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Take some time and

study this book
which is made by
a man who has years
of experience.

To achieve such a good physique in

a short time, you need to have BIG pain
tolerance and correct form. Every last set
must be beyond failure for fast muscle

Most of my exercises don't require gym

equipment, so everybody can start.

I'm not here to SELL you

I'm hereto EDUCATE you about
Training split.

Everything about your training plan

depends on your goals.
Somebody wants to be a bodybuilder,
somebody wants to be a powerlifter,
somebody wants to be an athlete...

These fitness influencers will sell you an

EBOOK with just one plan that they use for
them and tell you it's best for you. Probably it's
not, because you may have different goals.
Decide which one do you
want to be.
I will put this in 3 categories (there is a lot more)

(which I don't recommend you to be, they're
usually slow),the best training for you is PPL, you
hit every muscle group 2 times per week, and you
get enough rest.

You don't want to be on PPL, you do training
in your sport with coaches, and your gym
training should contain a lot of plyometrics.

-HYBRID (which I recommend)

Most of your training is combined, you don't
just lift weights, or train your sport. This
includes even training in martial arts at

When I stopped karate, I started training like a

bodybuilder in the gym, but for me, it was a bad
experience. I got injuries that I still have to this day
I suffer from, but if you do exercises correctly, you
could have good experience with this. I personally
do some sort of bodybuilding, but most with
bodyweight exercises, and if I use weights, I use
light ones with high reps.
Before I show you exercises, I want you to
know that before every workout, you should
do a good warmup.
Watch proper warmup HERE
And before weights, you should do 1 set with
a light one.
Now let's look at what I think is the
best plan.
Push day:
-3 series, (do a few push-ups to warm up)
first set- 50%
second set-80%
third set-beyond failure. start with an incline, move to
regular, and from regular go to knee push up. On 3. set,
every variation must be pushed till failure.

3 series, (do a few to warm up)
first set- 50%
second set-80%
third set-beyond failure.
*weighted dips are also brutal(put enough weight so
you can do 3-6 max, you need strength)

SHOLDER PRESS-Don't pick up that lightweight if

you want size, not endurance.
first set- 8-12 reps
second 8-12 reps
third- drop set.
If you don't have a bar, find some 10+ kg object to lift.
*Sometimes add that much weight so you can do 3-6
reps max for strength
If you're a GYM guy, you could add:

first set - 8-12
second set - 8-12
third set - drop set

first set - 8-12
second set - 8-12
third set - drop set

first set - 8-12
second set - 8-12
third set - drop set

REMINDER that if you train till failure, you

cannot train every 4. days same muscle. Add at
least one more day for muscle recovery.
On 4. days you could add stretching and cardio.
A lot of people skip it, but that's important also.

-PULL UPS (a few for warm-up)

first set- 50%
second set-80%
third set-beyond failure.

CHIN UPS (few for warmup)

first set- 50%
second set-80%
third set-beyond failure.

*Add extra weight on pull-ups, lift something for 3-5

reps, you need strength.

first set - 8-12
second set - 8-12
third set - drop set

first set - 8-12
second set - 8-12
third set - drop set
The first two are at home, third and fourth at the

If you do it at home squats and sissy squats

In gym:

The last set completely failure

Leg extensions:
The last set completely failure

Hamstring curls/RDL
las set a complete failure

I recommend you train your legs 3/4 times a

month. Your muscles grow in resting, not in

If you're training in basketball, football,

boxing, swimming... You must understand one
very important thing. ATHLETE IS NOT
OR RING. You aren't gonna be a better
footballer doing bench presses, it could help
with power, but it's not the main thing. There
is a time for gym and plyometrics, but the
magic happens on the field/ring.
For better flexibility and ability to turn, jump,
etc. you wanna add stretching before and after
your sessions, and also plyometric. Here are
some plyometric exercises, but the main thing
is jumping, not because you could just jump
higher (it's great also) but because your feet
will be completely different. Don't forget rope
skipping and cardio!!!
HERE are some of plyometric best exercises,
find some good bench and enjoy.

