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BITS Pilani Fluid in motion:

Pilani Campus

Objectives: Pipe bend

1. Velocities at various points in flow field
2. Force and moment reactions
3. Energy transfer

Turbine bucket

Integral Relations for a Control Volume

Chapter-3 J S Rathore
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Fluid in motion: Eulerian description:

There are two distinct ways to describe motion:
 The Eulerian description is often more
1. Lagrangian (particle or system approach) convenient for fluid mechanics
2. Eulerian (Control volume approach) applications.
 In the Eulerian description, we define
Lagrangian description: To follow the path of individual objects
field variables, such as the pressure field
This method requires us to track the position and velocity of each individual fluid and the velocity field, at any location and
particle. instant in time.

With a small number of objects, such as

billiard balls on a pool table, individual
objects can be tracked.

Flow through a pipe

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Fluid in motion: Reynolds Transport Theorem :

1. System and control volume (fixed, moving & deforming) Relation between the rate of change of any extensive property of the system
and its variations associated with a control volume.
2. The law of mass conservation
Control volume A  
3. Newton’s IInd law of motion System approach
CV approach
   ( x, y , z , t )
4. First law of thermoD 1. A control volume ALBR

R 2. Finite mass of fluid (i.e. system) at time t

3. An extensive property of fluid N and
specific property n

System at time t

( System)t  (CV )t N  nm  N   n( dV )

t - ∆t t t + ∆t
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Reynolds Transport Theorem : Reynolds Transport Theorem :

 N (t  t )  N cv (t )  N III (t  t )  N I (t  t ) 
A ( System)t  ( I  II )t  (CV )t dN
 lim  cv 
dt sys t 0  t 
( System)t  t  ( II  III )t  t
cv ndV t  t  cv ndV t III ndV t  t I ndV t  t
L I II RIII  (CV  I  III )t  t  lim
t 0 t
 lim
t  0 t
 lim
t  0 t
System at time t+Δt
(1) ( 2) (3)
B dN N sys (t  t )  N sys (t )
 lim
System at time t dt sys t 0 t
dN Amount of N that has Amount of N that
 Rate of change of moved out of control
dt N within the CV has moved in
 N (t  t )  N cv (t )  N III (t  t )  N I (t  t ) 
surface ARB in time Δt through ALB
 lim  cv 
dt sys t 0  t 
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Reynolds Transport Theorem : Reynolds Transport Theorem :

 Rate of change of
Amount of N that has Amount of N that dN s   
dt N within the CV moved out of control has moved in   nρdV   n(ρv .dA)
surface ARB in time Δt through ALB dt t cv cs

 ndV 
(1)  lim cv  cv ndV
t 0 t t N  m (mass) n
Control volume A m
Rate of change of N within the CV
   
 α  Fluid volume swept out of area dA in time Δt N  P  m n 

  dt(dA cos )     
R   N  H  m (r  ) n  (r  )
L   .( dA)( t )
N  E (energy) ne
dN s   
  nρdV   n(ρv .dA)
B dt t cv cs
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System at time t BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Continuity equation : Ex 1 :
Consider the steady flow of water (1000 kg/m3) through a multi-valve
dN    device shown.
  nρdV   n(ρ .dA) ------- (1)
dt sys t cv cs Given A1 = 0.2 m2, A2 = 0.5 m2, A3 = A4 = 0.4 m2

