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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
Learning Activity Sheets

Quarter 1 : Week 4

Name of Learner: _____________________________________________
Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________

Background Information:
Accomplishing something quickly but efficiently and accurately is one skill you will definitely find
useful in life. This skill is also helpful in your academic classes, especially when you have to read various
texts. One effective way of increasing your speed in reading is finding the main idea or thesis statement
of the text and the topic sentence of the paragraphs. Topic sentences and thesis statements are
sentences that writers use to focus their ideas and express the main point of their writing. A strong set
of topic sentences will work together to support a thesis. A thesis statement (the main point of a whole
essay) is usually found at the end of an introduction. A topic sentence (the main point of a paragraph) is
usually but not always at the beginning of a paragraph.
The thesis statement presents or describes the point of an essay. In an academic text, the thesis
statement is usually presented in the abstract or executive summary or found at the last part of the
introduction. It is written in a declarative sentence.
The following are qualities of a well-crafted thesis statement:
• Identify a specific purpose, a specific way to accomplish the purpose, and oftentimes a specific
audience (depending on the type of essay).
• Assert something about the essay.
• It should be easily identifiable by a reader and should be clear and not ambiguous.
• It comes toward the end of the introduction.
Examples of Thesis Statements:
Example 1:
"In order to succeed in the classroom, college students need to utilize the resources available to
them throughout their academic careers."
Notice how this thesis statement includes a specific audience (college students), a specific
purpose (success in the classroom) and the specific way this can be accomplished (utilizing available
Example 2:
"The Philippine government needs to implement a nationalized healthcare system to lower the
cost of healthcare and improve the overall health of all citizens."
Notice how, much like the above example, this thesis statement also has a specific purpose
(lowering the cost of healthcare and improving health) and a specific way to do so (implementing
national healthcare). What this thesis does not address, because of the nature of the essay and topic, is
a specific audience. A thesis statement for an argument essay does not always address a specific
audience since it is written to a broader audience with the attempt to persuade others to a specific

Just as the contents of the essay may change during the writing process, so, too, may the thesis
statement. It is important to create a thesis statement before writing the paper, but this type of thesis is
generally referred to as a working thesis and may change along with the contents of the essay. It is
important that a writer uses the thesis to direct the creation of the essay, but it is also important that
the writer is open to changing the thesis as necessary.
A reader should be able to easily identify the thesis in any essay. If someone reads your essay
and cannot identify where the thesis statement is located, take this as a sign that the thesis is not clear
and/or is not as specific or strong as it can be. Make sure that the thesis stands out and can be easily
Remember that a thesis statement, unlike a usual topic or title, uses a complete sentence.
Consider the following statements:

“Necessity of a college education”

This is more of a title than a thesis statement.

“College education is important.”

Although it is a sentence, this thesis statement
is broad.

“Getting a college degree is

important because it will equip a
student to become a
professional in his/her chosen
field and it will widen his/her This is an example of an accurately written
perspective of the world.” thesis statement; it has one subject and at
least two arguments.

Generating a thesis statement can be done through various methods. Consider the following:
Topic : Jogging
Question : Why is jogging beneficial?
Thesis Statement: Jogging is beneficial because it positively affects physical wellbeing and
mental fitness.
As shown above, one strategy that you can use in writing a thesis statement is asking questions.
After identifying the topic, ask a question that would entail multiple details. The answer to this question
is most likely your thesis statement. Consider another example.
Topic : Angeles City
Question : (1) Is Angeles City an enthralling city in the province of

(2) Why is Angeles City considered an enthralling city in the
province of Pampanga?

Thesis Statement: (1) Angeles City is an enthralling city in the province of Pampanga.
(2) Angeles City is an enthralling city in the province of Pampanga
of its beautiful places, amazing people, and sumptuous food.
The topic in the example above is “Angeles City.” The first question which was generated may be
answered by a thesis statement with implied or abstract details. The second question, on the other
hand, may be answered by a thesis statement with explicit and concrete details. Note that both versions
of the thesis statement are acceptable.
Learning Competency with code:
States the thesis statement of an academic text (Quarter 1 Week 2 CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-6)
Directions/ Instructions

A. Identify the thesis statement of each paragraph. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
"To many parents, the infant's crying may be mainly an irritation, especially if it continues for
long periods. But crying serves important functions for the child as well as for the parents. For the child,
crying helps improve lung capacity and the respiratory system. Perhaps more important, the cry serves
as a signal of distress. When babies cry, they indicate that they are hungry or in pain, and this is
important information for parents."
a. Perhaps more important, the cry serves as a signal of distress.
b. Crying serves important functions for the child as well as for the parents.
c. To many parents, the infant's crying may be mainly an irritation, especially if it continues for
long periods.
d. When babies cry, they indicate that they are hungry or in pain, and this is important
information for parents.

1. “There are gender differences in adolescents' satisfaction with their bodies. Compared with boys,
girls are usually less happy with their bodies and have more negative body images. Also, as puberty
proceeds, girls often become even more dissatisfied with their bodies. This is probably because their
body fat increases. In contrast, boys become more satisfied as they move through puberty, probably
because their muscle mass increases.”
a. There are gender differences in adolescents' satisfaction with their bodies.
b. Also, as puberty proceeds, girls often become even more dissatisfied with their bodies.

c. Compared with boys, girls are usually less happy with their bodies and have more negative
body images.
d. In contrast, boys become more satisfied as they move through puberty, probably because
their muscle mass increases.

