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on tay 9 bx 8 acup RODUKTY MLECZNE “iiganka | snare j,ghrs 96 (99809) Bata ho mase aise nate: pansy yi 6 ‘sesanka rea Cd) howe cavkoisfi! grat a) 9 cottage 2 SOK (C2) ay bye i rie stan loaf of bread» yoghurt e000" Docrer peaktst cree) a pack ekfost sail Cae sata ee cao _, oki mtg ov (ss) Silene, safe =! PS ia se) cake ohio ke e228 2) oon of roney) WARZYWALOWOCE cnc tw a tablenpooneostomray Bx vocado shel avoKAGD ——_hagsecake "rhe sam ipnaiyencana (riod) Beane nf. seta ons rivet ron pe): ‘cabbage ‘kxbs kaput 0 croam ts AiO sarisn cy! puszke (e106? tarot a nom pappyaeed cake ‘rosie! Goan Shes ane spe sugary tings os 07 ‘Guoumbber\jarkerths 09908 jedzenie zavieraigce OUP CU Tika arte ik cxoone INE PRODUKTY up ha feria rapes sips wegen claps Kiss cay, hp Siar "eso setoe (green) peas | « per ebony} agg eu jaiko fork if2:ki widelec oso oney "sri mica {et oka pepper «8 16) “sem om fete Rie sathaesewera BAS yy zen tug img! kab lemon eos ovr lve all rns obwazclwek apn mpkon serwatha satuce im sey ears ‘pintsorzens zaTme plate | onion *anjan cebuse, Seen tablecloth ("terbalklo@/ obrus len ga plc sas pera Se ‘emata saucy Ae Ene Brespple nal aeras ogee) esa i Tes kam pia tr "to gor ott ei vinegar nis cet Bond len ty strawbery si:tori tuskawka—POTRAWY delicious \diifos! wyémienity, ‘sweetcom ‘swi:tho:n kukurydza beetroot soup (bistrust su:p! prepyazny tomato 13 niu pomidor anus crerwory isgusting ss gate! obrayay watermelon ‘wsianclon U2 fharfsoft bold 099: fatiening ot Ne20Cy MgSO RvB Buu glaoctonre fresh ie) Se chicken kan Ksczak chicken soup "than su: 030 a On old meats ould nis! weary chicken wings ikon win facets piace tam hem sya ‘Sey shurczaka pecan ne ering “hen sled chips (Bre) / French fies AME) nuts ‘nu trifw/ od ae ‘st ews wa iyi sary het sary SS | Sanstngs tangs poy 24 atv mnt | Sanpete | hot sant ony, harry eaiood ‘sifurd owocernorza | fish ngers i finge'pausas Stale ste czarsty (0 paczye) (rare/medium/well-done) steak yore tasty Ptcrat sac Treovmitiomvelsdan) stk stk | fed egg i,rad eyo sadzone | 14st ert snaczny (krwisty / Serio wysmazony / hunter's stew jhantaz‘sju:/bigos | Vegetarian /vedsa'tearion! oor wysadory ‘mushroom soup "majiaim suip) Weoeararsk tuna /'ju:nal turiczyk ‘zupa grzyoowa: ‘yummy /'jamil pyszny turkey 3 nye ham) omelette fhe) PRODUKTY Z8020WE omit seit) pancake enkei psec 2/9 | Bl ir zapekania "gala sel sata | brunch sai pene sredane breakfast cata! rekon | Sanden sy Knepka latio Sniadaniowe ‘schnitzel "fnitsaV/ kotlet schabowy dinner: ‘pdény objec i nso bua Scrambled ogg /skrentald'eg”” | teh Ii uch, nozesycbag four tama ‘pane meal at posh Backed lunch pet sn gl oodles nuda! kuski makaron | tomato soup tsznioy ‘wi zupa | ack unch pest makaron ioorowa, c cae pasta ps or sack inch przekaska tee a roll baa PTT Supper st klce toa i poowoczoek toast bread "tous! bred/pleczyv0 a bag of lou >, 2» (lua one ‘aca Inge ‘SKEADNIKI ODZYWCZE ‘a bar of (milk chocolate) ‘Goren cabotyeraes 1 ah apy tabkcka Gronks heen’ | (ieoey mec) ‘eouoday ote of wate) »,btl>v Bake ep sto Wo cb) fats Nats’ tuszoze ‘('wostay’ butelka {wody) barbecue “hu:bikju:’ grillowac, piec prota oun ka "aor af Gocolatan's ois sv | ab ce TREE Craigie nano e saison) | Asan lemonade) >a ang eye dink vio aki | 8 aromatic) Br tu eon I uy sok oetheinls ne tston eo | Sat sth th ath L paren etal pomaatcnse) sig | citi zamin bloc’ cw ce muna wx | Saove of gute AI” 2th) | cule ae (gezowana/riog ceeds ‘7abek czosTAU ‘gotowania) mina’ eut ky koe {dOUGH C2 pg fry tas save fying an 139 rate ict 200 na Feat i: pocgras ingredient yom kettle "kes! cai mash me Ut 2a tmett mel top, raza ri ks meszac aa, mixture ks masa, ven "son! pike peel pit obieras portion "psa porca pot rv garnex pour p>: nalewae Fecipe reson preps Toast 1st 