The mass flow rate out through section (3) is 388 kg/sec. The volume

N inflow rate through section (4) is 1 m3/s and V1  10 iˆ m/s . Find flow velocity
Replace N  m (mass) n 1
m at section 2.
A4   
60˚   ρdV   (ρ .dA)  0
t cv
dm       cs
  ρdV   (ρ .dA)   ρdV   (ρ .dA)  0 A3
dt sys t cv cs t cv cs
4  
mcv   (ρ . A)  0   2  ?
Finite mass or fixed A1 30˚
 m
 out   m
 in  0 1
quantity of mass t
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BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Ex 2 (P 3.35) : Ex 3 :
In some wind tunnels the test section is perforated to suck out fluid and Two very long parallel plates of length 2L are separated by a distance b.
provide a thin viscous boundary layer. The test section wall in Fig contains The upper plate moves downward at a constant rate v0. A fluid fills the
1200 holes of 5-mm diameter each per square meter of wall area. The space between the plates. Fluid is squeezed out between the plates.
suction velocity through each hole is vs = 8 m/s, and the test-section Determine the maximum fluid velocity if the exit velocity is parabolic.
entrance velocity is v1 = 35 m/s. Assuming incompressible steady flow of
(Take unit width perpendicular to paper)
air, compute (a) vo (b) v2 (c) vf in m/s
   o   
  ρdV   (ρ .dA)  0
  ρdV   (ρ .dA)  0
t cv t cv cs
3′ 2′ 1′ O′

 y y2 
b y   4 max   2 
b b 

3 2 1 O 
 (   2 L  b  1)  2m
 out   m
 in  0
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Impulse Momentum equation : Impulse Momentum equation :

      
d m sys   Fsys    (ρ .dA)    ρdV 
   Fsys ------- (1)
cs t cv
Sum of all Time rate of change of
external forces linear momentum of
The net flow rate of
dN    acting on CV the contents of the CV
  nρdV   n(ρ .dA) ------- (2) linear momentum
dt sys t cv cs out of the Control
Surface by mass flow
       

N  m n
N 
 Fgravity  Fpressure  Freaction    (ρ .dA)    ρdV 
m cs t cv

d m        p2 = patm
  Fsys    ρdV     (ρ .dA) ------- (3)
dt sys t cv cs
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Impulse Momentum equation : BITS Pilani

Pilani Campus

d m       
  Fsys    ρdV     (ρ .dA)
dt sys t cv cs
Pipe bend
1. Pipe bend, Nozzle, Diffuser
2. Jet propulsion
3. Flow through pumps, turbines, propellers

Nozzle Turbine bucket

Integral Relations for a Control Volume
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Continuity equation : revise Continuity equation :

Reynolds transport equation:
1. System
  
2. CV (3D form of Leibniz integral rule)   ρdV   (ρ .dA)  0
t cv cs
System at t3 dN   
  nρdV   n(ρ .dA) mcv
dt sys t cv cs  m
 out   m
 in  0
System Accumulation Flux rate
parameter in CV through CS

msys  constant
Net change in
Total mass entering Total mass leaving
mass within the
the CV during Δt the CV during Δt
CV during Δt
dm   
System at t2   ρdV   (ρ .dA)
dt sys t cv cs
System at t1
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Impulse Momentum equation : Application:

d m sys  dN         
   Fsys   nρdV   n(ρ .dA)  Fsys    ρdV     (ρ .dA)
dt dt sys t cv cs t cv cs
------- (1) Pipe bend
 N 
N  m n   1. Pipe bend, Nozzle, Diffuser
m 2. Jet propulsion
 3. Flow through pumps, turbines, propellers
d m      
   ρdV     (ρ .dA)
dt sys t cv cs Nozzle Turbine bucket
------- (2)

     
 Fsys    ρdV     (ρ .dA) ------- (3)
t cv cs
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Impulse Momentum equation : Impulse Momentum equation :

      Force exerted on a reducing pipe bend from a steady flow of fluid
 Fsys    (ρ .dA)    ρdV  ------- (3)
cs t cv
FBD of the control volume A1
1. Pressure forces at section 1 p1 A2
   and 2
 Fx    x (ρ .dA)    x ρdV  2. Pressure and shear forces p2
cs t cv exerted on the fluid by pipe
  
  y ρdV 
3. Body force due to weight of
 Fy    y (ρ .dA)  the fluid in CV
cs t cv

  
 Fz    z (ρ .dA)    z ρdV 
cs t cv

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Impulse Momentum equation : Impulse Momentum equation :

