Tee eee 75143. Sudoku... ec... i" ee dey 126 Tictwtta “sitVillages OfIndia..o7 | “TSWEPS..-..... ‘Forint as : 7 sessment: Students to login for live test papers after each chapter Auto-ge instant envy CFeativekidssolutions. com nerated —uitfor teachers, students and parents _ Plants And Animals Gome animals are unique due to their unique features. Recogni : " gnise the foll te saimalsby theirbrief descriptions. Write theirnamesin the given blanks using ene amazing : te ew 2 q ay d : a x ‘The only bird that hunts ‘The only dog that by its sense of smell cannot bark i. x The only fish that can. blink both the eyes 2M in a es The only dog with a The only bird that can ‘The only mammal that blue tongue rotate its head to 270 cannot move/walk degrees backwards (a) Owl) (b) Antarctic ) nototheni The only animal whose ears The protein in its blood (c) Basenji) are located on the front acts like anti-freeze and (d) Kangaroo®) legs, just below the knee prevents it from freezing in | (e) Kiwi (f) Shark (g) Chow Chow®) ) (h) Cricket (insect)D The blackspot angelfish can change sex from female to male. The male fish is i tue in colour and female fish is yellow in colour. The male angelfish is the strongest and largest member in the group. Heis the one who protects and looks after the female (like a ‘security guard’). When the male dies, the group needs protection. Tie largest female fish in the group grows larger in size, starts ‘Changing colour from yellow to blue and transforms into a male in two weeks. ice sea In India India . — - ood number of World Heritage Sites recognised by the UNRi ite a2 ‘ollowing World Heritage Sites in India that are aaueeeaaml Pee Wcite their names in the given blanks. You may use the Help Box, foul * very year the National Flag is hoisted here to celebrate independence Day. ‘i the city whi was the capital of the Mug Empire for a short period. (1) ....Re. ,4— (New Delhiy ‘The paintings on the walls illustrate events from the life of Gautam Buddha Itis one of the famous forts of It is one of the best Indian. Hyderabad. rock cut architectures, 5, (Jalgaon, Maharashtra) ss | It is the ideal habitat for the ‘The paintings in these 600 eave one-horned rhinoceros. are about 9000 years old. These a the oldest paintings in the world r (a) Agra Fort (b) Ajanta Caves (d) KeoladeoNational Park (e) Kaziranga National Park (9) Taj Mahal (h) RedFort Oo General Knowledge-6 Endangered Animals | F Plants And Animals Is are on the verge of extinction. Some of them probably cannot survive an protection and care. The primary reason of their endangered stage F Some animals 2 without direct Hume’ their habitat. Look at the pictures and recognise the followin i ir habitat. Look at the p gn % a a Wi ite their names in the given blanks. You may use the Help Box. endangere’ ? army 1 5 = {a) Black-footedferret .(b) Redpanda (c) Black spider monkey (d) Galapagos penguin (e) Forestturtle —_(f) Javanrhino (g) Forest owlet (h) Orangutan (i). Whale shark Pee Greatest Inventions Science And Technology Inventions make our lives easy and comfortable. Read the brief descriptions of some inven 2 of t atest inventions and write their namesin the given blanks. Youmay use the Help Box, greate They help us build and repair | | This invention made the Printing of They help us in saving live things. books easier and faster, It has also preventing infections and cur helped in circulating information faster several diseases. ’ Itmakes possible for us to work at night. It improves productivity |) and enhances the quality of life. This has been regularly used in nearly all types of vehicles, from ancientcarts to modern jet liners. It has transformed the world Provides easy access toinformati fromall overthe world atany time (a) printing press (b) internet (c) tools (d) wheel (e) electric bulb (f) language (g) antibiotics Words Last Forever Language And Literature Great men and their quotes are remembered even today. Write the names of the personalities whose famous quotations are given below. 1. “Itis an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.” Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.” AOD 3, “Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.” 4, “The child is father of the man.” 5. “The government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” 6. “Ihave nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” 7. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” 8. “No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.”