6 mes0Iv0 fall 3 foxwakowas forve s2:8/ podawac sie las 06 na ester: ‘pasteres womka stir so: sa fa uta bill bv! racrunek ook a table bub 9 ibs! ‘arazerwowa’ stoic café / coffee shop “kefer ‘boi on xaviarna dessert iz: deser fast-food restaurant/bar fa: fur ‘estoront ba: Bar Sy 0391 main course mein kos danie order ’>:d’ zamdwi, zaméviria self-service restaurant self 's:us Festaront bar SaMOODSIGOWy starter ste: przystawka takeaway /teikower jedzenie na wynos burn off (calories) bs:n of klar) ‘Spal (kalone) burst of energy bast av ‘enadsi raypiyw energi Can Ihave ...? kon a ‘hav! Cay moge dostad..? feat init ‘in jose w domu feat out jie ‘aur jase na miescie (injedibte in) edabat (iejacay fancy eens wyszukany Enjoy your meal. uns jai sae rns ora siete amt Sr ee ara tena eats ST eee re acre ets meal shay a'm rene Spa ee me cen nano res ae (led siete Weta het il ont tps ew Stracepaybrac na wate aoe aa hk Fs Mlezdrowe 4, znajdé w slowniczku obok: 4. nazwy leech rzeczy zwigzanych 2 2. nazwytezech fOdzaiSW napoi6w, ap. sparing mineral water 3. ay wyateria zwiazane 2 edzeriom na miescie, np eat ext 4. cater Czasowniki 2wiazane 2 gotowariem, np. boxe 5. nazwy PIGCI Potraw, Np. chicken soup 2. Znajdé w stowniczku wyra: ; 2y 0 znaczeni i ia czeniu przeciwnym 1 disgusting 2 nutritious 3 sweet 5 fresh 4 spicy 3 Znajdé w slowniczku nazwy szegciu pokarméw, ktére bardzo lubisz, i trzech, ktérych nie lubisz. Porozmawiajcie 0 swoich preferencjach. 4 GF) Postuchaj pigciu oséb méwigcych o positkach. Wzeszycie dopasuj autoréw wypowiedzi 1-5 do positk6w A-E, ktére opisuja. (tomatoes). A breakdast B afternoon tea © supper D lunch E dinner 5 Wzeszycie polacz poléwki zdari 1~4 oraz A-D, by utworzyé spéjne wypowiedzi 1. I'mtoo thin 2 I'm going on a diet 3. lke eating out 4 Iprefer to cook my own meals ‘A because I'm a bit overweight. B than to eat junk food © because you don't have to lay the table yourset. D and Id like to put on some weight. 6 2) wzeszycie uzupetnij dialog czasownikami Zramki. Postuchaj nagrania i sprawdz swoje odpowiedzi, Nastepnie przeczytaicie dialog w parach. 2xhave help lose pass take ‘A: Can | I more of this delicious salad? B: Of course. ®IEMI yourselt ‘A: Thank you, I's delicious. It's so nice to “ll a proper home-made meal. B: Glad you like it. Could you “! A: Here you are, B: Thank you. The tea will be ready in a moment. Do you lial sugar? A No, thank you. I'm trying to “lll weight. the bread, please? 7 Wzeszycie uzupeinij przepis czasownikami zramki. Kt6re czynnosci przedstawiono na zdjeciach? ‘add bake ‘coat cut grate put_whisk If you make your own fish fingers, they will be healthy and nutritious. INGREDIENTS + Ye kg salmon, skin off = | 1 egg 2 teaspoons sweet smoked paprika 100 g breadcrumbs 15g cheese 2 tablespoons olive cil | saltand pepper INSTRUCTIONS > Hi the fist into “fingers > Ina bows, “Ell the egg, then *Ii it with paprika, lve oil, some salt and a ite black pepper. > Then, “Ml the cheese and °IEIlit into the mixture, > SHB each fish portion in the egg mixture, and | then "it with the breadcrumbs. > *HBl your fish fingers in the preheated oven at | 200°C for 18 minutes, or unti golden | > Freeze the rest Enjoy! 8 Zadajcie sobie nawzajem iodpowiedzcie na nie, korzystajac ze stov What is your favourite recipe with eggs? meena eee aa! RZECZOWNIKI POLICZALNE | NIEPOLICZALNE 1 Kt6re z ponizszych rzeczownikow sq policzalne, a ktore niepoliczaine? biscuit bread butter chocolate sandwich _strawbeny _tea_water 2 Weeszycie uzupeinij tabele wlasciwymi stowami lub wyrazeniami z ramki. afew alotof any howmany | little _much__some. Polezaie | Niepolczane | tie? a how much | hiewilena> ew a kilka/troche some / EE “ED aitte wiedsto rey Matt | ‘tadne/weale 0/7 3 Wybierz opcje, ktére poprawnie uzupetniaja. Podane zdania. 