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pee Ms, Nematta.¢ 8 Asst. Prof Dept of ese 65 . Meclule 05 (PaRt-A) >! Fil es 5 stem [m Prentaeate oH oe + pra — ile aysliin > fit CAS methools a Digsclony & disk Atucleve = Hen: mouriling fi le J xing = Limp emen ing ile. sudlern oe syn chive Bi apstem “inglemer tater. I. bag Lory im dernenitation 1> Allocation methacls P. farce pace management: > Fre: A tile tsa haméck collection of, velatteol informa | that f te_xecorolecl on decency —AlBrage. tnfewmalion ina tile 16 clelineal bu. its _ creator: : a : : of information rae be ams, object —— panne? we 3. May gfe Ux —__P Ss able. yams, yell seeded grape Jj een aeccodiige and 6-0: Oss A file olpnle ons — _ A dut tile tsa fea _ a, ized toto lines. gece ie — gd. A Source file is : wbroutines - & _¢ functions each of which ‘is further oyganizedl ab declarations followed! by erecta ble statempils , - 3. Ain objet file i is of by fle organi if blocks undeostandable by The ae system linkes. 4. An exeuifable file ts a Series of coole ections that the Losles can being indo memory and execute . — File Attabuta :- 1 A file t is named, fpr tHe convenience of its human UseTS and} 4 aehersee| to by its name. hame §. sty acles 2. When a fle ts vamed , i+ becomes inolependost +f the process, wo ty and even the system thot created tt. 56 - TT. Dillesent tle Atisibutes [Name : The le name te the. onl, _ information spre ale fle name teoolable fpam. _ a. Edebibier: ee tert ties 2 Kile utthin He ‘i enn te the non- human readable name for tie_file. 4. Location + This information 1s a pointer to a clevice ancl to the Locationod the file on that olevice. l Size: The urrrent size possi bit, the maximum allowecl size a Ve " tcludleel in hits altasbute. 6. fretecttion ion: ‘feo nhormalto on determines ates do readhiny 2 unriting _execut ino, and AO o- 8. Time, date and _urer telentiftcation £ + Thess —_____tn srmotfon be kept od vation Sn 7 b nd bil for a can be Seg ok ano usage mont ferng———— > File Operations : _AL file ts an abstract data fipe- fo create a file. Space nt fie ayeten matt be ft : found for the file. : b> An entiy pra het file must be mavle tn the directory. — — Whiting a file: To wnt a file, use make the “austen call Specifely ing both tke name tice file and informatirn £9 be written bp the. fie. 0 : Reaching a tile : Jo read foxom a file, we “use a 3/m col teat specifies the tame of the file cnol the next block 4 tie “fle . © Repositioning within a file: The divclony is dearcheal fie the appropriate evitry enc anrent fle position pointer is repositioned poo ajiven value. ' : _ Repositionine within a tile need nit invo lve any Jacticd lo. ‘ — This file eae ee Kuown ab SH 5 Deleting a bile: To delete a ol nectory f for the nam attributes. >| File Typed a fit _ sche an whe Th uncalt 9 a tile? The user may want to 6. Tx til eusey may La erase the won Lents ofthe fle “bat Keep ths ens ahold secognize ound Support the $e Lipes. We the name is split inte @ ports i> name— ity edtension The a em UrAes J the exkngsion +0 incliccite | the Sipe of the file § the. ta | that ton be Lone on “pred file Aye. of oper! i0nS. 4 fl S.No. : lle fie Il Gilension | tunclion j Ht 7 + fe t Uy ue Le eatlable I exe,com, bin l realy kp wun | | mle lang. progam II | oes object Ob} compel mile 7 ; fons not Linked. 085 [Soaace C. fava, po | source coole in oe | asm various Lang. \ | Pe | \ { om» | batch | bat, sh | commancls forts {emumane "isp rete 06) [tee dec etal da | __ documetz. ~ \ OY eee Ups tex, ath _ Various Wore] processor loc Processoy Jpuma? oF» | library (ib, olll libraries of J aotttines fr { P04 Fammers. za port ox otf joy | Ascart ov binary Views file in et foamat | lyr printing or | viewing. oy | avchive arc» 2ip Ten relaitecl files reupel idler [one File. lor | Multimedia mpeg, moy ! binary files Am "779 avi uot dining auclio wr video infyrrra- % fon File Stuchere + > — aL File dijoes adao cam be used +o indicaite - the. indganal Atnectetre of the file. _ 2. Source object files have Atnuctares Hak expectations of Hie program match that: sead them. 3. [dernad tle btuctere Aocating 7 olfset” within Be ble can be complicated