... 9. “Whom the gods love, die young,” f(a) William WordswortH® (e) John Keat: £2 (b) Thomas Edison) (f) John peas NO © Socrates) (9) Byron (2) Winston Churchill) (i) Neil Armstrong!) @) Abraham Lincoln@) (h) Napolean Bonaparte) “General K Meaning Of Flowers Plants And ‘Animals ul colours. Different flowers symbolise differen flowers given below. Recognise the expressions th m in the given blanks. You may use the Help Box, i \ 3 gla © & .¢« EA ae 4 Flowers have wonderf expressions. Look at the communicate and write ther ¢ WLM pect. daffodil »°@ F¢ ta Oe POLE. one E © ie sooueituiness a cece (c) friendship@ — (d) innocence (@ pec trust ©) (g) loveand| i (i) Youare awonderful friend. @ 3 ae fares: £7)] General Knowledge-6 An acronym is a word formed from the first letters of th ‘i ie words thi Write the full forms of the acronyms given below. You may use the Hele make up the name. use the Help Box. (b) All India Institute of Medical Sciences) (j) Indian Foreign Service®) (c) Ati Vishisht Seva Medal @) (k) International Monetary Fund) (d) Central Intelligence Agency @) (I). Liquefied Petroleum Gas (€) Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane@) (m) Bachelor of Medicine and) (f) Electronic Mail @® Bachelor of Surgery (g) Electrocardiogrami> (n) Non-Governmental Organisation | __(h) Equated Monthly Instalments (> (0) Career Aptitude Tests) #7) The Aaventure stories Language And Literature Children love to read adventure stories. Write the name of the book and author of the followin, famous adventure story books whose brief descriptions are given below. You may use ¢t Help Box. 1. The hero embarks on a voyage, but a shipwreck lands him {, at Lilliput, where he wakes to find himself a prisoner of the MAW six-inch high Lilliputians. He helps the Lilliputians when 4. he wads into the sea and captures an invasion fleet from a : neighbouring kingdom, Sg ee Book: Gultinens. Cavels... BRAS M Action Sonattan. Saath ——— RRR J 2. The hero is a young boy named Jim Hawkins. This boy is captured by Long John Silver, the one-legged pirate. The boy races against pirates to find buried jewels. Book:...Vx.ea.aiine...cslexd, Author:..RIL...Gheuexsen 3. The hero is an orphan, born in a workhouse and maltreated by his master, Bumble. Unhappy there, he runs away to London where he meets the Artful Dodger and joins a pickpocket gang led by Fagin. He is then kidnapped by a gang. Atte ond, he fipally finds the family he had wished fr, AS. - Books... OWE oc) : Author:... Chores... Dickens. 4. In this story, alittle girl follows a white rabbit, falls down into a rabbit hole, a fantastic, illogical world and has a fantastic adventure, Some popular characters of this story are March Hare, the Mad Hatter and the White Knight. Books: (a) Alice in Wonderland (c) Gulliver's Travels (b) Treasure Island (d) Oliver Twist ) Authors: (i) Jonathan Swift (ii) RL Stevenson (iii) Charles Dickens (iv) Lewis Carrell Folk Dances Our India There are two main branches of Indian dance, namely classical and folk. @ Classical dances are those that are based on the ancient dance discipline and have set rules for presentation. @ Folk dances have various patterns. Read the name of the state and write the name of the dance form popular in that state. You "may use the Help Box. §. No. State Name of the dance form 1, | Gujarat Dandiya...ass. Punjab Uttar Pradesh Assam West Bengal Guat Towser Mudiyeths.25... Mamas... Madhya Pradesh Kerala 2. 3, 4 5. 6. | Haryana 7, 8. 9. Manipur 10. | Himachal Pradesh u._| Odisha 12. | Bihar 13,_| Rajasthan anne ONIN 14._| Mizoram Chere. (Caron danse). 15. | Tamil Nadu Kuro... (@) Bihu (f) Giddha (&) Kajri (b) Kummi (g) Kinnauri Nati: () Bidesia: (©) Swang (h) Chhaus (m) Jatra (d) Cheraw (Bamboo dance)» (i) Ghoomar (e)_ Manipuri (). Jawara Ology Science And Technology ek word ‘ology’ means a branch of knowledge or Science. Here is a list of words he Gre - A . Sais ‘ology’. Match the following branches of Science and the subjects they deal wig, OLOGY STUDY OF 1. Psychology (a) humankind, their customs and 5 evolution of humans 2. Entomology (b) animal behaviour 3. Ecology —\ (©) _ living things—plants and animals 4. Anthropology ~\. (d) earth and its composition 5. Ichthyology trees 6. Omithology —\ relations of plants and animals with Se ‘one another and with their \ surroundings 7. Ethology (g) fish 8 Biology (h) _ nervous system 9. Geology i) nature, functions, phenomena of the human mind 10. Meteorology (@) birds 11. Neurology \\ | (ancient cultures and periods of \ history 12. Dendrology (1) weather and related phenomena 13. Archaeology er ee EE oor ou fad Around The World Explore some of the earth’s largest, highest, longest and coldest places in the given map. xplore s nthe gv © coldest 2 | ANTARCTICA continent ~ Now, name the following with the help of the map and Help Box. highest mountain Mow). Exenes coldest continent So lowest river largest freshwater lake deepest point longest river largest saltwater lake highest waterfall largest ocean highest lake largest river largest island deepest lake largest desert (6) Greenland ®) —(e) Angel Falls (i) Pacific Ocean i 7 Ds (tm) Mariana Trench) (b) Sahara) (f) Lake Baikal’) (j Li 7 Wo, 1 (o)Rver Jordan @) River Nie (cen CUS 4! Sado (r) Antarctica i (k) Caspian sé (@) River Amazon.) (h) Mount Everest W Lake Supector General Knawien... . ™ Many scientists have comfortable and disea in brief. He was a Belgian doctor, first to dissect a human body to learn anatomy. His findings helped to correct misconceptions prevailing since ancient times. Andreas. \i He was an English physician, first to demonstrate that blood moves endlessly around the body (blood circulation). contributed a lot to the field of medicine to make human life se free. Write the names of the scientists whose contributions are given ————__ y His most important idea was Bp tat the cause of disease was | © anagent from outside the body (that we now call bacteria) and not an imbalance within it. He was a Scottish physician, first to suggest the sailors on long voyages should have lime juice as a cure from scurvy (We now know that scurvy isa disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin C), x tack A French chemist, first to show that infecting the body witha mild form of a disease provided protection against a more severe attack of the same disease. This technique, called vaccination, now protects millions of people. Ra R (e) Edward Jenner (F) James Lind) General Awareness Some people are famous across the world. They are a source of inspiration and motivation e the following inspiring legends and write their for people all around the world. Recog names in the given blanks. You may use the Help Box. He was a British astrophysicist, regarded as the greatest physicist after Einstein. He suffered from a degenerative nerve disease. He could communicate only through a computer attached to his motorised wheel chair. He was an Indian scientist wl 11" President from 2002 0 2007. Jopmentof AGNIand PRITHVI missiles. ‘minds for national development ho served his country as the! He was responsible for the devel He took upa mission toignite the young bymeetinghigh school studentsacross the country. highest civilian award of India, Bharat Ratna, in 1997, Hewasawarded the (g) Mt. Vinson Massif (4,892m) 1. Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest \ Lowest Point: (h) Death Valley€) (i) Laguna del Carbort point of this continent. (j) Caspian Sea (k) Lake Assakiry Se Ones (I) Dead Sea® (m) Lake Eyre (©) Australia (d) Europe (n) Bentley Subglacial Trench * Neca a st(o) Canada) (p) Brazil) —_(q) Algeria a) Canada (b) Sudan (r) Russia — (5) Australia’ (+) Russia ©) China (d) M General Knowledge-6 — Science Ang Technology , Y Read the introduction of some scientists and name them. You may use the Help Box. He was a mathematician and physicist who gave the Theory oe Relativity. He introduced the famous equation, E = mc’, a the world. He showed energy (E) and matter (m) can be changed from one to the other. He was an unusual child who did not start talking until he was three-years old, learnt to play violin at the age of five. At school, he did not like the strict time-tables and he found the lessons boring. His teachers thought him lazy and a defamer. A British biologist who developed the Theory of Natural Selection to explain the development or evolution of animals, including human beings. He said that humans had evolved from an animal that was also a common ancestor of apes. He was not especially clever at school, but he was keen on nature and used to collect insects and worms in boxes. He left medical school as he felt sick at the sight of blood and did not like dissection or surgery. He derived the Law of Universal Gravitation, Laws of Motion Performed experiments investigating, the nature of light and colour. His school reports were not good and his mother thoug that he might do well in farming. Luckily, intelligence and love for learning. His