1 Is there some / any milk at home? 2) We haven't got much / Many cream left. 3° There's a lot of / any cheese in the fridge, 4 There aren't much / any eggs, 4 Kt6re dwa zdania maja takie samo znaczenie? 1 There isn't any sat left, 2 There is no salt let, 3 There isn’t much sat left 5 GD W zeszycie uzupetnj dialog w sklepie stowami 2 ramki. Posluchaj nagrania i sprawd# swoje odpowiedzi. afew alittle alot 2xany little many much no Tom: How ‘Il ham do we need? Sarah: Just IM. A small packet Tom: And how “Il cucumbers? Sarah: Maybe two. Have we got “IEll red peppers at home? ‘Tom: | don't think so, Let's get one or two. And we've got, SIEM milk, either, Sarah: Right, so we need IGM bottle of milk Tom: OK. Anything else? Sarah: There's very "IE bread left. Let's get *IEM ols, Tom: And what about sweets? ‘Sarah: We aren't buying "I sweets, Tom. We've decided to at only healthy food, remember? But we'll get ‘MEM of fruit ?) wybierz poprawne uzupetnienis 6 (we Zapisz odpowiedzi w 22 Postuchaj nagrania i sprawdz swoje odpowiedzi. How ‘Id bottles of water have you had this week? Water is an important ingredient of our body (about 60 percent of it is water), 0 we should make sure we drink enough of it ‘The problem is “HE of the water we drink every day comes in single-use plastic bottles, Only 8 of them are recycled, and do you know how “IEG time it ta a plastic bottle to decom ose? It's hundreds of years! " of enginoers and designers <1 fooking for an alternative, P Up with an edible container made of seaweed. It looks like a bubble, it can be fled with water or other drinks and it has © IEA) taste at al. Those who have tried eating it say it an amazing and funny experience. However, Sou don't feel ke eating the container, just bite t and drink what's inside. You can throw {he Seaweed skin away, i's biodegradable and will decompose in *IB weeks, 1 Amany Bmuch Cite 2 Aany Batew Calot 3 Alte Bsome Cany 4 Amuch Bmany Ciittle 5 Aany Bno Ca 6 A alot Bailttlo Catew 7 Weeszycie uzupetni 2 etn luki w zdaniach 7a0dnio z trescia tekstu z zadania 6. 1 The human body ig made Of I water 2 We use too Il bottles, 3 The seaweed skin doesn’t have I taste, 4 You can IM it or throw it away, Pe ae a TRYB ROZKAZUJACY 4, Preeczytal tekst. W paract fa pytania W tekécie, "* AP Owiedzole I Everyone isa bit ofa fussy eater. We oye AE certain foods and hate ches. There are even some people who ony eat one or tp types of fod for Weeks! Look at these dts based on one oF two kinds of food Which of them do you think Steve Jobs sometimes lived on? Why do you think so? 7 Coffee and biscuits 2 Przeczytal ponizsza notatke i sprawdé swoja odpowied? na pytanie z tekstu w zadaniu 1, Nastepnie stresé gléwna myél tej notatki jednym zdaniem w jezyku angielskim. \We all go on unusual diets from time to time, but ‘some people can take this to extremes. Steve Jobs, for example, only ate carrots or apples for weeks at a time. He once ate so many carrots that his skin turned bright orange. Nutrition experts say that such limited dis on very few products for = k doesn't get all the vitamins anct is it needs In the long run, you may clevelop serious health problems. vad for us. If you live ong time, your body 3 W parach odpowiedzcie na pytania. 1 Are you a fussy eater? What foods do you never eat? 2 Do you know anyone with unusual eating habits? ‘A Most athletes eat food with a lot of complex carbohydrates in it, like for example pasta The energy from such carbohydrates burns off sol ly. not like sugary things that give a burst of energy, but then you feel weak again. 7 8 Change your diet completely and start You Oey in a healthy way: some grapefruit and seg es will make you energetic. Also, no fried foe bake your fish or chicken for lunch ou ai ‘Some simple and healthy recipes online) 4 ‘Sweets and junk food and take UP some 4 (2) Preeczytai informacje o trzech osobach. W zeszycie zaznacz, ktore zdania sa prawdziwe (P), a kt6re fatszywe (F). Uzasadnij sw6} wybor. 