  
v1  Fy    y (ρ .dA)    y ρdV  v1
v2 cs t cv v2

   
   y (ρ .dA)    y (ρ .dA)
1 2
  
 Fx    x (ρ .dA)    x ρdV  Bx and By are the force comp
cs t cv acting on the fluid by pipe bend 0  p2 A2 sin  By  W  0  (2 sin )(m

   
p1 A1  p2 A2 cos  Bx    x (ρ .dA)    x (ρ .dA)
1 2

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BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Ex 2: Ex 3:
Water flows steadily through a horizontal 30˚ pipe bend as shown in Fig. At Water flows steadily through the 90˚ reducing elbow shown in Fig. At the
section 1: the diameter is 0.3 m, the velocity is 12 m/s and the pressure is inlet to the elbow, the absolute pressure is 220 kPa and the cross-sectional
128 kPa gage. At section 2: diameter is 0.38 m and the pressure is 145 kPa area is 0.01 m2. At the outlet, the cross-sectional area is 0.0025 m2 and the
gage. Determine the force Fx and Fz necessary to hold the pipe bend velocity is 16 m/s. The elbow discharges to the atmosphere. Determine the
stationary. force require to hold the elbow in place. (Atmospheric pressure 101 kPa)

Bz v2

v1 Bx


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Home assignment: BITS Pilani

Pilani Campus
P 3.59, 3.65

Integral Relations for a Control Volume

Lecture – 3
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Objectives: Impulse Momentum equation :

Velocity wrt CV
1. Impulse momentum principle with moving control volume      
 Fsys    (ρ .dA)    ρdV 
2. Angular momentum principle cs t cv
   
 Impulse turbine   rel    u
 Reaction turbine v

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Solved Ex 3.9: Text book P 3.51:

A water jet of velocity Vj impinges normal to plate A 50 mm diameter water jet having a velocity of 25 m/sec, strikes an
that moves to the right at velocity Vc as shown in inclined plate and splits into 2 jets. Assume that the flow over the plate is
Fig 3.9. Find the force required to keep the plate frictionless. Calculate the resultant force required to maintain its position
moving at constant velocity if the jet density is (θ = 60˚)
1000 kg/m3, the jet area is 3 cm2, and Vj and Vc are a. When the plate is stationary.
b. When the plate is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s in the direction of
20 and 15 m/s, respectively.
Neglect the weight of jet and plate, assume steady  
frictionless flow with respect to the moving plate  Fn    n (ρ .dA) tˆ
with the jet splitting into an equal upward and cs n̂
downward half jet.
     
 Fsys    (ρ .dA)    ρdV 
cs t cv
  
   
 Fsys   (  u ) ρ(  u ).dA 
Rx  (rx )in (m
 in )  (rx )1(m
 1)  (rx ) 2 (m
 2)  Fn  1.0627 kN
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Text book P 3.51: Home assignment

When the plate is moving with      
a velocity of 10 m/s in the  Fsys    (ρ .dA)    ρdV 
direction of jet. t cv Q2
 ?

u = 10 m/s
= 60˚ (Moving control volume)
   
  rel    u
Problem 3.60

Problem 3.168
  

  
 Fsys   (  u ) ρ(  u ).dA 
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Angular Momentum principle : Angular Momentum principle :

dN         
  n(ρ .dA)   nρdV ------- (RTE)  
 M sys   (r  )(ρ .dA) 
dt t cv  (r  )ρdV
sys cs
cs t cv
    
Replace N  H  m (r  ) n  (r  ) Equation is applicable to all rotating machines such as Turbines, Pumps,
Fans, Blowers, Lawn sprinkler

d         
[m(r  )]   (r  )(ρ .dA)   (r  )ρdV
dt t cv
 
    
 M x   (r  ) x (ρ .dA)   (r  ) x ρdV
          t cv
 (r  Fsys )  M sys   (r  )(ρ .dA)   (r  )ρdV

cs t cv
Resultant moment Net flow rate of angular
due to all forces momentum through control
Rate of accumulation Mz
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Angular Momentum principle :