for the 05. > Access Mettods + Files stove information. Lhen itis used, thes ~ inkormeilion must be accessed § zeal frto computer merry Methad’s :- as — | Sequential dixect- ae akcess aaceth3 acces —> The simplest access mettiod . Tofgrmalion 7 inthe tile is processed °n ovclev, one —— recor after the offer ——— Id Seg uentiod Access metkool 3 7 = _ = Read & umrte_make pte ce bulk a —aptretiins on ‘the file. ——__ ob =. The rveacl operallon sania Te next - oxtion of the fle ¢ omati - owlyances Hie pile“ pointe, Tike atieadly _____ Facks — The unite oer ton ape Le enol ofthe fle vances ee encl tof the tn haext ley csvtten maker! “7 A file con be reel fo the beginning | 0h Some 3lm a pre m_ may, be able £y ski oy backurard on vecorcls foxy Bome 4 x UT only for n24. CL vient a | beginning { Posi T10A a a eel eo ote > Bi : CAL | ile 9+ Sequential Access ik TW) Direct Access ? __andl write yecords A il eis. ees tp of Fie length seco stat a {lous prog: vetns to 54 logical aed - epi if. - his method # is based on disk mall a pile « since disks allour ranclorm once foamy tile block. For clirect acc ess, the fle 15 viewedas a numbesed Benue 4 blocks or records. 7” Diet access fil 4 ave of qreat wre kov named tote: es £ (eee amount of inkormad fon Auch ar olakbare uthe wy searching becomes eee & foot. —> for clivect access, the Te operclions muse be moclifieal Le inclucle. te block num ber ah a parameter. nes cue have fo yeaol n urhere”h” (3 the block humber — Su auential access _“Tmplemenitection f for -——_ olivect access — ty nee ~ Har _ ead norte — > site next —uel cPpj cp sept! a Bry Other Access methods i-_ 1S hes can ie “built on op of the ol clined access méthodl. oo These methods genevally involve tke ~~ con stau cen f an inole x “for the file. —~ — —> The inclex is like a poiritery to various > i “Te tino! “the. yecorel } in the pile ue bon Zearch the énofex § ten use the pointey £o_aceers the fie directly g £0 Lind the Aesivecl xecovel > Directory ancl isk teuctiye tl. ‘les ave Vice) on sanclorn Access storage iced, I ~ “Disks con be bubdivicled iste Cad disk or partition Can pottected agoinst fat lurve. partitions, be BALD _ . estitions are also known ay miniolisks ov Alices. Entily ce conitainin, ble slm is Enous ab "Voleunre Volume. a “ CO —_ Each volume that covitains o file Aysilero — _mustalso- eontoin” information about the $i ile in The Ams | This in mation | } kept it in en Tried ing - device directory on "volume. table r ’ contents \Ldivedtesy | : qantition | “df [[clinecton, |) afi tls || L | Polis 4 [ { disk partition \ (elven | rl ites Joo 8 a “4 . [0 A files rfifen| | disk —eemed 3 { J A gical File = Systein Osgontaalon > Directory Overviews lL. The olisectoay Can be viewreol as a 2ymbol ‘feble that Aaans lates fil le names Geb their ire Try evil ries. Oe A olivecTory conteiins inboomalion about the ; - 7 files inclucling attssbutes Location & auership. gY _—— - — —___ || - a 3. |e censider_a partiolar clivectern Jbucty, Teertin apsscdions onthe « divec ety be g to be considered —_ > D0earch fora files _ “ ea Auclare | ig searcheol for e pottivdar fle i in the cliveclory, med _m i io, blue tiles. t V by wedle a 4 2 I Pes nceded fake cxedked and —~ fled “Le the. inectory. Delete a bie: hen a file i 0 dence heeded then it is able oneal it por the direct, dy lista olivectosy Tt is able =e lisk the files § ina Binecia and the covtents of the d inectiyy enitiy fpr cach tile in the Wisk, _— ey Rename a les ; “Renaming a fil 2 mut also allour its posi fer 7 ; auttrin The Ainectern, Alouctare te be — | changeel. él _ Traverse the file ay system 2 (bev meu utsh bo access ere directory g eueryy pile uithin the olivectory tructayve To provicle a lita the cmttends 4 Stsuchiive _ od the elie 4 zy stim is gaveol af regular pe — > The mest common bchernes tor Alebiratraa the Logical sb ouctecre da oli ecto,” are Chercribed below L. Single - Level directory a- Tors - Level olivecting 3. T%ee- structive olivectory | He Acyclic - graph din Soy 5. General - graph direct” te | "Single Level evel Directory The ain est dinectoxy stuctare i 1s the inde aa directly ALL fil es are containesl in the same ae hak