1. Gemma eats too much junk food. Gemma tikes snacks. Mike eats sweets to put on weight Gemma and Mike aren't happy with ther bodes. Anya doesn't have time to pack her lunch for work ‘Anya usually leaves her ofce to have lunch, easen 1 Gemma: I'm a litle overweight. | don't have much fast food or sweets, but | work from home and often eat between meals. Vd like to stop putting on weight. 2 Mike: I've taken up rowing recently and realised how unfit | am! | get tired pretty quickly. To keep going, | usually have a bar of chocolate, but it gives ime strength for a short time. | want to be strong! 3 Anya: | work in a busy office where | hardly have time to go out and grab something to eat. | try to pack my lunch bag, but | don’t have any ideas for meals and don’t want to live on sandwiches only. 5 ‘Ay Grecm porady zywieniowe A-D zamieszczone ponizej. W zeszycie uzupeinij luki w notatce zgodnie z trescia tekstu. + Produkty zawierajgce duzo "Tl daja tylko cchwilowy zastrzyk energi. * Zastap smazone potrawy * HEM. Unikal * | niezdrowego jedzenia. + “IBM stanowia zdrowa i nietuczaca preekaske. * Aby przygotowaé dobry obiad do pracy, zaczni od znalezienia ° 6 Preeczytaj ponownie informacje o osobach z zadania 4, oraz porady z zadania 5. Przyporzadkuj kazdej osobie odpowiedniq porade. Jedna z nich nie pasuje do Zadnej cosoby. © You need to make sure that your little snacks aren't too fattening. Keep a lot of fruit and vegetables at home, especially carrots. When you need a break, have some veggies instead of the usual snacks. D Make some effort! First, find simple and healthy recipes. Make a list of food to buy. Then go shopping and buy enough food for the whole week. This way you will always have something to take for lunch, Unit 7| 1 Odpowiedz na pytania. wv ; yoo with > What does the quote mean? Do you ag Why?/Why not? **You are what you cal: 2 Znajdz w ramce synonimy wyréenionyeh wyrazow/wyrazen, Zapisz odpowied2! wzeszycie. cy go for very hungry Golicious instructions eatout products ‘These fish fingers are realy tasty! 0 to a restaurant once a week. it's hot and | really want an ice cream. \'m starving! | haven't eaten for ages! There are three basic ingredients that you need to make an omelet. 6 | think I'l choose the noodles. What do you want? 7 mot a great cook, but | can folow a recipe. 3 Odpowiedz na pytania. Uzyj wyrazéw z ramki oraz stowniczka ze strony 58. 11 What do you think of fast food? Is it popular with teenagers in Poland? Why?/Why not? 2. Teli your partner about food you lke/ddon’t lke. Explain your choice. bland) | nutritious delicious disgusting greasy salty sour spicy tasty (unjhealthy yummy ark chocolate because it’s jous and healthy. | don't eat 86 they're too salty 3 Which of the items in the picture would you lke to have now? 62 | Unit7 — S * aN Dope je. Zapisz OdPOWIeC W 29 . ig 2 groper © laying the , A D cooki B ordering “ne aj rozmowy W restauragj, 5 ap Postue ee ‘idre zara cil we (P), a ktore fatszywe (F), Jamie and Emma are waiting for Danny, “There are lots of dishes for vegetarians, anny can have fish and chips. Jamie decides not to have pizza. Jamie is starving. 6 > G Postuchaj rozmowy jeszcze raz. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w uzupeinij w zeszycie luki w zdaniach. 