Angular Momentum principle : Turbines
  
       
      M sys   (r  )(ρ .dA)   (r  )ρdV
 M sys   (r  )(ρ .dA)   (r  )ρdV t cv
cs t cv cs

Turbines Impulse Turbines Reaction Turbines

 Lester Pelton (1870)  James Francis (1848)
runner runner

      
 M z   (r  ) z (ρ .dA)   (r  ) z ρdV Pelton Turbine-Wheel Working & Design.mp4 Francis Turbine.mp4
cs t cv
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Turbines: Turbines:
Classification based on the action of water flowing through the runner Classification based on the action of water flowing through the runner

1. Impulse turbine  Impulse action of water

1. Impulse turbine
2. Reaction turbine generates the torque 2. Reaction turbine
runner  All available energy converted
into kinetic energy 2
 No difference in pressure at  Air tight casing
inlet and outlet i.e. Patm  Runs due to pressure difference
everywhere between inlet and outlet
 ri = ro  Radial inward flow


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Impulse turbines: Impulse turbines:

       
(1  r)  M z   (rin in ) z (ρ .dA)   (rout out ) z (ρ .dA)
inlet out
(1  r)
r θ  M z  r (1  r)(ρQ)  r[(1  r) cos ](ρQ)
y θ
1 Tshaft   M z  r (1  r)(1  cos )(ρQ)
(1  r)
       Power developed P  T (1  r)
 M z   (r  ) z (ρ .dA)   (r  ) z ρdV
cs t cv
Power output r (1  r )(1  cos )(ρQ )
        Efficiency  
 M z   (rin in ) z (ρ .dA)   (rout out ) z (ρ .dA) input 1
(ρQ )12
inlet out 2
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Impulse turbines: Impulse turbines:

How would your analysis differ if there were many, many buckets on the
u (1  u )(1  cos )(ρQ ) wheel, so that the jet was continuously striking at least one bucket?
(ρQ )12
Condition for maximum efficiency :

d (1  cos )
 0  max 
du 2

Tshaft   M z  r (1  r)(1  cos )(ρQ)

(1  u ) θ

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Ex 1: Reaction turbines/pumps:
An impulse water turbine has a number of similar buckets one of which is    
shown in Fig.  M z   (r  ) z (ρ .dA)
Water strikes on bucket of an impulse turbine with a velocity of 31.4 m/s cs
and at the rate of 0.05 m3/s. The mean bucket speed is 10 m/s and the
deflection angle (β) by the bucket for discharge is 150˚. Calculate power eˆr eˆ eˆz
output. Consider atmospheric pressure through out and the friction of  
bucket reduces the relative velocity of water by 10%. Mz   r 0 0 (ρ .dA)
 r  z

(1  u )  
θ  M z   (r ) z (ρ .dA)
 M z  ( r )in (m
 in )  ( r ) out (m
 out )
        k (1  u)
 M z   (rin in ) z (ρ .dA)   (rout out ) z (ρ .dA)  )[(r ) out  ( r )in ] Eq 3.60
 M z  (m Vθ1
inlet out
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Ex 2 (Solved problem 3.17): Home assignment:

Water from a reservoir flows through a pipe bend of diameter 75 mm in the
configuration shown. The pipe bend is supported at point A. Compute the 1. Solved E 3.2, 3.5, 3.9 and 3.10
torque T that must be resisted by the support at A, if p1 (gage) = 690 kPa, p2 2. Unsolved Problems 3.51, 56, 59
(gage) = 550 kPa, V1 = 12 m/s, h1 = 50 mm and h2 = 250 mm. 3. P 3.60, 63, 64
4. P 3.161, 168, 169

    
 M z   (r  ) z (ρ .dA)  ()
cs t
        
TA  r  Fpressure   r  gdm  (r1 1 )(m
 1 )  (r2 2 )(m
 
TA  h1 ( p1 A1 )  h2 ( p2 A2 )   r  gdm  (h11 )(m
 )  (h22 )(m
49 50
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Energy principle: System approach Energy principle :