uncl to send him back to school and then to the ht | his uncle noted his le persuaded his mother university. He patented more than 1, electric light bulb, an electric recording devices, a motion pi more. When he was 12, in order { apparatus, he began selling net Trunk Railway. He even had compartment on the train, Known bulb, he used to sit in a dark cuph« best ideas and inventions. : A Polish astronomer who believed that planets revolve around a stationary S contradicted the belief of the time that said that all ¢ circled in orbits around the earth. All his agtton observations were undertaken without the use of a tel The telescope was invented in about 1608 which was 65 years after he died. (@) Sir Isaac Newton >) (c) Thomas Alva Edison‘«: (e) Albert Einstein (b) Joseph Priestley: (d) Nicolaus Copernicus: (f) Charles Darwing Yogasanas Health And Fitness Yoga helps in meditation and healthcare. It helps to get rid of many ailments, diseases, problems and stress. Doing asanas is a very important part of yoga. Recognise and name the asanas in the following pictures. ¢ Inabalanced position, one “¢ Inthis asana, the leg is rolled over the other person keeps the feet leg, while hands are also apart and tries to rolled one over the other in. | ee front, a | * Itimproves leg flexibility . ee and strength flexibility. Improves muscle tone, * Cures acidity, neck spondylitis, lordosis and kyphosis balance and cures arthritis tis balancing on one foot, while other leg is flexed resting on other leg. Hands | are kept in front. | Itimproves balance In this asana, the person stands straight with both the feet capability. together and tries bending ae oo backwards. The elbows and arthritis ‘ knees are kept straight. It tones up the arm and shoulder muscles. @ It increases flexibility in spine « a. Trikonasana”) b. Vrikshasana ¢. Ardha Chakrasana(#) od. Garudasana ~~ Plants And Animals : ome fishes are amazing because of their unique body structure and descriptions of some amazing fishes whose pictures are given You may use the Help Box This fish has a pair of spines |_| This fish is quite active when on either sides of the tail out of water. It has the ability that are dangerously to breathe through its skin. sharp, just like a surgeon's Itis uniquely adapted to an knife. amphibian lifestyle. 3 This omnivorous Itis a fish with a razor-shaped ] | This fish has the ability tO india freshwater fish lives | spiny tail containing poisonous} rapidly, filling its elastic in South American rivers. glands. When threatened, stomach with water until its Itis known for its sharp teeth it lashes out violently with spines are almost spherical in and an aggressive appetite its spiny tail to shape. This makes it difficult for flesh. defend itself. to swallow this fish. Ip BOX ef a $4 (a) stingray (c) mudskipper (b) pufferfish (d) surgeonfish > (e) piranha (f) mandarin fish General Knowledge-6 (1) A phobia is an f unreasonable, unrealistic and excessive fear of a particular object, objects or a situation, Write the causes for the following phobias, You may use the Help Box. => «=m 1. trypanophobia Tae 2. siderodromophobia 3. thytiphobia 4. pharmacophobia 5. ophidiophobia 6. noctiphobia 7. lachanophobia 8. cenophobia 9. heliophobia 10. gerascophobia 2. Excessivefearofsnakesis called (@) trypanophobia (b) shysiphobia (©) ophidiophobia (@ cenophobia Space Victory Science And Technology The Indian Space Progra mm eg, i i ee eevee e began in 1962. It has made an impressive pro siven below are Given below are pictures of some Indian satellites. Name them using the a India entered the space age by J ) India’s first experimental geo- launching this first ever stationary satellite launched or scientific satellite into space on June 19, 1981, from Kourou April 19, 1975. (French Guiana). Ca India’s first successfully India’s first i launched multi-purpose built second: 7 8 satellite on August 30, 1983. fj | communication satellite “India is set to become the fourth country to : ‘eae? a human being on the moon. Indian Space PBL Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning to > launch ‘Gaganyaan Mission’ into space by 2022. It will be the third biggest space mission | after Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan. hand See (a) INSAT-2A@(b) INSAT- 18 (c) APPLE (d) SLV-3 B(e) IRS-1AW) (fF) Aryabhata' Sobriquets are nicknames or names given to certain places, things and even some persons, Given below are some commonly known sobriquets. Choose the