ts eary £0 support ancl understand. oe ——r f [ T | a il M4 dlivedevy (cad bo [a [lest baile po | b “L [ limifecians __Here, uthen the number of files ineveas,, Ov ttthen The Alm has move han Che ys. —> As directory sbuchare is Bingle , uni ene, of hile ame har te be main Cineol Lahiel is "lfealt uthen There are mali we 2. Taxs= evel clive lorny Here, each user eas its curcn wer tle | clbrecling (veo), Dlben a Wer weders foa par Rel ay file Caley hfe min LUen) is searvelre ol. Difterent users mau have files uit tee ) ame ame, a Ling aS the tiles hame tusittalin cach ben) are unique. “To carcite a file pra useY, the 0. = blag tad re XUFO) Xo bee uth ter audttey Kile Es “thot hare. exists , lo ofelete oa tile, the 08 outings its Acaxch, tothe the foe f (ogo) .” tt cannot accislentely delete anothe Uses tile - h the em name . 62 {alhein a_uper job > starts or on user logs in ithe 4 ayslem master file clisectory (m 7 — S$ eare el s : - it _ pe) - = The (men) is inclexecl by [bose name or account number & Bac entay point bo they 2) {oy that Ger. TT mobtey fille 7 - ert Tuber 2 ie divectosy : T bes [ook | boo : a. [test | Ja cal ell apie rectory | | | aS OOD Oa Aclvan = No , IS name - callésion amona oliflevent- UAL» a > ELfiderit searching . pacha 7 Ubets_ are} Peoladaal fom one another ere car’t ‘cooperate on @ 4ame eR — 3. IC Tree ATiuc luvecl cl ixector ieS. - the te iiee. her 1 root dlineclory ouncl 6) cl ove, — file i in the Alm has a wengise. 2 potle ice nome A dlinectony covtins a et of Kiles or uloclivectorits « = A olixectory i i imply another “ple but: is treated ing Apertal way = All diveclories have The some Ee) format One bit in cach directory evitsy olebine i evils aaa file ()o¥asa Jubairecto peclal Alm cobs ave sect to create cto) delete ofizectanies . Qteoes pill names (PAbse name ‘ begins atthe ott & a :dlehineh thie paths psd the sacrend net pene 6 3 | __ veo at pel a i Taek pie [der] i ee] ST aTane \ 1 ( (JOO L OC L = os * aa fed bebe XY |! SS htt a ) NN iy. spell ol (bsklfint = Hin Be de Directing ? le Te olelete an empty hisecbry i Tat olkeLe Y Hee olévea Lavy . ae Te olefete anon emply dinectoxy Fl first, olelete | all files in the olivectory. tf he bubbiveton'ed existe, TEES proceclure | must be apphieel recur 751 velsy te => Acyclic ( Graph 1 clixeClories fe A Shaved clivectory ot file uu|| exit t inthe file System in ® or oe places afconce. _Ac-tee stiuclkive prohi bts te the shoring Tt flee crcetes. —— 3. An egy te. supa isa isa gp Tg — cycles YTt allows di Cusbelinnctoricn a4 ae wot [oteck- [spell] /- — 7 — = & = [itt Teall [ut [esunt| =< found Lasrds Tey stor re >| ibe |Aaole fart | a acychic qrah isa ratural evali- ‘ott Jit bree. bret cl tea eee ee @) ee (or subchixectoyes) a Zink . A kink ts apointer tp di rect ried. 7 [> Creche a very clivectony £0 tmplermen & dha xed files to onother file. 4 ony erty calleo! — Buplicale: all informedt isin abouk _ Sha reol files in both sharin 64 _ — Pein _ > 4A fi le mary have _ mul ple absolute — peth names. _____}_ }- es —> Deletion mar, Jeave -olangling gpa Crs Po-the non - existent fg > General (4 (raph “Dine oo : ‘Pxeblem : af thére ave wycles Wwe uate bo avotol beorehing components tinece Qe Loltion ton: Atmit the nosy Line Tees accesseol in a Bea 3.) “Bebe: with cycles the wlevenite: count mass be “non-zero even when itis yo Langer passible je to refers a aclivectory . 4 Lolation fons Garage collection scheme can be | weal 40 determine usben te. Last weference has been deleted. Gales collection involves » Haat pass faaverses the evilize file alm & miakes ewerrg ting “Hak conn be aceessecl 2> Second. pass coll lect eupnjlaing Heol is wot marked onto a Lest of ppc space — I — a les on mul - User bustin is eae ble. Shaving mau be dene thresh oe protection Acheme . a. On distributeal Im, tiles mau be haved _acmss o neturork. 