First law of thermodynamics s
Q W   
   e(ρ .dA)   e(ρdV )
 Q   W ------- (A) t t cs t cv pdA
Q W dE
Q  W  dE ------- (B)    ------- (C)
t t dt
E  U  KE  PE  U  m 2  mgz W  Wshaft  W flow  Wviscous  Welect / etc
1  dA( )
e  u   2  gz Work transmitted
2 Work done by the
by a rotating shaft normal and shear
W (+) components of viscous
Q (+) Work done by the
system p   forces on the control
W (-)  (ρ .dA) pressure forces on surface
Q (-) ρ the control surface
51 52
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Energy principle : SFEE :

Q W   
   e(ρ .dA)   e(ρdV ) ------- (1) p 2    
t t cs t cv Q  W shaft     u   gz (ρ .dA)   e(ρdV )  Wother
cs ρ 2  t cv
  
Q  (W shaft  W flow  Wviscous  Wetc )   e(ρ .dA)   e(ρdV )
cs t cv p 2 
 u   gz  (m
) W s
 2 1
p    
Q  W shaft     e (ρ .dA)   e(ρdV )  Wother
cs  ρ  t cv

p    Q
2 
Q  W s     u   gz (ρ .dA)   e(ρdV )  Wother ---- (2)
cs ρ 2  t cv p

 2 
 
 ρ  u  2  gz  (m)
 2
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Flow through a passage: Energy principle :

Head loss or loss of energy:
p 2    
Q  W shaft     u   gz (ρ .dA)   e(ρdV )
cs ρ 2  t cv  u2  u1  p  p2 12  22
   hL OR h f  1   z1  z2
 g  ρg 2g
Assumptions : 1. Steady flow
2. Incompressible
3. Adiabatic
4. No work done Due to friction Due to eddies formation or
(Major losses) turbulence
i.e. change in velocity
p 2  p 2 
 u   gz     u   gz  (magnitude or direction)
ρ ρ (Minor/local losses)
 2 1  2 2
1. Sudden change in flow passage area
u2  u1  p1 12  p 2  Part of mechanical energy 2. Some obstruction in flow passage
    z1    2  2  z2  that is converted into 3. At the entrance and exit of pipes/tanks
g  ρg 2 g   ρg 2g  intermolecular energy 4. Elbows, bends, pipe fittings

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Energy principle : Ex 1:
Head loss or loss of energy: Sea water (ρ = 1025 kg/m3) flows through a pump at 0.21 m3/s. The pump
inlet is 0.24 m in diameter. At the inlet, the pressure is – 20 kPa. The pump
outlet, 0.12 m in diameter, is 1.8 m above the inlet. The outlet pressure is
 u2  u1  p1  p2 12  22
 g   hL  ρg  2 g  z1  z2 175 kPa. How much power does the pump add to the fluid? Neglect the
  frictional losses.

Assumptions : 1. Steady flow p 2    

2. Incompressible Q  W s     u   gz (ρ .dA)  ()
cs ρ 2  t 2
3. Adiabatic
4. No work done  
 (m
p 2
5. Frictionless/inviscid flow  )( 1  u1  1  gz1 )  1.8 m
 ρ 2 
 W s   
 22
p 2   (m

 )(  u2   gz2 ) 
 z C Bernoulli’s equation
 ρ 2 
ρg 2 g
 p  p1  22  12 
 ) 2
 W s  (m   g ( z2  z1 ) 
 ρ
 2 
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Ex 2: Ex 2:
An exhaust fan draws air from a room through a 0.3 m diameter round
duct that has a smoothly rounded entrance. A differential manometer
connected to an opening in the wall of the duct shows a vacuum pressure
of 2.5 cm of water. The density of air is ρair = 1.22 kg/m3. Determine
1. the volumetric air flow rate in duct.
2. The fan power in kW. Wall thickness

1. Steady flow
2. Incompressible
3. ∆u = 0  p  p1 32  12 
 ) 3
 Q  W s  (m   g ( z3  z1 )  (u3  u1 ) 
 ρ
 2 

 p  p1  22  12 
 ) 2
 Q  W s  (m   g ( z2  z1 )  (u2  u1 ) 
 ρ
 2 

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


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