correct answer from the | Help Box and fill in the given blanks. | 1. Saint of the Gutters 2. Man of Blood and Iron i | a 3. Rajaji Saint Teresa Florence Nightingale Kolkat 4. Lady with the Lamp... ae 5. Frontier Gandhi 6. Anna isma William Shakespeare 7. Bard of Avon Bema fam Pe 8. Deshbandhu 9. Loknayak 10. Mahamana CN Annadurai Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Ghaffar Khan (b) William Shakespeare _(c) Florence Nightingale of Kolkata (e) Madan Mohan Malaviya (fF). Jayaprakash Narayan (h) € Rajagopalachari ()_ CN Annadurai go Must Visit Villages } = Of India bir tnd "The soul of India lives in its villages", was well said by Mahatma Gandhi. Ni India thatset an example for the whole country to follow. You may use the He _~_ India’s first solar-powered village Madera, (Gujarat) (a) Mawlynnong (b) Khonema $2 (c) Shani Shingnapur (d) Modhera By (@) Madhap. age np © The three systems of medicine, ‘medicinal preparations of plants, le great Indian Physician, Charaka studied plants and their medicinal values about two thousand years ago. Gun below is a list of plants. Read the name of the plant part used and write the name of the *¢ase oF ailment for which itis used as a remedy. You may use the Help Box. namely Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha are based on the S. Medicinal No. plant 1. cinchona bark 2 neem ees 3. | rauwolfia a 4. vasaka leaves 5. amla fruit 6. isabgol a 7. tulsi leaves 8. eucalyptus leaves 9. ephedra stem 10. datura, poppy seeds ‘asthma and cold (i) constipation and dysentery (j) high blood pressure Names : Old And New Around The Wort Countries and cities around the world have changed their names over the years. In fi you come across the civilisation of ‘Mesopotamia’. This place is now called Iraq. old names of some countries and cities, Write/their new names. You may use the OldName = a] . Brehag ts! ©. aa Kampuchea Madras Abyssinia Gold Coast Salisbury Saigon Netherlands East Indies Persia New Name ile 2 3, 4, | 10. Constantinople 11. Batavia 2. Calcutta | 13, Lan Xang | 14. Bombay |e Burma 16. South West Africa | 17. Ceylon | 18. Stalingrad 19. Trivandrum 20. Poona 21, Bangalore (a) Chennai (g) Namibia (m) Jakarta (s) Ethiopia (b) Pune (h) Iran (n) Thiruvananthapuram (+) Indonesia (c) Kolkata (i) Mumbai (0) Ho Chi Minh City (u) Bengaluru (d) Harare () Ghana (p) Sri Lanka (e) Volgograd (k) Laos (q) Istanbul () Beijing () Cambodia = (r) Myanmar Our India Our National Symbols are unique. They represent the spirit, values and ideals of our nation. We are able to identify ourselves with them. They unite us and give us a special identity Write the ideals represented by our National Symbols. You may use the Help Box. NATIONAL FLAG All Indians are familiar with their flag—the Tricolour. le Saffron represents 3 Tt encourages us to lead a life of dedication to protect and preserve our freedom. White stands for x It inspires us to be truthful and pure in our thoughts. Green symbolises Z National Flag It teaches us to respect our land and resources and to work hard. The Chakra symbolises ei It inspires us to lead the nation to progress and prosperity. NATIONAL ANTHEM ° ° ° 6. THE NATIONAL SONG Our National song is ‘Vande Mataram’ composed by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay. Flag hoisting at public functions is immediately followed by singing of the National Anthem. Our National Anthem was composed by the great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. Though he composed five stanzas, the National ‘Anthem consists of only one stanza. The singing takes about 52 seconds. It is a song in praise of our motherland. It calls fora ... It was the song that was sung throughout our freedom struggle. The freedom fighters greeted each other by saying ‘Vande Mataram’ It inspires us to protect the freedom we won with Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay NATIONAL EMBLEM The National Emblem has two parts—the top or the crest and the bottom or the base. The base has a horse and a bull with a wheel in between. 7, The wheel is the symbol of dharma and inspires us to -. 8, The horse symbolises energy and speed and encourages us to . 