1 Emma and Jamie decide to lll before Danny 2 sano has nothing against "2, but Danny does eat 3 Emma is going to order I 4 Jamie decides to 1, 7 Weeszycie navi Przetlumacz fragmenty w na jezyk angielski tak. é log 'Poprawne Zdania. my orca 1 There isn’ ' ay Sn't (zbyt wiele dla wegetarian) I. ell he can (ales ae aN (2le86 pizzg) IE, | suppose. | (mam, chote na) fal some pasta. Look, Danny’ » Danny's ; Zamawiontg ans. 80 (mozemy ziozyé Yosh, 1, 2h. I'm (okropnie ‘Glodny) fel 8w Zeszycie Ul62 pytani wyrazow, Pytania z rozsypanych Odpowiedzcie na nie [ paract- 2 3 4 5 PRZYDATNE ZWROTY Ww ARESTAURACUI * KELNER Here's the menu. Oto karta da, ‘are you ready to order? Czy rye zar Would you like something to dra Cy choetn patistwo / 27024 Sob%e patistwo cos do peas What would you like for a starter? Go vyers jparistwo na przystawke? er sobie can I get you anything else? ca paristwo zegos jeszcze? ae Enjoy your meal! Smacznego! Ig everything OK for you? Czy evn wszystko jest How was everything? Jak paristwu smakowalo? How would you like to pay (in cash or by card)? Jak cheialby pan / cheiataby pani zapk wcrc placié (gotwka, Wskaz wiasciwe uzupetnienia zdaf. W parach powiedzcie, ktére zdania sq prawdziwe w waszym przypadku. 1. We often eat out because there aren't many / much .good cooks in our family ‘My family only go to a /~ restaurant on special occasions ‘When we eat out, my parents usually order too much / many fos There are always menu. | can't deci ‘There are very few BESS zeszycio uzupetni tekst, wpisujac w kazds luke jedno stowo zramki. Trzy wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo. W parach odpowiedzcie na pytanie z tekstu. many / much dishes an the 6 what | want. littie p 5 ss where | live. 2 dishes lunch meal order plates serve My home — your restaurant ‘Where can you eat good local food when you travel toa new country? Restaurants can be hit-or-miss when you don't know the place. Of course, homemade food is the best, but people seldom invite foreigners for a * «». However, there are some ‘who tum their homes into private restaurants from time totime. You can book such a home restaurant on and take the chance to eat win os people, and try some authentic tradtional 5 Besides, that's usually less expensive than going regular restaurant. ‘And what would you restaurant? 2 fa to travellers in your private W RESTAURACJI * GOSCIE We'd like a table for (two). Prosimy stolk dla (dw6ch oséb). "have the (tomato soup), please. Prosze (2upe pomidorowa) | feel like / fancy (some pasta). Mam ochote na (makaron), We'd like (some water), please? Prosilbysmy 0 (wode) Could | have (some salt), please? Czy moge prosi¢ 0 (sd)? Nothing for me. Ja dziekue. / Dia mnie ric. I'm fine. Thanks. Oziekuig (Niczego mi nie brakuie). Can we have the bill now, please? Czy mozemy prosié © rachunek? W RESTAURACJI * PRZY STOLE Could you pass the (bread)? Czy mazesz podaé (chleb)? Help yourself (to my chips). Poczestuj sie (moim trytka. This is absolutely delicious. To jest przepyszne | don't like it. Nie smakuje mi 3. Fd Do jakich produktéw odnosza sie pytania 1-5, ktére zadaje gosciom kelnerka? Postuchaj nagrania i sprawdz swoje odpowiedzi. 4 White or brown? 5 Black or white? 1. Stil or sparkling? 2. Fried or scrambled? 8. Rare or medium? Dobierz zakoriczenia zdan A-F do poczatkow 1-5, Jedno zakoriczenie zostalo podane dodatkowo. Ut6z zdania w kolejnosci, w ktére} slysza je goscie restauragji. 1 Iseverything A drink? 2 Enjoy... B to order? 3 Did you ... c OK? 4 What would you like to .. D enjoy the meal? 5 Are you ready E eating. F your meal. BG crryysacatory wypowieds'(t-. Do kazdej z nich dobierz wlasciwa reakcje A-E. Jedna reakcja zostata podana dodatkowo. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. A I'm fine. Thank you. B Certainly. How would you like to pay, sir? C Sorry, the coffee machine is out of order. D With lemon, no sugar. E Actually, we need a bit more time. W parach odegraicie scenki, Zamiericie sig rolami. Usyjcie zwrot6w z banku wyrazent powyze}. Would you like some ...? How would you like your (for me), please NWhave I feel like Waiter 2 Guest Unit 7| 63

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