2. “Don't wait for your company to send you to school. Determine your needs and ask about the
company's training program. If they don't have one, sign up for classes at a local college. When it
comes to your profession, you should be a lifelong learner. Put a high priority on learning new skills
and on personal growth and professional development. Learn new software technology and improve
interpersonal and writing skills.”
a. Don't wait for your company to send you to school.
b. When it comes to your profession, you should be a lifelong learner.
c. Determine your needs and ask about the company's training program.
d. Learn new software technology and improve interpersonal and writing skills

3. “Congratulations! You have been offered a job. The time has come to negotiate your salary. The
question to ask yourself is: "How much am I worth?" Your answer will likely affect the outcome of
your salary negotiation. The point is, in order to negotiate the best possible salary, you must
convince both yourself and the employer of the value that you will bring to the job.”
a. You have been offered a job.
b. The time has come to negotiate your salary.
c. The question to ask yourself is: "How much am I worth?"
d. The point is, in order to negotiate the best possible salary, you must convince both yourself
and the employer of the value that you will bring to the job.

4. “Passing fears are common in early childhood. Many 2- to 4-year-olds are afraid of animals,
especially dogs. By 6 years, children are more likely to be afraid of the dark. Other common fears are
of thunderstorms, doctors, and imaginary creatures. “
a. Passing fears are common in early childhood.
b. By 6 years, children are more likely to be afraid of the dark.
c. Many 2- to 4-year old are afraid of animals, especially dogs.
d. Other common fears are of thunderstorms, doctors, and imaginary creatures.

5. “If Federalism is pushed-through, the country will be divided into different states. The states will be
given power and authority in its territory. Each state will have its own, executive, legislative, and
judiciary branch. This is necessary to give the states a sense that they are the directors of their own
political will and their political destiny. States have their own constitution only applicable for people
living in one particular state. Also, a state has the authority to establish schools and LGUs, including

the police powers. States solve their own problems instead of the national government This can
in division not unity. Some states may further outrun other states, leaving them behind. The Federal
Government can develop rivalries among states because they cannot balance the situation every
time. The proposed constitution of Federalism in the Philippines has problems and the system can
result in divided states and confusion of the people.”
a. Each state will have its own, executive, legislative, and judiciary branch.
b. Also, a state has the authority to establish schools and LGUs, including the police powers.
c. The states will be given power and authority in its territory.
d. The proposed constitution of Federalism in the Philippines has problems and the system can
result in divided states and confusion of the people.

B. Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Defend your answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
Example: Crime must be stopped.
Answer: Weak because it is a general statement.

1. The court needs to implement stronger sentences.

2. Charles Dickens is a good author.

3. History is an important subject.

4. Inflation is very bad for a country especially its citizens, the overpricing of goods and
services with the contribution of the demand and supply system result in expenses that
exceed the salary of people.

5. If martial law will be implemented again, with the military being in-charge, the
government will abuse its people’s rights resulting in a chaotic place.

6. There are some negative and positive aspects to the Banana Herb Tea Supplement.

7. Sigmund Freud is one of the greatest psychologists in medical history.

8. Because Banana Herb Tea Supplement promotes rapid weight loss that results in the loss
of muscle and lean body mass, it poses a potential danger to customers.

9. Movies are becoming more and more daring in their subject matter

10. Charles Dickens uses the setting of his novels to emphasize the theme of class division.

C. Write a thesis statement for each topic below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Topic: Between Rodrigo Roa Duterte or Ferdinand Marcos, who do you think is the better
Thesis Statement: __________________________________________________________
2. Topic: Should motorcycles be outlawed on public streets?
Thesis Statement: __________________________________________________________

Rubric for Scoring

4 3 2 1
Overall The overall The statement The statement The statement
Thesis statement is clear describes the merely gives an does not give
Statement and concise. It states reader's statement answer to the information about
the author's opinion and opinion. The prompt. The what will be
and position on the statement does not author's idea is not discussed or the
issue. The reader give insight into stated at all. author's opinion
knows exactly what how the essay will on the subject.
the essay will be be discussed.
about and how the
writer will write
about it.
Grammar No punctuation The statement More than one The statement is
errors are present. contains one error grammar error hard to
The sentence follows in grammar or exists in the understand as a
the mechanics of mechanics. statement. result of grammar
English with no errors.
Wording The author uses Word choice is The author's choice Words are used
appropriate words. mostly effective. of words is incorrectly or
There are no clichés somewhat cliché words are
or over-used effective; overused used throughout
adjectives. words and clichés the whole
are dominant. statement.
Length The statement is to The statement says The statement is The thesis is
the point; the author all it needs to, with broken up into entirely too long
does not add more a few extra, multiple sentences or too short and
than is necessary. unnecessary and says too much takes more than
clauses. or not enough. two sentences to

Answer Key:

Answer Key


Secondary School Teacher I

References for Learners

Barrot, Jessie Saraza, Ph.D., and Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio. Communicative Today: English for
Academic and Professional Purposes for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E
Publishing, 2016.
Barrot, Jessie S., Ph.D. Academic Reading & Writing for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C &
E Publishing, 2016.
Cox, Janelle. "Sample Essay Rubric for Elementary Teachers." ThoughtCo. (accessed August 6, 2020).
"Finding the Main Idea When Reading: Columbia College." Finding the Main Idea When Reading:
Columbia College. Accessed July 16, 2020.
"Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences." George Brown College. July 07, 2020. Accessed July 25, 2020.
Los Angeles Mission College - 404. Accessed July 16, 2020.
"Thesis Statements - EAPP." Accessed July 16, 2020.
Thesis Statement Rubric. Accessed July 16, 2020.


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