9. The bull symbolises steadfastness and inspires us to ‘The crest has four lions though only three can be seen in the picture. The lion stands for majesty, power and strength 10._ Written below them is the motto ‘Satyameva Jayate’ which means ‘woke eh National Emblem — — THE NATIONAL ANIMAL 11. The Royal Bengal tiger found in its natural habitat only in India, is our chosen National Animal. It represents .... XK THE NATIONAL BIRD The magnificent peacock is our National Bird. 12. It has occupied an important place in our folk tales and legends. It represents (THe NATIONAL FLOWER 13, The Lotus is our National Flower. It is found on the surface of ponds and lakes. It symbolises the ability of a person to remain above all evils and wrong doings. It represents (a) movement and progress (h) work hard (b) majesty and power (i) move ahead all the time > (c) great struggle and sacrifice (j) work energetically (d) strength and courage (k) growth and prosperity (e) truth and beauty (I) united and strong India (f) truth alone triumphs (m) grace and majesty (g) harmony, peace and truth General Knowleac. c ™ Theme Parks — Sports And Entertainment Look i Ste x oy ‘he Pictures and name the theme parks. You may use the Help Box. ee Gandhipet Road, Hyderabad Casa : EZ ©) Funand Food | eo Village LM (b) Ocean Park (c) Wonderla (d) Gujarat = Sarkhej Gandhinagar, Science City Kapashera, New Delhi Ahmedabad henna Look at the pictures and name the parks. You may use the Help Bo: Worlds Of Wonder Nicco Park a) Salt Lake City, Kolkata Noida, Uttar Pradesh Lae €D cenerat knowledge-6 rf are m, any Given below > P12°e8 in India that remind us of our glorious Past Structure, Write Pictures of monuments famous for their historical sign! their names in the given blanks. You may use the Help Box: re It is 7 ine huge historic fort situated near 2 im Rajasthan and is a perfect ““mple of Indian architecture, Se he It is the highest gate in the world (177 ft high) near Agra. Itisa gateway to Fatehpur Sikri. It wasbuilt by Akbar the Great. 1. Itisfamous for Buddhist Cave Temples. (@) Buland Darwaza (b) Amber Fore (© Ajantaand Ellora 2. Which of the following was built by Akbar? (a) TajMahal (b) Amber Fort (©. Humayun's tomb © General Knowledge-6 Indian Monuments (@) Humayun’s tomb (d) Buland Darwaza ficance and excellen, Itis the first garden tomb built in the Indian sub- continent. The top of its central dome is 140 feet hhigh from the ground. The building embodies | both Indian and Persianstylesofarchitecture. (c) Amber Fort (d) Ajanta and Ellora } This is the only part of the human body that cannot heal or repair on its own. 2 This is the strongest muscle This is the fastest growing in the human body. tissue in the human body, next _ tothe bone marrow. (a) nail » (d) hyoidbone (e) teeth © (q) eyes This is the only organ of t body that regenerates itsel Ourimmune system is able to fight most ofthe re ij a The finger prints and the tongue prints of two persons are a From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size, General Knowledge-6 (5) Famous Works Language And Literature Some authors have be names of the bool Box. Charles Dickens VS Naipaul 8) ieee Jai a) b).. Oe (a) Malgudi Days (b) Coolie bie (c) The Jungle Book (d) A Bend in the River (e) Two lives (f) A Tale of Two Cities (g) Untouchable (h) A Suitable Boy (i) The Middle Passage () The Guide (k) Mr. Sampat (1) The Light That Failed BAD ccc }» ae come world famous because of their excellent literary work. Write the ks under the names of authors in the given blanks. You may use the Help ~ Mulk Raj Anand Rudyard Kipling (m) David Copperfield (n) The Village (0) kim (p) An Area of Darkness (q) Oliver Twist (r) The Golden Gate on ae somebody knocks at the door, what should you do’ choose the correct options. You may use the Help Box. When you are alone at home the following situations have a parcel for your father Please open the door. > Tam your father’s friend. Please open ater, I have been told not to open the door the door to take the parcel (c) Uncle, I am opening the door, door but I do not know where the electric fault is, loor, please (f) Sorry, we have not called you nows (a) Please come | (b) Tam opening (d)Qh am opening the (e) Leave the parcel at he d = pneaneral KAOWledeeune Tae Sculpture Material General Awareness For thousands of years, humans have been using all sorts of ee ee sculptures, Recognise the material used in each of the following sculptures and write the names in th, given blanks. You may use the Help Box. Zz as [Fontaine Stravinsky ‘ay ) (b) Plaster and Wax (©) Bronze Jade (e) Gypsum (f) Marble (g) Stainless steel (h) Diorite () Wood Amazing Animals plants And Animals Some amazing animals, their characteristics and unique habits are described below. Write their names in the blanks provided