4, Network GI (Nes) f 13 file ha ring rhe theo, Qa common _ — Mollie Users File Sharing Con be done in Bouays nl The aystem co con dllour a user £0 access thie — tile of other user ey ale a the Aydlem mau oes theta wer — specifically g azant Faccess. =P Te ft imp lemevit. ting the system must ples move file” & olivectory altzibutes than on @ ingle user system. > concepls of file ouney €, 97x0Up T a q oO t— §. Ousner: “The user urho ney change altvibutes & ovant access eal the most- Stel over the. file. Most Aystems implemeit owner ctl y butes | bog rnc ing dist cd usey-names anol user th v a. Croup § "The: froup attstbute defined a subset bie utho can shave access tothe Saar ee ion rn_be implementécl elisa Lest » = gx0t namer en ek Grr -TOS- - Exactly which aperalions can ibe executic| bu croup me babers % otter . Users 15 okyfinable by the file Outer, The, pusney anol group ID Z files axe Li 6rd wuith thy they file a a abut, —9-can be used to allour Joeny Sxepues ol _pperal ions. =I EiskeTien [en information f is stored ina compulle Lagslan’ cue want to keep it geide from I hugsioad clam (reliabilitey) "6 & immpro e7 | fess riled) J 2. (Beliakt lita f oes Geecally previcledl by the dupltcarkle~ ceypred fi of fileA. 3. File muuney crecitor- houtol be able to cotifyol uthat con be lone cat bu uxrhom . “lypes Ob Access tems thal olo not permit access to etl of othe users obo nok neeol — paste tion. 66 = following epeiling ‘nat he covtroljeol : Rad Ral om the - le. a. laiyite: urrite ov yecur Le the file _ —_ 3. Execute ; loacl the file into relay - ! anol execute it. - = perd : umnte neur information af- the enc of the file. 5, Delete : delete the Kile le and Tree tts space for possibl le weuse. é: List: dist the nome and atts bute of the file A 7 iplmentaction OL Lele Sy stem T U F = oF File Sy stern S Struclaxe : Disks poovicle the bulk of Aeconclare _Storvage on urhieh a file Austen | ig. 1 mai siineol . Th alisha. Autteble meld tpt _ _atoving noudtip |e Bring mau ipl oe A olisk can be reunritfeh in plates a. block frm — —— Tt? 18 possible £0 £o yead a block —___ the olisk. ——— ______ moclily Hie block uarite it bach a — treaty thse e eo a , . ra 2. A disk con access olivectly Cust block of information 1+ covtaind. c U ——~ 7 ‘him wove t/o efficiency slo fan here ——blutecr meron} 6 clube a peakloong) in_units of boek. > Layered file Systems | 1. the file | itself is general of many olf Levert Aevels, ow foatlteres buy higher levels. My corse application er togteact wil a | ee basic pile to contral olevices i | 3 LB le agit agi Hijet ancl Convenient - ace 55 Ato te allo wing olata | to be be Stored Sine. feels Ee sel - e yeol —_ Pasi SE Dgesieakss ———— 1 Moeclule Knows about files end their logical blocks asurellas physical blebs. k tna ‘the i Ton deol ge the asa on apple, the re hile __ ble er ic ile I _dlm to Franapd >. Legical file syste Le (Manages meladaly informa fon. Qe | Mabaclabs incluoles all of “he rs il le s|m Atzuctiye except the“ acl tial olatx ml i man. alireélos Sructire i provide file CFA Bton efiven by by adymbekic file ee 4. Tt matytain le struittirre vice ~ + —§ file covit Fol fle (Fee)” ~ = re 5. Fee corlatns infor malon about tf, file theluding oitnership., permission, | fp decabion of file contents — > File £yslemTmplernen ion ile ite Tala about: pes, feta ‘08 bios cl there, Ah no-o¢ blocks, the wy and. Location of bee blocks, i ic brulee and individual eA , I. Bost control block te Kile Alm miu contécin information Biol hour by “boot the of, total no. of blocks, Loratin of ee blocks, Aixctory structive & indistiolual “file. 2. Volume ceritvol block % covilains volume _Ceantition) details such of the blocks in the. partition Aize oh the "block, free - block count & fre block’ pointers aa yee FCB, Seon. 3. |A olirectosy slsuchive tis used © : — organize * the files. 68 a FR Fs ee § 8 3 sh J | Sa | a | ae a TES qual “sls 0 oO = | $4 Tlas sis ae: ei Liev number to allous _ - witaéns m leviTip1e io alive au te yy > I Stipe fecal a pl tll Ain. oe Malian prog 7am m calls te lp Fic al ‘le a} uuhieh ushieh wbuus He pat ~4 - directory Dbructire. e Th Lepical $f) in allocatEs tHe lly tid “file canteol block (pce) I - © 2f all FeBs ave credited He - creation time an Fee is alloca teol _ from the pee hist. _ 3. Tes Logical file 5)m then _ P Reach the approp ricile olivects; : _ | id tern “tS —— _ upelates tre. dlivectts: Soy uth a neu _ file hame & Fog. - > = ucrites Hie dived, back te the isk. -__—* Sips Beepening o file: _ The junction pirst searches the Alm wide . open “file table tr seo if tre 4 file ig already a iene by another proces, —___ i Z. it i, Q per- px en ee ~ sity 1s eveatécl pointing te “The exist J I Syplemn usiole pe file table. 