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Unit 5 The Power of Video as an Instructional Asset

Rea and Scott are two online instructors who teach how to make shawarma from The Avengers movie
and how to use Adobe Illustrator for beginners, respectively. In this text, I will analyze their conversation
style in their videos and answer the following questions:

- Are Rea and Scott's conversation style in the video effective in delivering information?

- What impact did the quality of this video have on your perception of the content?

- What type of tone do Rea and Scott use to deliver instruction, was the narration monotone and flat or
did the creation convey a sense of enthusiasm?

- Did you feel like Rea and Scott were speaking to you when presenting instruction?

- Do you think Rea and Scott have anything to teach us as faculty and instructional designers about
creating more effective instructional videos?

First, I think Rea and Scott's conversation style is effective in delivering information because they both
use clear and simple language, explain each step of the process, and provide visual examples. They also
use humor, anecdotes, and personal opinions to make their videos more engaging and relatable. For
example, Rea jokes about his love for shawarma and how he learned to make it from his Palestinian
friend, while Scott shares his experience as a graphic designer and his tips for using Illustrator tools. They
also address their audience directly by asking questions, giving feedback, and encouraging them to
practice along.

Second, I think the quality of their videos has a positive impact on my perception of the content because
they both use high-resolution images, sound effects, music, transitions, and captions to enhance their
presentation. They also edit their videos to remove unnecessary parts, highlight important points, and
show different angles or perspectives. For example, Rea shows how to cut the chicken, make the sauces,
and assemble the shawarma from different views, while Scott zooms in and out, switches between
windows, and uses arrows and circles to show how to use Illustrator features. They also use consistent
branding, colors, and fonts to create a professional look.

Third, I think Rea and Scott use a friendly and enthusiastic tone to deliver instruction because they both
speak with a natural and expressive voice, vary their pitch and volume, and use gestures and facial
expressions. They also show their passion and interest for their topics by using positive words,
exclamations, and compliments. For example, Rea says things like "this is amazing", "this is so good", and
"I love this stuff" when he tastes his shawarma, while Scott says things like "this is awesome", "this is
super cool", and "you're doing great" when he demonstrates Illustrator techniques. They also smile, nod,
wink, and laugh throughout their videos.

Fourth, I think Rea and Scott make me feel like they are speaking to me when presenting instruction
because they both use a conversational and informal style, address me as "you" or "we", and ask for my
feedback or opinion. They also create a sense of connection and interaction by looking at the camera,
responding to comments or questions from their viewers or students, and inviting me to join their social
media platforms or websites. For example, Rea says things like "let me know what you think", "what do
you want to see next", and "follow me on Instagram" at the end of his video, while Scott says things like
"let me know if you have any questions", "what do you think of this logo", and "join me on Facebook"
during his course. They also use my name or nickname if I have one.

Fifth, I think Rea and Scott have a lot to teach us as faculty and instructional designers about creating
more effective instructional videos because they both follow some best practices for online learning such

- Setting clear learning objectives and outcomes

- Breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks

- Providing multiple examples and practice opportunities

- Giving constructive feedback and reinforcement

- Using multimedia elements to support learning

- Creating an engaging and interactive learning environment

- Evaluating learning outcomes and satisfaction

In conclusion, I think Rea and Scott are excellent online instructors who use their conversation style
effectively to deliver information, create a positive impact on my perception of the content, use a
friendly and enthusiastic tone to deliver instruction, make me feel like they are speaking to me when
presenting instruction, and teach me valuable lessons about creating more effective instructional videos.

The Power of Video as an Instructional Asset

Rea and Scott are two instructors who teach how to make shawarma and how to use Adobe Illustrator
respectively. Their conversation style in the video is effective in delivering information because they use
clear explanations, engaging examples, and helpful tips. They also use humor, enthusiasm, and personal
stories to connect with the audience and make the learning process more enjoyable.

The quality of the video has a positive impact on the perception of the content because it shows that the
instructors are professional, knowledgeable, and passionate about their topics. The video has high-
resolution images, crisp audio, smooth transitions, and appropriate captions. The video also has a good
pace, structure, and length that keep the viewers interested and focused.

Rea and Scott use a friendly and casual tone to deliver instruction. They do not sound monotone and
flat, but rather convey a sense of excitement and curiosity. They also use variations in pitch, volume, and
speed to emphasize important points and create contrast.

Rea and Scott make the viewers feel like they are speaking to them when presenting instruction by using
direct address, personal pronouns, and inclusive language. They also acknowledge the viewers' needs,
challenges, and goals and offer solutions and suggestions.

Rea and Scott have a lot to teach us as faculty and instructional designers about creating more effective
instructional videos. They demonstrate how to use a conversational style that is informative, engaging,
and relatable. They also show how to use high-quality video production that enhances the learning
experience. They also model how to use various instructional strategies that cater to different learning
styles and preferences.

In conclusion, I think Rea and Scott are excellent online instructors who use their conversation style
effectively to deliver information, create a positive impact on my perception of the content, use a
friendly and enthusiastic tone to deliver instruction, make me feel like they are speaking to me when
presenting instruction, and teach me valuable lessons about creating more effective instructional videos.

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