with the help of the clues given in the Help Box. { Itis the only female mammal that can temporarily change its sex. It is a cat-like canivore—a native of Madagascar, Africa, | } Itis the most efficient scavenger. It | isthe only || g “animal with a digestive system | the mother builds ane that can break down even | protect them from | bones and horns. | il es This mammal has the fastest fies heartbeat, about 1,500 beats per minute. Iedoes not sleep at all ma ion of | | ground as a “remains airborn This isa poisonous bird. Its survival outof feathers and = water. When skin contain a very powerful __ | thewaterdries,itburrowsintothe | ground and formsa moisture saving cocoon around itsbody to saveitself. Itbreatheswith its lungs. (d) bulldog ant " (e) spotted hyena (hy) ? (c) female fossa (f) lungfish @ Scientific Instruments Science And Technology Given below are the pictures of some scientific instruments. Read the description and name them. You may use the Help Box. ‘A medical instrument for hearing and analysing the sounds ofthe heart that have been typed at another place and sent by telephone lines An instrument to An instrument to measure A device to measure the A device to detect the measure the strength of _the velocity and direction purity of milk direction and range of an an electric current of the wind approaching aeroplan () transformer (f) anemometer (b) microscope (g) stethoscope (c) teleprinter (h) lactometer A device to regulate (d) ammeter (i) radar the voltage of electric (e) telescope power supply General Knowledge-6 ae Language And Literature aproverb is a well-known and widel Read the explanations and writ use the Help Box. 1 2 10. Proverbs Galore ly used saying that expresses some truth or wisdom. 'e the corresponding proverbs in the spaces provided. You may Do not draw a conclusion about something just from the way it looks Destroying things is easier than building them. When things are extremely bad, it may signal that they are about to get much better. Things often Appear different from what they really are. you have a favourable opportunity to do something, do it, or you will lose your chance. You should hi ave a cheerful attitude but make sure you are ready for disaster. Don't be controlled by other people, be independent. Let something happen regard Ifevery one helps with a large task, it will get done easily and quickly. To make every possible effort to achieve something. (a) Things are seldom what they seem. The darkest hour is just before (b) Many hands make work light the dawn, BAD (c) There is a tide in the affairs of men. = (d) Leave no stone unturned. (e) Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Let the chips fall where they may. Don't judge a book by its cover, Be one's own master. Tt is easier to tear down than to build up. ' i each sequence ea may the missing Mn “A an A\|A | ns | = a ai HaGe 5 Rivers Of The World ground The World cid in the map given below: Name the most important rivers and river-systems of the wo Description of a River (Ear gi] —— ke here.) aa [B (Oxbow lake (A lake made| due toa bend in river when the iver changes its path foroourse) [E)Moath Grom here the | ‘iver lows into an ocean) | Congo Mississippi-Missouri Danube General Ka@wied sau Our India Look at the Indians who inspire us every day because of their 4 D's — Desire, Dedication, Determination and Discipline. Their never-say-die attitude has helped them overcome th, Physical disabilities and enabled them to excel in their respective fields. Read about them, ang igrite their names using the Help Box. He lost sensation in the lower ha Ifo After an unfortunate swimming accident, 8 his body when he was a kid. But - she was paralysed below herneck. She didn't let this disability affect hi, ,, became the captain of the Under-19 — x He became the first Indian with Tamil Nadu women’s cricket team. She 4 disability to skydive from 14,9), feet. He also became the first Indian with disability to tray, to Antarctica. He has co- founded Sahasra, an organisstin that provides scholarships tg disadvantaged students for higher studies, founded 'Soulfree’, an organisation that works for spreading awareness on the prevention of spinal cord injuries. A dentist by profession, she had to take the wheelchair after she met with an accident Instead of losing hope, she pursued her interests in Psychology and fashion. In 2014, she won Miss Wheelchair India’ title. She represented India in Miss Wheelchair World 2017 and won the S title of 'Miss Popularity’ (@) Lalit Kumar Samyak (b) Preethi Srinivasan (©) Rajalakshmi ST (d) Sai Prasad Vishwanathan @ Heis the founder of Evara foundation the YouTube channel ‘Dashamlay and the website, ‘We Capable’ Thes web platforms provide useful information and guidance tc people with disabilities. 