7 ovitim coun ee _substoutial overhead, — ts _ epeleceal ae udwely cachsel in memory £0 sped Hp operations. 2. Oncethe fileis. coal tthe Fe ib cop’ tied to Iho _ Ate gl ed able to in memory b This table also tracks “the number 4 have the 3. Next, an ettry is made [nthe pex = procesd | epen file tebe, uth a pointer fo the I ws ay in the Ayslem L tole open file table. 4. The ppeelin ‘then te pointe/t nolex te a e inthe ey PeOcess file Alm “tbe 1 Ls au sub th ions ave then 1 i i svter. one refers fe tHais pointer as the tile olederipte | Fs urindous aefers to | aac Se for Chesing Fs fale. a __ upolaited milaolela. is copied b,, ae “ok bared cintlany structs, “Ate | The Alm. ustoe epee fie tae table e _ evits ety fe _vemoved. fi pesmissions “File olates (crecte , access, write) | file outney, Group file Aize _ ~ Yle lata blocks oy poirtevs — ~ fe tile olades blocks : ~> Viral tile Dyslems “The Hie Alm imp emenlation wnsists @ major -dassert +— - 1. || The fost sudlem ify - based mes se fe uarité 0) ‘ Ae ” cally on file dercriploxs. ae Cy “The 4s dower sees @® impostant: - tiene : et alles ae fale elt 76 <7? Tt provicles a_mechanigm File fle pt the netine eee SPerteg a : Sim wkd file ~ teil a inal teeta men $a 7 numerical designator for a 8 netinork wicle a emel maintains ~The temel_mainteier ake cline one 7 7 each active inode ee Atuctiine golive ede [isk | [Disk | ZS > Directoiny Tinplemesitation | ——_Selealfe,, ae a [Location ee olinecTaiy | ——hanagement af, then cantly affects — vetent mae rote alent | — a ————_— | z~ _ - @4 proaches 7 $$ 2) Direct inclexi Ainecet lish —~ Dy List thdexing vi ction. _- — = Consists of a Leste fils names ub pointers 4o the oled A Op locks : =|Time conduming fo Search because it a a Linear earch. = Bevling the Lisk ollorws for a binary sear) This may complicate extating dleleting df kes. 7 Ut || Te" create news ile5, we must tint search the divecTory bo be uve tei ho I existing files ancl athe ame name, - > Adela neu enti of tHe ehol of alice bree Toy. iY 7 Te olehte a file, tue earch the dixecliny fo ‘the aes fe poe release te Apace catTecl fo it. Ty. List. Indexing via a hash function. ee x >| Takes a vale compubecl sor the / file rome and aelrns 0 cinter to the tile nome i I jn. the Nineas UAT. - ee = | Greatly nediece ; the Lizectin, —— dime. in tolaion= aitaalion uherxe & Sana filet pone’ bark tp the ame Location . bach hath evify can be a. Linked List an 4 plivicluad value. & we can insteacl of & eppsolve cedlisions by c Ling Oo neu entry _te the dinkeol Lirt. ; > Alloced fen _Methocls These. aclclyeis the problern 5 cullo cating Spoce : fi 24 Be pian. Jpace US udblize fo fil | effective § files can be accessecl quickly (B Methods fou allocating obisk A pace 2 (orfiqunus allocation Ls Linke allocation Cnclexed allecalitn. __ | Coudiguous alleccitin ) Reauives that each file oc yy & See _ cin gucus blocks ay the ad ce 2) Accessing a tile is easy ~ only reedl the ~ farting docation (block #)s dengty (10s of blocks) ~ 2) Gut allocetion ofa file is ge ep by the disk acldl yess Length (in Blot ~ units) of Hh Ist block, *) the tile is (o) blocks long @ slaviocE~ Location (6), then it occeepie® block @) b+l, btan i btn-|, | 5) Accetring a file that has been allocate,| | contiaususly is Last « uae OO i. POT OSs ay r ite oh SLT cc] TOI3O ae Lf oS | 6 PO er ee gut 2 3] iS oat 18) - mou 74 T Mat! } %E ACT 2Pl BET SaqT [tat 2S 7] >) a0 PO) CT TT" 30) 310) 20] al) x) _Linkedl a 2) Each fi e ts a dinkeol sat of cLisks block. blocks may be scattered! anpuheve on the lish. a 1) Solws ‘the pacblems of comics allocation 3) The diveclon explains a pointer to the first 5, lait block of the pile. A)! Crecfing a nen Hle reqLLe ¥e4 only exeation o of OO neue cnitay th the olivectory. 5) wurting toa #le causes ‘the free pace manegemerit im to fine! ot free block , 6) The newt Dock 1s werttten to anol is linkecl te the _onel of the file. D | Becxelé, ma file requives only reacting pit eg ber pe a pointes $10 m : beck + block. 