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Name: Rizqi Catur Prayogi

Class: 2021-B

The Correlation Between the Students Critical Reading Mastery, Students Reading Habit, And Their
Achievement in Writing an Article

isunya seharusnya dimuali dari communication skill

Research Background

The ability to read critically, write effectively, and develop a habit of reading are essential skills for
students who want to succeed in academic and professional settings. However, not all students possess these
skills or practice them regularly. Therefore, it is important to investigate how these three variables are related and
what factors influence them.

Critical reading is a skill that enables students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information from
various texts. It involves applying higher-order thinking skills such as inference, interpretation, comparison, and
critique. Critical reading is essential for academic success and lifelong learning because it helps students to
develop their own opinions, arguments, and perspectives on various issues. However, many students lack critical
reading skills or do not use them effectively. Some of the challenges that students face in critical reading include
lack of motivation, prior knowledge, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies.

Reading habit is a behavior that reflects how often and how much students read for pleasure or for
academic purposes. It can influence their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and general knowledge. Reading
habits can also foster students’ interest, curiosity, and creativity. However, many students do not have a positive
reading habit or do not read enough. Some of the factors that affect students’ reading habits include availability
of books, time management, social environment, and personal preferences.

Writing an article is a complex task that requires students to generate ideas, organize information, use
appropriate language, and follow conventions of academic writing. It is a valuable skill for communicating
research findings and opinions to a wider audience. Writing an article can also enhance students’ critical thinking,
creativity, and self-expression. However, many students struggle with writing an article or do not achieve their
desired outcomes. Some of the difficulties that students encounter in writing an article include lack of ideas,
coherence, grammar, and feedback.

The correlation between students’ critical reading mastery, reading habit, and their achievement in writing
an article is an interesting topic to explore because it can reveal how these three variables interact and affect each
other. Previous studies have shown that there are positive relationships between critical reading and reading
comprehension, reading interest and vocabulary mastery, critical reading and mathematical critical thinking, and
vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension (Giawa & Panjaitan, 2021). However, there is a gap in the
literature on how these variables relate to writing an article. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap by examining
the correlation between students’ critical reading mastery, reading habit, and their achievement in writing an
Giawa, Y., & Panjaitan, N. B. (2021). The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension:
A Meta Analysis (Vol. 7).

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