1 book 'Vitamin Zinda inspirational story of hope, faith, courage ani hardwork change your life. He has won a National Award for being a Role Model for Persons with Disabilitie Tick (V) the correct answers. She holds the Guinness World Record for being the world's smallest living woman. (a) Sadhna Dhand () (b) syoti Amage (© (2) Ammu Mohan This popular Indian actor was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of nine. (a) Abhishek Bachchan (~) (b) Akshay Kumar (2 (0) Amir khan ED Under his captaincy, India won 120 Blind Cricket World Cup in 2012 and Blind Cricket World Cup in 20 (a) Akbar Khan (_(b) Shekhar N (2 (0) H Boniface Prabhu J General Knowledge-6 i Mountains “Around The Worta A mountain is a raised part of the earth’s surface, higher than a hill. The topmost part of the mountain, the peak, is often covered with snow. tren Dos are pictures and descriptions of some mountains. Name them. You may use the Help Box. 1, Tallest mountain range that contains 96 of the world’s 109 tallest peaks 2, Longest mountain range in South America (4,300 miles long) rena 3. Highest island mountain peak in west Irian, New Guinea 4. Largest volcanic mountain in Hawaii, with a crater 3 miles long and 1 mile wide 5. Most photographed and painted mountain (Japan) in the world 6. Most sacred mountain considered by three religious groups, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims in Sri Lanka bone | 7, Highest mountain peak in Greece, known as the “Homes of the Gods” Mountain noted for its gigantic sculpture of four US Presidents (a) The Andes (b) Puncak Jaya (or Carstensz Pyramid) (©) Mt. Fuji (4) Mauna Loa (e) The Hi (f) Mt. Rushmore (@) Adam's Peak (h) Mt. OI General Knowledge-g fT Artist Par Excellence General Ai Wwareness dina wid w and paintes ide is life created sculptures, rn times. He d throughout ‘ye ae Des work in the given Pablo Pi, Tange ordiage Oe of the greatest artists of mode designs, pots a a styles. He had enormous energy an@ Recognise th : nd prints as well as thousands of paintings: bina te following works of Pablo Picasso. Write ‘ay use the Help Box. ee a Tes es es re Around The World | _ Nature is wonderful if not disturbed by humans. Write the names of the natural sites whose pictures and brief descriptions are given below. You may use the Help Box. , & + formed approximately 600 million years ago ¢ rises 863 m above the sea levelandis3.6km long # glows and tums orange at sunrise | - ¢ located at the southern tip of | South America close to Antarctica glaciers carve out huge Valleys in the mountain and the seais full oficebergs (a) Patagonian ice fields (b) Great Barrier Reef (Australia) (c) Uluru (Australia) | Nature At Its Best 2. 1G m- * formed where volcanic rocks inside the earth heat water to boiling point in underground chasms erupts as a fountain of scalding water and steam up toaheightof 460m 3 a ‘ world’ highest peak (8,848 m) natural barrier between the Indian sub-continent and northern Asia (d) Niagara Fa (@) Geysers (1 ¢ stretches for 2,600 km in the PacificOcean * includes 350 species brightly coloured coral 1,500 species of fish, anemones General Knowledge-6 | Sports And Entertainment An adv adventurering is an activity that comprises ris! *Person who baseshis/her lifestyle or fortunes 08 name the following adventure sports. You may use danger and unce) ke, dame onadventurous acts. the Help Box. Recognise an Swit oe i cermmers go deep below the] |Peoplestinalightnarowboatand caage Of the water and explore) | useapaddle withabladeto move | downsurfs streamsorrivers. a | | People hang fromabig kite People fly distances in this| |Peoplejumpfroma considerable, | vehicle. | |height while being attached E| : anelasticrope. are (@) canoeing (c) hot-air ballooning (bp) scuba-diving (d) bungee jumping... s © Snorkeling is an adventure activity in which swimmers swim in shallow ah water. They use a long tube that reaches up to the surface and allows them to breathe through the mouth. This tube is called the snorfel. oo] ale]o]n]o] 0] o]- wlolN}s[=]o] a ofa [=o volo} s[oln ol n|=]o]s| af oo] a als O)/o) wir |~)o [0] 0] -[o[n] ofa] n]ofo]olo]

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