7 . . = clivecTOry a =] file dlaale enol Tl em 217 30 jee 4 as || | jen bo eo7o et | a | lena wh oo | RT BO aE fort +— wt OO wer qf j Peo a an an | 2) Each file fs a Linkeol lest of elisk Plecks, - 1) The tisk blocks may_be Acattéreal any on the olisk. seal 0) The olirecory contains a pride te > fint g last block of the ile. i) as A file of @) blocks a block)! g continue of block (16) the, “block 1, then” bleck 10) anc! Finally bleck os. i) | €ach block cayteins a poiril ley te the next block . These peiriters ave pot macle avatlabl to the USEC, A disk acldreis veguits ci 4 bytes inthe oAdk . . 13) “Te. cele a nour fle Uwe. 2imply cede ov net _ertsy in the dlixecleiny.” 14) | Bach olineClony evitng haba ai fete first disk Hoek of “the te, Y hts poirtey te widualtoecl Fo nil — (the eal df. dist pointes value) to Le an empty file: The Size field is also ct te 0. —— _—— 14 15) A urvite £0 the file co _ Gin ania wre a te SCE Ara, ube —mg-rt-sfrn 40 filed a +rec bleed thts C a ; nu block is uexttten tv ancl is Linked ty — : 7 ao cecl to — the enol of the file “ =a 9 Te aead 0 file, wie simply aeacl blacks to Sa tisgy O Vequestz Wha sine of a fle nasal nat be . —— _ole'clavecl when the aie is _eveatecl. _ A ile con tontinuwe aroue as dong as ie | pe ’ plecks ave availabe . = i Tchvecl Allocation = y | Brings all the pointes fogethe x into one | I a fon_collecdl Tnclex bhdek | — 2) | Each dile has Hs cwth index block, uthich ts an otbwauy of disk —block _aclelyesses 3) The Rs ry inthe inolex block points fo the 2 block of “Hee fle. _ at at = | “The cline cory emtawns She acldress of the an cle block “Te finol enol ead the L " block, wae Use ___ the ° poirile inth ith ve 1) Index block eudlay 4 hlhen the file 15 ican oull printers in in - “the tnoler” block are bet to nul : 5> Tndexed allocetion Zupposts olivecE without suffering fora external dr mentation ee ony f free block > “ the disk can sakishy a eequesh fo move Space. Beco > Free Apace Management _ ) The Apace. cae. afler olele Tin tng The files com be reused 2) Most important aspect of olést 16 Reepi nol tack of free space j 1n es, 3) The [isk thet keeps ti wack of doce space. _in memone | Ig collec free ey disk . 4) “Je cree » fi 2 y Aeascth the dace Apace . dist fox +h the “equine amount d Apace - & allocate thet Space Le the velu He. Ty _ ID This space . tae i pon the leticl, 45 disk op A pace ts. oo ace 2 Pee — HD The free space List } 1S implenerded by ud ing jello Maes & pace maps @) | Bit Heel a / nithms exist for quickly | Piecing ae blocks “f giuth aize B using Bit vector, each bit vepoerertts Qa lisk Block set do 4 if free os Oi allocated bd) Ltnkecl tsk 2 [ Lapel lisk can also be sed £p keep ff all free blocks. dG i, ee finsplag ton on Linkeol list free lists. TH slses He aolelsesses of (n) ) free blocks in tke peat {pee block. “he fot t (n-t) bi blocks ave. celia fe —_—__| ‘the Last block _¢ catkins the Z ‘asklsenses of another (r) foce blocks. Be cold res | age cma - fee blocks can be found! aucichly. ' d) | Gruvilime t= J hen theve ave coultiple cont bo locks of pice pace. then Hee “alm oe keep tech of the _AHaisting arclelsess cs gasup_& & The ho. of-cankiguous | free Blech €) Disk Shucture * ran cktsk dives are adolaeredas ov Tange one -olimersional array. q The one-dimensional avrau of logfeal blocks is mappesl onto the ects of the disk 09) werttioly, The disk stauchive can be of Ortgpes | pag taipe ts a Aetonclany Atenas te. - g amanerit memory § can holel Oloustart [inecrr Velocity (rw) ® Constant Angular webbeity (cav 9) civ i— The lentil op bits pert a is unifosm The vther a tack fg from the = ceter of te disk , the quater a is its lena ie cue move from ouler zene to | Uv innes zone tre no. of sectors per track decreases. a CAN? :— There i is @ same number 4 Search in each ‘Track. aE Jello ave olendeliy packeol ‘ in the | ‘inn er “The density of. bits olecveases from Linney trek “Be cute track ty teep the data vote cmstant: ‘ 03 Duk Attlee her bh merit! Tremp ca can access data in@ Fi Tiel ps bat cached cage yi. a vem te host j ina. Atstbutec| i ti apie ein (9a nelatoxk cate 7 : __—-.