Without a doubt, my favorite. For me, every man

must be strong, ready to fight and good-looking.
That's why I love this.
Overall, you don't have to change the plan of
bodybuilding, or athleticism. But you must know
how to deal with both. Me, I have 3 years of
bodybuilding and calisthenics experience, and I
have such a nice physique, so I don't have to
spend that much time doing bodybuilding, but if
you're just started, you should train a little bit
more bodybuilding than me. As I said, add
training till failure, and you won't lack muscle
growth. What you train first should be based on
your priorities, but after a hard bodybuilding
session, you won't be able to perform well in
training sessions as an athlete.
EVERY fitness plan is based on your goals. Maybe
your main goal is to have a good physique, but you
want a little bit to be like an athlete. Then train
more as a bodybuilder. If you want to be a boxer,
on every 2 boxing training, I would add 1
bodybuilding training.
If you could have 2 training sessions a day 3/4
times a week, it would be great. I know it takes a
lot of time, but you'll have more energy for a
second workout. If you can't, then I suggest
training as an athlete first. Take some time, don't
waste it much, take as few breaks as you could,
train how much your session is... Two intense
training sessions of 45 min-1 hr or one of 90 mn-2
hours should be enough with high intensity. If
you have goals beyond this, don't spend more
time with bodybuilding, add that time to your
sport. Also, don't forget sprints and cardio 3/4
times a week.
*I speak this in general. You decide what you
want more. Don't train in bodybuilding every

-SLEEP is one of the most important

things. Sleep every night for more than
seven hours. Not just will it increase
recovery, but performance as well.

-REST DAYS are crucial.

You're probably not on steroids, you don't have the
energy to train 2 times 7 days a week. Train 2 times
a day for 3/4 days and other 2 days train like an
athlete. With good sleep, training like an athlete is
such a good thing. Take at least 1 rest day per week.

REMEMBER that if you train till failure, a five

to six days rest period (per muscle group)
should be good.
My diet is nothing special. I eat food that my
mom makes. Don't be stupid, your mom
won't be there cooking food for you always.
Be grateful if she's alive.
I avoid sugar, but of course, I will sometimes
drink soda, and eat pizza, but I avoid that.
Don't consume many carbs, you don't have
that much Insulin (pro bodybuilders use it
because they must, otherwise they'll have
more fat). Your body can't handle 400-500
grams of carbs easily. 200-300 should be good.
Eat as much protein as you could (2.2 g per
kg of body weight ideal), and try to eat natural
protein (eggs, meat, tuna...), almost all
influencers that tell you to buy protein powder
get a percentage of that sale. Natural protein
is best. And of course, avoid junk food, soda...
Don't complicate it too much. You should be in
15-25% surplus/deficit with calories on
bulk/cut, don't eat much more/less than you
eat usually. If you're on cut, try fasting for the
first 5-6 hours when you wake up. Read the
benefits of fast HERE. It boosts growth
hormone and testosterone, you'll have better
metabolism, and you'll burn a lot of bad carbs
and fats... The benefits are HUGE. Also, this is
a good thing for lowering your body fat
percentage even in bulk. On the cut, burn as
many calories as you can. Eat healthy, lower
carbs, eat much protein... On bulk, try to have
(as much as you could) clean bulk. Of course,
you'll have a higher body fat percentage, but if
you eat clean, you'll have less fat than on dirty
bulk. Add cold showers, drink more water no
matter if are you on bulk/cut, and try to have
higher testosterone and faster metabolism.
You'll get as lean as possible.
If you're interested here's my workout


I do 3 times a week bodybuilding(PPL),
2-3 times a week cardio, I jump rope 5-10
min before every workout, I practice 2,3
punches 100-200 times a day 2-3 times a
week, I usually do freestyle punches and
kicks training 2-3 times a week, and I
train karate 3 times a week for 1 hr (now
don't but most of the time I do). And I
take 1 rest day. That's it. I have 9-12
training sessions including cardio per
Thank you for reading this!
I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to put
what is the most important as short as I
could in these 16 pages.
If you have any other questions, or you
need help with your training plan,
contact me:


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