- —steeage) ie — > ttisa Sloane accessed thiseugh locol ‘zlo ports. > ic tipteal alesktop wes antl0 bus cachitee calleol 106, This archite chive uppers a maximum of fue olvives pew. tho bus. = 8csr (small Computer Syptein Tnitefece) This is a bus aschitectiure . __ Netatosk - Attacheol Aletaye le (NAS) > Tt is adeuice of apie purpose. Slerage Alm trot fs accesseal remotely ovey @ luc > clits access (NAS) via a wemble proceolure call ini expec _ (Pcs) => the (Recs) ave carried via Tep or UDP over an Xp nélucork __ [was > VOR feet rai ct #4 J, — 7 + client] > im “storage Area nelatayk (AN) t= d | The. 15a privale netiuost connecting _Sesuers and Atorage units. | lies in its flextbilifiy, > = The power of SAN 2 Inits flexi lly. Malbiple hosts and multiple stage ovr can_atlach fp tre Same” san. Afprage server lied] ar | - : a ervex= {. i ; LAN/WAN) { SAN ) (client AVAL - Z _— —olitx prceisng | en edt} —— lébrawy web lontent “|v _provid ley ol > Dut Sche duling t- I “hie types ip dik ls _ ee fo came fist Jone) a. 857 (shortest sek time fist) a 4. C-SCAN -_ 5, Look 6. c- LOOK | FECES bchedaling Algorithm Tits t. is the Aimp lest fox df oldtsk Achecluline algovi thn. This senuices the request in the ordey ‘they ave etcew Vv Tis caloorithon 1 iS fir but oo not provide potest AeBWICE « Tt takes no dpectall cave $0 minimize the overall seek Hime. - Consider a Ask quee wth veges fer ‘zlo to blocks. | £48, 183,37, 122, [#, 124,65, 67] Total noch racks 200 (0-129) Rjuc head starts at 53. j ' 1 ) 1) Ty i Sy | 1 y 0 4 193 (99 _ 31 53 65 6F 48 ton ie ie ) 4 g if the disk head * ts initially at 53, it will finst move {vor 53 to 9% then to 183 anal .40 on. Te caleulate the Petal head movement isi (48-53) + (193-98) + [183-37)-+ (122-37) + (122-14) + (124-14) + (124-65) +(67-65) = US+ BS 4146 +854 LOS HOF 59¢2 640 0S 4 gong (Aherlest Ack Hire fysthalacithin hig selects the xe: west with minirnum + “uct time _foom the asrrent heaol position. pre chnoies the penoling request closest : fe uarrent heaol a © a Tagen ih gene ult quart TT for afte lots, —£____ 8 88 7 = era oo({0- 11% elut_heao Afarts from 63 r 1 65 bt 9% (22 I 18319) o 43 93 2 1 (22 tay 183 199 yo! y i (or-sa)r(eT- (98-14) + (183-98) XG > p3s| 31 Af the disk heaol ts initially at 53, the closest is 65 then 61 den 371s closer than 93 .anol oon. T } | ! : to ! 1 ' ' ) TE tsa substanttal improvement oves FEES it is 1st optim Ls OO eS cn SS 3. SCAN algorithm (El lye) Tin this the clisk asm starts Moving _ rds one en Te Servicing the requett ab if teaches ~ each cylincler until it gifs ty the. ~ _ | other enol Ba tte olts ky ~ The initial clivection (5 chosen depend . \_wpon the divecten of the heel, ‘. request Xslo £9 blocks on cylincloy fo \ 58 5 183,37, 22 lH 124 6567 TH in, treks 200 (0-199 -_—— Rjut heool starts of- 53 ™ _ t Net : i disk Travels, Siecarrds the . — 4 | 4 ary Ob ‘he scan! Cclveulaw sn) algerithin / “this a variant of scan alenigrel +o ~ppovidle a more uniform wait™time., pga m0 Hc eal rom onl of Bs idhen “tre od aches Ts iter end jt fmnme. lately vetirns te the beginning Pe lick tatu sent any ag ss on the_aliea ee commioler a disk queue with mequesl ps slo fe blocks ‘on onlincler. u 31, 122s It, 2» 65,615 198, 183, tote no- of Pracks 200 (0-99) glue heal starts ot 53: _s | Look scheclulin alaoritiin (Lo ) Ok) aw __Look ¢ C-Look Ache { are tS : _dilferent version of SCAN ¢ 5) y The au goch only ab for ab Hi Fy _ request Yin each dlivection, Thine rewnaes, ultouk acim he wok § €-100k seledling look : —~ ——__ i- csngi dey adink ewe witb reouap ——_|— TAI© +> blocks on cylincley : { 48, 163537122, og! co. 67) a Mla 65 6 Rit heacl starts at 53. —- Boy 3 _8 iS a PF 12 124 183 199 >———+ 07 5 4 c-vook achecluling Algorithm Eat (onsidlet_a clisk queue uth request | Ope alo Ae blocks on once _--¥4g, 183, 31122 Mla, 65, 61f [18 — ~ Zo Riu head stats ot $3 — AlgyvtS at 53 - | —_— ; o 4 37 53 65 61 9B 122 jo 183 199 , Te NT OE The eS ) ee oo Ss | Guestion s— A disk contains g0otracks (0-194) Request guess cevilauins Tracks a 1 32> 170, #3, [HO, 24, 16,190/ exrrevit position of R/ut head = 5D caleulats the dotal oof Fiacks movement by Rjut heaol” using the disk scheouiking alaorithms. J ; [FCPS SSTE, SCAN, c-scAN Look C- LOOK | 1 / Jae, 170, #3, 140,24, 16, 140) ——l- | £065 algoriton ——__ 02 Pal scanalgor'thin lsirecion ‘Higher Value fn] Dw 2443 5 2 40 ST — 110 qo 179 Hl ~ Y ees a a = = ' see __2 > i } 7 aig 3 . + eee = a a at = iP calawlation :— [114- 5)+[1%4 -16) > 332 4. 6-3cAN al 7i thin (diveclion fousarchs | Ole 4 43 So 82 to 110 (40 ro TY ! ; ' I | $e. 2 r } ;—3 ___4 ) xe 1 a8 | = calculation :- (114 -5?)+ (In9-0)+(43 -0) | Oe _ 132,170, 43, 140, 244 16, 190 ae Look af, ont then (disection fs deh Ale, Ou oy 43 Se $2140 i bye 5 —— oN oe caludlation s— ecetl [moe] = 34 &. | c-Loog aa ovithn {dine Ton fouards |, i eu - el — Cy ue 50 CT > | i ; i i > peblection 5 Goel gh Pectecton . - — ft tH econ fr cal — ~ “fae aceess_of programs » pxocekied. 97 OU, in the pees — ube ; election enaureds that onlay processes that aithorization fxm — hase ginal pr he os can opevale on the Kiles, memory 2 oilS. and othex On oUyceA a tee fe — a Pelee io yequired to prevent: misuse, intentional violottisn af ain acces qebtriction by the urer. —_ Fenciples Of. PetecTion be A Ke, Lime tested guicing principle hor pootection is the "principle of least ; pavilege™” qt dictates that programs UsETS AIM) be given just enough paivilege . é perform sty bok. 2. An opevailing lm povicles mechanism To enable privileges urhen they ave nee oad hey ee tia Fer the ty 7 2 Obtects axe both harclusave objec’ 8 anys ee 3. Each of, @ uni — name that ee 4 The oper tons that aye ible no cbpend ents olpact- ash 5. | Daly cotn be credtecf ened, real Wate ches d deletec| _ 6B. ram waite, — and deleted, Eh, z a 77 : ee oe _ — I eH [Domain shuclire i. A domain js a set o of 0 ojects types of access 40 these objects. g = ach domain is can ordered pair of ee < object -hame , aight set > oe aE if domain D has the access = sight then all pro executi in domal D can have. _ both x gquyi and cannot paper any otter opesation on that object: 3. A domain can be yealteedl in dillerert wars it can be a wer. process Ora poocediee | nes Each userasa domain , each procers as a clomain ox each procedure Aba | demain. i D1 Dz D: ro, 9 cael unit} ’ y \£0 Sexe DS ) oO Ir Tread, umtey>) £0. Sunk >: Oy, kon 7m xd » Lexccuntep print J TT Accets Metta 2 Can model of patleTtan coun he. lea as & mafzix le Pi. 200048 mt ‘ed = Q- Sti is@ -gevexal del opr x ae violeaYa_ mechanism for skeet et a ae fenpoting & portale pra ~ "ali y Pe — 3. |The qed of te access rnoattyix — clemains Lnol te huennd ~~ objects. . et in the _molvix imap ~~ vla@ cod laa Bobi. ‘ = oe 5. | The. ele accers (i, jatefines the Bef I~ = evertions thot a process exert _ Tinclomeain (C;) an invoke on object aa Loran | A | Fo le pointes | a Dy wreaol | , a aa i point - 23. ecuife oe, ee — aot | ~ tere there are @gY alpen ns 4 Wobjects - c= three piles (FA, Fo fe of gC ete - | WW | lA xOCEAS cen in demaie(O ean ead files. FLand f. - dame a cual ab one € soe in clornain (0). rt ect also unite onto files hee then the user craks a neu chject 0} I column of {6 adoleol te the access Bee with te appropriate iit initialization ifwied or. H ama -leletaniltian Of Access Matrix : GE Glebal Tocble. I mid Access Lests fox objects | Papsbiby Lists fr Aoratns F Lotk- kefJ mechanism. ___. Global Table ‘= | Tht ts the Aimplest -Trmplemenitattion I r Qccesr wie i A sek of orcleved Fiples ts maintained ina fi ile. Whenevey an -aperdllién M ts executed on an I | object O; ‘within domain Dj» the table | ie ree fox a triple <0}, OF Rey This taiple 1s found th, i. llows ec Ee continue . Othe Perey an exception Conclifion j 15 Tals teed. x @. 2 -decens _Lists sth he objects = i uct the a ctllocire: on Dito se object. ake a An Sbject IS en zepresevifeal by i — or adelyess coulbe of a capabikea” —__ OBA Lock =kup me chants ee Ht ace List anol capabililes Lut —___ ach obi ect ly ject has a Lisk 5 Se Bit ef gattecn call collect locks — Af talgue Bit }d _— | Each ch domain bas a lath alge bit pattern, calleal feys- - A process executing, tha domain can ac cee ee a | of the objectz. | j i - 1 : { i !

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